


Unit 5 Knowing About China

Topic 1 Section A




重点词汇:attract, fetch, introduce.

重点短语:a number of /the number of, fetch sb./sth for sb in detail, according to

词语辨析:lie in 在范围内lie to在范围外lie on 在接壤处。



1、Yi zhongtian’s simple and interesting explanation of history has lots of people.

A. caused

B. attacked

C. tested

D. attracted

2、The dog was soon lost the trees. A. in B. among C. to D. between

3、You’re too tired and thirsty. Stay here. I’ll you some water.

A. take

B. fetch

C. want

D. bring

4、The book Guide to China is worth . A. seeing B. watching C. reading D. looking

5、The man gave us a talk on science yesterday is a famous scientist.

A. that

B. whose C .which D. whom


1、in a few years= in a few years’ time

2、warn sb. not to do





7、run into sb. 8、run after

9、turn down 10、had better do

11、steal from 12、to one’s surprise

13、to one’s joy 14、被用来做


17、与……不同18、in people’s daily life

19、be famous for 20、be surprised at



books lent out from the library every day.


the students present not known yet.


Shanghai is city in China and Beijing is one.


Jiangxi Province the west of Fujiang Province.


Japan the east of China.


Qingyuan the north of Guangdong.

Topic 1 Section B



重点词汇:fantastic, romantic, tale, surround , tourist, scenery.

重点短语:tourist ,attraction, so …that …hear of , be worth doing sth, some day=someday, the home of ,lose oneself in……。

词语辨析:1、above,over, on 都表示“在……上面”;above 只表示在某物上的高低位置

2、over 强调垂直正上方,还可表“跨越、覆盖”;通常在数字和表数量和长度


3、on 强调两者接触。



1、The Treasure Island of China ,Taiwan, is ________sea.

A. surround by

B. around with

C. surrounded by

D. surrounded with

2、He tries his best to go_______the forest in 10 hours.

A.across B. in C. on D. through

3、Not only the twins but also Kate________to have a trip in China.

A. want

B. wanting

C. wants

D. wait

4、Please talk about the things and the persons _________you experienced in France.

A. who

B. whom

C. which

D. that

5、She gave everything ________belonged to her to her sister.

A / B. which C. that D. one


1、That’s the house_____I want to buy.





2、The train ______has just left is for Beijing.


B. what


D.the one

3、This is the book _____my father bought me yesterday.





4、The coat ____I put on the desk is blue.







The film is very interesting, and it is _________________. .


The moon_____________the trees in the east.

3.灯在桌子的正上方。The lamp___________the table .

4.钟在墙上。The clock_____________the wall.

5.现在的温度是零上3度。The temperature is three degrees________zero.

6.这条河流三千多米长。The river is________ 3 000 meters _______.


I ________________________a wonderful concert last night

8.我将把我的弟弟介绍给你认识。I will___________ my brother ______ you .



重点词汇:motherland, gambling, island, various, unique, enemy, flat, roof, cave.

重点短语:regard … as …/ be considered as ……

词语辨析:1、be known as = be famous as …

如:It’s known as the most dangerous part of the city.

2、known构成的常用短语有be known for …因……而知名,be known to

对……是知名的,也可用become 强调过程。

如:She is best known for her work on the human brain.

The Tang costume got its name because China became known to other

countries during the Han and Tang dynasties.


1、Take the medicine _____________ a day after meals. (two)

2、Do you know the______________ between the two words?(different)

3、We hope that your children grow happily and __________ .(health)

4、Of all the subjects , which do you think is ____________________(difficult)

5、December is the ____________ month in a year. (twelve)

6、Several ___________ came to visit our school last Friday. (foreign)

7、At the___________ of the class, Mr. Tang told us a funny story. (begin)

8、You should brush your __________ twice a day to keep them healthy . (tooth)

9、It’s very___________to cross a busy street. (danger)

10、Jane’s mother looked tired and____________ ( worry)



1、I have bought the camera __________ was advertised on TV.

A. what

B. why

C.which C. who

2、Shaolin Temple _____ lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors bojthfrom home

and aboard A.where B.which C.who D.what

3、This is the factory _______ some foreign friends visited last Friday.





4、This is the dictionary_______ mum gave me for my birthday.





5、Is this the university_______ your elder brother will choose this year.

A.the one




6、The umbrella _______ you are holding is .


B.what; I

C.what; mine

D.which; mine


1、Zhou Jielun is ______________(作为……而著名)a pop star .Many teenagers like him.

2、Beijing is a place__________________________________.(人人都想游览的)

3、___________________,(如果有必要的话),I’ll stay with you till your mother comes back.

4、Do you know the place ________________(她出生的地方) is very beautiful.

5、I like the place ________________(我去年参观过的) 。

6、No one knows the man ____________________.(正站在在树下)



重点词汇:below, freeze, thick, mild, sunshine, wheat, flour, plain, license, giraffe, neck.

重点短语:break down, be covered with……

词语辨析:below与under 的区别:

below 指位置低于某物或某物的下方,但不一定在正下方,也可以表示“在下


under, 指在某物的正下方,有垂直在下的意思,其反义词是over 。


如:He is below/under fifty.他不到五十岁。


1、I like the teachers _____can make their classes interesting.

A. where

B. when

C. which

D. who

2、-Barbara, where do you work ? ---I work for a company _____sells cans.

A. which

B. where

C. what

D. whom

3、---Have you found the information about famous people _____you can use for the report ?

A. which

B. who

C. what

D. whom

4、Do you like music ______makes you excited ?

A. that

B. what

C. who

D. it

5.、The letter is from my sister _____is working in Beijing.

A. which

B. that

C. who

D. whom

6、–Do you know the lady _____is interviewing Liu Xiang?--Yes, she is a reporter from CCTV.

A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. whose

7、We are talking about the piano and the pianist _____were in the concert we attended last night,

A. that

B. whom

C. who

D. what

8、I will never forget the beautiful places of interest and the fantastic people _____I visited in your

hometown. A. that B. which C. whom D. what

9、The book _____cover is blue is Ben’s.

A. whose

B. who

C. whom

D. that

10、This is the book my father bought me yesterday.

A. that

B. why

C. who

D. for which


1、Have you found the answer to the question I asked you this morning?(2010 成都)

A. when B what C. that

2、-The village I visited last year has changed a lot.

---Really? I hope to go there one day.(2010 福州) A, that B. who C. when

3、Diana likes the movies can make her relaxed.(2010 长春)

A. who

B. what

C. whose

D. that

4、There are lots of things I need to prepare before the trip.(2010. 河北)

A. who

B. that

C. whom

D. whose

5、Barack Obama is the U.S. president speeches are really exciting.(2010.衡阳)

A. whose

B. who

C. his



Unit 5 Topic 2 section A




3.重点词汇:pass away去世、亡故、消失,come to an end结束,in the field of 在、、、领域,

in one’s twenties 在某人二十多岁时…。


1.I think all of us should fight a b_____ against pollution.

2.The color may i_____ our feelings.

3.Learn the new while reviewing the old is an old s_______.

4.Confucius was the man who had many w_______ ideas and thoughts.

5.How many s_______ did Qing Shihuang beat then?


( )1.He was a pioneer in the field _______ education.

A. at

B. in

C. of

D. with

( )2.Confucius is the man _______ had many wise ideas and thoughts.

A. which

B. who

C. whom

D. where.

( )3.In his _______, Yao Ming began to travel ______ the world to play basketball.

A. thirty ,towards

B. thirteen, round

C. thirties, round

D. thirties, over

( )4.I _______her invitation, but I can’t _______it .

A. accepted, accept

B. received, receive

C. accept ,receive

D. received, accept

( )5.He was born _______a cold winter morning.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. for



LiuXiang has done very well _______ _______ _______ ________ sports.


ChenZhangliang became a professor _______ _______ _________.



I don’t know the girl _____ ______ the red coat .


Confucius is a great teacher ______ _______ saying have _______many people in different countries.


( )1. The first thing _____ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.

A. which

B. that

C. why

D. who

( )2.He is a famous singer ______ many songs are popular around the world.

