
目录一、职位及工种(Titles and type of work) (1)二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) (3)三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) (11)四、阀门(Words about valve) (14)五、泵类(Words about pump) (16)六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery) (18)七、工具类(Word about tools) (20)八、常用物料(Material in common use) (26)九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) (28)十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ··············· 28 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) (29)十二、国家名称(Name of country) (30)十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) (31)十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) (32)十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) (33)十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) (35)十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) (38)十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) (40)十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season and Direction) (42)二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use) (45)二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) (48)二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) (67)二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) (68)二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) (75)二十五、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) (77)二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) (79)二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) (87)二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E) (91)二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) (92)三十、其他提交项目(Delivery expressions for other items) (95)三十一、甲板机械系泊试验(Mooring test for deck machinery) (96)三十二、机舱设备系泊试验(Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) ········98 三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble) (100)三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) (101)三十五、谈论试验和检验(Talking about test & check) (103)三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) (105)一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长Captain2.大副Chief officer3.二副Second officer4.三副Third officer5.四副Fourth officer6.水手长Boatswain7.水手Sailor & Seaman8.木匠Carpenter9.轮机长Chief engineer10.大管轮Second engineer11.二管轮Third engineer12.三管轮Fourth engineer13.机匠长Chief motorman15.机匠Fitter16.加油工Oil man17.大电Chief electrician18.电工Electrician19.车间主任Workshop director20.工长Section chief21.班长Fore man22.钳工Fitter23.主管工程师Engineer in charge24.机务&船东Superintendent &Super &Owner25.助理工程师Assistant engineer26.验船师(机)Register27.验船师(船)Surveyor28.油漆工Painter29.焊工Welder30.大橱Chief cook31.物料员Store keeper32.加油工Oiler33.机工Mechanic 34.甲板员Deck man35.电线工Wireman36.外包工Laborer37.铸工Molder38.管子工Pipe fitter39.起重工Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine)1.主机Main engine2.二冲程柴油机Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head8.安全阀Safety valve9.释放阀Relief valve10.示功阀Indicator valve11.示功考克Indicator cock12.空气起动阀Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector15.排气阀Exhaust valve16.气缸套Cylinder liner17.冷却水套Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器Cylinder lubricator19.活塞Piston20.活塞头Piston crown21.活塞裙Piston skirt22.活塞销Piston gudgeon pin24.活塞杆Piston rod25.活塞环Piston ring26.活塞环槽Piston ring groove27.压缩环(气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环(油环) Oil scraper ring29.减磨令Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31.活塞冷却空间Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口Scavenging port 38.排气口Exhaust port 39.十字头Cross head40.十字头销Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块Crosshead slipper 43.滑块Guide shoe44.十字头导板Crosshead guide plate 45.连杆Connecting rod 46.连杆大端轴承Bid end bearing 47.连杆小端轴承Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承Crank bearing 49.曲柄销Crank pin50.曲轴Crank shaft51.曲轴颈Crank journal 52.曲柄臂Crank web53.拐档差Crank deflection 54.主轴承Main bearing 55.主轴颈Main journal56.轴承瓦Bearing bush 57.上轴瓦Upper bearing bush58.上轴瓦Upper half59.下轴瓦Lower bearing bush60.下轴瓦Lower half61.推力轴承Thrust bearing62.推力块Thrust pad63.推力盘Thrust disc64.推力轴Thrust shaft65.底座Bed plate66.机架Frame67.曲柄箱Crank case68.曲柄箱导门Crank case door69.曲柄箱防爆门Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮Timing gear71.飞轮Flying wheel72.凸轮Cam73.凸轮轴Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮Fuel injection cam75.链条Chain76.链条轮Chain wheel77.链条箱Chain box78.推杆Push rod 79.摇臂Rocker arm80.排气阀Exhaust valve81.吸气阀Suction valve82.排气总管Exhaust manifold83.进气总管Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰Flange87.贯穿螺栓Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖Side cover89.滑油泵Lubricating oil pump90.燃油泵Fuel oil pump91.滑油泵齿轮Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮Impeller94.柱塞Plunger95.导杆Guide rod96.导套Sleeve97.滚动轴承Ball bearing98.滑动轴承Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing100.推力面Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机Turning gear102.增压器Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine104.涡轮Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片Turbine blade106.喷嘴Nozzle107.废气叶轮Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片Exhaust blade109.废气端Exhaust side110.透平端Turbine side111.转子轴Rotor shaft112.油泵L.O. pump113.换向装置Reversing device 114.换向伺服期Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接Expansion joint 117.调速器governor118.飞重Flying weight119.补偿阀Compensate valve 120.针阀Needle valve 121.开口销Cotter pin122.轴封Shaft seal123.机械密封Machinery seal 124.配电盘Switchboard125.应急配电盘Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机Emergency generator 127.滤器Filter128.细滤器Filter129.粗滤器Strainer130.滑油滤器L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132.空气消音器Air intake silencer 132.空气滤器Air intake filter 133.空气瓶Air bottle (receiver) 134.分油机Separator135.油水分离器Water-oil separator 136.净油机Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier 138.二氧化碳CO2139.二氧化碳瓶CO2 bottle 140.正时齿轮Timing gear141.导向棒装置Guide bar142.注油器驱动Lubricator driver 143.链条张紧装置Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive 147.链条张紧装置Chain tightener148.滚筒导座Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台Emergency console 150.力矩平衡器Moment compensator 151.主启动阀Main starting valve 152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor 153.喷油器Fuel valve154.扫气系统Scavenge air system 155.安全帽Safety cap156.机座Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓Arrangement of stay bolt 159.示功器驱动装置Indicator driver 160.端罩End shields161.气缸架Cylinder frame 162.气阀传动装置Valve operating device 163.摇臂润滑油泵Rocker arm lubricating oil pump164.摇臂润滑油柜Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) 1.船用锅炉Marine boiler2.废气锅炉Exhaust boiler3.辅锅炉Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉Combined boiler5.火管Fire tube6.给水管Feed pipe7.炉膛Furnace8.炉墙Furnace wall9.火侧Fire side10.水侧Water side11.燃烧器Oil burner12.安全阀Safety valve13.上排污Upper drain14.下排污Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀Mounting valve16.水位计Water level gauge17.压力表Pressure gauge18.主汽门Main steam valve19.玻璃管Glass tube20.空调装置Air-conditioning plant21.制冷装置Refrigerating plant22.冰机Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机Air compressor24.造水机Fresh water generator 25.板式冷却器Plate type cooler26.机舱天车Engine room crane27.天车导轨Crane rail28.电磁阀Solenoid valve29.舵机Steering gear30.舵承Rudder bearing carrier 31.液压缸Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀Spring loaded valve 34.冷凝器Condenser35.分油器Oil separator36.轴带发电机Shaft generator 37.焚烧炉Oil burner38.分油机Separator39.分离筒Separator bowl40.配水盘装置Paring disc device 41.转数计Revolution counter 42.控制阀Control valve43.辅机Auxiliary machinery 44.制冷装置Refrigerating plant 45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器Heat exchanger 47.船用气瓶Marine air bottle 48.冷风机Cooler unit49.防水风门Fire damper50.气密挡板Gas tight damper 51.排气风机Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机Cabin fan53.机舱通风机Engine room fan 54.应急鼓风机Emergency blower四、阀门(Words about valve)1.吸气阀Suction valve2.排气阀Exhaust valve3.控制阀Control valve 4.导阀Pilot valve 5.单向阀Non-return valve 6.口琴阀Flap valve 7.调节阀Regulating valve 8.液压阀Hydraulic valve 9.膨胀阀Expansion valve 10.给水阀Feed valve 11.排水阀Discharge valve 12.截止阀Stop valve 13.吹泄阀Blow-off valve 14.空气阀Air valve 15.泄放阀Drain valve 16.止回阀Check valve 17.海底阀Sea valve 18.回流阀Retune valve 19.节流阀Throttle valve 20.进气阀Inlet valve 21.出气阀Outlet valve 22.热力阀Thermal valve 23.中央阀Center valve 24.单向阀One way valve25.二通阀Two way valve26.三通阀Triple valve27.旁通阀By-pass valve28.换向阀Change-over valve 29.减压阀Pressure-reducing valve 30.溢流阀Overflow valve31.自闭阀Self-locking valve 32.针阀Needle valve33.平衡阀Balance valve34.循环阀Circulation valve 35.主阀Main valve36.滑阀Slide valve37.蝶阀Butter-fly valve38.截止阀Shut-off valve39.闸板阀Gate valve40.通海阀Sea suction valve 41.吹除阀Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀Storm valve43.舱壁阀Bulkhead valve44.快关阀Emergency shut off valve45.呼吸阀Breather valve 五、泵类(Words about pump) 1.电动泵Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵Plunger pump 3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵Centrifugal pump 1.电动泵Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵Plunger pump 3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵Centrifugal pump 8.真空泵Vacuum pump 9.螺杆泵Screw pump 10.喷射泵Ejector pump 11.冷却泵Cooling pump 12.淡水泵Fresh water pump 13.海水泵Sea water pump 14.给水泵Feed water pump 15.循环泵Circulating pump 16.锅炉给水泵Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵Sanitary pump 18.压载泵Ballast pump 19.舱底泵Bilge pump 20.污水泵Sewage pump 21.燃油泵Fuel pump22.高压油泵High pressure pump 23.底压油泵Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵Transfer pump 25.增压泵Booster pump 26.消防泵Fire pump27.通用泵G.S. pump28.旋涡泵Regenerative 29.蜗壳泵V olute pump 30.导叶泵Diffuser pump 31.单联泵Simplex pump 32.双联泵Duplex pump 33.多联泵Multiplex pump34.活塞泵Piston pump35.减摇泵Anti-roll pump 36.总用泵General service pump 37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵Stripping pump 39.货油泵Cargo oil pump 40.滑油泵Lubricating oil pump 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机Windlass2.锚机轴Windlass shaft3.刹车带Brake lining4.离合器Clutch5.锚链轮Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦Bearing bush7.轴承盖Bearing cover8.绞揽机Capstan9.系揽绞车Mooring winch 10.卷缆车Reel11.钢丝绳Wire rope12.卡环Shackle13.缆绳Mooring rope 14.滑轮Block15.刹车装置Brake device 16.制链器Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸Hydraulic jack 20.起货机Cargo winch 21.可令吊Crane22.生活吊Accommodation crane 23.吊杆Derrick boom 24.桅杆Mast25.救生艇Lifeboat26.艇架Davit27.艇机Lifeboat capstan 28.救生筏Life raft29.救生衣Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools) 1.车床Lathe2.刨床Planing machine 3.钻床Drill machine 4.砂轮机Grinding machine5.磨床Grinder6.铣床Milling machine 7.镗床Boring machine 8.手锤Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手Impact wrench 10.板手Spanner11.活络板手Screw spanner 12.梅花板手Ring spanner 13.呆扳手Open spanner 15.套筒板手Socket spanner 16.管子钳Pipe spanner 17.螺丝刀Screw driver 18.钢丝钳Wire pliers 19.尖嘴钳Long nose pliers 20.钢锯Hack saw21.剪刀Scissors22.手电筒Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀File25.丝攻Thread tap 26.板牙Thread die 27.绞刀Reamer28.刮刀Scraper29.油石Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布Emery cloth32.破布Rag33.卷尺Measuring tape34.空心冲Hole punch35.样冲Joint punch36.油壶Oil gun37.牛油枪Grease gun38.手电钻Handle drill39.钻头Drill40.液压千斤Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺Vernier caliper43.外卡尺Outside calipers 44.内卡尺Inside calipers45.螺纹量规Screw gauge46.桥规Bridge gauge47.电焊机Electrode welding machine48.气焊机Gas welding machine 49.电焊钳Electric welding pliers 50.气割枪Cutting touch51.电焊条Electric soldering iron 52.电工刀Electrician knife 53.电笔Test pen54.剥线钳Wire stripping pliers 55.圆规Compass56.量表Gauge57.拐档表Crank deflection gauge 58.深度规Depth gauge59.千分表Micrometer gauge 60.台虎钳Table vice61.柴油Diesel oil62.滑油Lubricating oil 63.液压油Hydraulic oil64.重油Heavy oil65.燃油Fuel oil66.黄油Grease67.螺栓Bolt68.螺帽Nut 69.垫片Washer70.研磨沙Grinding sand71.研磨膏Grinding paste72.石棉板Asbestos plate73.青壳纸Fish paper74.盘根Packing75.细钢丝Thin steel wire76.密封圈Rubber seal ring77.塑料管Plastic pipe78.胶皮管Rubber hose79.电灯泡Electric bulb80.工作灯Working lamp81.插头Electric plug82.插座Electric socket.93.喷砂机Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达Air motor95.油柜清洁器Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机High pressure hose for hydraulic 97.真空泵Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组Socket wrench set99.深头套筒Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手Box wrench101.单开口扳手Single open end wrench 102.双开口扳手Double open end wrench 103.转矩扳手Torque wrench104.电动机扳手Motor wrench105.侧剪钳Slide cutting plier106.活节钳Combination plier107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench108.螺丝起子Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set 111.手摇钻Straight hand drill112.手工锯Hacksaw frame113.锯片Hacksaw blade114.砂纸Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦Chain block116.高压管High pressure hose 117.液压千金顶Hydraulic jack118.锤子Hammer119.平錾Cold chisel120.活动扳手Adjustable wrench 121.螺丝刀Screwdriver122.侧剪铗Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪Cable cutter124.敲击管钳Rap wrench125.砂轮Grinding wheel126.老虎钳Utility vise127.直梯Straight ladder128.踏梯Step ladder129.平台推车Platform trunk130.搬平车Gas cylinder carrier 131.给油机Grease lubricator132.强力油泵Heavy duty pump oiler 133.油壶Oil jag134.麻花钻Twist drill135.绞刀Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer with counter 138.六折式尺Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺Stainless steel straight rule 141.平面规Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square 143.温度计Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use) 1.阀研磨剂valve grinding compound 2.电焊条steel electrode3.气焊条Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳Seizing wire5.刚焊条Steel welding rod6.紫铜管Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶Acetylene cylinder8.木屑Saw dust9.水泥Cement10.石灰Lime11.帆布手套Canvas glove12.垫片Gasket.13.氧气瓶Oxygen cylinder14.抹布Rag15.垫隙片Shim16.电线Wire17.电缆Electric cylinder18.电池Rag 19.灯泡Bulb20.胶布Insulating tape21.插头Plug22.插座Socket23.保险丝Fuse24.不锈钢Stainless steel25.铸铁Cast iron26.黄铜Brass27.青铜Bronze28.铝合金Aluminium alloy29.橡胶Rubber30.石棉Asbestus31.低碳钢Soft steel32.高碳钢High-carbon steel33.合金钢Alloy steel34.木材Wood35.塑料Plastic36.球墨铸铁Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) 1.螺栓Bolt2.螺丝Screw3.螺母Nut4.方头螺栓Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓Counter sunk head screw 6.套筒螺栓Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓Set screw8.十字接头Cross9.锥形销Taper pin10.锁紧螺母Lock nut11.六角头螺栓Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油Gas oil2.煤油Kerosene3.润滑油Lubricating oil4.汽缸油Cylinder oil5.压缩机油Compressor oil6.齿轮油Gear oil7.机油Motor oil8.凡士林Vaseline9.燃油Fuel oil10.油脂Grease11.柴油Diesel oil 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个Piece2.条,张,片Sheet3.双Pair4.套,组,副Set.5.盒Box6.箱Case7.瓶Bottle8.米Meter9.厘米Centimeter10.毫米Millimeter11.公斤Kilogram12.克Gram13.公升Liter14.平方Square15.袋Bag16.码Yard17.吨Ton18.磅Pound19.加仑Gallon20.立方Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country) 1.中国China2.美国American3.日本Japan4.英国Britain5.法国France6.德国German7.韩国South Korea8.希腊Greece9.泰国Thailand10.印度India11.挪威Norway12.俄罗斯Russia13.新加坡Singapore14.澳大利亚Australia15.伊朗Iran16.丹麦Denmark17.加拿大Canada18.丹麦Denmark19.芬兰Finland20.巴基斯坦Pakistan 21.意大利Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) 1.主机M/E2.付机A/E3.阀V/V4.泵P/P5.备车St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二H.Ahd10.高压H.P.11.低压L.P.12.重油/柴油H.O./D.O.13.前后F/A14.左舷P: port15.无人机舱UMS16.自动Auto17.气缸Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜20.沉淀柜.21.排出Disc22.吸入Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 1.停靠Alongside2.接近Approach3.停泊Berth4.浮筒Buoy5.码头Pier6.港口Port7.移泊Shift8.航次V oyage9.试验Try10.值班Watch11.航行Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整Adjust2.压载Ballast3.转换Change over 4.清洁Clean 5.联接Connect 6.排放压载Deballast 7.放残水Drain 8.卸载Off9.油漆Paint 10.接通Put on 11.吹灰Soot blown 12.开始Start 13.顶端Top 14.洗Wash 15.吹Blow 16.检查Check 17.铲Chip 18.断开Cut out 19.排放Discharge 20.除垢Descale 21.检验Examine 22.受载On(load) 23.用泵排出Pump out 24.调整Set25.停止Stop26.调驳Transfer27.加满Top up十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) 1.失常的Abnormal2.烧坏Burn3.堵塞Clog4.裂缝Crack5.变形Deform6.毁坏Destroy7.磨损Wear8.出故障In trouble9.敲击Knock10.松开Loose11.不对中Misalign12.不足的Insufficient13.失灵Out of order14.过载Overload15.过度磨损Over-worn16.尺寸过大Oversized17.尺寸过小Under-sized 18.振动Vibrate 19.不平的Uneven 20.不准确Inaccurate 21.全船断电Black out 22.出故障Fail23.关掉Shut off 24.弯曲Bend 25.停车Break drown 26.腐蚀Corrode 27.腐蚀的Corrosive 28.损坏Damage 29.有毛病的Faulty 30.有缺陷的Defective 31.破裂Fracture 32.卡住Jam 33.漏泄Leak 34.漏泄的Leaky 35.融化Melt 36.噪声Noise 37.过热Overheat 38.咬住Seize39.紧的Tight40.松的Loosen41.发现Find42.停止Stop43.脏的Dirty44.油污的greasy45.失效的ineffective 46.椭圆形的oval47.点不着火misfire48.接错misjoin49.放错misplace50.老化perish51.麻点pit52.凸起ridge53.划伤score54.拉痕scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 1.卡死Blind2.用卡钳量Caliper3.关闭Close 4.解体Disassemble 5.安装Fix6.组装Box up 7.检验Check8.拆卸Dismantle 9.装配Fit10.紧固Fasten 11.测量Gauge 12.安装Install 13.测量Measure 14.打开Open 15.上油漆Paint 16.换新Renew 17.上紧Tighten 18.洗Wash 19.涂油脂Grease 20.松开Loosen 21.加油Oil22.检修Overhaul 23.重新组装Reassemble 24.测取读数Take reading25.拧开螺栓Unbolt26.抽出Withdraw十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 一One二Two三Three四Four五Five六Six七Seven八Eight九Nine十Ten十一Eleven十二Twelve十三Thirteen十四Fourteen十五Fifteen十六Sixteen十七Seventeen十八Eighteen 十九Nineteen二十Twenty三十Thirty四十Forty五十Fifty六十Sixty七十Seventy八十Eighty九十Ninety百Hundred千Thousand万Ten thousand 百万Million第一First第二Second第三Third第四Fourth第五Fifth第六Sixth第七Seventh第八Eighth第九Ninth第十Tenth第十一Eleventh第十二Twelfth第二十Twentieth十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season and Direction) 1.星期一Monday2.星期二Tuesday3.星期三Wednesday 4.星期四Thursday5.星期五Friday6.星期六Saturday7.星期日Sunday8.春季Spring9.夏季Summer10.秋季Autumn11.冬季Winter12.一月January13.二月February14.三月March 15.四月April 16.五月May 17.六月June 18.七月July 19.八月August 20.九月September 21.十月October 22.十一月November 23.十二月December 24.小时Hour 25.分钟Minute 26.秒Second 27.月Month 28.天Day 29.夜Night 30.周Week 31.早晨、上午Morning 32.下午Afternoon 33.傍晚Evening 34.正午Noon 35.今天Today36.昨天Yesterday37.明天Tomorrow38.前天The day before yesterday 39.后天The day after tomorrow 40.本周This week41.上周Last week42.下周Next week43.九月十日Sep.10th44.去年Last year45.明年Next year46.上周二Last Tuesday47.下周一Next Monday48.东East49.西West50.南South51.北North52.西北Northwest53.东北Northeast54.东南Southeast55.西南Southwest56.世纪Century 二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use)1.发现已无法修复found beyond repair2.发现尺寸过大found over-sized3.发现反应缓慢found slow function4.发现不正常found out of order5.发现不合标准found not up to standard 6.发现不准确found inaccurate7.发现失去作用found out of function 8.发现轧住found seized9.发现过热found overheated10.发现过度磨损found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉found worn out12.发现有一点倾斜found a little bit inclined 13.发现不正常found abnormal14.发现因过热而损坏found destroyed by overheating15.发现龟裂found chapped16.发现塌陷found collapsed17.发现运转失灵found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形found oval19.发现拉痕found scored20.发现拉毛found scuffed21.发现变形found deformed22.发现松动found loose23.发现油污found greasy24.发现肮脏found dirty25.发现咬住found stuck26.发现挤压found squeezed27.发现弯曲found bent28.发现故障found faulty29.发现损坏found damaged30.发现破碎成片found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞found partly choked 33.发现剧烈震动found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏found burnt35.发现断裂found fractured36.发现接地found earthed37.发现敲缸found knocking38.发现溶化found melted away 39.发现泄漏found leaking (found leaky) 40.发现冻结found stuck fast by icing 41.发现锈蚀found rusty42.发现失效found ineffective 43.发现故障found out of order 44.发现结霜found frosted 45.发现丢失found lost46.发现出故障found in trouble 47.发现失灵found out of order 48.发现失灵found out of action 49.发现不一致found out of operation 50.发现错位found out of place二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example)1.借borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you.我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you?2.裂break阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken.滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces.3.加强build up叶轮应该堆焊The impeller should be built up by welding.4.烧burn电动机烧了The motor is burnt.5.进行carry out应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out.6.吹blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸cast按原样铸造一个Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角chamfer油槽须倒角Oil groove is to be chamfered.法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined. 10.换掉change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped. 12.核查check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档差Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair.13.清洁clean装前须清洁Clean it before fit back.14.阻塞clog燃油滤器阻塞了The fuel filter is clogged. 15.涂漆coat用红丹涂管子Coat the pipe with red lead.泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling.16.完成complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump 18.腐蚀corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded. 19.盖cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts.20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair. 22.割cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate. 23.损坏damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged.24.脱落detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump. 27.脱开disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

