TOEFL iBT 新东方网络课堂听课笔记--Writing




TOEFL: SCORE OF 5: An essay at this level largely accomplishes all
of the following… though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.
这是有公开评分标准的作文文考试 这是可能获得满分的考试
Google “GRE/GMAT rubric”
1. 如何阅读并理解评分标准?
SCORE OF 6 An essay in this category demonstrates clear and consistent mastery, although it may have a few minor errors. A typical essay • effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position • is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas • exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary • demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure • is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics SCORE OF 5 An essay in this category demonstrates reasonably consistent mastery, although it will have occasional errors or lapses in quality. A typical essay • effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support its position is well organized and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary demonstrates variety in sentence structure is generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics

TOEFL Writing 技巧

TOEFL Writing 技巧

I. Seafood World • A. Food • B. Service • C. Environment II. Roast Goose City • A. Food • B. Service • C. Environment
Integrated task 综合写作
• • • • • Paraphrasing 同义词替换 词性转换 -- 动词-名词;形容词-副词 语态转换 -- 主动-被动 句子转换 -- 单句-从句;句式结构变换
main idea 2 -- Some students are not interested in learning styles. supporting details -- not want to spend time on this
main idea 3 -- Some instructors are not interested in learning styles. supporting details -- teach according to their own style -- teach the way they were taught
Integrated task 综合写作
important common enough 坚持 忽视 减缓 观点 名誉 总是 最后
fair boring
扩大 说明 毁坏 吃惊
Integrated task 综合写作
evaluation / importance generalization certainty / expectation
Integrated task 综合写作
• Example 2: • Hundreds of books can be stored on one CD, so that it is no longer necessary to carry around heavy paperback or hardcover editions. • Hundreds of books can fit in the storage capacity of one CD, so that people no longer need to carry around heavy paperback or hardcover editions.



新东方作文笔记(强烈推荐)此笔记出自新东方杨煜(winson)老师,这个老师虽然名气不大,但我感觉他的课讲得很好,很负责任.这个笔记一共分四个课时.因为他讲课喜欢穿插的讲,也就是说讲到综合部分的阅读时会讲一些写作的方法,所以我整理了一下分为综合部分,独立部分. 在这四个课时里他讲了很多写作的技巧.以及他在接受ETS培训的时候ETS明确提出的一些问题(ETS明确提出的地方我会标注),个人觉得对大家的写作帮助很大.PART I 综合部分.重点:1.词语:同义词的变化很重要,不断的用相同的词语(除了中心词和无法变换的词语)要扣分.→Webster电子软件同义词词典2.格式:每一段的开头不空格,段与段间空行.每一段的开头空四格,段与段间不空行.3.特别提示:正式文体书写最好不要用缩写.→can’t=cannot don’t=do not (这是ETS明确提出的)4.每一段的分论点应该是由听力开头,而不是阅读.→虽然OG上有阅读开头的范文,但是最好不要这么写.5.阅读部分不可抄原文,论点要用自己的话重新总结(ETS明确指出)6.这个部分的开头并无实际的意义,所以如果要写的话最好有一个15-20词的长句.7.阅读文章如果来不及看,反应背景的部分可以扫过,因为它与topic sentence无关,之后用1分钟提论点,然后再话1分半钟来看论点后面的论述.最后半分钟用来推测(这个后面会讲到).8.听力中表示反驳的词汇除了常见的那些but/however等还有new/today/change等.如果听力中有设问,那么它的答案一定要听清楚明白.9.写作的时候给出了听力中分论点后同样需要例子来支持.一般听力中讲的时候后有例子,这个也需要记录下来..需要训练的技巧:在读阅读的时候就要会推测听力的论点.哪怕推得不完全对也要推.如果你无法推测就说明两种情况:1.阅读中的论点没有找到.2.文章确实是无法推测. 关于这点是winson特意花了时间训练我们的.也就是说这点可能在综合写作的部分确实是很重要.我就拿3.10号的考题来举个例子吧.阅读说到speed cameras可以用来取代police.三点:1.限制司机的驾车速度.2.取代警察.3.为court提供更确切的证据找到这三个论点之后你推测你就往反的方向想就可以了.1.也许speed camera未必可以限制车速; 2.可能因为种种原因它未必可以取代警察; 3.同样因为种种原因它未必可以为traffic court提供便利.这么做看上去很简单,实际上它是有一定潜在的好处的:1.帮助加深考生对阅读中论点的印象.2.有助于在听力中更集中精力. 在听听力之前,考生往往想知道自己的推测是不是正确.在听的时候如果推对的话就要集中听那个”种种原因”到底是什么原因.如果推错的话就会更仔细的听到底它给出的是什么论点.这里需要注意的是,不论是推对了还是推错了都要镇定的听下去,不要太兴奋或者是太失落!!!PART II 独立部分这个部分winson讲的有点散,我就分条列出来好了!先讲一下ETS对这个部分是怎么评分的.1.对比----改卷老师手边上都有从1分到满分的样本答案,改的时候这些样本答案是摊在桌上的.通过对比判断你大概是哪个分数档次.这个步骤主要是看文章的字数,结构,句子的平均长度(这个在下面会说到)以及主题句.winson说这个步骤是很重要的,如果文章给人感觉是3分档的,那么在仔细看过之后就算写得比3分档好一般也就3+,最多到4分档.所以第一印象很重要.2.句子长度----ETS有专门的计算句子平均长度的机器.计算方法是:总的字数/句子数=句子的平均长度.一般平均长度在13-18词/句为佳.也就是说长句子不能太多,一般短句应该比长句多一点.3.议论段的浏览---ETS指明好的文章应该是第一段主体段的长度>第二段主体段的长度>第三段主体段的长度.(也就是说三个议论段的字数要有明显的递减趋势,最重要的最中心的写在第一段)重点技巧:1.符号的多样性----可多用引号,连字符,问号,感叹号. ETS明确指出连字符有加分.30分里面加1分.连字符有几种简单的构成方法:(a.)表示”再”的时候用re-,比如说re-exam; (b.)数字+n. 比如:five-layer; (c.)可用连字符表示大规模,大范围等等.后面加scale.比如:large-scale price ; (d.)几分之几. 比如:one-fifth. 同样的,多用设问句可以加强文章的生动性.比如:Can you guess the ending of this story? When the project failed, the blame was placed on all the members of the group. 再者说,引号可以用来表示(a.)否定,讽刺; (b.) 引用;(c.)强调.2.单词的难度和级别要一致.也就是说不能一个高中词汇,一个GRE词汇.3.对于举例的要求: 2 examples→ETS指明一个example是不足以说明问题的.最好是两个examples都用短事例.要lay-out,而不是deep reasoning. 同时,在example后面最好用一个长句来解释example,也就是说这个example怎么证明了你的topic sentence.4.不论是综合部分或者是独立部分,都要遵守短语优先原则.但是这里的短语必须要有把握才能用.5.写的时候最好是不要用过于绝对的或者是尖锐的词汇,比如说must, should,everyone,everytime.多用像likely, probobly, perhaps,more or less, sometimes, in a way, in the sense这样没有说死的词汇/词组.6.能用修辞的时候可以适当的用点修辞,但必须在有把握能用对的情况下才能用.比如: ateam of people attack the project.7.多用代词,代词是最好的过渡词,可以加强句子的连贯性.8.灵活使用词汇.可将n.→v. 例如:surface不一定要用做n. 还可以做v.关于句式的问题.1.把能打开的词组或者是搭配拉得越开越可体现文字的表达能力.比如:A group of people has a wider range of knowledge,expertise, and skills than any singleindicidual is likely to possess.2.关于句子的强调: 多用新奇的强调,一些老调强调,比如not only…but also/ it is that….要多用了.因为中国学生一般强调就是这么两种方式,人家也看得烦了!可以用一些比较少见的强调方式.(a.)用and 连接两个拼写不同但是意思相同或者是相近的词语.比如:problems and issues.(b.)Not only ….but also的改写:not only x but x……例如: To get his or her contributions andideas not only recognized but recognized as highly significant.(c.)用逗号连接两个形容词表示强调. 比如:it took many, many meetings to build theagreement.(这个方法我个人比较汗…..)3.尽量不要用no ,not, none等表示否定.用free from/little等代替.4.为了丰富符号,插入语的两个逗号可以用破折号代替.开头立场的问题:1.合格的:立场2.完美的:在主题句中暗示了2.3.4.段的主要内容,有立场,有原因.例如:While there is still hunger, poverty, and illiteracy on Earth, our resources should be focused not in outer space.3. 不要用谁的优点大于谁这种句子做为观点.因为没有立场.谁的观点大于谁, 并不代表你就支持那个优点多的.。



