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摘要............................................................................................................................ I ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... I I 第1章绪论 (1)

1.1设计目的及意义 (1)

1.2国内外研究现状 (2)

1.3设计意义 (2)

第2章设计方案概述 (4)

2.1设计原理 (4)

2.2设计总体概述 (4)

2.3模块器件选型 (5)

第3章系统的硬件电路 (6)

3.1系统主电路图 (6)

3.2单片机AT89C51 (6)

3.2.1单片机AT89C51简介 (6)

3.2.2单片机AT89C51的主要功能和特性 (7)

3.2.3单片机复位电路 (8)

3.2.4单片机时钟电路 (9)

3.3功能模块电路 (9)

3.3.1无线发射模块电路 (10)

3.3.2无线接收模块电路 (12)

3.3.3数码管显示电路 (15)

3.3.4报警电路 (16)

第4章系统的软件设计 (18)

4.1程序流程图 (18)

4.1.1主程序流程图 (18)

4.1.2定时中断服务流程图 (19)

4.1.3跳出中断服务流程图 (19)

4.2程序设定 (20)

4.2.1程序初始化设定 (20)

4.2.1延时子程序设定 (21)

4.2.2数码管显示时序设定 (21)

4.2.3单片机外部中断设定 (22)

第5章硬件焊接及调试 (24)

5.1硬件焊接 (24)

5.2硬件调试 (24)

结论 (26)

致谢 (27)

参考文献.................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。附录1



随着科学技术的发展,无线技术在我们生活的不同领域都得到了十分普遍的应用,而医疗方面对无线技术的需求也是日益增加。病床呼叫是进行医患沟通从而传递临床信息的重要方式, 病人可通过病房呼叫系统将请求迅速传递到医生或护士处,同时会在监控中心主机上留下及时准确并且完整的记录, 病房呼叫系统是提高医院或养老院等设施的护理水平的必备设备之一。




With the development of science and technology, wireless technology ha s been widely used in different fields of our life, at the same time the dem and for wireless technology is also increasing.Clinical call for help is an im portant means to transfer the clinical information of the ward call system, th e patient's request can be quickly transmitted to the doctor or nurse on duty, and keep accurate and complete records in the duty room of the monitorin g center on the host, is one of the necessary equipment to improve the leve l of nursing and hospital ward.

The design is based on AT89C51 microcontroller as the core, through t he wireless signal transmission technology to transmit information to constru ct the wireless call system. The system of signal input through the keyboard module, wireless signal sending and receiving signals, and then sent to the digital tube display module and voice alarm module to achieve the alarm cal l function through the single-chip processing. This system has the advantages of excellent performance through the microcontroller can greatly reduce the production cost, at the same time through wireless technology to improve t he range of applications, has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, co nvenient operation.

Keywords: MCU;hospital call;digital display;wireless transmission
