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[i:] he [hi:] need [ni:d] meat [mi:t] tea [ti:]

[i] give [gi v ] kid [ki d] big [bi g ] fish [fi ʃ]

[æ] fat [f æt] man [mæn] have [hæv ] bank [bæŋk] [e] let [let] rest [rest] red [re d] bed [bed ]

[a:] aunt[a:nt] car [ka:] start[sta:t] laugh [la:f]

[ʌ] luck [lʌk] love [lʌv] money [mʌni] come [kʌm]

[ə:] girl[gə:1] learn[lə:n] work [wə:k] murd er['m ə:də] [ə] today [t ə'd ei] teacher ['ti:tʃə] forget [fə'get]

[ɔ:] your [jɔ:] daughter ['d ɔ:tə] tall [tɔ:] horse [hɔ:s] [ɔ] hot[hɔt] d og[dɔg] want [wɔnt] box [bɔks]

[u:] food [fu:d] two [tu:] too[tu:]zoo[zu:]

[u] look [luk] good [gud] book[buk] cook[kuk]


[ei] baby['b ei bi] wait ['w ei t] pay ['pei] cake ['keik] [ai] a [hai] I [ai] like [laik] bike [baik]

[ɔi] boy [bɔi] voice[vɔis] avoid[əv ɔid] noisy [nɔizi]

[au] cow [kau] out [aut] house[haus] now [nau]

[əu] no[nəu] hope [həup] go[gəu] home[həum]

[iə] here[hiə] cheer[tʃi ə] near [niə] beer[biə]

[eə] where [weə] fair [feə] there [ðɛə]

[uə] poor[puə] sure[ʃ uə]



[p] pen [pen] paper [peipə] peace [pi:s] pig [pig] [b] boss [bɔs] buy [bai] blue [blu:] bike [baik]

[t] tiger[taigə] hurt [hə:t] sister[sistə] toe [təu] [d] d ead [d ed] d eaf [d ef] dame [d eim] dance ['dɑ:ns]

[k] kill[kil] cl ever [klevə] cat [kæt]

[g] gay [gei] ghost [gəust] get [get] gift [gift]

[f] film [film] forty [fɔ:ti] fine [fain] wife [waif] [v] give [giv] love [lʌv] very [‘veri ] lovely [lʌvli]

[ʃ] she [ʃi:] wash [wɔʃ] brush [brʌʃ] shoe [ʃu:] [ʒ] d ecision [disiʒən] treasure [treʒə] pleasure [pleʒə]

[s] some[sʌm] place[pleis] looks[luks] nice [nais] [z] zero [ziər əu] size [saiz] rose [rəuz]

[θ] tooth[tu:θ] faith [feiθ] athl ete ['æθli:t]

[ð] they [ðei] with [wið] their [ðɛə] father [fɑ:ðə]

[tʃ] chinese [tʃaini:z] children[tʃildr ən] rich [ritʃ]

[dʒ] job [dʒɔb] large [lɑ:dʒ] jeep[ʤi:p] bridge[briʤ]

[tr] try [trai] trust [trʌst] true [tru:]

[dr] dress [dres] dream[dri:m] drum[drʌm] drink[driŋk]

[ts] parents [pærənts] wants [wɔnts] cats [kæts] [dz] fields [fi:ldz] seeds[si:dz] goods[gudz] woods [wudz]

[h] here [hiə] how [hau] help [help] him [him]

[l] look [luk] like [laik] bill [bil] girl [gə:1]

[r] write [rait] read [ri:d] right [rait] history [histəri]

[j] you [ju:]year[jie]yes[jes]

[w] when [wen] where [wɛə] why [wai] what [wɔt]

[m] man [mæn] may[mei]

[n] need [ni:d] no[nəu]

[ŋ]sing[si ŋ]