4船舶英语目 录一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) ····· 1 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) ····· 3 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) ···· 14 五、泵类(Words about pump) ·········· 16 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery) ······ 18 七、工具类(Word about tools) ········ 20 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) ··· 28 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ·····28 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) ·········29 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。
30 十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) ·····31 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) ····· 35 十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season and Direction) ·····42 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use) ·45 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) ····48 二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) ····67 二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) ···· 75 二十五、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) ···77 二十六 、 锚绞车提交过程用语 (Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) ··· 87 二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E) ····· 91 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目(Delivery expressions for other items) (95)三十一、甲板机械系泊试验(Mooring test for deck machinery) (96)三十二、机舱设备系泊试验(Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) (98)三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble) ············100 三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) ············ 101 三十五、谈论试验和检验 (Talking about test & check) ···········103 三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) (105)一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work)1.船长 Captain 2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain 7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter 9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man 17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician 19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务 &船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler 33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder 38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner 17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston 20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring 26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环 Sealing ring for Stuffing box34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box35.填料箱刮油环 Scraper ring for Stuffing box36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate 45.连杆 Connecting rod 46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing 47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing 49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web 53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush 57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half 59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate 66.机架 Frame 67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case.70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam 73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft 74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain 76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange 87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 88.端盖 Side cover 89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oilpump92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller94.柱塞 Plunger95.导杆 Guide rod96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承 Thrust ball bearing 100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side)101.盘车机 Turning gear102.增压器 Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine104.涡轮 Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade106.喷嘴 Nozzle107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade109.废气端 Exhaust side110.透平端 Turbine side111.转子轴 Rotor shaft112.油泵 L.O.pump113.换向装置 Reversing device114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接 Expansion joint117.调速器 governor118.飞重 Flying weight119.补偿阀 Compensate valve120.针阀 Needle valve121.开口销 Cotter pin122.轴封 Shaft seal123.机械密封 Machinery seal124.配电盘 Switchboard125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator 127.滤器 Filter128.细滤器 Filter129.粗滤器 Strainer130.滑油滤器 L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer 132.空气滤器 Air intake filter 133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 134.分油机 Separator135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 136.净油机 Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier138.二氧化碳 CO2139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle140.正时齿轮 Timing gear141.导向棒装置 Guide bar142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145. 中间链链传动轮 Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置 Lubricator drive 147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台 Emergency console 150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator 151.主启动阀 Main starting valve 152. 启动空气分配器 Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system 155.安全帽 Safety cap156.机座 Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of staybolt159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver160.端罩 End shields161.气缸架 Cylinder frame162.气阀传动装置 Valve operating device163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricatingoil pump164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricatingtank165.摇臂润滑滤器 Rocker arm lubricatingfilter三、船舶机械类(Words about marinemachinery)1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler5.火管 Fire tube6.给水管 Feed pipe7.炉膛 Furnace8.炉墙 Furnace wall9.火侧 Fire side10.水侧 Water side11.燃烧器 Oil burner12.安全阀 Safety valve13.上排污 Upper drain14.下排污 Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve16.水位计 Water level gauge17.压力表 Pressure gauge18.主汽门 Main steam valve19.玻璃管 Glass tube20.空调装置 Air-conditioning plant21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant22.冰机 Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机 Air compressor24.造水机 Fresh water generator25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler26.机舱天车 Engine room crane27.天车导轨 Crane rail28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve29.舵机 Steering gear30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器 Exhaust gas turbocharger33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve34.冷凝器 Condenser35.分油器 Oil separator36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator37.焚烧炉 Oil burner38.分油机 Separator39.分离筒 Separator bowl40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device41.转数计 Revolution counter42.控制阀 Control valve43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant45.海水淡化装置 Sea water desalting plant46.热交换器 Heat exchanger47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle48.冷风机 Cooler unit49.防水风门 Fire damper50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper51.排气风机 Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower四、阀门(Words about valve)1.吸气阀 Suction valve2.排气阀 Exhaust valve3.控制阀 Control valve4.导 阀 Pilot valve5.单向阀 Non-return valve6.口琴阀 Flap valve7.调节阀 Regulating valve8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve10.给水阀 Feed valve11.排水阀 Discharge valve12.截止阀 Stop valve13.吹泄阀 Blow-off valve14.空气阀 Air valve15.泄放阀 Drain valve16.止回阀 Check valve17.海底阀 Sea valve18.回流阀 Retune valve19.节流阀 Throttle valve20.进气阀 Inlet valve21.出气阀 Outlet valve22.热力阀 Thermal valve23.中央阀 Center valve24.单向阀 One way valve25.二通阀 Two way valve26.三通阀 Triple valve27.旁通阀 By-pass valve28.换向阀 Change-over valve29.减压阀 Pressure-reducing valve30.溢流阀 Overflow valve31.自闭阀 Self-locking valve32.针阀 Needle valve33.平衡阀 Balance valve34.循环阀 Circulation valve35.主 阀 Main valve36.滑 阀 Slide valve37.蝶 阀 Butter-fly valve38.截止阀 Shut-off valve39.闸板阀 Gate valve40.通海阀 Sea suction valve41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve42.防浪阀 Storm valve43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve45.呼吸阀 Breather valve五、泵类(Words about pump)1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump3.叶片泵 Vane pump4.回转泵 Rotary pump5.齿轮泵 Gear pump6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump3.叶片泵 Vane pump4.回转泵 Rotary pump5.齿轮泵 Gear pump6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump8.真空泵 Vacuum pump9.螺杆泵 Screw pump10.喷射泵 Ejector pump11.冷却泵 Cooling pump12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump13.海水泵 Sea water pump14.给水泵 Feed water pump15.循环泵 Circulating pump 16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump18.压载泵 Ballast pump19.舱底泵 Bilge pump20.污水泵 Sewage pump21.燃油泵 Fuel pump22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.底压油泵 Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵 Transfer pump25.增压泵 Booster pump26.消防泵 Fire pump27.通用泵 G.S. pump28.旋涡泵 Regenerative29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump31.单联泵 Simplex pump32.双联泵 Duplex pump33.多联泵 Multiplex pump 34.活塞泵 Piston pump35.减摇泵 Anti-roll pump 36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵 Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump 39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump 40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机 Windlass2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft3.刹车带 Brake lining4.离合器 Clutch5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush7.轴承盖 Bearing cover8.绞揽机 Capstan9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch10.卷缆车 Reel11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack20.起货机 Cargo winch21.可令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan 28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools)1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine 3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine 5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine 7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤 Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手 Impact wrench10.板手 Spanner 11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers20.钢锯 Hack saw21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine48.气焊机 Gas welding machine49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93. 喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94. 空气马达 Air motor95.油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机 High pressure hose forhydraulic97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99. 深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101.单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手 Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子 Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组 Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻 Rolling center137.外径测微计 Outside micrometer withcounter138.六折式尺 Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straightrule141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规 Precision flat try square143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 High-carbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use)1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw 6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1. 件,只,个 Piece2. 条,张,片 Sheet3. 双 Pair4. 套,组,副 Set.5. 盒 Box6. 箱 Case7. 瓶 Bottle8. 米 Meter9. 厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard 17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二 H.Ahd10.高压 H.P.11.低压 L.P.12.重油/柴油 H.O./D.O.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜 20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word)1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六 、 故障常用单词 (words aboutmalfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Over-worn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Under-sized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop44 43.脏的 Dirty 44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective 46.椭圆形的 oval 47.点不着火 misfire 48.接错 misjoin 49.放错 misplace 50.老化 perish 51.麻点 pit 52.凸起 ridge 53.划伤 score 54.拉痕scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇 (Words about maintain and examination) 1.卡死 Blind 2.用卡钳量 Caliper 3.关闭 Close 4.解体 Disassemble 5.安装 Fix 6.组装 Box up 7.检验 Check 8.拆卸 Dismantle 9.装配 Fit 10.紧固 Fasten 11.测量 Gauge 12.安装 Install 13.测量 Measure 14.打开 Open 15.上油漆 Paint 16.换新 Renew 17.上紧 Tighten 18.洗 Wash 19.涂油脂 Grease 20.松开 Loosen 21.加油 Oil 22.检修 Overhaul 23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt 26.抽出 Withdraw 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 一 One 二 Two 三 Three 四 Four 五 Five 六 Six 七 Seven 八 Eight 九 Nine 十 Ten 十一 Eleven 十二 Twelve 十三 Thirteen 十四 Fourteen 十五 Fifteen 十六 Sixteen 十七 Seventeen 十八 Eighteen十九 Nineteen 二十 Twenty 三十 Thirty 四十 Forty 五十 Fifty 六十 Sixty 七十 Seventy 八十 Eighty九十 Ninety 百 Hundred 千 Thousand 万 Ten thousand 百万 Million 第一 First 第二 Second 第三 Third 第四 Fourth 第五 Fifth 第六 Sixth 第七 Seventh 第八 Eighth第九 Ninth第十 Tenth 第十一 Eleventh 第十二 Twelfth 第二十 Twentieth 十九、时间、季节与方向 (Time、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday 2.星期二 Tuesday 3.星期三 Wednesday 4.星期四 Thursday 5.星期五 Friday 6.星期六 Saturday 7.星期日 Sunday 8.春季 Spring 9.夏季 Summer 10.秋季 Autumn 11.冬季 Winter 12.一月 January 13.二月 February 14.三月 March 15.四月 April 16.五月 May 17.六月 June 18.七月 July 19.八月 August 20.九月 September21.十月 October22.十一月 November 23.十二月 December 24.小时 Hour 25.分钟 Minute 26.秒 Second 27.月 Month 28.天 Day 29.夜 Night 30.周 Week 31.早晨、上午 Morning 32.下午 Afternoon 33.傍晚 Evening 34.正午 Noon 35.今天 Today 36.昨天 Yesterday 37.明天 Tomorrow 38.前天 The day before yesterday 39.后天 The day after tomorrow40.本周 This week41.上周 Last week42.下周 Next week 43.九月十日 Sep.10 th 44.去年 Last year 45.明年 Next year 46.上周二 Last Tuesday 47.下周一 Next Monday 48.东 East 49.西 West 50.南 South 51.北 North52.西北 Northwest 53.东北 Northeast 54.东南 Southeast 55.西南 Southwest 56.世纪Century二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use)1.发现已无法修复 found beyond repair2.发现尺寸过大found over-sized 3.发现反应缓慢 found slow function 4.发现不正常 found out of order 5.发现不合标准 found not up to standard 6.发现不准确 found inaccurate 7.发现失去作用 found out of function 8.发现轧住 found seized 9.发现过热 found overheated 10.发现过度磨损 found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉 found worn out12.发现有一点倾斜 found a little bit inclined13.发现不正常 found abnormal14. 发现因过热而损坏 found destroyed byoverheating15.发现龟裂 found chapped 16.发现塌陷 found collapsed17.发现运转失灵 found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形 found oval 19.发现拉痕 found scored 20.发现拉毛 found scuffed 21.发现变形 found deformed 22.发现松动 found loose 23.发现油污 found greasy 24.发现肮脏 found dirty 25.发现咬住 found stuck 26.发现挤压 found squeezed 27.发现弯曲 found bent 28.发现故障 found faulty 29.发现损坏 found damaged30.发现破碎成片 found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离 found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞 found partly choked33.发现剧烈震动 found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏 found burnt 35.发现断裂 found fractured 36.发现接地 found earthed 37.发现敲缸 found knocking 38.发现溶化 found melted away 39.发现泄漏 found leaking (found leaky)40.发现冻结 found stuck fast by icing41.发现锈蚀 found rusty 42.发现失效 found ineffective 43.发现故障 found out of order 44.发现结霜 found frosted 45.发现丢失 found lost 46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) 1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you.我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you?2.裂 break阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken.滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up叶轮应该堆焊The impeller should be built up by welding.4. 烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt.5. 进行 carry out应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out. 6.吹 blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air.7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个 Cast one piece as per sample.8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的 The damage was caused by violent vibration.9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered.法兰切削后须倒角 The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了 The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped.12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档 Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back. 14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged.15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead.泵壳里涂防护漆 The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling.16.完成 complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job?17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀 The pump casing and impeller are corroded.19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts. 20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore forrepair.22.割 cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏 damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged.24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵 Disassemble,clean and check the H.P. fuel pump.27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

Ship/vessel/carrier船舶Deck department 甲板部门Engine department 轮机部门Service department 后勤部门Bridge 驾驶部Engine room机舱Accommodation住舱Cargo tank 货舱Fuel tank 燃料舱Ballast tank 压载舱Ship owner 船东Captain 船长Chief officer 大副Second officer 二副Third officer 三副Sailor 水手Chief engineer 轮机长Second engineer 大管轮Third engineer 二管轮Fourth engineer 三管轮Motorman 机工Pilot 引水员Port state control officer 港口国监督检察官Diesel engine 柴油机Main engine 主机Bedplate 机座frame 机架Cylinder 气缸Cylinder head气缸盖Special heat-resistant steel 特殊耐热钢Cylinder liner 缸盖Main bearing 主轴承Crankshaft 曲轴Connecting rod 连杆Piston rod 活塞杆Lubricator 注油器Scavenge trunk 扫气箱Through bolt 贯穿螺栓Screw 螺丝Nut 螺母Component 部件Suction 吸气compression压缩Expansion 膨胀Exhaust 排气Combustion chamber 燃烧室Ignition点燃Compressed air 压缩空气Diesel oil 柴油Fuel oil 燃油Heavy oil 重油Residue oil 渣油Lubricating oil 滑油Turbine oil透平油Governor 调速器Ahead 正车Astern 倒车Telegraph 车钟Transmission system 传动系统Fuel oil system 燃油系统Lubricating system 润滑系统Cooling system 冷却系统Gas exchange system 气体交换系统Auxiliary engine 辅机Generator 发电机Boiler 锅炉Valve 阀Pump 泵Propeller 螺旋桨Steering gear 舵机Oil separator 分油机Purifier 分水机Clarifier 分杂机Refrigeration system 制冷系统Air conditioning system空调系统Fresh water generator 造水机Life saving equipment 救生设备Life boat 救生艇Life raft 救生筏Life buoy 救生圈Life jacket 救生衣Fire-fighting equipment 消防设备Fire extinguisher 灭火器Fire hydrant 消防栓Hose 水龙Fire pump 消防泵Emergency lighting system 应急照明系统Escape route 逃生通道Alarm signal 报警信号Abandon ship 弃船Spill溢油Man overboard 人员落水Collision 撞船Aground 搁浅Heavy sea 大风浪Oil water separator 油水分离器Incinerator 焚烧炉Sewage treatment equipment 生活污水处理装置Electrical equipment 电气设备Motor 马达Crane 克令吊Winch 绞车Derrick 吊杆Hydraulic oil 液压油。

驾联系用语:(电话英语)HHello, duty engineer (duty motorman), stand by engine now.(值班驾驶员,现在备车)Ok, I inform chief engineer immediately.(好的,我立即通知老轨)Hello, chief engineer, we informed stand by engine, just now (老轨,驾驶台通知备车)Ok, I’m coming. (好,我立即来)Hello, now we check telegraph and clock.(现在对时。
对车钟)Ok, just follow you. (你先来)Hello, duty officer, can I test main engine now?(值班驾驶员,可以试车吗)Wait a minute, I check first. Now, ok.(稍等,我先看一下。
好,可以了)Hello, main engine is ready for standby.(主机已备好)Ok, that’ great.(很好)Hello, pilot embarked now, main engine standby.(引水已上船,準备用车)Ok, any time. Or, it’s already.(随时可以,已准备就绪)Hello, seawater on deck.(air on deck.)(甲板水,甲板空气)Ok, it’s coming.(这就来)8. Hello, seawater on deck stop now, (Air on deck stop now.) thank you.(停甲板水,谢谢)Your are welcome. Or, Don’t mention it.(不客气)9. Hello, main engine at sea speeds now.(海上速度)Ok, Right away。

第一部分柴油机Diesel Engine二冲程船用柴油机two stroke marine diesel engine四冲程船用柴油机four stroke marine diesel engine高(中,低)速柴油机high(medium,lower)speed engine 气缸cylinder气缸盖cylinder cover(cylinder head)苏尔寿发动机Sulzer engineB&W型发动机Burmeister and Wain engine哥塔维根型发动机Gotaverken engine曼恩型发动机型发动机V-type engine 直流扫气式发动机uniflow scavenging type engine回流扫气式发动机loop flow scavenging type engine 横流扫气式发动机crow-flow scavenging type engine 十字头式发动机crosshead engine筒形活塞式发动机trunk-ppiston engine涡轮增压式发动机turbocharge engine固定部件fixed parts耐磨部件wear parts运动部件moving parts互换部件interchangeable parts气缸套cylinder liner示功阀indicator cock(indicator valve)安全阀safety valve气缸启动阀cylinder air starting valve缸套顶圈head ring for cylinder liner排气阀exhaust valve进气阀air inlet valve(suction valve)气阀传动机构valve driving mechanism顶杆tapper rod推杆push rod摇臂rocker rod (rocking lever)活塞pistion十字头式活塞crosshead type pistion筒形活塞trunk pistion活塞头pistion crown(head)活塞裙pistion skirt活塞体pistion body活塞销pistion pin(gudgeon pin)活塞环pistion ring气环(压缩环)compression ring刮油环oil scraper ring(oil ring,scraper ring)布油环oil distributing ring耐磨环wear ring活塞环槽pistion ring groove活塞冷却水管pistion cooling pipe往复管reciprocating pipe伸缩管telescope pipe铰链管articulated pipe活塞杆pistion rod活塞杆凸缘pistion rod flange活塞杆填料函stuffing box for pistion rod活塞杆填料箱gland box for pistion gland for pistion rod 填料函壳体stuffing box casing填料函张力弹簧tension spring for stuffing box填料函密封环sealing ring for stuffing box填料函刮油环scraper ring for stuffing box填料函压环pressure ring for stuffing box填料函压盖stuffing box gland十字头cross head十字头销cross head pin十字头销轴承cross head bearing(cross head pin bearing)十字头滑块cross head shoe(guide shoe)十字头导板cross head guide(guide rail,guide way,guide plate)连杆connecting rod连杆小端轴承connecting rod small end bearing连杆大端轴承connecting rod large end bearing;connecting rod bottom end bearing曲柄销轴承crankpin bearing曲轴crank shaft曲轴臂crank arm曲轴销crank pin曲轴箱crankcase曲轴箱道门crankcase door(crankcase manhole)曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion door主轴承main bearing (bed plate bearing)倒挂式主轴承main bearing of under slung type轴承轴瓦上半块bearing bush-upper half轴承衬下半块bearing shell-lower half主轴承撑杆螺栓main bearing stay bolt主轴颈crank shaft journal(main journal)机座bed plate底座横隔板bed plate transverse member机架frame(column,entablature)底角螺栓holding down bolt (anchor bolt)贯穿螺栓through bolt (tie rod,tie bolt)贯穿螺栓护盖protecting covering for tie rod贯穿螺栓导套guide bush for tie rod推力轴thrust shaft推力轴承thrust bearing推力块thrust pad盘车机turning gear废气涡轮增压器exhaust gas turbocharge (turbo-blower)增压系统super charging system机械增压mechanical supercharging单(复)式增压系统single(complex)type super charging system 二级增压two-stage supercharging定压增压系统constant pressure charging system脉冲增压系统impulse pressure charging system变压增压variable pressure charging system串联增压super charging in series syatem并联增压super charging in parallel system直流扫气unislow scavenging回流扫气loop scavenging横流扫气cross scavenging气口扫气port scavenging气口 - 气阀扫气port-valve scavenging扫气口scavenging port排气口exhaust port排气总管exhaust manifold排气管exhaust pipe上止点top dead center(TDC)下止点bottom dead center(BDC)燃烧室combustion chamber吸气行程inlet(suction) atroke压缩行程compression stroke做功行程power (working) stroke排气行程exhaust stroke定时图timing diagram指示功indicated power轴功shaft power示功图indicator power控制系统control system启动控制装置control devic for starting起动装置starting devic主起动阀main starting valve空气压缩机air compressor空气瓶air bottle(air container,air cylinder,air reservoir) 起动手柄starting lever(starting handle)起动空气控制阀starting air control valve起动空气导阀starting air pilot valve起动阀starting valve分级活塞stepped pistion起动阀连锁装置starting valve blocking device起动凸轮starting cam起动空气管starting air pipe单凸轮换向装置single cam reversing device双凸轮换向装置double cam reversing device正车凸轮ahead cam正车油缸ahead oil cylinder (ahead oil bottle) 自动停车装置automatic cut-out device空气分配器凸轮air distributor cam转向指示器running direction indicator换向杆reversing lever换向控制杆reversing control lever排气凸轮exhaust cam喷油凸轮fuel cam主起动阀手轮hand wheel for starting valve飞轮flywheel;turning wheel调速器goernor调速装置control device for running the engine 极限调速装置maximum-speed governor gear定速调速装置constant-speed governor gear全制式调速装置variable-speed governor gear机械调速器mechanical governor液压调速器hydraulic governor车钟telegraph凸轮传动机构camshaft transmission gear链条传动chain transmission(chain drive)齿轮传动gear tansmission链轮sprocket (sprocket wheel)惰轮idle wheel备车stand by engine完车finish engine停车stop engine微速前进(后退)dead slow ahead (astern)前进(后退)一slow ahead (astern)前进(后退)二half ahead (astern)前进(后退)三full ahead (astern)紧急前进(后退)三emergency full ahead(astern) 起动start倒车reverse空气分配器air distributor气缸注油器cylinder lubricator第2 部分制冷和空调制冷空调通风盐水制冷热电制冷蒸汽压缩循环制冷剂直接制冷剂间接制冷剂氟利昂氟化氢临界温度压缩机蒸发器refrigerationair conditioningventilationbrine refrigerationthermoelectric refrigeration vapour-compression cyle refrigerantprimary refrigerantsecondary refrigerant freonfluorinated hydrocarboncritical temperature compressorevaporator感温包sensing bulb膨胀阀expansion valve电磁阀solenoid valve干燥器drier/dryer冷凝器condenser储液器liquid receiver油分离器oil seperator中间冷却器inter cooler内部均压装置internal equalizer风冷冷凝器air-cooled condenser双阀座截止阀double seat stop valve手动能量控制阀hand capacity control valve水量调节阀water regulating valve气动薄膜碟阀pneumatic film flap valve出液阀delivery valve出液管outlet pipe外平衡管outer balance pipe半封闭式压缩机semi-enclosed compressor节流阀throttle valve加湿器humidifier回油装置oil-return device回气管return pipe自动水量调节阀automatic water regulating valve自动液压能量控制装置automatic hydraulic capacity control device 压力控制器pressure control压差控制器differential pressure control吸入截止阀suction stop valve吸入滤网suction stainer充液阀charging valve冷凝器进入阀condenser inlet valve冷凝器出液阀condenser outlet valve冷却盘管cooling coil冷库insulted hold空气加热器air heater空气滤清器air cleaner油位检查镜inspection glass for oil level油预热器oil preheater卸载油缸unloading cylinder波纹管bellows制冷剂瓶refrigerant bottle热力膨胀阀thermostatic expansion valve毛细管capillary tube膜片diaphragm阀孔隙orifice恒温器thermostant诱导器inducer背压调节阀back-pressure valve浮动式自动回油阀floating type automatic oil return valve 热交换器heat exchanger高压继电器high voltage relay温度调节器humidistat能量调节阀capacity regulator通风机ventilator舱室温度控制器cabin type temperature control排气融霜管discharge defrost pipe液位控制器liquid level control液体分离器liquid separator捡漏灯halide lamp船用臭氧发生器marine ozonizer温包式温度控制器phial type temperature controller湿度控制器humidity controller蒸发盘管evaporator coil tube散热器radiator空气调节器air conditioner二次空气系统secandary air conditioning system中央空调系统central air conditioning system高速诱导式空调系统high speed induction air conditioning system 半导体空调器semi-conductor air conditioner热泵式空调器heat-pump air conditioner窗式空调器window-type air conditioner毛发式气动湿度控制器pneumatic hair humidity controller风管air pipe出风栅outlet grid再加热盘管reheating coil空气干燥室air drying chamber顶式布风器top ventilator进风栅inlet grid挡水曲板curve flap翅片管tuberculat pipe散热盘管radiator coil tube挡板baffle翅状散热片fin波形散热片gill单风管系统single duct system双风管系统twin duct system分区加热器zone heater终端加热器terminal-heater压力通风plenum第 3 部分燃,滑油系统及油参数Fuel System ,Lubricating System &Oil Properties燃油系统fuel oil system双层底油舱double bottom fuel tank粗滤器strainer细滤器filter双联细滤器dual oil filter(duplex oil filter)燃油驳运泵fuel transfer pump沉淀柜settling tank分油机oil separator滑油柜 / 日用油柜lubricating oil tank\daily service tank加热器heater增压泵booster pump三通阀three way valve集油井oil head tank (oil header,oil collector buffer tank ,balance tank)高压油泵(燃油喷射泵)fuel injection pump油孔式喷油泵(柱塞式油泵,plunger type fuel injection pump布式油泵)(Bosch fuel injection pump)回油孔fuel return hole进油孔fuel inlet hole柱塞(芯子)plunger柱塞套筒(柱塞导管)plunger guide bush(plunger barrel,plunger load) 调节齿杆(调节齿条)control rack(toothed control rod)调节齿圈(调节齿套)control sleeve(control pinion)排油阀fuel delivery valve回油阀式高压油泵spill valve type fuel injection pump进油阀suction valve (spill valve,blowthrough valve)油量调节机构fuel relgulation linkage油泵行程调节杆regulating lever for pump stoke油压调节阀fuel pressure regulating valve保压阀pressure retaining valve高压油管high pressure fuel pipe喷油器fuel injector,fuel valve,fuel injection valve喷油器壳体fuel injector holder(fuel injector housing)喷油嘴injectin nozzle(nozzle)针阀needle valve针阀顶杆spindle溢流管overflow pipe蒸汽加热器steam heater蒸汽加热管steam heating pipe蒸汽加热盘管steam heating coil润滑系统lubricating system干油底壳式润滑dry oil sump type lubrication湿油底壳式润滑wet oil sump type lubrication飞溅润滑splash lubrication中压(低压)润滑系统medium pressure lubrication system气缸润滑 轴承润滑 气缸注油器 吸油管 储油箱 调节控制杆 油孔 油道 油底壳 污油柜 滑油循环柜 滑油粗滤器 滑油泵 滑油冷却器比重(相对密度)specific gravity (relative density)黏度viscosity发火质量 ignition quality 十六烷值 cetane number 柴油指数diesel index闪点(开口 / 闭口)flash point (open /closed)倾点 pour point浊点 cloud point 凝点freezing point残碳值carbon residue灰份 ash content水分water content(low pressure lubrication system)cylinder lubrication bearing lubricationoil squirt(cylinder lubricator)suction duct(suction line) oil storage tankcontrol lever for adjusting oil oil orifice(oil hole) oil way(oil channel)oil sump(sump tank,crank bilge) oil sludge tankcirculating lube oil tank lube oil strainer lube oil pump lube oil cooler硫分热值机械杂质油品等级馏程矾含量铝含量船用轻柴油船用燃料油船用柴油中间燃料油添加剂总酸值强酸值总碱值沉淀物含量sulphur contentcalorific valuemechanical impuritiesgrade of oildistilling rangvanadium content alumminium contentmarine gas oil (MGO)marine fuel oil(MFO)marine diesel oil (MDO)internal fuel oil additivetotal acid number(TAN) strong acid number (SAN) total base number (TBN)sediment抗氧化安定性抗腐蚀性极压添加剂黏度指数oxidation resistance corrosionextreme pressure additive viscosity index第 4部分泵及其系统Pump &Pumping System 船用泵marine pump立式泵vertical pump卧式泵horizontal pump单缸泵single cylinder pump 双缸泵duplex pump单(双)作用泵single(double)-acting pump单级泵single-stage pump双级泵double-stage pump定量泵constant-delivery pump变量泵constant displacement pump(constant delivey pump) 自吸式泵self-priming pump非自吸式泵none-self priming pump容积式泵displacement pump轴流泵axial-flow pump离心泵centrifugal pump往复泵reciprocating pump活塞泵pistion pump柱塞泵plunger pump径向柱塞泵radial plunger pump轴向柱塞泵axial plunger pump回转泵rotary pump叶片泵vane pump单(双)作用叶片泵single(double)-acting pump齿轮泵gear pump水环泵water ring pump内(外)齿轮泵inside(outside)gearing pump螺杆泵screw pum液压泵hydraulic pump径流泵radial-flow pump旋涡泵volute pump喷射泵ejector pump蒸汽直接作用泵direct-acting steam driven pump主机驱动泵min-engine-driven pump 冷却水(油)泵cooling water(oil)pump给水泵备用给水泵卫生水泵出灰泵压载水泵污水泵凝水泵引水泵盐水泵淡水泵消防泵舱底水泵循环泵真空泵驳运泵排污泵变量泵洗仓泵增压泵泵壳泵体泵缸泵缸套填料箱吸入阀feed pumpdonkey feed water pump sanitary pumpash-ejecting pumpballast pumpsewage pump condensate pumppriming pump(primer pump) brine pumpfresh water pumpfire pumpbilge pumpcirculating pumpvacuum pumptransfer pumpslusge pumpvariable output pumptank cleaning pump booster pumppump housingpump bodypump cylinderpump linestuffing boxsuction valve净正吸入压头net positive suction head (NPSH)系统水头损失system head loss泵浦特性曲线pump characteristic curve排出discharge (delivery)流道liquid path叶轮impeller (vane wheel)扩压管diffuser蜗壳volute管路pipe line旋塞(考克)cock止回阀non-return valve碟形阀butterfly valve闸板阀gate valve转阀rotary(rotating) valve滑阀slide (sliding)valve球形阀globe valve安全阀relief valve速闭阀quick closing valve (strip valve)集中引水系统central priming system (CPS)第 5 部分船用锅炉Mair Boiler火(水)管锅炉fire (water) tube boiler立(卧)式锅炉vertical (horizonatal)boiler直(横,弯,盘,指)管锅炉straight(cross,bent,coil,thimble)-tube boiler 废气锅炉exhaust boiler管式锅炉tubular boiler筒形锅炉cylindr boiler (shell type boiler)鼓筒形锅炉drum boiler燃油辅助锅炉oil-burning auxiliary boiler立式横烟管锅炉vertical fire tube boiler卧式三回程火管锅炉horizontal triple-pass fire tube boiler盘管式强制循环废气锅炉coil-tube forced-circulation exhaust boiler 人孔门manhole door水包water drum水管联箱water header水冷壁water-cooled wall (water screen, water wall)上升管riser tube下降管down comer后水冷壁rear water wall tube侧水冷壁side water wall tube沸腾联箱steaming header沸水管boiling-water tube炉膛furnace (fire box)炉胆furnace flue炉排fire bar(fire grate)炉门fire door炉衣boiler clothing (boiler lagging)炉墙furnace wall耐火砖衬层fire-brick lining挡烟墙baffle wall给水阀feed water valve给水截止阀feed water stop valve给水止回阀feed water check valve汽鼓(汽锅筒)steam drum汽水分离器steam purifier (steam separator)内给水管intrnal feed pipe给水离子交换器feed water ion exchanger省煤器(经济器)economizer上部联管upper header下部联管lower header前部联管front header后部联管rear header进口分配联管inlet distributing header出口分配联管outlet distributing header水位表water level gauge玻璃水位表glass water level gauge低位水位表bottom water level gauge远距离水位显示计remote water level indicator水位计分支阀(通汽考克,通水考壳)water level root valve(steam cock,water cock) 光滑管plain tube带肋片的蛇形管coil tube with ribs水位调节器water level regulator低水位保险装置low-water level cut-off device危险水位报警器low-water level alarm热水井hot well热水循环泵hot water regulating pump水处理water treatment上排污阀surface blow-down valve底部排污阀bottom blow down valve上(下)部吹除阀surface(bottom) blow-off valve浮渣盘scum dish烟管烟箱烟道烟囱烟喉牵条牵条管支承管波形管麻花管吹灰器单层盘管燃烧器燃油预热器雾化器雾化片喷油嘴喷油嘴管架喷油嘴体喷孔旋涡室点火器点火喷油嘴点火变压器预燃室调风器调风门smoke tubesmoke chamber(smoke box) smoke fluechimney(funnel)furnace uptakestaystay tubesupport tubesinuflo tubeswirlyflo tubesoot blowersingle-layer tubeoil burneroil preheaterburner atomize (sprayer) sprayer plateburner tip (nozzle)nozzle supportnozzle holdernozzle hole(nozzle orifice) swirl chamberigniterignition nozzleignition transformer precombustion chamber air registerair damper风门throttle (air intake flap)风门伺服器servomotor for throttle regulation 风口draught door风箱burner wind box风机blower手调风门hand regulating throttle空气调温器air attemperator空气扩散盘air diffuse disk导流器air director空气调节器air regulator (air register)强制通风机force draught fan火焰检测器flame detector火口fire hole(combustion head)比例操作器proportional ratio apparatus压力比例操作器pressure ratio regulator停汽阀steam stop valve集汽管steam receive蒸汽分配器steam distributor阻汽器steam trap过热器super-heater减热器desuper heater旋风汽水分离器cyclone steam separator除氧器deaerator第 6 部分液压甲板机械Hydraulic Deck Machinery液压泵hydraulic pump径向柱塞泵radial plunger pump中央阀center valve配油轴oil distribution shaft配油盘oil distribution disc配油套oil distribution sleeve配油口oil distribution port配油壳oil distribution casing配油阀oil distribution valve浮动环floating ring压力管pressure pipe伺服活塞srevo-pistion差动活塞differential pistion倾斜盘swash plate液压放大器hydraulic amplifier液压马达hydraulic motor高速小扭矩油马达high speed low torque oil motor齿轮式(叶片式,轴向柱塞式)油马达gear-type (vane-type,axial-plunger-type)oil motor低速大扭矩油马达low speed high torque oil motor柱塞式油马达plunger-type oil motor径向柱塞式油马达radial-plunger-type oil motor单作用径向柱塞式油马达single-acting radial-plunger-type oil motor轴向双斜盘式油马达axial-double-tilting frame type oil motor液压油缸hydraulic oil cylinder单作用柱塞油缸single-acting plunger oil cylinder摆动油缸oscillating oil cylinder差动油缸differential oil cylinder转叶式油缸rotary-vane-type oil cylinder定叶转叶密封条定子转子压力控制阀顺序阀直控~单向~卸载~遥控~液控~减压阀定压~定差~定比~溢流阀先导式~直动式~差动式~流量控制阀节流阀调速阀方向控制阀直通式~直角式~手动截止阀fixed vanerotary vanesealing stripstatortotorpressure control valvesequence valvedirect-control valveone-way valve(check valve)off-load valvetelecontrolled valvehydraulically controlled valve pressure-reducing valveconstant pressure valveconstant difference valveconstant ratio valveoverflow valvepilot valvedirect-acting valvedifferential valveflow control valvethrottle valvespeed-regulating valvedirection control valvestraight one-way valveangle one way valvehand stop valve (hand cut-off valve)双路油压自锁阀double-circuit oil pressure self-closing valve 换向阀change-over valve (change valve)电磁~electro-magnetic valve电液~electro-hydraulic valve转阀(滑阀)ritary valve (side valve)三位四通阀three-position four-way valve主阀main valve辅阀auxiliary valve先导阀pilot valve阻尼孔damper hole节流缝隙throttle slot舵机steering gear定量泵开式系统open oil system of the constant delivery pump 变量泵闭式系统closed oil system of the variable delivery pump 撞杆式舵机ram type steering gear转叶式舵机rotary vane type steering gear工况选择阀operating mode selector valve手动旁通阀hand by-pass valve反馈杆feed back rod自锁阀self-locking valve防浪阀storm valve舵rudder舵柱rudder post舵柄rudder tiller舵托(承)rudder carrier舵叶rudder blade舵杆rudder stock撞杆ram操纵系统control system机械杠杆反馈式追随机构follow-up system of the mechanical lever feedback type 应急手动操纵装置emergency hand control device浮动杆floating lever副杠杆auxiliary lever遥控操舵装置telemotor steering gear起货装置cargo handing gear起货绞车cargo winch回转起货机crane吊扬索(千斤索)topping lift吊货杆boom(derrick boom)吊臂jib(crane jib)吊臂止动器jib stopper机械制动器machanicalbrake防索松保护器slack wire protection变幅绞车luffing winch货物定位装置cargo psotler差动型限位开关differential limit switich旋转绞车slewing winch带式刹车band brake旋转底盘slewing rim起锚机windlass止链器cable stopper锚anchor锚链anchor chain(anchor cable,chain cable)锚链轮chain lifter(cable lifter,cable holder)锚链舱chain locker链轮止动器chain lifter brake离合器clutch绞盘capstan绞盘卷筒capstan barrel带缆卷筒warping drum锚链卷筒chain drum绞车卷筒winch barrel(winch drum ,winding barrel)第 7 部分油水处理设备,轴系及推进器,造水机Oil Treatment,Oily Water Separator,Shafting &Propeller,Fresh Water Generator分油机oil separator离心分油机oil centrifuge分杂机clarifier分水机purifie造水机fresh water generator真空沸腾式造水机vacuum boiling type fresh-water genetator真空闪发式造水机vacuum flash type fresh-water generator工作水operating water冲洗水flushing water配水盘paring disc活动底盘sliding bowl bottom滑动圈operating slide污渣出口sludge outlet分离筒separator bowl分离筒本体bowl body分离筒盖bowl hood分离筒转轴bowl spindle分离盘bowl discs机盖frame cap阻水环damp ring比重环gravity disc油水分离器oily water separator舱底水bilge锥形盘conical plates粗粒化coalesce放油阀oil drain valve检验旋塞check cock自动空气释放阀automatic air rlease valve除油阀oil rcovery valve (recovered oil valve)液位探测电极liquid level electronic probe除渣阀scum valve自动出油阀automatic oil outlet valve储油柜oil storage tank控制板control panel轴系shafting螺旋桨propeller传动轴transmission shaft中间轴intermeditate shaft (tunnel shaft)推力轴thrust shaft单环推力轴single collar thrust shaft艉轴tail shaft (tube shaft)可调螺距螺旋桨adjustable pitch propeller (variable pitch propeller,controllable pitch propeller)定距桨constant pitch propeller固定桨叶螺旋桨fixed-blade propeller艏部螺旋桨bow propeller横向推理器transverse propeller左(右)螺旋桨left(right)handed propeller推力轴承thrust block推力块thrust pad推力环thrust collar刮油器scraper挡油圈oil deflector油位显示器oil level indicator单环推力轴承(密歇尔推力轴承) Michell thrust bearing(single collar(thrust)bearing) 支撑轴承(中间轴轴承)tunnel bearing(intermediate shaft bearing)艉轴管轴承sterntube bearing (stern bearing)铁梨木轴承lignumvitae bearing水润滑轴承water-lubricated bearing白合金轴承white metal bearing桨叶propeller blade空泡cavitation螺旋桨空泡propeller-cavitation压力面空泡pressure-face cavitation(face cavitation)吸力面空泡suction-face cavitation导边空泡leading edge cavitation蒸发器evaporator加热器heater冷凝器condenser挡水器demiser抽气喷射器air ejector凝水泵distillate pump盐水泵brine pump闪发室flash chamber盐度计salinity indicator第 8 部分交流发电机及配电板Alternating Current Generator& Switchboard 交流发电机altemator直流发电机dynamo发电机generator电磁式发电机励磁场线圈自励electro-magnetic generatormagnetic field coilself-excited串励并励复励定子转子电刷灭弧罩原动机配电箱主配电板区域配电板汇流排serise-woundshunt-wound compound-wound statorrotorelectric brusharc shieldprime motor distribution boardmain switch boardsection board bus bar配电板load-dispatching board(switch board) 频率fequency相位phase同相in phase同步指示器synchroscope自动电压调节器automatic voltage regulator (AVR)自动分载装置automatic load-sharing device自动调频调载器automatic frequency and load regulator发电机屏试验板供电网岸电接线箱脱扣装置保护装置欠压装置失压装置过载保护过流保护逆功率保护缺相保护短路电流保护操纵平台开关过载开关双刀开关限位开关断路器断流器自动断路器genertor pneltest boardsupply networkshore connection boxtrip deviceprotection deviceunder-voltage protectionno-voltage protectionover-load protectionover-current protectionreverse power protectionopen-phase protectionshort circuit current protection control platformswitchoverload switchdouble pole switchlimit switchbreakercut-outautomatic circuit breaker过载断路器over load circuit breaker空气断路器air circuit breaker整流器rectifier变压器transformer耦合变压器couple transformer放大器amplifier换向器commutator起动器stater继电器relay电抗器reactor电阻器resisor电容器condenser (capacitor)接触器contactor接线盒connection box并车操作parallel operation电流表ammeter电压表voltmeter功率表wattmeter频率表frequency meter并车开关paralleling switch电动机motor三相电动机three-phase motor同步感应电动机synchronous induction motor异步电动机asynchronous motor鼠笼式电动机squirrel cage motor第 9部分法规及消防设备Watchkeeping,International Convention &Fire FightingSTCW公约《 1978 年海员 international convention on standards of training,培训,发证和值班标准certification and watchkeeping for seafarers 1978国际公约》值班watchkeeping值班人员watchkeeper (watchkeeping personnel)航行值班underway watch接班人员relief定员rating任职资格qualification值班要求watch requirements对职责的适应fitness for duty职责范围areas of responsibility日常调节routine adjustment逃生路线escape routes驾驶台命令bridge order轮机日志engine room log book无人机舱un-attended machinery space (UMS)(unmanned machinery space) 国际公约international convention国际海事组织international maritime organization (IMO)海事委员会maritime commissionMARPOL公约《 1973 年防止 international convention for the prevention of pollution船舶污染国际公约》( 1978 年修正) from ships 1973 (as modified by the protocol of 1978 relating therto)SOLAS公约《国际海上人命安全公约》international convention for the safety of life at sea油类记录簿oil record book国际防止污染证书(IOPP)international oil pollution prevention certificate原油洗舱 (COW)crude oil washing system惰性气体系统 (IGS)inert gas system专用压载舱 (SBT)segregated ballast tanks清洁压载舱 (CBT)clean ballast tanks排油监控系统oil discharge monitoring and control system焚烧炉incinerator散装有害液体货物记录簿cargo record book for ships carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk国际散装有害液体运输防污证书international pollution prevention certificate forthe carriage of noxious liquid substances in bulk客船安全证书passenger ship safety certificate货船无线电安全证书cargo ship safety radio certificate货船结构安全证书cargo ship safety construction certificate货船设备安全证书cargo ship safety equipment certificate中国船级社china classification society(CCS)中华人民共和国船舶检验局the register of shipping of the people's republic of china (ZC)定期检验periodical survey更新检验renewal survey年检annual survey中间检验intermediate survey火警探测器fire detector感烟探测器smoke detector火焰探测器flame detector感温探测器heat detector烟管警报系统smoke pipe fire alarm system蜂鸣器buzzer警铃alarm bell警报器howler灭火剂extinguishant灭火设备fire fighting equipment固定灭火设备fixed fire fighting equipment便携式灭火器portable extinguisher碳酸钠与酸混和灭火器soda-acid extinguisher泡沫式灭火器foam extinguisher化学泡沫式灭火器chemical foam extinguisher 机械泡沫式灭火器mechanical foam extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器干粉灭火器插销钢瓶喷嘴把手排出管触发开关喇叭状喷管固定灭火装置救火泵应急救火泵增压泵消防栓皮龙管快速扣合接头喷头carbon-dioxide extinguisher dry powder extinguisher plungersteel containernozzlehandledischarge hosetrigger controlhornfixed fire fighting installation fire pumpemergency fire pump booster pumphydranthosepipe(hose)snap-in connectorsprinkler head (sprayer)泡沫发生器foam generator惰性气体发生器insert gas generator消防部署fire fighting strategy消防演习fire fighting drills呼吸面具breathing apparatus卤化烃系统halon system卤化烃 1301 halon 1301(BTM)卤化烃 1211 halon 1211(BCF)第10部分维修常用词汇Useful Expressions in Repair ListA.故障 Troubles发现已无法修复found beyond repir发现尺寸过大found over-sized发现反应缓慢found slow function发现不正常found out of order发现不合标准found not up to standard发现不准确found inaccurate发现失效found ineffective发现失去作用found out of function发现咬住found seized发现冻结found stuck fast by icing发现过热found over heated发现过度磨损found excessive wear(found worn out;found worn away) 发现有一点倾斜found a little bit inclined发现因过热而毁坏found destroyed by over heating发现龟裂found chapped发现塌陷found collapaed发现运转失灵发现呈椭圆形发现拉痕发现拉毛面积发现变形found out of operationfound ovalfound scoredfound scuffed about XX in area found deformed发现变形超过xx mm found deformed over a length of XX MM发现松动发现油污发现赃污发现挤铅发现弯曲发现故障发现结霜发现损坏发现破裂成片发现部分剥离发现部分阻塞发现剧烈震动发现效率不高发现挠曲发现烧坏发现堵塞发现断裂发现接地发现敲缸发现漏泄发现熔化found loosefound greasyfound dirtyfound squeezedfound bentfound faultyfound frostedfound damagedfound broken into pieces found partly detachedfound partly blockedfound violent vibrationfound low efficiency found twistedfound burntfound chokedfound fracturedfound earthedfound knockingfound leaking(leaky) found melted away发现缩减约10mm found reduced about 10 mm发现在气缸内卡住found jammed up in the cylinder在某部位发现裂纹found cracked in way of如必要if necessary如发现必要if found chapped如发现有毛病any defectives if found一般要求 General Requirements一式两份交轮机长to be handed over to C/Ein duplicate(two copies)一式三份交轮机长to be handed over to C/Ein triplicate(three copies)一式四份交轮机长to be handed over to C/E in quadruplicate送交轮机长to be sent to C/E(to be delivered to C/E;TO be submitted to C/E)厂供to be supplied by yard以备检验to be prepared for survey用波浪键修补to be remedied by means of metallock用船上备件替换to be replaced with ship's spare用千斤顶提起to be jacked up出具证书certificates to be issued出具检验报告survey report to be issued充to be charged充以二氧化碳气体to be filled with co2 gas运至to be transported to取消to be cancelled供应to be provided供验船师检验to be presented for surveyor's inspection所有钢瓶测试all bottles to be calibrated所有钢瓶称重all bottles to be weighted制造并供应to be made and supplied按现有的制作并安装tobe fabricated and installedaccording to the existing one 除霜to be defrosted砌to be paved重充氟里昂 12 to be refilled with freon 12重充水银ti be recharged with marcury送至to be removed to(to be sent to;to be transferred to )送车间修理to be sent to work shop for repaira退回船上作备用to be returned to ship as spare绘制图纸交船srawing to be made and sumitted to ship按要求修理to be repaired as required按 302 项处理treated as item 302换新to be renewed消除eliminated修理时用盲板封口blinded during repair移至to beshifted to船供to be supplied by ship提供作备件用to be supplied as spare船舶所有人供应to be supplied by owner焊补to be patched up by welding提供to be furnished割掉to be cut off照样新作newly made as per sample增加to be addedC拆卸Dismantling从环槽中取出to be taken out from ring grooves打开检查to be opened up for inspection。

