博世Bosch FPD-7024 火警系统控制面板说明书
u Four initiating zones (expandable to eight); up to 20 two‑wire smoke detectors per zoneu Programmable through keypads or remote programming software (RPS) through a Conettixinterface moduleu Two notification appliance circuits (NACs) on board with a shared internal regulated 24 VFWR, 4 A NAC power supplyu Easily converts to addressable with the addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion ModuleThe FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) can be used in commercial and public building applications such as schools, universities, manufacturing plants, and health care facilities. They are listed by UL for central station, local, auxiliary, and remote station systems.The FPD‑7024 FACPs support four on‑board initiating zones that can be expanded to eight using theFPC-7034. Each initiating zone supports two‑wire and four‑wire detectors configurable as Class A , Style D or Class B, Style B loops. Each zone can support up to 20 two‑wire detectors, or any number of four‑wire detectors depending on available power. Each FACP has a built‑in digital fire alarm communicator transmitter (DACT).Enhance the FPD‑7024 conventional system features by adding a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module. Adding a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module to the FPD‑7024 turns the conventional FACP into an addressable FACP. The D7039 adds up to 247 addressable points to the base system and adds an additional 400 events to the history buffer for a total of 499 events. The D7039 also increases the number of programmable relay outputs from 19 to 59 and expands system users to 100.FunctionsNotification Appliance Circuits (NACs)Two Class A, Style Z or Class B, Style Y NACs provide up to 4 A of regulated 24 VFWR power to operate horns, strobes, bells, and other notification appliances. Each NAC can be programmed to provide Temporal Code 3, California March, steady, pulsed, and synchronized output for Wheelock, Gentex, or System Sensor notification appliances.User InterfaceA viewing port in the locked control panel enclosure door shows the system status light‑emitting diodes (LEDs) and liquid‑crystal display (LCD) while maintaining system keypad security. Unlocking the enclosure door provides access to the system controls for silencing off‑normal conditions, zone bypassing, detector resetting, testing, other fire functions, and programming. These functions are also available on all FMR‑7033 LCD Keypads connected to the system. Organized Event DisplaySorts alarm, trouble, and supervisory events into categories and allows scrolling through specific events.History BufferThe system stores events in a 99‑event history buffer.NoticeThe number of events that can be stored in the history buffer increases to 499 with the addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module.Central Station ReportingThe FPD-7024 FACPs send reports to two telephone numbers (or, if a Conettix interface module isinstalled, IP addresses) to an appropriate Conettix receiver at the central station with full single, double,and backup reporting. The panel supportscommunication in BFSK, SIA, Contact ID, Modem IIIa 2,and 4/2 or 3/1 Tone Bursts.Dirty Smoke Detector MonitoringAll on‑board zones and FPC‑7034 zones arecontinuously monitored for smoke detectors signaling a dirty condition using the Bosch Chamber Check feature and CleanMe protocol. If a detector's smoke chamber is dirty, the detector sends a CleanMe signal on the two‑wire loop or a dirty detector signal on the addressable loop. The control panel annunciates that there is a dirty detector on the loop or the address.The Chamber Check feature signals a dirty smoke chamber