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Receipt for a Loan/Receipt 借条/收据
September 1st, 2010 Received from Zhang Hua training fee
RMB 500. ZhaoMing
Dec 1,2012 Dear Ms Wang,
格式: To(收信人): From(留言人): Time(时间): Date(日期) Message(留言内容):
He is going to Beijing on business tomorrow. / He has been to Beijing for a business trip for a week.
Notice and announcement通知
All Students in Grade 1 are required to meet in the conference room at 2 pm, on Monday June 4th, to attend a lecture on C.A.D.
I beg to apply for seven days’ leave /one week’s leave of absence from the 4th to 10th of this month. Because my father is seriously ill now, so I want to return home to see him. To support my application, I enclose the fax my sister sent.
I'd like to ask for a sick leave for 2 days, from 14th to 15th, inclusive.
Yours reswenku.baidu.comectfully, Li Fei
I will be unable to attend the party/meeting.
我将不能参加晚会/会议 I'd like to apply for a three-day leave of
absence to look after my sick mother. 我想请三天假,去照料我生病的母亲。
Borrowed from Ms. WangLing ten thousand yuan (RMB10000) to be paid back within one year from this date with interest at 9% per year.
LiMing 今借到王玲小姐人民币一万元整,言明一年内归还,
大学参加的活动 求职意向 培训情况 奖励情况 证明资料
Education background
College activities Job/career objective Training Awards and honors references
格式: Time(时间): Date(日期) Place(地点): Participants(与会人员): Subject(主题): 出通知的单位一般写在右下角通常是某系办公
室或学生会: Office of Foreign Language Department / Students’ Union
本人于2012年以优异成绩毕业于广东科技职 业学院计算机系 / 本人于2012年毕业于广 东科技职业学院计算机系,并获得大专文凭
Application letter and resume 求职信&简历
I have a good command of English reading and writing. (I’m good at …).
他明天要出差去北京/他去北京出差已经一个星期了 His appointment (meeting) with Mr.Smith on
the morning of June 4 has to be cancelled. 原定与Smith先生4号上午的约会(会议)只能取消
Notice and announcement通知
六月4号(星期一)下午两点将在会议室进行一次关于 CAD的讲座,要求大一全体学生出席。
All the teachers are expected to present on time.
Receipt for a Loan/Receipt 借条/收据
February 15th, 2012 To Ms. WangLing,
Typical sentences in writing
By Linda
Application letter and resume 求职信&简历
I graduated from the Department of Computer Science, Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology with outstanding marks(with an associate’s degree) in 2012.
Items on Resume
Full name Address and Tel No Date of birth Place of birth Nationality Marital status Sex
全名 地址和电话号码 出生日期 出生地点 国籍 婚姻状况 性别
Items on Resume
个人情况 健康状况 工作经历
Personal information/data
Work experience(employ ment highlights)
Personal interests(miscellan eous)
Items on Resume