安捷伦 7890A 气相色谱仪安全手册说明书
Agilent 7890AGas Chromatograph Safety ManualNotices© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009, 2011No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including elec-tronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agree-ment and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by United States and international copyright laws. Manual Part NumberG3430-90013EditionFourth edition, June 2011Third edition, May 2009Second edition, December 2007First edition, February 2007Printed in USA and ChinaAgilent Technologies, Inc.2850 Centerville Road Wilmington, DE 19808-1610 USA安捷伦科技(上海)有限公司上海市浦东新区外高桥保税区英伦路412号联系电话:(800)820 3278WarrantyThe material contained in thisdocument is provided “as is,” andis subject to being changed,without notice, in future editions.Further, to the maximum extentpermitted by applicable law,Agilent disclaims all warranties,either express or implied, withregard to this manual and anyinformation contained herein,including but not limited to theimplied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose. Agilent shallnot be liable for errors or forincidental or consequentialdamages in connection with thefurnishing, use, or performance ofthis document or of anyinformation contained herein.Should Agilent and the user havea separate written agreementwith warranty terms covering thematerial in this document thatconflict with these terms, thewarranty terms in the separateagreement shall control.Safety NoticesA CAUTION notice denotes ahazard. It calls attention to anoperating procedure, practice, orthe like that, if not correctlyperformed or adhered to, couldresult in damage to the product orloss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.A WARNING notice denotes ahazard. It calls attention to anoperating procedure, practice, orthe like that, if not correctlyperformed or adhered to, couldresult in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond aWARNING notice until theindicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.Agilent 7890A Gas ChromatographSafety Manual1IntroductionImportant Safety Warnings 4Hydrogen Safety 7Micro-Electron Capture Detector (µECD) 14 Fuses and Batteries 16Safety and Regulatory Certifications 17 Intended Use 20Cleaning 20Recycling the Product 20IntroductionImportant Safety WarningsBefore moving on, there are several important safety notices that youshould always keep in mind when using the Agilent 7890A GC.When handling/using chemicals for preparation or use within the GC, all applicablelocal and national laboratory safety practices must be followed. This would include,but is not limited to, correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), correct useof storage vials, and correct handling of chemicals, as defined in the laboratory’sinternal safety analysis and standard operating procedures. Failure to adhere tolaboratory safety practices could lead to injury or death.Many internal parts of the GC carry dangerous voltagesIf the GC is connected to a power source, even if the power switch is off,potentially dangerous voltages exist on:•The wiring between the GC power cord and the AC power supply, the AC power supply itself, and the wiring from the AC power supply tothe power switch.With the power switch on, potentially dangerous voltages also exist on:•All electronics boards in the instrument.•The internal wires and cables connected to these boards.•The wires for any heater (oven, detector, inlet, or valve box).All these parts are shielded by covers. With the covers in place, it should be difficultto accidentally make contact with dangerous voltages. Unless specificallyinstructed to, never remove a cover unless the detector, inlet, or oven are turned off.If the power cord insulation is frayed or worn, the cord must be replaced. Contactyour Agilent service representative.IntroductionDo not use an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) with a GCIf the area where the GC is located suddenly looses power, an unsafecondition can result if the GC remains powered on. Do not use the GCwith a UPS.Electrostatic discharge is a threat to GC electronicsThe printed circuit (PC) boards in the GC can be damaged by electrostaticdischarge. Do not touch any of the boards unless it is absolutelynecessary. If you must handle them, wear a grounded wrist strap and takeother antistatic precautions. Wear a grounded wrist strap any time youmust remove the GC right side cover.Many parts are dangerously hotMany parts of the GC operate at temperatures high enough to causeserious burns. These parts include but are not limited to:•The inlets•The oven and its contents•The detectors•The column nuts attaching the column