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Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: 6. Strategy/Integration/Portfolio Management/Value of Project Management/Marketing (STRATEGY/PPM) refers to the concepts of organizing and managing resources to maximize profit, minimize cost, and support the overall strategy of the organization.
• 2007年:项目管理知识融合性新视角与原创性观点(Manfred Saynisch) • 2008年:基于绩效评价、计划和风险分析方法的项目群挣值管理的分析
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: • 2. Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management (OB/HR) refers to the discipline associated with organizational structure, organizational dynamics, motivation, leadership, conflict management, etc.
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: • 4. Technology Applications/Innovation/New Product Development/Research and Development (TECH/INNOV/ NPD/R&D) refers to the discipline associated with the concepts of making innovative and technological improvements and the research and development of entirely new products, services, and processes.
• 2008年:学科融合对于项目管理的影响(Frank T. Anbari及Young Hoon Kwak);项目管理关键成功的过程(Ofer Zwikael) • 2010年:实现中国公共部分关键项目的最大化结果(薛岩、Turner和 Anbari);管理和组织大型基础设施项目:管理复杂性(Marcel Hertogh和Eddy Westerveld)
Baidu Nhomakorabea
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: 7. Performance Management/Earned Value Management/ Project Finance and Accounting (PERFORMANCE/ EVM) refers to the concepts and techniques that measure project progress objectively by combining measurements of technical performance, schedule performance, and cost performance.
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: • 1. Operations Research/Decision Sciences/Operation Management/Supply Chain Management (OR/DS/OM/SCM) refers to the discipline associated with quantitative decision analysis and management principles including various optimization tools and techniques, networkanalysis, resource leveling, simulation, etc.
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 研究范围:选择1950至2007上半年18个顶级国际管理 期刊的537篇文章 • 期刊的确定:金融时报顶级社科期刊(Financial Times 40)中选了16个,journal from INFORMS选1个, journal from IEEE选1个
• IEEE Engineering Management Society 13. IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management (IEEE-TEM) • Other FT40 Journals 14. Journal of Operations Management (JOM)* 15. MIS Quarterly (MISQ)* 16. Strategic Management Journal (SMJ)* 17. Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)* 18. Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM)*
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: 8. Quality Management/Six Sigma/Process Improvement (QM/6SIGMA/PI) refers to the concepts of improving processes, minimizing defects, and reducing cost by implementing continual improvement principles and specific measures and metrics.
詹 伟
工程管理与信息技术学院 weizhan@ucas.ac.cn
什么是前沿问题? 项目管理是应用还是理论学科?
题 纲
• 国内外项目管理文献研究分析
• 国内外学者的研究成果
• 国际项目管理协会及IJPM期刊的文献研究分析
• PMI期刊的文献研究分析 • 国内基金支持的研究情况
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals
• Academy of Management 1. AOM Perspectives/Executives (AMP)* 2. AOM Journal (AMJ)* 3. AOM Review (AMR)* • INFORMS 4. Operations Research (OR)* 5. Management Science (MS)* 6. Organization Science (OS)* 7. Information Systems Research (ISR)* 8. Interfaces (INTFCS) • Practitioner 9. Harvard Business Review (HBR)* 10. California Management Review (CMR)* 11. Sloan Management Review (SMR)* 12. Long Range Planning (LRP)*
与评价(Mario Vanhoucke)
• 2009年:项目全要素的集成管理方法论(戚安邦教授) • 2010年:项目运作中的信用管理(Gustafsson、Arhippainen与 Westerholm) • 2011年:基于项目组织的人力资源管理(Jonas Söderlund and Karin Bredin)
• 2012年:PMO及其对组织绩效的贡献(Monique Aubry, Brian Hobbs, Ralf Müller)
国际项目管理协会的项目管理理论研究 IPMA的年度研究特殊贡献奖的主题
• 2007年:项目导向型企业成熟度与项目导向型社会成熟度(Gareis); 应用项目管理方法开展个性化和用户为中心学习的创新系统(Bodea与
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: 5. Engineering and Construction/Contracts/Legal Aspects/ Expert Witness (EC/CONTRACT/LEGAL) refers to the discipline associated with the use and application of a broad range of professional expertise to resolve issues related to engineering and construction, contracts, expert witness, and their legal implications.
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 确定了8个与项目管理相关的学科: • 3. Information Technology/Information Systems (IT/IS) refers to the discipline associated with the use of computers and computer systems to process, transmit, store, and retrieve information for better management decisions.
Analyzing project management research: Perspectives from top management journals • 讨论: • 与传统的学科如运筹学、组织行为学、战略等相比, 项目管理是一最年青、最有活力而且变化最快的管理 学科,现代项目管理的根源是计划技术的定量研究以 及工程科学与优化理论的实际应用。项目管理与其相 关学科的跨学科交叉研究成为热点。需要注意的是项 目管理不再只是有效地计划、组织和协调项目,它已 经成为包括应用/实证研究与有坚实学术理论基础的理 论研究相结合的管理学的核心学科之一。