P35 Task 3 Topicdiesel engine and gasline engineinternal combustion engine Diesel:compressed-burning Gasoline: igniting-burningP43 Task 3 Topicfuel oil system1)Structure:double bottom tanks , heaters , tanks , filters , and so on 2)Function:settling tank---separate the solid from the oil , service tank---store the oil for using3)Safety:viscosity regulator , pressure regulating valveP61 Task 3 Topic 1lube oil system1)Reasons:form oil film , reduce friction and wear2)Functions:provide films , remove heat , neutralize acidic3)Management:centrifuged continuously , heating and settling , analysis every three monthsP73 Task 21.black smoke--incompleted combustion2.yellow smoke--highly sulphur content of fuel oil3.blue smoke--lube oil leak to fuel oil / combustion chamber4.white smoke--highly water content of fuel oilP76 Task 1 Stand by the engine1.warm up the M/E2.scavenge3.turn the M/E4.starting air system preparing5.start the generator (supply electric)6.start pumps---lube oil system , cooling water system , fuel oil system (preparing)7.test the M/E8.test the steering gearP77 Task 2-2 things to check1)parameters---temperature , pressure , revolution , power2)the condition of the systems3)the condition of the parts---sound , smokeP77 Task 3 Topic 2monitoring1)Things:(1)parameters---temperature , pressure , revolution , power(2)the condition of the systems(3)the condition of the parts---sound , smoke2)Points:normal / abnormalP86 Task 2Part A--turbochargerThe turbocharger has an exhaust gas driven turbine and an air compressor on opposite ends of a single shaft.The incoming air is compressed by the compressor,and then pass through a cooler before it travels to scavenging space.P901. mechanism troubles , working condition problemvent cock 放气旋塞indicator diagram 示功图drain cock 放残阀burnt out 烧蚀fire in scavenging box 扫气箱着火hydraulic test 液压试验break-in 磨合assembly 组装disassembly 拆卸overhaul 大修(船厂坞修)Rotterdam 鹿特丹港(荷兰,曾经世界第一大港口)daily fuel consumption 燃油日消耗cylinder liner 缸套(内壁)cylinder jacket 缸套(外壁)P94 Task 2communication--trouble shooting rm the bridge, slow down and stop the M/E, explain the troubles 2. treat the trouble(check and repair)3. Inform the bridge, restart the M/EP94 Task 3Topic--fuel injection failure1.Causes:trouble in the fuel injection pumps,fuel lines are not cleared of air,fuel oil pressure too low,fuel too cold,troubles of maneuvering gear, cylinder not firing2.Measures:check and repair/replace the injector,blow the pipe with air,regulate the oil pressure and temperature,treat the trouble of maneuveringLesson 12P98 Warming-upM/E control system consist: telegraph , control gear , meters , switchs , control panel(alarms)P98 Readingtelegraph orders(车钟令):dead slow ahead, slow ahead, half ahead, full aheadstop, stand-by, finished with engine dead slow astern, slow astern, half astern, full asternloop 控制回路closed loop control system 闭环控制系统open loop control system 开环控制系统detector 传感器comparator 比较器regulator 调节器automatic changeover switch 自动转换开关ship’s course 船舶的航向components=partscirculating lube oil tank 滑油循环柜output 输出input 输入feedback 反馈electrical braking 电气制动(刹车)regenerative braking再生(反馈)制动surge(信号)波动lift out the piston 吊缸P102 Topicremote control system of M/E 主机遥控系统1.manual operation2.stand beside or in front of M/E 机旁操作3.engine control room4.bridge control and engine control room5.UMS=unattended machinery space 无人机舱Lesson 13P105 Task 21.generate the steam2.steam drum 汽筒water drum 水筒combustion chamber 燃烧室furnace 炉膛burner 燃烧器fresh air intake 进气口inspection port 检查口mountings 附件safety valve 安全阀---overpressure 超压lifting pressure 开启压力P105 Readingsteam ship 蒸汽机船motor ship 内燃机船exhaust gas boiler 废气锅炉(主锅炉main boiler)oil boiler 燃油锅炉(辅锅炉donkey boiler)water-tube boiler 水管锅炉fire-tube boiler 火管锅炉D-type boiler D型锅炉P109 Task 3 Topic 1water-tube boiler1) Function: generate the steam2) Components: P105-Fig.13-13) Maintenance: P109-Task11、produce electricity2、clean、dry、regularly check linesparallel 并车phase 相位in phase 同相alternator 交流发动机compressor—reciprocating condenser—shell and tube type evaporatorexpansion valvecritical temperature临界温度double refrigerant liquid outletprior to在...前面solenoid valve电磁阀central control room=engine control room集控室brine盐水/海水(sea water)chilled water冷水(cooling water冷却水)mechanical,pneumatic,electrical,hydraulicfunction---mal function故障(trouble、problem、fault、wrong)P143 Part Bdischarge the sludge immediately shorten the interval of the sludge dischargedP156 Part 11. The incinerator is used to burning the oil sludge , solid waste.2. remove ashes interval , flue gas temperaturesewage treatment plantSOPEP:shipboard oil pollution emergency plantrim 纵倾list 横倾draught 吃水stability 稳性stress 重心mooring winch 绞缆机capstan 绞盘barrel 卷缆筒windlass 锚机lanching appliance 放艇设备crane 起货机(克令吊)boom/derrick 吊杆watertight door 水密门hatch cover 舱口盖stabilizer 减摇鳍bow thruster 艏侧推器fire pump , emergency fire pumpfire mains 消防总管hydrant 消火栓international shore connection 国际通岸接头extinguisher—portable/fixedCO2 systemfireman’s outfitelectrocution 触电(生命危险)blackout 全船失电P205 Task 2 Topic 2 control unit of the steering gearETA--estimated time arrival congested waters 狭窄水域disassemble 拆卸rated speed 额定速度rated power 额定功率break-in condition 磨合情况alternator 交流发电机P2461. The second engineer and the second officer.2. before departure, on the phone.3. Yes, they do. NO problem.4. Yes, they do.5. No, it does not.6. The gangway must be lifted.P2471.The telegraph is a device used to convey orders between the bridge and the engine room.2.Orders like: ….P253withdraw = removeP260 Task 31)If the trouble is not serious,the duty engineer should keep watch also.2)If the trouble is serious,the duty engineer should take part in the repair work.P260 Reading2. We must transfer the fuel to the tank.power supply firstly: navigational equipment、steering gear、pumps for the main enginesubstitute replaceA--solidB--liquidC--gas and electricity D--metalP2771. list collision2. human factor:improper operation3. find the location、check all engines、check the oil tanksReadingIMO—international maritime organization 国际海事组织SMCP—standard marine communication phrases 标准海事通信用语1. collision2. damaged3. collided4. bow5. extent6. ballast7. stern8. hold9. plugging10. foreknock into=run into=collide 碰撞aground=gounding 搁浅hold=cargo tank/hold 货仓operational=functional 功能spare=standby 备用的abandon ship 弃船=leavelist 横倾trim 纵倾muster list 应变部署表master=captain 船长general service pump=fire fighting pump----discharge sea water overboardP295 Task 1muster list 应变部署表1.summoning 集合2.report and prepare 报告和准备3.check dress 检查着装4.lifejacket 救生衣5.lifeboat 救生艇P296 Task 21.every month2.six short、a long3.集合、报告、检查、放艇4.stop engines、close fuel outlet valves、leave engine room as the last oneISM---International Safety Management Code 国际安全管理规则1.goggles 护目镜2.helmet 安全帽3.ear plug 耳塞4.working boots 防滑靴5.gloves 手套6.protective clothing 防护服7.face mask 面罩8.harness 护具9.breathing apparatus 呼吸装置injury、slip、boots、secure、strain、lift、burns、spill、chemical、cuts、guards、sparks、gogglesRFQ—request for quotingP3201.checklist2.flanges 法兰3.scuppers4.rate5.signals6.preparation7.sounding8.connections9.barge10.capacityP322 Passage 11. The fuel is stored in bunker/oil tanks.2. Supply bunkers for ship usually is bunker/oil barge.3. Depend on the size of the ship and speed designed to voyage.4. from 150 cubic meters to 3500 cubic metersa vehicle , floatsmassive , produce powerwonder , capacity , consumptionPassage 2processed , evaluatedsent for a lab analysis ,the required standardPassage 31. The most important aspect is checklist. SMS/ISMeliminating human negligence and operation errors2. C/E3. take sounding1. scupper plugs2. forward3. analysis4. diesel oil5. rate6. trims 吃水差7. sounding8. samples9. hose10. temperaturenot exceed=no more thanWarming-up:renewed=replace untightened refitted connectedsealed uplifted outcleanedblownreadjusted realigned 重新对中Task 1:shore connections bilgesspare partsshore power Soundgas freeTestsewagecancel 取消alteration 改变withdraw=dismantal renew=replaceTask 21. items、requirements、some spare parts、time2. shore power3. oil、liquid cargo、chemical/dangerous cargo4. shipyard5. working wear….6. equipment、alarm、fire fighting system…..P348 Task 1:renewdismantlingabnormaltailshaftelectric circuits securedisolatedpressure relieved chain blockwindlassout of stock 没有库存instead=substitute 替代P351 Passage 2:1. The graving dock consist of a large basin with a gate that can be closed watertight.2. …..3. The basin is floated up , bring the ship above the water level , this is called a floating dock.Lesson 43Warming-up:1. supply compressed air 、control the ship’s course 、purify the oily water 、supply the steam 、mooring 、treat the garbageP357 Task 1:drawings installation trialsalarmlists certificates electrical explain functionspotLesson 44P367 Task 1:damage survey applicationverifyregisteredrules and regulations descriptionsurvey report dockingspecialvalidremtall=recast 重铸。