using the LED on the detector head.AccessoriesThe FPD‑7024 enclosure has space for additional accessory modules and two D1218 (18 Ah) batteries or two D126 (7 Ah) batteries.Installation/configuration notesCompatible ProductsThe following products are compatible (refer to the product datasheet for country‑specific certifications/approvals) with the FPD‑7024 FACP:D1218 12 V, 18 Ah batteryFPP‑RNAC‑8A‑4C Remote NAC power supplyD7030X‑S2 Eight‑point LED annunciator (two yellow, six red)D7030X‑S8 Eight‑point LED annunciator (eight yellow)D7032 Eight‑point LED annunciator expander(eight red)FMR‑7033 LCD fire system keypad FMR‑7036 LCD annunciatorD184A Local energy kit D185 Reversing polarity module D275 EOL power supervision module FPC‑7034 Four‑point expander D7039 Multiplex expansion moduleD7035B Octal relay module in box DX4010V2 USB/serial interface module DX4020 Network interface module B420 Ethernet communicator B426 Ethernet communication module B440 Conettix plug‑in cellular B441 Conettix plug‑in cellular B442 Conettix plug‑in GPRS cellular B443 Conettix plug‑in HSPA+ cellular B450 Conettix plug‑in communicator interface ITS-DX4020-G GPRS/GSM communicatorthe FPD‑7024 Addressable FACPs:D7050TH Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Heat Detector Head D7050‑B6 Detector BaseD7042B Multiplex eight‑input remote module inboxD7044 Multiplex single‑input moduleD7044M Mini multiplex single‑input moduleD7048 Multiplex octal driverD7048B Multiplex octal driver in boxD7052 Multiplex dual‑input moduleD7053 Multiplex input‑output moduleFMM‑7045‑D Double‑action manual station Parts includedFPD-7024ponent1FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag1Enclosure1Lock set with two #1358 (D102) keys (P/N: F01U083084)1Transformer (P/N: F01U033706)6 2.21 kΩ end‑of‑line (EOL) resistors (P/N: F01U034504) 1Hardware pack1Literature packNoticeFor the FPD‑7024 to be addressable, a D7039Multiplex Expansion Module must be installed.The D7039 is purchased separately.FPD-7024-LCponent1FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag1Hardware pack1Literature packFPD‑7024‑LT (Latin America only)ponent1FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag1Enclosure1Lock set with two #1358 (D102) keys (P/N: F01U083084)6 2.21 kΩ end‑of‑line (EOL) resistors (P/N: f01U034504) 1Hardware pack1Literature pack FPC-7024-FK1ponent1FPD‑7024 FACP1F220-B6E 6-in. (15.24-cm) diameter, 4-wire base with EOL relay1F220-P photoelectric spot smoke detector1SS-P2R Two‑wire Horn Strobe1FMM-100SATK manual station (red)2D162@24 2-ft (60.96-cm) dual modular phone cord 2D166@24 RJ31X phone jackTechnical specificationsElectrical* For product‑specific current values, see the product’s Installation Instructions.EnvironmentalMechanical PropertiesIndicating Device Circuits (IDC)OutputsTrademarksAll hardware and software product names used in thisdocument are likely to be registered trademarks andmust be treated accordingly.FPD-7024 FACPFour detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20two wire smoke detectors per zoneOrder number FPD-7024FPD-7024-LC FACP without Enclosure and TransformerFour detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20two wire smoke detectors per zoneOrder number FPD-7024-LCFPD-7024-LT FACP without TransformerFour detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20two wire smoke detectors per zone. Available only inLatin America.Order number FPD-7024-LTAccessoriesFPC-7024-FK1 Basic Fire Panel KitFour-zone FACP with one four-wire photoelectricsmoke detector and base with EOL relay, one two‑wirehorn/strobe, one manual station, and two RJ31Xphone jacks with dual modular phone cords.Order number FPC-7024-FK1D102 Replacement KeyReplacement key (#1358) for the D101 lock.Order number D102Represented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2692228235 | en, V17, 18. Dec 2014。
