最新版水手英语第二章 航行

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Starboard bow 右舷船首 Fishing gear 渔具 Unknown object 不明物体 Rig 安装,安放 Pilot ladder 引水梯,引航梯 Require 要求 Man rope 扶手绳
Gangway 舷梯
Pilot ladder 引水梯
Heaving line 撇缆
12S1:Keep the buoy/mark/beacon on port/starboard side.
使浮标/航标/立标处于左舷/右舷。 The buoy/mark/beacon is on port/starboard
side ,sir. 浮标/航标/立标处于左舷/右舷。 13Report if she does not answer the wheel. 如果舵没有反应要报告。 14finished with wheel, no more steering. 完舵,不要继续操舵。 15Meet her!压舵(稳定航向!)
up. 操纵模式是什么? 是自动舵/手动舵/非随动舵。
Course 航向 Gyro compass course 陀螺罗经航向 Magnetic compass course 磁罗经航向 Steering mode 操纵模式 Auto pilot 自动舵 Hand steering 手动舵 Non-follow-up 非随动舵
船首吃水/船尾吃水/船中吃水是10.8米。 Visibility is poor now.现在能见度很差。 Speed 速度 draft 吃水 visibility 能见度
第三节 船舶舵令
1S1:port five/ten/fifteen/twenty/twenty-five. S2:port five! Wheel port five! Sir! S2:port ten! Wheel port ten! Sir! S2:port fifteen! Wheel port fifteen! Sir! S2:port twenty! Wheel port twenty! Sir! S2:port twenty-five! Wheel port twenty-five! Sir! 左舷5/10/15/20/25! 左舷5/10/15/20/25! 左舷5/10/15/20/25!先生!
4Keep the ---lines/---springs tight. 保持---缆/---倒缆绷紧。
5lower two towing lines to the tugs --meters above water.
6the forward/aft distance to the shore/berth/buoy is 50 metres.
大连海事大学 张克家
第一节 航行值班常用语
1A vessel is on our port/starboard side. 有条船在我船左舷/右舷。 2An overtaking vessel is on our port quarter. 我船左后舷有艘追越船。 3A ship’s green light is on our beam/port
6hold on the ---lines.刹住---缆。 7heave in easy.缓慢绞入。 8make fast forward and aft. 首尾挽牢。
9stand by for letting go. 准备好解缆。 10single up forward and aft. 把首尾解成单绑。 11let go the ---lines/springs. 解掉—缆/---倒缆。 12make fast the tugs fore and aft. 船头船尾挽牢拖船。 13let go the towing line. 解掉拖缆。 Fender 碰垫 roger 收悉,照办 Copy that 收到 明白 berth 泊位 Heaving line 撇缆 head line 首缆
GPS 全球定位系统
VHF 甚高频
AIS 自动识别系统
Radar 雷达
Echo sounder 回声测深仪
ECDIS 电子海图显示与信息系统
Speed log 计程仪
SART 搜救雷达应答器
EPIRB 应急无线电示位标
VDR 航行数据记录仪
1 Put lights on at the pilot ladder 在引水梯上安放照明灯。 2Rig the accommodation ladder in
第二节 交接班常用语
1S1: what is the course? S2:Gyro compass course/magnetic
compass course is 035. 航向多少? 陀螺罗经航向/磁罗经航向35度。 2S1:What is the steering mode? S2:it’s auto pilot/hand steering/non-follow-
Stern line 尾缆 breast line 横缆 Ashore 上岸,在岸上 slack 松弛的部分 Spring 倒缆 hold on 刹住 heave in 绞进 Make fast 挽牢 single up 解成单绑 Stand by 准备好 let go 解开,解掉
1. Bitt (船上的)系缆桩
8S1:nothing to port!/starboard!不要偏左/右! S2:nothing to port!/starboard!sir!不要偏左/
右!先生! 9S1:course 120.航向120度。 S2:course 120.sir!航向120度 10 steady! 把定!(尽快使航向稳住) Steady!Course---把定!航向~度。 11 S1: steady as she goes! 把定当前航向(下舵令时的航向) Steady on 150,sir!把定航向150度,先生。
1magnetic compass 磁罗经
2gyro compass 陀螺罗经
3telegraph 车钟
1S1:what is the speed?航速多少? S2:12 knots12节。 2S1:What is the draft forward/aft/midship? 船首吃水/船尾吃水/船中吃水是多少? The draft forward/aft/midship is 10.8 meters.
