大专英语毕业论文浅议目前语教学现状及制约因素中国入世为中国经济带来巨大契机, 也对英语人才尤其是对懂商务知识的英语人才提出了更高要求。
针对这一现象, 许多学校都在思考调整人才培养方案。
作为高职院校的商务英语教学, 我们旨在培养具有一定的英语听说读写译能力, 又具有国际商务贸易知识的复合型人才, 这也对我们的商务英语教学提出了更高的要求。
一、商务英语教学现状目前, 虽然许多学校都在积极改革教学模式, 努力跟上时代及人才培养目标要求, 但是在教学实践过程中仍然存在许多的不足:“填鸭式”、“一言堂”等传统的教学模式仍然存在; 在教材及教学方法的选定上往往不能结合学生实际, 忽视高职高专学生的自身特点; 过于生硬地照搬商务加英语的模式教学, 过于注重书本本身涉及的知识, 忽视对学生潜在商务文化意识的培养。
这些教学模式及方法往往导致较差的教学效果, 不利于培养合格乃至优秀的高职高专商务英语人才。
二、高职高专商务英语教学的制约因素1. 学生因素大部分高职高专学生的英语基础相对都比较薄弱, 本身对于英语技能的学习就比较吃力, 再加上商务贸易知识使得课程的专业化程度加深, 许多学生就会淡化对商务英语知识学习的兴趣, 尤其是五年制高职学生。
, 在很大程度上也取决于学生的自学及钻研, 透彻地了解商务贸易知识及相关的英语表达。
学生如果缺乏自主积极的学习态度, 又缺少实践锻炼的机会, 商务英语学习的困难也就加大。
2. 教师因素许多商务英语教师都是单纯的英语教师出身, 虽然具有较好的英语教学水平, 但是对于商务贸易知识却缺乏系统的深层次的掌握, 或者是仅仅局限于书面上的理解, 缺乏实践经验, 这也不利于我们培养出具有实践操作能力的商务英语人才。
同时,有些商务英语教师的教学方式也不能迎合时代和学生的要求,一味基于教材和大纲, 采取传统的教学方法, 缺乏灵活性和创新性, 这也不利于对学生科学的学习方法的培养。
三、对高职高专商务英语教学实践的思考为了提高商务英语教学的效率, 教师应该多思考怎样才能在有限的时间里帮助学生建立商务英语知识体系, 激发学生学习的主动性。
2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命,3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才There is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve success. It can contribute a lot to one’s success.Although “All roads lead to Rome”, none of them is completely smooth. Our life is filled with obstacles which may make us feel so hopeless that we may choose to give up. At the crucial moment, strong will helps a lot. As a matter of fact, the ability to work through difficult situation and unfortunate events with strong will can make one stronger and more capable. In other words, if we want to realize life’s goal, we must keep forging ahead with strong consciousness.From what has been discussed above, we can see that the establishment of tough determination is of great importance to everyone. With a strong will, including our knowledge, we will be able to deal with any situation in our life. Whatever we do, as long as we stick to and do not give up easily, we will realize the goal at last.英语专业论文模板篇二“魅力新声”英语歌唱比赛不仅具有较高的学术含量,而且包含较浓厚的英语文化。
记忆按其持续时间的长短可分为三种不同的类型:感觉记忆(sensory store)﹑短时记忆(short—term memory)和长时记忆(long-term memory)。
短时记忆是将所接受的信息暂时储存的那部分记忆,在这同时对信息进行分析﹑理解,等到语句中的信息或内容理解了,这些信息就成为永久性记忆(长时记忆),而语句本身则无用处,可能会逐渐从短时记忆中消失(Richards, Platt,2000:283)。
英语专业毕业论文范文A Brief Analysis of english teaching in senior high schoolAbstract: Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn En glish. But in senior high school, a lots of probelms still exsit in t he English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and writing. In this paper, the importance and methods of reading and writing w ill be further discussed. Key words: reading writing techniqu esIntroduction: Classes should be learner-centered, with meaningful, fu nctional activities, often, classes begin by finding out what the stu dents don’t know. These classes operate on the assumption that there is a great deal of information that students lack and that the teache r and textbooks will impact that information to the students. Teacher s who hold this assumption view students as plants waiting passively to be fed and watered. But I think the students should be regarded as explorers, active learners who bring a great deal to the learning pr ocess and at the same time, draw from their environment as they devel op new understandings. The basic principle will be used in the teachi ng of reading and writing.Section One------ How to teach readingI. Why teach readingThere are many reasons why getting students to read English texts is an im portant part of the teacher’s job. In the first place, many of them want to be able to read texts in English either for their career s, for study purposes or simply for pleasure. Anything we can do to m ake reading easier for them must be a good idea.Reading texts provide good models for English writing, provide opp ortunities to study language vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and th e way to construct sentences, paragraphs and texts. Lastly, good read ing texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, exc ite imaginative responses and be the springboard for well-rounded, fa scinating lessons.The last but not the least, students must read widely because only a fraction of knowledge about the world can come from other experien ces in their short lives.II. What kind of reading should students do?When the teachers give reading class to students, they should noti ce a balance----a balance to be struck between real English on the on e hand and the students’ capabilities and interests on the other. There is some authentic written material which beginner students can un derstand