to an inlet or detector•The valve boxYou should always cool these areas of the GC to room temperature beforeworking on them. They will cool faster if you first set the temperature ofthe heated zone to room temperature. Turn the zone off after it hasreached the setpoint. If you must perform maintenance on hot parts, use awrench and wear thermally protective gloves. Whenever possible, cool thepart of the instrument that you will be maintaining before you beginworking on it.Be careful when working behind the instrument. During cool-down cycles, the GCemits hot exhaust which can cause burns.IntroductionThe insulation around the inlets, detectors, valve box, and the insulation cups ismade of refractory ceramic fibers. To avoid inhaling fiber particles, we recommendthe following safety procedures: ventilate your work area; wear long sleeves,gloves, safety glasses, and a disposable dust/mist respirator; dispose of insulationin a sealed plastic bag; wash your hands with mild soap and cold water afterhandling the insulation.Oven thermal leaksObjects passing through the oven door seal can cause thermal leaks which createhazardous hot spots which cause burns and melt equipment.Do not allow wiring or temperature probes to pass through the oven doorjam. Agilent recommends using one of the access holes.Introduction Hydrogen SafetyHydrogen gas may be used as carrier gas, and/or as fuel for the FID, FPD,and NPD. When mixed with air, hydrogen can form explosive mixtures.When using hydrogen (H2) as the carrier gas or fuel gas, be aware that hydrogengas can flow into the GC oven and create an explosion hazard. Therefore, be surethat the supply is turned off until all connections are made and ensure that the inletand detector column fittings are either connected to a column or capped at all timeswhen hydrogen gas is supplied to the instrument.Hydrogen is flammable. Leaks, when confined in an enclosed space, may create afire or explosion hazard. In any application using hydrogen, leak test allconnections, lines, and valves before operating the instrument. Always turn off thehydrogen supply at its source before working on the instrument.Hydrogen is a commonly used GC carrier gas. Hydrogen is potentiallyexplosive and has other dangerous characteristics.•Hydrogen is combustible over a wide range of concentrations. Atatmospheric pressure, hydrogen is combustible at concentrations from4% to 74.2% by volume.•Hydrogen has the highest burning velocity of any gas.•Hydrogen has a very low ignition energy.•Hydrogen that is allowed to expand rapidly from high pressure into the atmosphere can self-ignite due to an electrostatic spark.•Hydrogen burns with a nonluminous flame which can be invisible under bright light.GC precautionsWhen using hydrogen as a carrier gas, remove the large round plasticcover for the MSD transfer line located on the GC left side panel. In theunlikely event of an explosion, this cover may dislodge.IntroductionHydrogen shutdownHydrogen gas may be used as a carrier or as fuel for some detectors.When mixed with air, hydrogen can form explosive mixtures.The GC monitors inlet and auxiliary gas streams. If a stream shuts downbecause it is unable to reach its flow or pressure setpoint and if thatstream is configured to use hydrogen, the GC assumes that a leak hasoccurred and declares a hydrogen safety shutdown. The effects are:•The offending channel and any associated channels (such as septumpurge) are set off.•The split valves in the split/splitless and PTV inlets open.•The oven (heater and fan) turns off.•The small heated zones are turned off.•An alarm tone sounds.To recover from this state, fix the cause of the shutdown (tank valveclosed, serious leak, others). Turn the instrument off, then back on.The GC cannot always detect leaks in inlet and/or detector gas streams. For thisreason, it is vital that column fittings should always be either connected to acolumn, or have a cap or plug installed. The H2 streams must be configured forhydrogen so that the GC is aware of hydrogen use.IntroductionDangers unique to GC/MSD operationHydrogen presents a number of dangers. Some are general, others areunique to GC or GC/MSD operation. Dangers include, but are not limitedto:•Combustion of leaking hydrogen.•Combustion due to rapid expansion of hydrogen from a high-pressure cylinder.•Accumulation of hydrogen in the GC oven and subsequent combustion (see your GC documentation and the label on the top edge of the GCoven door).