A. who

B. what

C. where

D. Whose

Topic 2 Section B



2.重点词汇:trade with sb. 和……做生意die of \from死于…….

take pride in\be proud of 以……而自豪。




2. 以……而自豪.______________


4. 和…….做生意.______________

5.be interested in.____________

6.more and more interested.________

7.what a pity._______________ 8.a man who has many wise ideas._______


( )1.I’m becoming ______ in English now.

A .more and more interesting B. more and more interested

C. much interesting

D. more interested and more interested ( )2.Jimmy was _______himself for not giving up.

A. pride in

B. prouded of

C. pride of

D. proud of

( )3.That’s the best hotel ______ I know.

A. who

B. what

C. that

D. which

( )4.The old man died _____ illness on his way .

A. on

B. of

C. form

D. in

( )5.I came to school ________ than you this morning.

A. five minutes early

B. early five minutes

C. five minutes earlier

D. earlier five minutes


1.We ______ _____ _____ _____ ______ (越来越感兴趣) in English.

2.They arrived in Beijing _______ _______ _______(早二十天)than us.

3.He ________ _______ _______(感到自豪)himself for not giving up.

4.His grandfather ______ ______ (死于)cancer last week.

5.He goes to the library ______ _____ ______ (寻找) some English books.


( )1.It ______me about two days to get to Japan by air month.

A. spent

B. cost

C. took

D. paid

( )2.His apples is _______ mine.

A. as two times many as

B. many as two times as

C. two times as many as

D. two times as more as


1.Time is money. 时间就是金钱。

2.It is never too late to mend . 亡羊补牢,犹未为晚。

3.No pains ,no gains. 不劳则无获。

4.Where there is life , there is hope. 生命不息,希望常在。

Topic 2 Section C



2.重点词汇:be\become popular with 受……欢迎,set up 建立,bring down推翻、打垮、击败、

降低, break down 出故障、坏掉、抛锚,在本文指身体垮掉。


A). 根据句意及首个字母提示补全单词。

1.Sun Yat-sen was the first p______ of the Republic of China.

2.Which d______ did Sun Yat-sen and his men bring down?

3.Sun Yat-sen was the l_____ of the 1911 Revolution.

4.C________ Mao is one of the greatest leaders of China.

5.Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People did not s_____ China and its people.


( )1.A lot of tall buildings ________ in the city in the three years.

A. have set up

B. have been set up

C. were set up

D. are set up

( )2.Her grandmother_______ last month.

A. passed away

B. passed down

C. passed through

D. pass away

( )3.He is one of ______ students in his class.

A. more excellent

B. the excellentest

C. the most excellent

D. the more excellent

( )4.Sun Yat-sen was the leader _____ led the Xinhai Revolution in 1911.

A. whom

B. which C .who D. where

( )5.He took an active part in the battle ______the Qing government .

A. for

B. at

C. against

D. in



When he was in his ______, he ______ ______ ______ ______in the battle against Qing Dynasty.


The event may _______ _______ the government .


He wanted to ______ ______ a high school when he was young.


This is the teacher ______ _______ us a lecture just now.


He left his family ________ ______ _______.


( )1.A talk on English ______ in our school tomorrow.

A. will give

B. has been given

C. will be given

D. is given

( )2.This is the dress ______ sells well now.

A. who

B. which

C. when

D. who

Topic 2 Section D




3.重点词汇:wipe out 彻底消灭、全部摧毁,face the danger of 面临……的危险。



1.I’ll send a p______ to my friend on her birthday.

2.Yuki won the first p______ in the 400-meter race.

3.It’s a great p______ to see you here.

4.The man w_______ is giving a lesson is our headmaster.

5.Confucius is a great man whose s_______ are still famous.


( )1.Kangkang did quite______ in the exam, but Betty did even______.

A. better, well

B. well, well

C. well, better

D. good, better

( )2.We want to know _____she will come back.

A. that

B. who

C. when

D. where

( )3.The girl ______we want to talk with is Anna’s sister.

A. which

B. what

C. whom

D. whose

( )4.The book _____cover is red is Mike’s.

A. that

B. whose

C. whom

D. who

( )5.That is the factory ______ we are going to work in.

A. which

B. where

C. in which

D. when


A:Excuse me! Can you tell me the 1 to the station, please?

B:Yes, Go down this road, and turn 2 at the first crossing. Go along 3 until you reach the end. You'll find the station 4 of you.

A: 5 is it from here?

B:It's about half an hour's walk, but it will take you only ten minutes if you to there by bus.

A:Thank you very much.

B:Not at all.



Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A

一.学习目标:1. 学习并列连词either… or…的用法。

2. 了解中国文化与华表

3. 重点短语:show sb. around ( round ), play an important part/ role in,

promise ( sb. ) to do sth.


1.Books ____ ____ ____ ____ ( 充当一个非常重要的角色) in our daily life

2.________ _______ ______ ( 据说) that emperors were the sons of heaven.

3._______ you _______ ( 要么…要么) I will go shopping with mother.

4.I ______ my father _________ ( 带…参观)our school yesterday.

5.He _______ __________ ( 答应)help me.



( )1. TV is very useful now. It ______ in our lives.

A. does an important role

B. plays an important part

C. become an important member

D. plays an important part

( )2. Either you or she _______ the dishes after meal.

A. washed

B. wash

C. washes

D. washs

( )3. ______ you father ______ your mother are doctors.

A. Either; or

B. Both; and

C. Neither; nor

D. Not only; but also

( )4. Let’s talk about Chinese culture, ______ _______?

A. will you

B. shall we

C. do we

D. won’t

( )5. Neither he nor I _______ from France.

A. are

B. is

C. am

D. comes



One day my brother was 1 a kite. Suddenly it rained 2 . He had to 3 flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A 4 minutes 5 the rain 6 and the sun 7 out. He flew his kite 8 . He put his clothes on the line(线)to make them 9 . How 10 the boy was!

Topic 3 Section B

一.学习目标:1. 学习并列连词neither … nor …

2. 了解中国象棋及其产生的历史渊源。

3. 重点短语:snack bar, in memory of, in order to



( ) 1. You can ______ stay at home _________ go out to play.

A. either, or

B. so, that

C. neither, and

D. both, and

( ) 2.—Who dances better, Maria or Jane?

—Maria dances ______ Jane.

A. so good as

B. as good as

C. so well as

D. as well as

( ) 3. _______she _________ I know his telephone number, because it has been changed.

A. Both, and

B. Either, or

C. Neither, nor

D. Not only, but also

( ) 4. The teacher as well as his students________ football.

A. like

B. likes

C. enjoy

D. play

( ) 5. My aunt has two children. But _______ of them lives with her.

A. each

B. neither

C. either

D. both



_______ the students ______ the teacher ______ anything about it.


The two pairs of shoes are ______ too big ____ too small. ______ fits me well.


______ my father _____ my brother _______ ______ in the country.


Yesterday they saw many people _______ _______ an old woman in the park.


The police are ________ _______ that lost kid in the street.


( ) 1. —Liu Hua and Li Wei are very good at English. ( 2008 )

—Yes. But to my great surprise, ____ of them passed the English exam this time.

A. either

B. neither

C. none

D. both

( )2. There’s always ________ in the newspaper. ( 2009 )

A. anything new

B. something new

C. new something

D. new anything

( )3. He told me he would have _________ holiday. ( 2008 )

A. a two-month

B. a two-months

C. two months

D. two month’s

( ) 4. —Is that Mr. Brown? ( 2008 )

—No, it ________ Mr. Brown. He went to London this morning.

A. mustn’t be

B. can’t be

C. may not be

D. shouldn’t be

Topic3 Section C

一.学习目标:1. 继续学习并列连词并学习主谓一致的用法。

2. 了解中国的茶叶文化。

3. 重点短语:along / together with sb. dismiss sb.



1. _________ Kangkang _________ Huang Junfeng like Chinese chess.

2. _________ my mother ________ my father plays Chinese chess.

3. _________ Beihai Park _________ the Great Wall is a good place to visit.

4. _________ paper-making ________ printing was invented in China.

5. _________ you ________ your sister can go to the theater, because there is only one ticket. 三.课后练习:


1. He comes ________ ________ ( 和……一起) some friends.

2. He ______ _______ ( 被解雇) because of his being late.

3. China is ________ __________ _______ ( ……之乡)tea.

4. _______ _______ (在所有……之中)the subjects, I like English best.