to some degree: menus, timetables, signs and basic instructi ons, for example, and, where appropriate, teachers can use these. But for longer prose, teachers can offer their students texts, which, wh ile being like English, are nevertheless written or adapted especiall y for their level. Anyway, the materials to be read should be interes ting and meaningful. Teachers should become better acquainted with bo oks written specially for teenagers and dealing with their problems. III. What are the principles behind the teaching of reading?i) Permit Students To ReadNo one has learned to swim by practicing the skills of backstrokes, f lutter kicks or treading water while staying on the edge of the swimm ing pool. Yet, in the teaching of reading teachers often do just that. Rather than let the students into “the water”, teachers keep them in skills books learning rules about letters, syllables or definition s of words rather than letting them into the book itself, permitting them to be immersed in the language which comes from the authors as the readers try to reconstruct the written message.ii) Encourage students to respond to the content of a reading text, n ot just to the languageOf course, it is important to study reading texts for the way they us e language, how many paragraphs they contain and how many times they use relative clauses. But the meaning, the message of the text, is mu ch more important. Teachers should help students understand that the main reason to read is for them. They have to have their own purpose to read and reading must make sense, they have to find ways of doing something about it. They should be encouraged either to reread or to continue reading to gain meaning. But they must realize that the mean ing is not in the teacher, but in the interaction between the reader and author. Students should be encouraged to ask themselves repeatedl y, “Does this make sense to me?” Students should be encouraged to r eject and to be intolerant of reading materials that do not make sens e.iii) Encourage students to guess or predictReaders’ guesses or predictions are based on the cumulative infor mation and syntactic structure they have been learning as they have b een reading. Therefore, their guesses are more often than not appropr iate to the materials. Students have to realize that risk taking in r eading is appropriate; that using context to decide what words mean i s a proficient reading strategy and that they have the language sense to make appropriate guesses which can fit both the grammatical and s emantic sense of what they are reading.iv) Match the task to the topicOnce a decision has been taken about what kind of reading text the students are going to read, teachers need to choose good reading tas ks—the right kind of questions and useful puzzles, etc. Asking borin g and inappropriate questions can undermine the most interesting text; the most commonplace passage can be made really exciting with imagin ative and challenging tasks. Working in groups, the English teacher a nd students take turns asking each other questions following the read ing. The teacher may ask, “ What is the significance of the characte r’s age?” These questions require inferences based on details from the reading text.Section Two------How to teach writing (Developing correctness in stud ents’ writing)“Students learn to write by writing, and they learn to write co rrectly by writing, revising, and proofreading their own work”---wit h some help or direction from the teacher when it is necessary. They do not learn to write correctly by studying about writing or doing is olated workbook exercises unrelated to their own writing. So, the mos t important technique a teacher can use to guide students toward gram matically correct writing is to let them write, let them write things related to their own experiences. There is no limit to the kinds of text the teacher can ask students to write. Teachers’ decisions, tho ugh, should based on how much language the students know, what their interests are.