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●Fire can help people in m any ways. Fire can heat water, 【warm】your house, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. Nobody knows【how】people began to use fire. One story from Australia tells about a m an a very long tim e ago. He went up to the sun by a rope and brought fire down.

Today people know how to【m ake】 a fire with matches. Children som etimes like to play with them. But m atches can be very dangerous.

Fire kills people every year. So you m ust be careful about m atches. You should also learn to【put out】fires. Fires need oxygen. Without oxygen they die. There is oxygen in the air. Cover a fire with water, sand, or in an em ergency, with your coat or a blanket. This keeps the air【from】a fire and kills it.

Be careful with fire, and it will help you. Be careless with fire, and it m ight hurt you.

●Many people would agree that stress is a major problem in m odern life. It is certainly true that worry and quarrel can cause all kinds of illnesses,【from】backache to severe headaches, or even m ore serious com plaints such as high blood pressure.

Many of us think【of】stress as som ething that other people impose on us. We often com plain about how other people put us【under】pressure. But we should try not to let such pressure affect us. We should not forget that we are largely responsible for som e of the stress ourselves. We som etimes take【on】m ore work than our bodies and our m inds can handle. We should learn to【accept】our lim itations. We should be aware of which things are really im portant and which are not.

●Do you know the story about the fox and the grapes? A fox is 【looking for】food. He is very hungry. Now, he stands near a wall. The wall is very 【high】.

The fox is looking up. He sees a lot of fine grapes 【on】the wall. He smiles and says, "How nice they are! I want to eat them."

The fox jum ps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He 【can't】get the grapes.

The fox says, "I m ust go now. I don't like those grapes. They are green. They are not 【good】to eat."

●In the eighteenth century, cities becam e larger and larger. People m oved from the countryside and sm all towns to the【cities】because there was m ore work for them to do in the cities.

On Sundays and holidays, they liked to leave the cities and have a good tim e in the countryside. But not every【fam ily】had a horse or a wagon(四轮马车). People needed a simpler m eans of transportation.Inventors in m any countries tried to solve this problem.

The first bicycle, which was very sim ple,【appeared】in 1790. People called "the horse on wheel". Then in 1861, after m any im provem ents being made, the bicycle becam e a practical【m eans】of transportation.

People liked bikes because they weren't as expensive as horses and didn't need to be fed. They could go anywhere and were easy to【ride】.
