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Jan. 5th, 2012

PART 1: Vocabulary (20%)

Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1.Mutual endeavor has shaped our world, and mutualism, the belief that individual and

collective well-being is obtainable only by mutual dependence, ______ family life, relationships and society.

A. underpins

B. overstates

C. underlines

D. overcomes

2. A man of original power can never be ______ within the limits of a single field of interest

and activity, nor can he ever be content to bear the marks and use the skill of a single occupation.

A. located

B. liberated

C. committed

D. confined

3.As a result of technological convergence and progress in digitization, the laboratories of

computer technology and consumer electronics firms are ______ in the race for innovation and sophistication.

A. searching

B. competing

C. intervening

D. absorbing

4.The degree in which a man ______ his work and gives it the quality of his own mind and

spirit is the measure of his success in giving his nature free and full expression.

A. demolishes

B. standardizes

C. individualizes

D. abolishes

5.In common with other developed economies, Britain has advocated the creation of a

high-skilled, high-waged economy by ______ the education and skills of its workforce.

A. renewing

B. overthrowing

C. decreasing

D. upgrading

6.No one on the planet is going to escape the effects of global warming, and for billions the

resulting environmental deterioration is going to make life ______ more difficult.

A. considerably

B. terminally

C. originally

D. regularly

7.Digital television will enable users to access a wide range of new services, such as

pay-per-view TV, the downloading of video games or software, or channels ______ in sports

or teleshopping.

A. interfering

B. specializing

C. participating

D. consisting

8.Earthquakes are immensely destructive, mainly because most cities in regions of high

seismic risk are dominated by buildings that are simply not built well enough to ______ the severe ground shaking of a major quake.

A. sustain

B. withstand

C. guarantee

D. inspect

9.By giving students access to a new world of information, sparking creativity, and ______

rich communication and collaboration across vast distances, computers have long been a powerful tool for education.

A. preventing

B. disrupting

C. facilitating

D. manipulating

10.While more and more women are ______ roles as managers, a new study reveals that these

women are increasingly turning to the stereotypically more 'male' traits, such as aggression, to get results.

A. defining

B. assuming

C. regarding

D. interpreting

11.The potential negative effects of violent video games on adolescent antisocial behavior, and

youth violence ______, is a highly debated issue, both in academic circles and among the general public and policy makers.

A. on average

B. on purpose

C. in particular

D. in advance

12. A new digital watermarking system not only protects music and media files from online

pirates but also ensures that the quality for ______ users is as good as it gets.

A. unauthorized

B. temporary

C. malicious

D. legitimate

13.There is relatively little ______ of opinion and scholarship about whether generational

differences exist that are worth taking into consideration in the workplace, colleges, and universities, and other contexts.

A. permission

B. minority

C. absence

D. consensus

14.Young people’s worlds have changed in a variety of ways, many of which have a ______ on

the sort of education and training that they demand.

A. contact

B. bearing

C. lead

D. stake

15.Nowadays graduates in the labor market are expected to be flexible, to direct and steer their

own work as well as that of others, to take responsibility and to mould jobs to make best use