新东方在线网络课程教材TOEFL-IBT听力主讲:金鑫考试时间:60或90若听力是2个section 时间小于60min,题目为34个若听力加考的话,3个section 时间小于90min,题目51个Section = 1 conversation(非学术性内容)+ 2 lecture (学术性内容)(4-6 min,每个对话)Conversation 5个题,lecture 6个题,总17个题听清对话—笔记—解题美音的语速很快,有些语音听不到,要对语音信号有反应。


(water可以读成“wader”,matter可以读成“madder”)ru n^ou t^of fi t^ i t^ i n in-side out cal l^ i t ^a ^day:到此为止M: Are you ready to go jogging?W: Almost. I have to warm up first.Q: What does the woman mean?Ⅱ:元音+元音前一个单词音以[i]或者[i:]结尾+后一个单词以元音开头,也要连读,在两个元音之间多加一个流音:/ j /,/ w /前一个单词以[i] [i:]结尾,后面加元音的话,加流音/ j /,因为当我们发/ j / (ye)时,它的前一个步骤是发[i]的音的,就可以顺利成章的连读了。

/ i / +/ j / + 元音I am / aijæm /前一个单词以[u] [u:]结尾,后面加元音的话,加流音/w /,因为当我们发/w /时,它的前一个步骤是发[u]的音的,就可以顺利成章的连读了。

/ u / + / w / + 元音you are / juwar /四组固定变音:前一个结尾d+j前一个结尾→d3 (zhi)woul d^ y ou,coul d ^y ou前一个结尾t+j前一个结尾→ch(chi)abou t^ y ou; last^ y ear前一个结尾s+j前一个结尾→sh(shi,xi)mis s^ y ou: thi s ^y ear前一个结尾z+j前一个结尾→3(ri)does your前三个一定要记住,最后一个不常见。

TOEFL iBT 新东方网络课堂听课笔记--Speaking

TOEFL iBT 新东方网络课堂听课笔记--Speaking

TOEFL iBT Speaking 网络课堂听课笔记题型讲析1.Free-choice responseFormat for the NO.1 question: TST:T—topic sentence: one sentenceS—supporting ideas (personal experience, figures, examples, reasons, ) easy to understand T—transition (First, because, second, finally)Details and examples: as specific as possible例子可以用数字a.What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you tohave.T: GuitarS: partiesBand, moneyKnow some friendsT: Also, because, finallyb.How do you like to spend your leisure time? Choose a leisure activity and explain why youlike to do it. Include details and examples in your explanationT: Surf the internetS: feel relaxDon’t need too much thinkingMusicInformationCurrent eventsOnline chattingFirst, becauseAlso,Another reason, for exampleFinally,c.What famous person would you like to visit for one hour? Explain why you choose tomeet this person and what you would talk about. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.T: Bill GatesS: Billionaire: earn so much money, computer geniusGood name: Bill GatesFirst, Also, because (two points)d.Describe a place where you go for rest and relaxation. Explain why it is a good place foryou to relax. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.T: Movie TheaterS: interest in watching moviesAtmosphere of many people watching the same movieDark place, nobody could see my faceT: GymS: healthyRelaxing running like a little mouseT: net caféS: relaxing, online chatting, online gamesT: disco barS: big gathering, loud musicBig party, feel relaxedShake my body: release of energyT: homeS: so cozyBooks to read, feel relaxedFamily members, talk with, stressWest, East, Home is the beste.Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important toyou. Don’t forget to include details and examples in your explanation.Mobile phone (for communication, take pictures, manage time)Electrical dictionaryComputer (learn English; attend online course; online chatting; online games; songs )T: An acoustic guitarS: lonely timesPlaying songs, kill timeWith me, not cheap, 14 timesT: First, because; Also; Finallyf.Which place in your hometown would you like to take visitors to have a look?T: Nanjing UniverS: best univerRanks third, beautiful univerTrees, lucky beautiful girlsSchool canteen, no flies2.Paired-choice responsePreferenceUniversity students can choose to live in a community by renting an apartment, or they maybe opt to live in university dormitories. Which do you prefer? Include details and examples in your explanation.Agree or DisagreeSuccess can only be measured by the money you earn. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Include details and examples in your explanation.Format for Paired-Choice Response:A.Repeat the question (optional)B.Choose a position (Opening sentence) I prefer to… I agree (disagree)…C.Defend your choice by stating:i. 1 advantage of A + 1 advantage of Aii. 1 advantage of A + one disadvantage of Biii. 2 disadvantages of Ba.Some students like to live off campus, like renting an apartment; while others preferliving on campus, like living in dormitories. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples.T: off campus an apartmentS: won’t bother othersMusic loud, snorePrivacy, books, movies etcT: First, because, Also, Finallyb.Some people prefer having meals at Chinese restaurants, but some others preferAmerican-style fast food like KFC and McDonald’s. Which do you prefer and explain why.T: AmericanS: fast serviceTastes good: French fries, hambergSign of fashion, KFC, macT: Chinese foodS: nutritious, a variety of choicesSichuan, ants climbing treesChinese food culture, Interesting food’s namesc.Do you agree or disagree with the following statements “having a lot money is veryimportant”. Use reasons and examples to support your response.d.e.Some people like going to concerts to hear music played live. Other prefers listening torecorded music. Which musical experience do you think is better, and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.Live concerts: atmosphere, interaction, very excellent visual and audial effectRecorded music: cheaper (figures), free (choose to hear or pass),f.Some people like going after fashion. Other don’t. which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation.T: won’t go after fashionS: cost moneyClothes latest fashionEnergy consumingNewspaper, radio magazinesT: First, because, Also, finallyStrategies during the test:Be familiar with the direction and dismiss them by clicking on continueUse preparation time wisely. Read question carefully, note everything it asks you. Write down a simply plan.Speak clearly and slowly. Normal speed. 80-90 words/minuteOrganize your replyTopic sentence-supporting idea-transitionsMonitor the time carefullyCoherenceEasy to understandSignal words or transitionsGive examplesFor example, one example, also, such as, another example, in additionGive reasonsBecause, one reason, first, second, third… so (that), another reason, finally Use known vocabularySpeak clearlyMild speech speedComplete meaning being conveyedLinking words together规则:前辅后元i.Free-choice responsea.What’s your favorite holiday? Use reasons and details to support your response.Spring Festival: don’t have to work, food, gift money, visiting friendsNational Day: holiday, travelThanksgiving: give thanks to, turkeyChristmas: gift exchanged, new building, greeting friendsT: spring festivalS: family gatheringMom dad, delicious foodAnts climbing trees, vacation7 days offb.If you suddenly got 10 million, what would you spend it on? Use details tosupport your response.T: several thingsS: huge house: mom and dadStock bondsVacation, NepalStudy abroadOwn businessGive money to parentsHope projectInvestmentBuy cars, houses, villasc.Why are you preparing to take TOEFL test. Use reasons and examples to supportyour response.Enhance English abilityPrepare for further studyT: several reasonsS: international student Harvard StanfordProve English levelGre gmat lsat next onesii.Paired-choice responsea.Some people like to eat most of their meals with other people. Others prefereating most of their meals alone. Which do you prefer and include details andexamples in your explanations.T:othersS: talk with themFood, enjoy better, great time to talkCook myself, share the foodT: aloneS: not talkative, concentrateBad for healthIndigestionIntegrated tasksReading-listening- speaking (campus-related)Reading-listening- speaking (academic)Listening-speaking (campus-related)Listening-speaking (academic)3.Campus SituationFormat for No.3 questionIn this set of materials, the reading passage describes a notice (the title of the reading passage) and the listening passage is a discussion by two students on …… (Summarize each passage with one sentence).According to the reading passage, the notice explains (discusses)…. (optional)In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice…4.LectureReading (short passage about an academic subject: physical science and the humanities, no outside knowledge is needed)Listening (a professor give a brief excerpt from a lecture on that subject)Taking notesTopicMajor pointsExamples, figuresCauses (cause - and – effect relationship)Formula for No.4In this set of materials, the reading passage describes….and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor on the same topic.According to the reading passage,…In the listening passage, the professor discusses…5.Problem-solvingDescribe the problem and discuss the better solutionFollow the following instructions:What is the topic?What problem does the woman have?What does the man suggest the woman should do?What do you think of the suggestions?What do you think the woman should do?6.Academic LectureIn the lecture, the professor describes something about_________。



