新概念英语 第一册 第127课.ppt

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• actress n. 女演员
• 她是我最喜欢的女演员。 • She is an actress who I like best.
• actor 男演员
• 他是我最喜欢的男演员 • He is my favourite actor.
• 男服务员 waiter
男主人 host
• 女服务员 waitress 女主人 hostess
What nationality is he?
I think he is French. I don't think so. He can't be French.
• read – read – read 读 • 读书
• read books • read sb sth = read sth to sb 给某
人朗读 • 她正在给她的奶奶读一封信。 • She is reading her grandmother a
letter. • She is reading a letter to her
• KATE: Can you recognize that woman, Liz?
• LIZ: I think I can, Kate. It must be
Karen Marsh, the actress.
• 1. think – thought – thought • think about = think of 考虑,思考 • think of 想起 • 他正在想暑假旅游的事。 • He is thinking about travelling in the
表示猜测和推断的情态动词must和 can’t
表示对现在和将来的事做推断和猜测,与系动 词be连用 • 肯定的推断:must be 肯定是 • 否定的推断:can’t be 不可能是
(而不是mustn’t be) • 不要把它们和 must , can混淆
那一定是女演员凯伦·马什。 It must be Karen Marsh,the actress.
summer holiday. • 我想不想他的名字。 • I can’t think of his name. • 2. must be 表推测,“一定”
• KATE: I though so. Who'wenku.baidu.com that beside her?
• LIZ: That must be Conrad Reeves.
twenty-nine, but she must be at least
• look 是系动词,后加形容词(详见下一张) • 今天你看起来很开心。
• You look happy today. • does:省略用法,代指的是she looks old • 7. at least 至少
• KATE: Conrad Reeves, the actor? It's
can't be. Let me have another look.
• 3. I thought so. 他的否定形式是 • I didn’t think so. (I don’t think so.) • 4. beside = next to 旁边 • 5. can’t be 不可能 must be 是其反义词 • 那个故事不可能是真的。 • That story can’t be true. • 6. have another look 再看一眼 • have a look 看一眼
The food tastes good.
• KATE: I'm sure she is.
• LIZ: She was a famous actress when I was still at school.
• KATE: That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
• LIZ: Not that long ago! I'm not more than
Lesson 127
New words and expressions 生词和短语
• famous adj 著名的
• be famous for 因为…而出名 • be famous as 作为…而著名
• 北京以故宫而出名。 • Beijing is famous for the Palace
Museum. • 郭敬名作为一名作家而著名。 • Guo Jingming is famous as a
• I think you're right! Isn't he her third husband?
• LIZ: No. He must be her fourth or fifth.
• KATE: Doesn't Karen Marsh look old! • LIZ: She does, doesn't she! I read she's
• at least 至少
• 教室里至少有7个学生。 • There are at least seven students
in our class. • 反义词 • at most 至多(不超过) • 这张电影票最多40元。 • This ticket at most forty yuan.
• read v. 通过阅读得知
twenty-nine myself. • 8. be sure that(宾从) • be sure to do sth. • be sure of +n. /doing sth. • 9. more than = over 超过,多于 其反义词是 • less than 少于,小于 • not more than = less than
系动词:sound, smell, taste, feel, get, turn, seem , become… 这个音乐听起来很棒。
1. The music sounds wonderful. 2. 这些花闻起来很好。
The flowers smell good. 他的脸变红了。
His face turns red. 食物尝起来很好。