5A期末词组复习卷 答案

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5A期末词组复习卷(1) 姓名_________


the first day at school


the first day of the new term

3第一学期the first term

4所有的学生all the students

5所有的老师all the teachers

6在学校at school

7回到学校back to school

8互相each other

9互相见面see each other


happy to see each other

11再次相见see each other again 12一幢新大楼a new building

13许多房间many rooms

14多少教室how many classrooms 15多少秋千how many swings

16一些滑梯some slides

17去看看go and see

18去看一看go and have a look 19我不能确定I’m not sure

20两间阅览室two reading rooms 21五间书房five studies

22许多家庭many families

23一间乒乓室a table tennis room 24靠近你的房子near your house 25大量的花和树

a lot of flowers and trees 26去那里玩go and play there

27在秋千上玩play on the swing

28四十个教师forty teachers

29在街上in the street

30在盘子里on the plate


Yang Ling and her parents

32居住live in


live in a new house

34住在无锡live in Wuxi

35喜欢新房子like the new house

36三间卧室three bedrooms

37一个大起居室a large sitting-room 38两间浴室two bathrooms

39在墙上on the wall

40一张世界地图a map of the world 41一张中国地图a map of China

42在墙上的一只钟a clock on the wall 43在床下面under the bed

44在门后面behind the door

45在篮子里的狗the dog in the basket 46四个玻璃杯four glasses

47在猫的嘴里in the cat’s mouth


the rabbit in the black hat

49看上去很快乐look very happy

50在厨房里in the kitchen



51我的电话机my telephone


the lamp on the desk

53在餐厅旁边near the dining-room 54下午两点钟

two o’clock in the afternoon

55在音乐室里in the music room

56在一节音乐课上at a Music lesson 57上一节音乐课have a Music lesson 58上一节英语课

have an English lesson

59孩子们boys and girls

60唱歌sing the song

61唱首歌sing a song

62唱歌跳舞sing and dance

63不会唱can’t sing

64拉小提琴play the violin

65弹吉他play the guitar

66做个模型飞机make a model plane 67做个木偶make a puppet

68学歌曲learn the song

69学英语learn English

70学语文learn Chinese

71听歌listen to the song

72听音乐listen to music

73跟我学follow me

74一起唱sing together

75让我们开始吧let’s start 76会溜冰can skate

77不会滑雪can’t ski

78骑马ride a horse


put a book on your head


put the red vest under the bed

81骑自行车ride a bike

82找到他find him

83找到他们find them

84在黑板后面behind the blackboard 85在讲台下面under the teacher’s desk 86打篮球play basketball

87课后after class

88吃个冰淇淋have an ice cream

89本和他的家人Ben and his family 90迈克的家人Mike’s family


would like to buy some flowers


buy things for a Halloween party


need some chocolate

94需要一个花瓶need a vase

95买些面具buy some masks

96需要一些帮助need some help

97喜欢老虎like tigers

98喜欢南瓜灯like pumpkin lanterns 99别的什么what else

100什么动物what animals