一、单项选择题:1.The exhaust valve is opened at about the same time ______the air inlet ports are opened.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until2.Cylinder wall temperature, fuel oil sulphur, and oil passage ______.A. are interdependentB. are not interdependentC. have nothing to do with each otherD. are independent3.Acid solution ______ in the system can be tested from time to time by putting some on to a piece of lime.A. strengthB. denseC. percentageD. velocity4.Machinery driving fuel oil transfer and fuel oil service pumps must be fitted with a remote means of stopping the machinery from ______.A. within the space concernedB. outside the space concernedC. the throttle stationD. within the fire room5.Cylinder oil is a high viscosity mineral oil, with a ______machined to the anticipated sulfur content of the fuel.A. TANB. TBNC. SAND. SBN6.The tendency for lubricating oil to thin out at high temperatures and thicken at low temperatures will be characterized by a ______.A. low viscosity indexB. high viscosity indexC. high neutralization numberD. low demulsibility quality7.When considering the lowest fuel system operating temperature, ______ are important.A. specific gravity or relative densityB. open flash point and closed flash point valuesC. higher calorific and lower calorific valuesD. cloud point and pour point values8.In ______the incoming air is directed upwards, pushing the exhaust gases before it and then the exhaust gases travel down.A. loop scavengingB. cross scavengingC. uniflow scavengingD. supercharging9.______ is usually driven by the engine camshaft and supplies pilot air to the cylinder air start valve.A. An air receiverB. An operating valveC. An automatic valveD. An air distributor 10.Which of the following conditions can cause above normal air temperature to develop in the intake manifold of a four-stroke/cycle, turbo-charged, diesel engine?A. Clogged air intake filters.B. Piston blow-by.C. A defective after-cooler.D. Faulty exhaust valves.11.Misalignment of an engine crankshaft can be detected by measuring______of crank webs for each unit of the engine.A. diametersB. lengthsC. deflectionsD. none of the above12.A crankshaft whose center of gravity coincides with its center line is said to be ______.A. dynamically balancedB. statically balancedC. counter balancedD. resonantly balanced 13.In a diesel engine, the main bearings are used between the ______.A. connecting rod and the crankshaftB. wrist pin and the connecting rodC. camshaft and the engine blockD. crankshaft and the engine block14.We should not start the engine unless the turning gear is ______.A. onB. disengagedC. boltedD. unscrewed15.When the exhaust ports or valves are opened, the ______begin to exhaust.A. carbon and waterB. refrigeration steamC. burnt gasesD. oil sludge16.We'd better take _____to save fuel consumption, you know it would be useless to get there earlier.A. nominal speedB. economical speedC. rated speedD. slow speed17.Shaft sealing in a centrifugal pump can be effected by ______.A. the mechanical sealB. packed stuffing boxesC. either A or BD. neither A nor B 18.Most pump manufacturers recommend that the suction piping dimension for centrifugal pumps be ______.A. one size smaller than the pump suction nozzleB. the same size as the pump suction nozzleC. one size larger than the pump suction nozzleD. installed with a short radius elbow at the pump19.The water level in a steaming auxiliary boiler will always ______.A. rise when the steam pressure is increasedB. remain constant as long as the feed pump operatesC. fall when the steam pressure is decreasedD. vary as the steam demand changes20.The concentration of total dissolved solids in the water of an auxiliary boiler can increase as a result of ______.A. seawater contaminationB. frequent surface blowsC. dissolved oxygen deaerationD. frequent bottom blows21.Sediment collects in a tubular purifier______.A. on top coverB. on sides of bowlC. in drain line on the discsD. on the discs 22.The operating water is supplied under the ______of an oil separator.A. sliding bowl bottomB. bowl hoodC. bowlD. filter units23.The bilge main is arranged to drain any watertight compartment ______ballast, oil or water tanks and to discharge the contents overboard.A. rather thanB. other thanC. in addition thatD. except for24.The oil sludge is burnt in the ______onboard. I‟ll show you the ashes.A. boilerB. main engineC. auxiliary engineD. incinerator25.When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the date, operational code, and item number shall be inserted in the appropriate columns. Furthermore, the required particulars shall be ______.A. recorded only for accidental oil dischargesB. recorded only for operations involving discharge of oily wasteC. signed by the oiler who enters them in the Oil Record BookD. recorded chronologically in the blank space26.Which bearing will carry the load on two small points diametrically opposite to each other?A. NeedleB. Tapered rollerC. RollerD. Ball27.In a general cargo crane, ______ is fitted to raise or lower the jib.A. the slewing motorB. the luffing motorC. the hoisting motorD. none of the above 28.In an electro-hydraulic steering gear system, when will the variable displacement pump be placed on stroke?A. When the helm is at any angle other than amidships.B. When the six-way valve is opened.C. When the ram relief valves lift.D. When the rudder angle is different from the position of the helm.29.With reference to rules governing steering gear, which one of the following rules is incorrect ?A. It is required that all ships are provided with two independent steering gear systems that is onemain and one auxiliary.B. The auxiliary gear could be power operated in passenger ships.C. The auxiliary gear must be of adequate strength and sufficient to steer a ship at navigablespeed.D. All moving parts of the steering gear must be guarded against any possible damage.30.A refrigeration system contaminated with moisture can be affected by ______.A. acid formationB. sludge formationC. ice in the expansion valveD. all of the above 31.A dirty intercooler on the ship service air compressor will result in ______.A. decreased compression ratioB. higher than normal power consumptionC. un-loader malfunctionD. water in the lubricating oil32.Which of the problems listed would cause the discharge temperature of an R-22 refrigeration compressor to increase?A. Thermal expansion valve frozen open.B. Suction gas heat exchanger bypassed.C. Condenser clogged or fouled.D. High pressure cutout switch inoperative. 33.Zinc rods are installed in the refrigeration system ______.A. liquid strainerB. liquid receiverC. saltwater condenserD. evaporator34.The fire pumps must be capable of delivering a total quantity of water at a defined head , not less than______ of the total bilge pumping capacity.A. one-thirdB. two-thirdsC. one-fourthD. two-fourths35.Which of the following factors will have the greatest effect on the heating load within a conditioned space?A. Solar gainB. Infiltration and ventilation airC. Occupants inside the spaceD. Entertainment equipment within the space36.On commonly used ships, if two A.C. generators are operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by ______.A. varying the D.C. exciter voltageB. varying the reluctance of the air gapC. regulating the speed of prime moverD. shorting out part of the armature windings 37.Which of the listed sections of an emergency switchboard is used to supply power for alarm signals under emergency conditions?A. The generator and bus transfer sectionB. The 450 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase busC. The 120 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle busD. The 24 volt DC bus38.Which of the following should be the FIRST step in removing a generator from parallel operation?A. Trip the generator off the switchboard.B. Turn off all electrical equipment.C. Remove the load from the 'off going' generator.D. Increase the cycles of the generator staying on the line.39.Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an electrical signal?A. TransducerB. ReducerC. TransformerD. Rectifier40.An indicator on the main switchboard should show ______the emergency battery is in service or not.A. whichB. whenC. weatherD. whether41.The number of cycles per second occurring in AC voltage is known as the ______.A. phase angleB. frequencyC. wave formD. half mode42.While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm. Which of the following actions should you take?A. Make an entry in the official logbook.B. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system.C. Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D. Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.43.The additional mark ______ in the Classification Certificate for Machinery represents that personnel are watching at engine assembly control station and monitoring all machinery andelectronic devices.A. BRCB. MCCC. AUT-0D. AUT-144.If the atomizer holes are enlarged beyond the maker's recommended size , the atomizer must be ______.A. repairedB. replacedC. replenishedD. repeated45.In a diesel engine, an extremely leaking exhaust valve can cause ______.A. misfiringB. pre-ignitionC. interrupted scavengingD. reduced scavenging 46.One cylinder of a diesel engine is persistently knocking and does not cease when the fuel supply to that cylinder is secured. Which of the following problems may be the cause?A. Low loading of the cylinder.B. Excessive cooling of that piston.C. Sluggish ring action on the piston.D. A mechanical defect in a working part.47.Poor combustion in a diesel engine can be caused by ______.A. high compression pressureB. low intake air temperatureC. low exhaust pressureD. high scavenge air temperature48.Any increase in the exhaust back pressure of a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine will ______.A. reduce engine horsepower outputB. aid in silencing the exhaust noiseC. increase the mean effective pressureD. contribute to effective cylinder scavenging 49.Hearing a strong noise, ______at once.A. the engine stoppedB. the engine was stoppedC. he stopped the engineD. he had stopped the engine50.Fix the fuel injector into______after repair.A. the cylinder linerB. the cylinder coverC. the cylinder jacketD. the piston 51.Lower suction pressure of a pump may be caused by ______.A. too much air in the pipe lineB. closed inlet valveC. empty tankD. leaky pipe52.Diesel engine exhaust temperatures may be used to indicate ______.A. leaking exhaust valvesB. an overloaded cylinderC. a clogged injector nozzleD. all of the above.53.The indications of a scavenge fire are excessive black smoke, ______ and peeling from scavenge trunking.A. turbo-chargers surgeB. spark seen from the drainsC. paint blisteringD. all above are right 54.It is well known that the whole power distribution of the ship‟s electrical services mainly depend on the______.A. sub-boardsB. main switchboardsC. emergency switchboardsD. distribution boards 55.Combustion knock can occur in the cylinders of a diesel engine under any condition permitting ______.A. a shortened ignition delay periodB. a lean fuel/air mixtureC. excess fuel in the combustion chamberD. rapid vaporization of injected fuel droplets56.Oil mist detectors are usually used on board to detect oil mist density within ______.A. the engine crankcaseB. the engine scavenge boxesC. drain tanksD. fuel tanks57.Before doing maintenance on electrical equipment, you should ______.A. turn off power firstB. turn on power firstC. with a test pen in handD. tell C/E 58.When start a screw pump, the by pass valve should be ______.A. closedB. opened fullyC. cracked openD. partly open59.Our company has built a new ship in Hamburg and I am going to fly there to______.A. hand it overB. take it overC. carry it overD. carry it out60.Routine monitoring of a diesel engine should include ______.A. checking for leaksB. checking temperatures and pressuresC. listening for abnormal noisesD. all of the above.61.Which of the precautions listed should be observed when taking on diesel fuel?A. Secure all lighting to the main deck.B. Provide a portable fan to blow away fumes.C. Prohibit smoking in the area.D. Display a black triangle during daylight hours.62.The conventions under which the port state control inspection is carried out include all the following except______.A. SOLAS 74B. MARPOL 73/78C. STCW 78/95D. ISM Code63.A portable foam fire extinguisher is placed in operation by ______.A. turning it upside downB. pressing the foam leverC. squeezing the grip handleD. opening the hose valve 64.In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical agents would ______.A. absorb the oil for easy removalB. remove the oil from the waterC. disperse or dissolve the oil in the waterD. not affect the oil65.While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm. Which of the following actions should you take?A. Make an entry in the official logbook.B. Open the master control valves on the fixed CO 2 system.C. Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D. Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.66.One of the disadvantages of using carbon dioxide to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space is ______.A.the … snow ‟ whic h is sometimes discharged along with the gas is toxicB. prolonged exposure to high concentrations of CO 2 gas causes suffocationC. rapid dissipation of the CO 2 vaporD. the CO 2 gas is lighter than air and a large amount is required to extinguish a fire near the deck 67.The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained______ the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations.A. out of accordance withB. in relation toC. in conformity withD. in connection with 68.The maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) rate on board shall not be more than ______ by weight any time when being tested. But watch-keepers are not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage ______before their watch.A. 0.08%/ 4 hoursB. 0.08%/ 2 hoursC. 0.04%/ 4 hoursD. 0.04%/ 2 hours二、关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题,每小题4个选项)第一组:Because the exhaust gas driven turbo-blower cannot provide enough air at low engine speeds, the pressurized air should be cooled to increase the charge air density. As the air passes through the charge air cooler, its temperature may be reduced and moisture condensed, with the condensate in danger of being carried into the engine. So a water separator should be mounted beneath the bottom part of the engine inlet manifold.Lubricating oil from the compressor will pass along the air lines and deposit on them, in the event of a cylinder air starting valve leaking, hot gases would pass into the air pipes and ignite the lubricating oil. If starting air were supplied to the engine, this would further feed the fire andcould lead to an explosion in the pipelines. In order to prevent such an occurrence, cylinder-starting valves should be properly maintained and the pipelines regularly drained. Also oildischarged from compressors should be kept to a minimum, by careful maintenance.69.A water separator is used in order to ______.A. keep the air from being carried into the engineB. keep the moisture from being condensedC. keep the danger from being carried into the engineD. take away the condensate from the air70.Why should we use a charge air cooler?A. In order to increase the charge air temperature.B. In order to increase the charge air pressure.C. In order to reduce moisture condensed.D. In order to increase the charge air density.71.Which of the following may cause an explosion according to the passage?A. Starting air cannot be supplied into the engine.B. Air starting valve leaks and starting air is supplied into the engine.C. Cylinder-starting valves are properly maintained.D. Oil discharged from compressors is kept to a minimum.72.In order to avoid igniting the lubricating oil and leading to an explosion in the pipelines, ______.A. pipelines should be regularly drainedB. cylinder-starting valves should be properly maintainedC. oil discharged from compressors should be kept to a minimumD. A+B+C第二组:Maintenance and OverhaulingSatisfactory and proper operation of the engine depends not only on correct manoeuvring but also on how well it is kept in order. Regular maintenance of the engine helps a lot in preventing early wear of parts and in ensuring a long service as well as the working efficiency of the engine.With various types of engines, of course, the maintenance and overhaul is different. Instruction books are to be referred to whenever necessary.The individual parts of the engine should be inspected and thoroughly cleaned at regular intervals. The periods for such overhaul work depend largely on the quality of the lubricating oil and fuel, on the load and on the efficiency of the operator in locating troubles and remedyingthem in time..During overhaul the safety rules have to be observed as required in order to prevent the danger of accidents. Special precaution is necessary when the engine is running with the lagging removed. During overhauls with the engine shut down, safety measures should be taken to avoid undesirable turning of the crankshaft. All pipes should be pressure-relieved before the repair work is started. Read the pressure gauges and /or check the pipes by carefully loosening the screw plugs or connections.If some parts of the running gear are dismantled, before using the turning gear, make sure that no loose parts are jammed in the crankcase where it is easy for them to cause damage.73.According to the passage, which the following factors are involved to keep the enginesatisfactory and proper running?A. correct manoeuvringB. keep the engine in orderC. refer to the instruction booksD. all of above74.According to the passage, which the following items do influence the periods of the overhaulingwork?A. the quality of the lubricating oilB. the load of the engineC. the efficiency of the operator in locating troubles and remedying them in timeD. all of the above75.According to the passage, we should take special precaution when ____.A. the engine is running with the removal of laggingB. the engine is shut downC. pipes are removedD. the screw plugs or connections are lossened76.According to the passage, line 17 the bold and italic word “it” may propabably mean ____ .A. running gearB. turning gearC. crankcaseD. to cause damage中华人民共和国海事局2003年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第32期)科目:轮机英语试卷代号:803适用对象:无限、近洋航区3000KW及以上船舶大管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间为100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。

一•职位及工种(Titles and type ofwork)1.船长Capta in2 .大副Chief officer3 .二副Second officer4.三副Third officer5.四副Fourth officer6 .水手长Boatswa in7 .水手Sailor & Seama n8.木匠Carpe nter9 .轮机长Chief engin eer10.大管轮Second engin eer11.二管轮Third engin eer12.三管轮Fourth engin eer13.机匠长Chief motorma n15.机匠Fitter16.加油工Oil man17.大电Chief electricia n 1&电工Electricia n19.车间主任Workshop director20.工长Secti on chief21.班长Fore man 22 .钳工Fitter23 .主管工程师Engin eer in charge24.机务&船东Superi ntendent &Super&Owner25 .助理工程师Assista nt engin eer26 .验船师(机)Register27 .验船师(船)Surveyor28 .油漆工Pai nter29 .焊工Welder30 .大橱Chief cook31 .物料员Store keeper32 .加油工Oiler33 .机工Mecha nic34 .甲板员Deck man35 .电线工Wirema n36 .外包工Laborer37 .铸工Molder38 .管子工Pipe fitter39 .起重工Crane operator、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine)1 .主机Mai n engine 22 .活塞销Pist on gudge on pin2 .二冲程柴油机Two-stroke diesel engine 24 .活塞杆Pisto n rod3 .四冲程柴油机Fore-stroke diesel engine 25活塞环Pist on ring4 .咼速柴油机High speed diesel engine 26活塞环槽Pist on ring groove5 .中速柴油机Middle speed diesel engine 27 .压缩环(气环)Compressi on ring6 .低速柴油机Low speed diesel engine 28刮油环(油环)Oil scraper ring7 .气缸盖(缸头)Cyli nder head 29减磨令Wear ring (copper ring)8 .安全阀Safety valve 3伸缩管冰拉管)Telescopic pipe9 .释放阀Relief valve 31活塞冷却空间Pist on cooli ng space1 0.示功阀In dicator valve 32 .填料箱(函)Stuffi ng box1 1.示功考克In dicator cock 33填料箱密封环Seali ng ring for Stuffi ngbox1 2.空气起动阀Air start ing valve 34 .填料箱压缩环Pressure ring for Stuffi ngbox1 3.起动空气分配器Air start ing distributor 35填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffi ngbox1 4.油头(燃油喷射器)Fuel injector 36扫气箱Scave nging receiver1 5.排气阀Exhaust valve 37 .扫气口Scave nging port1 6.气缸套Cyli nder liner 38排气口Exhaust port1 7.冷却水套Cooli ng water jacket 39十字头Cross head1 8.气缸注油器Cyli nder lubricator 40 .十字头销Crosshead pin1 9.活塞Pisto n 41 .十字头轴承Crosshead beari ng2 0.活塞头Pist on crow n 42 .十字头滑块Crosshead slipper2 1.活塞裙Pisto n skirt 43滑块Guide shoe44.十子头导板Crosshead guide plate 66 .机架Frame45 •连杆Connecting rod 67 .曲柄箱Crank case46.连杆大端轴承Bid end beari ng 68 .曲柄箱导门Crank case door47.连杆小端轴承Small end beari ng 69 .曲柄箱防爆门Explosi on-proof Crankcase48.曲柄轴承Crank beari ng 70 .定时齿轮Timing gear49•曲柄销Crank pin 71 .飞轮Flyi ng wheel50.曲轴Crank shaft 72 .凸轮Cam51.曲轴颈Crank jour nal 73 .凸轮轴Cam shaft52.曲柄臂Crank web 74 .喷油凸轮Fuel inject ion cam53.拐档差Crank deflect ion 75 .链条Chai n54.主轴承Main beari ng 76 .链条轮Chai n wheel55.主轴颈Mai n journal 77 .链条箱Chain box56.轴承瓦Beari ng bush 78 .推杆Push rod57.上轴瓦Upper beari ng bush 79 .摇臂Rocker arm58.上轴瓦Upper half 80 .排气阀Exhaust valve59.下轴瓦Lower beari ng bush 81 .吸气阀Sucti on valve60.下轴瓦Lower half 82 .排气总管Exhaust mani fold61.推力轴承Thrust beari ng 83 .进气总管Air in let mani fold62.推力块Thrust pad 84 .高压燃油管High pressure fuel pipe63.推力盘Thrust disc 85.活塞冷却水管Pist on cooli ng water pipe64.推力轴Thrust shaft 86 .法兰Fla nge65.底座Bed plate 87 .贯穿螺栓Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖Side cover 110 .透平端Turb ine side89.滑油泵Lubricat ing oil pump 111 .转子轴Rotor shaft90.燃油泵Fuel oil pump 112 .油泵L.O. pump91.滑油泵齿轮Gear for lubricat ing oil pump 113 .换向装置Revers ing device92.燃油泵齿轮Gear for fuel oil pump 114 .换向伺服期Revers ing servomotor93.叶轮Impeller 115 .压气机(鼓风机)Blower94.柱塞Plun ger 116.膨胀接Expa nsion joint95.导杆Guide rod 117 .调速器gover nor96.导套Sleeve 118 .飞重Flyi ng weight97.滚动轴承Ball beari ng 119 .补偿阀Compe nsate valve98.滑动轴承Slidi ng beari ng 120 .针阀Needle valve99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball beari ng 121 .开口销Cotter pin100 .推力面Thrust surface (thrust side) 122 .轴封Shaft seal101 .盘车机Turning gear 123 .机械密封Mach inery seal102 .增压器Turbocharger 124 .配电盘Switchboard103.涡轮机(透平)Turbine 125 .应急配电盘Emerge ncyswitchboard104 .涡轮Turbine wheel 126.应急发电机Emerge ncy gen erator 105.涡轮叶片Turbine blade 127 .滤器Filter106 .喷嘴Nozzle 128.细滤器Filter107 .废气叶轮Exhaust impeller 129 .粗滤器Strainer108.废气叶轮片Exhaust blade 130 .滑油滤器L.O. filter109 .废气端Exhaust side 131 .燃油滤器 F.O. filter132 .空气消音器 Air in take sile ncer 150 .力矩平衡器 Mome nt compe nsator 132 .空气滤器 Air in take filter 151 .主启动阀 Main starti ng valve 133 .空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 152 .启动空气分配器Start ing air distributor 134 .分油机 Separator153 .喷油器 Fuel valve135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 154 .扫气系统 Scave nge air system 136 .净油机 Purifier 155 .安全帽 Safety cap 137 .燃油净化器 F.O. purifier 156.机座Bed plate138.二氧化碳 C02 157 .轴向振动减振器Axial vibrati on damper 139 .二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle 158.贯穿螺栓 Arran geme nt of stay bolt140 .正时齿轮 Timing gear 159 .示功器驱动装置In dicator driver 141 .导向棒装置 Guide bar 160 .端罩 End shields 142 .注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 161 .气缸架 Cyli nder frame 143 .链条张紧装置 Chain tighte ner162 .气阀传动装置 Valve operat ing device 144 .凸轮轴传动轮 Chai n wheel on cam shaft 163 .摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil145.中间链链传动轮 In termediate cha in wheel pump146 .注油器驱动装置 Lubricator drive 164 .摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricati ngtank147 .链条张紧装置 Chain tighte ner165 .摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricat ing filter148.滚筒导座 Roller guide hous ing149 .应急操纵台Emerge ncy con sole21 .制冷装置Refrigerat ing pla nt、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery)1.船用锅炉Marine boiler 22 .冰机Fridge. Machi ne2.废气锅炉Exhaust boiler 23 .空气压缩机Air compressor3.辅锅炉Don key boiler 24 .造水机Fresh water gen erator4.组合式锅炉Combi ned boiler 25 .板式冷却器Plate type cooler5 .火管Fire tube 26 .机舱天车Engine room crane6.给水管Feed pipe 27 .天车导轨Crane rail7.炉膛Furnace 28 .电磁阀Sole noid valve8 .炉墙Furnace wall 29 .舵机Steeri ng gear9.火侧Fire side 30 .舵承Rudder beari ng carrier10 .水侧Water side 31 .液压缸Hydraulic cyli nder11•燃烧器Oil bur ner 32 .废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger12 .安全阀Safety valve 33 .弹簧阀Spring loaded valve13 .上排污Upper drain 34 .冷凝器Condenser14 .下排污Lower dra in 35 .分油器Oil separator15 .锅炉皮阀Moun ti ng valve 36 .轴带发电机Shaft gen erator16 .水位计Water level gauge 37 .焚烧炉Oil bur ner17 .压力表Pressure gauge 38 .分油机Separator18 .主汽门Mai n steam valve 39 .分离筒Separator bowl19 .玻璃管Glass tube 40 .配水盘装置Pari ng disc device20 .空调装置Air-c on diti oning pla nt 41 .转数计Revoluti on coun ter42.控制阀Con trol valve43.辅机Auxiliary mach inery 四、阀门(Words about valve) 44•制冷装置Refrigerati ng pla nt 1.吸气阀Sucti on valve45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalt ing pla nt 2 •排气阀Exhaust valve46.热交换器Heat exchanger 3 .控制阀Con trol valve47.船用气瓶Marine air bottle 4 .导阀Pilot valve48.冷风机Cooler un it 5 .单向阀Non-returnvalve49•防水风门Fire damper 6 .口琴阀Flap valve50.气密挡板Gas tight damper 7 .调节阀Regulati ngvalve51•排气风机Exhaust fan &液压阀Hydraulic valve52.舱室通风机Cabi n fan 9 .膨胀阀Expa nsionvalve53.机舱通风机Engine room fan 10 .给水阀Feed valve54.应急鼓风机Emerge ncy blower 11.排水阀12 .截止阀13 .吹泄阀14 .空气阀15 .泄放阀16 .止回阀17 .海底阀18 .回流阀19 .节流阀20 .进气阀Discharge valve Stop valve Blow-off valve Air valve Drain valve Check valve Sea valve Retune valve Throttle valve Inlet valve21 .出气阀Outlet valve22 .热力阀Thermal valve 五、泵类(Words about pump)23 .中央阀Cgn ter valve 1.电动泵15Motor-drive n pump24 .单向阀One way valve 2.柱塞泵Plun ger pump25 .二通阀Two way valve 3.叶片泵Vane pump26 .三通阀Triple valve 4.回转泵Rotary pump27 .旁通阀By-pass valve 5.齿轮泵Gear pump28 .换向阀Chan ge-over valve 6.往复泵Reciprocat ing pump29 .减压阀Pressure-reduci ng valve 7.离心泵Cen trifugal pump30 .溢流阀Overflow valve 1电动泵Motor-drive n pump31 .自闭阀Self-lock ing valve 2.柱塞泵Plun ger pump32 .针阀Needle valve 3.叶片泵Vane pump33 .平衡阀Bala nee valve 4.回转泵Rotary pump34 .循环阀Circulati on valve 5.齿轮泵Gear pump35 .主阀Main valve 6.往复泵Reciprocat ing pump36 .滑阀Slide valve 7.离心泵Cen trifugal pump37 .蝶阀Butter-fly valve 8.真空泵Vacuum pump38 .截止阀Shut-off valve 9.螺杆泵Screw pump39 .闸板阀Gate valve 10 .喷射泵Ejector pump40 .通海阀Sea suet ion valve 11 .冷却泵Cooli ng pump41 .吹除阀Sea chest clea ning valve 12 .淡水泵Fresh water pump42 .防浪阀Storm valve 13 .海水泵Sea water pump43 .舱壁阀Bulkhead valve 14 .给水泵Feed water pump44 .快关阀Emerge ncy shut off valve 15 .循环泵Circulat ing pump45呼吸阀Breather valve 16 .锅炉给水泵Boiler feed17 .卫生水泵San itary pump18 .压载泵ballast pump 六、甲板机械类(17Deck machinery )19 .舱底泵Bilge pump 1.锚机Win dlass20 .污水泵Sewage pump 2.锚机轴Win dlass shaft21 .燃油泵Fuel pump 3.刹车带Brake lining22咼压油泵High pressure pump23 .底压油泵Low pressure pump 4.离合器Clutch24 .驳运泵Tran sfer pump 5.锚链轮An chor Chain wheel25 .增压泵Booster pump 6.轴承瓦Beari ng bush26 .消防泵Fire pump 7.轴承盖Beari ng cover27 .通用泵G.S. pump 8.绞揽机Capsta n28 .旋涡泵Rege nerative 9.系揽绞车Moori ng winch29 .蜗壳泵Volute pump 1.卷缆车Reel30 .导叶泵Diffuser pump 11.钢丝绳Wire rope31 .单联泵Simplex pump12 .卡环Shackle32 .双联泵Duplex pump33 .多联泵Multiplex pump 13.缆绳Moori ng rope34 .活塞泵Pist on pump 14 .滑轮Block35 .减摇泵An ti-roll pump 15.刹车装置Brake device36 .总用泵Gen eral service pump 16.制链器An chor cha instopper37 .应急消防泵Emerge ncy fire pump 17 .舱盖滚轮Hatch cover wheel38 .扫舱泵Stripp ing pump 18.舱盖铰链Hatch cover hinge39 .货油泵Cargo oil pump 19.液压油缸Hydraulic jack40 .滑油泵Lubricat ing oil pump20 .起货机Cargo winch21 .可令吊Crane22 .生活吊Accommodatio n crane 七、工具类(Word about tools)23 .吊杆Derrick bo。

