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【The qualities a person needs to become successful in today's world cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institutions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?】

For the last thirty years or so, more emphasis has been placed on education, and it has been argued that higher education is not necessary for individuals’ success. Overall, I disagree with the view expressed.




Higher education and other forms of education in similar levels used to be regarded as the pathway to personal success. But examples such as Bill Gates who dropped out of school as a sophomore and is now the president of Microsoft Company seems to make prediction to the contrary: qualities that students acquire in university are unnecessary for their future career development.

【Some people think government should ban dangerous sports, others, however, believe that people should have the freedom to do whatever sports they choose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.】

These days, it seems that the government is penetrating more into our life than ever before which raises questions about the appropriate relationship between government and its citizens. Here is one of the hottest debates .Some people proclaim that the government is obligated to forbid citizens' participation in dangerous sports. However,others take the view that individuals can have their own choices. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides.




Sports activities are important because they provide a break from our normal daily life routine and from the world of work. Traditionally, doing sports has been seen as a way for relaxation and as an opportunity to make friends. Nowadays, however, it seems that some forms of sports is closely related to dangers and adventures.

【Should parents be obliged to immunize their children against common childhood diseases?Or do individuals have the right to choose not to immunize their children? BT=DG】

More emphasis, in recent years, has been placed on health problems for children.However, people are still at crossroads whether parents are obligated to immunize their children in order to prevent various medical complaints or they are blessed with the right not to.




The issue of whether we should force parents to immunize their children against common diseases is, in my opinion, a social rather than a medical question. Since we are free to choose what we expose our bodies to in the way of food, drink, or religion for that matter, why should the question of medical ‘treatment’ be any different?

【In many major cities of the world, you will find large public buildings, both new and old. Do the advantages exceed its disadvantages? LB】

As the century continues, an increasing number of public constructions are being established in megacities globally. In this essay, I intend to compare the benefits and drawbacks of this development.



