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Five Stages
Pre-Revolutionary Revolutionary Cavour’s Policy and the Role of Piedmont Garibaldi’s Campaign in Southern Italy Creation of the Italian Kingdom
The Italian Unification or Italian Risorgimento is
known as the chain of political and military events that produced a united Italian peninsula under the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.
By 1820, the Carbonari were involved in numerous
failed revolutions against the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, the Kingdom of Sardinia, Bolonga, and other Italian states. However, the Austrian Empire crushed all of these revolutions; thus leading to more resentment from the Italians.
started to form secret societies, namely the Carbonari. Although at first, they only demanded more rights from their respective government, the cause began to grow.
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Soul and spirit of Carbonari and revns was Giuseppe
Mazzini Wanted a united Italy with republican govt He popularized the movement by creating ‘Young Italy’, which spread ideas of unification 1848, revolutions in Europe, some reforms, but not enough
Pre-Revolutionary Phase
After the Napoleonic Wars and Napoleon Bonaparte’s second defeat, the major powers that has resisted met at a conference called the Congress of Vienna in 1815 Agenda: limit France’s Power, balance of power (no nation too strong), divide up territory conquered by Napoleon The topic of discussion was to limit France’s power, set limits on nations so no one nation become too strong, and divide up the territory conquered up by Napoleon.
In its negotiations, the congress returned domination of
the Italian Peninsula to Austria. Austria now occupied Lombardy and Venice and had considerable influence on other Italian states. One of the few places of independence was the Kingdom of Sardinia, which now controlled Piedmont, Nice, Savoy and Genoa. .
Italian Peninsula returned to Austria, which controlled
many of the Italian states Few independant states – Kingdom of Sardinia, which controlled Piedmont, Savoy, Nice and Genoa
Revolutionary Phase:
During first half of 19th C, only very educated wanted unification The masses showed no concern.
At first, only wanted more rights from govt
Some of the things that conflicted and interfered with
the unification process were: Austrian control of Lombardy and Venice, several independent Italian states, the autonomy of the Papal States, and the limited power and influence of Italian leaders
But they became more revn By 1820, Carbonari involved in many failed revolutions
against Italian states Austrian Empire crushed all of them
However, the people with a passion for unification