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超能陆战队(●—●)电影原声对白[First lines; At a Bot Fight]
Announcer: THE WINNER, BY TOTAL ANNIHILATION... YAMA! Yama: Who's next? Who has the guts to step into the ring with Little Yama! [People in the crowd nervously hide their robots, too scared to fight.] Hiro: Can I try?
[Everyone turns around to see a fourteen-year-old bot, holding a cute little robot. This is Hiro.]
Hiro: [innocently] I have a robot. I built it myself.
[Everyone laughs at Hiro's pathetic robot.]
Announcer: Beat it, kid. House rules: You gotta pay to play.
Hiro: Oh. Uh... is this enough? [Holds up a handful of money] Yama: What's your name, little boy?
Hiro: [shyly] Hiro. Hiro Hamada.
Yama: Prepare your bot... Zero.
[Hiro and Yama prepare to fight.]
Announcer: Two bots enter, one bot leaves. Fighters ready...? FIGHT! [Hiro's robot is destroyed in a matter of seconds. Yama laughs triumphantly.]
Hiro: That was my first fight. I-I-- Ca-Can I try again?
Yama: No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home.
Hiro: I've got more money.
[He reluctantly places the rest of his money on the plate for a second fight.] Announcer: Fighters ready? FIGHT!
[Megabot suddenly reassembles itself. Hiro drops his "shy, innocent little boy" act.]
Hiro: Megabot, destroy! [Grins evilly]
[Tadashi just saved Hiro who was at a Bot Fight.]
Tadashi: Bot Fighting is illegal! You're gonna get yourself arrested! Hiro: Bot Fighting is not illegal! Betting on Bot Fighting,
that's-- that's illegal. But, SO lucrative! [Holds out a fat wad of cash he won from the Bot Fight] I'm on a roll, big brother. [Throws arms up victoriously] AND THERE IS NO STOPPING ME!
[Tadashi suddenly stops the scooter as police cars pull up in front of them.] Tadashi: Oh, no.
[Hiro and Tadashi walk out of the police department after getting arrested.] Hiro and Tadashi: [Shamefully] Hi, Aunt Cass.
Aunt Cass: [Worried] Are you guys okay? Tell me you're okay! Hiro: We're fine.
Tadashi: We're okay.
Aunt Cass: Oh, good. [She grabs them both by the ear and drags them to the car.] THEN WHAT WERE YOU TWO KNUCKLEHEADS THINKING?!
[Aunt Cass is scolding Hiro and Tadashi after they are arrested.] Aunt Cass: For ten years, I have done the best I could to raise you. Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No! Should I have picked up a book on parenting?! PROBABLY! Where was I going with this?
I had a point.
Tadashi: [Sheepishly] ...Sorry.
Hiro: [Also sheepishly] We love you, Aunt Cass.
Aunt Cass: [Snapping] WELL, I LOVE YOU, TOO!
[Hiro sits down at his computer.]
Tadashi: You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the cafe.
Hiro: [Not really listening] For sure.
Tadashi: And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead.
Hiro: [looking sincere] Absolutely.
Tadashi: [Realizes he's lying; Exasperated] You're going Bot Fighting, aren't you?
Hiro: [Casually] There's a fight across town! If I book, I can still make it! [He grabs Megabot and walks toward the door, but Tadashi stops him by grabbing the hood of his sweatshirt.]
Tadashi: [Frustrated] WHEN are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?
Hiro: What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already
Tadashi: [Hurt by Hiro's words] Unbelievable.
GoGo: [Meeting Hiro] Welcome to the nerd lab.
Hiro: [Chuckles nervously] Yeah. [About GoGo's prototype bicycle] I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before.
GoGo: Zero resistance, faster bike. [Removes one of the wheels] But not fast enough. [Throws wheel into a recycling bin full of its kind] Yet.
[Wasabi shows Hiro his very organized table of tools.]
Hiro: [Sarcastically] Wow. How do you find anything in this mess? Wasabi: I have a system. There's a place for every thing, everything in its place.
GoGo: [Suddenly grabs a wrench, messing up Wasabi's "system"] Need this!