•Accumulation of hydrogen in the MSD and subsequent combustion. Hydrogen accumulation in a GC/MSDThe GC/MSD cannot always detect leaks in inlet and/or detector gas streams. Forthis reason, it is vital that column fittings should always be either connected to acolumn, or have a cap or plug installed. The H2 streams must be configured forhydrogen so that the GC is aware of hydrogen use.All users should be aware of the mechanisms by which hydrogen canaccumulate (Table 1) and know what precautions to take if they know orsuspect that hydrogen has accumulated. Note that these mechanisms applyto all mass spectrometers, including the GC/MSD.Table 1Potential hydrogen accumulation mechanisms in GC/MSDMechanism ResultsMass spectrometer turned off A mass spectrometer can be shut downdeliberately. It can also be shut down accidentallyby an internal or external failure. A massspectrometer shutdown does not shut off the flowof carrier gas. As a result, hydrogen may slowlyaccumulate in the mass spectrometer.IntroductionMass spectrometer automated isolation valves closed Some mass spectrometers are equipped with automated diffusion pump isolation valves. In these instruments, deliberate operator action or various failures can cause the isolation valves to close. Isolation valve closure does not shut off the flow of carrier gas. As a result, hydrogen may slowly accumulate in the mass spectrometer.Mass spectrometer manual isolation valves closed Some mass spectrometers are equipped with manual diffusion pump isolation valves. In these instruments, the operator can close the isolation valves. Closing the isolation valves does not shut off the flow of carrier gas. As a result, hydrogen may slowly accumulate in the mass spectrometer.GC off A GC can be shut down deliberately. It can also be shut down accidentally by an internal or external failure. Different GCs react in different ways. If a 7890A GC equipped with Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) is shut off, the EPC stops the flow of carrier gas. If the carrier flow is not under EPC control, the flow increases to its maximum. This flow may be more than some mass spectrometers can pump away, resulting in the accumulation of hydrogen in the mass spectrometer. If the mass spectrometer is shut off at the same time, the accumulation can be fairly rapid.Power failure If the power fails, both the GC and mass spectrometer shut down. The carrier gas, however, is not necessarily shut down. As described previously, in some GCs a power failure may cause the carrier gas flow to be set to maximum. As a result, hydrogen may accumulate in the mass spectrometer.Table 1Potential hydrogen accumulation mechanisms in GC/MSD (continued)Mechanism ResultsPrecautionsTake the following precautions when operating a GC/MSD system with hydrogen carrier gas.Equipment precautionYou MUST make sure the front side-plate thumbscrew is fastenedfinger-tight. Do not overtighten the thumbscrew; it can cause air leaks.Major GC leaks or a column is missing or brokenIf the GC is off and configured for hydrogen, therear oven flap is open to vent out the hydrogen.Proper lab venting, as described in the Site Prepmanual, is recommended. If there is a significantleak, such as a missing column, the GC inlet, PCM,and Aux are provided with flow limiting frits tominimize any hydrogen accumulation within theoven. When the GC is on, major leaks are detectedautomatically.Table 1Potential hydrogen accumulation mechanisms in GC/MSD (continued)Mechanism ResultsOnce hydrogen has accumulated in a system, extreme caution must be used when removing it. Incorrect startup of a system filled with hydrogen can cause an explosion.After a power failure, the mass spectrometer may start up and begin the pumpdown process by itself. This does not guarantee that all hydrogen has been removed from the system or that the explosion hazard has been removed.Failure to secure your MSD as described above greatly increases the chance of personal injury in the event of an explosion.You must remove the plastic cover over the glass window on the front of a 5975 MSD. In the unlikely event of an explosion, this cover may dislodge.General laboratory precautions•Avoid leaks in the carrier gas lines. Use leak-checking equipment to periodically check for hydrogen leaks.•Eliminate from your laboratory as many ignition sources as possible (open flames, devices that can spark, sources of static electricity, etc.).•Do not allow hydrogen from a high pressure cylinder to vent directly to atmosphere (danger of self-ignition).•Use a hydrogen generator instead of bottled hydrogen.•Provide proper system ventilation as described in the Site Prep manual. Operating precautions•Turn off the hydrogen at its source every time you shut down the GC or MSD.•Turn off the hydrogen at its source every time you vent the MSD (do not heat the capillary column without carrier gas flow).