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1. My brother doesn't like playing____chess. He likes playing______ violin.

A.the: the B.the; a C./; the D.the;/

2. IPhone is not as popular as it _________as HUAWEI phones lead the market now.

A.used to B.was used to be C.used to be D.used to being

3. --- I haven’t seen Jim for a long time. Where ______ he_______?

---To Nanjing. He’ ll ______ home in two weeks.

A.has: gone;return to B.has: gone;return

C.has: been;return D.has: been;return to

4. Mr Black lives in a_______house in the country, but he never feels________.

A.alone: lonely B.lonely, alone C.alone; alone D.lonely; lonely

5. -Have you finished your housework ?

-Yes, I've done that .

A.yet; already B.already; yet C.ever; never D.still; just

6. ---Could you tell me how long_______the Birdwatching Society?

---___________I began to study here.

A.have you joined; For B.have you been in: For

C.you have joined; Since D.you have been in: Since

7. I always feel__________nervous the night before the exam.

A.a bit B.a bit of C.a little of D.a bit little

8. We were all very__________since we_____ the top of the mountain at last.

A.exciting: got to B.excited; arrived

C.exciting; arrived D.excited: reached

9. --- Is your father in?

---No, he_____ out _______a meeting for three days.

A.has been: for B.has been; to

C.went: for D.has gone; to

10. ---When did you go to university?


A.For five years B.Since five years ago

C.In five years D.Five years ago


11. Amy spent half a day ______ her room _______the lost watch.A .looking; for C .searching ;for

12. I heard something falling _______the darkness when walking______ the corner.A .across: past B .across, passed C .through; past

D .through, passed

13. How long has your father__________your mother?A .married

B .married to

C .been married to

D .get married to

14. ---I haven’t seen your daughter for years.Where is she now ?---She _______ New York City for further study since 2017.A .has gone to B .has arrived in C .has been in

D .has been to

15. There _____________in spring in Wuxi, but the weather there is usually nice at this time of year.A .may have rain B .may be rainy C .may be rain

D .must have rain

16. ---I'm going on a trip to Japan after the exam.-Really?!_________!A .Have a nice time B .You've done a good job C .Anyway, congratulations

D .It's really nice of you

D .to search;for

B .to look; for