作文语法(一)开篇1.写作多用大词,35个A large/ great/ huge/ certain peopleTremendous/ consideration/ infinite/ incomputable/ inestimable2.用who引导定语从句增长句子3.实词多变Believe/ hold/ insist/ maintain/ argue/ assert/ propose1)同意转换2)意念转移3)语法结构转换Good/ splendid/ outstanding/ excellent/ A-levelNew comer/ green hand/ novicesHigh-achieve student/ student with high abilities/student at top of the class4.结构多变This view/ idea/ viewpoint/ standpoint/ that claim…1)some who…定语从句hold the idea that…同位语claim2)some, holding this idea that…,claim…插入语3)Holding this idea that…状语开头some claim that….(二)主题思想不同意70%agree+30%disagree 题目观点的写在背景70%中同意70%disagree+30%agree 题目反义写成70%背景中使用实副词(三)名词化处理1.If you carefully compare these two teaching methods, you will find the former one issuperior.→the carefully comparison will discover…2.Because children can’t distinguish the right from the wrong, they can’t make sound decision.→the inability to distinguish the right from the wrong prevents children from making sound…Can not→inabilityMay→possibilityNeed→necessityShould→responsibility/ obligation3.when the old worker sees that he is going to retire, he begin to worried about his future→theprospect of the retirement stimulates the old worker’s anxiety of his future.(四)使动动词的改写En~ enrich enlarge enable ensure encourage endanger enslave entitle empower~en widen broaden darken deepen cheapen weaken lengthen heighten strengthen frighten Make me admire him→heighten my admiration~ize industrialize commercialize capitalize modernize democratize sensitize realize~fy purify simplify beautifyDive force render stimulate prevent allow permitmake you have few opportunities →prejudge you opportunities to do…(五)独立主格absolutely phrase谓语动词→非谓语动词Do/ does/did/will/be→doingHave/has done→having doneBe doing→doingBe to do→to doAm/is/are/was/were→beingHave/has been→having being(1)主语开头句:写10个非主语开头句(2)同位语开头句:写一个N. be n. and do n.=N. who be n. do n.(建议不写)N. , n. , do n.N. , n. do n.(3)补语开头句:写2个Other professionals like doctors and teachers, different from pop stars, create the true value of society。



所以要想保证听得懂,就要保证说得对) (4)不看只听,跟读,要求同上 (5)不看不听,复述或背诵 (6)以上步骤适当重复,直到达到目的
#听 lecture 需要的能力和锻炼方法(二十段法) (1)听觉识别力――句法结构、专业词汇 训练方法(二十段法) : (材料下载地址: /dispbbs.asp?boardid=19&id=190221) a. 节选出 20 段 lecture(见附带文件,此 20 段包含了所有教授讲 lecture 时的说话套路) ,将这 20 段分成 5×4 四部分 b. 对于第 1-5 段,听一句,写一句(听写) ,每句听不超过三遍, 每段听完后打开原文,扫清障碍,没听懂处便是听力薄弱环节。 (以上前 5 天完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 5 段材料 c. 对于第 6-10 段,每听 2-3 句总结大意,听完整篇后,所写出的 东西应该通顺完整。之后打开原文,核实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天 完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 10 段材料 d. 对于第 11-15 段,听全文,写 keypoint(听三遍,每遍补充) (一 般不只一个 keypoint。之后打开原文,核实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天完成)
单词建立联系,或者将一个单词与一件事物、一个事情联系起来去 记,这样便不仅记住了你要记的东西“是什么” ,还记住了这个东 西“在哪里” ,效果就会很好。 (5 ) 词汇的维度: #强、弱(程度) #正式、非正式 # 褒义、贬义 #单词、词
根(同样一个词会有这样两种写法,就像中文中, “水”字写成汉字 和偏旁部首时写法也是不同的一样) (6 ) #高级、低级(用法)
第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 15 段材料 e. 对于第 16-20 段,听全文 3 遍,之后用英文复述,打开原文,核 实,扫清障碍(以上 5 天完成) 第 6 天泛听(不看材料)以上 20 段材料 f. 20 篇都听完后,找出听得不熟的。用跟读法再解决 *此方法综合训练听说读写能力 (2)提高记忆力:关键是提高听力水平! (3)提高听段子时的注意力:关键还是提高听力水平! (4)猜的能力:把注意力放在听懂了的地方!没听懂的地方随便一猜 就行了,别花太多心思,以免因小失大。而且越是不容易听懂的 地方,越不容易是出题点。













实例演练:A reason for the worldwide use of English language is its use throughout the Commonwealth, which includes a quarter of the world's people in one-sixth of the world's land area. All of forty-nine member states have at some time been under British rule. In some of them English is the first language; others, with several different languages of their own, find English the most convenient means of communication except for small-scale business. Today the Commonwealth is a loose association of independent sovereign states, nearly all of them members of the United Nations, scattered among the continents and their adjacent islands. British rule stillcontinue in a few groups of islands, all but one of them too small in population to beindependent states but preferring to continue the British connection rather than toattach themselves to any neighboring states. The only one with more than 30000 people is Hong Kong with nearly six million. It cannot become independent because it's mainland section part of China, but had been held by British on a ninety-nine yearlease which expired in 1997.The transformation of the British Empire into a " Commonwealth" of independent nations began, in part, in 1867 with the establishment of Canada as a fully self- governing country, still associated with Britain. Australia and New Zealand followed.With all these, full power was transferred, with agreement on both sides, to the representative institution of people mostly descended from emigrants from Britain, though part of Canada was French.The new Commonwealth began in 1947, when India and Pakistan became fully independent. India's membership of the Commonwealth was not affected by its decision three years later to become a republic. All the major colonial territories, inAsia, Africa and the Caribbean, had become independent within twenty years. (294 words)参考笔记:Co (缩写Commonwealth 段子第一句就说这个词)1/4人 1/6土(对第一句后半句的分句用数字和汉字精炼记下)49国英管(出现数字要特别记录,因为小细节容易忘又容易考)松散联合独立国(几个词翻译上面那句话)人少不独立英管(三个中文词翻译整句话)HK 6m (million)回归不独立(两个词把硕大句子简化)改革1867 CA独立(三个词串起来就是:英联邦改革,1867年开始,那年加拿大独立。



Writing部分:独立写作:解读IBT-OG高分作文中国学生写应试作文大多有一个坏习惯,那就是样式死板,就算不是套模板也是呆板的五段体-开头+2 or 3论点+结尾,这似乎在IBT的评分标准里并不是高分作文的样式。

下面我试着来逐一解读OG的高分作文的标准:1.Development, “well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details.”也就是作者要用清楚恰当的解释、例证还有细节描述来阐述自己的观点。










其实如何定义这个“散文式”真不容易,我自己个人看法是,开头亮出观点还是必要的,尽量用一些比较贴近生活的事例(例如OG-practice中的5分范文“when young adults should leave their parents”中的首段)或者是为大众所接受的常识式标准(例如OG中的5分范文“Dishonesty kills reliability”中的首段)来引入观点,这样会自然而然吸引读者的兴趣。



一、Integrated writing1)Read a passage(3 minutes/250---300 words)勿照抄,要改写2)Listen to lecture(2.5---3 minutes)听到啥,就写啥3)Made summary(20 minutes/150---225 words)标点之后要空格二、Independent writing1)Topic pool2)Develop an essay3)300 words +504)30 minutes—5①sb do sth,then do sth,and then do sth②不省略关联词③不能简单使用模版④句法多用,准确词汇选择⑤固定搭配the girl though herself on meThroughout my life, I have been luck enough to have a very good relationship with my parents. They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great dealabout how to live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives. However, they are not always the best teachers.Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Some times they can only see their children though the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a Child’s freedom in the name of safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent.主题句切记过于具体①pass on sth to sb②friends of all different races and backgrouds③have narrower view考察能力:1、reading2、listening3、note taking4、writing5、typing6、writingHow to enhance writing skill1、content2、logic3、expression思维训练:Brain storming三大法则:两个不同,两次取非,两重关系站在不同人的角度,对事物的不同属性进行思考两个关系:1)因果关系&包含关系例子三大来源:1、生活经验2、阅读积累3、改编生造(换名词及与名词相应的动词):1)尽量生僻2)不要太夸张One can never do sth, without doing sth汉语拼音+同位语=英语专有名词使用例子:1、给出观点2、描述例子,注意细节3、与观点再次呼应收集例子:1、熟悉题库2、大量精读3、练习改写与缩写能力go smooth to be sth 容易做什么事sentence making1.常用句型(考试中的模版句型)2.句子改写(拿来主义)3.句子扩充(倒装,排比,复杂)常用句型1.提出单一观点:(1)There is a growing awareness that(只能用于引导星星观点)(2)There is a public recognition that(主流观点)(3)It is said that(似是而非的观点和名人名言)(4)There is no denying that(毫无疑问,不可否认)(5)One of the most popular topic sb talk about now is人们今天讨论最多的话题之一….(他人态度对我们态度的影响)it is commonly believe that 通常相信reference 参考take(sth) into account 仔细想想2.提出相对观点(1)When it comes to this problem, there is always a debate , some…, others…hold an opposite view 持完全不同的观点(to do sth, or to do sth? +When it…)(2)When it comes to……当…①Other research reveals that…when it comes to…②Recent resealed shows that…when it comes to…(3)When asked about…career/pursue 追求一种事业sb…but others think quite differnthysb do sth, and do sth(用设问开头!)(4)Nowadays(currently, recently) there is a growing(general, deep) concern over(awareness of, recognition of, demand for) 话题承受沉重压力bear the heavy burden为。