“Do I read a paper and ignore all punctuation, what good is that for studentsWe spend hours at night with papers---I’m not sure the students get as much from it as the time I spend on it.”These comments by senior high school English teachers discussing the process of marking student papers reflect the dissatisfaction an d frustration of many teachers over the problem of dealing with the e rrors in student writing-----the obvious mistakes in spelling, punctu ation----Traditionally, teachers have worked to correct errors in two ways: by teaching grammatically correctness through exercise in gram mar texts; by pointing out all errors when making student papers.Most students find it very dispiriting if they get a piece of wr itten work back and it is covered in red ink, underlings and crossing -out. It is a powerful visual statement of the fact that their writte n English is terrible. Of course, some pieces of written work are com pletely full of mistakes, but even in these cases, the teacher has toachieve a balance between being accurate and truthful on the one han d and treating students sensitively and sympathetically on the other.Some techniques can be used in dealing with the errors in studen t papers:i) SelectivityRather than engage in intensive error-correction when responding to s tudent writing, teachers are encouraged to adopt a more moderate appr oach to error. If the teacher over-corrects the students’ mistakes, the students would be likely to focus on errors instead of ideas. Stu dents are more likely to grow as writers when the teacher’s primary purpose in reading student papers is to respond to content. However, if attention to content and correctness are combined when making pape rs, it is more helpful to select one or two kinds of errors the indiv idual student is making than to point out every error in the paper. T he teacher can identify a selected error, show an example or two on t he student paper, and either explain the correct form or direct the s tudent to a handbook for further explanation. It is always worth writ ing a comment at the end of a piece of written work -----anything fro m “Well done” to “This is a good story, but you must look again at your use of past tenses---see X grammar book page xx.”ii) Error-analysisAnother method for working with student error, one that can be especi ally fruitful for teachers, is to approach it from an analytic perspe ctive. Teachers, as error-analyst, look for patterns in the errors of an individual student, tries to discover how the mistake arrived at the mistakes by analyzing the error (Lack of knowledge about a certai n grammatical point; A careless one or a mis-learned rule?), and plan s strategies accordingly.iii) Publish Student WritingThe final basic strategy is publishing. Students need a reason for la boring over a draft until it is perfect; the urge to see oneself in p rint can be a powerful drive toward revision and proofreading.Conclusion: As teachers to the students who are in senior high sch ool, t hey should learn to turn students’ hard work toward supporting the language strengths students already have, proving students with a feeling of success, finding materials and planning classroom experie nces will turn students on to reading and writing, the reading and wr iting will develop with much greater ease than it does at the present time.Reference:Gu Xueliang, The Basic Technical Training in English Teaching, Hangzhou University Press, 1998.Wilga M.Rivers & Mary S. Temperley, A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second or foreign Language, New York: Oxford Univers ity Press, 1978Smith F. Understanding Reading (2d ed), New York: Holt, Rinehart an d Winston, 1978毕业答辩注意事项及技巧1、自己为什么选择这个课题?2、研究这个课题的意义和目的是什么?3、全文的基框架、基结构是如何安排的?4、全文的各部分之间逻辑关系如何?5、在研究课题的过程中,发现了那些不同见解?对这些不同的意见,自己是怎样逐步认识的?又是如何处理的?6、论文虽未论及,但与其较密切相关的问题还有哪些?7、还有哪些问题自己还没有搞清,在论文中论述得不够透彻?8、写作论文时立论的主要依据是什么?对以上问题应仔细想一想,必要时要用笔记整理出来,写成发言提纲,在答辩时用。
English Major Graduation ThesisIntroductionThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the impact of technology on the teaching and learning of English as a second language. Over the past few decades, technology has greatly changed the way we live and communicate with each other. English language teaching is no exception to this trend, with technology now playing a crucial role in educational settings around the world.The purpose of this study is to identify the specific ways in which technology has impacted English language education and to evaluate the effectiveness of these new methods. The findings of this research can help educators better understand the benefits and limitations of using technology in the classroom, and can inform future developments in teaching techniques and language learning.Literature ReviewThe use of technology in education has been growing rapidly in recent years. Many studies have examined the impact of technology on language learning, and a growing body of research has focused on the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, in language teaching.One