Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita

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Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov(1899–1977)

multilingual Russian-American writer

Novels written in English

(1941)The Real Life of Sebastian Knight

(1947)Bend Sinister

(1955)Lolita,self-translated into Russian,(1965)


(1962)Pale Fire

(1969)Ada or Ardor:A Family Chronicle

(1972)Transparent Things

(1974)Look at the Harlequins!

(2009)The Original of Laura(Fragmentary,published posthumously)

Lolita Lolita frequently cited as amongst his most important novels&his most widely known Lolita exhibits the love of intricate word play and descriptive detail that characterized all his works,was ranked at#4in the list of the Modern Library100Best Novels by the Modern Library About the Author:Vladimir Nabokov(1899—1977)was an American writer by adoption.

He was born into a wealthy family in St.Petersburg of Czarist Russia and spent.his first20years of life there until his family fled the country during the Bolshevik revolution in1919.He studied Romance languages and literature in Trinity

College,Cambridge University,and started writing and publishing when in England,and later in Germany and France.He wrote poetry and novels in Russian for twenty years and became a famous literary figure in the emigree circles.His

career marked a turning point in1940when he immigrated to the United States.For the next twenty years he taught at Wellesley and Cornell and wrote in English.The publication of Lolita first in France in1955and then in the US three years

later made him famous and financially comfortable enough to finally resign from Cornell and devote himself to writing.For the last phase of his life,Nabokov lived in Switzerland but often returned to visit the US to which he feIt a warm

attachment.It,is good to mention that Nabokov was a lepidopterist with a passion

for butterfly hunting.

Nabokov was a voluminous writer.His career stretched well over half a

century.He wrote novels,stories,poetry,essays,letters and。memoirs,literary criticfsm,and did translations from Russian to English and the other way round.

His works in Russian have been all translated into English under his own supervision and that of his son.Nabokov’S is basically a postmodern sensibility.In theme there is,whatever stories he wrote,almost always a visible imprint of his own past,painfully autobiographical,tinted with a subtle sense of loss similar in a

way to that of the Great Gatsby’s.In style he was a highly conscious literary artist,comic and witty,writing in a self-conscious language and maximum indirection.

He intended to be and became a master of his choosing.There was no hurdle he

would not iump,no tabooS he would hesitate to violate,and no road taken he would even think of taking.Original was what he set out to be,and became.He is now well recognized as a great influence in postmodern literature.His literary endeavor has helped to enhance awareness of the inadequacies of literary realism,

and showed the courage equal to the new experience with new strategies.Among his debtors are Barth,Burroughs,Berger,and Pynchon.His best known novels include Dar,or the Gift(1938),Lolita,and Pale Fire(1962).

Humbert and his editor John Ray,form a very amusing contrast between them.John Ray seems to be a conventional point of view,which thinks of Humbert’s manuscript as an obscene story(猥亵故事)about“certain morbid states and perversions”(变态与扭曲心理)and wams the readers that the novel would be shocking because it is about the senses that do not make sense(不合常理的感受),that Humbert is a horrible,abject(下流),shining example of moral leprosy(道德沦丧者),and that“all of us”should exert ourselves in bring up a better generation in a safer world.John Ray means to offer a chance to learn“a

general lesson.”John Ray seems to be a surrogate for the author(作者的代理人),or one aspect of his mind—the rational side that embraces traditional values(接受传统价值的理性的一面)—and the author seems to be trying to anticipate and forestall the torrent of negativity about this book(预见并阻止本书的消极因素).Humbert,on the other hand,is consumed with passion and represents a different facet of the author’s mind,one that follows its instinct out(受本能指引),regardless of inhibitions and consequences.In fact it took years for Nabokov to muster his courage(鼓足勇气)and face the‘‘nymphet’’idea(早熟少女主题)that had been visible in many of his works but had not materialized in the consummate form(情节设计较为完美)he would like to see it appear until Lolita.

Readers of the novel tend to be overwhelmed with the Humbert manuscript
