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1.A. Thank you B. Yes, I do C. That’s all right

2. A. It doesn’t matter. B. Mary. C. I don’t know

3. A. That’s right. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Yes, please.

4. A. A son B. A writer. C. A book.

5. A. March 7th. B. In 2000 C. At 8:00

6. A. All right B. That’s right. C. You are welcome.



7. A. Near a hospital. B. Near a bus stop. C. Next to a bank.

8. A. Sunny B. Rainy. C. Cloudy.

9. A. Boring. B. Terrible C. Wonderful.

10. A. London B. Japan. C. The USA.

11. A. Saturday. B. Friday. C. Thursday.

12. A. 36 yuan. B. 63 yuan C. 72 yuan.



听第一段材料,回答第13和14 小题。

13. Where is Mike going ?

A. America.

B. England.

C. Australia.

14. How long will he stay there ?

A. A week.

B. Two weeks.

C. Three weeks.

听第二段材料,回答第15 和16 小题。

15. What do you think Tom is ?

A. A doctor.

B. A student.

C. A policeman.

16. Where may this dialogue take place ?

A. At a school.

B. In Lucy’s home.

C. In the doctor’s.



17. Kitty couldn’t go to Paris because ______.

A. she liked crying

B. she didin’t like Paris

C. she couldn’t stay at a hotel.

18.Kity stayed _____ when Mr. And Mrs. Black were away.

A. in a small village

B. at a hotel

C. at home

19. Mr. Back got the cat hoe ______.

A. by taxi

B. by bus

C. by train

20. From the end of the passage, we know that _____.

A. the cat didn’t know Mr. Black.

B. the cat didn’t want to visit Paris.

C. the cat made a big mistak.


21. ______ woman over there is _____ popular teacher in our school.

A. A, a

B. The, a

C. The, the

D. A, the

22. The accident _____ when we _____ our school.

A. was happened ; returned to

B. happened; returned back

C. happened; returned to

D. was happened; was returning to

23. I found him _____ in the interesting story. He didn’t see me until I stood before him.

A. losing

B. to lose

C. loses

D. lost

24. The Greens _____ China fr 6 years, and they are very similar with Chinese culture.

A. has been in

B. has come to

C. have been in

D. have come to

25. ---Must we clean tien meeting room now ?

--- No, you _____. You _____ go home.

A. mustn’t, may

B. needn’t ; must

C. mustn’t; must

D. needn’t; can

26. ---I will have the final exam tomorrow.


A. Have a good time

B. Good trip.

C. Good luck.

D. Good job.

27. Three months ______ and he did nothing about the matter.

A. passed

B. later

C. past

D. late

28. ----How far is your house from the school ?

----It’s about ______ walk.

A. ten minutes

B. ten---minutes

C. ten –minute’s

D.. ten minutes’

29. ---Excuse me, look at the sign “ NO PHOTOS”!

---Sorry, I _____ it.

A. don’t see

B. didin’t see

C. haven’t seen

D. won’t see

30. ----Can you come to mu house at about 2 o’clock ?

----_____. I’ll have a meeting at that time.

A. I hope so

B. Yes, I think so

C. No problem

D. I’m afraid.

31. Smoking _____ in public places in China.

A. allows

B. doesn’t allow

C. allowed

D. isn’t allowed

32. The hit of iphone6 made the fans of it _____.

A. exciting

B. excited

C. disappointing

D. disappointed

33.Our teacher asked me ______.

A. why Peter didin’t come to school

B. how long I often spend on my homework.

C. when would the fashion show begin

D. what was Ann doing

34. There are so many good things here . ______ ?

A. which one do you think is the beas

B. do you think which one is the best

C. do you think which one shall I choose

D. which do you think will choose

35. I live _____ the town. So I have to drive there to buy vegetables and fruit.

A. far away

B. close to

C. far from

D. across from

36. Liu Juan is one of ______ stusetns in our class. He always gets bad grades.

A. careful

B. more careful

C. the most careful

D. the least careful

37. If he doesn’t want to do the job, does ____ want to ?

A. everybody else

B. anybody else

C. else anybody

D. else everybody

38. It’s said that he _____ for ten years.