5. The girl, together with her parents _____ ______( 正在参观) the Great Wall.

四.中考连接:A. 选择题

( )1. What ________ useful dictionary! And _______ dictionary is bought in Tianhe Bookstore. ( 2008 )

A. an, a

B. a, a

C. a, the

D. an, the

( )2. Guangzhou is one of ___ biggest cities in China. It has ___ long history.

A. a, the

B. the, a

C. a, a

D. the, the ( 2009 )

( )3. An earthquake happened in Sichuan ________ May 12,2008. ( 2008 )

A. at

B. in

C. by

D. on

( )4. It’s very kind ____ you to buy me the ticket for the music concert.

A. on

B. for

C. to

D. of (2009 )

( )5. The party will not begin _______ 7:30 pm. ( 2009 )

A. when

B. after

C. until

D. while

B. 看图完成短文:

It is a Tree-Planting Day. The 1 is shining. Zhao Wen 2 Cao Lanfang are planting trees 3 the river. Zhao Wen has 4 a hole large enough for the 5 . But the hole is not too deep. Cao Lanfang is now ready to 6 the tree into the 7 . Then they will put the earth 8 in it again and get water 9 the river to 10 the tree. They had a hard but nice day.

Topic3 Section D



3.重点短语:at the end of + 时间名词、地点名词或其他物品


1. We can go to Beihai Park. We can go to Shichahai. (用either…or合并)

2. My mother doesn’t like it.

My father doesn’t like it, either. (用neither…nor合并)

3. He does his homework every day.

He helps his father do farm work. (用not only…but also合并成一个句子)

4. Children like to watch Journey to the west.

Adults like to watch Journey to the west. (用both…and合并成一个句子)

5. This place is very beautiful.

Millions of tourists come to visit it every year.(用so…that合并成一个句子)


1. Your success _______ _________( 取决于) your hard work.

2. There is a post office ______ ______ _______ ______ ( 在末……尾)the street.

3. _____ _____( 每一个) the students in our class ______ _____ ( 努力学习. )

4. The Great Wall has become _______ _______ ______ ( ……的象征) the Chinese nation.

5. Mr. Lee _________ me ___________ ( 鼓励) study English hard just now.


1.It was late last Monday, but Tom was still 1 TV in his room. There was a wonderful football match on TV. 2 excited(激动的)he was! That night he 3 go to bed until twelve o'clock.

2.The next morning, it was a 4 to eight. It was too late for Tom to get to school 5 time. But he was still in bed.

3.When Tom 6 school, it was eight. The teacher was already beginning her lesson. As soon as Tom came into the classroom, she got 7 and said,“What time is it now, Tom?”Tom felt sorry and could say 8 .

4.In English class, he 9 a test. As he didn't know the lessons at 10 , Tom failed his English test.



Unite 6 Entertainment and Friendship

Topic 1 Section A



3、重点短语:Someday ,would rather ...than..., win a prize ,

in one’s spare time ,fall in love with sb.


( ) 1.He can’t decide ________.

A. to buy which book

B. buy which book

C. which book to buy

D. buying which book

( ) 2. Do you still remember _____ our teacher said at the meeting yesterday ?

A. that

B. what

C. how

D. which

( ) 3. The Smiths ____ sending E-mails ___ letters , because they think it is faster.

A. prefer , to writing

B. prefer , to write

C. prefers, to writing

D. prefers , to write

( ) 4. Our math teacher always tells us ___ make the mistakes again.

A. don’t

B. not

C. to not

D. not to

( ) 5. We have worked for three hours . Now let’s stop ____ a rest.

A. had

B. have

C. to have

D. having


1.—Could you teach me how to play ________ (中国象棋). – No problem.

2. –Who did the woman _______ ( 相爱) . – Her master.

3. My little brother would rather watch _____ ( 少儿节目) than the others.

4. I want to ______ (参加)one of the quiz shows and win a great ______ (奖).

5. The student _____(更喜欢)studying to playing.


1.I prefer sports shows to quiz shows.(同义句转换)

I ____ sports shows ____ _____ quiz shows.

2.She would rather die than give in to enemies in those days. (同义句转换)She _____ _____ die _____ ______ give in to enemies in those days.

3.The girl was Li Lei’s sister .Billy fell in love with her.(合并成含有定语从句的复合句)The girl _____ ____ Billy ____ in love was Li Lei’s sister.

4.Could you tell me how I can get there? (同义句转换)

Could you tell me ____ _____ get there ?

5.Playing Chinese chess is hard for me.(同义句转换)

______ ______ for me ______ _____ Chinese chess.

Topic 1 Section B

一、学习目标;1. 让学生学会描述所属星座及其性格特征。

2. 了解十二星座及有关星座的传说,并引导学生进行正确的自我评价。

3. 重点短语:be angry with sb. / sth, order sb to do sth , once upon a time=long

long ago , give sb. a sudden attack on sth .


( ) 1. Father is angry ____ Tom ____ his result.

A. at; with

B. with ; with

C. with ; at

D. at ; at

( ) 2. Maybe you have similar characteristics because you were born ____ the same star sign.

A. on

B. with

C. under

D. of

( ) 3. He is a man who never_.

A. gives up

B. gives back

C. gives away

D. gives at

( ) 4. To keep our classroom clean , please pick up waste paper_____.

A.whenever you see it

B. whatever you put it

C. however you see it

D. whatever you put

( ) 5. No one has told us _____ , so we need your help.

A. what to do it

B. what should we do

C. how to do

D. how to do it

( ) 6. What do you think of him ?

--- He is a generous man who __ help people in need.

A. gets ready for

B. is ready for

C. is ready to

D. gets ready to

( ) 7. Don’t smoke so much . It’s bad for your health.

I know . But it is hard to ____ .

A. give up

B. be busy

C. look forward to

D. go on

( ) 8. You can ask for help ____ you need it.

It’s very kind of you . Thanks a lot .

A. however

B. whenever

C. wherever

D. whatever

( ) 9.I would rather ____ Cartoon City than Soccer Night.

--But I don’t think ____ Cartoon City is suitable ____you at your age.

A. watch ;of

B. to watch; for

C. watch; for

D. to watch ; of

( )10.I mean the one _____ you talked about just now.

A. which

B. when

C. that

D. whose



Qin Shihuang _____ his men ______ join the old walls together to stop the enemies

from attacking them.


He has strong arms and legs and he _____ _____ _____ energy.


The students are _____ _____ _____ ______ prepare for the final exam.


______ _______ ______ , he walked to school every day.

6.她很善良,而且也乐于助人。She is kind , _____ ______ , she is helpful.

Topic 1 Section C

一、学习目标:1. 学习表达自己的偏爱和喜好。

2. 了解中西文化的差异。

3. 重点短语:be differences between A and B , national flower , nation flag ,

national anthem(国歌) , prefer...to... , like ...better than... ,

would rather ... than ... .


( ) 1. What’s the influence of TV ____ children ?

It’s hard to say . It ____ what they watch .

A.on ;depends

B. to ;depends on

C. to ;depends

D. on ;depends on

( ) 2. We should give love to the children ____ lost their parents in the earthquake .

They need our help .

A .who B. whom C. those D. which

( ) 3. I tried to discuss it with her but only made her angry ___ my word .

--- So _____.

A. with; did you

B. with ; you did

C. at ; did I

D. at ; I did

( ) 4. Do you like watching TV , Maria ?

Yes, I ____ some of the programs.

A. am interested in

B. feel like

C. am worried about

D. am tired of

( ) 5. I’m going to act in Jackie Chan’s new movie .

Congratulations ! You’re really_____.

A. a mad dog

B. a homeless dog

C. a running dog

D. a luck dog

( ) 6. You look pale today , What’s wrong ?

____ Maybe it’s because I didn’t have breakfast this morning.

A. Nothing

B. My pleasure

C. I’m OK

D. That’s right


1. Computers make the teenagers stay away from the outdoor activities.(同义句转换)

Computers ____ the teenagers ____ _____ the outdoor activities.


