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The network flow problem is an important operational research subject. The maximum flow problem is an important content of network flow problem, which has widely applications. The research of maximum flow problem and its applications to industry, engineering,commerce, agriculture, transportation and other areas can bring us great convenience.

The paper discusses the maximum flow problem, and summarizes the historical background of graph theory, basic concepts, basic knowledge and describes the basic concept of the network. The core basis of the maximum flow problem -- Ford-Fulkerson maximum flow minimum cut theorem is introduced. Several algorithms for solving maximal-flow problem like Ford-Fulkerson labeling algorithm, Edmonds-Karp correct algorithm, Dinic algorithm are summarized in this paper. It also compares various algorithms to solve different problems in the pros and cons.

In order to more clearly show the application of the maximum flow problem in the production life, the paper illustrates a real-life problem - -The optimal scheduling of railway freight train to highlight the importance of maximum flow. This instance is to be solved under certain constraints , to design the most freight train numbers through the railway in a day and night and to list out the schedules for each train. In this instance, by abstracting the network diagram from the real problems, transform the actual problem into the maximum flow problem, and use the properties of graph and Ford-Fulkerson labeling algorithm, and ultimately solve the problem.

In this paper, the combination of theory and examples focus on solving practical problems by applying theoretical basis. It has strong practicality and

highlights the applications.

Keywords:Graph Network flow Maximum flow


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 最大流问题的研究内容及背景 (1)

1.2 最大流问题的发展状况 (1)

1.3 选题的意义 (2)

第二章预备知识 (4)

2.1 图论 (4)

2.2 网络的基本概念 (5)

2.3 最大流问题核心依据——Ford-Fulkerson最大流最小割定理 (7)

第三章最大流问题的几种算法 (9)

3.1 标号法(Ford-Fulkerson算法) (9)

3.2 Edmonds-Karp修正算法 (12)

3.3 Dinic算法 (15)

第四章最大流问题的应用 (19)

4.1 铁路货运列车的最优调度 (19)

第五章结论 (30)

参考文献 (31)

致谢辞 (32)

附录1英文原文 (33)

附录2中文译文 (37)