4船舶英语目 录一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) ····· 1 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) ····· 3 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) ···· 14 五、泵类(Words about pump) ·········· 16 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery )······ 18 七、工具类(Word about tools) ········ 20 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) ··· 28 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ·····28 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) ·········29 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。
30 十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) ·····31 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32 十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) ····· 35 十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向(Time 、Season and Direction) ·····42 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use )·45 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) ····48 二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) ····67 二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) ···· 75 二十五、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) ···77 二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) ··· 87 二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E )····· 91 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目 (Delivery expressions for other items) ···95 三十一、甲板机械系泊试验 (Mooring test for deck machinery) ········96 三十二、机舱设备系泊试验 (Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) ···98 三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble )············100 三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) ············101 三十五、谈论试验和检验 (Talking about test & check) ···········103 三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) (105)一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate 45.连杆 Connecting rod 46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing 47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate 66.机架 Frame67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door 69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump 91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller 94.柱塞 Plunger 95.导杆 Guide rod 96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing 98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear 102.增压器 Turbocharger 103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine 104.涡轮 Turbine wheel 105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade 106.喷嘴 Nozzle 107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade 109.废气端 Exhaust side 110.透平端 Turbine side 111.转子轴 Rotor shaft 112.油泵 113.换向装置 Reversing device 114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower 116.膨胀接 Expansion joint 117.调速器 governor 118.飞重 Flying weight 119.补偿阀 Compensate valve 120.针阀 Needle valve 121.开口销 Cotter pin 122.轴封 Shaft seal 123.机械密封 Machinery seal 124.配电盘 Switchboard 125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator 127.滤器 Filter 128.细滤器 Filter 129.粗滤器 Strainer 130.滑油滤器 . filter 131.燃油滤器 . filter 132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer 132.空气滤器 Air intake filter 133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 134.分油机 Separator 135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 136.净油机 Purifier 137.燃油净化器 . purifier 138.二氧化碳 CO2 139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle 140.正时齿轮 Timing gear 141.导向棒装置 Guide bar 142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive 147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台 Emergency console 150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator 151.主启动阀 Main starting valve 152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve 154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system 155.安全帽 Safety cap 156.机座 Bed plate 157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt 159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver 160.端罩 End shields 161.气缸架 Cylinder frame 162.气阀传动装置 Valve operating device 163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) 1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler 2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler 3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler 4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler 5.火管 Fire tube 6.给水管 Feed pipe 7.炉膛 Furnace 8.炉墙 Furnace wall 9.火侧 Fire side 10.水侧 Water side 11.燃烧器 Oil burner 12.安全阀 Safety valve 13.上排污 Upper drain 14.下排污 Lower drain 15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve 16.水位计 Water level gauge 17.压力表 Pressure gauge 18.主汽门 Main steam valve 19.玻璃管 Glass tube 20.空调装置 Air-conditioning plant 21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 22.冰机 Fridge. Machine 23.空气压缩机 Air compressor 24.造水机 Fresh water generator 25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler 26.机舱天车 Engine room crane 27.天车导轨 Crane rail 28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve 29.舵机 Steering gear 30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier 31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder 32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve 34.冷凝器 Condenser 35.分油器 Oil separator 36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator 37.焚烧炉 Oil burner 38.分油机 Separator 39.分离筒 Separator bowl 40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device 41.转数计 Revolution counter 42.控制阀 Control valve 43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery 44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器 Heat exchanger 47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle 48.冷风机 Cooler unit 49.防水风门 Fire damper 50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper 51.排气风机 Exhaust fan 52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan 53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan 54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower 四、阀门(Words about valve) 1.吸气阀 Suction valve 2.排气阀 Exhaust valve 3.控制阀 Control valve 4.导 阀 Pilot valve 5.单向阀 Non-return valve 6.口琴阀 Flap valve 7.调节阀 Regulating valve 8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve 9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve 10.给水阀 Feed valve 11.排水阀 Discharge valve 12.截止阀 Stop valve 13.吹泄阀 Blow-off valve 14.空气阀 Air valve 15.泄放阀 Drain valve 16.止回阀 Check valve 17.海底阀 Sea valve 18.回流阀 Retune valve 19.节流阀 Throttle valve 20.进气阀 Inlet valve 21.出气阀 Outlet valve 22.热力阀 Thermal valve 23.中央阀 Center valve 24.单向阀 One way valve 25.二通阀 Two way valve 26.三通阀 Triple valve 27.旁通阀 By-pass valve 28.换向阀 Change-over valve 29.减压阀 Pressure-reducing valve 30.溢流阀 Overflow valve 31.自闭阀 Self-locking valve 32.针阀 Needle valve 33.平衡阀 Balance valve 34.循环阀 Circulation valve 35.主 阀 Main valve 36.滑 阀 Slide valve 37.蝶 阀 Butter-fly valve 38.截止阀 Shut-off valve 39.闸板阀 Gate valve 40.通海阀 Sea suction valve 41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀 Storm valve 43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve 44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve 45.呼吸阀 Breather valve 五、泵类(Words about pump) 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 8.真空泵 Vacuum pump 9.螺杆泵 Screw pump 10.喷射泵 Ejector pump 11.冷却泵 Cooling pump 12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump 13.海水泵 Sea water pump 14.给水泵 Feed water pump 15.循环泵 Circulating pump 16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump 18.压载泵 Ballast pump 19.舱底泵 Bilge pump 20.污水泵 Sewage pump 21.燃油泵 Fuel pump 22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.底压油泵 Low pressure pump24.驳运泵 Transfer pump25.增压泵 Booster pump26.消防泵 Fire pump27.通用泵 . pump28.旋涡泵 Regenerative29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump31.单联泵 Simplex pump32.双联泵 Duplex pump33.多联泵 Multiplex pump 34.活塞泵 Piston pump35.减摇泵 Anti-roll pump 36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump 39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机 Windlass2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft3.刹车带 Brake lining4.离合器 Clutch5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush7.轴承盖 Bearing cover8.绞揽机 Capstan9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch10.卷缆车 Reel11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack20.起货机 Cargo winch21.可令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools)1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine 5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手 Impact wrench10.板手 Spanner11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers 20.钢锯 Hack saw 21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine48.气焊机 Gas welding machine49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93.喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达 Air motor95.油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机High pressure hose forhydraulic97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99.深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101.单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer withcounter138.六折式尺 Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straightrule141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 High-carbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) 1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw 6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个 Piece2.条,张,片 Sheet3.双 Pair4.套,组,副 Set.5.盒 Box6.箱 Case7.瓶 Bottle8.米 Meter9.厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China 2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退9.前进二10.高压 .11.低压 .12.重油/柴油 ./.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜19.滑油柜20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word)1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Over-worn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Under-sized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective46.椭圆形的 oval47.点不着火 misfire48.接错 misjoin44 49.放错 misplace 50.老化 perish 51.麻点 pit 52.凸起 ridge 53.划伤 score 54.拉痕 scuff 十七、保养检修常用词汇 (Words about maintain and examination) 1.卡死 Blind 2.用卡钳量 Caliper 3.关闭 Close 4.解体 Disassemble 5.安装 Fix 6.组装 Box up 7.检验 Check 8.拆卸 Dismantle 9.装配 Fit 10.紧固 Fasten 11.测量 Gauge 12.安装 Install 13.测量 Measure 14.打开 Open 15.上油漆 Paint 16.换新 Renew 17.上紧 Tighten 18.洗 Wash 19.涂油脂 Grease 20.松开 Loosen 21.加油 Oil 22.检修 Overhaul 23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt 26.抽出 Withdraw 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 一 One 二 Two 三 Three 四 Four 五 Five 六 Six 七 Seven 八 Eight 九 Nine 十 Ten 十一 Eleven 十二 Twelve 十三 Thirteen 十四 Fourteen 十五 Fifteen 十六 Sixteen 十七 Seventeen 十八 Eighteen十九 Nineteen 二十 Twenty 三十 Thirty 四十 Forty 五十 Fifty 六十 Sixty 七十 Seventy 八十 Eighty 九十 Ninety 百 Hundred 千 Thousand 万 Ten thousand 百万 Million第一 First 第二 Second 第三 Third 第四 Fourth 第五 Fifth 第六 Sixth 第七 Seventh 第八 Eighth第九 Ninth 第十 Tenth 第十一 Eleventh 第十二 Twelfth 第二十 Twentieth 十九、时间、季节与方向 (Time 、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday 2.星期二 Tuesday 3.星期三 Wednesday 4.星期四 Thursday 5.星期五 Friday 6.星期六 Saturday 7.星期日 Sunday 8.春季 Spring 9.夏季 Summer 10.秋季 Autumn 11.冬季 Winter 12.一月 January 13.二月 February 14.三月 March 15.四月 April 16.五月 May 17.六月 June 18.七月 July 19.八月 August 20.九月 September 21.十月 October 22.十一月 November 23.十二月 December 24.小时 Hour 25.分钟 Minute 26.秒 Second 27.月 Month 28.天 Day 29.夜 Night 30.周 Week 31.早晨、上午 Morning 32.下午 Afternoon 33.傍晚 Evening 34.正午 Noon 35.今天 Today 36.昨天 Yesterday 37.明天 Tomorrow 38.前天 The day before yesterday39.后天 The day after tomorrow 40.本周 This week41.上周 Last week 42.下周 Next week 43.九月十日 44.去年 Last year 45.明年 Next year 46.上周二 Last Tuesday 47.下周一 Next Monday 48.东 East 49.西 West 50.南 South 51.北 North 52.西北 Northwest 53.东北 Northeast 54.东南 Southeast 55.西南 Southwest 56.世纪 Century二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use ) 1.发现已无法修复 found beyond repair 2.发现尺寸过大 found over-sized 3.发现反应缓慢 found slow function 4.发现不正常 found out of order5.发现不合标准 found not up to standard 6.发现不准确 found inaccurate7.发现失去作用 found out of function 8.发现轧住 found seized9.发现过热 found overheated 10.发现过度磨损 found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉 found worn out12.发现有一点倾斜 found a little bit inclined13.发现不正常 found abnormal14. 发现因过热而损坏found destroyed byoverheating15.发现龟裂 found chapped 16.发现塌陷 found collapsed17.发现运转失灵 found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形 found oval 19.发现拉痕 found scored 20.发现拉毛 found scuffed 21.发现变形 found deformed 22.发现松动 found loose 23.发现油污 found greasy 24.发现肮脏 found dirty 25.发现咬住 found stuck 26.发现挤压 found squeezed 27.发现弯曲 found bent 28.发现故障 found faulty 29.发现损坏 found damaged30.发现破碎成片 found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离 found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞 found partly choked 33.发现剧烈震动 found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏 found burnt 35.发现断裂 found fractured 36.发现接地 found earthed 37.发现敲缸 found knocking 38.发现溶化 found melted away 39.发现泄漏 found leaking (found leaky) 40.发现冻结 found stuck fast by icing 41.发现锈蚀 found rusty42.发现失效 found ineffective 43.发现故障 found out of order 44.发现结霜 found frosted 45.发现丢失 found lost46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) 1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you. 我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you? 2.裂 break 阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken.滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up叶轮应该堆焊The impeller should be built up by welding. 4.烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt.5.进行 carry out应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out.6.吹blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration.9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered.法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped.12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back. 14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged. 15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead. 泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling.16.完成 complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump 18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded.19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts. 20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间cylinder head is cracked.21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair.22.割 cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏 damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged. 24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble,clean and check the . fuel pump.27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

轮机英语词汇汇总一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain2.大副 Chief officer3.二副 Second officer4.三副 Third officer5.四副 Fourth officer6.水手长 Boatswain7.水手 Sailor & Seaman8.木匠 Carpenter9.轮机长 Chief engineer10.大管轮 Second engineer11.二管轮 Third engineer12.三管轮 Fourth engineer13.机匠长 Chief motorman15.机匠 Fitter16.加油工 Oil man17.大电 Chief electrician18.电工 Electrician19.车间主任 Workshop director20.工长 Section chief21.班长 Fore man22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer26.验船师(机)Register27.验船师(船)Surveyor28.油漆工 Painter29.焊工 Welder30.大橱 Chief cook31.物料员 Store keeper32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic34.甲板员 Deck man35.电线工 Wireman36.外包工 Laborer37.铸工 Molder38.管子工 Pipe fitter39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴 Twostrokediesel engine3.四冲程柴 Forestrokediesel engine4.高速柴油 High speed diesel engine5.中速柴油 Middle speed diesel engine6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head8.安全阀 Safety valve9.释放阀 Relief valve10.示功阀 Indicator valve11.示功考克 Indicator cock12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector15.排气阀 Exhaust valve16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown21.活塞裙 Piston skirt22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin24.活塞杆 Piston rod25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring)30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环 Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环 Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver37.扫气口 Scavenging port38.排气口 Exhaust port39.十字头 Cross head40.十字头销 Crosshead pin41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate45.连杆 Connecting rod46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing49.曲柄销 Crank pin50.曲轴 Crank shaft51.曲轴颈 Crank journal52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差 Crank deflection54.主轴承 Main bearing55.主轴颈 Main journal56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush58.上轴瓦 Upper half59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush60.下轴瓦 Lower half61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing62.推力块 Thrust pad63.推力盘 Thrust disc64.推力轴 Thrust shaft65.底座 Bed plate66.机架 Frame67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door69.曲柄箱防爆门 ExplosionproofCrank case.70.定时齿轮 Timing gear71.飞轮 Flying wheel72.凸轮 Cam73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam75.链条 Chain76.链条轮 Chain wheel77.链条箱 Chain box78.推杆 Push rod79.摇臂 Rocker arm80.排气阀 Exhaust valve81.吸气阀 Suction valve82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖 Side cover89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump93.叶轮 Impeller94.柱塞 Plunger95.导杆 Guide rod96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承 Thrust ball bearing100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear102.增压器 Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine104.涡轮 Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade106.喷嘴 Nozzle107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade109.废气端 Exhaust side110.透平端 Turbine side111.转子轴 Rotor shaft112.油泵 L.O. pump113.换向装置 Reversing device114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接 Expansion joint117.调速器 governor118.飞重 Flying weight119.补偿阀 Compensate valve120.针阀 Needle valve121.开口销 Cotter pin122.轴封 Shaft seal123.机械密封 Machinery seal124.配电盘 Switchboard125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator127.滤器 Filter128.细滤器 Filter129.粗滤器 Strainer130.滑油滤器 L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer132.空气滤器 Air intake filter133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver)134.分油机 Separator135.油水分离器 Wateroil separator136.净油机 Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier138.二氧化碳 CO2139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle140.正时齿轮 Timing gear141.导向棒装置 Guide bar142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮 Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置 Lubricator drive147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing149.应急操纵台 Emergency console150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator151.主启动阀 Main starting valve152.启动空气分配器 Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system155.安全帽 Safety cap156.机座 Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper158 贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver160.端罩 End shields161.气缸架 Cylinder frame162 气阀传动装置 Valve operating device163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器 Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marinemachinery)1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler5.火管 Fire tube6.给水管 Feed pipe7.炉膛 Furnace8.炉墙 Furnace wall9.火侧 Fire side10.水侧 Water side11.燃烧器 Oil burner12.安全阀 Safety valve13.上排污 Upper drain14.下排污 Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve16.水位计 Water level gauge17.压力表 Pressure gauge18.主汽门 Main steam valve19.玻璃管 Glass tube20.空调装置 Airconditioning plant21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant22.冰机 Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机 Air compressor24.造水机 Fresh water generator25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler26.机舱天车 Engine room crane27.天车导轨 Crane rail28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve29.舵机 Steering gear30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器 Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve34.冷凝器 Condenser35.分油器 Oil separator36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator37.焚烧炉 Oil burner38.分油机 Separator39.分离筒 Separator bowl40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device41.转数计 Revolution counter42.控制阀 Control valve43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant45.海水淡化装置 Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器 Heat exchanger47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle48.冷风机 Cooler unit49.防水风门 Fire damper50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper51.排气风机 Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower四、阀门(Words about valve)1.吸气阀 Suction valve2.排气阀 Exhaust valve3.控制阀 Control valve4.导阀 Pilot valve5.单向阀 Nonreturn valve6.口琴阀 Flap valve7.调节阀 Regulating valve8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve10.给水阀 Feed valve11.排水阀 Discharge valve12.截止阀 Stop valve13.吹泄阀 Blowoff valve14.空气阀 Air valve15.泄放阀 Drain valve16.止回阀 Check valve17.海底阀 Sea valve18.回流阀 Retune valve19.节流阀 Throttle valve20.进气阀 Inlet valve21.出气阀 Outlet valve22.热力阀 Thermal valve23.中央阀 Center valve24.单向阀 One way valve25.二通阀 Two way valve26.三通阀 Triple valve27.旁通阀 Bypass valve28.换向阀 Changeover valve30.溢流阀 Overflow valve31.自闭阀 Selflocking valve32.针阀 Needle valve33.平衡阀 Balance valve34.循环阀 Circulation valve35.主阀 Main valve36.滑阀 Slide valve37.蝶阀 Butterflyvalve38.截止阀 Shutoffvalve39.闸板阀 Gate valve40.通海阀 Sea suction valve41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀 Storm valve43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve 45.呼吸阀 Breather valve五、泵类(Words about pump)1.电动泵 Motordrivenpump2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump3.叶片泵 Vane pump4.回转泵 Rotary pump5.齿轮泵 Gear pump6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump8.真空泵 Vacuum pump9.螺杆泵 Screw pump10.喷射泵 Ejector pump11.冷却泵 Cooling pump12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump13.海水泵 Sea water pump14.给水泵 Feed water pump15.循环泵 Circulating pump16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump18.压载泵 Ballast pump19.舱底泵 Bilge pump20.污水泵 Sewage pump21.燃油泵 Fuel pump22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.低压油泵 Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵 Transfer pump25.增压泵 Booster pump26.消防泵 Fire pump27.通用泵 G.S. pump28.旋涡泵 Regenerative29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump31.单联泵 Simplex pump32.双联泵 Duplex pump33.多联泵 Multiplex pump34.活塞泵 Piston pump35.减摇泵 Antirollpump36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵 Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump 40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机 Windlass2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft3.刹车带 Brake lining4.离合器 Clutch5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush7.轴承盖 Bearing cover8.绞揽机 Capstan9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch 10.卷缆车 Reel 个11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device 16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack 20.起货机 Cargo winch21.克令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan 28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools) 1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine 5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤 Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手 Impact wrench 10.板手 Spanner11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers20.钢锯 Hack saw21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine 48.气焊机 Gas welding machine 49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers 50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron 52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers 55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93.喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达 Air motor95 油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机 High pressure hose for hydraulic 97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99.深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101 单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手 Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子 Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组 Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻 Rolling center137 .外径测微计 Outside micrometer with counter 138.六折式尺 Sixfolding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straight rule 141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规 Precision flat try square 143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 Highcarbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use)1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个 Piece2.条,张,片 Sheet3.双 Pair4.套,组,副 Set.5.盒 Box6.箱 Case7.瓶 Bottle8.米 Meter9.厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二 H.Ahd10.高压 H.P.11.低压 L.P.12.重油/柴油 H.O./D.O.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜 20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) 1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Overworn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Undersized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective46.椭圆形的 oval47.点不着火 misfire48.接错 misjoin49.放错 misplace50.老化 perish51.麻点 pit52.凸起 ridge53.划伤 score54.拉痕 scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 1.卡死 Blind2.用卡钳量 Caliper3.关闭 Close4.解体 Disassemble5.安装 Fix6.组装 Box up7.检验 Check8.拆卸 Dismantle9.装配 Fit10.紧固 Fasten11.测量 Gauge12.安装 Install13.测量 Measure14.打开 Open15.上油漆 Paint16.换新 Renew17.上紧 Tighten18.洗 Wash19.涂油脂 Grease20.松开 Loosen21.加油 Oil22.检修 Overhaul23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt26.抽出 Withdraw十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday2.星期二 Tuesday3.星期三 Wednesday4.星期四 Thursday5.星期五 Friday6.星期六 Saturday7.星期日 Sunday8.春季 Spring9.夏季 Summer10.秋季 Autumn11.冬季 Winter12.一月 January13.二月 February14.三月 March15.四月 April16.五月 May17.六月 June18.七月 July19.八月 August20.九月 September21.十月 October22.十一月 November23.十二月 December24.小时 Hour25.分钟 Minute26.秒 Second27.月 Month28.天 Day29.夜 Night30.周 Week31.早晨、上午 Morning32.下午 Afternoon33.傍晚 Evening34.正午 Noon35.今天 Today36.昨天 Yesterday37.明天 Tomorrow38.前天 The day before yesterday 39.后天 The day after tomorrow40.本周 This week41.上周 Last week42.下周 Next week43.九月十日 Sep.10 th44.去年 Last year45.明年 Next year46.上周二 Last Tuesday47.下周一 Next Monday48.东 East49.西 West50.南 South51.北 North52.西北 Northwest53.东北 Northeast54.东南 Southeast55.西南 Southwest56.世纪 Century二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use)1 已无法修复 beyond repair2.尺寸过大 oversized3.反应缓慢 slow function4.不正常 out of order5 不合标准 not up to standard6.不准确 inaccurate7.失去作用 out of function8.轧住 seized9.过热 overheated10 过度磨损 ound excessive wear 11.过度磨掉 worn out12.有一点倾斜 a little bit inclined 13.不正常 abnormal14.因过热而损坏 founDestroyed by overheating15.龟裂 chapped16.塌陷 collapsed17.运转失灵 out of operation18.呈椭圆形 oval19.拉痕 scored20.拉毛 scuffed21.变形 deformed22.松动 loose23.油污 greasy24.肮脏 dirty25.咬住 stuck26.挤压 squeezed27.弯曲 bent28.故障 faulty29.损坏 damaged30.破碎成片 broken to pieces31.部分剥离 partly detached32.部分堵塞 partly choked33.剧烈震动 violent vibration 34.烧坏 burnt35.断裂 fractured36.接地 earthed37.敲缸 knocking38.溶化 melted away39.发现泄漏 leaking ( leaky) 40.冻结 stuck fast by icing41.锈蚀 rusty42.失效 ineffective43.故障 out of order44.结霜 frosted45.丢失 lost46.出故障 in trouble47.失灵 out of order48.失灵 out of action49.不一致 out of operation50.错位 out of place二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example)1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you.我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you?2.裂 break阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken.滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces.3.加强 build up叶轮应该堆焊 The impeller should be built upby welding.4.烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt.5.进行 carry out应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out.6.吹 blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个 Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered.法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了 The white metal onthe bearing bush is chapped.12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承 Check the main bearingwith bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档差Check the crankshaft deflection before andafter repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back.14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged.15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead.泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with antifouling. 16.完成 complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来 Connect the motorwith the fresh water pump18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀 The pump casing andimpeller are corroded.19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts.20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair. 22.割 cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏 damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged.24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump. 27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