______ _____ _____ , there are many differences _____ Chinese culture _______ western culture.


Chairman Mao’s works had _____ ____ _____ _____ the life of Chinese people. 4.从前,有一个神的传说发生在这个村庄。

______ ______ _____ ____ , there was a tale about God happening in the village.

5.中学生应该远离网吧.High school students should ___ ____ ____ Net Bar.

Topic 1 Section D

一、学习目标:1. 讨论电视对我们生活的影响。

2. 学习怎样进行辩论。

3. 重点短语:soap opera , point out ,have a huge influence on ,

way of doing sth. ,think of


1. 玩得开心___________________


3.在...的年纪 ___________________


5. make a silent wish __________________

6.be busy doing sth______________

7. all the year round __________________

8. take photos /pictures____________

9. with the help of/with one’s help _________________________

10. would rather ...than ...________________ 11. first of all _______________



A:I was 1 last Sunday. What about you, Xiao Gao?

B:So was I.

A:What did you do?

B:I did some morning 2 outside the room. At a quarter past eight I gave some 3 to the chicks.

A:Were you free in the 4 ?

B:No, I wasn't. I cleaned the 5 .

A:Did you watch TV last 6 ?

B:7 . But I didn't watch TV until I finished my 8 .

A:I'm sure you were 9 .

B:You're right. But I 10 it was interesting.



Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship

Topic2 Section A

一、学习目标: 1.宾语从句的几个方面: (1). 引导宾语从句的连词和代词选择;

(2). 宾语从句的语序;

(3). 宾语从句的时态。

2. 重点短语:in the distance, make up one’s mind


一.完成句子:1. I saw a blue line (在远方)

2.I (下定决心)to buy the car.


( )1.Miss Green didn't tell us _______ in 2002.

A. where does she live

B. Where she lives

C. where did she live

D. where she lived

( )2.—Do you know ______ I could pass the exam?

—Sorry,I’ve no idea.(2003年山西省)

A.that B. whether C. what D. which

( )3.Jim doesn’t understand ________.(2003年辽宁省)

A. which is the way to the museum

B. why his wife always goes shopping

C. what is the way to the museum

D. why does she always go shopping

( )4.The teacher told us yesterday that December 25________ Christmas Day.(2002年辽宁省)

A .is B. was C. has been D. will be

( )5.—Could you tell me ______ ?

—Glad to help.

A. if you have been to the Great Wall

B. where did he study

C. how I can get to the station

D. w hat’s your name


One day Jim was very 1 . Mrs Green was 2 . She took Jim to 3 a doctor. The doctor looked 4 Jim very carefully. Then she said Jim

had caught a bad 5 . She told Jim to 6 more water and take 7 on time. The next day Jim was 8 right. He went to 9 10 again

Topic2 Section B



(2)关系代词(that, who, whom, whose, which)的应用,关系代词所代替的先行词是人或


(3)关系副词(when, where, why, that)可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在

从句中作状语。关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构,因此常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用。

eg. Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born.

二、重点短语:in one’s view/in one’s opinion , one of + 复数名词,

in fact/as a matter of fact,without the help of


1. (依我看来),she is a beautiful woman.

2. (事实上),I have done nothing.

3.I can’t finish this job Miss Li.(没有李老师的帮助).


( )1.Have you read the book is about the moon?


B. it


D. which

( )2.I can’t remember I put the book, and I need it for my homework now.

A. where

B. how

C. what

D. why

( )3.I still remember the park we first met.

A. what

B. which

C. where

D. when

( )4.Paul’s uncle is the man taught us math last year.

A. where

B. which

C. who

D. when

( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/8a7063725.html,st summer I went to Lu Xun’s hometown and visited the house he was born.

A. that

B. there

C. which

D. where

( )6.My favorite place is Kunming is known as the Spring City.

A. which

B. who

C. what

D. whom

( )7.I’ll never forget the day ________ I joined the army.

A. where

B. when

C. why

D. that

( )8.That is the reason ________ he didn’t come to your birthday.

A. why

B. that

C. which

D. when

( )9.I’ll give you ______ he gave me last week.

A. all which

B. all what

C. that all

D. all


One day, Mrs King 1 Lucy to go shopping, and 2 her a shopping list. When Lucy 3 to the shop, she bought all the things 4 the list. Now it was time to pay for them.“Sorry!”she said. “I've 5 my money!”So she went 6 home quickly. Her money 7 still 8 on the chair. She got the money to pay for the things. Then she said 9 to the shop-keeper and 10 the things home.

Topic2 Section C.



二、重点短语:have an argument, set free, get stuck in, save one’s life,

be famous/known for/as / to, dream of, make a report 课堂练习:(一).完成句子

1.Bing Xin ______ ______ ______ (以……著名) a writer.


(吵架)about the wedding.

3.The famous doctor (救了他的命) in 1997.

4.I ten birds (放飞)yesterday


( )1.I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read magazines I test him myself.

A. if

B. when

C. after

D. until

( )2. they are very tired, they feel happy because they’ve finally finished their project.

A. So

B. Although

C. If

D. But

( )3.We off the sports meeting if it next Monday.

A. will put; will rain

B. put; will rain

C. put; rains

D. will put; rains

( )4.Could you tell me if tomorrow?

A. will he come

B. would he come

C. he will come

D. he would come

( )5.---Will you please give the dictionary to Jane?

---Sure ,I’ll give it to her she arrives here.

A. before

B. until

C. because

D. as soon as

( )6.He hit me the nose.

A. on

B. in

C. with

D. at

( )7. He slapped me the face.

A. on

B. in

C. with

D. at


(Zhu Min is asking Li Yi what he is going to do during his summer holidays. Z: Zhu Min; L: Li Yi)

Z: When will the summer holidays(1)____, do you know?

L: Yes, next week. The holiday will(2)____ from July 7th to August 31st.

Z: How are you going to(3)____ your holidays?

L: My(4) ____ and I will travel to a few big cities in the (5) ____ of China.

Z: What cities are you going to(6) ____ ?

L:(7) ____we're going to Shenyang and we'll(8)____ there for half a month, then to Changchun, and finally(最后)to Harbin.


七年级英语教学案例 一、主题 本模块以“自我介绍”为话题,让学生通过掌握自我介绍的表达方式,结识朋友,形成一个学习的集体,互相帮助。课题是“Module 1 Nice to meet you ! Unit 3 Language in use 。” 二、背景 由于刚开学,同学们相互间不太了解,在前两个单元学习上,通过本单元的学习,使学生们能够用英语介绍自己;同时掌握英美国家在姓名表达上与中国的区别;掌握在做自我介绍时英、美国家的人士与中国人的不同对答习惯;说话时要尊重对方的习惯,让对方感觉舒服,借以培养良好的情感。能够运用所学的句型向不同的朋友介绍自己的情况。 三、教学过程 Language practice Revise the sentence with the students. I’m a teacher and I’m Chinese. /He’s my friend. /We’re students. /Are you a new student? /They aren’t English. T: Ask the students to make other similar sentences. S: Make sentences with their own real information.

T: Explain the word “be”. S: Pay attention to the teacher and make some notes. 1. Talk about you and your friend to your group. T: Ask the students to sit and work with their classmates. I’m Liu Bin. He’s my friend, Zhao Hai. I’m 12 years old , He’s 14 years old. We’re Chinese and we’re in Class Two. S: Work in pairs. Where are you from? / Where do you come from? S: To present their partner to other pairs. T: Let the students talk about their partner’s information to the whole class. S: Ask and answer in pairs. 2.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. T: Ask the students to complete the sentences individually. S: Check their answers with a partner. T: Explain something difficult to the students.