探 测 器
探 测 器
探 测 器
探 测 器
32路输出模块 32-relay Output
报警软件 MTSW
STCT/SAL1.2 | Dieter GAO Chuanjian | 23/10/2012 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
DS7447 V2-CHI 液晶键盘 DS7447 V2-CHI LCD Keypad
• DS7447V2 数字字母键盘:两行文字,显示屏可自由编程, 允许设置 16 个字符的自定义文本来描述防区和分区。 用户
• DS7447V2 Alphanumeric Keypad: Two line, freely programmable display allows 16 characters of custom text to be programmed for zone and area descriptions. The user can adjust the sounder volume and backlight intensity using easy two-button commands.
博世PRAESENSA IP网络化全功能公共广播和语音报警系统说明书
IP网络化 & 全功能PRAESENSA公共广播和语音报警系统PRAESENSA,IP网络化 & 全功能博世推出了PRAESENSA,这是公共广播和语音报警(PAVA)系统的新标准。
商场 | 多功能楼宇 | 展览中心 | 酒店 | 教育 | 机场发电站 | 石油和天然气 | 隧道 | 地铁 | 铁路23...适用于每个中大型应用该系统的所有组件均使用IP联网,可确保最高的灵活性和可扩展性创新的功放架构可智能分配功率,降低拥有成本通过内置冗余消除单点故障是系统概念的核心以用户为中心的设计提供了一个直观的界面,其中包含关于进度和状态的反馈全面的系统可适应不断变化的需求功能完备的标准配置优化的用户体验最高的系统可用性高效的功率分配安全的IP架构最高的互操作性、灵活性和可扩展性...终于,系统内的所有组件都能轻松可靠地互相通讯。
BOSCH 防盗报警系统 ICP
ICP‑CC488 控制主机提供 8 个可编程的有线或无线防盗防区。
基本功能用户代码用户可以编程多达 8 个用户代码和 8 个无线遥控器代码。
远程编程用户可以在运行 MS‑DOS 并配有调制解调器的 PC 上使用 CC816 Alarm Link (A‑Link) 软件对防区进行远程编程。
STAY(留守)模式 1:布防所有防区,但不包括已由安装人员设为自动隔离的防区。
STAY(留守)模式 2:布防所有防区,但不包括已由主码用户设为自动隔离的防区。
BOSCH 防盗报警系统 ISM
ISM-BLA1-CC 彩色摄像机模块连接至蓝色系列探测器。
这些摄像机模块提供 NTSC 或 PAL 两种格式,体积小巧紧凑,易于安装,而且造型时尚优美。
摄像机既可设置为连续运行,也可设置为在探测器报警激活摄像机后运行 15 秒钟或 90 秒钟。
ISM-BLA1-CC-N 摄像机模块提供 512(水平)x 492(垂直)像素的 NTSC 视频信号,电子快门速度为 1/60 秒至 1/100000 秒。
ISM-BLA1-CC-P 摄像机模块提供 512(水平)x 582(垂直)像素的 PAL 视频信号,电子快门速度为 1/50 秒至 1/100000 秒。
证书与认可地区认证欧洲CE-P model only: 89/336/EEC, EN55022:1998 +A1: 2000 +A2: 2003 (ANSI C63.4:2001), EN50130-4: 1996 +A1: 1998+A2: 2003, EN61000-3-3: 1995 +A1:2001, EN61000-4-2: 1995 +A1: 1998+A2: 2001, EN61000-4-3: 2002 +A1:2002, EN61000-4-4: 1995 +A1: 2000+A2: 2001, EN61000-4-5: 1995 +A1:2001, EN61000-4-6: 1996 +A1: 2001,EN61000-4-11:1994 +A1: 2001比利时INCERT-P model only: B-509-0021/b 地区认证美国UL-N model only: ANSR: Intrusion DetectionUnits (UL639)捷克共和国NBU-P model only安装/配置摄像机可视区域摄像机视场为水平 66°,垂直 53°。
下面显示了安装高度为 2.3 米(7.5 英尺)的示例:ISM‑BLA1‑CC 蓝色系列彩色摄像机模块▶彩色电荷耦合器 (CCD) 摄像机,光敏度为 3 lx▶NTSC 或 PAL 视频格式▶330 线水平清晰度▶摄像机可以不间断运行,或者由探测器报警控制▶可选(A 形或 B 形)报警继电器输出▶随附带 BNC 接头的视频电缆2俯视图1摄像机的可视区域2PIR 探测区域侧视图1摄像机的可视区域2PIR 探测区域3下视区注解被动红外 (PIR) 探测区域和下视区取决于使用的特定探测器。
所有博世语音报警系统均为业界领先的公共广播和语音报警解决方案产品线概览2 | 公共广播和语音报警公共广播和语音报警系统源于博世博世智能建筑科技在公共广播和语音报警(PA/VA)解决方案领域拥有90多年的经验,开发了一系列可提供高品质语音和音乐的系统。
而由于当前将所有楼宇管理系统集成为一体的需要,基于IP的系统和软件控出众性能系统可用性灵活面向未来经济高效公共广播和语音报警 | 3保持信息通畅,让人们获得安全感和保持愉悦的心情,这是我们的使命。
◾ 深厚的专业知识和出众的PA/VA品质我们使目标群体能够预测具有挑战性的情况和用户需求◾ 广泛且灵活的产品线我们满怀企业社会责任感,以匠心设计公共广播解决方案, 为创造更美好的世界而不懈努力◾ 智能公共广播技术我们提供基于IP的技术,打造出色的公共和商业空间体验◾ 全球合作伙伴网络,与客户关系密切我们激励并支持客户塑造美好未来为什么选择博世?#AlwaysAhead制设备的发展趋势非常明显,从而将需要更多面向未来的解决方案。
1号CAN总线,最大可连接100个总 线转换器,最远距离2KM
中心接收机 MTR
2号CAN总线,最大可连接100个总 线转换器,最远距离2KM
报警管理软件 MTSW PC机
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
第三代:基于现场总线CAN 总线以及RS485总线混合结构双向 传输的MT小区报警系统
博世安保公司MT小区报警系统,完全根据国内小区要求开发, 架构合理、通讯可靠、功能实用的专业小区报警管理系统。
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
bosch security systems 3000i 报警线路指南说明书
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Wiring guide
2021-12 | V01 | DOC
Bosch Security Systems B.V. Torenallee 49 5617 BA Eindhoven Netherlands © Bosch Security Systems B.V., 2022
Building solutions for a better life. 202201121628
2021-12 | V01 | DOC
Wiring guide
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Alarm wiring guide 3பைடு நூலகம்00i
Alarm wiring diagram | en 5
Wiring diagram for alarm output The following diagram demonstrates an example of how the device can provide the alarm output function. This alarm output function outputs a connection to ground for external devices.
