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(河北钢铁集团承钢公司热轧卷板事业部,河北承德 067002)



Slag-Stopping Technology by Slide Gate in BOF for Steel-making And Vanadium-Extraction at Chengde Steel

Hongjia Huang Hai Gao Xiaolei Zhang Li Wu

(Hot-rolled coil Division, Chengde Iron and Steel Company, Hebei Iron and Steel

Group, ChengDe, HeBei Province, 067002)

Abstract: The control principle of slide gate on BOF is similar to that of ladle after being transfered to CC at the beginning and the end of casting. Combined with infared slag detection, PLC and hydraulic system, a swift openning and closing(in 0.6s) is achieved on slide gate, which realizes the effective control of carrier-over slag in earlier and later stage during tapping, avoiding slag outflowing to ladle. Additionally, the purity of steel is improved and the cost of deoxidation agent is reduced. While slide gate slag-stopping technology is utilized on BOF for vanadium extraction, it’s the first time to capitalise on this technology. The result was proved remarkable: the yield rate of vanadium slag is extentially higher than any other slag-stopping technology, which facilitates Chengde Steel better economic benefit. Furthermore, due to parts of elements are oxidized as composition of vanadium slag at the process of vanadium-extraction, slide gate slag-stopping technology makes it possible that less vanadium-slag outflow into semi-steel, a byproduct of vanacium-extraction and raw material of steel-making. The content of residual elements of fianl product such as Cr and V are decreased.

Key words: converter, vanadium slag ; vanadium extraction converter ; slide gate

0 引言1




1 滑板挡渣技术简介


图1 滑板挡渣系统结构图

Fig.1 Configuration of slide gate and slag-detection system 滑板挡渣方法是移植大包滑动水口原理,在传统转炉的出钢口位置安装滑动水口装置,利用红外摄像头检测出钢过程中钢渣的含量,当检测到开始大量出渣时,立即关闭滑板以彻底切断钢流达到挡渣的目的。滑板挡渣装置采用机构离线整体更换技术,即在调试架上把离线机构更换新滑板调试合格后待用。项目步骤和措施为:首先将现有转炉出钢口法兰进行改造,在新法兰上安装新设计的基准板部件。在基准板上安装连接板部件,连接板上装有4只活节螺栓和2根定位销、2根定位桩。把机构从调试台上卸下后,就位于运输存放架上,