【人教版】七年级下册英语优质教案(全套)Unit 1Can you play the guitar? 第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Target Navigation【目标导航】 Key words and phrases: guitar,sing,swim,dance,draw,chess,speak,join,club,tell,story,play chess,speak English,be good at Key sentences: (1)—Can you swim? —Yes,I can./No,I can't. (2)—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club. Skills:能够熟练地谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿。 Emotion:通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,使学生了解到自己的特长和特点,赏识他人的特长和特点,培养学生的群体意识。 The guidance of learning methods【学法指导】 通过听、说等一些活动培养良好的听力习惯和能力,再通过自学和小组合作,学会把握学习的主要内容,在学习中善于记要点,善于抓住用英语进行交际的机会。

Learning important and difficult points 【学习重难点】由can构成的各种句式。 Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Autonomous Learning Scheme【自主学习方案】 预习指导与检测 (一)预习指导 1.预习Page 1的生词,根据音标会读知意。 2.朗读Page 2的句子,能英汉互译。 (二)预习检测 Ⅰ.汉译英。 1.吉他________ 2.唱歌________ 3.游泳________ 4.跳舞________ 5.画画________ 6.下国际象棋________ 7.讲英语________ 8.参加________ 9.音乐俱乐部____________ 10.艺术俱乐部____________ 11.游泳俱乐部____________ (Keys:1.guitar,2.sing,3.swim,4.dance,5.draw, 6.play chess,7.speak English,8.join,9.the music club,10.the art club,11.the swimming club) Ⅱ.完成书中第一页1a的练习。 Classroom Learning Guidance Scheme 【课堂导学案】


英语教学随笔 高闸中心学校仇馨 现在英语每单元都有阅读材料,如何提高学生的阅读能力,在课堂上如何渗透培养学生阅读力,综合听、说、读、写训练,提高课堂教学效率,是广大英语教师努力追求的方向。我们现在一般都采用阅读教学法,通过发现习。那么在课堂教学中教师到底要不要讲?究竟应该怎样讲? 讲当然是必要的,但是要“精要地讲”。再说,只让学生畅抒己见而没有教师精当的讲授和适时的点拨,学生的思维不可能深入;只让学生想象体验而没有教师开启智慧的引导,学生的创新精神很难得到培养;只让学生诵读感悟而没有教师的品词析句,学生的学习势必缺少深度和广度。因此教师作为学生学习的组织者、引导者、促进者,必须从教育规律和学生实际出发,精心设计好自己的“讲解点”。 那么,我们究竟应该怎么做呢?结合自己课堂中的探索,现归纳出以下几点: 1、自读之前来启发:即在学生自主阅读之前,简明扼要地揭示阅读要求和点。 2.情景导学来把兴趣提。学生往往对阅读课很头疼,已看到长长的文章就发怵,因此授课前的引导很重要。我们可以根据文章设计相关的话题,现有学生自由讨论,通过阐述自己的观点为理解

课文奠定基础。导学是一堂课的开始,“良好的开始是成功的一半”,导学部分,教师不能忽视,教师应精心设计,引人入胜,要把学生带入特定的意境,激发学生的好奇心,激起学生的求知欲望,提高学生的听课质量 3、重点地方来分层:学生在初步感知整篇文章内容后,已经对文章有了进一步的理解,这时要求学生默读文章,解决教师精心设计的T/F判断题或问答题。在设计问题时应注意这几点:①先易后难;②先理解后拓展;③先浅后深,兼顾两头。通过设疑检查学生对文章的理解程度,了解学生是否把握文章的中心、重点。对材料中的重点、难点和关键之处,在学生自读、自悟的基础上进行重点讲解,该挖掘处必挖掘,该品味,该讲深讲透的地方必须讲深讲透。 4、疑难问题来明确:当学生在材料理解上遇到疑难时教师要鲜明地讲,从而为学生解难释疑,让学生正确理解、领悟材料内容。 5、合作中来提示:当学生在合作学习中不能抓住要点进行有效合作时,教师要进行提示性讲解,以使合作有效、深入。 6、总结时来补充:在总结一节课、一篇材料的阅读情况时,在学生概括、总结的基础上,教师要及时进行补充,以进一步进行提炼和归纳,从而使总结更加完整、准确。 总之,英语阅读课教学方法、教学模式多种多样,教无定法,只要能在教学中充分体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导


七年级上Unit 2教学案例分析七年级上Unit 2单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元安排在26个字母之后,因此,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:单词较少,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过,但是,由于我所教班级学生的英语水平比较薄弱,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,加上小学英语的要求和初中英语要求的不同,他们对知识点的掌握程度还达不到初中水平。鉴于以上种种原因,我尝试着用让学生自己教会自己的方法来完成这节课的教学。整节课,我设计了绘画比赛,问答学习,调查统计等几个环节,一环紧扣一环,让学生在潜移默化中自然而然地学到了新知识。实践证明,我这样的安排不仅调动了已会的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更多更细心的学习机会,排除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同龄人中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。这不失为本课的一大闪光点。 上课前,我准备了四张图画纸。在师生互相问好以后,我把全班分成A,B,C,D四大组,然后把这四张纸分给他们,每组一张。要求他

们在5分钟以内完成一副画。A组画水果,B组画学习用品,C组画家具,D组画服装及床上用品。接着,老师把他们的绘画作品收上来,然后指着下列物品(a pen, a book, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil case, a backpack, a pencil sharpener, a dictionary, an eraser问学生 T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a pen. T: Spell it, please. S: P-E-N, pen. 老师示范性地问两次,然后请学生来互相问答,同时,板书下列单词:pen, book, pencil, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpen er, dictionary.。再让学生跟读几次上面的单词,以帮助那些还不会的同学掌握这些生词的读音和拼写形式。接着,老师在电脑上打出一副副关于以上单词的物品一件,并引导他们正确使用a和an进行问答。最后,由他们自己归纳出的a和an的基本用法。 接下来,我安排了一个知识延伸的环节,让学生充分利用他们自己亲手绘制的图片,用What’s this in English? It’s a / an….的结构互相教学另外一些单词,如:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, a grape, a watermelon; a bed, a desk , a chair, a blackboard; a b ag, a notebook; a shoe, a jacket, a hat 等等。学生词汇量的丰富多彩,完全出乎我的意料。这也是这节课成功的重要原因之一。 最后,在下课前,我给他们布置了一道既达到了知识的延伸,又激发了他们学习兴趣的家庭作业:让他们去寻找生活中常见的物品一


现在进行时(the Present Continous Tense) 第二课时 Ⅰ.教材和学生分析: 1.本课时属于人教版七年级英语下册第五单元。 2.本课时从正在进行时的句型和实际应用的角度实施。通过了解现在进行时的概念,并通过大量的练习,变换其否定句,一般疑问并作肯否回答的角度去培养学生积极参与的精神和学习英语的兴趣,并让学生感到语言的使用需要语法知识。 3. 本次授课中,采用分组制,小组回答问题PK赛,胜出者以苹果做奖励。Ⅱ.学习目标(learning goals): 1. 理解现在进行时的概念和构成 2. 能够掌握并应用现在进行时的基本句型,能灵活地将含有正在进行时的肯定句变为否定句,一般疑问句并作肯否回答。 3. 能掌握基本的句型:What is/are …doing?He/She/It/They is/are ……. Ⅲ.学习方法(learning methods): 1.合作学习(cooperative learning) 2.讨论学习(Discussing learning) 3.探究学习(inquiry learning) Ⅳ.教学过程: Step 1. Lead-in. 引入。 T gives greetings to students. How are you today? /What is the weather like today? Step 2. Do some review. 复习。 1.The 4 rules of the verbs (how to change its original form into its present form) 2. Some exercises. Step 3. 新知探究 1.现在进行时的概念,它表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。它有助动词be(am/is/are)加动词-ing形式构成的。 2. 通过一系列的实例句子得出:


初中英语新课标读书笔记 3 篇 通过学习和培训,使我对新教材有了一定的认识,新课程改革对于我们每一位教师都是一种挑战,也是一次新的学习,我认识到要上好新教材,我们教师非下苦工夫不可。下面是橙子收集整理的初中英语新课标读书笔记,欢迎阅读。 初中英语新课标读书笔记1 作为一名面临新课程改革的英语教师,为了更好地跟上课改的潮流,适应新的教学改革,要不断更新自己的教学理念,提高自己的教育教学水平。 近期认真研读了《初中英语新课标》一书后,深有感触,我知道了要防止强调模仿、死记硬背、机械操练的教学倾向,重视科学地设计教学过程,努力创设真实的问题情境,营造启动学生思维的教学环境,为学生提供丰富的学习资源,帮助学生通过各种渠道获取知识,加速知识的内化过程,使他们能够在听、说、读、写等语言交际活动中灵活运用知识,变语言知识为英语交际的工具。所以从根本上改变面貌学习方式,保证学生自主性、探究性的学习,已成为新课程改革的突破口。而教师教学行为的变化和学生学习方式的改变也被视为新课程改革是否成功的标志。因此,在目前状况下,积极倡导初中英语有意义学习的思想,深刻领会有意义学习的概念、一般特征和实施条件,对于引发初中学生英语学习方式的革新、教师教学方式的改变,进而推进基础教育向纵深发展有着深远的现实意义。

