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A:Hi long time no see,what are you busy with recently?

B:Hi,I am writing the thesis about the mental strength.

A:It’s amazing.how did you get on?

B:I had read a article by Amy Morin who ia a licensed clinrcal social worker in Lincoln, I am appreciate her opinion.

艾米•莫兰(Amy Morin),她是缅因州林肯市一位持有执照的临床社会工作者

A:Can you share with me?

B;OK ON Promble.She said to her mental strength means that you regulate your emotions, manage your thoughts, and behave in a positive manner, despite your circumstances.what about your viewpoint?

无论处于何种环境中,都能够调节自己的情绪,管理自己的思想,并且表现出积极的态度。A:In my opinion, Mental strength involves more than just willpower; it requires hard work and commitment. It’s about establishing healthy habits and choosing to devote your time and energy to self-improvement. 精神力量不仅仅包含意志力;还要求勤奋努力和全力以赴。这其实是关于培养健康的习惯并选择将时间和精力用于自我提高。

B:OK,That great,I get it. Although it’s easier to feel mentally strong when life seems simple —often, true mental strength becomes most apparent in the midst of tragedy. Choosing to develop skills t hat increase your mental strength is the best way to prepare for life’s inevitable obstacles.

尽管当生活平顺时很容易感到精神强大,但真正的精神力量常常是在逆境中才最得以彰显。掌握一些能够增强精神力量的技能,是为生命中不可避免的挫折做好准备的最佳方式。There are Many exercises exist that can help you develop mental strength. But here are five that can get you started: 有许多练习能够帮助培养精神力量,但你可以从以下五个方面做起:1. Evaluate Your Core Beliefs


2. Expend Your Mental Energy Wisely


DO you know else ?

A: . Replace Negative Thoughts with Productive Thoughts is a great idea.


Identify and replace overly negative thoughts with thoughts that are more productive. Productive thoughts don’t need to be extremely positive, but should be realistic找出过于消极的想法,并用更有用的想法取而代之。有用的想法不必非常积极,但应该讲求实际

B:In a word ,Developing mental strength is a work in progress

