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Exercise 1

1. A he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize. It really surprised us all.

2.Before you go a , you’d better know some customs and culture of the country. It’s helpful to you.

3.Do you like to watch planes flying a the sky? Nowadays many people fly from one place to another. It's very fast.

4.Excuse me,sir. Nobody is a to smoke here. Please smoke in the waiting-room.

5.He won first in the free skating at the Turin Winter Olympics---a surprising 27.12 points

a of the silver medalist.

6.I can't tell you the whole truth. A , I’m very busy at the moment—can I phone you back in a little while?

7. I heard you would move to a new flat. Let me know after you change your a so that I can communicate with you easily.

8. As we all know, if you are weak in a subject, studying hard and asking a teacher for

a can help.

9. In a to the names on the list there are six other volunteers.

10.Luckily, many people there are still a after the terrible earthquake because of the high quality of the houses they live in.

11.As students in Grade Nine, we are too busy to a a holiday before the final examination.

12.Nowadays the Internet is very popular in the world and it e us to keep in touch with friends around the world.

13.Parents want their children to have more exercise to improve their health and take part in more social a .

14.Rain from South Korea is a singer as well as an a who played in the film "Speed Racer"

15.Can you see the person in green standing under the big tree? He is a 70,but he looks much younger.

16.Tom is an experienced engineer. We all believe that he has the a to work out the problem in half an hour.

17.Yesterday Mike invited my wife and me to his fortieth birthday party. I have a his invitation.

18.After Mr. White became our class teacher, students in our class were more a than before. He is really a lively teacher.

19.I feel sick now. Please go and ask the class teacher if she will a to let me go home early?

20.In order to protect our environment, we should keep the plastic bags from the supermarkets to use them a as rubbish bags.

21.Nowadays many people want to live in a big city because it has many a such as good schools,libraries and hospitals.

22.“Boys and girls, don’t be a to ask for my help. Any questions are welcome.”

23.The station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a different train. This a about an hour to my journey. How terrible!

24.This is a very busy city. So you should be careful when you cross the road. A