Alarm wiring guide 3000i
Wiring guide
Alarm wiring guide 3000i
Applicable products
This manual is applicable to these products:
FLEXIDOME IP turret 3000i IR: – NTV-3502-F02L – NTV-3502-F03L – NTV-3503-F02L – NTV-3503-F03L – NTV-3502-F02L-P – NTV-3502-F03L-P – NTV-3503-F02L-P – NTV-3503-F02L-P FLEXIDOME IP micro 3000i: – NDV-3502-F02 – NDV-3502-F03 – NDV-3503-F02 – NDV-3503-F03 – NDV-3502-F02-P – NDV-3502-F03-P – NDV-3503-F02-P – NDV-3503-F03-P FLEXIDOME IP 3000i IR: – NDE-3502-AL – NDE-3503-AL – NDE-3502-AL-P – NDE-3503-AL-P DINION IP 3000i IR: – NBE-3502-AL – NBE-3503-AL – NBE-3502-AL-P – NBE-3503-AL-P FLEXIDOME IP micro 3000i - outdoor: – NDE-3502-F02 – NDE-3502-F03 – NDE-3503-F02 – NDE-3503-F03 – NDE-3502-F02-P – NDE-3502-F03-P – NDE-3503-F02-P – NDE-3503-F03-P FLEXIDOME IP turret 3000i IR - outdoor: – NTE-3502-F02L – NTE-3502-F03L – NTE-3503-F02L – NTE-3503-F03L – NTE-3502-F02L-P – NTE-3502-F03L-P – NTE-3503-F02L-P – NTE-3503-F03L-P
第三代:基于现场总线CAN 总线以及RS485总线混合结构双向 传输的MT小区报警系统
博世安保公司MT小区报警系统,完全根据国内小区要求开发, 架构合理、通讯可靠、功能实用的专业小区报警管理系统。
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
V. 专业的报警中心管理软件MTSW,功能强大 ➢ 能够及时接收、显示用户所有防区的报警/报警恢复及故障
信息 ➢ 能够实时报告用户键盘主机DS6R/DS12R的工作状态和实现远
程布/撤防 ➢ 能够实现用户报警的多媒体提示(文字、地图、中文语音) ➢ 支持多级电子地图显示
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
CAN总线节点数量的限制 每路CAN总线在100个节点以内, 全CAN总线也需要分级实施。
◆ 成本 小区节点数量众多时,全CAN总线 结构总成本会提高很多。
◆ 技术可行性 在二级总线使用带隔离保护和节点 限制的RS485可以满足技术和功能 上的要求。
博世 易安系列防盗报警控制主机 说明书
欧洲地区提供可选的无线本地安防网络 (wLSN) 支持。
wLSN 使用多种易于安装、可自动配置且安防波段为 868 MHz 的无线设备进行双向无线通信。
注解仅向易安系列防盗报警控制主机版本2 (ICP-EZM2)提供wLSN 支持。
系统概览易安系列防盗报警控制主机▶最多支持 32 个输入防区(直接连线、无线或两者组合)▶先进的减低误报功能▶集成感应读卡器▶可使用不同的语言发声▶无线本地安防网络 (wLSN) 支持▶远程编程软件 (RPS) 支持▶采用图标的显示式键盘,简单易用▶内置数字拨号器、语音拨号器、短消息和双向音频监听功能21.键盘2.传感器和语音组件3.射频识别 (RFID) 读卡器和感应匙4.信息按钮5.图标指示6.功能按钮7.语音模块8.编程钥匙9.易安系列防盗报警控制主机10.DX2010 输入扩展器模块11.电源设备易安系列防盗报警控制主机可以根据各地区的主电压输入要求使用接入式电源或变压器。
12.可选的双路防拆开关13.可选的无线本地安防网络 (wLSN) 集线器14.可选 wLSN 设备接线端子易安系列的接线端子采用彩色编码,可以清楚地显示应在何处连接电源设备、电话线、键盘以及其它各种设备,例如烟雾探测器或移动探测器。
DS7447 V2-CHI 液晶键盘 DS7447 V2-CHI LCD Keypad
• DS7447V2 数字字母键盘:两行文字,显示屏可自由编程, 允许设置 16 个字符的自定义文本来描述防区和分区。 用户
• DS7447V2 Alphanumeric Keypad: Two line, freely programmable display allows 16 characters of custom text to be programmed for zone and area descriptions. The user can adjust the sounder volume and backlight intensity using easy two-button commands.