•Turn off the hydrogen at its source every time isolation valves in an MSD are closed (do not heat the capillary column without carrier gas flow).•Turn off the hydrogen at its source if a power failure occurs.•If a power failure occurs while the GC/MSD system is unattended, even if the system has restarted by itself:1Immediately turn off the hydrogen at its source.2Turn off the GC.3Turn off the MSD and allow it to cool for 1 hour.4Eliminate all potential sources of ignition in the room.5Open the vacuum manifold of the MSD to atmosphere.6Wait at least 10 minutes to allow any hydrogen to dissipate.7Start up the GC and MSD as normal.When using hydrogen gas, check the system for leaks to prevent possiblefire and explosion hazards based on local Environmental Health andSafety (EHS) requirements. Always check for leaks after changing a tankor servicing the gas lines. Always make sure the vent line is vented into afume hood.Measuring hydrogen gas flowsDo not measure hydrogen together with air or oxygen. This can create explosivemixtures that may be ignited by the automatic ignitor.To avoid this hazard:Turn the automatic ignitor off before you begin.Always measure gases separately.When measuring gas flows on a detector using hydrogen for the detectorflame or carrier gas, measure the hydrogen flow separately. Never allowan air stream to enter when hydrogen is present in the flow meter.Micro-Electron Capture Detector (µECD)The µECD contains a cell plated with 63Ni, a radioactive isotope. The betaparticles released at the energy level in the detector have little penetratingpower—the surface layer of the skin or a few sheets of paper will stopmost of them—but they may be hazardous if the isotope is ingested orinhaled. For this reason, handle the cell with care. Cap the detector inletand outlet fittings when the detector is not in use. Never introducecorrosive chemicals into the detector. Vent detector exhaust outside thelaboratory environment.Refer to the safety documentation provided with the detector forimportant details about safety, maintenance, and compliance with localgovernment regulation.Materials that may react with the 63Ni source, either to form volatile products or tocause physical degradation of the plated film, must be avoided. These materialsinclude oxidizing compounds, acids, wet halogens, wet nitric acid, ammoniumhydroxide, hydrogen sulfide, PCPs, and carbon monoxide. This list is not exhaustivebut indicates the kinds of compounds that may cause damage to 63Ni detectors.In the extremely unlikely event that the oven or the detector-heated zone should gointo thermal runaway (maximum, uncontrolled heating in excess of 400 °C) and thedetector remains exposed to this condition for more than 12 hours, take thefollowing steps:1After turning off the main power and allowing the instrument to cool to roomtemperature, cap the detector inlet and exhaust vent openings. Wear disposableplastic gloves and observe normal laboratory safety precautions.2Contact your local Agilent Technologies sales office or distributor for ECD disposal instructions3Include a letter stating the condition of abuse.It is unlikely, even in this very unusual situation, that radioactive material willescape the cell. However, permanent damage to the 63Ni plating within the cell ispossible; therefore, the cell must be returned for exchange.Do not use solvents to clean the µECD.You may not open the µECD cell unless authorized to do so by your local nuclear regulatory agency. Do not disturb the four socket-head bolts. These hold the cell halves together. United States customers removing or disturbing them is a violation of the terms of the exemption and could create a safety hazard.When handling µECDs:•Never eat, drink, or smoke.•Always wear safety glasses when working with or near open µECDs.•Wear protective clothing such as laboratory jackets, safety glasses, and gloves, and follow good laboratory practices. Wash hands thoroughly with a mild nonabrasive cleaner after handling µECDs.•Cap the inlet and outlet fittings when the µECD is not in use.