依据意义学习的基本理论,初中英语的有意义学习应具有以下四个特征: 1、学习具有个人参与的性质,即要把整个人的认知和情感都投入到学习活动之中。 2、学习是自我发起的,学习者由于内在的愿望而主动去探索、发现和了解事件的意义。 3、学习是渗透性的。它会使学生的行为、态度,乃至个性都发生变化。 4、学习是由学生自我评价的。学生最清楚某种学习的方式是否满足自己的需要,是否有助于得到他想要的东西,是否弄明白了自己原先不甚清楚的知识。 为了帮助学生开展有意义学习,促成学生自我发展和自我实现,本学期在初中英语教学中我从以下几个方面做了尝试。 一、导入要新颖 俗话说:“良好的开端是成功的一半” 。上课也一样。教师的循循诱导,能让学生产生强烈的求知欲和好奇心,从而更积极主动地参加课堂教学,为整节课的成功作准备。可以采用以下几种导入:⒈歌曲导入。⒉设置悬念。当然导入很多,教学中不能单一的用一种导入,也许这种导入刚开始学生觉得很有劲,但天天用学生就会厌倦了。所以教师设计时要多多新颖,多多改变,尽量多样性。 二、创设情景,多用直观教学由于初学生年龄较小,生活经验不 丰富,知识范围有限,决定了


Unit 9 What does he look like 课程标准解读 学生参与决定教学内容。Brainstorm(头脑风暴)即学生在学习之前根据课题搜集、整理与课题相关人物外表信息。(身高、身材、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格表达等)这样学生课前自己准备学习材料,教师利用学生带入教室的各种信息组织语言教学活动,并对学生进行经常性的需求分析,随时调整教学内容。 力图使学生自己输入成为主要教学内容资源,并成为整个学习过程的中心。教师针对本班学生特点,对教材进行整合、取舍并及时扩充必要材料充实课堂教学内容。 教学中挖掘利用学生自身的知识与经验,使学习内容更切合实际,学生更容 易深切感知。主张学生自主、自导学习,合作学习,强调不是个人学习,而是群体学习中的学生自主性。 总体教学思路: 本节课设计思路是两条主线, 一条是知识线;另一条是任务链。知识:知识的呈现是按照词、句、文,即,从易到难的顺序呈现的。从上节课的作业入手,然后分别复习人物外表如:身高、身材、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格的词语介绍;讨论外表所需的询问和应答的句式,到知识综合运用和提高,最后是巩固和开放性作业。 任务:本节课任务设计以人物外貌为主线,上课以优秀小侦探导入新任务——识别罪犯,描述罪犯特征,然后,画出罪犯肖像,给马虎探长写回信。 教学目标: 1.学会描述人物外貌。 2.学习根据描述人物外貌的文章画出人物, 并能就图片写出人物间外貌不同特征及区别。 教学重点和难点: 描述人物外貌特征。 读文画图,看图写文。 课前准备:1.搜集有关人物外表的词汇如:身高、身材、年龄、头发颜色,长度及发型、脸部特征、着装、性格的词语(至少15个),分小组写出描述同一器官的不同词语。 2.分小组准备长相不同的人物图片,分男女。每组准备一篇描述人物的文章,画两个或多个外貌不同的人物图。(带软盘或样图) 教学设计: 本课按照两条主线进行设计,一是知识支撑,二是任务设计: 本节课流程图


第二课时Section A (Grammar Focus~3c) 【学习目标】 1.揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2.总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 3.能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。 【学习重点】 1.揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 2.总结归纳when引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。 【学习难点】 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。 ?学习提示 Review the questions by asking and answering in a question chain. Task 1

?学习提示 Preview the words, phrases and sentences on P45.Students mark the new words and Chinese meanings in the text. 【学法指导】 基变序,有规律。一二三,特殊记。八减t,九去e,f来把ve 替,整十改y为ie,然后再加th。假如遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。 Task 2 ?学习提示 完成3a和3b的任务,让学生结对自由对话。 【学法指导】 ?介词in/on用法 (1)on常与“日期”“星期”搭配,表示“在具体的某一天”。如: on October 2nd 在十月二日 on Monday 在星期一 情景导入生成问题 Ask your partner a question chain like this. T:How old are you? S1:I'm thirteen. T:When is your birthday? S1:My birthday is on October 16th. T:When is your mother's birthday?


初中英语教学反思随笔 初中的教学内容是比高中要简单很多,但随着“二期”课改的推进,英语的初中版也涵盖了很多的知识点,词汇量也大,有些单词连目前的高中生也无法认知,所以,教师的备课量和难度都增加了不少。而且,初中生的求知欲非常强烈,对新鲜事物的联想力也很丰富,很多课本中出现的生活性词汇在短时间内便能掌握,所以老师上课前要做好充分的准备,以应付学生们提出的各种课本外的问题。另外,课本的另一特点便是内容贴近生活,所以老师在课堂中如果能够把学生在日常生活中经常接触的一些实际情况予以结合,那么更加能够产生吸引力,增加同学们的学习兴趣。现在,我们也鼓励学生们多阅读课外比较浅显的英语读物,推荐订阅英语报,一方面可以培养他们对英语的兴趣,另一方面也是扩大他们的知识面,增加词汇量,为今后的课堂教学做准备。 在课堂上课时,初中学生是喜欢有趣味的活动,长篇大论是无法吸引他们的注意力的,因此,老师除了知识点的准备之外,认真考虑设计课堂活动也是很必要的。预备和初一的教材内容本身就比较生动活泼,所以上课时要多鼓励他们举手发言,进行学生间的配对对话练习,结合课本内容组织一些小范围的调查、猜谜,或者短小的英语小品表演,以提高学生学习的主动性和积极性。从初二开始,课本课文的形式渐渐与高中模式接轨,但如果上课时也像高中一样重点强调语法知识,那么学生很容易变得思想分散,而且根据初中生的英语基础,无法接受较为系统的语法知识,只有把语法点结合到令他们感兴趣的操练中,经过多次的重复练习,才能在学生的脑中形成概念。所以,初中的课堂一定要组织的活跃一点,从而让学生能在一个较为轻松的环境中掌握更多的知识。 反思一、词汇教学 《新目标英语》词汇量大,其中七年级上册有词汇700个左右,下册约450个,八年级上册约450个,下册约400个,九年级全册约500个,合计2500个。词汇量大自然也就增加了教学的难度,但我们又必须让学生掌握,否则难以适应教材的要求。那么我们该采取什么方式来教学单词?


1.创设情 境,激发学生探究欲望(Lead-i n) 我先通过实际生 活和学生问答,引出 本课的结构、功能。 几轮对话之后,教师在黑板上 写出两句被动语态的句子,让学生 自由讨论他们在家可以做的事情, 然后列出清单。 通过小 组合作,让 学生发现问 题,纠正问 题 2.布置任务,激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态 我在他们的训练 中反复强调主语在被 动句中的位置,引导 他们自己纠正错误, 认识到主动句中的主 语和谓语动词的关 系。 针对校规的一些内容,用 “Teenagers should be allowed to do...because...”or“Teenagers should not be allowed to do...because...”句型 来阐述自己的观点。 被动语 态落实到生 活中,更容 易接受,学 好。 3.操练 组织pairwork 学生通过家里的实际情况互相 沟通 让学生在 训练中熟练掌 握基本的被动 语态和带有情 态动词的被动 语态。 4.拓展针对实际情况进 行比较,开展讨论。学生在讨论中反复运用被动语 态的句型,然后结合实际不断产 出新的很多学生在小组中就校 规的几点规定展开讨论,比如说 “Students should be allowed to wear their own clothes at school.”有很多同学就不赞 成,他们认为“Students shouldn't be allowed to wear their own clothes.They should wear uniforms at scho ol.”句子。 学生在争论 时结合以前的一 些知识来解释原 因,各抒己见使被 动语态的句型得 到充分的练习,并 且能对现实提出 自己的见解。 5.辩论 在课堂的结尾, 我设计一个辩论赛, 辩题是:“Students should be allowed to bring mobile phones to school.” 学生分成两大组,每大组再分几 个小组。先小组讨论,然后将大 家的观点综合起来,由大组中的 小组分别发言,然后就对方的观 点进行反驳。 通过辩论拓展 学生的思维,培 养学生的语言 运用能力。使学 生能创造性地 使用语言,让学 生在说中学,灵 活运用所掌握 的句型拓展内 容