normally-open (NO) or normally-closed (NC)
STCT/SAL1.2 | Dieter GAO Chuanjian | 23/10/2012 | © Robert Bosch GmbH reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
IP7400Xi-CHI 系统基本结构 System Structure
MUX 总线:RVV-2x1.5(最长1500米) MUX Bus: RVV-2x1.5 (Max: 1500 m) 最多120 防区 Max: 120 Zone 总线驱动 模块 Bus Driver 自 带 防 区 键盘 Keypad MUX总线:RVV-2x1.5(最长1500米) MUX Bus: RVV-2x1.5 (Max: 1500 m) 最多120 防区 Max: 120 Zone
博世消防报警系统 手动火灾报警按钮说明书
Los pulsadores de incendios convencionales paraáreas Ex se emplean para activar de forma manual las alarmas en las zonas 1 y 2 en caso de riesgo de explosión.Los pulsadores de incendios de tipo K son pulsadores encapsulados con seguridad intrínseca y no requieren barreras de seguridad.Los pulsadores de incendio manuales DM 1103 B‑Ex para áreas ex se deben conectar mediante una barrera de seguridad SB 3 que incluya un módulo de entrada/ salida DCA1192 (consulte la descripción del sistema).Resumen del sistemaFLM-420/4-CONDCA1192DCA1192Para DM 1103 B‑Ex:Pos.Descripción1Área no Ex2Área Ex zona 1 o 2En caso de una alarma, primero se rompe el panel de cristal (2) y después de presiona el pulsador (3) con fuerza. De esta manera, el interruptor activa la alarma. Un mecanismo de bloqueo mantiene presionado el pulsador de incendios manual.Se puede reajustar el pulsador con la palanca de reajuste.No reajusta la alarma en el panel de incendios.Planificación•Los pulsadores de incendio manuales se debeniluminar suficientemente con luz solar u otra fuentede iluminación (incluyendo iluminación deemergencia, si existe).•Se debe mantener una altura de instalación de1400 mm ±200 mm, medida desde el centro delpulsador de incendios manual hasta el suelo.•Se deben instalar los pulsadores de incendiosmanuales en las rutas de escape y rescate (p. ej.salidas, pasillos, cajas de escaleras).•También se deben tener en cuenta otros estándares, directivas y recomendaciones de diseño relativos a la ubicación de instalación, etc. (consulte el manual de detección de incendios).•Se deben seguir las normas de los departamentos de incendios locales.Las notas de instalación/configuración cumplen con la norma VdS/VDE•La distancia entre los pulsadores de incendiosmanuales no debe exceder 100 m según la normaDIN 14675 u 80 m según la norma VdS.•En zonas de alto riesgo, los pulsadores de incendios manuales se deben instalar a una distancia máximade 40 m (VDE 0833 parte 2, punto 7.2.6).•Según la norma VdS, se pueden conectar hasta10 pulsadores de incendios manuales a una líneaprimaria.DKM 2014/2‑ex Pulsador de incendios manual de tipo K•Para la conexión al LSN se requiere una interfaz deincendios NBK 100 LSN.•Se puede conectar directamente a los siguientespaneles de control convencionales:–BZ 1012–BZ 1060–UEZ 1000 GLT.•Con una interfaz de incendios NBK 100 LSN se puede conectar a los siguientes paneles de control:–BZ 500 LSN–UEZ 1000 LSN–UEZ 2000 LSN–UGM 2020 LSNDKM 2014/2‑ex‑UGM Pulsador de incendios manual de tipo K, para conexión a UGM convencional•Se puede conectar directamente al sistema dedetección de peligros universal UGM‑GLTDM 1103 B-Ex Pulsador de incendios manual paraárea Ex•Para la conexión al LSN se requiere un interfaz NBK100 LSN.•Para usarlo en áreas explosivas de las zonas 1 y 2 se requiere un módulo de entrada/salida que se debemontar en la parte frontal del área Ex.•Los cables se pueden insertar en montajes ensuperficie o empotradosPiezas incluidasTipo Cant.ComponentesDKM 2014/2‑ex1Pulsador de incendios manual de tipo Kpara áreas Ex, para montaje ensuperficieDKM 2014/2‑ex‑UGM1Pulsador de incendios manual detipo K, para conexión a UGMconvencional, para áreas Ex, paramontaje en superficieDM 1103 B-Ex112DM 1103 B-Ex Pulsador de incendiosmanual, color rojoDM1103B-Ex Llave para pulsador deincendios manualTornillos del cable PG11 Especificaciones técnicasPulsador de incendios manual K DKM 2014/2-ex Tipo KPulsador de incendios manual DKM 2014/2-ex-UGM Tipo K, para conexión a UGM convencionalPulsador de incendios manual DM 1103 B-ExInformación sobre pedidosPulsador de incendios manual K DKM 2014/2-ex Tipo K para área ex, montaje en superficie, activación de alarma indirecta, tecnología convencionalNúmero de pedido DKM 2014/2-exLlave para detector de incendios de tipo KNúmero de pedido FMX-7743.0.0500Pulsador de incendios manual DKM 2014/2-ex-UGM Tipo K, para conexión a UGM convencionalpara área ex, montaje en superficie, activación de alarma indirectaNúmero de pedido DKM 2014/2-ex-UGMLlave para detector de incendios de tipo KNúmero de pedido FMX-7743.0.0500DM 1103 B‑Ex Pulsador de incendios manualpara las zonas 1 y 2 con riesgo de explosión, tecnología convencionalNúmero de pedido DM1103B-Ex SB3 Barrera de seguridad con módulo de entrada/salida DCA1192limita la energía eléctrica entre circuitos de seguridad inherente y no inherenteNúmero de pedido SB3Accesorios de hardwareFMC‑SPGL‑DEIL Cristales de repuestoPara pulsadores de incendios manuales de las series DM, DKM, SKM, FMC‑120 y FMC‑210.1 unidad = 5 cristales de repuestoNúmero de pedido FMC-SPGL-DEILRepresentada por:Spain:Americas:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, SAUC/Hermanos García Noblejas, 19 28037 MadridTel.: +34 914 102 011Fax: +34 914 102 056**************************** Bosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton ParkwayFairport, New York, 14450, USAPhone: +1 800 289 0096Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.comRobert Bosch LtdaSecurity Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862****************************© Bosch Security Systems, SAU 2012 | Información sujeta a cambios sin previo aviso 1292017419 | es, V4, 25. Sep 2012。