•Connect the µECD exhaust vent to a fume hood or vent it to the outside. See the latest revision of 10 CFR Part 20 (including AppendixB), or the applicable state regulation. For other countries, consult withthe appropriate agency for equivalent requirements.Agilent Technologies recommends a vent line internal diameter of 6 mm (1/4-inch) or greater. With a line of this diameter, the length is not critical.Fuses and BatteriesThe GC requires fuses and batteries for proper operation. These must onlybe accessed by Agilent trained service personnel.Table 2AC board fusesFuse designation Line voltage Fuse rating and typeF1, F2All20 A, 250 Vac, IEC 127 type f (non-time delay),ceramic bodyF3, F4All8 A, 250 Vac, IEC type f (non-time delay),glass bodyTable 3Logic board batteryBattery designation Battery rating and typeBT13-volt lithium-poly carbon battery, .048A-HR,Panasonic model BR 1225Safety and Regulatory CertificationsThe Agilent 7890A GC conforms to the following safety standards:•Canadian Standards Association (CSA): C22.2 No. 1010.1•CSA/Nationally Recognized Test L aboratory (NRTL): UL 61010•International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): 61010–1•EuroNorm (EN): 61010–1The Agilent 7890A GC conforms to the following regulations onElectromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Radio Frequency Interference(RFI):•CISPR 11/EN 55011: Group 1, Class A•IEC/EN 61326•AUS/NZThis ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001. Cet appareil ISM estconforme a la norme NMB—001 du Canada.The Agilent 7890A GC is designed and manufactured under a qualitysystem registered to ISO 9001.Instructions for Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in the EuropeanUnion. This symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that thisproduct must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is yourresponsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by handing it over to adesignated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical andelectronic equipment. The separate collection and recycling of your wasteequipment at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources andensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and theenvironment. For more information about where you can drop off yourwaste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city recyclingoffice or the dealer from whom you originally purchased the product.InformationThe Agilent Technologies 7890A Gas Chromatograph meets the followingIEC (International Electro-technical Commission) classifications: SafetyClass I, Transient Overvoltage Category II, Pollution Degree 2.This unit has been designed and tested in accordance with recognizedsafety standards and is designed for use indoors in non-classifiedlocations. If the instrument is used in a manner not specified by themanufacturer, the protection provided by the instrument may be impaired.Whenever the safety protection of the Agilent 7890A Gas Chromatographhas been compromised, disconnect the unit from all power sources andsecure the unit against unintended operation.Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. Substituting parts orperforming any unauthorized modification to the instrument may result ina safety hazard.SymbolsWarnings in the manual or on the instrument must be observed during allphases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure tocomply with these precautions violates safety standards of design and theintended use of the instrument. Agilent Technologies assumes no liabilityfor the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.See accompanying instructions for moreinformation.Indicates a hot surface.Indicates hazardous voltages.Indicates earth (ground) terminal.Indicates potential explosion hazard.Electromagnetic compatibilityThis device complies with the requirements of CISPR 11. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:•This device may not cause harmful interference.•This device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try one or more of the following measures:1Relocate the radio or antenna.2Move the device away from the radio or television.3Plug the device into a different electrical outlet, so that the device and the radio or television are on separate electrical circuits.4Make sure that all peripheral devices are also certified.5Make sure that appropriate cables are used to connect the device to peripheral equipment.6Consult your equipment dealer, Agilent Technologies, or an experienced technician for assistance.7Changes or modifications not expressly approved by AgilentTechnologies could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Indicates radioactivity hazard.Indicates electrostatic discharge hazard.Indicates a hazard. See the Agilent 7890A GC user documentation for the itemlabeled.Indicates that you must not discard thiselectrical/electronic product in domestichousehold wasteSound Emission Certification for Federal Republic of GermanySound pressureSound pressure L p < 70 dB(A) according to DIN-EN 27779.SchalldruckpegelSchalldruckpegel L P < 70 dB(A) nach DIN-EN 27779.Intended UseAgilent products must only be used in the manner described in theAgilent product user guides. Any other use may result in damage to theproduct or personal injury. Agilent is not responsible for any damagescaused, in whole or in part, by improper use of the products,unauthorized alterations, adjustments or modifications to the products,failure to comply with procedures in Agilent product user guides, or useof the products in violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations. CleaningTo clean the unit, disconnect the power and wipe down with a damp,lint-free cloth.Recycling the ProductFor recycling, contact your local Agilent sales office.。
