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1. Many optimistic teenagers owe their personalities to their outgoing parents.

It makes sense. As we all know, a happy parent ________ a happy child.

A. makes out B. makes into C. makes up D. makes for 【答案】




考。 A. makes out 明白,理解; B. makes into 制成; C. makes up由 ----成,造; D. makes for 有助于。句意:——多的青少年把他的个性功于他外向


2.I ’ ll get the taxi from the station to ________ you the trouble of coming to collect me.

A. counter

【答案】 B

B. save C.abandon D. rid

【解析】考。 A. counter反; B. save,挽救; C. abandon 弃; D. rid去除。句意:我将从站打的,以省去你接我的麻。根据句意可知答案B。


----I have been watching“ I am a singer” and Gloria )Tangismy( favorite star.


----- Me, too. Her new album is said to be ______ next month. By then, we , fans, will buy some.

A.relieved B. delivered C. produced D.released


【解析】 D 考。句意:--我一直在看“我是一个歌手”而且紫棋是我最喜的明星。

--我也是。她的新将于下月行。到那,我的粉会一些。 A 减,解除;B 送; C 生,制造; D 行,布。故D。

4.----- It ’ s itya pthat Nelson Mandela passed away.

------ But he will __________ in the memories of people worldwide.

A. live on B.stay on C. go on D. put on

【答案】 A

【解析】 A 考短。句意:--很憾,曼德拉去世了。--但他将留在世界各地的人的中。 A 以⋯生,靠⋯ 食; B 停留; C ; D 穿上。故 A。

点睛:要学会短的律,以便在英学中达到中‘ 字不字,先半个字’的境界。具体: 1.在每个部分找出自己最熟悉或者最理解的短,并根据短助

体意思; 2.熟本身所具有的全部意思; 3.重点根据小品在中的体意思合

本身的意思,理解自己最不理解和不熟悉的短 4.脱离,只看英短,并放

到具体句子和景中短 5.注意有些短意很接近 , 要合例句和上下文掌握它的用法

5.The TV Dwelling Narrowness (居 ) is really fantastic. The show has succeeded in ________

much to the audience, which has contributed to its success.

A. touching on B. diving in C.getting across D.going about 【答案】


【解析】考。 A. touching on 提及,及; B. diving in 潜力无; C. getting across 通,使被理解; D.

going about 到走。句意:《居》真的是太棒了。部


6.As most parents know by now, we should _________ our kids’ screen time or they will become couch potatoes who tend to be lazy.

A. assess B.limit

C. arrange D. apply

【答案】 B




不然他会成很的迷。 A. assess估; B. limit 限制; C. arrange 安排; D. apply

用。根据句意可知,是限制看的,故 B 。

7.It's strange that some fundamental professions in our society rarely receive the respect or acknowledgement they ________.

A. match B. accept

【答案】 D


分析:考。 A. match 匹配;

C. reserve D. deserve B. accept 接受; C. reserve 保留,; D. deserve


可知 D。


8.The friendly atmosphere of the two sides was a _______ sign ; the meeting ______ successful. A. profitable; profited B.beneficial; benefited

C. promising; promised D. promised; promised

【答案】 C



考形容和辨析。 A. profitable有利可的; profited利 B. beneficial有利的; benefited 有益于 C. promising adj.有前途的 ,有希望的 ; promised 允,人⋯希望 D. promised 定的 ; promised 允。句意:双方的友好气氛是一个有希望的迹象;会可望成
