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第 31 卷第 10 期 2011 年 10 月
环境科学学报 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
Vol. 31,No. 10 Oct. ,2011
李兵,董志颖,赵由才,等. 2011. 城市生活垃圾滚筒筛分选特性研究[J]. 环境科学学报,31( 10) : 2268-2274 Li B,Dong Z Y,Zhao Y C,et al. 2011. Study on the mechanical separation characteristics for municipal solid waste using trommel screenerS[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,31( 10) : 2268-2274
Received 26 December 2010;
received in revised form 27 January 2011;
accepted 31 January 2011
Abstract: The trommel screener is often used to separate MSW ( municipal solid waste) . However,MSW separation utilizing trammel screener is seldom reported in China. In this study,a trommel screener with a separation capacity of 150 kg MSW per hour was designed and its optimal operational parameters were determined. The optimum separation efficiencies can be reached when the ratio of Vobservation / Vextremity ranged from 0. 51 to 0. 73 and roller angle 5. 3°to 7. 0°for 120 mm of mesh diameter,0. 33 to 0. 60 and roller angle 4. 3° to 7. 8° for 80 mm of mesh diameter,and 0. 51 to 0. 60 and roller angle 3. 2°to 6. 0° for 40 mm of mesh diameter,respectively. The separation efficiencies of trommel screener were observed to be closely related to L ( length of roller) ,D ( screener inner-diameter) and L / D. The optimum separation efficient can be reached that for L / D ranged from 2. 5 to 3. 0,slightly over 3. 3,and much higher than 3. 3,the corresponding D were 120 mm,80 mm and 40 mm respectively. Keywords: municipal solid waste; trammel screener; separation; separation efficiency
李兵1,* ,董志颖1 ,赵由才2 ,郑琦宏1 ,朱建林1
1. 宁波大学建筑工程与环境学院,宁波 315211
2. 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室,上海 200092
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
摘要:滚筒筛筛分是生活垃圾分选中常用的工艺,国内目前有关滚筒筛分选生活垃圾的研究尚不多见. 因此,本实验通过自行设计的一台处理 能力为 150 kg·h - 1 的滚筒筛,采用实际生活垃圾进行分选实验,确定最佳运行参数范围. 结果表明,当滚筒筛孔径为 120 mm 时,在 V实测 / V极限 ( V实测 为滚筒转动时实时测定转速,V极限 为物料与滚筒一起转动时的临界转速) 为 0. 51 ~ 0. 73、角度为 5. 3° ~ 7. 0° 条件下分选效率最佳; 当滚 筒筛孔径为 80 mm 时,在 V实测 / V极限 为 0. 33 ~ 0. 60、角度为 4. 3° ~ 7. 8°条件下分选效率最佳; 当滚筒筛孔径为 40 mm 时,在 V实测 / V极限 为 0. 51 ~ 0. 60、角度为 3. 2° ~ 6. 0°条件下分选效率最佳. 在滚筒筛的筛筒内径 D 不变的条件下,为获得较高的分选效率,对于不同的筛孔孔径,其筛 体的长度 L 应不同,筛孔孔径越小,L 值应越大,即 L / D 应越大. 当滚筒筛孔径为 120 mm 时,L / D 应为 2. 5 ~ 3. 0; 当滚筒筛孔径为 80 mm 时, L / D应大于 3. 3; 当滚筒筛孔径为 40 mm 时,L / D 值应远大于 3. 3. 但实际设计时,L / D 值不应增大太多. 关键词:城市生活垃圾; 滚筒筛; 分选; 分选效率
文章编号:0253-2468( 2011) 10-2268-07
Study on the mechanical separation characteristics for municipal solid waste using trommel screener
LI Bing1,* ,DONG Zhiying1 ,ZHAO Youcai2 ,ZHENG Qihong1 ,ZHU Jianlin1
1. Faculty of Architectural Civil Engineering and Environment of Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211
2. The State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092