7890A型安捷伦 气相操作手册
2、范围:适用于Agilent 7890A,FID检测器及Chemstation软件的气相色谱仪。
3、责任者:操作者4、程序:4.1 操作前准备4.1.1 色谱柱的检查与安装首先打开柱温箱门看是否是所需用的色谱柱,若不是则旋下毛细管柱按进样口和检测器的螺母,卸下毛细管柱。
4.1.2 气体流量的调节4.1.2.1 载气(N2 or He)开启氮气钢瓶高压阀前,首先检查低压阀的调节杆应处于释放状态,打开高压阀,缓缓旋动低压阀的调节杆,调节至约0.4~0.6MPa。 氢气打开氢气钢瓶or氢气发生器主阀,调节输出压至0.4MPa。 空气启动的空气压主机,调节输出压至0.4MPa。
4.1.3 检漏用检漏液检查柱及管路是否漏气。
4.2 主机操作4.2.1 接通电源,打开电脑,进入英文windows xp主菜单界面。
然后开启主机,主机进行自检,自检通过主机屏幕显示power on successul,进入Windows系统后,双击电脑桌面的(Instrument Online)图标,使仪器和工作联接。
4.2.2 编辑新方法4.2.2.1 从“Method”菜单中选择“Edit Entire Method”,根据需要钩选项目,“Method Information”(方法信息),“Instrument/Acquisition”(仪器参数/数据采集条件),“Data Analysis”(数据分析条件),“Run Time Checklist”(运行时间顺序表),确定后单击“OK”。
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪操作指南本操作指南旨在为您提供使用Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪的基本步骤和指导。
1. 开机与系统初始化1.打开气相色谱仪电源,仪器开始自检。
2. 气路连接1.将进样器与气相色谱仪进样口连接。
3. 进样器操作1.选择合适的进样器类型(如注射器、自动进样器等)。
4. 色谱柱操作1.选择合适的色谱柱并安装到色谱柱架上。
5. 检测器操作1.选择合适的检测器类型(如FID、ECD、MS等)。
6. 方法创建与优化1.在操作界面中选择“方法”菜单,创建新方法。
7. 数据采集与处理1.开始运行方法,进行数据采集。
8. 实验结束与仪器清洗1.实验结束后,关闭气相色谱仪电源。
9. 常见问题与解决方法在操作Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪过程中,可能会遇到一些常见问题。
安捷伦7890A-⽓相⾊谱操作⼿册Agilent 7890A GC( For Chemstation B03.01)现场培训教材安捷伦科技有限公司化学分析与⽣命科学事业部⼀、培训⽬的:基本了解7890A硬件操作。
掌握化学⼯作站的开机,关机,参数设定, 学会数据采集,数据分析的基本操作。
⼆、培训准备:1、仪器设备:Agilent 7890A GC进样⼝: 填充柱进样⼝(PP);⽑细柱进样⼝(S/SL); 冷柱头进样⼝(COC); PTV进样⼝。
⾊谱柱:P/N 19091J-433, HP-5⽑细柱:30m,ⅹ320µχ0.25µ注射器:⾃动液体进样器(ALS)⽤10ul注射器或⼿动进样⽤10ul注射器。
进样体积: 1 ul。
2、⽓体准备:FID,NPD,FPD :⾼纯H2 (99.999%),⼲燥⽆油压缩空⽓。
uECD:⾼纯N2 (99.999%)载⽓, ⾼纯N2 (99.999%)或⾼纯He (99.999%)。
7890A/GC 化学⼯作站基本操作步骤:(⼀)、开机:1、打开⽓源(按相应的所需⽓体)。
2、打开计算机,进⼊英⽂Windows XP画⾯。
3、打开7890A GC电源开关。
(7890A 的IP地址已通过其键盘提前输⼊进7890A)4、双击桌⾯的“Instrument 1 Online”图标;(或点击屏幕左下⾓“Start”,选择“Program”,选择“Agilent Chemstation”,选择“Instrument 1 Online”,则化学⼯作站⾃动与7890A通讯,进⼊的⼯作站界⾯如下图:(通讯成功后,7890A的Remote 灯亮)5、从“View”菜单中选择“Method and run control”画⾯,点击“Chemstation Status”, ,使其命令前有“√”标志,点击“Full menu”,使之显⽰为“Short menu”来调⽤所需的界⾯。
1.0目的制定气相色谱仪Agilent7890A/G1888A 标准操作程序,以规范气相色谱仪的使用,维护等操作。
2.0范围气相色谱仪Agilent7890A 、顶空进样器G1888A 等的使用,维护等操作。
3.0责任质量控制部、质量保证部 4.0 定义/缩略语 无 5.0 程序 5.1气相色谱仪 5.1.1概述Agilent 气相色谱仪可配有顶空进样器G1888A ,自动进样器7693A 等组成可自动进样的气相色谱系统,Agilent 气相色谱仪7890A 可配置双通道,即2个分流/不分流进样口,2个检测器。
5.1.2开机5.1.2.1打开氮气钢瓶总阀门,调节减压阀压力为0.5Mpa 。打开仪器电源,仪器进行自检。设置色谱条件色谱条件设置一般在软件上设置,也可以通过仪器面版来设置,操作如下:按下需设置的功能设置按钮,输入相应的数值,按按钮确认,如输入错误可按设置数值超过了规定范围,仪器会出现警告提示,并取消该项设置。
Agilent7890A 常用按钮介绍如下表顶空进样器G1888A 常用按钮介绍如下表5.1.3进样需要在电脑进行操作,自动进样和顶空进样将处理好的样品放在对应的位置即可运行,手Agilent 化学工作站操作规程)。
5.1.4 安装或更换色谱柱将仪器柱温,进样口温度,和检测器温度降至50℃以下(关闭火焰),打开柱箱门,拆下堵头或其他色谱柱,将待安装色谱柱装上柱接头和石墨垫,并切去端口2-3cm ,将色谱柱分别接入进样口和检测器口,进样口端要求色谱柱在石墨垫上的长度为4-6mm,检测器端要求将色谱柱装入底部后往回拉1mm左右,用手拧紧柱接头,并用扳手拧紧1/4~1/2圈。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和 0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
如要实现高效率、室温顶空、微量液萃取和不同范围的进样体积,您只需简单地添加进样器和样品盘模块即可可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求·强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法, 您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间: 999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温( 22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min (采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
Agilent_7890A气相色谱仪操作规程1开机1.1 打开气源(按相应的检测器所需气体)。
1.2打开计算机,进入Windows XP画面。
1.3 打开7890A GC 电源开关。
2.3出现界面后,点击【进样口】,选择前后进样口,设置以下参数:加热器250℃;控制模式:压力;压力10 psi;隔热吹扫流量3ml/min。
2.61 FID检测器参数设定:FID加热器:250℃,H2流量35ml/min;空气流量400ml/min;尾吹流量25ml/min;2.62 ECD检测器参数设定:在【ECD】下方的空白框内输入:加热温度250℃;尾吹流量25ml/min。
3 信号参数设定3.1点击【信号】图标,【前部信号】对应前检测器,【后部信号】对应后检测器,选择相应的检测器,【数据采集频率、最小峰宽】选择50Hz/.004min。
4 供试品测定4.1 单次进样4.1.1【视图】选择【在线信号】选中【信号窗口1】,单击【改变】,将所有的绘图信号移到右边的框中,点击【确定】。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和 0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
如要实现高效率、室温顶空、微量液萃取和不同范围的进样体积,您只需简单地添加进样器和样品盘模块即可可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求·强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法, 您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间: 999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温( 22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min (采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
安捷伦 7890A 气相色谱仪说明书
Agilent 7890A 网络化气相色谱仪性能指标色谱性能*•保留时间重现性< 0.008% 或< 0.0008 min•峰面积重现性< 1% RSDAgilent 7890A气相色谱仪是代表最新技术发展水平的色谱仪,可为各种应用提供卓越的性能。
