神经解剖学英文课件-颅神经英文课件cranial nerves

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(Ⅻ)Hypoglossal n.
(Ⅻ)Hypoglossal nerve
✓ Pure motor (GSM) ✓ Medulla ✓ Hypoglossal canal ✓ extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of tongue.
Mixed CN
trigeminal n. facial n. glossopharyngeal n. vagus n.
• General somatic motor (GSM) • General visceral motor (GVM) • Special visceral motor (SVM) • General somatic sensory (GSS) • Special somatic sensory (SSS) • General visceral sensory (GVS) • Special visceral sensory (SVS) Every pair of CN has not all of the above
❖ Pure sensory (SSS) ❖ Internal acoustic
meatus → internal ear ❖ Vestibular nerve is
responsible for equilibrium ❖ Cochlear nerve is responsible for hearing
Trigeminal nerve V
• pons • Has three divisions: ophthalmic, maxillary, and
mandibular nerve • Has both sensory and motor components. • It is the main sensory nerve for head and face. • Its motor nerve innervates the muscles of
Ⅶ facial Ⅷ vestibulocochlear Ⅸ glossophryngeal Ⅹ vagus Ⅺ accessory Ⅻ hypoglossal
Cranial nerve: connect with brain
Openings and fissures on base of skull for CN
Vestibulocochlear N.
Pure motor CN
oculomotor n. trochlear n. abducens n. accessory n. hypoglossal nerve
oculomotor n. trochlear n. abducens n.
Oculomotor n.(GSM and GVM)
பைடு நூலகம்
Pure sensory CN
olfactory n. optic n. vestibulocochlear n.
Olfactory nerve CN I
➢Pure sensory (SVS) -smell ➢Olfactory bulb of telencephalon ➢Leaves cranial cavity through foramina in cribriform plate ➢Distributes to mucosa of superior part of lateral and septal walls of nasal cavity.
optic n.(Ⅱ)
optic nerve, chiasma, optic tract
Ⅷ vestibulocochlear
conveys impulses from inner ear. sense of position terminates in vestibular N, sense of hearing in cochlear N
Trochlear N
Pure motor (GSM) ; midbrain ; Superior orbital fissure ; Superior oblique m
Abducens N
Pure motor (GSM) ; Pons ; Superior orbital fissure Lateral rectus m
❖ Two roots ❖ Pure motor ❖ Medulla & spinal cord ❖ Jugular foramen ❖ Cranial root--joins X ❖ Spinal root--
sternocleidomastoid & trapezius
accessory n.
Midbrain Superior orbital fissure Superior division--superior rectus & levator palpebrae superioris Inferior division supplies inferior & medial rectus, & inferior oblique. GVM fibers—parasympathetic, supply ciliary muscle and sphincter pupillae.
Olfactory nerve CN I
➢pure sensory (SSS)-sight ➢Connects with optic chiasma of diancephlon. ➢Leaves cranial cavity through optic canal. ➢Distributes to retina of eyeball
Cranial nerve
Key Points of Learning
❖ Name ❖ Components ❖Passing through ❖Peripheral distribution ❖Central connection ❖ Function
Cranial nerve
Ⅰ olfactory Ⅱ optic Ⅲ occulomotor Ⅳ trochlear Ⅴ trigeminal Ⅵ abducens