of the key benefits of technology in language learning is flexibility. Digital materials, such as online courses, e-books, and multimedia resources, offer learners the ability to learn anytime and anywhere. In particular, mobile devices afford a high degree of flexibility, enabling learners to study on the go, outside of formal classroom settings.Another benefit of technology is the ability to provide personalized learning. With the use of online platforms and tools, educators can adapt their teaching to individual learners’ needs, providing a more effective and efficient learning experience. For example, automated language learning platforms can provide personalized feedback and support, allowing learners to work at their own pace and improve their language proficiency.However, there are also some limitations to using technology in language learning. One of the key challenges is the need for digital literacy, particularly among older learners or those with limited access to technology. In addition, the cost of implementing technology in the classroom can be a barrier, particularly for low-income students or schools.Research MethodologyTo investigate the impact of technology on English language teaching and learning, this study employs a mixed-methods research approach. This includes both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis.The qualitative component of the study involves semi-structured interviews with English language educators and learners, as well as classroom observations and analysis of digital materials used in teaching. The quantitative component includes a survey of English language learners, involving both open-ended and closed-ended questions.Data analysis will involve both coding of qualitative data and statistical analysis of the survey data. The study will also include a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of traditional teaching methods versus technology-enhanced teaching methods.ConclusionThe growing use of technology in education and the increasing demand for English language proficiency have made it essential to understand the impact of technology on English language teaching and learning. This study aims to provide insights into the effectiveness of technology in language education, identify the benefits and challenges of using technology, and inform future developments in language teaching techniques.The findings of this research can be used by educators and policy-makers to improve the quality and accessibility of English language education, particularly in countries where English is not the primary language. By understanding the potential of technology in language learning, educators can create more effective and efficient teaching methods that meet the needs of learners in the 21st century.。
大专毕业论文5000字 [英文毕业论文(精选多篇)]
the purpose of this paper is...the primary goal of this research is...in this paper(article), we aim at...(2)主体句。
the method used in this is known as...the technique we have uses is referred to as...the procedure can be described as...(3)结束句。
英语论文范文word 篇二Upon the completion of the thesis, I would like to take this opportunity toexpress my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Peng Xiaohua, who hasgiven me important guidance on the thesis. Without his help and encouragement,my thesis would have been impossible. Besides his help with my thesis,he hasalso given me much advice on the methods of doing research, which is of greatvalue to my future academic life.I am also obliged to other teachers whose lectures have broadened my scopeof vision in British and American literature and help me lay a necessaryfoundation for the writing of the thesis. I am also grateful to all the members ofthe faculty and staff in the College of Foreign Languages who have provided mewith a lot of help and guidance.Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to all the friends andfamily members who have offered me help. Without their help,I could not havefinished my study and this thesis.英语专业论文模板篇三分层次提出教学要求:英语系按照学校的要求把XX级学生以入学成绩为依据分了两个层次,A层次普通学科专业班级,B层次体音美专业班级。
英语专业毕业论⽂英语专业毕业论⽂(精选8篇) ⼤学⽣活要接近尾声了,毕业⽣要通过最后的毕业论⽂,毕业论⽂是⼀种有准备的检验学⽣学习成果的形式,那么应当如何写毕业论⽂呢?以下是⼩编收集整理的英语专业毕业论⽂,供⼤家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。
英语专业毕业论⽂篇1 论⽂摘要:如何提⾼⼤学法语⼆外教学,⼀直是⾼校法语教学研究的重要问题。
关键词:教学⽅法;精讲多练;多媒体;法英对⽐ 21世纪是⼀个以知识经济和经济信息全球化为主要特征的时代,世界经济的⽇益全球化和⼀体化与中国对外开放进程的加速,现代社会科技、通讯、经济、⽂化的进步,使世界交往更加密切。
⼀、⼤学法语⼆外教学⾯临的问题 2002年《⼤学法语⼤纲》明确规定:“⼤学法语教学的⽬的是培养⼀定的阅读能⼒,初步的听、说、读、写、译的能⼒,使学⽣能以法语为⼯具,获取专业所需,为进⼀步提⾼法语⽔平打下较好的基础。
(⼀) 法语⼆外课时和内容相⽐显得过少。