雅思写作(留学类)——Task 2新东方网络课堂主讲人:张驰新第一节:文章题型判断Task2是考试的重头戏,首先来看审题的过程:浏览文章出题的最后一句话(写作指令句),一个有经验的考生就会这样做,现在现行的考题一共有四种题型:一,discursive (50%)讨论性题型凡是以下五种,都被认为是discursive,前三种回答没有任何限制1, T o what extent do you agree (or disagree)2, How far do you agree (or disagree)3, What`s your opinion towards the statement?4, Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one)5, Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?discursive的四种写法:,1,单边同意一个观点2,单边反驳一个观点3,两个观点一起论述,支持观点可以多写一点(有倾向性)4,同时论证两个观点,表示中立(无倾向性)总体来说是两种大的写法,单边写和双边写,单边写就是同意不同意,双边写就是七三开和五五开。


二,agree or disagree(只能单边写)三,PRR(Problem + Reason + Recommendation)why + what 25%给你一个问题,你提出原因和解决方案,这种文法类似why+what,考生在写作过程中一定要注意比例,原因和建议的比例控制在6:4。

Reason : Recorn = 6:4,如果原因很多,建议很少甚至没有那是不可能高于5分的。


四,A&D(双边写,五五开,保持中立的写法)A: advantageB: disadvantage这样的文法是直接问好坏处,只要把好坏处加在一起,各写50%就到位了,是保持中立的一种写法,本身比较极限,没有自由,最近已经没落了下来,07年也只考了两次。




为什么?因为你没有一份真正完整!真正干货的托福写作笔记 !今天就把这份压箱底的货都拿出来了,还不滚粗来店铺!托福写作笔记:托福写作概述托福考试写作分为两个部分:综合写作和独立写作1.The Integrated Writing Task:Reading, Listeningand Writing(150-225 words, 20 minutes)2.The Independent writing Task:(300 words, 30 minutes)托福写作笔记:英汉两种语言的区别1、美国人与中国人思维方式的不同。


英语重形和,重结构,汉语重意和, 重语义。





托福写作笔记:中国学生写作最易犯的十大错误1. Nowadays, collegestudent should learn competition and cooperation.2. The problem that is created bycomputers attract(draw, spark, captivate, intrigue, arouse, yield, give riseto) much attention.3. In present-day society, there are agreat many young people go abroad.4. In my opinion, I think that smokingshould be banned in public places.5. The computer can not instead thepivotal role played byteachers in education.6. Some people welcome raising pets,others hold different opinions.7. In large cities ofChinahas manyfast food shops.8. At college, we should learn as muchknowledge as possible so that we can be well prepared for our future career.9. Some students are interested inplay computer games.10. You really have two down sons.托福写作笔记:托福写作25分必备的50个意群词汇1、持某观点:claim ( contend reckon share the belief that )2、支持某观点:advocate (maintain vote for side with be in favor of )3、反对某观点:contradict (criticize be against cast doubts on )4、合理的:justified ( sensible feasible convincing hold water bear much analysis)5、好处:advantage (benefit, merit, positive side)6、弊端:disadvantage( defect, demerit, negative side)7、肯定:undoubtedly (indeed undeniably there is no denying that)8、不确定:be likely to ( potentially presumably)9、重要的:essential (significant, vital, crucial, critical, fundamental, indispensable)10、有益的:beneficial (conducive instrumental )11、有害的:detrimental (harmful virulent)12、有争议的:controversial (disputable, contentious)13、普遍的:widespread ( prevalent, universal)14、显著地:considerably (significantly, remarkably, dramatically, tremendously, substantially)15、明显的:evident (apparent, manifest)16、增强:enhance (strengthen intensify)17、减少:decline (descend, collapse, relieve)18、大约:approximately(nearly, around, estimated, roughly)19、趋势:trend(tendency, inclination)20、预见:predict (expect, project)21、带来:bring about (result in, lead to)22、引起:create (spark ; yield;; give rise to)23、建立:establish (found, institute)24、要求:call for (request,demand)25、去除:eliminate(remove, eradicate)26、探讨:explore (examine, identify)27、描绘:depict (portray, illustrate)28、后果:consequence( aftermath; outcome)29、足够:adequate (enough; sufficient)30、解决:tackle ( resolve, address)31、意识:awareness(consciousness)32、控制:curb ( regulate, censor)33、解释:account for ( be responsible for)34、投资:finance (invest in, subsidize)35、缓解:relieve ( ease, alleviate)36、压力:stress ( pressure, strain)37、和谐:harmony ( concordance)38、继承:inherit (hand down)39、培养:cultivate (train, foster)40、促进:promote ( contribute to, upgrade)41、适应:adapt to (adjust to, acclimate to)42、提供:provide (render, afford)43、替代:replace (substitute, take the place of)44、保护:preserve (protect)45、证据:evidence (proof)46、赢得:gain (acquire, attain)47、国外的:foreign( alien, exotic)48、灾难:disaster (misfortune, catastrophe)49、发展:advance (progress)50、倾向于:tend to ( be inclined to , be apt to)托福写作笔记:实用加分句子托福写作常用“十大句式”一、否定句1、Instead of indulging in playing computer games, children should betaught how to benefit from useful information on the internet.应该教孩子们如何从互联网获取有益的信息,而不是沉溺于玩电脑游戏。



今天是作文,最令我意外的就是作文老师居然是传说中的李笑来.他首先提醒我们,没有经过充分准备的考生千万别进考场,如果参加了考试的,确定自己肯定拿不到自己理想的分数的.请在考试最后记得cancel 掉自己的考试成绩,因为ETS的评分是按照平均水平来的,如果你confirm了你的成绩,在无形中就提高了别人的成绩.一. 1,评分标准要one by one的仔细研读.这个我也觉得很重要,他花了好长时间分析了评分标准,我觉得这个直接影响你的写作思路和方向.大家要抓住评分标准里面的关键词.更重要的是,在评分过程中,是一个找宝的过程,他给我们看了一篇1分—2分的作文.这篇作文貌似组织良好,但是里面隐藏着许多逻辑错误.2,Sample response from ETS and the readers comments.后者更加重要,要抓住comments里关键词3,关于展开论点.OG,P259—260 要很好的展开论点,运用恰当清晰的解释,例证和细节.评分人员会评估考生的作文是否切题,文章中的细节,事例,理由在多大程度上支持论点.不要光为了增加文章字数而死记硬背一些冗长的首,末段.二. 1,在综合写作部分,要快速阅读给出段子的首句,第一段要读前两句,尽量笔记下关键词.2,关注名词概念.主要靠平时积累三.在阅读部分如何作笔记:1,用缩写代替名词概念2,用符号代替逻辑关系四.不要在以下四方面浪费时间:1,不要在意美英之间的差异.2,不要在意口语和书面语之间的差异3,不必在意任何文化差异. ,例如同性恋问题,185中不涉及文化问题.4,不必在意语言是否地道,只写acceptable writing English. 他的意思就是,以我们大家现在的水平是不可能写的出地道的英文,写出能让人接受的正规格式的英文就足够了.五.Step by step1,列大纲,落实具体细节.根据心理学,人类思考并不一定依赖语言,所以列大纲并不一定要用美国人思维方式,记得一定要用中文列大纲.并且大纲内容一定要平实朴素无修饰.(在写作过程中如果遇到不会写的专有名词时,可用拼音代替,在后面用一句话来解释一下即可)2,永不轻言放弃.在遇到不会表达的地方可用同位语解释.3,具体具体再具体.这一点在口语中也有提到.一定要具体到具体的时间地点.可把大纲扩充成分,也可变强调句.老美就爱这个,没办法.所以一定要具体具体再具体.六.排比句的技巧:1,公整对照.2,句法大同,词汇小异3,遵循二分法七.3A1,Start anyway 好的文字是改出来的,而不是倒出来的.所以一定要逼自己动手写下去.2,Continu anyway 直到最后,不管用多长时间一定要坚持写到底.3,Close anyway 给自己一个期限.不能无限制的写下去而又写不完.在思想上给自己一个约束.TIPS:1,IBT的写作是要求说明性,说理性文字,而非散文和诗歌2,特定的文章用特定的阅读方法.3,快速阅读并不是快速移动你的眼睛.4,考前至少背5篇有代表性的范文.5,在平时练习的时候遇到生词一定要记录到自己的笔记本上.定期反复复习6,要具有清楚的,恰当的举例说明能力.平时可以用中文练习.在语言上尽量简洁,朴素,有效.7,第一次练习写作的时候借助一切可以借助的手段,用心写,不必限时.长此以往,写作文的时间会越来越短的.8,关注李笑来的个人网站9,郑渊洁的Blog.5th Feb Writing独立测试部分一简单说明文第一部分1段 Background information**Thesis statement第二部分2-3段 Supporting例平均寿命1段上世纪本世纪增长了20岁主题句Among various factors that have made people live long are A,B,C.2 段 A 食物条件改善A is very important factor……(what / why /how)粗粮-细粮肥肉-精肉牛奶Water from river of well… from tap water……Mineral water such as soft drink…..利用googleB 医疗技术Equally important is B(形容词提前体现句法的多样性并且equally 是上下文紧密连接)C 社会稳定Match A and B is another essential factor C.**写主题句的建议1 尽量不要使用只抽象名词主题句好结论句没必要写2 尽量暗示文章将来结构3 主题句应该值得解释,值得证明4 使用绝对词应该慎重(经常问Is this always true?)但不是段首句时,可放宽标准二对比对照第一部分1段Background information第二部分2段Compare and contrast第三部分1段Thesis statement (A>B)例P.7 (4) 说服重于表达列出A,B的缺点和优点然后A>B第一部分Some people assert that B is better than A. However, I want to reason that A is in fact better than B.第二部分第一种方法第二种方法A的优点1,2,3,A缺点1 A的优点1,2,3,B优点1B的缺点1,2,3, B优点1 B的缺点1,2,3, A 缺点1第三部分A>B**说服的原则1 不要站在人家对立面上2 不要告诉他结论,你要让他想结论3 不要盲目追求标新立异三立论文第一部分1段Background information第二部分2段-3段Supporting第三部分1段Rebuttal—驳证(可放在任何地方)第四部分1段Thesis statement例保护濒临灭绝动物很多人的立场是反对保护濒临灭绝动物我的立场是反对盲目地保护濒临灭绝的动物。