fenders are not on the berth. 泊位备好碰垫了吗? 是的,泊位上有碰垫。/没有,泊位上没有
碰垫。 S1:have fenders ready forward and aft。 S2:roger。/copy that.Have fenders ready. 船首尾备好碰垫。 收悉/收到,准备好碰垫。
7 Rig the pilot ladder on port side /starboard side ---meters above water.
引水梯安放在左舷/右舷,水上---米。 8Man ropes are (not) required. (不)需要扶手绳。 Port左舷的,左侧的/港口 Starboard 右舷的,右侧的 Port quarter 左舷船尾 Beam 正横,横梁
船首/尾到岸/泊位/浮标的距离是50米。 7we have to move ---meters ahead/astern. 我们必须向前/向后移动---米。 8we are in position.就位。 9stand by engines. 备车。 Lead 等于fairlead,导缆孔 Distance 距离
bow/starboard bow. 我船正横/左舷船首/右舷船首可见他船绿灯。
4 Fishing gear/boat ahead of us. 我船前方有渔具/渔船。 5 An unknown objects is at our
port/starboard side. 我船左舷/右舷有不明物体。 6 A vessel is crossing from port side. 有船自左舷穿越。
Fairlead 导缆孔
Rat guard 挡鼠板
Fender 碰垫
Mooring buoy 系泊浮筒
Light buoy 灯浮
Light house 灯塔
Light ship 灯船
1use the centre lead/panama lead/bow lead 使用中央导缆孔/巴拿马导缆孔/船首导缆孔。 2heave on the ---lines.用力拉---绳。 3Slack away the ---lines/---springs.松出---缆
starboard,sir! 右满舵!右满舵!右满舵,先生!
Ease to five/ten/fifteen/twenty! 回舵5/10/15/20! Ease to five/ten/fifteen/twenty ! sir! 回舵5/10/15/20!先生! 6S1:Midships!正舵! S2: Midships! Wheel’s a midships,sir! 正舵!正舵!先生! 7S1:course again!航向复原! Course again!航向复原!
1S1:starboard five/ten/fifteen/twenty/twentyfive.
S2: starboard five! Wheel port five! Sir! S2: starboard ten! Wheel port ten! Sir! S2: starboard fifteen! Wheel port fifteen! Sir! S2: starboard twenty! Wheel port twenty! Sir! S2: starboard twenty-five! Wheel port twenty-
five! Sir! 右舷5/10/15/20/25! 右舷5/10/15/20/25! 右舷5/10/15/20/25!先生!
3S1:hard-a-port ! S2:hard-a-port! Wheel hard-a-port,sir! 左满舵!左满舵!左满舵,先生! 4S1:hard-a-starboard ! S2:hard-a-starboard! Wheel hard-a-
Hard-a-port 左满舵 Hard-a-starboard.右满舵 Ease 回舵 Midships 正舵 Steady 把定 Buoy 浮标 Beacon 立标 Report 报告
Rudder 舵
Wheel 舵轮
第四节 船舶解、系缆令
1S1:are fenders on the berth? S2:yes,fenders are on the berth./no
combination with the pilot ladder. 引水梯和舷梯合装。 3 Have a heaving line/lifebuoy ready at the
pilot ladder. 在引水梯处准备好撇缆/救生圈。 Accommodation ladder 舷梯 In combination with 与---结合
3have the heaving lines ready forward and aft.船首尾备好撇缆。
4send the head/stern/breast/spring lines ashore. 把首缆/尾缆/横缆/倒缆送上岸。
5pick up the slack on the forward/aft/breast lines. 收紧首/尾/横缆。