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I believe you will take this matter into serious consideration and give a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. If it is not properly settled, I would complain to the Consumers’ Association. At the same time, I sincerely hope that you will review your management system. I would be glad to see improvement in your restaurant and I look forward to a day when I can really enjoy a pleasant meal at your restaurant.
投诉信 开头段:说明与收信人的相关性,表明写作 意图。 主体段:投诉的原因 1 理由 2 体现方式 3 感受、心情,建议 结尾段:解决问题的强烈愿望 对所做努力表示感谢 希望尽快答复
几天前你全家到一家饭店吃饭,你对饭店的服务及饭菜质量非常不满意. 回家后,由于饭菜的不卫生,你和你爸爸肚子疼且拉肚子(have loose bowels)。现写封信给饭店经理,谈谈你那天的经理和感受,并要求尽 快得到满意答复。
1. I am writing to you to complain about … 2. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with… 3. To improve the situation, it is advisable to take the following measures. For one thing, … For another, … 4. I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation. 5. If it is not properly settled, I would like to demand a refund, or I would complain to the Consumer’ Association. 6. We believe that you will take this matter seriously from now on and make every effort to prevent it s recurrence.
道歉信 开头段:表明写作意图,不过对某事表示 歉意。 主体段:说明道歉的原因 结尾段:再次表明歉意,请求谅解,表示 愿意为此做补救。
1. 2. 3. 4.
I must apologize to you for… I am awfully sorry that… It is inconsiderate of me to do… I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you. 5. I sincerely hope that you can understand that I offended you unintentionally. 6. I regret to inform you that I am unable to do… 7. Please accept my sincere apology for … once more. 8. I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my apologies. 9. I am so sorry to have put you to so much trouble.
求职信 开头段:表明信息来源,说明写作意图 主体段:介绍相关工作经历、学习经历、 个人个性,以表明你可以胜任这个职位。 结尾段:表明强ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้的盼望,并希望得到尽 快的答复
1. I have read your advertisement in …of June 24 for a secretary, and should be grateful if you consider me favorably as a candidate for the position. 2. I am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a pos as a …with your firm. 3. I am keen to apply for a job vacancy with your company. 4. I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience. 5. I graduated with a BA degree in…(major)from…(school)in…(year). 6. I believe that I am well qualified, both psychologically and academically, for the post. 7. I have a fair mastery of … 8. I am available for an interview any moment. Please contact me at…(phone number) 9. If you have any position available, please grant me a job interview. Thank you for your time and consideration. 10 I can come for an interview at your convenience. 11 I hope you would take my application into account favorably and entitle me to an interview. 12 I have enclosed my resume with this letter.
感谢信 开头段:表明写作意图,向对方表示谢 意。 主体段:高度评价对方的帮助,列举为 何对对方心存感激 结尾段:再次表明谢意
1. I am grateful to you for… 2. I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done. 3. I am thankful to you for your unselfish assistance during… 4. I deeply appreciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding your kindness. 5. I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered me. 6. My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond my words. I wish I could repay it some day. 7. Words fail to me when I want to express my gratitude to you. 8. Again, I would like to express our warm thanks to you.
邀请信 开头段:表明写作意图,向对方发出邀 请。 主体段:说明邀请的具体原因,邀请的 内容 结尾段:表明强烈的盼望,并希望得到 尽快的答复
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I am pleased to invite you to participate in… It is my pleasure to invite you to … I hope that you won’t decline my invitation. I will cover all the expenses involved. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation? 6. We do hope you will be able to accept our invitation. 7. Do you agree to my arrangement? If you could prefer different arrangements, we shall fit in with them. 8. I am looking forward to your reply, and eventually, seeing you.
Dear Manager, I am a resident living near your restaurant, who always goes to dine at your restaurant with family members and friends. Now I am writing to complain about the poor service you offered to me several days ago and hope you wold investigate the matter. Last weekend, my family and I went to celebrate my mother’s birthday at your restaurant, which is said to be famous for its first-rate service and high quality food. But I am completely disappointed at what I experienced there. Firstly, your waiters and waitresses were impolite to the guests. They all wore long faces as if we had offended them. When we asked for some hot water , one of them just turned a deaf ear to our request. Moreover, the sanitary situation was far from satisfactory, the floor covered with dirty water, and flies buzzing over our heads. Worst of all, the food served was badly made and of low quality. We found sand and even little stones in the rice and some roaches in the soup. How nauseating it was! Soon after we got home, my father and I suffered from stomachache and had loose bowels.
开头段:表明写作意图,写信目的:寻求 什么样的信息或帮助。
主体段:询问具体问题,强调其重要性 结尾段:表达获取信息的强烈愿望,提供 方法,表示感谢。
1. I would like to inquire about some information about… 2. I shall be grateful if you could have details concerning … available. 3. I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain… 4. I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with certain essential information with regard to the following aspects. 5. I would be much obliges to you if you could inform me of… 6. You prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be greatly appreciated. 7. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.