船舶英语目 录一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) ····· 1 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) ····· 3 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) ···· 14 五、泵类(Words about pump) ·········· 16 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery )······ 18 七、工具类(Word about tools) ········ 20 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) ··· 28 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ·····28 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) ·········29 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。
30 十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) ·····31 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32 十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) ····· 35 十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向(Time 、Season and Direction) ·····42 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use )·45 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) ····48 二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) ····67 二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) ···· 75 二十五、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) ···77 二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) ··· 87 二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E )····· 91 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目 (Delivery expressions for other items) ···95 三十一、甲板机械系泊试验 (Mooring test for deck machinery) ········96 三十二、机舱设备系泊试验 (Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) ···98 三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble )············100 三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) ············101 三十五、谈论试验和检验(Talking about test & check) ···········103 三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) (105)一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain2.大副 Chief officer3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Four-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板45.连杆46.连杆大端轴承47.连杆小端轴承48.曲柄轴承49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate 66.机架 Frame67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door 69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 88.端盖 Side cover89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump 91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller 94.柱塞 Plunger 95.导杆 Guide rod 96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing 98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing 100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear 102.增压器 Turbocharger 103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine104.涡轮 Turbine wheel 105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade 106.喷嘴 Nozzle 107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade 109.废气端 Exhaust side 110.透平端 Turbine side 111.转子轴 Rotor shaft 112.油泵 L.O.pump 113.换向装置 Reversing device 114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower 116.膨胀接 Expansion joint 117.调速器 governor 118.飞重 Flying weight 119.补偿阀 Compensate valve 120.针阀 Needle valve 121.开口销 Cotter pin 122.轴封 Shaft seal 123.机械密封 Machinery seal 124.配电盘 Switchboard 125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator 127.滤器 Filter 128.细滤器 Filter 129.粗滤器 Strainer 130.滑油滤器 L.O. filter 131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter 132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer 132.空气滤器 Air intake filter 133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 134.分油机 Separator 135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 136.净油机 Purifier 137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier 138.二氧化碳 CO2 139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle 140.正时齿轮 Timing gear 141.导向棒装置 Guide bar 142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive 147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台 Emergency console 150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator 151.主启动阀 Main starting valve 152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve 154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system 155.安全帽 Safety cap 156.机座 Bed plate 157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt 159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver 160.端罩 End shields 161.气缸架 Cylinder frame 162.气阀传动装置 Valve operating device 163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) 1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler 2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler 3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler 4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler 5.火管 Fire tube 6.给水管 Feed pipe 7.炉膛 Furnace 8.炉墙 Furnace wall 9.火侧 Fire side 10.水侧 Water side 11.燃烧器 Oil burner 12.安全阀 Safety valve 13.上排污 Upper drain 14.下排污 Lower drain 15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve 16.水位计 Water level gauge 17.压力表 Pressure gauge 18.主汽门 Main steam valve 19.玻璃管 Glass tube 20.空调装置 Air-conditioning plant 21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 22.冰机 Fridge. Machine 23.空气压缩机 Air compressor 24.造水机 Fresh water generator 25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler 26.机舱天车 Engine room crane 27.天车导轨 Crane rail 28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve 29.舵机 Steering gear 30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier 31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder 32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve 34.冷凝器 Condenser 35.分油器 Oil separator 36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator 37.焚烧炉 Oil burner 38.分油机 Separator 39.分离筒 Separator bowl 40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device 41.转数计 Revolution counter 42.控制阀 Control valve 43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery 44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器 Heat exchanger 47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle 48.冷风机 Cooler unit 49.防水风门 Fire damper 50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper 51.排气风机 Exhaust fan 52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan 53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan 54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower 四、阀门(Words about valve) 1.吸气阀 Suction valve 2.排气阀 Exhaust valve 3.控制阀 Control valve 4.导 阀 Pilot valve 5.单向阀 Non-return valve 6.口琴阀 Flap valve 7.调节阀 Regulating valve 8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve 9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve 10.给水阀 Feed valve 11.排水阀 Discharge valve 12.截止阀 Stop valve 13.吹泄阀 Blow-off valve 14.空气阀 Air valve 15.泄放阀 Drain valve 16.止回阀 Check valve 17.海底阀 Sea valve 18.回流阀 Retune valve 19.节流阀 Throttle valve 20.进气阀 Inlet valve 21.出气阀 Outlet valve 22.热力阀 Thermal valve 23.中央阀 Center valve 24.单向阀 One way valve 25.二通阀 Two way valve 26.三通阀 Triple valve 27.旁通阀 By-pass valve 28.换向阀 Change-over valve 29.减压阀 Pressure-reducing valve 30.溢流阀 Overflow valve 31.自闭阀 Self-locking valve 32.针阀 Needle valve 33.平衡阀 Balance valve 34.循环阀 Circulation valve 35.主 阀 Main valve 36.滑 阀 Slide valve 37.蝶 阀 Butter-fly valve 38.截止阀 Shut-off valve 39.闸板阀 Gate valve 40.通海阀 Sea suction valve 41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀 Storm valve 43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve 44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve 45.呼吸阀 Breather valve 五、泵类(Words about pump) 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 8.真空泵 Vacuum pump 9.螺杆泵 Screw pump 10.喷射泵 Ejector pump 11.冷却泵 Cooling pump 12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump 13.海水泵 Sea water pump 14.给水泵 Feed water pump 15.循环泵 Circulating pump 16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump 18.压载泵 Ballast pump 19.舱底泵 Bilge pump 20.污水泵 Sewage pump 21.燃油泵 Fuel pump 22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.底压油泵 Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵 Transfer pump 25.增压泵 Booster pump 26.消防泵 Fire pump 27.通用泵 G.S. pump 28.旋涡泵 Regenerative 29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump 30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump 31.单联泵 Simplex pump 32.双联泵 Duplex pump 33.多联泵 Multiplex pump34.活塞泵 Piston pump35.减摇泵 Anti-roll pump 36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump 39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机 Windlass2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft3.刹车带 Brake lining4.离合器 Clutch5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush7.轴承盖 Bearing cover8.绞揽机 Capstan9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch10.卷缆车 Reel11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack20.起货机 Cargo winch21.可令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools)1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine 5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手 Impact wrench10.板手 Spanner11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers 20.钢锯 Hack saw21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag 33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine48.气焊机 Gas welding machine49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93.喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达 Air motor95.油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机High pressure hose forhydraulic97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99.深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101.单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer withcounter138.六折式尺 Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straightrule141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 High-carbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) 1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw 6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个 Piece2.条,张,片 Sheet3.双 Pair4.套,组,副 Set.5.盒 Box6.箱 Case7.瓶 Bottle8.米 Meter9.厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland 20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二 H.Ahd10.高压 H.P.11.低压 L.P.12.重油/柴油 H.O./D.O.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜 20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word)1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Over-worn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Under-sized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective46.椭圆形的 oval47.点不着火 misfire48.接错 misjoin49.放错 misplace50.老化 perish51.麻点 pit52.凸起 ridge53.划伤 score54.拉痕 scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination)1.卡死 Blind2.用卡钳量 Caliper3.关闭 Close4.解体 Disassemble5.安装 Fix6.组装 Box up7.检验 Check8.拆卸 Dismantle9.装配 Fit10.紧固 Fasten11.测量 Gauge12.安装 Install13.测量 Measure14.打开 Open 15.上油漆 Paint 16.换新 Renew 17.上紧 Tighten 18.洗 Wash 19.涂油脂 Grease 20.松开 Loosen 21.加油 Oil22.检修 Overhaul 23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt 26.抽出 Withdraw十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 一 One 二 Two 三 Three 四 Four 五 Five 六 Six 七 Seven 八 Eight 九 Nine 十 Ten 十一 Eleven 十二 Twelve 十三 Thirteen 十四 Fourteen 十五 Fifteen 十六 Sixteen 十七 Seventeen 十八 Eighteen十九 Nineteen 二十 Twenty 三十 Thirty 四十 Forty 五十 Fifty 六十 Sixty 七十 Seventy 八十 Eighty 九十 Ninety 百 Hundred 千 Thousand 万 Ten thousand 百万 Million 第一 First 第二 Second 第三 Third 第四 Fourth 第五 Fifth 第六 Sixth 第七 Seventh 第八 Eighth 第九 Ninth 第十 Tenth 第十一 Eleventh 第十二 Twelfth 第二十 Twentieth十九、时间、季节与方向(Time 、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday 2.星期二 Tuesday 3.星期三 Wednesday 4.星期四 Thursday 5.星期五 Friday 6.星期六 Saturday 7.星期日 Sunday8.春季 Spring 9.夏季 Summer 10.秋季 Autumn 11.冬季 Winter 12.一月 January 13.二月 February 14.三月 March 15.四月 April 16.五月 May 17.六月 June 18.七月 July 19.八月 August 20.九月 September 21.十月 October 22.十一月 November 23.十二月 December 24.小时 Hour 25.分钟 Minute 26.秒 Second 27.月 Month 28.天 Day 29.夜 Night 30.周 Week 31.早晨、上午 Morning 32.下午 Afternoon 33.傍晚 Evening 34.正午 Noon 35.今天 Today 36.昨天 Yesterday 37.明天 Tomorrow 38.前天 The day before yesterday 39.后天 The day after tomorrow 40.本周 This week 41.上周 Last week 42.下周 Next week 43.九月十日 Sep.10th44.去年 Last year 45.明年 Next year 46.上周二 Last Tuesday 47.下周一 Next Monday 48.东 East 49.西 West 50.南 South 51.北 North 52.西北 Northwest 53.东北 Northeast 54.东南 Southeast 55.西南 Southwest 56.世纪 Century 二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use ) 1234.发现不正常 found out of order 5.发现不合标准 found not up to standard 6.发现不准确 found inaccurate 7.发现失去作用 found out of function 8.发现轧住 found seized 9.发现过热 found overheated 10.发现过度磨损 found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉 found worn out 12.发现有一点倾斜 found a little bit inclined 13.发现不正常 found abnormal 14. 发现因过热而损坏found destroyed by overheating 15.发现龟裂 found chapped 16.发现塌陷 found collapsed 17.发现运转失灵 found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形 found oval 19.发现拉痕 found scored 20.发现拉毛 found scuffed 21.发现变形 found deformed 22.发现松动 found loose 23.发现油污 found greasy 24.发现肮脏 found dirty 25.发现咬住 found stuck 26.发现挤压 found squeezed 27.发现弯曲 found bent 28.发现故障 found faulty 29.发现损坏 found damaged30.发现破碎成片 found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离 found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞 found partly choked 33.发现剧烈震动 found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏 found burnt 35.发现断裂 found fractured 36.发现接地 found earthed 37.发现敲缸 found knocking 38.发现溶化 found melted away 39.发现泄漏 found leaking (found leaky) 40.发现冻结 found stuck fast by icing 41.发现锈蚀 found rusty 42.发现失效 found ineffective 43.发现故障 found out of order 44.发现结霜 found frosted 45.发现丢失 found lost 46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) 1.借 borrow 我要向你借这份图纸 I want to borrow the drawing from you. 我可以向你借这个手锤吗? May I borrow the hammer from you? 2.裂 break 阀杆断裂了 The valve spindle is broken. 滚动轴承断裂成碎片了 The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up 叶轮应该堆焊 The impeller should be built up by welding. 4. 烧 burn 电动机烧了 The motor is burnt. 5. 进行 carry out 应进行负载试验 The load test should be carried out. 6.吹blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清 The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast 按原样铸造一个Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起 cause 损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer 油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered. 法兰切削后须倒角The flange should bechamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change 把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse toaccept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped.12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back. 14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged. 15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead. 泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling.16.完成 complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump 18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded.19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts. 20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair.22.割 cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏 damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged. 24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump.27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

轮机英语(精编文档)一、轮机英语基础知识1. 轮机专业词汇(1)主机(Main Engine)(2)辅机(Auxiliary Engine)(3)冷却水(Cooling Water)(4)滑油(Lubricating Oil)(5)燃油(Fuel Oil)(6)螺旋桨(Propeller)(7)轴承(Bearing)(8)齿轮(Gear)(9)涡轮增压器(Turbocharger)2. 轮机英语常用句型(1)The main engine is running smoothly.(主机运行平稳。
)(2)Please check the cooling water temperature.(请检查冷却水温度。
)(3)The lubricating oil level is too low.(滑油液位过低。
)(4)We need to replace the fuel filter.(我们需要更换燃油滤清器。
)(5)The propeller is damaged and needs repair.(螺旋桨损坏,需要修理。
)3. 轮机英语阅读材料(1)船舶柴油机说明书(2)轮机维护保养手册(3)轮机故障分析与处理案例(4)国际海事组织(IMO)相关法规二、轮机英语沟通技巧1. 听力训练(1)多听英语广播、新闻和轮机相关讲座。
2. 口语表达(1)模仿英语发音,练习标准发音。
3. 书面表达(2)阅读并分析轮机英语范文,掌握写作技巧。
三、轮机英语实际应用场景1. 船上日常沟通(1)交接班时,向同事详细描述设备运行状况和需要注意的问题。
(2)在紧急情况下,准确传达指令,如:“Emergency stop! Close the fuel valve immediately!”(紧急停止!立即关闭燃油阀!)(3)与船长、大副等高级船员讨论船舶维护和修理计划。
轮机英语教学课件(02) Diesel Engine Construction (I)

Generator 发电机
What are the main parts of a diesel engine?
A diesel engine mainly consists of two parts: the moving parts and the fixed parts.
liners bolted together? 22. Why are there some holes on each
cylinder cover?
8. What is A-shaped frame also called? 9. What is there at the top of the A-frames? 10. How is the scavenging air box built? 11. What’s the function of the chain
PC cylinder liner
5. In the part of the cylinders inside the scavenging air box, there is a series of openings (known as scavenging air ports). Theses ports are located at such a height that they are just exposed by the upper edge of the piston when the piston is in the bottom dead center position.
1. bedplate n. 机座
The main engine is fixed on the bedplate.

轮机专业英语词汇Lesson 1 accommodation房间,居住区arbitrary 任意的,武断的,独裁的bulkhead 船舱壁,船舱的隔墙cruise 巡游,巡航destroyer 驱逐舰distinct 清楚的,明显的,独特的dredger 挖泥船,挖泥机endure度过,忍受evaporator 造水机frigate 护卫舰funnel 烟囱habitability 可居住性hatch 舱口layout 规划,设计,布局longitudinal 经度的,纵向的metric 米制的,公制的stabilizer减摇鳍transverse 横向的,横断的trawler [渔]拖捞船tug 拖船cutter suction dredger 绞吸式挖泥船elevation drawing 正面图naval architect 造船工程师oily water separator 油水分离器prime mover 原动机self--sustaining 自维持trailing hopper suction dredger 耙吸式挖泥船twin--screw drive 双桨推进Lesson 2accomplish 完成adjacent 临近的advantage 优势,优点,长处alternator 交流发电机application 请求,应用,运用,施用aspirate吸入,吸出atomized雾化的attain 达到,到达auxiliary 辅助的balance 平衡,抵消blow 吹,鼓风burn燃烧cause引起,原因centripetal 向心的chamber 腔,室charge装,充,充填物clockwise 顺时针方向closure 关闭combine 组合,联合combustion 燃烧compress 压缩consist (of) 由…组成continue 继续进行contrive 设计,设法crank 曲柄crankshaft 曲轴cycle 循环cylinder 气缸Descend 下降,下行diesel 柴油,柴油机draw 抽吸encourage 促使entrain 进入event 事件,过程exhaust 排出,耗尽,排气,废气expel 排出,驱逐explain 解释,说明fine 细小的,好的fix 固定force迫使fresh 新鲜的,淡水的generator发电机generous 丰富的,充分的ignite 点燃imply暗示induce引起,招致inefficient 效率低的,无效的inertia 惯性inhale 吸入inject 喷射injector喷射器,喷油器inlet 进口,入口internal 内部的majority 多数,大多数marine 海运的,船用的maximize 把……增加到最大量medium中间的,介质mixing 混合naturally 自然的operation工作,操作,运转,进程overlap﹙与…﹚交叠,重叠,搭接piston 活塞poppet 提升positive正的preserve 保留prevent 妨碍,阻止Principle 原则,原理proceed 进行promote促进,加速,引起propeller 螺旋桨,推进器propulsion推进﹙装置﹚remain剩下,残存residual剩下的,残余的retard 推迟,延迟revolution 转rotate旋转,回转scavenge扫除,吹除separate 分离,分开sequence顺序,系列sound声音spray 喷雾,﹙水,油﹚雾stroke 冲程,行程theoretically 理论上地Throughflow 进流量,贯穿气流timing定时turbocharge 涡轮增压turbocharger涡轮增压器typical 典型的value 价值,数值vast 大量的,巨大的via 经由,通过Blow down 排出,下降bottom dead centre 下止点in turn 依次,轮流变成loop scavenge 回流扫气on board ship 在船上r/min 转/分钟reduction gear box减速齿轮箱slight ram 进气阀座top dead centre 上止点turn into 变成uniflow scavenge 直流扫气unexpelled 未排出的Lesson 3 adequate 足够的,充分的adjustment 调整,调节admit允许进入,导入advanced 高级的,先进的annular 环形的appropriate 适当的approx 大约assembly 组件,组装bearing 轴承bedplate 机座benefit 利益,好处,有益于,有助于,收益block块,体bore螺栓,用螺栓固定bolt 缸孔,钻孔,镗孔camshaft凸轮轴cap盖,帽casing 箱,外壳caulk敛缝,嵌塞channel 通道chock 侧块,锲型块chromium镀铬clearance 间隙cock 旋塞component 部件conical锥形的construction 结构crankpin曲柄销cross十字的,交叉的,交叉,横过current 当前的,流行的,电流,水流,气流diagonal 对角的,斜的diameter 直径displace 错位,变位distributor分配器double 双层的dowel销钉drill 钻孔duct管道edg边缘efficient 高效的,有效率的,能干的electronic电子的emission散发,发射,喷射,烟雾排放enclose 包围,封闭ensure 保证,担保environmental周围的,环境的expose 暴露,露出extend延长,伸长film油膜flange 法兰,翻边flat 平的foremost 最前的forge锻造frame机架groove 槽,沟guide导板,导向器,导向,引导height 高度horizontally 水平的indicator示功器insert 插入integral 整体的jacket 夹层,水套joint接合,接头journal 轴颈liner﹙气缸﹚衬套locate 位于,查出,找出,置于某位longitudinal 纵向的maneuverability机动操作性,机动性mount安装narrow 狭窄的opening开口opposite 在…对面,与…相对optimal 最理想的,最佳的period 期间pin 销子precise精确的,准确的,精确recess 凹槽,凹座,凹入处reliability可靠性requiremment 需求,要求rest 放置,坐落rotary 旋转的round圆的,使成圆形scraper 刮油器,刮子screw螺钉,用螺钉固定,拧入seating座,底座section段,表面secure固定shim 垫片shoe滑靴,滑块shrink 红套slightly轻微的slot槽,缝,开槽specification 详述,规格,说明书,规范stud双头螺栓surface 表面technology工艺,科技,技术chickness厚度thrust推,推力topmost 最上部transverse横向的turn 车削,转动variable变量,可变的vertical垂直的vital生命的,至关重要的weld 焊接built in 内装的,机内的,固定的carrier ring承磨环cast iron铸铁chain transmission链条传动﹙机构﹚fitted bolt拂配螺栓heat resistant耐热的machine turned车削的,车制的MEP 平均有效压力SFOC 比耗油率tap bolt 椎体螺栓telescopic pipe伸缩管,拉管well—proven充分证明的white metal 白合金Lesson 4 catalyst催化剂catalytic催化剂的cavitation 气穴现象centrifuge分油机component﹙组合﹚成分,元件,构件consumption 消费,消费量contaminant 杂质contaminate 污染conventional惯例的,常规的,传统的deaerate除气,除氧delivery 传递,输送deterioration变坏,退化,变质flexibility 灵活性,变通性impurity 杂质混杂物,夹杂物incorporate合并的,组合,混合,一体化irrespective不顾的,不考虑的occasionally 有时候,偶尔overflow溢流overhaul 大修particularly 独特的,显著的pressurize增压,密封,使…加压provided 倘若purifier/clarifier 分水机\ 分杂机recommendation推荐,建议refinery炼油厂rust 铁锈,﹙使﹚生锈safeguard 维护,保护,保护装置,保护措施traditional传统的,惯例的black—out全船停电booster pump增压泵catalytic fine 催化粉末gasway气道in parallel并联in series串联in view of 考虑到,由于residual fuel渣油spring—loaded弹簧回复的with regard to关于Lesson 5 accommodate收容,装有additional另外的,附加的,额外的alternatively 可供选择的办法auxiliary辅助的,备用的,副的chest 箱,柜deaeration除气inhibit约束,限制于系统内integrate 使成整体,使一体化,结合malfunction故障,失灵,不正常工作scoop 收集器,吸入口standstill 停车thermostatic恒温的by—pass旁通管,旁路,并联的,旁路的expansion tank 膨胀﹙水﹚柜,膨胀水箱in accordance with与…一致,按照Lesson 6attempt 试图,企图automatic 自动的,自动机械burst 突然破裂,爆发,冲破careful谨慎的,小心的compressor 压缩机deposit 沉淀,沉积物direct指导,指挥,直接的,直接地disc 盘drainage排放,排泄,排出物drop下跌,下落,下降effect 实现,达到目的,作用,影响,效果engage 啮合,从事explosion 爆炸facility设备feature功能,部件Fusible易熔的,可熔的guard 防护装置,防护,防卫humidity湿气,湿度immediate 立即的interlock连锁isolate隔缘,绝缘lever杆,杠杆,控制杆,抬起manoeuvring操纵的,机动的melt熔化,融化moisture潮湿,湿气,水汽,湿度,水分occurrence发生,事物pilot 引水员,引导的,控制的,先导的pipeline 管路,管系plug堵,塞,塞子,插头,插销possibility可能性,可能发生的事情Prevent 防止,预防properly适当的ready准备好的,有准备的redundant 备用的reservoir容器﹙空气瓶﹚,蓄压器slight 轻微的,微小的,弱的stringent严厉的,严格的suck 吸,吸取trap挡板,收集器bursting cap 防爆帽by means of 利用,用…方法Lesson 7alkalinity碱度,碱性assist 帮助,协助carbonaceous炭的,含炭的centrifuge离心分离机cleaner清洁剂,清油器cleanse清洗,纯净commercially商业上considerable相当的,大量的counteract 客服detergency去垢能力deterioration变质,恶化detritus碎石,磨屑duplicate双倍的,副本,备品,使加倍exception 例外expose 暴露feature是…特色起重要作用,特性,特点filter过滤,滤器formation形成,构成formulate配制friction摩擦力,摩擦gauge测量,仪表,量规impart耳轴,销轴impinge 给予﹙尤指抽象事物﹚Injector注射器,注油塞interfere影响,干扰involve涉及lacquer用漆涂于…,胶膜,漆lubricator注油器Property 财产,性质,特性quill 注油针replenish补充,补偿residual剩余的,残留的,残渣,残液reversal 反向,变换Rupture破裂store物料﹙间﹚,贮存successful 成功的,良好的undesirable不需要的gudgeon pin 轴销,十字头销,活塞销lubricatingstud 注油塞read out 读数telescope pipe伸缩套管,拉管Lesson 8adequate适当的,充分的adjacent临近的arrangement布置,安排atmosphere 大气,大气的blow鼓风,冲洗blower鼓风机,增压器compressor 压缩机density 密度,浓度differential微分,压差,差别的,微分的electrically电力地,电动地escape 出口,逃逸,溢出essential本质,要点,基本的,重要的pressurize增压,加压process 处理,过程removal排除,移动supercharge增压swirl 漩涡,涡状形,打漩,使…漩涡运动turbine涡轮,涡轮机Lesson 10boss 螺旋桨轴榖cascade倾泻,倾注cone 螺旋桨轴帽,锥形物,使成锥形counteract 抵消,中和,阻碍employ用,使用extend扩充,延伸,伸展helicoidal螺旋面hub桨榖integral 完整的,整体的intermediate中间的,温和的﹙天气﹚outboard外侧的,向舷外的pad垫,衬垫,便笺簿,加上衬垫pitch螺距pivot枢轴,支点,枢轴的,在枢轴上转动,装枢轴于propeller螺旋桨rigid刚性的,刚硬的taper逐渐变细,逐渐减少thrust推力,用力推,冲,插入,挤进tilt ﹙使﹚倾斜,﹙使﹚翘起transfer传递,转移transmission传动,传送cater for供应伙食,迎合face seal 面密封ingot steel钢锭journal bush 轴颈衬套lignum citae铁犁木shuttle tanker穿梭油船stuffing box填料函tailshaft艉轴thrust block 推力块thrust collar推力环Lesson 13 attemperator保温装置,保温器casing 包装,保护性外套convection传送,对流diesel柴油机downcomer下水管,下导管furnace炉子,熔炉,鼓风炉gasstight不漏气的,耐气构造的mounting设备propulsion推进,推进力spherical 球形的,球面的tangent接触的,切线的,相切的variation 变化,变动,变异vertical 垂直的,竖直的combustion chamber燃烧室draw off 撤退,排除﹙水﹚refractory lining 耐火炉衬,耐火﹙材料﹚衬里saturated steam 饱和水蒸气steam generation蒸发,汽化lesson 14bilge舱底bulge不规则突起,鼓起之处condensate冷凝物detritus碎石dislodge 驱逐fracture破裂friable 易碎的,脆的gauge 量,测量,标准尺ignite引燃,着火impurity不纯,杂质,混杂物periodically 周期性地,定时性地precaution预防,警惕preferential 优先的,特惠的rupture破裂,裂开salinity 盐分,盐度scavenge 打扫,从废气中提取sludge淤泥,矿泥,煤泥engine cylinder 发动机气缸non–return 止回pressure gauge 压力计residual heat剩余热sample connection取样口soot blower吹灰器steam trap 疏水器,汽水分离器,凝气阀turbine–generator涡轮发电机lesson 15axial 轴的,轴向的centrifugal离心的configuration构造,结构de–aerate 使除去空气,从﹙液体﹚中除去气泡elliptical椭圆的,省略的equilibrium 平衡,均衡,相称,匀称,平静erratically 不规律的,不定的hydraulic水力的,水压的overhaul 检查piston活塞reciprocate互给,互换,酬答reservoir 水库,水柜axial flow 轴流relief valve安全阀lesson 16 aluminium铝,铝的ammonia 氨,氨水azeotropic共沸的,恒沸点的corrosive腐蚀的,蚀坏的crankcase 曲轴箱elastomer 弹性体,人造橡胶flammable 易燃的,可燃性的fluorinate使与氟素化合glycol 乙二醇hazardous 危险地,冒险的liquefy﹙使﹚溶解,﹙使﹚液化ozonosphere臭氧层shaft 轴,杆状物solenoid螺线管suction 吸入,抽气toxit有毒的,中毒的ventilation 通风methyl–chloride氯甲烷calcium chloride brine氯化钙卤水lesson 18 renewal 更新,恢复thermostat 温度调节装置pneumatic 空气的,气动的alleyway小巷,﹙船上的﹚通道porthold舷窗filter 过滤,过滤器,滤波器damper起抑制作用的因素,节气阀stuffiness 不通风,闷热odor 气味,名声louver天窗,屋顶窗lesson 23cavity 洞,空穴,腔conjunction联合,关联,连接词hydraulic 水力的,水压的incorporate合并的,一体化的,合并multiple多样的,多重的,倍数offset偏移量,偏移orifice孔,口swashplate旋转斜盘torqueses 颈部四周的彩色项毛圈lbf∕in²压强单位﹙in²为平方英寸﹚pressure control valves压力控制阀sequence valves次序阀slow speed high torque motor 低速高扭矩电动机lesson 24derrick起重机grease油脂,涂抹油handling处理,操作的hydraulic水力的,水压的inspection检查,视察luffing 转舵luff 俯仰运动,上下摆动,起动机臂的转动winch 绞盘deck cranes 甲板起重机lesson 25anchor 锚bollard系缆桩capstan 绞缆机clutch 离合器grip 夹住,夹具发卡handle 处理hatch 舱口haul 拖,绞moor 系泊,系缆render绞,拖snug凸起,突齿split分离的substantial坚实ension 张力wrap卷,包,使弯曲windlass 锚机worm蜗杆cable lifter 锚链轮let go 放出pay out 放出,放开,松开﹙绳索﹚spurling \pipe 锚链筒lesson 26 activate 使活动changeover 转换consequently从而,因此exclusive唯一的identical 完全相同的lam撞杆linkage 连接mechanism 机械装置necessitate成为必要,需要response 反应rotary旋转的spindle 轴,杆switch开关,电闸,转换telemotor液压传动操舵装置audible and visual alarms 声光报警floating lever 浮动杆rudder stock 舵柱rotary vane tpye转页式steering gear操舵装置steering gear compartment 舵机房variable delivery pump变量泵lesson 28 amplifier扩音器,放大器inductive诱导的,感应的installation安装,装置magnetic磁的,有磁性的navigation航海,航空preliminary 预备的,初步的rectifier校正器,矫正器,整流器rotation旋转segment段,节,片段,分割switchboard配电盘,接线总机alternating current 交流电lesson 28 alternator交流发电机dial刻度盘,钟面,转盘frequency频率instrumentation 使用仪器negligible可以忽略的,不予重视的synchroscope同步检定器voltmeters伏特表,电压表overspeed governor 限速器reverse power protection逆功率保护lesson 29 adjacent相邻的amplifier放大器armature电枢brighten﹙使﹚变亮brushless 无﹙电﹚刷的capacitive电容性的clockwise顺时针方向的,顺时针方向地commutator整流子,换向器compounded 负激励的counter计数器,相反的,抵消darken﹙使﹚变暗electromagnet电磁铁exciter励磁机feature部件,特性fluctuation波动hunting 振荡inductive ﹙电﹚感性的instrumentation仪器lagging 绝缘层材料,滞后leading超前pointer指针polarity极性pole棒,柱,杆,极,磁极,电极product 产品,产物,乘机series串联,系列shunt并激statically 静止的synchdroscope同步指示器trip 脱扣机构voltage电压,伏特数winding绕组a.c.distribution system交流电分配系统brushgear电刷机构d.c.distribution system直流电分配系统delta formation 三角形接法earthed neutral 接地点excitation励磁field coil 励磁线圈,磁场线圈incoming machine待并机indicating lamps 指示灯miniature circuit breakers 微型断路器navigation lights 航行灯overcorrecting过调parallel operation并车操作power factor功率因数prime mover原动机reverse power protection 逆功率保护slip–ring滑环start formation星形连法Leeson 30commutator换向器,转接器straightforward简单的,易懂的,直截了当的,坦率的interpole 极间极,附加极,辅助整流极,换向极momentary 瞬间的,刹那间的multiplicity多样性outgoing 引出的,外行的feeder 馈线,馈电板panel仪表盘,控制面板dead死的,不带电的live活的,带电的permissible容许的,许可的breaker 断路器rear背面﹙的﹚,后面﹙的﹚isolator 绝缘子,隔离开关ammeter安培表,电流表voltmeter 伏特计,电压表additional额外的,附加的frequency频率transformer 变换器,变压器synchroscope 同步指示器wattmeter瓦特计,功率表corresponding相应的,相当的extremely极端的rare罕见的alive 带电的alternating current 交流电bus bar 汇流排dead front type 前端不带电式differ from 不同于,区别于direct current 直流电distribution board分电板,分电箱field circuit 磁场电路shunt wound motor并励电动机splitting up分解,分裂sub board 分区﹙区域﹚配电板tripping device跳闸开关﹙装置﹚。

