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II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) :(共10分)

7.A)At 7:00. B)At 8:00. C)At 7:30. D)At 8:30

8.A)Bananas. B)Oranges. C)Peaches. D)Lemons.

9.A)Boston. B)Washington. C)New York. D)Europe.

10.A)Classmates. B)Doctor and nurse.

C)Mother and son. D)Teacher and student.

11.A)A robot. B)A Swatch watch. C)A bicycle. D)A new bag.

12.A)By car. B)By underground. C)On food. D)By bicycle.

13.A)In the restaurant. B)In the park. C)At home. D)In the garden.

14.A)It's rainy. B)It's sunny. C)It's cold. D)It's warm.

15.A)Because she is tired. B)Because the music is too loud.

C)Because she doesn't like music. D)Because she is excited.

16.A)She wants the computer. B)She doesn't want to buy the computer.

C)She has a lot of money. D)She likes the type of the computer.

III. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.


17.Sam asked Linda to go to a concert with him.

18.Linda decided to get something to eat because it was still early.

19.Linda just got a coke as other foods in the Blue Lake were not Linda's favorite.

20.A boy, with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, came over and sat near Linda.

21.The boy ate half of the sanwich and then left to meet his friend.

22.Linda ate the other half of the sandwich left by the boy because she thought the boy wasted food.

23.It turned out that the boy who ate half the sandwich was Sam's cousin Adam.

IV. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. (共7分)


How to Organize a Picnic

24.First, choose a nice place and good ________ for your outdoor meal.

25.Second, send out your invitations. Make sure they have your name, the

_______, and the time.

26.For example, the Century Park, _______ 5th.

27.Classic picnic foods are sandwiches, fruits,salads, cookies and _______.

28.Fourth, pack your picnic _______.

29.Fifth, dress properly. Wear something _______ and if it is hot, wear loose,

light clothing.

30.You must obey the rule:Do not _______.

Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)

V. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案):(共26分)

31.The students play _____ volleyball after school every day.

A)a B)an C)the D)/

32.A friend of _____ will stay with my family for a couple of days this month.

A)me B)my C)mine D)I

33.Washing hands can prevent people _____ catching diseases.

A)with B)on C)from D)for

34.It's a nuisance that _____ sides of the narrow street ate crowded with cars.

A)none B)neither C)either D)both

35.I remember Dad was still working at desk _____ it was very late at night.

A)as B)since C)though D)if

36.Over ten year's work in education field, Simon has got a lot of _____ in teaching.

A)information B)experience C)discussion D)importance

37.Most people from Sichuan _____ eating various spicy foods.

A)use B)are used to C)use to D)used to

38.Nowadays there are frequent floods _____ global warming becomes more and more serious.

A)so B)and C)because D)but

39.On weekends many people lie on the beach to _____ themselves and enjoy sunshine.

A)relax B)repeat C)realize D)reduce

40.Are you sure you can make the shy girl _____ us a song?

A)to sing B)sing C)sings D)sang

41.The Browns _____ party in the garden if it is fine this weekend.

A)have B)will have C)were having D)had

42.At first they had a lot of troubles in _____ a new business.

A)start B)started C)to start D)starting

43.McDonald _____ menu prices in China by 0.50 yuan to 1 yuan per item last