博世 VR8桌面报警系统 说明书
u Eight zonesu16 supervised wireless sensorsu Built-in RF receiver, LCD keypad, analog dialer, and acoustic sounderu16 user codes including eight keyfob usersu Background memory for 40 eventsThe VR8 Intruder Alarm System includes a control panel and assorted detectors such as magnetic, motion, and smoke. Operate the system using the keypad or keyfob.FunctionsBuilt-in ReceiverThe system has a built-in receiver that connects up to 16 radio frequency (RF) devices such as PIR, door contacts, and smoke detectors.Built-in Acoustic SounderInternal piezo siren provides at least 90 dBA/100 cm sound pressure level (SPL) to sound an alarm.Built-in Tamper SwitchThe built-in tamper notifies the control panel when someone removes the enclosure cover or lifts the unit from the desktop.Arming and DisarmingUsers can arm the VR8 using the keypad, a keyfob, or the telephone. Users can disarm the VR8 using the keypad or a keyfob. Programmable exit and entry time delay values determine the amount of time a user has to arm or disarm before the alarm sounds.ProgrammingProgram the VR8 System using the integrated keypad, a laptop, a plug-in programming key for standard programs, or compatible programming software. Zone TypesUsers can configure three zone types for the system. Zone Type DescriptionBurglary Sounds an alarm when a fault is detected and theVR8 is armed.24-Hour Sounds an alarm when a fault is detected, such as atamper switch. The VR8 can be armed or disarmed. Fire Sounds an alarm when a fault is detected by asmoke detector. The VR8 can be armed ordisarmed.Certifications and approvalsA-TickInstallation/configuration notes Compatibility InformationKeyfobs RF3332E and RF3334E Smoke Detectors RF280ETHS PIR Detectors RF940E TriTech Detectors RF835E RF Point Transmitters (Reed Switch)RF3401EProgramming SoftwareCC816 Alarm Link Software (A-Link)Wiring ConsiderationsBase includes cable routing channels for AC power and telephone cord.Power ConsiderationsRequires locally approved, limited power Class I AC adaptor with 18 VAC, 1.3 A output and protective earth connection.Parts includedEach standard system includes:Quantit y Component1VR8 including built-in keypad, LCD display, and sirenTechnical specificationsEnclosure DesignEnvironmental Considerations KeypadsOutputsPower Requirements Zone Characteristics Ordering informationVR8 Desktop Alarm SystemIncludes a control panel and assorted detectors.Operate the system using the keypad or keyfob.Order number VR8488EURepresented by:Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina:Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180***********************.com Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025617 BA Eindhoven, The NetherlandsPhone: + 31 40 2577 284Fax: +31 40 2577 330******************************Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, SecuritySystems11 Bishan Street 21Singapore 573943Phone: +65 6571 2808Fax: +65 6571 2699*****************************Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd.201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan RoadNorth IBPChangning District, Shanghai200335 ChinaPhone +86 21 22181111Fax: +86 21 22182398Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems DivisionVia Anhanguera, Km 98CEP 13065-900Campinas, Sao Paulo, BrazilPhone: +55 19 2103 2860Fax: +55 19 2103 2862*****************************© Bosch Security Systems 2013 | Data subject to change without notice 2504668299 | en, V1, 01. Oct 2013。
APAW.S1871indicated in the instructions, wiring diagram.Control unit subassemblies, Models D2212B, D2212BE, followed by suffix "LC".Control unit accessories, keypads, Models D202A, D220A, D222A, D223A, may be suffixed by TD; Models D621, D621B, D621W, D623,D623B, D623W, D625, D625B, D625W for use with control panels indicated in the installation instructions.Models D720 and D1255, may be followed by suffixes R, TD or W, for use with control panels indicated in the installation instructions (covered under File S5579); Models D1260, D1260B, D1260R, D1260W, D1260BLK.Control unit subassembly, Model ICP-SDI-9114, for use with control panels and keypads indicated in the installation instructions.Control unit accessories, Models D133, D134 relay modules.Control unit accessory, Model D208 zone expansion module.Control unit subassembly, Model D208LC zone expansion module.Control unit accessories, Models D9210B, D9210BC, D9210BLC access control modules. (Covered under File S5579).Control unit accessories, Models SK-820 Data Repeater, SC9002 Printer (Covered under S5579).Control unit modules, Models SC-4000D, SC-4000DSC, SC-4000 Guard Unit RF transmitters (Covered under S5579).Control unit subassembly, Model LS-500 Line Simulator, Ethernet Module, Model B420 (Covered under S5579).Control unit accessory, Network Interface Module, Model DX4020 (covered under File S5579).Control unit subassembly, GPRS/GSM IP Communicator, Model ITS-DX4020-G (+8).Communicator interface module, Model B450(+12).Control unit accessories, printer interface, Model D9131A. For use with Radionics products where referenced in the installation instructions. Control unit subassemblies, Models D6412LC, D6412M, D4412LC, D4412M, DX2010, DX3010.Control unit subassembly, Ethernet Module, Model