仁爱版七年级英语教学案例 案例背景: 在教七年级unit8 topic1 时,那时候学生已经学了近一年的英语,开始有些学生出现懈怠应付的现象,对英语的兴趣也在慢慢减弱,上课无精打采,我心里很是着急,该用什么办法让教学持续有效地进行呢?由于这个话题都是围绕天气,气象等实际生活现象,如果只是照本宣科,要求背诵各种天气现象,学生势必觉得枯燥无味,所以我想应该更多的从实际生活入手,让学生把英语和生活紧密联系起来,让他们觉得学有所用,让他们重新拾起学习英语的动力,让英语课堂更加生动有趣。课上我先教会他们读了单词,然后布置一项课后任务,让他们回去关注各地天气预报,下节课用英语汇报。以下是这节课的部分内容。 案例描述: 我把学生分成六个小组,让他们在自己的小组里把看来的天气预报记录结果总结汇报。学生马上一组一组叽叽喳喳讨论起来,我一听,大都是用中文说的,有些学生还不能很自然地运用英语表达,这样影响到其他学生,农村学生在自觉讲英语这方面还是比较薄弱。我赶紧鼓励他们“ speak English,if you don't know how to express,you can ask me or your teammates ”讨论后,按照惯例让他们各组请一个同学当天气预报主持人,把自己组查到的天气预报结果向全班汇报。为了不重复,我之前有让他们稍微分了区域,有的同学自告奋勇要查国外的天气。每个学生汇报

完之后,我还让其他组就汇报内容进行问答,以巩固相关的句型和表达,而且其他学生需要认真听汇报,才能保证问答流利。S1:Good morning! Everyone,here is the weather report on April 20 for some cities in Fujian.Fuzhou is cloudy. The temperature is from 19 °C to 28 °C .... Quan zhou is warm and sunny .The high temperature is 26 C, the low temprature is 18 C」t' s a good time to climb hills.Would you like to come with me this afternoon? (掌声)下面是问答环节, A:What's the weather like in Fujian? B:It 'closudy. A:What ' s the temperature there? B:It's from 19C to 28C . A: What can we do? B: We can climb hills. 提的问题课文里面都有,有事先去预习的学生都能很快提出来,如果不懂得提问,我会在旁边提示他们。 S2:Here is the weather report for some big contries tomorrow in the world …London is rainy, the temperature is between 14 C and20 C」f you go there, you need to take an unberalla …If you go to Sedn ey, you had better wear warm clothes.(掌声) A:What's the weather like in London tomorrow ? B:It 's rainy. A:What ' s the temperature there?


Lesson 29 A Birthday Card 【教学目标】 1.能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇:paper,inside,poem,rose,present,soft。 2.让学生了解一些有关制作贺卡的口语。 【教学重难点】 1.掌握一些与贺卡制作有关的词汇:make,card,picture,write,draw。 2.激发学生兴趣,让学生了解更多关于生日祝福的口语。 3.掌握以下重点句子: ①Jenny is making a birthday card for her. ②And inside the card her family will write something for Grandma. ③She is using paper and crayons to make the card. ④Happy birthday! ⑤Have a wonderful birthday! 【教学准备】 录音机、幻灯片、图片

┃教学过程设计┃ 【板书设计】

Lesson 29 A Birthday Card 1.Words: paper,inside,poem,rose,present,soft 2.Sentences: Jenny is making a birthday card for her. And inside the card her family will write something for Grandma. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful birthday! 68、生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。 69、点燃了的火炬不是为了火炬本身,就像我们的美德应该超过自己照亮别人。 70、贝壳虽然死了,却把它的美丽留给了整个世界。 71、路靠自己走,就算再坎坷,也要自己过。 72、失败并不意味你浪费了时间和生命,失败表明你有理由重新开始。 73、生活不是用来妥协的,你退缩得越多,能让你喘息的空间就越有限。日子不是用来将就的,你表现得越卑微,一些幸福的东西就会离你越远。 74、只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。 75、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 76、梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤也要活的漂亮。 77、不管现在有多么艰辛,我们也要做个生活的舞者。 78、命运从来不会同情弱者。 79、不怕万人阻挡在前方,只怕自己先行投降。 80、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天 81、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 82、当你手中抓住一件东西不放时,你只能拥有一件东西,如果你肯放手,你就有机会选择更多。 83、现在不努力,将来拿什么向曾经抛弃你的人证明它有多瞎。 84、尽力做好一件事,实乃人生之首务。 85、应该让别人的生活因为有了你的生存而更加美好。 86、快乐是一种香水,无法倒在别人身上,而自己却不沾上一些。 87、你配不上自己的野心,也辜负了曾经历的苦难。 88、人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。少问别人为什么,多问自己凭什么。 89、现在不玩命,将来命玩你,现在不努力,未来不给力。 90、现在不努力,将来拿什么向曾经抛弃你的人证明它有多瞎。 91、无论你昨晚经历了怎样的泣不成声,早上醒来这个城市依旧车水马龙。 92、比我差的人还没放弃,比我好的人仍在努力,我就更没资格说我无能为力! 93、没有人能替你承受痛苦,也没有人能抢走你的坚强。 94、不要拿我跟任何人比,我不是谁的影子,更不是谁的替代品,我不知道年少轻狂,我只懂得胜者为。 95、如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光。 96、累么?累就对了,舒服是留给死人的。 97、如果你坚信石头会开花,那么开花的不仅仅是石头。 98、过所爱的生活,爱所过的生活,快乐的生活,才能生活快乐,快乐的工作,才有快乐人生,生活的理想其实就是理想的生活!


教学随笔 在英语教学中我是怎样培养学生的创新性思维的。从我自身来考虑,教师应真正将学生当作有独立意识、有活跃思想的独立个体看待。以学生全面发展为目的,启迪学生的独立意识为策略,让学生在教学过程中体验语言学习的乐趣,体会英语语言的文化内涵,运用起来应该得心应手。对于学生,单词是一件很困难的事情。那么,我在教学中,采用图片,投影,身势语,录音机,电视等教学手段,让学生先感知这个单词是什么,充分调动学生的积极性,同时让学生在真正的语境中理解单词的含义。我想,通过不断的创新,才会融洽师生的感情,提高学生对英语的重视程度。通过这样的教学,我深深地体会到 情感+乐学+疑问+动感才是我们英语教学追求的方向。 教学随笔 我担任初一两个班英语科的教学工作.在教学过程中,我深深地感到: 我们目前的教与学不相适应,教师在两个班级上课, 两个班级的教学进度不一致,一个班级学生也无法学好功课.原因是: 这个班级的学生学习基础很差,英语科尤甚.他们能记住的单词极少, 最普通的语法知识也不能掌握.但是,为了教学的进度科任老师不得不和其它班级的科任老师一样:采用相同的教材,相同的复习资料,相同的教学速度,基本相同的教学方法, 结果和学生的实际大大脱节,无法取得应有的教学效果.我想:应该到了根据学生的实际,选用较适用的教材与复习资料,采用与学生学习相适应的进度和方法,这样做,效果应该会好一些!! 教学随笔 NSE外研版的自使用已经有较长时间了,与此同时英语新课程标准倡导以任务为主的英语教学模式。通过不断地研读“新课程标准”,和各种途径的理论学习,逐渐理解接受了这个“新事物”。以下是经过一个多学期的教学之后的自我反思。所谓任务型英语教学,即“Task-based English Teaching”,是在英语课堂教学中让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、学习、工作等任务,将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化,从而培养其运用英语的能力。教学中要以具体的任务为载体,以完成任务为动力,把知识和技能融为一体;作为课堂主体的学生,用所学英语去做事,在做事的过程中发展运用英语的能力。任务型教学体现了人文主义思想,强调以人的发展为本和以学生为主体的观念。尊重学生的主体意识,让学生主体参与,最大限度地体验成功的喜悦和自我价值。这一切对教师和学生提出了更高的要求和众多的挑战。首先要求教师体会与老教材的“交际性教学法”是有区别的,尽管任务型教学的确是从交际教学理论上发展起来的,在国外有重要影响的语言教学理论。而我们有时还习惯性地使用交际


