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Time magazine once reported a story about a woman in rural(乡村)who was recovering from a long illness. She enjoyed sitting in the yard in her wheelchair and, on this day, she was watching her son work under his car. He had raised it on blocks of wood and removed the wheels.

Suddenly, the car fell on top of the boy! She screamed for her husband who ran to assist, but he could not move the car. He climbed into his own car and sped off for help.

The mother could hear that her son’s groans (呻吟)were growing weaker and she knew she must do something. But how? She hadn’t walked in months. Then, she realized that her son was dying before her eyes and that she was the only one to help.

She raised herself shakily to her feet and walked unsteadily to the car. With all her amazing strength, she tried to lift the car. The car was raised a few inches, just enough to let the boy move free. Then she became unconscious.

After an examination, she was found only to have suffered strained muscles (肌肉拉伤). But the doctor was amazed, “I will always wonder,” he said, “how far she might have lifted that car if she had been well and strong!”

Call it a miracle. This mother found what she needed to face the situation. And so it is with all of us. You have strength to overcome seemingly impossible challenges ahead. You may feel weak or unable to deal with these challenges, but you have been designed with enough power to defeat those difficulties.

Call it what you will. I call it hope.

21. What happened on this day?

A. The mother was watching her son playing under a car when the accident occurred.

B. The father was driving his car and hit his son by accident.

C. The mother’s son was changing his car whe els when the car fell on his body.

D. The father couldn’t help his son and drove to ask a doctor for help.

22. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. The doctor was amazed at how powerful a mother’s love was.

B. The doctor believed that the mother had recovered her health and was well and strong.

C. The doctor didn’t believe it’s the mother who saved her son.

D. The doctor believed his treatments had made the mother become strong.

23. W hat’s the best title of the passage?

A. A great mother

B. An urgent rescue

C. Emergency inspires one’s potential

D. A friend in need is a friend indeed


Witness A: I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four—lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand—new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure —I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van(小型货车)suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back door of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B: I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 — coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange — I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like that before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down — he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky — the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer bails all over the place.

24. Based on what one of the witnesses said, we can assume it was ________.

A. early in the morning and there were few cars

B. evening and the road was wet

C. late afternoon and Route 300 was full of cars

D. late at night and it was slippery

25. Witness A is not really certain about ________.

A. whether it had been raining heavily or not

B. whether or not the light is red

C. whether the truck tried to avoid the sports car

D. which direction the van came from

26. Witness A probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of _________.

A. the new traffic signals at the intersection

B. the sports car ignoring the traffic signal

C. the truck moving to avoid the sports car

D. the van going too fast for the area

27. Witness B probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of ________.

A. the sports car speeding through the intersection

B. the traffic signals that were put up recently

C. the truck turning away from the sports car

D. the van driver driving dangerously


September 30, 2011
