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Unit1 Going to different places.

单词: jungle灌木丛forest森林plant植物island小岛field田野village小山村countryside村庄waterfall瀑布lake湖mountain大山hospital医院library图书馆cinema电影院bank银行



词组: take (lots of) pictures照相play in the park在公园玩climb the Great Wall爬长城go to the zoo去动物园ride the horse骑马buy some toys买玩具shop in the market在商场购物visit Tian’anmen参观天安门see a film看电影swim in the lake在湖里游泳that’s great 太棒了that’s right正确have a good time 玩的高兴have one’s holiday度假go swimming去游泳go shopping去购物go fishing去钓鱼

go riding去骑马go skating去滑冰go dancing去跳舞

句型: 1.Where are you going now? I'm going to the zoo.

2. Where would you like to go in the holiday then? I’d like to go to the countryside .

3. Where did you go on the holidays?

4. Did you go to Huang Mountain? Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

5. What other places did you go to? I’m sur e you had a good time.

文章: Part3

Unit2What’s the weather like today ?

单词: weather天气rainy下雨的windy有风的snowy有雪的cloudy多云的sunny晴朗的enjoy喜欢soccer足球rainbow彩虹because因为beach海滩dark黑暗的light浅色sunset日落



词组: stay at home在家go to the park去公园visit the zoo参观动物园have a snowball fight打雪仗water the flowers浇花fall asleep睡着get off下车play with sand on the beach在沙滩上玩沙子

enjoy the beautiful weather享受好天气

句型: 1.What‘s the weather like today ? It‘s sunny.

2. I like sunny days because I can do many things outside .

3. I don’t like rainy days because it‘s wet outside .

4. What can you do when you cycle in the country ?

文章: Part1

歌谣: Part9 I like windy days

Unit3 Let’s play doctors.

单词: earache耳朵疼toothache牙疼stomachache胃疼headache头疼temperature温度cough咳嗽matter问题medicine药doctor医生zookeeper动物园管理员dentist牙医knee膝盖sick生病的although尽管centimetre厘米nurse护士granddaughter孙女wide宽的kiss吻hug拥抱

词组: have an earache 患耳病let me see让我看一看find out找出it doesn’t matter没关系have a look 看一看eat sweet food吃甜食come on加油go out出去stay in bed呆在床上drink a lot of water 多喝水pick up捡起fall out of a tree摔下树来run a temperature发烧give sb. a big hug and a kiss 给某人一个热烈拥抱和亲吻

句型: 1.What’s the matter with this doll ? She’s got an earache .

2. She’ll be OK in two days .

3. What’s the matter with you? I’m running a temperature.

文章: Part1

歌谣: Part7 nurse , come quick!

Unit4 I can see with my eyes.

单词: clean打扫brush刷use使用special特殊的smell闻taste品尝touch触摸hear听leaves树叶crab螃蟹grow生长flat平坦的ground地面upwards向上similar相似的

词组: clean the elephant with a brush用刷子刷大象smell the flowers with the nose用鼻子闻花香get things 得到物品I can hear 我能听见I can smell 我能闻到I can taste 我能品尝I can touch我能摸到

I can see我能看到

句型: 1.I can clean the elephant with a brush. 2. This animal uses its legs to catch food.

3. I can smell the flowers with my nose.

4. What body parts does a plant have?

Unit5 Simon Paul lives in the country.

单词:live居住country国家ready准备nowhere哪里都不somewhere某处remember记忆field田地either也never从不worry担心wait等待picnic野餐breathe 呼吸

词组: don’t worry不要担心come inside进来get in进入in the evening在晚上listen to birds singing 听鸟儿唱歌sleep on the grass睡在草地上play sports games做体育运动visit friends看朋友

meet lots of people见很多人go to the supermarket去超市have a picnic野餐see farm animals看农场动物breathe clean air呼吸新鲜空气live in the country住在农村learn sth. by heart用心记住

句型: 1.Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend?