托福 听力和作文的新东方笔记

托福 听力和作文的新东方笔记

一、听力包含2个或3个section,每个section包含1个conversation(5题)和2个lecture (6题)共14道题,每个section需要10min 完成。

(一)读音问题1.连读●辅音和元音的连读call it a day 到此为止●元音和元音的连读前一个元音以[i]或[i:]结尾+后一个单词以元音开头eg:I am前一个元音以[u]或[u:]结尾+后一个单词以元音开头eg:You are●4组固定的音变(1)前一个音以[d]结尾+后一个音以[j]开头:would you,could you [zh] (2)前一个音以[t]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头:last year [ch] (3)前一个音以[s]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头:this year [sh] (4)前一个音以[z]结尾+后一个音以[j] 开头●另外注意[h]: 常不读出eg: isn’t heI just hopejust stick aroud hereIf I see her2. 弱读want to wannagoing to gonna3.失音以辅音结尾,后一个单词以同样的辅音开头:只读其中一个up-side down4.失爆只存在于爆破音中:[b] [p] [d] [t] [k],前一个单词以爆破音结尾,后一个单词的开头是不同的另一个爆破音本身不发这个音,但要将这个音发的时间保留(二)听力练习方法听原文;看原文;划原文(将读音规则划出);跟读和模仿(三)思路问题1. 在听力中,如果听到询问、请求或邀请,则重点听这些句子,因为它完全提供了下一个人说话的思路。

I doubt you are right. 我认为你是错误的。

I suspect you are right. 我认为你是正确的。

具有否定意义的词:doubt,neither,hardly,skip听力重点题型总结:语气题:语气变化的地方,停顿之后是考点,转折题:“but”转折之后几乎是考点建议性的内容:let’s 表示建议,建议的地方几乎都成为考点if 表示条件概念just 表示建议maybe 表示建议,也表达了不确定性remember 表示强调本身就强调的东西:what is important ...强调的句型:I do like it. It is/was ...that ...表示询问、邀请、请求的地方:不仅要听出问题,还要听出下一个人的回答表示最高级的内容表示个人的观点、意见、想法每段对话的开头:经常考到的第一道题就是主旨题,通常在两个人对话开头就提到了。



1.写作=结构+思路+技巧3.写作要用上的!!!(1)4—5种高级时态主从同位从(2)4—5 从句:状语从句定语+宾语从句并列(3)3种结构:省略倒装(4)强调句、虚拟语气(5)非谓语动词4.时态:(1).一般现在时is都能写成be doing:is=be doing=has been doing (2).did=have done(写作里不做区分,不过还是有区别,主要区别在于did的动作做完了对现在无影响,have done 的动作做完了对现在有影响)did=have done=used to do(3).will=be going to do= intend to do=tend to do=be(about)to do(有about表示动作即将发生,无about表示在将来发生,写作中不做区分)5.并列(要大范围使用!!!)(1).******and*******:两边并列的必须属性相同,即可数名词只能并列可属!主+谓+宾+and+宾(2)主+谓语1+宾语1+and+谓2+宾语2:宾1与谓2可交换I can breath the fresh air and enjoy the ocean view in such placeOrI can breath and enjoy the fresh air and the ocean view in such place (3)主+谓1+宾从1+and+谓2+宾从2(不能颠倒顺序)6.省略:主句和从句主语相同,则从句主语+be动词省略。


I hate****when(I am)seeing*****--do与be doing连用表示do的动作的发生会打断be doing的进行--do与do连用,则前面的do不影响后面do的进行。