Wasabi: [Freaking out] Hey, you can't do that! This is anarchy! SOCIETY HAS RULES! [Chases after GoGo]
Honey Lemon: [listening to music on her ear-buds while rolling a huge ball of tungsten carbide onto a lift, squeezing past Hiro and Tadashi] EXCUSE ME! Coming through! [sees Tadashi] Tadashi! [notices Hiro and her smile grows even wider] Oh, my gosh! You must be Hiro! [shouting because of her music] I've heard so much about you! [removes her ear-buds and kisses Hiro on both cheeks.] Perfect timing! Perfect timing! [uses the lift
to elevate the ball]
Hiro: That's a whole lot of tungsten carbide.
Honey Lemon: Four! Hundred! Pounds of it! C'mere, c'mere, c'mere, c'mere! [enthusiastically drags Hiro to a large kit filled with various liquid chemicals at the ready] You're gonna love this. A dash of perchloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide [takes out a small hand-held flamethrower and heats up the formula] super-heated to 500 Kelvin, and... [sprays the pink formula around the ball then uses magnetic force to attract it onto the ball]TADA! It's pretty great, huh?
Hiro: [not really knowing what to say] So... pink.
Honey Lemon: Here's the best part! [lightly touches the ball with her finger. Instantly, the ball explodes into a cloud of pink dust. Hiro is astounded.] Hiro: Whoa!
Honey: [covered in pink dust] I know, right? Chemical metal embrittlement! Tadashi: Not bad, Honey Lemon.
Hiro: [Confused by their names] "Honey Lemon"? "GoGo"? "Wasabi"? Wasabi: [Annoyed] I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time, people! ONE! TIME!
Tadashi: [Chuckles] Fred is the one who comes up with the nicknames. Hiro: Uh, who's Fred?
[A guy in a giant lizard suit comes up behind Hiro.]
Fred: This guy! Right here! [Hiro turns around and shrieks in surprise.] Ah,
ah, don't be alarmed. [lifts up his costume head] It is just a suit. This is not my real face and body. [He shakes Hiro's hand.] The name's Fred! School mascot by day, but by night... [He does several impressive moves with the sign he's carrying.] I am also the school mascot.
Hiro: So, what's your major?
Fred: No, no, no, no, I'm not a student. But I am a major science enthusiast. I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula that could turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will. But she says that's "not science". Honey: I-It's really not.
Fred: Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I asked Wasabi for isn't "science" either, is it?
Wasabi: Nope.
Fred: Well then, what about... invisible sandwich? Imagine eating a sandwich, but everybody just thinks you're crazy.
Wasabi: Just stop.
[Hiro is inspecting Baymax for the first time. He pokes Baymax's back.] Hiro: Vinyl?
Tadashi: Yeah, I'm goin' for a non-threatening... huggable kind of thing. Hiro: Looks like a walking marshmallow. [To Baymax] No offense. Baymax: I am a robot. I cannot be offended.
Hiro: [Examining his eyes] Hyperspectral cameras?
Tadashi: Yep.
Hiro: Huh. [Pushes his face into Baymax's belly, examining his skeleton] Titanium skeleton.
Tadashi: [Correcting] Carbon-fiber.
Hiro: Right, even lighter. Killer actuators. Where did you get those? Tadashi: Ah, machined 'em right here, in house.
Hiro: Really?
Tadashi: Yep. He can lift a thousand pounds.
Hiro: [In awe] Shut up.
Baymax: You have been a good boy. [Pulls out a lollipop] Have a lollipop! Hiro: Niceǃ [Takes the lollipop]
Baymax: I cannot deactivate until you say: You are satisfied with your care. Hiro: Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.
Tadashi: He's gonna help a lot of people.
[outside SFIT]
Tadashi: We gotta hurry if you wanna catch that Bot Fight.
Hiro: [frantic] I have to go here! I-if I don't go to this nerd school, I'm gonna lose my mind! How do I get in?
[Tadashi smiles. Sometime later, in Hiro and Tadashi's room...] Tadashi: Every year, the school has a student showcase. You come up with something that blows Callaghan away, you're in. But it's gotta be great. Hiro: [confidently] Trust me, it will be. [Cut to Hiro banging his head on the desk that's covered with crumpled up balls of paper.] Nothing! No ideas!
Useless! Empty! Brain!