B420 (++)(Covered under S5579).Control unit accessory, RF Receiver, Model RF3224. Suitable for use with transmitters indicated in the installation instructions.Models D4412, D4412LT, D6412, D6412LT. For all applications, the Model D8108A or D8108AH, attack resistant enclosure and a Listed local sounding device are required. Suitable for use with Models D621, D621W, D623, D623W, D625, D625W Command Centers. The units may include Listed modules and subassemblies referenced in the manufacturer's operation, installation manual. Suitable for bank safe and vault applications when used in conjunction with the Listed Model S110 Electronic Sounding Device by Rothenbuhler Engineering.Control unit subassembly, C900V2+ dialer capture module.Enclosure, Model ULPS (++).Computer, Model B-010 (+2) for use with receiver model D6600.Monitor, Model B-008 (+3).Digital alarm communicator receiver, Model 6100IPv6. The Model 6100IPv6 Connettix Receiver is suitable for use as a commercial DACR and PSDN communicator.Control unit accessory, Model ISW-D8125CW-V2 (+7) wireless Interface module for use with separately Listed ISW-EN-4200 Wireless Inovonics RF Receiver. Compatible with control panels D9412GV3/D7412GV3/D7212GV3, D9412GV2/D7412GV2, D7212GV2.Subassembly, Model B46 Communicator Status Indicator (+17).Model B465 Connettix Universal Dual Path Communicator (+17).+ - Complementary Listed to AMCX, AMCX7, UTOU, UTOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7.++ - Complementary Listed to ALVY, AMCX, AOTX, APOU, NBSX, UOXX, UTOU.(+2) - Complementary Listed to UOJZ, UOJZC, AMCX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7.(+3) - Complementary Listed to UOXX, UOXXC, AMCX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7.(+4) - Complementary Listed to AMCX, AMCX7, APAW7.(+5) - Suitable for Encrypted Line Security when employing Listed Models DX4020 or C900V2 via PSDN only.(+6) - Complementary Listed to UOJZ, AMCX, APOU, ALVY, AOTX, NBSX, UTOU.(+7) Complimentary Listed to APOU, AMCX, UTOU, AOTX, NBSX.(+8) Complimentary Listed to UOJZ, AMCX, UTOU, NBSX, APOU.(+9) Complimentary Listed to UOJZ, APOU, AMCX, APAW, ALVY, AOTX, UTOU, NBSX, AMTB, ANET, Suitable for Encrypted Line Security when employing Listed Models DX4020 or C900V2 via PSDN only.(+10) Complimentary Listed to UOJZ, APOU, AMCX, APAW, ALVY, AOTX, UTOU, NBSX, AMTB, ANET, Suitable for Encrypted Line Security when employing Listed Models DX4020 or C900V2 via PSDN only.(+11) Complimentary Listed to APOU, APOU7, AMCX, AMCX7, AOTX, AOTX7, APAW7, UTOU, UTOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, AMTB, ANET.(+12) Complementary Listed to UOJZ, AMCX, AMCX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7, AOTX, AOTX7, UTOU, NBSX, AMTB, ANET.(+13) Complementary Listed under AMCX, AMCX7, AMTB (ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010), ANET, AOTX, AOTX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, UTOU, UTOU7.(+14) Complementary Listed under AMCX, AMCX7, AMTB, ANET, AOTX, ATOX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, UTOU, UTOU7, UOJZ, ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010.(+15) Complementary Listed under AMCX, AMTB, ANET, AOTX, APOU, NBSX, UTOU, ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010.(+16) Complimentary Listed to APOU, APOU7, AMCX, AMCX7, AOTX, AOTX7, APAW7, UOJZ, UTOU, UTOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, AMTB, ANET.(+17) Complementary Listed under AMCX, AMCX7, AMTB, ANET, AOTX, ATOX7, APAW7, APOU, APOU7, NBSX, NBSX7, UTOU, UTOU7, UOXX, ANSI/SIA CP-01-2010.Model StandardLineSecurityEncryptedLineSecurityNo LineSecurityConditions andNotesD6600 Netcom Receiver X——when used with compatible control unitD6600 Netcom Receiver—X—when used with a compatible control unit and ListedModel DX4020 Network Interface Module or the Listedmodel C900V2 Dialer Capture Module along with theD6680 network adapter.D6500 Digital AlarmCommunicator Receiver——X—D7412, D9412GV2, D7412GV2,D7212GV2, D9412GV3,D7412GV3, D7212GV3 DACTUnitsX———B3512, B4512, B5512 Control Units X——With onboard IP connection, B426 module, B440,B441, B442 or B443 cellular communication modulewith Bosch Listed D6600 or D6100IPv6B8512G(+16), B8512G-E (+16), B9512G (+16), B9512 (+16)—X—With onboard IP connection, B426 module, B440,B441, B442 or B443 cellular communication modulewith Bosch Listed D6600 or D6100IPv6B3512, B4512, B5512 ControlUnits——X When using B430 DACT communication moduleB8512G(+16), B8512G-E(+16), B9512G (+16), B9512(+16)——X When using B430 DACT communication moduleD7412, D9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412GV3,D7412GV3, D7212GV3 DACT Units —X—when used with Listed Models DX4020 or C900V2 viaPSDN onlyD2212B, D2212BE(may be followed by suffix "LT") Control Units —X—when used with Listed model C900V2 Dialer CaptureModule for use with receivers as indicated in theinstallation instructionsD4412, D4412LT, D6412, D6412LT Control Units —X—when used with the model C900V2 dialer capturemodule for use with receivers as indicated in theinstallation instructionsD6100IPv6 Digital AlarmCommunicator Receiver—X——ITS-DX4020-G X X—When used with Bosch control panels, modelsD9412GV2, D7412GV2, D7212GV2, D9412GV3,D7412GV3, D7212GV3, and Bosch receivers, modelsD6600 and D6100I.Trademark and/or Tradename: "Safecom"。
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
Security Systems
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parties.