每个EPC 单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
7890A GC具有增强的固件可以扩展微板流路控制的功能,以及增强的数据系统软件可简化设置并操作反吹。
7890A GC有先进的监控系统资源(计数、电子记录和诊断)的内置功能。
众所周知Agilent GC 系统具有可靠、耐用和寿命长的特点,安捷伦承诺保证仪器使用十年,使仪器在使用期间低成本运行。
系统性能•支持同时安装:- 两个进样口- 三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)- 四个检测器信号•先进的检测器电子线路和全量程的数字化数据输出,使得一次进样中可以对检测器的整个浓度范围(FID为107)的峰实现定量分析•所有的进样口和检测器全面使用EPC,对特殊的进样口和检测器部件的控制范围和分离性能进行了优化•可以安装多达六个EPC模块,提供多达16个通道的EPC控制•压力设定值和控制精度达到0.001 psi,对于低压力的分析提供了更精确的保留时间锁定* 这里是使用带EPC(不分流进样),自动液体进样器和安捷伦的数据系统的7890A,分析十四烷(向柱中进样2 ng)得到的数据,如果使用其他样品或条件结果会有所不同。
2 键盘操作
运行键 12
服务模式键 12
GC 组件键 13
状态键 14
信息键 15
常规数据输入键 16
辅助键 17
方法存储和自动键 18
Байду номын сангаас
当 GC 由 Agilent 数据系统控制时的键盘功能 19
关于 GC 状态 20
20 20
关于日志 22
22 22
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007
按A面段语g(许言照ile包n可)美t括,复T国e不电c制和h得子n本国o以存l手o际g任储i册e版s何和中, 权I形检n的c法.式索任事的或或何先规采翻内同定取译容意,任成。和未何其书经手他
38 38
继停续止暂正停在的运序行列的序列 41
41 42
40 40 41
操作指南 Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪
Agilent Technologies
2 键盘操作
这些键用来启动、停止和准备 GC 以运行样品。 ([P预re运p R行un)] 《流激常A进活流gi所样量le需)的nt所进进78程述样90,的口A使吹启GC扫动G高C流状进级量态用入或。户相有从指应关载南方气详》法节细。省信(模如息式,关请恢闭参复不正分阅 ([S开tar始t]) 时用自间动于自液在动体手激进动活样进。器样)或后气启体动进运样行阀过,程则。(运如行果将正在在适使当的用 ([S停top止] ) 《[运立SAt即行ogpi终过]le止n(程t运停7中8行止9的0。)A数如键G据果C后可在高重能G级新C会用启运丢户动行失指G过。南C程有》的中。关信按如息下何,此在请键按参,下则考
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪说明书
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪故障排除声明Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007按照美国和国际版权法的规定,未经Agilent Technologies, Inc. 事先同意和书面许可,不得以任何形式或采取任何手段(包括电子存储和检索或翻译成其他语言)复制本手册中的任何内容。
手册部件号G3430-97014版本2007 年 3 月USA印刷Agilent Technologies, Inc.2850 Centerville RoadWilmington, DE 19808-1610 USA 担保本文档中包含的材料按“原样”提供,若在后续版本中有任何更改,恕不另行通知。
目录1概念和常规任务概念 8如何使用本手册排除故障 8[Status](状态)键 8需始终保持最新的可配置项目 9色谱柱配置 9自动液体进样器配置 9气体配置 9确定仪器详细信息 11GC 电源配置 11查看运行日志、维护日志和事件日志 12电话联系 Agilent 寻求服务之前要获得的信息 13 2硬件症状推杆错误 16ALS 错误处理的样品瓶 17注射器针头在向进样口中注射的过程中发生弯曲 18FID 没有点燃 19FID 点火器在点火序列过程中不发光 20FID 收集极和点火器点火塞的腐蚀 22FPD 没有点燃 23NPD 调整补偿值过程失败 243色谱图症状保留时间无法重复 26峰面积无法重复 27污染或残留 28隔离来源 28检查可能原因 - 所有进样口和检测器组合 28泄漏超出预期 30不显示峰/无峰 31Ta ble 1. 检测器故障排除 31柱箱温度程序运行过程中基线上升 32峰分辨率很差 33峰有拖尾 34NPD 35峰沸点或分子量判别困难 36对于任何以分流模式与任何检测器一起运行的进样口 36对于任何以非分流模式与任何检测器一起运行的进样口 36进样口中样品分解/缺少峰 37前拖峰 38噪音检测器,包括漂移和基线尖峰 39噪音基线 39基线漂移 40基线尖峰 40Figure 1. 循环尖峰 41Figure 2. 随机尖峰 41峰面积或高度太低 42FID 火焰在运行过程中熄灭并尝试重新点燃 44FID 基线输出大于 20 pA 45FPD 火焰在运行过程中熄灭并尝试重新点燃 46FPD 输出过高或过低 47–FPD 峰面积太低 48FPD 在半高处的峰宽度太大 49FPD 基线输出太高,大于 20 pA 50NPD 溶剂硬化 51NPD 响应低 52NPD 基线输出大于 8 百万 53NPD 调整补偿值过程运行不正常 54NPD 选择性低 55对 TCD 发现负峰 56TCD 基线已经抑制了正弦曲线噪音拖尾峰(循环基线)57TCD 峰在尾部有负向斜行线 584GC 未就绪症状GC 从未变成就绪状态 60流量从未变成就绪状态 61柱箱温度从未冷却/冷却得非常缓慢 62柱箱从未加热 63温度从未变成就绪状态 64无法设定流量或压力 65气体没有达到设定的压力或流量值 66气体超出了压力或流量设定值 67进样口压力或流量存在波动 68无法将压力维持在与分流进样口上的设定值同样低的水平上 69测量出的色谱柱流量不等于显示的流量 70FID 没有点燃 71在进样序列中 FID 点火器没有变得红热 72NPD 调整补偿值过程失败 74FPD 没有点燃 755关闭症状色谱柱关闭 78氢气关闭 79加热区关闭 816不工作的 GC 症状GC 无法打开 84GC 打开,然后在启动过程中停止(在自检期间)85PC 无法与 GC 通讯 867检查是否漏气泄漏检查提示 88检查外部是否泄漏 89检查 GC 是否泄漏 91毛细管流量(微流体)接头中的漏气检查 928故障排除任务测量色谱柱流量 94测量 FID、TCD、uECD 和 FPD 色谱柱流量 94测量 NPD 色谱柱流量 95测量分流口或隔垫吹扫流量 97测量检测器流量 99测量 FID、TCD、uECD 和 FPD 流量 99测量 NPD 流量 101执行 GC 自检 103调整 FID 点火补偿值 104确认 FID 火焰已点燃 105在点火序列中确认 FID 点火器功能 106测量 FID 泄露电流 107测量 FID 基线输出 108测量 NPD 泄漏电流 109确认 NPD 铷珠已发热 110确认 FPD 火焰已点燃 111调整 FPD 点火补偿值 112Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪故障排除1概念和常规任务概念 8需始终保持最新的可配置项目 9确定仪器详细信息 11查看运行日志、维护日志和事件日志 12电话联系 Agilent 寻求服务之前要获得的信息 131概念和常规任务概念对于您遇到的与 GC 硬件或色谱仪输出相关的错误、“GC 未准备好”消息和其他常见问题,本手册提供了相关症状和需执行的相应任务的列表。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和 0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求·强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法,您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间: 999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温( 22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min(采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪 操作指南
允许配置或控制气体进样阀 (GSV) 和 / 或打开 或关闭 1 至 8 号切换阀。设置多位阀位置。
[Aux Temp #]
(辅助区温度 #) 检测器、原子发射检测器传输线或 “ 未知 ” 设
[Aux EPC #]
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪
Agilent Technologies
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007, 2008
根据美国和国际版权法,未经安捷伦科 技有限公司事先同意和书面许可,不得 以任何形式、任何方式(包括存储为电 子版、修改或翻译成外文)复制本手册 的任何部分。
4 从键盘运行方法或序列
从键盘运行方法以处理单一 ALS 样品
继续停止的序列ຫໍສະໝຸດ 43终止序列43继续终止的序列
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪 操作指南
1 操作基本知识
概述 6 仪器控制 7 启动 GC 8 关闭 GC 不到一周 9 关闭 GC 一周以上 10
【2017年整理】安捷伦7890A气相色谱仪使用说明书Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和 0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置Agilent 7683自动进样器控制功能。