--一句话里若果有两个动作,则那个先完成,则哪个用have done,另一个用do7.虚拟语气:(1).表示不可能发生的事,与事实相反。

新东方 托福冲刺精讲班笔记

新东方 托福冲刺精讲班笔记

Listening1.开头——复习+主旨例外:①课堂复习——不考标志过去时态开始标志:now,today, OK, while②老师道歉③归纳法的开头,先给出例子,再给出结论--记例子的主体&论点2.结尾——推断+细节3.注意重复的细节与观点4.举例——记例子主体,注意提示词5.定义解释——其中的关系6.注意可以的停顿7.注意课堂引导词——remember now OK while imagine today8.讲课中的问答9.因果关系10.听清层次——firstly secondly...11.注意转折12.Listen again 专业术语不变避免原词重复Speaking notesQ1&Q2To start with I believe most of people would choose... However i would like to i have two arguments to supports to support my idea.Today i mainly have one important argument to back up my ideaTake me for example... For instance... For exampleFurthermore what's moreTo summarize to conclude all in allBased on the two points i have already mentioned ...will always be my choice...Q31.The school wants/plans to doThe school policy is...The school wants to carry out a policy which suggests/advises that the university should (stop) do...3.In the conversation, the man disagrees, and he has two pointsIn the listening material, the man agree with the policy because of the following reasons...4.First, the school think, however the man think...Second...Based on the two points the man disagree.Q4In this set of material, the reading passage introduce a theory/principle/definition...which means(suggests) that...In the lecture, the professor uses/gives us/provides us/offers us one/two examples to explain/illustrate/demonstrate/clarify this theory.The first is about...The second is ...Q51.time conflict①to find sb else to replace/take place of youto find sb to help him②drop, give up,cancel one of the plans③reschedulePut off, delay, postpone,to find another day to do.Do/finish...before...④ask for extension/extra days/putting off the dead line2.course is not available①to take the same/similar course next semester②take it in another school③choose the graduate lessonQ6The lecture is about/the topic is about...The professor mainly talked about ...According to the lecture...In this listening material the professor explain...All in all/in conclusion...Tips1.DefinitionThe term defined as..The definition of the term is...2.ResultThe/it result turn out to be...pareIn the experiment, students are divided into two groups.The first group is... In the second group the situation is totally different/is on the contrary.Writing一、Heading(一)方案1凸显主题引述观点我的立场1.凸显主题①As is often the case, Under many circumstances,Currently / In contemporary society, +X/ the issue of X+is widely so much concerned that it has aroused a wide much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been much concerned at such a degree that a wide discussion has been much/ widely discussed to a point where a deep contemplation has been aroused.②so…that…He is so 2 that he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. / ved. + to a / the point whereHe is 2 to a point where he is used to running outside at cold winter mid-night with nothing on.= subj+ v. + adj. /ved. + at such a degree that…He is 2 at such a degree that…2.引述观点againstSome people maintain/ hold that it is …that…A few people hold the opinion that…One point is that…One perspective is that…One conventional idea/ acceptance / view / notion is that…forA common belief is that…A prevailing notion/ acceptance is that…题目核心名词不动题目中观点的方向不动3.我的立场程度+ 态度①程度to large extent,at large degree,on large scale,②态度I agree with this opinion.I am on the side of this claim / assumption / assertionI side with this claim.I stand with this claim.I would nod in agreement with this claim.I lean toward this claim.I disagree with this opinion.I am on the opposite side of this claim.I side on the opposite.I stand against this claim.I would cast doubt on this claim.I would frown on this claim.全局Currently, the issue of X is much concerned to a point where a wide discussion has been aroused. Some people maintain that it is … that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim. (二)方案2一分钟快捷法:Some people hold / maintain that…I reckon/ deem thatagainstSome people maintain that…. To large extent, however, I am on the opposite side of this claim and reckon that it assumes a distorted and narrow view.forA prevailing acceptance is that…. To large extent, I am on theside of this claim and reckon that it sensible and rational. Body structureBody+support+strong二、基本思路框架:(一)1.让步Concede:客观性—题目观点有点道理To begin with, I have to concede that…2.主旨段1:分析—题目观点/言论谬误Nevertheless(Nonetheless)the claim—problematicAttention: 探讨论点 > 议论话题3.主旨段2:推理—后果严重,危害巨大At last, the influence—negative4.其他备选思路Optional 1: 可行性欠佳not feasibleOptional 2: 效用差ineffectiveOptional 3: 当A>B时,支持弱者B is also significantOptional 4:当题目中X is the …est,质疑“最”X is not the …est. Optional 5:因果关系不合理No direct relation between A and B(二)中心句:1 .让步To begin with, I have to admit that…To begin with, it is undisputable that…First of all, I have to concede that X, at some / certain degree, is/ can…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree,is beneficial(与题目立场一致).限制级让步—避免喧宾夺主…, to some / certain extent,……, at some/ certain degree,……, on some/ specific occasions,….…, in particular / certain cases, ……, under some / particular circumstances,……, theoretically speaking,……, in short-terms,…… is/ can somewhat…… is/ can relatively…2. against1—分析:题目观点谬误(本质使然)驳斥言论>质疑话题Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that…is not immune to several defects, (which makes this claim / assertion open to question). Nevertheless, X/ the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with several defects/ irrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic / misrepresentative.Do—undertake Be engaged inTip:下定义A isB (B=n. –A function)A serves asB / A functions as BFriends serve as serve as sources of influence.作判断A is B (B=adj. / n.)A is accepted / acknowledged as BThis proposal is accepted as beneficial.This proposal, to large extent, is accepted as beneficial.3. against2—推理:后果很严重/危害巨大effect vs influenceNegative influence—destructive consequencesdisastrous consequencesAt last, the consequences/ misleading of…would be negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences/ misleading that … is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.4.其他备选思路中心句Option1: 这样做不可行 feasible = viable--It is not feasible the feasibility of … is open to question.--It is not viable the viability of… is open to question.The feasibility/ viability of … is vulnerable to any question or challenge.… can hardly be converted from blueprint into reality.… can merely rest on the blueprint.Option1 效果欠佳--切断联系Step1 It can not solve this problemStep2 It fails to offer solutions to this problem.Step3For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a reference for...PracticeThis proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….Option2: B重要( for A>B 话题)B is of great significance for …Great significance for…is closely attached to B--Great significance for the rise of a nation is closely attached to the promotion of education.--Great significance for leading a healthy life is closely attached to the preservation of environment.--Great significance for the duty of celebrities is closely attached to the participation of social services.Option4: X并非最佳There is no point to claim that X serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.It is groundless to assert that…serve as—function asOption5: 因果关系不合理There is no direct causal relation between A and BThis claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.This assumption/ assertion fails to establish a causal relation betweenA and B.三、Body(一)1.让步First of all/ to begin with, I have to concede that X, at certain degree, is beneficial / is effective.2.观点谬误Nevertheless, the assumption that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question. Nevertheless, the assumption that… is also contaminated with severalirrationalities, which degrades this claim as problematic /misrepresentative.3 .后果严重At last, the consequences / the misleading that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. / disastrous/ pernicious.4.可行性欠佳The feasibility / viability of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.5. Ineffective即使有结果,也很难达到目的for 建议类话题To carry the idea further, this proposal / solution/ approach is awkward in serving as a key that guarantees the effectiveness and efficiency.for 定义/结论类话题To carry the idea further, this definition/ conclusion is awkward in serving as a convincing reference that can offer objective and accurate / reliable / trustworthy guidance.6. not the best/ --est ( for 最…话题)There is no point to claim that... serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.7. 挽救B—B重要( for A>B 话题)Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.8. 因果关系不能建立This claim suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.First of all, I have to concede that…, at some / certain degree, is/ can…For one thing, X, on some occasions, is/ can…For the other, it is/ can also somewhat/ relatively…, on the ground that…, for the reason that…, for the sake that…First of all, I have to concede that doing some writing, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, such exercises, on some occasions, contribute to promoting writing skills. For the other, writing can somewhat sharpen the mind.(二)方案1—双论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial. 论据1For one thing, X serves as 是什么 through which 作用/效果论据2For the other, X also contributes to/ X is also effective in人例case of/ the case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which, to large extent, can support / solidify /consolidate my claim (that it is… that…)事例the personal experience of … serves as an example / evidence that/ which can largely consolidate/lend credible support to my claim that…方案2—单论据论点First of all, I have to concede that X, on certain occasions, is beneficial, CS2. against1—本质不好i Nevertheless, the inherited/intrinsic /inborn defect of X can largelyundermine the claim/ assumption that….ii Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which makes this claim/ assumption / assertion open to question.Nevertheless, X/ the conclusion that…/ the proposal that… is not immune to several defects, which degrades this claim as problematic /misrepresentative.For 建议类话题:复杂任务简单化As is often the case, / Under many circumstances,/ As a matter of fact, 待解决之问题/达成之目标 is acknowledged as a complicated task/ project/ cause whose solution involves/ requires a combination/ joint of efforts on both the internal and external layers and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by XAs is often the case, 待介定之事物 is acknowledged as a complicated phenomenon / concept/ existence whose definition involves/ requires/ concerns a combination of elements / factors on both the subjective and objective layers and cannot possibly be defined by highlighting X.数据With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between and in European countries / E.U. claimed that…With reference for a survey by International …, % of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / E.U. claimed that X is the last option employed to…With reference for a survey by International …, %of the people / respondents between 15 and 65 in European countries / E.U. had gloomy views over the effectiveness / the prospect of XAccording to a survey by International Deserts (vol.250), the deserts all over the world are extending at a rate of 250 football fields every 3 hours.实事—caseThe case concerning … serves as an example/ evidence / an evident example which can, to large extent, support/ solidify/ justify / reinforce / bolster / consolidate my claim that…人例—personal experienceThe personal experience concerning … serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim that…Optional结论/建议未必适用于所有情形(无视个案差异)… is not unexceptionally acceptable… is not undisputable all the time / under any circumstances The other flaw is that the validation of the view presented in this topic is not universally self evident. On occasion(s) that…,/ On conditions that… , the (utmost) significance is supposed to be attached to X, whereas when this prerequisite/ the condition removes, the emphasis/ focus would also be switched (to other…).Tip: 本段(质疑言论)的组织架构:言论谬误The assumption/ assertion that… is problematic.谬误/漏洞1—复杂的事物被简化X复杂,解决/定义需要诸多(a combination of ) 努力 (efforts)/ 因素(elements)谬误/漏洞2—观点的合理性是有条件的X 不总正确(not universally self-evident), 只有在…条件下,(on conditions that…), 才合理,否则就不行X has been proved to be (the most) effective …/ the best …Any other efforts / possibilities have been proved to be vain attempts X has been proved to be the most effective …/ the best … that can ruleout any other …X enjoys the widest preference后果很严重At last, the consequences/ influence of… is negative / destructive / pernicious.At last, the consequences that X is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive.子论据1:负面影响+小的个体( individual )大到整体( society/ system/ industryOne point that is worth of mentioning is that…The negative influence of X would be infectious.The negative influence of X would result in a series of chain reaction.The negative influence of X would give rise to Domino Effect/ Butterfly can inevitably endanger/ jeopardize both the individual… and thewhole society/ industry/ system.The negative influence of X would be infectious, which can inevitably jeopardize / endanger both the individual… and the whole…子论据2:弊大于利To carry the idea further,Other than that,In addition, advantages vs. disadvantagesthe disadvantages outweigh the advantages.= the advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages.the disadvantages overshadow the advantages.= the advantages are overshadowed by the disadvantages.Advantages:The expected/ the foreseeable benefits and opportunities / solutions…can offerFor conclusion The expected reference and guidance … can offer Disadvantages:the potential risks and uncertainties … can incurFor conclusion--the potential confusions and misleading … can incurDisadvantage > advantage--the potential risks and uncertainties … incurs far outweigh the expected benefits and opportunities it can offer.--the potential confusions and misleading … incurs can rule out any reference and guidance it can offer.To be exact, it is tantamount to an act of trading A for Btrade long-term … for short term…trade … in the long run for … at presenttrade the possibility of sustainable development for the reality of present the unique… for common…trade the cherished… for common / ordinary …trade the invaluable … for the valueless …trade everything for nothing子论据3影响负面且深远Even worse, It runs the risk of driving …to a dead end.This proposal / conclusion is acknowledged as an illogical and irrational assumption/ assertion which indicates / reveals / mirrors a set of misplaced values that run the risk of driving … to a dead end.(三)思路框架:1.让步To begin with, I have to concede that knowing how to use money effectively, at certain degree, is beneficial. For one thing, it somewhat minimizes the risk of financial problems in the future. For the other, the acquisition of such knowledge and skills, at certain degree, contributes to relatively sensible consuming habits.2.因素分析Nevertheless, the claim of emphasizing the role that learning money management at young age plays in making a financially responsible adult is contaminated with several intrinsic irrationalities. As is often the case, implanting a sense of financial responsibility into an individual is acknowledged as a complicated task whose solution involves a combination of efforts on both the internal and external respects and cannot possibly be tackled/ accomplished by simply making children learn management. The personal experience of Madoff serves as an evident example which can largely consolidate my claim. Although Madoof received good education for money management since he was young, he did not have any sense of responsibility and was labeled as a cheater in 2008. The other flaw this assumption suffers from is that it ignores the differentials among cases. On conditions that that the learning of managing money is combined with the instillation of conscience and moral, or that this proposal has been proved as the most effective measure which can rule out any other solutions, making children learn to manage money is acceptable, whereas when this prerequisite removes, the things would be otherwise.3. 演绎推理At last, the consequences that this proposal is expected to bring about would turn out to be destructive. One point that is worth of mentioning is that the misleading and confusion that relating managing money to financial responsibility can incur far outweigh the expected benefits and solutions it can offer. Other than this, learning money management on early stage bears the possibility of bringing in materialism into our education and misplacing the values, which runs the risk of driving the healthy growth of our next generation to a dead end.EndingTo sum up, at large degree, I would cast doubt on this assumption. What is more, it is essential for us to have circumspection over all the factors before any critical decision-makings.Tip:其他备用思路:Option1--可行性欠佳What is more, the feasibility of X is vulnerable to any question or challenge.A host of impediments that are expected to encounter like A, B, C andD are acknowledged as significant factors that play decisive rolesin minimizing the viability.In this sense, it is almost a mission impossible to…重要因素表达—用于论点+论据… serves as a significant factor that plays decisive role in….… serves as an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.Tip :不可行的障碍--(show no respect) the legal principles--(overlook) the basic laws of nature--(violate) the ethical bottom line--the unsatisfactory voices from the public--limited budgets or financial problemsOption2--即使有结果,也很难达到目的(个性化方案—选配)--牵强的联系For 建议This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...教师是否应该根据他们的表现而支付薪水?Paying teachers in accordance with their performance is awkwardin serving as a key to enhancing / improving/ promoting /upgrading the education.This proposal / solution/ approach/ X is awkward in serving as a key to….+切断联系 For 建议As a matter of fact/ In effect, A/ the former does not function as the exclusive prerequisite for B/ the latter.+冲淡联系1 原因多样Under many circumstances, a host of solutions/ possibilities such as A1, A2, A3 and A4 are also indispensable/ significant approaches that are not supposed to be a significant factor that plays a decisive role in…… is also an indispensable element that is not supposed to be overlooked.+冲淡联系2 结果无效On the other hand, such oversimplified strategy would be doomed/ deemed as counterproductive.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct (causal) relation between A and B (the result and the proposal).For 结论This definition/ conclusion/ X is awkward in serving as a convincing/ credible reference for...+切断联系For 结论A does not serve as an exclusive prerequisite for gaining a betterunderstanding about B+冲淡联系1可能性多样Under certain circumstances, B can be concluded as A1, whereas under others, the definition/ conclusion like A2, A3, A4 are also sensible/ acceptable/ rational.+冲淡联系2 定义/概括无效GeneralOn the other hand, such over generalized conclusion fails to be representative.+阶段性结论In this sense, there exists no direct relation between the conclusion/ definition and the phenomenon.In this sense, A can tell just part of the story.Option 3-- ... is not the ..estThere is no point to claim that A serves as the best/ ultimate/ the most approved solution / definition.A multitude of other options/ elements/ possibilities / solutions such as B, C, and D are also significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In this sense, it is groundless to put ultimate premium on A.Option 4--挽救B-B重要( for A>B 话题)Great significance is also supposed to be attached to B.Option5—因果无法建立:Furthermore, the claim that… suffers from a fallacy of causal oversimplification.Furthermore, the claim that … rests on a gratuities causal relationship which is in short of legitimacy.In effect, the former does not serve as the exclusive prerequisite for the latter.Under many circumstances, a host of approaches / solutions/ reasons/ possibilities as A, B, C and D are also acknowledged as significant factors that are not supposed to be overlooked.In addition, this conclusion runs the risk of misleading the understanding / the definition of…In addition, this proposal bears the possibility of driving the result to quite different paths.In this sense, there exists no direct causal relation between A and B. Topics:Because we are busy, we can do few things well.Because we are busy, politeness has become unnecessary and out of fashion. In order to make ourselves happy, we should learn how to make others happy first.For这样很好(本性使然)… is blessed/ gifted withadvantagemerit in …./thatgeniusX is blessed with a multitude of merits.As it stands, X enjoys many advantages like A, B, C and D.According to a survey by…, X% of the respondents …这是不可避免的 indispensable / 重要部分A is a part of B= A is included in B= A serves as / functions as an indispensable episode in composing B the absence of… would result in…Families serve as indispensable episode in composing our society.Failures in every segment of our life serve as indispensable episodes in composing our growth.Competition serves as indispensable episode in composing our market. The multimedia and the internet serve as indispensable episodes in composing our modern life.The quantum leaps in science and technology serve as indispensable episode in composing our civilization.这样做可行且运转良好What is more, the feasibility of X can withstand question or challenge.A host of factors such as A, B, C and D are acknowledged as significantelements that play decisive roles in maximizing the viability.Not only does it enjoy feasibility, but also it can operate in a smooth way.如果这样,结果诱人Other than this, the positive consequences of X would turn out to be will benefit both the individual and the whole systemit contributes to promoting …., boosting …..and …will thereafter beenhancedIt contributes to promoting the advance of economy, boosting the communication among cultures and the reputation of a city is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting the efficiency, boosting the effectiveness and our self-confidence is thereafter enhanced.It contributes to promoting our skills in getting along with others,boosting our abilities in thinking over things and our minds are thereafter sharpened.Advantage> Disadvantage应该这样,因为这样做不仅有益,而且无害。



