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第37卷第4期 2018年8月

四 川环境


Vol. 37 ,N〇. 4

August 2018





摘要:为评估温州重点区域河道底泥的重金属污染状况,进而为受污染河道底泥清淤工作分类制定科学环保的处理处置方案,通过对温州市龙湾区、瓯海区和瑞安市14条河道底泥样品测定Cu" Zn、Cd、C d NE PG和H g等7种重金属元素的全量浓度,并参照《浙江省河湖库塘清淤技术指南(试行)》制定的5级污染物控制指标和限值,通过改进型内梅罗污染指数方法对温州14条河道底泥样品的重金属污染进行了分级评价,评价结果表明,14条河道中,有3条河道底泥未受重金属污染可用于土地改良等;有2条河道底泥受重金属轻微污染可用于园林绿化等;有6条河道底泥受重金属中度污染可用于回填土等;有1条河道底泥受重金属重度污染可用于制砖等;有2条河道底泥受重金属严重污染,通过浸出毒性分析可鉴别为一般固废,其底泥可脱水后进行卫生填埋。


中图分类号:X522文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001=644(2018$04-0001-08

Characteristics and Grading E valuation of Heavy Metals Pollution of River Sediment in Wenzhou

WANG Chang-zlii,REN Xu-feng,M EI Rong-wu

(Environmental Science Research & Design Institute of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310007,China) Abstract:In o rcder to evaluate heavy metal pOlution status in river sediments of key areas in W enzhou,and establisli scientific and environmental plans for sediment dredging of polluted river. The contents of heavy m etals,including Cu,Z n,Cd,C r,N i,Pb and Hg were analyzed i n 14river sediment samples of Longwan District,Ouhai district and Ruian city in Wenzhou. On this basis,the heavy m etal pollution status of 14river sediment samples in Wenzhou were evaluated by the improved Nemerow index method,and reference to control index and limit of 5levels of pollutants in technical guideline o lakes,reservoirs and ponds of Zhejiang province. The evaluation results showed that,among the 14rivers,were not polluted b y heavy metals and could be used for land improvement,sediment in 2rivers were slightly polluted by heavy metals and could be used for landscaping,sediment in 6rivers were moderately polluted by heavy metals and could be used as backfill soil,sediment in 1river was heavy polluted by heavy metal and could be used to make bricks,sediment in 2rivers were seriously polluted by heavy metals and identified as general solid waste through the extraction toxicity identification,the river sediment should go to landfill after dewatering.

Keywords :River sediment; heavy metal pollution; Nemero pollution index; grading evaluation of pollution


《水污染防治行动计划》提出到2020年我国 地级及以上城市建成区黑臭水体均控制在10%以内,然后,据生态环境部2018年4月公布的排查结果,目前全国共确认黑臭水体2 100个,其中36 个重点城市排查确定黑臭水体681个,目前来看,黑臭水体治理仍然是水污染防治攻坚战的重点任 务,黑臭水体治理中内源污染控制的主要手段是清



作者简介:王长智(1981 -),男,甘肃武威人,2005年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业,硕士,高级工程师,研究方向为工业废水高级氧化、城市污水处理厂升级改造技术和污泥资源化综合利用技术。