英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)英语语⾔学毕业论⽂(精选多篇)第⼀篇:英语专业毕业论⽂:社会语⾔学the definition of sociolinguistics and its characteristic外语系06接本6班尹珊珊24号[abstract]sociolinguistics is a term including the aspects of linguistics applied toward the connections between language and society, and the way we use it in different social situations. it ranges from the study of the wide variety of dialects across a given region down to the analysis between the way men and women speak to one another. sociolinguistics often shows us the humorous realities of human speech and how a dialect of a given language can often describe the age, sex, and social class of the speaker; it codes the social function of a language.[key words] sociolinguisticssociolinguistics variationsocial function [content]sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used. it also studies how lects differ between groups separated by certain social variables, e.g., ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc., and how creation and adherence to these rules is used to categorize individual socio-economic classes. as the usage of a language varies from place to place, and language usage varies among social classes. it is socialists that sociolinguistics studies.the study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determine language in its contextual environment. code-switching is the term given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situations. sociolinguistic differs from sociology of language in that the focus of sociolinguistics is the effect of the society on the language, while the latter’s focus is on the language’s effect on the society. while the study of sociolinguistics is very broad, there are a few fundamental concepts on which most sociolinguistic inquiries depend. sociolinguistics is different from many of the other branches of linguistics in that it studies external as opposed to internal language. internal language applies to the study of language on the abstract level, or in the head, put simply. external language applies to language in social contexts, or outside the head. this distinction is important, because internal language analyses, such as syntax and semantics, operate1on the assumption that all native speakers of a language are quite homogeneous in how they process and perceive language. external language fields, such as sociolinguistics, attempt to explain why this is in fact not the case. these two approaches, while distinct, complement each other in practice.understanding language in society means that one also has to understand the social networks in which language is embedded. this may apply to the macro level of a country or a city, but also to the inter-personal level ofneighborhoods or a single family.sociolinguistics as a field distinct from dialectology was pioneered through the study of language variation in urban areas. whereas dialectology studies the geographic distribution of language variation, sociolinguistics focuses on other sources of variation, among them class. class and occupation is one of the most important linguistic markers found in society.one of the fundamental findings of sociolinguistics, which has been hard to disprove, is that class and language variety are related. as can be implied from the example below, the working class tends to speak less standard language. the lower, middle, and upper middle class will in turn speak closer to the standard. however, the upper class, even members of the upper middle class, may often speak ‘less’ standard than the middle class. this is because not only class, but class aspirations, are important. men and women, on average, tend to use slightly different language styles. these differences tend to be quantitative rather than qualitative. that is, to say that women make more minimal responses than men is akin to saying that men are taller than women. the initial identification of a women’s register was by robin lakoff in 1975, who argued that the style of language served to maintain women’s role in society. a later refinement of this argument was that gender differences in language reflected a power difference. however, both these perspective have the language style ofmen as normat ive, implying that women’s style is inferior. more recently, deborah tannen has compared gender differences in language as more similar to ‘cultural’ differences. comparing conversational goals, she argued that men have a report style,aiming to communicate factual information, whereas women have a rapport style, more concerned