新东方TOEFL2001.10月班笔记--(第三部分:阅读、作文)- -概述阅读文章的特性和原则:1.一般性,不涉及太多最新的东西2.多样性,学科的多样性3.文章的独立性4.公正性原则和重复性原则公正性原则:多为北美美国的背景,作者立场的选择,态度上的倾向性:中庸的态度重复性原则:题材的重复,用词的重复,词汇题的重复TOEFL的文章结构的特点:1.general ---- specific(总分)2.question---- solution3.驳论型:先错后对TOEFL文章的一次型转折,不会出现GRE中的多次转折现象TOEFL的命题特点:1.引用原文信息进行提问,或者形成答案2.原文内容进行改写,或者形成答案3.在TOEFL阅读中,一般出现any , all , always , almost , most 等绝对化的措词,一般都是错误的。

TOEFL考试阅读部分的主要题型:1.主题型题(3—4条)问主要思想mainly discuss2.细节题(18—22条)使用一般/特殊疑问句,也可是“According to the passage……,……?”不用通读全文,只要看到细节部分,不要看全文推理3.推理题(3—6条)问题中含有“imply , infer , suggest , indicate , most , likely ,least , probably“等词4.指代题(3—6条)5.词汇题(12—20条)(要掌握9000-10000词)6.结构题What’s the orgainzation / structury ……?7.结论题conclusion , statement8.态度题a. 对人b. 对观点c. 对事物9.问答题……can anwser the question of the passage?10.图像题TOEFL考试阅读部分出题原则:难易程度保持平衡阅读方法:1.通读全文2.找主题句,找考点处3.先看问题,再看文章读文章与做题的时间分配:TOPIC+考点问题+出处3:7(时间安排)注意:找出处a) 界定法b) 关键词词性c) 出题原则d) 难题关于单词:(思路,读法,词汇)activepassive一个月内单词要过一遍,3000核心词汇,一天的单词量1.少量多次2.螺旋式前进3.汉语意义,英汉解释4.特殊难词联想,归类,造词。

IBT 课堂笔记

IBT 课堂笔记

toeflt067@huanting陈熙笨鱼writing:10Integrated writing 20min 220-280 3Independent writing 30min 450 7我先喝口水。