仁爱版九年级英语UNIT4 Topic1 Section D 教学设 计 教材的分析 本课处于仁爱英语九年级(上)Unit4 Amazing Science Topic1 Spaceships Are Mainly Controlled By Computers 第四 课时,话题主要围绕谈论神舟五号和嫦娥一号进而涉及到电 脑在航天中的应用。本话题从令人关注的神五入手,贴近生 活,时代感强。然后,,由飞船的成功运行联想到电脑科技,最后,由电子邮件的发送与接收回到电脑的应用的实际生活 中。教学中本着整合教材的精神,把本课的内容顺序进行调 整,使之浑然成为一个整体,因为学生在学习本课前已经学 习并掌握了部分关于谈论电脑科技的的句型,所以,教材的 要求与学生现有的水平相一致。通过本课的学习,学生对祖 国的科技有了更深的了解。更乐于接触现代科技:电脑、太空知识,口语表达能力和书面表达能力都会有所提高。 学生分析: 我所任教的中学,是以优异的教学成绩闻名远近的初级 中学,学生在严格的教学管理中,形成了良好的学习习惯, 对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣,英语基础扎实,他们活泼、有 好奇心、有创新精神。他们争强好胜,渴望成功。他们追逐 新鲜事物,对电脑、手机、MP3、宇宙飞船都非常感兴趣, 本教材的选择符合学生的心理特点,在学习本课之前,学生 已经掌握了有关电脑在科技中的用途、优点和缺点,和一些 基本的语法、单词和句型,已初步具备了小组合作学习的能 力和语言表达能力。 教学目标

1、知识目标 (1) Review Grammar: The Object Complement. (2) Know about the parts of computers and the use of them. (3) Know about how to send and receive an e—mail. 2、教学方法 Task—based Language Teaching 3、途径 Listing, speaking, reading, writing, debiting, 4、理论依据 Project English 通过各种任务性的活动,巩固所学的语 言知识;通过思考、体验、合作等方式来学习,培养学生独 立思考的习惯以及口语表达和合作学习的能力,强化语言的 运用和习得的过程,充分体现了语言的交际本质----- 学以致用(Learning to do things )。 5、辅助手段 采用多媒体电脑投影图片、PPT 教学课件、充分利用网络资源;增大了课堂的容量;这样做是因为作为内驱动力的 积极活跃的心理因素,对学习起到催化剂的作用,能大大提 高学生对语言学习的兴趣和求知欲;这样能创设情景;活跃 课堂气氛;营造语言氛围;吸引学生注意力;促进学生主动 学习是课堂变得生动活泼、色彩鲜明、绚丽多彩是教学内容 趣味化;提高英语教学的课堂教学效率。 重点: 1. Sum up “Verb+ object+complement. ” 2. Useful expressions. 难点: Know about how to send and receive an e-mail.


初中英语教学案例 扶风县召公初中田亚维 一、教学背景 本课是新目标初中英语的内容,它涉及到学生的生活实际和学习需求,培养学生的语言能力和学习能力。倡导“任务型"的教学途径,课本设计了许多具有实际意义的任务和活动,单元教学结构层次分明,落实任务性教学,其最终目的是培养学生听,说,读,写综合运用能力,吸引学生充分参与到课堂活动中来,从而提高学生的英语水平。 二.学情分析: 本节课主要是针对七年级下学期的学生的,要求学生能会使用英语来谈论日常作息习惯。从年龄特点来看,七年级学生好动,好奇,好表现,,希望得到老师的表扬,所以我在教学中抓住学生这一特点发挥学生的主动积极 性去激发学生学习的兴趣。学生在七年级上册里已经学习了一般现在时,也掌握了一些简单的句式,比如肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的结构和用法。由于我们这儿的学生在进校时大部分的学生的基础不太好,所以我在教学时注意因材施教,关注每一位学生的学习过程. 三、教材分析 1.话题;本节课是新目标英语七年级下册Unit 2 What timedo you go to school ?Section A (1a-——1c) 2。语言点: (1).词汇:get up go to school getdressed brush teeth eat breakfast take a shower. (2.).句型:A:What time do youusuallyget up ,Rick? B:I usually getup atsix thirty 。 3不同时间段的表达法。 3。目标:(1)能简单谈论日常作息习惯. Iusually get upat six thirty。


七年级英语优秀教案 小学时只是简单的英语基础知识学习,初中才是学习语法知识的重要时期,在这段时间内语法知识学好了,以后学习更难的语法知识会得心应手。而学习的方法,最好是通过边学边做笔记的方式,要学习到的语法知识做简单的分类,根据重要以及难易的程度,来安排以后的复习计划。以下是整理的关于七年级英语教案,欢迎查阅! 七年级英语教案1 知识目标: (1)复习Wh-questions。 (2)学生收集朋友的有关信息特别是人物的.外貌描写。 (3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如: My…’snameis…;His/Her favourite hobbyis…;He/She is…years old,…centimetershigh.He/She lives in…etc。 技能目标:(1)听说——学生能从听力中抓住描述人物的信息。(2)写——学生能把听到的信息正确地填入表格。 情感、态度与价值观:培养学生的听力能力和善于捕捉信息的能力

【课堂学习过程】 I Sing a song. II.Duty report(Ask the students some Wh-questions about the duty reporter) III.Listening 1.Get ready for the listening. Pay attention to the words:length n.长度,height n.高度,birth n.出生,blond adj.金色的. 2.Explain how to do the two parts of the listening. A.Fill in the blanks in the table for the first time to listen. B.Write the numbers 1-4 under the correct photos for the second time to listen. 3.Read the dialogues after finishing the listening.Pay attention to the Wh-questions. IV.Practice in pairs. 1.Practice the dialogues in pairs. You:…


初一英语教学随笔 去年来到大窑中学学习,任教初一。虽然从教已有16余载,但是初一却是第一次。通过这几个月的教学、学习,自己收获颇丰。 一、教师应积极转变观念。 教育本质是引导,而不是教师的课堂讲授和提炼,我们要关注每个学生的发展,由注重知识传授转变成强调让学生形成积极主动的态度,使其获得基础知识和基本技能的同时学会自主学习。现在国家要求把时间还给学生,所以教师必须不断提高自己的教学水平,向课堂45分钟要效率。因此,教师必须在有用的时间里交给学生学习方法,尤其是记单词的方法,阅读理解的方法,写作的方法等等,让学生自己学会总结方法,体会到学英语的兴趣。 二、在教学过程中应多鼓励学生,培养自信。 在初一英语教学中,应力求每个学生在英语课堂上有机会充分地展示自己的才能,尊崇学生的人格,相信学生都具备强大的学习潜能,多鼓励和肯定学生,激发学生学习的热情,让学生在自信的状态下学习英语,就会摆脱怕错、怕忘、怕丑的自卑心理,积极主动的去学习,真正成为学习的主人。上课期间鼓励学生质疑,教育学生及时改错,认识到错误的严重性,教育他们在错误中学习,在错误中前进,让他们学会欣赏自己,感受错误减少的怡悦,不断提高自己学习的自信心,积极性。比如本班有一个学生叫孙颖,一开始分数很低,但是通过多次的谈话、鼓励,加上正确的学习方法,不断的严格要求自己,努力学习,所以期中考试在其他科成绩不太理想的基础上,英语取得了133分的成绩,自此,自信心大幅度提高,成绩自然水涨船高。三、在初一教学中,教师应主动的采用多元化的教学方式。。 初一内容相对没趣简单,但对于初一学生掌握起来却有一定难度,而且一味地重复操练学生会厌烦,这就要求我们在课堂教学中开展对学生最有价值的实践活动,使之成为学生乐意接受的学习形式,改变千篇一律的没趣的英语课堂教学组织形式。所以要采用形式多样的活动方式,加强交流,逐步提高他们学习的兴趣。