船舶轮机英语大全第一部分日常用语:Daily EnglishⅠ:问候、介绍、告别( Greetings、introductions and farewells)1、I’m a fitter (electrician、piper ). 钳工、电工、管子工2、He is an inspector(QC). 检验员3、Welcome to our shipyard.Ⅱ:致谢、道歉(Gratitude and Apologies)1、Do me a favour, please. 请多帮忙2、When shall we deliver it? 提交3、Please wait a moment.4、Will this way take me to the foreign office? 外事办5、Right-about-face向后转Ⅲ Life in the yard1、Have you got used to the life here?2、Please hold the handrails well. 请抓好扶手3、Please use your intercom.(walkie-talkie)对讲机4、How about quality? 质量怎么样?5、There’s something wrong with the drawing.6、Sorry, It’s my fault. 是我的过错7、Don’t worry. That’s easy to deal with.8、Let’s start to check some items. 开始验收吧9、Are you satisfied with it?10、The vibration (temperature、pressure、speed) is normal. 振动(温度、压力、速度)是正常11、Sorry, it has not been finished yet.12、Submission (Delivery) is Okay. 提交(验收)成功常用句型 Common Patterns1、That is an exhaust valve. 排气阀2、These are blowers. 鼓风机3、There are ten workers in our group.4、He is a technician. 技术员5、I am a fitter. 钳工6、When shall we have a check?7、Will you please give me a hand?第二部分管子部分Ⅰ.管子加工后提交用语:Delivery expressions after pipe processing1、Which system is this pipe for?2、How many pipes are there altogether?3、What’s the designed test pressure ? It is 12 kilograms/cm2设计规定的试验压力是多少? 12公斤/厘米2。

1. What information is NOT found in the chart title? (C)A. Survey information调查信息B. Scale 比例尺C. Date of first edition 第一版的日期D. Projection投影备注:information [,infə'meiʃən] 信息chart [tʃɑ:t] title['taitl]注意:chart title 是海图图名此题还要注意是要NOT。
整句意思:什么样的信息是不存在于图表标题?2. Place names used should be those ______.(D)A. specified by international authorities 指定由国际权威B. specified by national authorities 国家机关规定C. on the standard map 在标准的地图D. on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use 在这个图或航向中使用备注:Sailing['seiliŋ]direction [di'rekʃən]整句意思:地名的应该是那些使用的图表或航向中使用3. On the Metric chart, the statement "Depths in meters" can be found ______.(B)A. on the top of the chartB. below the title of the chart 标题下面的图表C. on the right bottom of the chartD. above the title of the chart备注:metric ['metrik] statement ['steitmənt] depth [depθ]meter [mi:tə]整句意思:在公制的图表,声明“深度”可以发现在标题下面的图表4. Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ______.(C)A. cable areasB. dumping groundsC. fish trap areasD. precautionary areas备注:area['εəriə] enclose [in'kləuz] magenta [mə'dʒentə] indicate ['indikeit]整句意思:由地区长、短冲洋红线表示鱼陷阱区。

船舶英语目 录一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) ····· 1 二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) ····· 3 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) ·· 11 四、阀门(Words about valve) ···· 14 五、泵类(Words about pump) ·········· 16 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery )······ 18 七、工具类(Word about tools) ········ 20 八、常用物料(Material in common use) 26 九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) ··· 28 十、常用油类(Oil in common use) ·····28 十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) ·········29 十二、国家名称(Name of country) 。
30 十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) ·····31 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 32 十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) ·33 十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction) ····· 35 十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 38 十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use) 40 十九、时间、季节与方向(Time 、Season and Direction) ·····42 二十常用词组(Phrases in common use )·45 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example) ····48 二十二、问候和常用表达语(Greeting and common expression) ····67 二十三、主机提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for main engine) 68 二十四、空压机和空气系统用语(Air compressor and Air system) ···· 75 二十五、锅炉提交用语(Delivery expressions for boiler) ···77 二十六、锚绞车提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for anchor windlass) 79 二十七、舵机提交过程用语(Steering gear delivering) ··· 87 二十八、付机提交过程用语(Delivery expression for A/E )····· 91 二十九、救生艇提交过程用语(Delivery expressions for lifeboat) ··92 三十、其他提交项目 (Delivery expressions for other items) ···95 三十一、甲板机械系泊试验 (Mooring test for deck machinery) ········96 三十二、机舱设备系泊试验 (Mooring test for the equipment in E/R) ···98 三十三、谈论故障常用语(Expressions for trouble )············100 三十四、谈论检修常用语(Expressions for overhaul) ············101 三十五、谈论试验和检验 (Talking about test & check) ···········103 三十六、谈论技术要求(Talking about technology required) (105)一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer6.水手长 Boatswain7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man 22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge 24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 Piston skirt 22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring 29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe 31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box 33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板45.连杆46.连杆大端轴承47.连杆小端轴承48.曲柄轴承49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差 Crank deflection 54.主轴承 Main bearing 55.主轴颈 Main journal 56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush 58.上轴瓦 Upper half59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush 60.下轴瓦 Lower half 61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing 62.推力块 Thrust pad 63.推力盘 Thrust disc 64.推力轴 Thrust shaft 65.底座 Bed plate 66.机架 Frame67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door 69.曲柄箱防爆门 Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮 Timing gear 71.飞轮 Flying wheel 72.凸轮 Cam73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam 75.链条 Chain76.链条轮 Chain wheel 77.链条箱 Chain box 78.推杆 Push rod 79.摇臂 Rocker arm 80.排气阀 Exhaust valve 81.吸气阀 Suction valve 82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold 83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod) 88.端盖 Side cover89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump 91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump 93.叶轮 Impeller 94.柱塞 Plunger 95.导杆 Guide rod 96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing 98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing 100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear 102.增压器 Turbocharger 103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine 104.涡轮 Turbine wheel 105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade 106.喷嘴 Nozzle107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller 108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade 109.废气端 Exhaust side 110.透平端 Turbine side 111.转子轴 Rotor shaft 112.油泵 L.O.pump113.换向装置 Reversing device 114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor 115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower 116.膨胀接 Expansion joint 117.调速器 governor 118.飞重 Flying weight 119.补偿阀 Compensate valve 120.针阀 Needle valve 121.开口销 Cotter pin 122.轴封 Shaft seal 123.机械密封 Machinery seal 124.配电盘 Switchboard 125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator 127.滤器 Filter 128.细滤器 Filter 129.粗滤器 Strainer 130.滑油滤器 L.O. filter 131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter 132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer 132.空气滤器 Air intake filter 133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 134.分油机 Separator 135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 136.净油机 Purifier 137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier 138.二氧化碳 CO2 139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle 140.正时齿轮 Timing gear 141.导向棒装置 Guide bar 142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive 147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener 148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台 Emergency console 150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator 151.主启动阀 Main starting valve 152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve 154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system 155.安全帽 Safety cap 156.机座 Bed plate 157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt 159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver 160.端罩 End shields 161.气缸架 Cylinder frame 162.气阀传动装置 Valve operating device 163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery) 1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler 2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler 3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler 4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler 5.火管 Fire tube 6.给水管 Feed pipe 7.炉膛 Furnace 8.炉墙 Furnace wall 9.火侧 Fire side 10.水侧 Water side 11.燃烧器 Oil burner 12.安全阀 Safety valve 13.上排污 Upper drain 14.下排污 Lower drain 15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve 16.水位计 Water level gauge 17.压力表 Pressure gauge 18.主汽门 Main steam valve 19.玻璃管 Glass tube 20.空调装置 Air-conditioning plant 21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 22.冰机 Fridge. Machine 23.空气压缩机 Air compressor 24.造水机 Fresh water generator 25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler 26.机舱天车 Engine room crane 27.天车导轨 Crane rail 28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve 29.舵机 Steering gear 30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier 31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder 32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve 34.冷凝器 Condenser 35.分油器 Oil separator 36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator 37.焚烧炉 Oil burner 38.分油机 Separator 39.分离筒 Separator bowl 40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device 41.转数计 Revolution counter 42.控制阀 Control valve 43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery 44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant 45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器 Heat exchanger 47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle 48.冷风机 Cooler unit 49.防水风门 Fire damper 50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper 51.排气风机 Exhaust fan 52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan 53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan 54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower 四、阀门(Words about valve) 1.吸气阀 Suction valve 2.排气阀 Exhaust valve 3.控制阀 Control valve 4.导 阀 Pilot valve 5.单向阀 Non-return valve 6.口琴阀 Flap valve 7.调节阀 Regulating valve 8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve 9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve 10.给水阀 Feed valve 11.排水阀 Discharge valve 12.截止阀 Stop valve 13.吹泄阀 Blow-off valve 14.空气阀 Air valve 15.泄放阀 Drain valve 16.止回阀 Check valve 17.海底阀 Sea valve 18.回流阀 Retune valve 19.节流阀 Throttle valve 20.进气阀 Inlet valve 21.出气阀 Outlet valve 22.热力阀 Thermal valve 23.中央阀 Center valve 24.单向阀 One way valve 25.二通阀 Two way valve 26.三通阀 Triple valve 27.旁通阀 By-pass valve 28.换向阀 Change-over valve 29.减压阀 Pressure-reducing valve 30.溢流阀 Overflow valve 31.自闭阀 Self-locking valve 32.针阀 Needle valve 33.平衡阀 Balance valve 34.循环阀 Circulation valve 35.主 阀 Main valve 36.滑 阀 Slide valve 37.蝶 阀 Butter-fly valve 38.截止阀 Shut-off valve 39.闸板阀 Gate valve 40.通海阀 Sea suction valve 41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀 Storm valve 43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve 44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve 45.呼吸阀 Breather valve 五、泵类(Words about pump) 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 1.电动泵 Motor-driven pump 2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump 3.叶片泵 Vane pump 4.回转泵 Rotary pump 5.齿轮泵 Gear pump 6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump 7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump 8.真空泵 Vacuum pump 9.螺杆泵 Screw pump 10.喷射泵 Ejector pump 11.冷却泵 Cooling pump 12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump 13.海水泵 Sea water pump 14.给水泵 Feed water pump 15.循环泵 Circulating pump 16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump 18.压载泵 Ballast pump 19.舱底泵 Bilge pump 20.污水泵 Sewage pump 21.燃油泵 Fuel pump 22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.底压油泵 Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵 Transfer pump 25.增压泵 Booster pump 26.消防泵 Fire pump 27.通用泵 G.S. pump 28.旋涡泵 Regenerative 29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump 30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump 31.单联泵 Simplex pump 32.双联泵 Duplex pump 33.多联泵 Multiplex pump 34.活塞泵 Piston pump 35.减摇泵 Anti-roll pump 36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump 39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump 40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery ) 1.锚机 Windlass 2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft 3.刹车带 Brake lining 4.离合器 Clutch 5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush 7.轴承盖 Bearing cover 8.绞揽机 Capstan 9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch10.卷缆车 Reel11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack20.起货机 Cargo winch21.可令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools)1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤Engineer’s hammer9.冲击板手 Impact wrench10.板手 Spanner11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers20.钢锯 Hack saw21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine 48.气焊机 Gas welding machine49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers 50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron 52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen 54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93.喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达 Air motor95.油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机High pressure hose forhydraulic97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99.深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101.单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer withcounter138.六折式尺 Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺Stainless steel straightrule141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 High-carbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use)1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个 Piece2.条,张,片 Sheet3.双 Pair4.套,组,副 Set.5.盒 Box6.箱 Case7.瓶 Bottle8.米 Meter9.厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use) 1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二 H.Ahd10.高压 H.P.11.低压 L.P.12.重油/柴油 H.O./D.O.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜 20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth 4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六、故障常用单词 (words about malfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Over-worn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Under-sized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective46.椭圆形的 oval47.点不着火 misfire48.接错 misjoin49.放错 misplace50.老化 perish51.麻点 pit52.凸起 ridge53.划伤 score54.拉痕 scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination)1.卡死 Blind2.用卡钳量 Caliper3.关闭 Close4.解体 Disassemble5.安装 Fix6.组装 Box up7.检验 Check8.拆卸 Dismantle9.装配 Fit10.紧固 Fasten11.测量 Gauge12.安装 Install13.测量 Measure14.打开 Open15.上油漆 Paint16.换新 Renew17.上紧 Tighten18.洗 Wash19.涂油脂 Grease20.松开 Loosen21.加油 Oil22.检修 Overhaul23.重新组装 Reassemble24.测取读数 Take reading25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt26.抽出 Withdraw十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use)一 One二 Two三 Three四 Four五 Five六 Six七 Seven八 Eight九 Nine十 Ten十一 Eleven十二 Twelve十三 Thirteen十四 Fourteen十五 Fifteen十六 Sixteen十七 Seventeen十八 Eighteen十九 Nineteen二十 Twenty三十 Thirty 四十 Forty 五十 Fifty 六十 Sixty 七十 Seventy 八十 Eighty 九十 Ninety 百 Hundred 千 Thousand 万 Ten thousand 百万 Million 第一 First 第二 Second 第三 Third 第四 Fourth 第五 Fifth 第六 Sixth 第七 Seventh 第八 Eighth 第九 Ninth 第十 Tenth 第十一 Eleventh 第十二 Twelfth 第二十 Twentieth十九、时间、季节与方向(Time 、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday 2.星期二 Tuesday 3.星期三 Wednesday 4.星期四 Thursday 5.星期五 Friday 6.星期六 Saturday 7.星期日 Sunday 8.春季 Spring 9.夏季 Summer 10.秋季 Autumn 11.冬季 Winter 12.一月 January 13.二月 February 14.三月 March 15.四月 April 16.五月 May 17.六月 June 18.七月 July 19.八月 August20.九月 September 21.十月 October 22.十一月 November 23.十二月 December 24.小时 Hour 25.分钟 Minute 26.秒 Second 27.月 Month 28.天 Day 29.夜 Night 30.周 Week 31.早晨、上午 Morning 32.下午 Afternoon 33.傍晚 Evening 34.正午 Noon 35.今天 Today 36.昨天 Yesterday 37.明天 Tomorrow38.前天 The day before yesterday 39.后天 The day after tomorrow 40.本周 This week 41.上周 Last week 42.下周 Next week 43.九月十日 Sep.10th 44.去年 Last year 45.明年 Next year 46.上周二 Last Tuesday 47.下周一 Next Monday 48.东 East 49.西 West 50.南 South 51.北 North 52.西北 Northwest 53.东北 Northeast 54.东南 Southeast 55.西南 Southwest 56.世纪 Century 二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use ) 1234.发现不正常 found out of order 5.发现不合标准 found not up to standard 6.发现不准确 found inaccurate 7.发现失去作用 found out of function 8.发现轧住 found seized 9.发现过热 found overheated 10.发现过度磨损 found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉 found worn out 12.发现有一点倾斜 found a little bit inclined 13.发现不正常 found abnormal 14. 发现因过热而损坏found destroyed by overheating 15.发现龟裂 found chapped 16.发现塌陷 found collapsed 17.发现运转失灵 found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形 found oval 19.发现拉痕 found scored 20.发现拉毛 found scuffed 21.发现变形 found deformed 22.发现松动 found loose 23.发现油污 found greasy 24.发现肮脏 found dirty 25.发现咬住 found stuck 26.发现挤压 found squeezed 27.发现弯曲 found bent 28.发现故障 found faulty 29.发现损坏 found damaged 30.发现破碎成片 found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离 found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞 found partly choked 33.发现剧烈震动 found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏 found burnt 35.发现断裂 found fractured 36.发现接地 found earthed 37.发现敲缸 found knocking 38.发现溶化 found melted away 39.发现泄漏 found leaking (found leaky) 40.发现冻结 found stuck fast by icing 41.发现锈蚀 found rusty 42.发现失效 found ineffective 43.发现故障 found out of order 44.发现结霜 found frosted 45.发现丢失 found lost 46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place 二十一、常用动词和例句 (Verb in common use and example) 1.借 borrow 我要向你借这份图纸 I want to borrow the drawing from you. 我可以向你借这个手锤吗? May I borrow the hammer from you? 2.裂 break 阀杆断裂了 The valve spindle is broken. 滚动轴承断裂成碎片了 The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up 叶轮应该堆焊 The impeller should be built up by welding. 4. 烧 burn 电动机烧了 The motor is burnt. 5. 进行 carry out 应进行负载试验 The load test should be carried out. 6.吹blow 管子必须用压缩空气吹清 The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起 cause 损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer 油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered. 法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined. 10.换掉 change 把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse toaccept them.11.龟裂 chap 轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped. 12.核查 check 用桥规核查主轴承 Check the main bearing with bridge gauge. 修理前后要核查拐档Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair. 13.清洁 clean 装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back. 14.阻塞 clog 燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged. 15.涂漆 coat 用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead. 泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling. 16.完成 complete finish 你什么时候能完成修理工作? When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect 把电动机和淡水泵连接起来 Connect the motor with the fresh water pump 18.腐蚀 corrode 泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded. 19.盖 cover 请把所有卸下的部件盖起来 Please cover all the removed parts. 20.裂 crack 二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间 No.2 cylinder head is cracked. 21.吊 crane 把液压马达吊上岸去修理 Crane the hydraulic motor ashore [ ə'ʃɔ: ] for repair. 22.割 cut 把底座割掉 Cut off the bedplate. 23.损坏 damage 滚动轴承严重损坏 The ball bearings are seriously damaged. 24.脱落 detach 白合金部分脱落了 The white metal is partly detached. 25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage. 26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump.27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。

