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1. The ____engine is used for alternators and some times for main propulsion with a gearbox provide a propeller of between 90 to 120 rpm.


B. Two-stroke

C. Slow speed


2.The abbreviation "MIP" stand for_____.

A. middle indicating pressure

B. mean indicated pressure

C. Mean indicated pitch

D. Middle indicated power

3.The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its_____.

A.V iscosity

B. Acid content

C. Heating value

D.ignition quality

4.In a two-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at____the engine rotational speed.



C. The same speed as

D. Four times

5.A diesel engine is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no_____.


B. Cylinder

C. Connecting rod

D.spark plug

6.It is easier to replace a dry cylinder liner than a wet one because______.

A.Of the thin wall thickness

B.honing makes it easier to maintain the desired oil film

C. Water seals are not required

D. It fits more loosely due to a decrease in heat transfer through the composite wall

7.A main bearing consists of two shells which are secured by means of studs and _____.

A.Tie rods

B. Through bolts

C. Lead wires

D. Bearing caps

8.However fast or slow the combustion rate, it is still a _____between carbon, hydrogen, sulph and oxygen that releases heat.

A.Physical deformation

B. State exchange

C. Chemical reaction

D. Coalescence

9.During the fuel injection period, fuel pressure must exceed cylinder gas pressure to _____.

A.Ensure penetration and distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamber

B.Ensure the needle valve is flushed clean during each injection

C.Prevent combustion gas blowback into the open needle valve

D.Prevent reflected pressure waves when the needle valve closes

10.In a diesel engine lube oil system, which of the following parts should be lubricated first?

A.Camshaft bearing

B. Main bearing

C. Piston crowns

D. Cylinder walls

11.In a diesel engine closed fresh water cooling system, the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the ______.

A.Suction pressure regulator

B. Thermostatic bypass valve

C. Sea water temperature

D. Water level in the expansion tank

12.which of the diesel engine component listed increases air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?


B. Air bottle

C. Air cooler

D. Exhaust diffuser

13. a large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be reversed. Prior to the admission of starting air you must______.

A. line up the engine for restarting with light diesel oil

B. Reposition the fuel injection cam

C. Change the intake and exhaust valve cam positions

D. Place the starting cam in the intermediate position

14.Which of the listed governor characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing

relationship between paralleled diesel generators?


B. Power

C. Speed droop

D. Compensation

15.Thermocouple pyrometers are used on large, main propulsion diesel engines to

indicate the temperature of the ______.

A.Cooling water leaving each cylinder

B. Fuel oil entering the injector

C. Exhaust gases at various locations

D. Lube oil at the bearing supplies

16.After starting a diesel engine, which of the listed operating conditions should be

checked first?

A.Air box pressure

B. Lube oil pressure

C. Exhaust temperatures


water pressure

17.To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed, which type of

device listed should be used ?

A.Speed limiting governor

B. Over-speed governor

C. Over-speed trip

D. Over-speed relay

18.The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage, heating, filtering and_____.


B. Pressurizing

C. Atomization

D. Igniting

19.A propeller, in order to operate efficiently, must rotate at a relatively______speed.


B. Low

C. Fast


tent heat changes the ___of water.

A.physical state

B. Temperature

C. Atmospheric pressure

D. Sensible


21.The primary function of a flame safeguard system, as used on an automatically fired

auxiliary boiler, is to prevent_____.

A.Accidental dry firing and overpressure

B. Uncontrolled fires in the furnace

C. Explosions in the boiler furnace

D. Overheating of the pressure parts

22.Improper maintenance of the fuel oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary

boiler could result in_______.

A. increased fuel consumption

B. Increased feed-water consumption

C. Fuel pump failure

D. Combustion control system failure

23.Burner ignition failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler would be caused


A.A burned out solenoid in the oil supply valve

B. High temperature excess air

C. Incorrectly setting the hot-well dump valve

D. An incorrectly positioned burner

snubber relay

24.if the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler,

the cause may be______.

A.High steam pressure in the boiler

B. Abnormally high feed-water


C. Abnormally high boiler water temperature

D. Steam demand exceeding feed

pump capacity

25.Gear pumps are of positive displacement type pumps because they discharge a near

constant amount of liquid______pressure.

A.Depending on

B. In relative to

C. Regardless of

D.because of

26.A spur gear pump should be operated with the discharge valves______.

A.Slightly opened

B. Throttled

C. Fully opened

D. Halfway opened

27.An independent bilge suction is required for________.

A.Ballast tanks

B. Sludge tanks

C. Machinery space bilges

D. Cargo hold


28.To thoroughly pump out the bilges using a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump,

the _______.