with building and maintaining relationships. such differences are pervasive across mediums, including face-to-face conversation, written essays of primary school children, email, and even toilet graffiti. communication styles are always a product of context, and as such, gender differences tend to be most pronounced in single-gender groups. one explanation for this, is that people accommodate their language towards the style of the person they are interacting with. thus, in a mixed-gender group, gender differences tend to be less pronounced. a similarly important observation is that this accommodation is usually towards the language style, not the gender of the person. that is, a polite and empathic male will tend to be accommodated to on thebasis of their being polite and empathic, rather than their being male. sociolinguistics has drawn more and more attention since it became an independent discipline in mid 1960s. but scholars from various disciplines look at sociolinguistics from different perspectives, and carry out sociolinguistic study in different ways. this paper tries to understand sociolinguistics in terms of its definitions and the scope of sociolinguisticstudy to point o ut the lack of comprehensiveness in fishman’’s view on the definition of sociolinguistics.参考⽂献:《社会语⾔学概论》戴庆厦主编商务印书馆《社会语⾔学概论》祝畹瑾编著湖南教育出版社.《语⾔学概论》杨信彰⾼等教育出版社第⼆篇:英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬英语语⾔学论⽂题⽬13论国际商务谈判中的语⾔交际技巧33成⼈世界的童话——从⽂体学⾓度解析现今童话再度流⾏的现象49论⽂化差异与英汉商标互译55浅谈英汉句⼦结构差异59诗意的美和喜剧性幽默62试论⼴告英语的语⾔特点65统觉团对英语初学者词汇学习的影响67外语学习中应该重视中介语的作⽤69新闻报道中的转述动词研究73英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对⽐研究74英汉数字习语的对⽐研究76英译汉中词序的变动78英语⼴告的语⾔特征80英语双关语汉译的可译性限度101词义演变的原因与⽅式137从汉语中英语借词的翻译看⽂化交流138从价值观转换看斯佳丽的⾓⾊特征142从礼貌准则看中英⽂化的异同146从习语看英汉民族的⽂化差异149从英语⼈名中看性别歧视157动词过程类型的选择和话语隐性态度的表达161对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考162对严复译作中“信”的质疑167法律英语⽤词特征分析168法律语⾔翻译与法律⽂体177副词ever的句法环境和语义特征180功能语法视⾓下的英语报纸新闻标题的功能183⼴告⼝号语的语⾔特点189国际商务⽂化之对⽐研究204汉语中双关语的翻译213基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读228论⼴告英语中的幽默265论⼴告英语的语⾔特点268论汉英谚语的语⾔特征280论清教理念与美国西进运动282论莎⼠⽐亚⼗四⾏诗中的时间300论英语⼴告中⼏种常⽤修辞格及其汉译310论尤⾦?奥尼尔的表现主义⼿法324名词化的语篇功能330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响339浅谈英语虚拟语⽓的语⽤功能340浅谈英语虚拟语⽓及其语⽤功能345浅析⼆⼗世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点346浅析汉英动物谚语中的⽂化348浅析英汉语⾔中的性别歧视现象及其根源349浅析英语禁忌语及其发展352浅析英语⽆标志被动句356浅议译者能⼒359认知语⾔学⾓度下“within” 的空间隐喻意义365商标英语汉译的原则和⽅法384体育新闻英语⽂体研究375社会语⾔学视野中的⽹络语⾔418新闻英语中的语法特点研究423颜⾊词在英汉互译中的不对应性425移就的审美价值和⽣成基础426以认知为基础的颜⾊隐喻研究428隐喻认知功能研究的新视⾓429隐喻与⼀词多义的关系438英汉被动句对⽐研究439英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因。
英语专业毕业论文范文As an English major, writing a graduation thesis is an essential part of the academic journey. It is a culmination of years of study, research, and critical thinking. In this paper, we will explore an example of an English major graduation thesis, focusing on the structure, content, and style of the paper.The first section of the thesis is the introduction, which provides an overview of the topic, the research question, and the significance of the study. It also includes a brief literature review to provide context for the research. The introduction should be engaging and informative, setting the stage for the rest of the paper.The next section is the theoretical framework, where the writer discusses the theoretical perspectives and concepts that will inform the analysis. This section demonstrates the writer's understanding of relevant theories and their application to the research topic.Following the theoretical framework is the methodology section, which outlines the research methods and procedures used in the study. This section should be detailed and transparent, allowing the reader to understand how the research was conducted and how thedata was collected and analyzed.The main body of the thesis consists of the analysis and findings. This section presents the results of the research and provides a detailed analysis of the data. The writer should use appropriate evidence to support their arguments and draw meaningful conclusions from the findings.In the conclusion, the writer summarizes the key findings and their implications. This section should also discuss the limitations of the study and suggest directions for future research. The conclusion should leave the reader with a clear understanding of the significance of the research and its contribution to the field.Throughout the thesis, the writer should maintain a clear and concise writing style, using appropriate language and terminology for the field of study. The paper should also be well-organized, with logical transitions between sections and paragraphs.In conclusion, writing a graduation thesis as an English major is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By following a clear structure and maintaining a high standard of writing, the writer can produce athesis that demonstrates their knowledge, critical thinking, and research skills. This example serves as a guide for English major students to craft their own graduation theses, showcasing their academic achievements and contributing to the field of English studies.。