【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】轮机英语词汇1、pump 泵①Supply pump供给泵②transfer pump 输送泵③circulating pump 循环泵④bilge pump 舱底水泵⑤ballast pump 压载水泵1、tank①drain tank 泄放柜②service tank 日用柜③settling tank沉淀柜④storage tank 储存柜⑤circulating tank 循环柜⑥used oil tank 废油柜⑦buffer tank 缓冲柜⑧overflow tank 溢流柜⑨Collecting tank 收集柜⑩expansion water tank 膨胀水箱2、water①sea water (S.W.) 海水②fresh water (F.W.) 淡水③operating water 工作水④sanitary water 卫生水⑤washing water 冲洗水⑥refilling water 再注水⑦feed water 给水⑧condensate water 冷凝水⑨bilge water 舱底水⑩sewage 污水2、oil①fuel oi l (F.O.) 燃油②lubricating oil (L.O.) 滑油③engine oil 机油④cylinder oil 气缸油⑤diesel oil (D.O.)柴油⑥turbine oil透平油⑦cool oil冷却油⑧seal oil密封油3、temperature (temp) 温度4、flow 流量5、pressure(press)压力6、power 功率10、level 液位11、vibration 振动12、normal/abnormal 正常/异常13、main/auxiliary (aux.) 主要/辅助的14、inlet/exhaust 进气/排气15、fire alarm 火警16、fail/failure 故障17、overload 过载18、no-voltage 失电19、leak/leakage 泄漏20、wrong-way 错向21、insulation(insul) 绝缘22、oil mist 油雾23、viscosity 粘度24、density 浓度25、salinity 盐度26、oil content 油含量27、pressure difference 压差28、switch 开关29、flame 火焰30、automatic(auto)自动的31、emergency 应急的32、standby 备用的33、screw 螺丝34、nut 螺母35、stud 螺柱36、meter 仪表37、thermometer温度计38、level gauge 液位计38、pressure gauge 压力表39、length 长度40、breadth 宽度41、height 高度42、meter 米43、centimeter 厘米44、millimeter毫米45、decimillimetre 丝米46、micrometer微米46、hundredth of one millimeter 丝47、de(rust)生锈(除绣)48、spare parts 备件49、spanner 扳手50、ahead/astern 正车/倒车51、screwdriver 螺丝刀(minus / plus)52、sludge 油渣53、electrician’s knife 电工刀54、decrustation pliers 剥线钳Ⅱ.(主机主要部件)Main Parts for M/E1、engine frame 机架2、cylinder 气缸3、piston 活塞4、crosshead 十字头5、bedplate 机座6、crankshaft曲轴7、cylinder cover/head 气缸盖8、connecting rod 连杆9、turbocharger 增压器10、driving chain 传动链11、air cooler 空气冷却器12、scanvage box 扫气箱13、oil sprayer 喷油器14、oil nozzle 喷油嘴15、exhaust valve 排气阀16、sealing ring 密封环17、cylinder liner 气缸套18、piston rod 活塞杆Ⅲ.机舱布置图Engine room arrangement1、main engine /M.E. 主机2、intermediate shaft 中间轴3、bearing 轴承4、propeller shaft 螺旋桨轴5、stern tube艉管6、aft seal head tank 后密封油箱7、FWD seal head tank前密封油箱8、stern tube L.O. drain tank 艉管滑油泄放柜9、chemical cleaning tank 化学清洗柜10、L.O. drain tank11、sludge oil trap 油渣收集柜12、rust preventer tank 防锈剂柜13、oily water separator油水分离器14、Low sea chest 低位海水门15、L.O. transfer pump 16、bilge pump 舱底泵17、M/E lub oil pump 18、M/E S.W. cooling pump 主机海水泵19、sludge pump 油渣泵20、ejector pump for F.W.G 造水装置工作水泵21、stern tube L.O. pump 艉轴管滑油泵22、H.F.O. Transfer pump 燃油输送泵23、ballast pump 压载泵24、bilge & G.S. pump 舱底总用泵25、Fire & G.S. pump 消防总用泵26、Provision Ref. Unit S.W. pump伙食冷藏海水泵27、aux. S.W. Cooling pump 辅海水泵28、L.O. purify cleaning tray 滑油分油机洗池29、L.O. purify. Operating water tank 滑油分油机工作水箱30、L.O. purify. Heater滑油分油机加热器31、diesel generator 柴油发电机组32、D/G F.W. Cooler 柴油发电机淡水冷却器33、boiler feed water pump 锅炉给水泵34、cascade tank 热井35、aux.condenser 大气冷凝器36、inspection tank 凝水检查柜37、filter 过滤器38、distilling plant 造水装置39、control air vessel 控制空气瓶40、control air dryer控制空气干燥器41、air compressor 空压机42、main air vessel 主空气瓶43、M/E F.O. heater 主机燃油加热器44、purif room exh fan分油机室抽风机45、sludge tank 油渣柜46、drinking water hydrophone tank 饮水压力柜47、calorifier 热水柜48、drinkingwater sterilizer 饮水消毒器49、emergency air compressor 50、stern tube gravity oil tank艉管重力油柜51、antifouling system power unit防污系统电源箱52、ECR. Unit cooler 集控室空冷机53、overhead crane 机舱行车54、boiler feed water test kit 炉水试验台55、cylinder oil measuring tank气缸计量柜56、sink 洗池57、gas welder 气焊机58、E.L. welder 电焊机59、universal machine 组合机床60、driller 立式钻床61、bench 钳桌台62、vice台虎钳63、grinder 砂轮机64、cupboard 橱65、sewage treatment unit 生活污水处理装置66、composite boiler 燃油/废气组合锅炉67、forced draft fan 锅炉强力风机68、incinerator 焚烧炉69、waste oil service tank 废油日用柜70、supply ventilating fans 送风机71、spark arrester消音器Ⅳ.Others1、shipyard 船厂2、shipbuilding 造船3、berth/slipway 船台4、marine diesel engine 船用柴油机5、bulk-cargo carrier 散装货船6、containership 集装箱船7、oil tanker 油船8、tonnage 吨位9、merchant ship 民用船10、military ship (warship) 军用船11、drawing 图纸12、hull 船外壳13、bow/stern 船艏/船尾14、port/starboard 左舷/右舷15、deadweight 载重量16、displacement 排水量17、freeboard 干舷18、deck 甲板19、keel 龙骨20、anchor 锚21、rudder 舵22、bottom 底23、supersrtucture 上层建筑24、side 25、weld 焊26、painting 油漆27、assemble 装配28、launching 29、sea trial 试航30、delivery 交船31、tightness test 密性试验32、after service 售后服务33、approval 认可34、blue collar worker 蓝领35、maker 36、rules and regulations 规则、规范37、chief engineer 轮机长38、chief officer大副39、clerk 事务员40、foreigner41、fore peak 艏尖舱42、aft peak 尾尖舱43、frame 肋骨44、cabin 舱室45、wheel house 驾驶室46、shaft tunnel 轴隧47、beam横梁48、manhole 人孔49、bulbous bow球鼻艏50、sea chest 海水门51、bulkhead 隔舱壁52、dry cargo hold 干货舱53、provision store 食品库54、passageway 走廊、通道55、refrigerating chamber 冷藏室Ⅴ甲板机械Deck Machinery1、deck 甲板2、anchor chain(cable)锚链3、chain locker 锚链舱4、windlass 起锚机5、mooring hole 导缆孔6、bollard 带缆桩7、cargo winch 起货绞车8、hand rail 栏杆9、hawse pipe 锚链筒10、hatchcover 舱口盖11、hatch coaming舱口围板12、control cabin操纵室13、derrick 吊杆14、cargo hook 吊货钩15、mooring winches 系泊绞车16、wire cable 钢索17、vertical ladder 直梯18、wire steel 钢丝卷筒19、side scuttle舷窗20、rudder stock 舵杆21、rudder shaft 舵轴22、flag staff 旗杆23、ventilator 通风筒Ⅵ.管系for piping1、Exhaust air system 排气系统Exhaust pipe for M.E(Generators / boiler / emergency generators)主机/ 发电机/ 锅炉/ 应急发电机2、Cooling Water System 冷却水系统①cooling fresh water (CFW) 淡水冷却水②cooling sea water (CSW) 海水冷却水3、fuel oil system 燃油系统①light diesel oil②heavy diesel oil (HDO)③fuel oil purifying燃油净化④oil sludge 废油(污油)⑤fuel oil transferring燃油输送4、Lubricating oil system①L.O for M.E(generator / stern tube)②Lub. oil transferring5、Compressed air system①high / low pressure air②starting air起动空气③control air④remote control air遥控空气⑤miscellanous air杂用空气6、Ship systems①the bilge system舱底水②the ballast system 压载水③the water supply system供水④the steam system 蒸汽⑤the drainage system排水⑥the fire-fighting system 消防⑦the air measuring and filling system空气测量注入⑧the level system 液位7、filter / filter gauze (screen)8、drainage valve sets9、pressure gauge 压力表9、vacuum真空表10、thermometer 温度计11、steel tube 钢管12、copper tube 铜管13、observation glass 观察镜14、funnel 漏斗15、hose 软管16、induction port 吸口17、bracker 支架18、shim (washer) 垫片19、flange 法兰20、connection 接口21、stainless steel pipe 不锈钢管22、threaded connection 螺纹接头23、sleeve pipe 套管24、flowmeter 流量计25、radiator 散热器26、pipe wrench 管子钳27、spanner 扳手28、pipe cutter 管子割刀29、scraper 刮刀30、vice 老虎钳31、screwdriver 螺丝刀32、torch 手电筒Ⅶ主要阀件铭牌Main valve list1、slush valve 截止阀2、non-return valve 止回阀3、through-way valve 直通阀4、butterfly valve 蝶阀5、sluice valve 闸阀6、remote-control butterfly valve 遥控蝶阀7、quick closing valve 速关阀8、self-closing valve 自闭阀9、reducer valve 减压阀10、ball valve 球阀11、copper valve 铜阀12、steel valve 钢阀13、cast iron valve 铸铁阀14、stainless steel valve 不锈钢阀15、safety valve 安全阀16、temperature adjusting valve 温度调节阀17、thermostatic valve 恒温阀18、induction valve 进气阀19、exhaust valve排气阀20、drain valve 排泄阀21、fire valve 消防阀22、three-way valve 三通阀23、valve material①cast iron铸铁②cast steel铸钢③stainless steel④bronze青铜⑤brass黄铜⑥copper紫铜⑦nodular cast iron球墨铸铁Ⅷ.电力设备electrical equipment1.emergency (diesel / tacho- / shaft) generator应急(柴油/ 测速/轴带)发电机2.servo (governor) motor 伺服(调速)马达3.ignition (current / voltage) transformer点火变压器(电流/电压互换器)4.converter 变流器5.frequency changer 变频器6.charger 充电器7.rectifier 整流器8.uninterrupted power source (UPS)不间断电源装置9.battery or storage battery蓄电池或蓄电池组10.m ain (emergency / power section) switchboard 主(应急/电力区)配电板11.g enerator (feeder) panel 发电机(馈电)屏12.c harging & discharging panel 充放电板13.(radio / low voltage / internal communication) power distributionboard无线电(低压/ 船内通信/ 电力)分电箱14.p ower unit for cathodic protection阴极保护电源箱15.t est panel 电工试验板16.s hore connection box 岸电箱17.j unction box (with fuse) 接线箱(带熔断器)18.c ontrol console (panel) 控制台,集控台19.m ain engine control stand主机控制台20.m otor starter 电动机起动器21.c ontrol box (panel) 控制箱(板)22.m ain engine safety (air conditioning) control box主机安全系统(空调)控制箱23.c ontrol box for singal light信号灯控制箱24.s teering gear source box 舵机电源箱25.c ontactor 接触器26.r elay 继电器27.c ontrol (pressure / change over) switch 控制(压力/ 转换)开关28.m agnetic valve 电磁阀29.r esistor 电阻器30.p ush button 按钮31.t emperature transducer 温度变换器32.o il mist detector 油雾探测器33.f use 熔断器34.A mmeter 电流表35.v oltmeter 压力表36.p ower meter 功率表37.p ower factor meter 功率因数表38.w att-hour meter 电度表39.f requency meter 频率表40.f low meter 流量表41.s peed indicator 转速表42.o hm meter 欧姆表43.w elder 电焊机44.l athe 车床45.d rilling machine 钻床46.p lanning machine 刨床47.g rinding machine 砂轮机48.e lectric heater 电热器49.e lectric refrigerator 电冰箱50.e lectric fan 电风扇51.a ir conditioner 空调52.w ashing machine 洗衣机53.f resh water sterilizer 引水消毒器54.s tator 定子55.r otor 转子56.n eutral wire 零线(中性线)57.w inding 绕组58.c oil 线圈Ⅸ.illumination equipment 照明设备1.port (starboard) light 左右舷灯2.mast 桅灯(stern艉灯/ anchor锚灯/ steering操舵灯/ signal信号灯/ flashing 闪光灯/ towing 拖船灯/ daylight signal 白昼信号灯/ pendant 舱顶灯/ fluorescent pendant 荧光舱顶灯/ ceiling 蓬顶灯/passage corner 走道角灯/ desk 台灯/ wall 壁灯/ berth 床头灯/ room’s nameplate 舱室铭牌灯/ chart table 海图灯/ flameproof 防爆灯/ flood 泛光灯(强光灯)/ search 聚光灯(探照灯)) light3.switch开关4.plug插头5.socket 插座6.socket box 插座箱Ⅹ.Navigation equipment 导航设备1.gyrocompass 电罗径2.magnetic compass 磁罗径3.feedback unit 反馈装置4.echo-sounder 回声测深仪5.log 计程仪6.master (slave) clock 母(子)钟7.radar 雷达8.radio direction finder 无线电测向仪9.Loran (radio navigation / satellite navigation) receiver劳兰(无线电导航/ 卫星导航)接收机10.V HF radio telephone transceiver 甚高频电话收发信机11.f acsimile 传真机12.t elevision set 电视机13.v ideo camera 电视摄像机oxygen 氧气acetylene 乙炔nitrogen 氮气inter gas 惰性气体epoxy 环氧的resin 树脂chock楔子垫木soapy water 肥皂水anemometer 风速计manometer 压力(压强)表,气压表straight edge 直尺feeler gauge 塞尺steel scale 钢尺dial gauge 千分表micrometer 外径千分尺vernier caliper 游标卡尺spanner 扳手wrench 扳手screw driver 螺丝刀hammer 锤子clinometer 测斜仪chain block 手拉葫芦mandatory 命令、强制的Chlorinator 氯化器syphon=siphon 弯管,存水管,虹吸管blind 盲板booklet of piping procedure 工序,过程,步骤gymnasium 健身房galley 船上厨房motorcycle safety helmet 安全帽life belt 安全带glove 手套respirator 口罩overall 工作服uniformelectric torch 手电筒flashlighteyeglass 眼镜elevator 电梯plank 厚木板stage 大舞台Slipway、shipway船台1.Lighting alignment for shafting & rudder system 轴舵系照光对中2.Stern tube boring 艉轴管镗孔3.Stern tube bush 艉轴衬套4.Stern boss艉轴壳5.forced fitting inspection压入配合检验6.oil jack(千斤顶)油泵7.(propeller shaft & stern tube bush)radial clearance (艉轴和艉管衬套)径向间隙8.axial clearance 轴向间隙9.Stern tube seals sealing 艉轴密封10. propeller installation force fitting压配11.pull-up length压进距离12.pull-up force 推进力13.oilpressure for boss 扩涨油压14.Zero point 零点15. Shrinkage 过盈量16.cleanness光洁度17.taper圆锥,斜度18. superposition 重合19. intersect 相交20.perpendicularity 垂直度21.vertical垂直的22.horizontal 水平的23. nut of stern shaft艉轴螺栓24.rudder 舵25.rudder blade 舵叶26.rudder stock 舵杆27.rudder pintle 舵销28.rudder tiller 舵柄29.rudder bush 舵承30.rudder horn 挂舵臂31. securing key 定位销,定位键32.protecting cover 保护帽33.grease牛油34.rudder angle 舵角35.full angle 满舵36. rudder blade’s stopper防跳块37.temperature sensor 温度传感器38. inlet outlet 进出39. tolerance 公差,允许量40.wear down gauge 磨损规41.stern tube main chamber 大腔42.high pressure chamber 高压腔43.low pressure chamber 低压腔Engine Room 机舱1.Cleaning check:Storage oil tank of steering gear 舵机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of mooring winch 绞机膨胀油箱(圆形)Storage oil tank of mooring winch 绞机储存油箱Storage oil tank of windlass 锚机储存油箱(方形)Expansion oil tank of windlass 锚机膨胀油箱(圆形)Hydraulic oil tank of hatch cover 舱口盖液压油箱2.flushing of winch piping 绞机管路投油1.D/G pouring epoxy chock 发电机浇环氧2.holding down bolt 地脚螺栓3.deflection of crankshaft 曲轴甩档4.piston 活塞5.cylinder 气缸6. turbocharger 涡轮增压器7.1.Force measurement of M/E stay bolts 紧固螺栓2.piston rod and connection rod bolts 活塞杆和连杆螺栓3.bolts in drive end of crank 曲轴大端螺栓4.piston—piston rod—crosshead—connection rod—crank—crankshaft活塞活塞杆十字头连杆曲柄曲轴5.cam 凸轮6.camshaft 凸轮轴7.M/E chain cable 主机链条8.flooding test of M/E return oil pipes 压水试验9.propeller cap—propeller—stern tube seals—stern tube bush—sternshaft—intermediate shaft导流帽螺旋桨艉密封艉管衬套艉轴中间轴—intermediate bearing—flywheel (thrust shaft)中间轴承飞轮推力轴10.coupling reamer holes 联轴节铰制孔11.turning gear 盘车机12. spring 弹簧1.main air compressor主空压机2.alignment of coupling flange 联轴节对中3.gap 裂面4.sag 位移1.steering gear舵机2. ram roller bearing 舵机活塞杆轴承3. neck bush & cylinder 舵机活塞颈衬套和活塞缸体4. dimension measurement 尺寸测量1.fore draft valve艏吃水阀2.speed log 计程仪3.echo sounder 测深仪Quay、shipside、wharf、dock码头。
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47期轮机英语考试题目一单项选择题A1.The___ engine is used for alternators and some times for main propulsion provide a propeller of between90 to 120 rpm.A.four-strokeB.two-stroke.C.slow speedD.reversibleB2.The abbreviation”MIP”stands for____,A.middle indicating pressureB.mean indicated pressureC.mean pitchD.middle indicated powerD3.The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its____.A.viscosityB.acid contentC.heating valueD.ignition qualityC4.In a two-stroke engine the camshaft rotates at___the enging rotational speed.A.halfB.twiceC.the same speed asD.four timesD5.A diesel enging is similar to a gasoline engine except that the former has no ____.A.cross-headB.cylinderC.connecting rodD.spark plugC6.It is easier to replace a dry cylinder liner than a wet one because____.A.of the thin wall thickedssB.honing makes it easier to maintain the desired oil filmC.water seals are not requiredD.it fits more loosely due to a decrease in heat transfer through the composite wallD7.A main bearing consists of two shells which are secured by means of studs and____.A.tie rodsB.though boltsC.lead wiresD.bearing capsC8.However fast or slow the combustion rate,it is still a____between carbon,hydrogen,sulph and oxygen that releases heat.A.physical deformationB.state exchangeC.chemical reactionD.coalescenceA9.During the fuel injection period,fuel pressure must exceed cylinder gas pressure to____.A.ensure penetration and distribution of the fuel in the combustion chamberB.ensure the needle valves is flushed clean duringeach injectionC.prevent combustion gas blowback into the open needle valveDprevent reflected pressure waves when the neddle valve close.B10.In a diesel engine lube oil system ,which of the following parts should be lubricated first?A.Camshaft bearingsB.Main bearingsC.Piston crownsD.Cylinder wallsB11.In a diesel engine closed freshwater cooling system,the amount of coolant flowing through the heat exchanger is controlled by the _____,A.suction pressure regulatorB.thermostatic bypass valveC.sea water temperatureD.water level in the expansion tankC12.Which of diesel engine compnents listed increases air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?A.ImpellerB.Air bottleC.Air coolerD.Exhaust diffuserB13.A large two-stroke/cycle direct reversing diesel engine is to be revered. Prior to the admission of starting air you must_____.A.line up the engine for restarting with diesel oilB.reposition the fuel injection camC.change the intake and exhaust valve cam positionsD.place the starting cam in the intermediate positionC14.Which of the listed governer characteristics will greatly affect the load sharing relationship between paralleled diesel generators?A.SensitivityB.PowerC.Speed drooppensationC15.Thermocouple pytometers are used on large,main propulsion diesel engines to indicate the temperature of the _____.A.cooling water leaving each cylinderB.fuel oil entering the injectorC.exhaust gases atvarious loactionsD.lube oil at the bearing suppliesB16.After starting a diesel engine,which of the listed oprating conditions should be checked first?A.Air box pressureB.Lube oil pressureC.Exhaust temperaturesD.Raw water pressureC17.To shut down a diesel engine after it exceeds the set maximum speed ,which type of device listed should be used?A.Speed limiting governorB.Over-speed governorC.Over-speed tripD.Over-speed relayA18.The treatment of the fuel oils involves storage,heating,filtering and_____.A.centrifugingB.pressurizingC.atomizationD.ignitingB19.A propeller,in order to operate efficiently,must rolate at a relatively_____ speedA.highB.lowC.fastD.lowlytcnt heat changes the___ of water.A.physical-stateB.temperatureC.atmospheric-pressureD.sensible-pressureC21.The primary function of a flame safeguard system, as used on am automatically fired auxiliary boiler,is toprevent_____.A.accidental dry firing and overpressureB.uncontrolled fires in the furnaceC.explosions in the boiler furnaceD.overheating of the pressure partsA22.Improper maintenance of the fule oil burners in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler could resuit in_______.A.increased fule consumptionB.increased feed-water consumptionC.fule pump failurebustion control systerm failureA23.Bumer ignition failure in an automatically fired auxiliary boiler could result in_____.A.a burned out solenoid in the oil supply valvaB.high tempersure excess airC.incorrectly setting the hot-welldump valveD.an incorrectly positioned burner smubber(缓冲器)relaryB24.If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler,the cause may be___.A.high steam pressure in the boilerB.abnormally high feed-water tempretureC.abnormally high boiler water temperatureD.steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity0C25.Gear pumps are of positive displacement type pumps because they discharge a near constant amount of liquid_____pressure.A.depending onB.in relativeC.regardlessD.because ofC26.A supr gear pump should be operated with the discharge valves______.A.slightly openedB.thorttledC.fully openedD.halfway openedC27.An independent bilge suction is reqired for____.A.ballast tanksB.sludge tanksC.machinery space bilgesD.cargo hold bilgesA28.To thoroughly pump out the bilges ueing a horizontally mounted centrifugal pump,the________.A.pump must always be primedB.volute must impart a radial and rotary motion of the waterC.suction side connectin must guide the liquid to the lantern ringsD.stuffing box should not be allowed any water leakageB29.An inadequate reciprocating bilge pump discharge ismost often caused by________.A.defective safety valvesB.clogged suction stainersC.scarred cylinder wallsD.clogged drain valvesB30.In a compression refrigeration plant,the hot,high pressure refrigerant gas is cooled by the sea water and becomes liquid in the_______.pressorB.condenserC.throttle valveD.evaporatorD31.The___only allows for adjustment of temperature in each room by the occupant manually controlling the air volurne admitted.A.central air conditioning systemB.high velocity systemC .low velocity system D.single duct systemD32.The opening of the humidifier‟s valva of air-conditioner should be____,when the circurnstanc temperature is raised to above 5~8 0C in the winter.A.desreasedB.increasedC.fixedD.closedC33.Under normal conditions,the quantity of air circulation becomes less and less.Whatis the reason?A.dirty dclivery ductsB.too mush refrigerantC.the fouling filtersD.high temperature outsideD34.When bilge water is heated in a holding tank,which one of the following statementsis not accurate?A.The relative high temperature facilitates primary gravity separationB.Most of the oil and organic solvenits are rised to the top layerC.The relative high the temperature is, the more the top oil wil be collectedD.The normal high temperature has little use on the separation of emuslsified oil.C35.If scparating efffct of the oily water separeator is not good, we can improve it by____.A.flushing separator with cold waterB.increasing bilge water supply flowC.heat oily wather properlyD.opening manual oil discharge vavleC36.Which is the pollution prevention equipmen?A.booster pumpB.evaporatorC.incineratorD.coolerB37When does auxiliary burner of rotary nozzle type incinerator put into use?І.when igniting П.the waste oil for dealing-water is too mush Ш.before stopping incineratorA.І+ПB.І+ШC.П+Ш DІ+П+ШA38.When anacrobic bacteria cinvert the sewage to an inert sludge,____.A.no oxygen is neededB.oxygen is necessaryC.oxygen is given offD.no gas is produced.C39.For a I..O purifier, if the back pressure of the oil outlet ie too high, the interface between oil and water in the bolw will____.A.be interruptedB.move downwardsC.move outwardsD.retain original positionA40.When scperating the lube oil without additive,it is ususlly working with hot waher; the aim isto remove___from it.A.acidB.oil sludgeC.mechanical impurityD.salinityC41. If the bolw of a disk type centrifugal purifier when opened as a separator is not primed the_____.A.oil has a tendency to emulsify in the bowlB.purifier wil act as a clarifier at the discharge ringC.oil wil act lost through the water discharge portsD.oil solids will be dsposited only at the intermediate top diskB42.Tube leaks in the distillate cooler of a two stage flash evaporator will result in___.A.loss of secong stage vacuumB.contamination of the distillateC.lower feed inlet tempercratureD.contarnination of the second stage condenserB43.Small droplets of water entrained in the flashed vapor produced in a flash-type evaporator,are removed by the____.A.spray pipesB.demistersC.condensersD.splash bafflesB44.Overflow valve usually be used to____.A.control the fluid flow through itB.prevent the pressure before overflow valve over the specified valueC.make the pressure after overflow valve steadyD.control the direction of oil flowA45.Among the basic categories of equipment, which of the following are used to convert menchanical into hydraulic energy?A.the hydraulic pumpsB.valvesC.hydraulic cylindersD.hydraulic motorsC46.Cargo handing unit is rated according to the___.A.cargo craneB.jibC.safe working loadD.oil pressureC47.The part of the anchor windlass that cngages the anchor chain for lifting is called the_____.A.warping headB.fairleadC.wildcatD.capstanD48.In automatic____,the which may be overhanled and wire is piad off the barrel at a pre-determinedmaximum tension.A.cranesB.windlassC.capstansD.mooring winchesD49.The major source of chemical contaminants in hydraulic fluid is_____,A.microscopic steel shavingsB.abrasive wasteC.anti-oxidant compoundsD.oxidation by-productsB50.Before doing any work on a hydraulic system equippe with accumulators , you should _____.A.drain the accumulators and purge with oxygenB.bleed off all stored energy from the accumulators completelyC.charge the accumulators to prevent system energy lossD.pupm the hydraulic fluid into the accumulators to prevent fluid lossB51. One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the_____.A.number of turns of wire in the armature coilB.number of magnetic polesC.strength of the magnets usedD.output voltageA52.The frequency of an operating altemator is controlled by the_____.A relative speed of the rotor polesB number of tums of wire in the armature coilC strenghth of the magnets usedD output voltageC53.Prior to closing the breaker when paralleling two AC generators,the recommended practice is to have the frequency of incoming machine_____.A slightly less then line frequencyB the same as the line frequencyC shightly less than the line frequencyD have nothing to do with the line frequencyC54.If two A.C.generators are to be operated in parallel, the load is distributed evenly by_____.A means of rheostatB a balance coilC adjusting the govemor settingsD changing exciationB55.The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to______.A.collect all available data on a casualtyB.recognize normal operationC.identify the probable cause of a symptomD.isolate the faulty componentD56.______ is (are) not power supplied by main switchboard directly.A.Steering gear and windlassB.Navigation light and radio power panelC.Navigation device power boxD.Daily fresh water pumpC57.The emergency generation or emergency battery is connected to_____ on most large ships.A.distribution boardsB.section boardsC.emergency switch boardsD.main switch boardsA58_____ connectors hold best if a wire is accidentally pulled or a connection becomes looseA.Ring typeB.Fork typeC.Spade typeD.Push on, pull off typeA59.The primary function of an electric motor is to_____.A.Develop torqueB.generate high voltagesC.peoduce a magnetic fieldD.generate high electrical resistanceB60 Fusos placed in series with a thermal trip-type circuit breaker are used for___.A.time-delay protectionB.short-circuit protectionC.short duration surge protectionD.sustained overlaod protectionD61.Shore power must be____during dock repair.A.disconnectedB.switched offC.cut offD.connectedB62.The operator of electrical motors should keep a constant check on the loads they carry because____.A.low loads necessitate frequent insulation cleaningB.exceeding nameplate values shortens useful lifeC.energy is wasted if full loading is not utilizedD.power factor correction methods are load dependentB63.Before a marine diesel engine is started the cylinders and pistons must be____.A.cooled to appropriate temperatureB.warmed up gradually to appropriate temperatureC.opened up and renewedD.ground and polishedA64.____is a precaution which contributees to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A.Constant inspectionB.Keeping constant loadC.Remaining constant temperatureD.Varying speedC65.During ship manoeuvering,when the diesel is stopped,which of the following items is wrong?A.keep all systems running normallyB.main engine is available at any momentC.shut off the starting air bottle outlet valveD.pay attention to the changes of the system parametersA66.A tank which has been scaled for a long period of time can be dangerous because____.A.steel surfaces consume oxygen by rustingB.sealed tanks usually form a vacuumC.moisture condenses in the tank,displacing the oxygenD.most tanks coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presence of moistureB67.The class of fire on which a blanketing effect is essential to extinguish the fire is_____.A.Class…A‟B.Class…B‟C.Class…C‟D.Class…D‟A68.Fire in escaping flammable gas are quickly brought under control by____.A.stopping the flow of gasB.reducing the chemical chain reactionC.increasing the oxygen supplyD.cooling below the autoignition pointD69.Which of the following stateements is ture coucerning carbon dioxide when used as a fire extinguishing agent?A.Carbon dioxide is corrosive when exposed to fire.B.Carbon dioxide should be applised slowly to a large engine room fire.C.Its total cooling effect is far greater than waterD.Its smothering effect is excellent for class B firesC70.While on watch in the engine room,you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarm,Which of the following actions should you take?A.Make an entry in the official logbook.B.Open the master control valves on the fixed CO2 system.C.Start the fire pump and check discharge pressure.D.Secure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge.B71.To determine that a compartment contains sufficient oxygen to sustain life,you should use a/an_____. A.explosimeser B.oxygen indicatorC.fresh air indicatorD.emergency escape breathing deviceD72.If the overflow tank high-level alarm sounds while the fuel oil tanks are being topped off,the engineer should____.A.close the static leg filling valveB.close the overflow tank filling valveC.reduce the oil pumping rateD.stop the fuel oil pumping operationB73.The_____tool is used in precision work to smooth or enlarge a slightly undersized hole.A.round outB.round lifeC.reamerD.hole drillerC74.During the dock repair,each sea valve must be disassembled,cleaned and ground well,the sealing surface between the valve and the valve seat should be checked and ratified by____before reassembled.A.chief engineerB.surveyorC.the engineerD.the technique personnel of the shipyardC75.The additional mark___in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station is unmanned periodically.A.BRCB..MCCC.AUT-OD.AUT-1D76.The Oil Record Book, as a part of the ship‟s official logbook , shall be kept on board and preserved for a period of_____.A.3 years after making the first entryB.2 years after the last entryC 3months after last entry D.3 years after the last entryD77.The valid period of the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate on board isn‟t more than _____.A.one yearB.two yearsC.four yearsD.five yearsD78.During the PSC inspection, under the provisions of SOLAS 74, which one may not be regarded as clear grounds for ships‟ detainment?A.failure of the proper operation of emergency generatorB.insulation of piping including exhaust pipes in engine room contaminated by oilC.improper operation of bilge pumping arrangementsD.damaged sanitary pumpA79.“Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers” is an identification of a ___.A.substandard shipB.standard shipC.over-standard shipD.regerence shipB80.STCW 78/95 Convention shall apply to seafarers____on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.A.servedB.servingC.surveyedD.surveyingC81.All engineer officers and enginer room ratings shall be aware of the serious cffects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall take all possible_____to prevent such pollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international and port regulations.A.stepsB.proceduresC.precautionsD.programsA82When the order given by bridge may have bad results the duty engineer should____.rm the captain for a further considerationrm the captain, and not perorm itC.stop the M/E immediately, and then imform the chief engineerD.stop the M/E immediately, and then imform the captainB83.If an oil spill occurs on deck, you should_____.A.cover the area with foamB.cover the area with absorbent materialC.wash down immediately with a fire hoseD.wash down immediately with an oil dispersing solventC84.According to the international regulations concerning the prevention of pollution of sea areas from ships, the disposal into the sea of all plastic is ____.A.welcomeB.admitted in some special sea aresC.prohibitedD.acceptableC85. The main objective of the SOLAS Convention is__.A.to provide a solution of lowering pollution at seaB.to specify minimum standards for the members composing the watch at seaC. to specify minimum standards for ships considering their safetyD.to tell the company how to go about running their businessD86.Which of the following about ISM Code is not right?A.It aim to ensure safety at seaB. It aim to avoid damage to the environmentC. It aim to prevent human injury or loss of lifeD. It aim to prevent a method to run a companyA87.The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating______.A.the ship security planB.the company security planC.the port security planD.the national security planC88.In order to limit the introduction of alien species by ship .______ was adopted on 13 Feb, 2004 at the IMO.A.Revised Marpol annex ⅠB.Revised Marpol annex ⅡC.Intermational convention for the control and management of ship‟s ballast water and sedimentsD.ISPS Code二.关联题第一组Starting Air SystemThe engine is started with compressed air of 30 bar.Minimum pressure required is 15bar.A pressure transmitter PT301 mounted on the starting air line before the main starting valve has an indicator in the instrument panel.The supply line form the starting air bottles is provided with a nonreturn valve and a drain valve.The solenoid valve is electrica(remote control) or manual(on the engine)operated and send after activation a pilot air signal to the main starting air valve .After the main staring air valve is activated the air flows through the flame arresters to the starting air valves in the cylinder heads. Part of the air flow via the starting air distributor to each of the starting air valves in the cylinder heads.The starting air distributor controls the timing of opening and closing of the starting air valves. On the moment the main starting air valve is operated also the governor booster is energized.The main startting air line is provided of a safety valve.Interlock valve is a safety device to avoid an engine start with engaged turning gear.B89.As the engine is started with compressed air , the correct sequence of the following devices being activated is _____. 1.solenoid valve 2.starting air valve 3.starting air distributor 4.main starting air valveernor boosterA.15423B.14532C.14325D.43125D90.The underline sentence “the governor booster is energized”probably means_____.A.the governor booster is supplied with electric powerB.hydraulic oil is pumped into the governor boosterC.the governor starts to work before starting the engineD.the governor booster is supplied with pressurized air before starting the engineB91.Which of the following components are attached to the air bottles?A.a pressure transmitter PT 301B.a non-return valve and a drain valveC.a solenoid valveD.a starting air distributorD92.When the engine is engaged with turning gear, _____ can keep the engine from starting.A,the control air B.the solenoid valveC.the main starting air valveD.the interlock valve第二组(1)The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in conformity whit the provisions of the relewant rules and regulations and with any additional requirements which may be established by the company.(2)In meeting these requirements the company should ensure that:(2.1)inspections are held at appropriate intervals;(2.1)any non-conformity is reported,withIts possible cause,if known;(2.3)appropriate corrective action is taken;and(2.4)records of these activities are maintained(3)The company should establish procedures in its safety management system to identify equipment and technical sy sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations. The safety management system should pro specific measures aimed at promoting the reliability of such equipment or sysyems.Theses measures should include th testing of stand-by arrangements and equipment or technical systems that are not in continuous use.D93This passage concerns___A.the inspections of the ship and equipmentB.the reports of non-confomities.C.the corrective actionsD.the maintenance of the ship and equipmentA94.In(2.4)of this passage,these activities‟refers to the following activities except_____.A.the establishment of any additional requirementB.the corrective action takeC.the corrective action takenD.the reporting of any non-conformityB95.According to this passage,some particular equipment should have specific measures to prom reliability,because______.A.it is not in continuous useB.its sudden failure may result in hazardous situationsC.its stand-by arrangements may not be regularly testedD.it may not be identified by the Company‟s safety managemet systemD96.This passage is probably taken from_____.A.the MARPOL ConventionB.the STCW ConventionC.the ISPS CodeD.the ISM Code1-5ABDCD 6-10CDCAB11-15BCBCC 16-20BCABA21-25DAABC 26-30CCABB31-35DDCDC 36-40CBACA41-45CBBBC 46-50CCDDB51-55BACCB 56-60DCAAB61-65DBBAC 66-70ABADC71-75BDBCC 76-80DDDAB81-88CABCCDAC 89-96BDBDDABD。