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1 范围Scope


This document covers holiday tests for underground piping and on-site joint wrapping and damaged areas repairing of underground piping for Nanhai HDPE/PP Plant project.

2 参考文件Reference Documents

2.1 钢质管道聚乙烯胶粘带防腐层技术标准SY/T0414-98

Technical standard of polyethylene tape wrapping for steel piping SY/T0414-98

2.2 JG-3型直流电火花检测仪使用说明书

Specification for type JG-3 direct current holiday test instrument.

3 技术性能Technical Performance

3.1 适用检测厚度:0.2~10mm Applicable Thickness: 0.2~10mm

3.2 输出高压:5KV~30KV(±10%) High-voltage Output: 5KV~30KV(±10%)

4 检测原理及结构组成Detecting Principle and Configuration

4.1 检测原理:电火花检测仪器是通过对各种导电基体防腐层表面加一定量的脉冲高压,如因防腐层过薄,漏金属或有漏气针孔,当脉冲高压经过时,就形成气隙击穿而产生火花放电,同时给报警电路送去一脉冲信号,使报警器发出声响报警,从而达到对防腐层检测之目的。

4.1 Detecting principle: the holiday test instrument works on the principle that when pulse high voltage is applied on the wrapping or coating surfaces of various conductors of electricity, a sparkover is generated if there are insufficient wrapping or coating, or exposed metal, or pinholes, a pulse signal is sent to the alarming circuit in the mean time, which

makes the annunciator sound.

4.2 结构简述:该仪器由主机、高压探头、探极三大部分组成。Configuration: the instrument consists mainly of three parts: mainframe, high-voltage probe and probing pole.

5 操作步骤Operating Steps

5.1 探头连接电缆与高压探头连接插头插入主机的高压探头连接插座。

Connect the probe cable to the high-voltage probe plug and then plug it into the high-voltage probe socket in the mainframe.

5.2 检查机器工作情况:Check the operation condition of the machine.

5.2.1 将电源开关打到工作,电源指示灯应点亮。

Switch on power and the indicator lamp will glow.

5.2.2 按下高压枪上的高压开关,调节高压调压旋钮至检测所需电压。

Press the high- voltage switch on the high-voltage gun and adjust the high-voltage control knob to the voltage value needed for holiday test.

5.2.3 将接地长线的裸点与探极接近,应有火花产生,并伴有声响报警,徐徐调高输出高压,火花产生的距离越来越大,说明仪器工作正常,即可开始检测。

There should be sparks along with alarm ing sound when approaching the naked point of the earthing line to the probing pole. The higher the voltage, the more distance between the naked point and the earthing line for the sparks generating, which shows good working condition of the instrument and holiday test can be started.

5.3 根据防腐层厚度选择合适的检测电压(本工程地管检测电压为14030v)。Choose appropriate voltage value according to the thickness of wrapping or coating (the test voltage for underground piping in this project is 14,030v).

5.4 测试前进速度不大于0.3m/min。The travel speed of the test is no more than 0.3m/min.

5.5 检测完毕后,各开关应恢复原状,探极必须与接地长线直接短路放电后方可收存,以防高压电容存电而电击。

Put the probing pole and the earthing line together to make a short circuit for discharging electricity prior to storage when the test is completed to prevent electric shock due to the residual voltage in the high-voltage capacitor and then put all switches back into their original positions.

6 充电Battery Charge


The under-voltage indicator lamp lights along with the sound of alarm ing when the voltage is less than 10v. Then the battery shall be charged continuously no less than 16 hours.

7 注意事项Notes

7.1 操作人员应熟悉使用仪器的使用及说明书,严格按操作规范使用,注意保护仪器,防止摔、碰和高温。请勿置于潮湿和腐蚀性气体附近.

The operator shall familiarize himself with the specification and know how to operate the machine, protect the instrument properly, prevent it from falling, being hit and exposure to high temperature, and not place it near moisture and corrosion gas.

7.2 检测时要选择适当的接地点,以保证检测质量。

Choose a proper earthing point when the test is being carried out to ensure the test quality.

7.2.1 对小体积金属物体表面防腐层检测,要求被检测的物体用绝缘体支起20mm