最通用的被动红外探测器 FSP处理技术 动态温度补偿技术 安装灵活简单,省时省力 外观小巧美观 防气流/昆虫设计 探测范围 12m X 12m 性价比高,适合家庭使用
Bosch Security Systems reserves all rights even in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third parti动红外探测器
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别墅总线式防盗报警系统工程方案2012-07-30目录__________________________________1. 方案设计 (3)1.1. 设计规范 (3)1.2. 防盗报警区域情况简介 (4)1.2.1. 别墅报警点分布表 (4)1.3. 别墅防盗报警系统分析 (4)1.3.1. 防盗报警系统简介 (4)1.3.2. 别墅防盗报警系统 (5)1.3.3. 防盗报警系统构成 (6)2. 总线式报警设备选型 (9)2.1. 总线式防盗报警系统(Bosch报警系列产品) (9)2.2. Bosch防盗报警系统简易快速配置表基本清单 (18)1. 方案设计1.1. 设计规范GB50348-2004安全防范工程技术规范GT/76-94 《保安电视监控工程技术规范》GA/77-94 《入侵报警工程设计规范》GB 10408.1-89 入侵探测器通用技术条件GB 10408.2-89 超声波入侵探测器GB 10408.3-89 微波入侵探测器GB 10408.4-89 主动红外入侵探测器GB 10408.5-89 被动红外入侵探测器GB 10408.6-89 微波和被动红外复合入侵探测器GB 12663-90 防盗报警控制器通用技术条件GB 12664-90 便携式X射线安全检查设备技术条件GA/T 70-94 安全防范工程费用概预算编制方法GA/T 75-94 安全防范工程程序与要求GB 10408.7-1996 超声和被动红外复合入侵探测器GB/T 10408.8-1997 振动入侵探测器GB15207-94 视频入侵报警器GB15208-94 微剂量X射线安全检查设备GB15209-94 磁开关入侵探测器GB15210-94 通过式金属探测门通用技术条件GB 15407-94 遮挡式微波入侵探测器技术要求和实验方法GB/T 16571-1996 文物系统博物馆安全防范工程设计规范GB 16796-1997 安全防范报警设备安全要求和实验方法本工程要求严格按照ISO11801和《建筑与建筑群综合布线系统工程设计规范》(GB/T50311-2000)等国际、国家布线标准设计及施工,将防盗报警系统建设成为一个技术先进、性能可靠、功能齐全的系统。
1.2. 防盗报警区域情况简介1.2.1. 别墅报警点分布表根据别墅特点,阳台和大门处于最容易受到入侵的位置;其次就是厨房、书房的窗户(由于书房和厨房在平时一般是无人状态,特别是晚上一般空置,容易成为窃贼的入口);再次就是主卧室、儿童房和卫生间;一般在窗侧、阳台侧设红外幕帘探测器。
根据别墅的布局情况、并考虑到以后的发展因素,规划设计信息点具体数量及安装位置如下:1.3. 别墅防盗报警系统分析1.3.1. 防盗报警系统简介住宅报警系统是智能化社区实现安全管理的重要系统。
1.3.2. 别墅防盗报警系统别墅智能家居报警系统是由室内报警系统和周界报警系统组成,室内根据实际情况装上各种探测器,达到防范的目的,周界装上电子围栏等设备实现周界防范。
1.3.3. 防盗报警系统构成系统主要由以下三大部分组成:♦前端报警装置(各种探测器);门磁开关:是探测器最基本、最简单有效的装置,常用的有微动开关、磁簧开关等,一般装在门窗上。