Tadashi: [jokingly] Wow. Washed up at fourteen. So sad.
Hiro: [hopeless] I got nothing! I'm done! I'm never getting in! Tadashi: Hey, I'm not giving up on you.
[Tadashi grabs Hiro by the ankles and hangs him upside-down over his shoulders. He begins jumping around the room, with Hiro flopping behind him.]
Hiro: Ahhǃ What are you doing?!
Tadashi: Shake things up! Use that big brain of yours to think your way out!
Hiro: What?
Tadashi: Look for a new angle.
[Hiro groans and decides to humor Tadashi. He looks around the room from a new angle and spots Megabot. He gets an idea.]
[Today's the day for Hiro to show his invention to get into SFIT.] Tadashi: Wow. A lot of sweet tech here today. How you feeling? Hiro: You're talking to an ex-Bot Fighter. Takes a lot more than this to rattle me.
GoGo: Yep. He's nervous.
Honey: Ohǃ
Fred: You have nothing to fear, little fellow.
Honey: He's so tense!
Hiro: No, I'm not!
Honey: Relax, Hiroǃ Your tech is amazing! Tell him, GoGo! GoGo: [Flatly] Stop whining, woman up.
Hiro: I'm fine!
Wasabi: What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?
GoGo: Underpants? You need serious help.
Wasabi: Hey, I come prepared.
Fred: I haven't done laundry in six months. One pair'll last me four days.
I go front, I go back, I go inside-out, and then, I go front and back. [Wasabi struggles . GoGo shakes her head.]
Tadashi: Wow. That is both disgusting and awesome.
GoGo: Don't encourage him.
Fred: It's called "recycling".
[Hiro was accepted into SFIT.]
Hiro: I know what you're gonna say: [Imitates Tadashi] "I should be proud of myself 'cause I'm finally using my gift for something important." Tadashi: No, no, I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show.
Hiro: Ha, ha, hilarious. [Looks down to find out his fly is indeed down] WHAT?! [He zips up his pants and elbows Tadashi for not telling him sooner. Tadashi laughs.]
Tadashi: [Warmly] Welcome to nerd school... nerd.
Hiro: Hey, I, um, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, so... y-you know, thanks for not giving up on me.
Baymax: [Approaches Hiro after activating in his bedroom] Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.
Hiro: [Surprised] Uh, hey. Bay-Baymax, I didn't know you were still... active.
Baymax: I heard a sound of distress. What seems to be the trouble? Hiro: Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine.
Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain? Hiro: A zero? I'm-I'm okay, really. Thanks. You can shrink now. Baymax: Does it hurt when I touch it? [Reaches down to touch Hiro's foot] Hiro: No, no, no, that's okay. No touching. I'm fi--
[Hiro trips over a toolbox and falls backwards into the space between his bed and his desk. He tries to squeeze out but realizes he's stuck.] Baymax: You have fallen.
Hiro: [Annoyed] Ya think?
[Hiro tries to get himself up by grabbing onto a shelf with toy robots on it. The shelf breaks, and the robots fall on Hiro one-by-one. Each time Hiro says "Ow", Baymax asks him how he would rate his pain.] Baymax: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain? Hiro: [Irritated] Zero.
Baymax: It is alright to cry.
Hiro: No! No, no, no, no, no!
Baymax: [Picks up Hiro and cradles him like a baby] Crying is a natural response to pain.
Hiro: [Jumps out of Baymax's arms] I'm not crying!
Baymax: I will scan you for injuries.
Hiro: [Firmly] DON'T scan me.
Baymax: Scan complete.
Hiro: [Irritated] Unbelievable!
Baymax: You have sustained no injuries. However, your hormone and neurotransmitter levels indicate that you are experiencing mood swings, common in adolescence. Diagnosis: puberty.
Hiro: [Surprised] Whoa, what?!
[Hiro and Baymax are inside a creepy abandoned warehouse. Baymax sneaks up behind Hiro.]
Baymax: Hiro?
Hiro: [Screams] You gave me a heart attack!
Baymax: [Rubs his hands together] My hands are equipped with defibrillators. [Moves his hands towards Hiro] Clear!
Hiro: [Alarmed] STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP! It's just an expression! [Hiro and Baymax are at the police department reporting the guy who。