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10、__W__er_e_____(be) your parents in Shanghai last year?
11、Mr. Yu ___h_a_s_t_au_g_h_t___(teach) us maths since 2013. 12、They will have a trip to the Great Wall if it doesn’t rain (not
4、She __p_u_t___ on her coat and went out. (put)
5、 “What are they doing?” “Theya_r_e _ge_t_ti_n_g___ ready for the sports
meeting.” (get)
6、It __t_o_ok____ (take) him half an hour to finish his homework yesterday.
1、I’ ll give the book to him as soon as he comes
2、 Has the baby _s_to_p_p_e_d__ crying yet? (stop)
3、I don’ t know whether Mother _w_i_ll_t_a_k_e___ me to Beijing next month.
B: “_H_a_v_e _you done (do) your homework?” 15、Yesterday she __w_a_n_te_d (want) very much to see the film, but she
( can not get) a ticket. 16、I _w__il_l w__ri_te__ (write) to you as soon as I get to Shanghai. 17、Mike _h_a_s_v_i_si_te_d___(visit) several places since he came to Beijinห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.
7、If it __i_s_____ an interesting film, we’ll see it tomorrow. (be) 8、They usually ___d_o____ their homework after supper. (do)
9、Listen! Who __is_s_i_ng_i_n_g_____(sing) in the next room now?
18. He ___w__ri_te_s____ (write) four letters to his wife every month. 19. Don’ t make any noise, Grandma __is_s_le_e_pi_n_g___ (sleep).
28. Zhang Hong _h_a_s _m_a_d_e ____ (make) many friends since she came to Paris. 29. She ____w_i_ll_g_o___ (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening 30. Stay here, Jack. Don’t go out. It __i_s _ra_i_ni_n_g___(rain) now. 31. Li Ping___w_r_i_te_s____ (write) a composition every week. 32. The scientist ___g_av_e______ (give) us a talk yesterday. 33. My parents __h_a_v_e _li_ve_d___ (live) in Beijing since 1990. 34. Look! The young worker__i_s_sh_o_w_i_n_g__ (show) the students around the factory now. 35. They are going to build (build) a new bridge over the river next year. 36. The students ar_e_g_oi_n_g_t_o_c_le_a_n (clean) their classrooms tomorrow. 37. Our teacher ___j_o_in_e_d____ (join) the Party twenty years ago. 38. She__h_a_s _w_o_rk_e_d__ (work) in this factory for ten years. 39. You must tell him the news as soon as you __s_ee___ (see) him . 40.You must study hard if you don’t want ( not want )to fail the exam .
25. Wei Fang isn’t here. She ___h_as_g_o_n_e___ (go) to the reading-room. 26. The story _h_a_p_p_e_n_ed____ (happen) long ago. 27. They __v_i_si_te_d_____ (visit) the History Museum last week. 14、A: “Father, may I go out and play football?”
rain) tomorrow.
13、Li Ming often __l_is_te_n_s___ (listen) to the radio in the morning.
20. When they ___re_a_c_he_d____ (reach) the station, the train had already left. 21. There _is_g_o_in_g_t_o_b_e__ (be) a meeting next Monday.
22. We h_a_v_e_k_n_o_w_n___ (know) each other since our boyhood.. 23. Sometimes my father ___c_om__es_____ (come) back home late. 24. They w__il_l h_a_v_e_____ (have) an English evening next week.