论文题目:基于跨文化交际视角的英语专业学生跨文化能力培养研究摘要:关键词:跨文化交际;英语专业;跨文化能力;培养策略第一章引言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的与意义1.3 研究方法与论文结构第二章文献综述2.1 跨文化交际理论概述2.2 英语专业学生跨文化能力研究现状2.3 跨文化能力培养策略研究第三章英语专业学生跨文化能力现状分析3.1 英语专业学生跨文化能力现状调查3.2 英语专业学生跨文化能力存在的问题第四章跨文化能力培养策略4.1 课程设置与教学内容改革4.2 教学方法与手段创新4.3 实践教学与文化交流4.4 跨文化能力评价体系构建第五章案例分析5.1 案例一:跨文化交际课程设计5.2 案例二:跨文化实践活动组织5.3 案例三:跨文化能力评价体系实施第六章结论与建议6.1 研究结论6.2 对英语专业教学改革的建议附录:[此处可附上相关调查问卷、访谈记录等资料]摘要:关键词:跨文化交际;英语专业;跨文化能力;培养策略第一章引言1.1 研究背景随着经济全球化和文化交流的深入,跨文化交际能力在职场、学术和社会生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
1.2 研究目的与意义1.3 研究方法与论文结构本研究采用文献研究法、调查法和案例分析法。
第二章文献综述2.1 跨文化交际理论概述跨文化交际理论主要包括文化差异理论、交际障碍理论、交际适应理论等。
2.2 英语专业学生跨文化能力研究现状近年来,国内外学者对英语专业学生跨文化能力的研究主要集中在跨文化交际能力的构成、培养策略等方面。
2.3 跨文化能力培养策略研究跨文化能力培养策略主要包括课程设置、教学方法、实践教学和文化交流等方面。
第三章英语专业学生跨文化能力现状分析3.1 英语专业学生跨文化能力现状调查(1)对文化差异的认识不足;(2)跨文化交际技巧缺乏;(3)跨文化交际意识薄弱。
英语专业大学毕业论文Title: The Significance of English Major's Graduation Thesis in Higher EducationIntroduction:The graduation thesis is a pivotal component of the English major's undergraduate education. It serves as a comprehensive evaluation of the student's academic abilities, research skills, and command of the English language. This article explores the significance of the English major's graduation thesis in higher education, highlighting its impact on intellectual growth, career prospects, and contribution to the field of study.1. Intellectual Growth:The completion of a graduation thesis provides English majors an opportunity to delve deeply into a specific area of interest within their field. This process fosters intellectual growth by encouraging critical thinking, independent research, and analytical skills. Engaging in extensive literature review, data collection, and analysis allows students to expand their knowledge base, develop an argumentative mindset, and enhance their overall understanding of the subject matter.2. Research Skills:The graduation thesis requires English majors to conduct extensive research, enabling them to develop and refine their research skills. Through the process of selecting a research topic, formulating research questions, and designing appropriate research methodologies, students learn to critically evaluate existing literature, organize their thoughts, and conduct effective data collection. These skills are crucial for future academic pursuits or professional careers that rely heavily on research and analysis.3. Language Proficiency:Writing the graduation thesis in English not only exhibits a student's language proficiency but also further develops their command of the language. Researching, organizing, and presenting ideas in a coherent and logical manner contributes to strengthening written communication skills. Moreover, the revision and proofreading process helps to refine grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, leading to enhanced language abilities. This comprehensive language training will greatly benefit students when pursuing higher degrees or when applying for jobs that demand strong communication skills.4. Career Prospects:The graduation thesis plays a crucial role in shaping the career prospects of English majors. Completing a thesis demonstrates the ability to work independently, conduct research, and produce a significant piece of scholarly writing. Employers in various fields recognize the value of these skills, making English majors highly sought after in diverse job markets. The thesis serves as tangible evidence of the student's intellectual capabilities and commitment to academic excellence, significantly enhancing their competitiveness in the job market.5. Contribution to the Field:English major graduation theses contribute to the overall development and advancement of the field of study. Through their research, students often generate new insights, challenge existing theories, and propose innovative ideas. As they expand the boundaries of knowledge within the discipline, their work can serve