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Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment

(Revision 2015)

发文机关: 国家发展和改革委员会,商务部






尚未生效 文号: 国家发展和


22号 Promulgation Authorities: National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Commerce Promulgation Date: Date: Status: forthcoming Document Number: Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce






2号 《外商投资产业指导目录(2015年修订)》已经国务院批准,现予以发布,自2015年4月10日起施行。2011年12月24日国家发展和改革委员会、商务部发布的《外商投资产业指导目录(2011年修订)》同时废止。 Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015) Decree of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce

The Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015), which has been approved by the State Council, is hereby issued and shall come into force on 10 April 2015; While the Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2011)

issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce on 24 October 2011 shall be





一、农、林、牧、渔业repealed simultaneously.

Xu Shaoshi

Director of the National Development and Reform Commission

Gao Hucheng

Minister of Commerce

10 March 2015

Catalogue of Industries for Guiding Foreign Investment (Revision 2015)

Catalogue of Encouraged Industries for Foreign Investment

1. 木本食用油料、调料和工业原料的种

植及开发、生产I. Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery

1. Planting, development and production of woody plants that contain edible oils or are used as seasonings or industrial raw materials

2. 绿色、有机蔬菜(含食用菌、西甜瓜)、干鲜果品、茶叶栽培技术开发及产品生产2. Development of planting technologies for green food vegetables or organic vegetables (including edible fungi and melons), dried and fresh fruit, and tea, and relevant production

3. 糖料、果树、牧草等农作物栽培新技术开发及产品生产3. Development of new planting technologies for crops, such as sugar crops, fruit trees and pasture, and relevant production

4. 花卉生产与苗圃基地的建设、经营4. Production of flowers and construction and operation of nurseries

5. 橡胶、油棕、剑麻、咖啡种植5. Planting of rubber trees, oil palm, sisal and coffee

6. 中药材种植、养殖6. Planting or breeding of Chinese medicinal materials

7. 农作物秸秆还田及综合利用、有机肥料资源的开发生产7. Returning crop straw to farmland and the comprehensive utilization of crop straw; development and production of organic fertilizer resources

8. 水产苗种繁育(不含我国特有的珍贵优良品种)8. Breeding of aquatic fingerlings (excluding China's rare and endemic species)

9. 防治荒漠化及水土流失的植树种草等生态环境保护工程建设、经营9. Construction and operation of environment protection projects, such as the planting of trees and grass to combat desertification and soil erosion

10. 水产品养殖、深水网箱养殖、工厂化水产养殖、生态型海洋增养殖

二、采矿业10. Aqua farming, open sea-cage aquaculture, industrial aquaculture, and ecological mariculture

II. Mining Industry

11. 石油、天然气(含油页岩、油砂、页岩气、煤层气等非常规油气)的勘探、开发和矿井瓦斯利用(限于合资、合作)11. Exploration and exploitation of oil and natural gas (including oil shale, oil sand, shale gas, coal-bed gas and other unconventional oil and gas) as well as utilization of mine gas (limited to Sino-foreign equity or contractual joint ventures)

12. 提高原油采收率(以工程服务形式)及相关新技术的开发应用12. Improvement in enhanced oil recovery (in the form of engineering services) as well as development and application of relevant new technologies

13. 物探、钻井、测井、录井、井下作业等石油勘探开发新技术的开发与应用13. Development and application of new technologies for oil exploration and exploitation in areas such as geophysical prospecting, drilling, well logging, mud logging, and down-hole operation

14. 提高矿山尾矿利用率的新技术开发和应用及矿山生态恢复技术的综合应用14. Development and application of new technologies for enhancing utilization rate of mine tailings and the comprehensive application of ecological restoration technology in mining areas

15. 我国紧缺矿种15. Exploration and exploitation of mines