Your question forces me to the frustration to have a drink to relieve my tension. 主谓宾Your question is the main reason why I would choose a drink first. 主系表It is your question that diverts my minds, misleads my wisdom, pushes me to the frustration, and forces to choose the drink first. 强调句型平行From your question comes my frustration, which forces me to choose the drink first. 倒装+ 非限Had you never offered your question to me, I would have not realized how beautiful a drink is to me.虚拟语气4 A B C D 012345小 5 4=4.5大 3 4=3.54.00 = 25 26 27 234.25 = 27185题库机经Effectively address the topic and taskWhat is the most important discovery in the recent 100 years in your country?Well organized examples reasons other details Body1: topic sentenceReasoningExampleSummaryUnity progression coherenceA X 1X 2X 3X b>A c>A d>AIntroduction:Body1: t opic sentenceReasoningExampleSummary Body2: t opic sentenceReasoningExampleSummary Body3: t opic sentenceReasoningExampleSummary ConclusionSyntactic variety word choiceWord: 成功The increase of scienceSuccess, achievement, accomplishment, triumph, Questions, problems, trouble, dilemma, deadlock, frustration, worriesImpart, teach, guide, irrigate sth into splace, inspire, give, offer, donate, instruct, lecture, educate, fill in, cultivate, breed,CX teaches you knowledge. \CX donates the wisdom and experience to the mind of the youth.CX irrigates the knowledge into the eager young minds.CX wakes up the wisdom and intelligence hiding in the deep heart of the students.污染导致了国家环境严重的问题。



雅思写作(留学类)——Task 1新东方网络课堂主讲人:张驰新第一节:写作技巧写作是听说读写四项中最难提高的一项,因为我们说很多学生在雅思考试之前基本上从来没有写过一些比较大的文章,更加不要说在一个小时当中完成400字的写作量,往往学生在准备很多时间后也很难在写作部分得到很高的成绩,我希望在这几个小时当中为大家找到一个雅思写作提高的捷径,以及如何真正能使大家的写作有一个质的飞跃。













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TOEFL iBT Reading 网络课堂听课笔记新托福考试相关知识考试证件:护照最好,身份证也可考试完之后的十五天出成绩一个人两次考试时间间隔不低于七天General Introduction to iBT TOEFLReading 60-100 minsListening 60-90 minsBreak 10 mins 厕所,不要吃冰的东西、饼干、辣的东西;最好吃香蕉Speaking 20 mins 包括阅读和听、以及回答时间Writing 50 mins 纯粹回答问题的时间Total time: 4 hours新托福写作基本介绍General Introduction to iBT TOEFL WritingContent: integrated writing 综合写作(读、听、写,要求较高,不用发表个人意见) and independent writing(300字以上,400-500分数较好,高分一定要400字以上,600字以上可能得满分)Score: raw score: 0-5 scaled score: 0-30Time: Integrated Writing: 20 minutesReading: 3 mins/230-300wordsListening: 2 mins/230-300words150-225 words 不需要发表个人观点Independent writing: 30 minutes300 words 以上写作训练方法:“写”练习写作的步骤:需要写20篇左右的文章1-5 不限时写作字数达到300,结构完整,不计好坏6-10 保证1小时内完成,结构完整,字数300以上,写完进行检查:语法、冗余11-20 要半小时完成,字数要超过400,结构完整,写完进行检查和润饰写作基本知识/应试技巧基本知识:两篇作文都不需要写标题文章分段方法:缩行式(4-6个字母)和空行式应试技巧:如何直入主题:如何根据评分要求获得高分Be the best of all; orBe the best of the crowd; orBe the best of yourself.写作规则:1.The longer, the better! (大量认证、文章内容充实,衔接良好)2.Best structureBest sentencesBest words三种句子训练方法1.用多种方法表达同一句意例如:A对B很重要1) A is important to B.2) A plays an important role/part in B.3) A is of (great/amazing) importance/significance to B.4) B cannot live/develop/grow/survive without A5) A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper/ water is to fish/ the heart is to a human.6) A is essential/significant/crucial/critical/vital/indispensable to B.7)The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated/denied/ignored/doubted.8) A means a lot to B.9) A is everything/the whole world to B.10)Nothing is more important to B than A.11)A matters/counts to B.2.扩充句子将一个简单句进行扩充,增加至15字、25字、35字,尽量使用不同的语法结构,如同位语,插入语,非谓语结构,各种从句、并列结构等。

(要求:文章里多于20字的句子至少不少于3句)3.对句式进行各种变化开头的变化(名词、不定式、介词词组、分词、从句、动名词、代词)结尾的变化长短句的变化主被动的变化:以主动为主,被动为辅考试时尽可能以长句为主写作换算:3—203.25—213.5—223.75—244—254.25—274.5—284.75—295—30新托福写作须知1.考试使用美式英语或英式英语?都可以,但美式比较好但一定不要温和美式和英式2.字数非常重要Integrated writing: 300Independent writing: 4503.结构3\4\5\6段式4.拼写5.书面语或口语?书面语好点Photo-photographLab-laboratoryDorm-dormitoryKid-childCan’t-can not 在疑问句中必须使用缩略式。

英汉语区别逻辑性英语逻辑性比汉语逻辑强表达方式汉语表达的特点:曲折、委婉(曲线型思路)英语表达的特点:明确、直接(直线型思路)文化的影响As stupid as a donkey 猪Horse 勤奋写作原则:1.正式文体2.完整结构3.明确观点4.精彩纷呈5.正式形式6.通顺连贯7.扬长避短驳论文的写法—一般用于“do you agree or disagree”驳论点的写法先承认对方观点的某些合理性再列举实例或理由证明对方观点的逻辑漏洞或片面性再、或阐述按照对方的观点会有什么样的恶劣后果驳论据的写法先确定对方观点所持的理由再证明对方观点理由的版面性或虚假性还可以再提出自己的论据证明自己的观点论点切入点健康(营养、放松心情、身体素质、食品安全、生活习惯、烟酒、身体伤害)和安全(生命、财产)便利(节省时间、时间灵活、交通、休闲、健身、娱乐、吃喝、购物)交流(交流技巧)、与家人、父母、朋友、同学、同事、领导、网友交流习惯与心理(风俗、习惯、兴趣、亲情、友情、爱情、乐趣、好恶)成就感(成功、荣誉感、财富、自信、动力、压力)sense of achievement; Success, succeed, successful, make it; sense of honor; motivation; pressure环保(生态平衡、动植物的保护、环境污染如:水、空气、光、嗓音、辐射等)ecological balance\system经济(资金、投资、节约、旅游、就业、工资、收入、支出、效益、税收)fund, investment, save, tourism, employment, profit, tax品格(有经验、能干、聪明、合作、坚忍不拔、上进、独立、负责任、宽容、乐观、谦虚、勇敢、善良)experienced, ability\capable\competent, cooperate\cooperative, persevere\perseverance\persevering, aggressive, independent, responsibility\responsible, tolerant\tolerant\tolerance, optimistic-pessimistic, modest, kind科技、教育与培训(教学技术的发展(电脑、电视、卫星、机器人)、知识的积累、职业的选择、效率)国家与文明(民族振兴、社会发展、公益、人与自然的和谐、文明的传承和发扬)寻找理由的方法有什么条件可以这样?如果这样有何好处、坏处?如果不这样有何好处、坏处?如果要这样、人们必须怎么办?可行吗?如果不能这样,人们应该怎么办?理由不能太具体,否则不易展开各理由必须是并列关系、递进关系理由的排列顺序由段落长短来决定思维训练审题并确定所给观点哪些可用来支持,那些可用来反对:Topic 1: In many countries, the size of the average family has gotten smaller in recent years. Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family.For Against1. Parents have the time to give more attention and affection to each child.2. Old parents are more likely to be abandoned to live in homes for senior citizens.3. Children may be overprotected by their parents, making them weaker individuals.4. There is more privacy and fewer interruptions.5. It is necessary to control the rapid growth of the population.6. Both parents may go out to work, leaving the child or children alone or with baby-sitters.7. Parents can more easily afford a better education for their children.8. Family decisions are easier to make.9. It is less fun to be with fewer people.10. There are fewer family members to help each other in times of trouble.文章结构推荐五段式主体(3段)开头(1段)结尾(1段)主体框架1+1 四段模式:主体两段,开头、结尾各一段:支持面的理由两点充分论述2+1(A型):支持面的理由两点充分论述+支持面的另一个理由简略论述2+1(B型):支持面的优点两点充分论述+反对面的缺点一到两点简略论述2-1(重点推荐)2-1(A型):支持面优点两点充分论述+反对面优点一到两点简略论述2-1(B型):支持面的优点两点充分论述+支持面的缺点一到两点简略论述折中方案:根据不同的阶段、不同的年龄、不同的人群,不同的目的得出不同的结论文章内容比例支持面的理由最好要比反对面理由多、段落数多,字数多,而且阐释得更具体。