as a foundation for future studies. By sharing their findings in academic conferences or publishing their work in respected journals, English majors actively contribute to the advancement of the field.Conclusion:The English major's graduation thesis is a vital component of higher education, fostering intellectual growth, honing researchskills, enhancing language proficiency, and establishing promising career prospects. It serves as a culmination of the student's undergraduate journey, reflecting their dedication, skills, and academic achievements. Furthermore, its contribution to the field of study cannot be overstated, as students become active participants in the pursuit of knowledge. The graduation thesis is indeed a significant milestone for English majors, shaping their academic and professional lives.。
如,ZG 人较为含蓄,而美国人则较为直率。
计算机辅助语言学习( puter - assisted languagelearning)在我国已经得到重视和应用,并使许多新的教育理念在英语教学中得以实现。
Henri Holec提出,学校应该设立两个教学目标:一是帮助学生获得语言和交际能力;二是帮助学生获得自主学习能力。
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大学专科英语专业毕业论文浅议商务英语的译翻译技巧[摘要] 随着国际贸易和国际营销等跨国商务运作的日益频繁,商务英语翻译作为一种交流手段和媒介起着至关重要的作用。
试看下面几个例子:1.they cannot obtain credit at all in the trade. 他们生意信誉已荡然无存。
2.they have opened the covering credit with the bank of china,london.他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。
以上两个句子credit 词义都有所区别。
1.名词与动词的互相转译, 如:before the payment of these tariffs, the imported goods will bein the custody of the customs.交关税前, 进口货物由海关保管。
由于语法限制, 只有用名词形式,但译成汉语时,“payment”译作“交”2 . 介词与动词的互相转译在许多场合下, 介词转译成动词时, 需要依据上下文进行引申,具体地进行翻译。
如:we should advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements.建议你方与他们取得联系, 洽购所需商品。
例如:the arrivals do not conform to the sample.如果将arrival这个词的词义直接放入译文,显然不能正确表达原文的意义,所以需要进一步的引申。
如:all cash bonus shall be subject to income tax.所有现金红利,均须缴纳所得税。
如:on condition that you sign this receipt, i will pay the money.你在收据上签字,我就付款。
如价格常用术语fob,cif 有其特定的专业内容,又如c.w.o定货付款;b/l 提货单;l/c 信用证;c.o.d 货到付现;w.p.a 水渍险;blue chip 蓝筹股、绩优股;bad debt 呆账,等等。
参考文献:[1]葛平:外贸英语函电[m].上海财经大学出版社,2021[2]余富林等着:商务英语翻译[m].北京:中国商务出版社,2021[3]李平:国际经贸英语教程[m].中国国际广播出版社,1999[4]王学文:新编经贸口译教程[m].中国对外经济贸易出版社,2001[5]陈苏东陈建平:商务英语翻译[m].高等教育出版社,2021[6]王治奎:大学英汉翻译教程[m].山东大学出版社,2021[7]曾蕙兰:进出口实用英语[m].外文出版社,2021[8]冯庆华:实用翻译教程[m].上海外语教育出版社,2021浅议商务英语函电的清楚原则摘要: 撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中清楚原则是最基本的原则之一, 但国内以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究尚不多见。
本文针对清楚原则的运用, 分别从词语与句子等方面进行了论述。
文章认为: 商务英语函电应尽量使用简单词语, 并注意代词的指代; 句子表达要求重点突出, 而且要有一定的连贯性。
撰写高水平的商务英语函电通常要遵守七个原则, 其中, 清楚原则是七个原则中最基本的原则之一。
在现有的商务英语函电研究成果中, 以清楚原则为依据进行的应用研究较少看到。
为此, 笔者拟探讨清楚原则在商务英语函电中的运用, 以帮助国际商务人士提高商务英语函电写作水平。
一、商务英语函电的清楚原则清楚原则包含三方面: 1 一个句子包含一个意思; 2 句子之间应有逻辑关系; 3以简单、直接的方法表达。
[1]清楚的表达, 能避免误会, 甚至贸易纠纷。
比如说, “fluctuation in theexchange rate after the date of contract signing will befor thebuyer’saccount.”[1] “fluctuation in the exchange rate”包括了汇率的上涨和跌落两种情况。
如果不表达清楚, 买卖双方就会对汇率的涨落产生纠纷。
, 商务英语函电撰写的过程中要始终贯彻清楚的原则。
上述例子若想表达“合同生效后汇率的波动由买方承担”, 原句子可改为“any i ncreaseordecrease in the exchange rate after the date of contract signingwillbe for the buyer’s account.”二、清楚原则的运用1 词语的运用1词语的准确无误当你明确了要表达的想法时, 要注意选用清晰、简单的词语, 准确无误地表达你要传达的信息。
有些写信人认为复杂、深奥的词汇会让信件看起来更有水平, 更重要些。
然而, 复杂的词汇会增加对方读信的难度,甚至引起理解上的误会。
通常, 商务英语函电的撰写适合采用简单易懂的词汇。
2 代词的指代注意代词指代的对象和关系代词前后的逻辑关系。
一般来说, 代词和关系代词用以修饰离它们最近的名词, 并且与所指代的名词保持人称上和数量上的一致。
但代词的不恰当运用, 会引起表达上的歧义。
试看以下的句子: they informedmessrs. smith and richardson that they would receive an answerin afewdays.[1]在这个句子中, 第二个“they”指代谁呢? 是整个句子的主语“they”还是“messrs. smith and richardson”呢? 这里就产生了歧义。
如何清楚地表达? 比如原意想表达“smith和richardson两位先生将在近期内得到答复”, 原句子可改为:“they informed messrs . smith and richardsonthat the latterwould receive an answer in a fewdays.”这样的话, “t he latter”指代“messrs. smith and richardson”, 指代清楚, 句子意思明确。
3 修饰词的位置同一修饰词在句子的不同位置, 句子意思和侧重点将完全不同。
试比较以下两个句子: ①we can supply 100 tons of theitemonly. ②we can supply only 100 tons of the item.在第一个句子中, “only”修饰“the item”, 意思是只提供这种项目, 没有其它的项目。
而在第二个句子中,“only”是修饰“100 tons”, 意思是只提供100吨, 没有更多了。
故修饰词在句子中的位置不同,其所修饰的词就不同, 意思也将有所不同, 书写商务英语函电时一定要注意这一点。
此外, 修饰词的位置应该是紧跟着或者靠近它所修饰的词语。
试比较以下两个句子: ①they bought a bicycle in a smallshop in beijing which costs $ 25.00. ②they bought a bicycle for$25.00 in a small shop in beijing. “$25.00”是修饰“bicycle”,说明这一辆自行车的价格, 应该靠近它所修饰的词语“bicycle”。
第一个句子“which costs $ 25.00”应移到“bicycle”后面。
第二个句子不用定语从句, 直接用介词“for” 带出自行车的价格“$25.00”, 修饰词位置正确, 整个句子简洁、清楚易懂。
2 句子的逻辑结构分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语要保持一致。
[4]试分析以下句子: “being an expertin inte rnational trade, i’m sure youhave experience of solving this kind of problem.”在这个句子中,句子的主语是“i”, 而分词的逻辑主语是“you”。