可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流 ,SSL进样口,都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训 4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求〃强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间,您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包 5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法,您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件 7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器,第三个检测器是TCD,四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120?C/min,如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75?C/min,参见表1,。
• 最长运行时间: 999.99 min,16.7 h,。
• 柱箱冷却降温, 22?C 室温,,从450?C 到50?C 需要4.0 min,采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min,电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管- 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求·强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法,您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间:999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温(22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min (采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
18 气相色谱仪(Agilent 7890A GC)作业指导书
1.目的规范Agilent 7890A GC气相色谱仪开关机注意事项,正确使用仪器,保证检测工作顺利进行、操作人员人身安全和设备安全。
2.适用范围适用于Agilent 7890A GC气相色谱仪的使用操作。
2.打开计算机,进入Windows XP画面。
4.2 7890A配置编辑4.2.1进入配置画面点击“仪器”菜单,选择“GC配置…”进入,在“连接”画面下,输入GC名称:如“GC7890”,可在注释处输入7890A的配置,如“7890 A with ECD FPD”.点击“获得GC配置”按钮获得7890A的配置.4,2.2模块配置没定:点击“模块”按进入弹出的画面,点击下拉式简头,分別选择进样口、检测器、APC、PCM的气体类型。
对于FD、PIF要输入点火下限值,如2.OPA:NPD要输入激发电压,如2.8V(要现场输入信号为30PA的电压)PCM要在PCM C-2处选择前压或后压控制,如选择“前级压力”。
Agilent 7890A 气相色谱仪操作说明(中文版)
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和 0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
如要实现高效率、室温顶空、微量液萃取和不同范围的进样体积,您只需简单地添加进样器和样品盘模块即可可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求·强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法, 您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间: 999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温( 22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min (采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
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Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪分流/不分流进样(0-100 psi 和0-150 psi)、填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能。
可选择的进样技术,包括顶空进样、吹扫捕集和阀进样主要特点Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪1突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的GC分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案2安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理3每个分流/不分流(SSL进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管- 无需特殊的工具或培训4品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求〃强大的、操作界面友好的GC软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包5在品质卓越的6890进样口, 检测器和GC柱箱上建立的分析方法,您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上6其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件7填充柱进样、冷柱头进样、程序升温汽化进样口和挥发性物质分析接口内置的 Agilent 7683 自动进样器控制功能进样口两个进样口三个检测器(第三个检测器是TCD)四个检测器信号柱温箱最大升温速率:120°C/min(如使用120 V 电源最大升温速率75°C/min,参见表1)。
•最长运行时间:999.99 min(16.7 h)。
•柱箱冷却降温(22°C 室温),从450°C 到50°C 需要4.0 min(采用柱箱插入附件时为3.5 min)电子压力控制范围:0 到100 psig每个EPC单元都使用专用的进样口和检测器选项进行了优化。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪的性能特点:1、采用微板流控技术,提供强大的色谱分析功能,缩短分析周期*溶剂旁路*中心切割——将选择的组份切到另外一个色谱柱*反吹——缩短分析周期及延长色谱柱寿命*分流——-可以采集多种信号,如FPD, NPD, MS和ECD*QuickSwap(GC/MS)——更换色谱柱无需放真空*全二维气相——复杂样品体系的分离检测2、精度最高的电子气路控制(EPC): 0.001psi3、板转式进样口设计-进样口维护更加方便快捷4、仪器监控和智能诊断软件,大大延长运行时间5、可以配置FID, NPD, TCD, FPD, SCD, NCD和质谱检测器6、分析方法与Agilent 6890系统兼容仪器介绍Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪安捷伦7890A GC为安捷伦公司40年领导GC技术的历史谱写了激动人心的新篇章。
它为您提供了所需的一切,包括先进的分离能力, 强效的新功能和仪器智能化实时自监测,从而将您实验室的GC和GC/MS性能提升到一个新水平。
更快的柱箱降温速率和更强的反吹功能,使您的分析时间更短, 样品的分析成本更低。
Agilent 7890A气相色谱仪是代表最新技术发展水平的色谱仪,可为各种应用提供卓越的性能。
•标准EPC 尾吹气类型:氩/5% 甲烷或氮气;0 到150 mL/min。
•最低检测限:<0.4 pg N/s,< 0.2 pg P/s,用偶氮苯/马拉硫磷/十八烷混合物样品测定。
•动态范围:>105 N,>105 P,用偶氮苯/马拉硫磷混合物样品测定。
•选择性:25,000 到1 g N/g C,75,000 到1 g P/g C,用偶氮苯/马拉硫磷/十八烷混合物样品测定。
•数据采集速率:最大200 Hz。
•三种气体的标准EPC:- 空气:0 到200 mL/min- H2:0 到30 mL/min- 尾吹气:0 到100 mL/min•可使用填充柱/毛细管柱或优化的毛细管柱。
•最低检测限:<60 fg P/s,<3.6 pgS/s,以甲基对硫磷为样品测定。
•动态范围:>103 S,104 P,以甲基对硫磷为样品测定。
•选择性:106 g S/g C,106 g P/g C。
•数据采集速率:最大200 Hz。
•三种气体的标准EPC:- 空气:0 到200 mL/min- H2:0 到250 mL/min- 尾吹气:0 到130 mL/min•可选择单波长或双波长。
•Agilent 7890A GC有处理4个信号的能力,可以同时使用DFPD,顶部安装的GC检测器,以及TCD。
•最低检测限:一般< 0.5 pg/s,用二甲基硫的甲苯溶液测定•线性动态范围:> 104•选择性:> 2 x 107 g S/g C磷化学发光检测器(NCD)(255型)•对含氮化合物具有高的选择性。
•最低检测限:< 3 pg N/s,在N和亚硝胺模式,用硝基苯的甲苯溶液测定(相当于N浓度为25 ppm)•线性动态范围:>104•选择性:> 2 x 107 g N/g C (在亚硝胺模式的选择性与样品基质有关)关于其他性能和物理环境技术指标,请参看安捷伦的硫化学发光检测器和氮化学发光检测器性能指南。
辅助EPC装置7890A GC 在GC后侧有两个位置可以安装辅助的EPC装置。
•当连接到指定的毛细管色谱柱上时,EPC 补偿大气压和温度的变化。
•第一通道:- 压力和流量控制- Psig(压力表读数)和psia(绝对)压力控制- 前压控制•第二通道:- 压力控制- Psig(压力表读数)和psia(绝对)压力控制- 前压或背压控制•PCM 可以位于任一个/两个进样口EPC位置,以及可以位于7890AGC后侧的任一或两个辅助位置。
Deans SwitchDeans Switch为二维GC分析提供额外的选择性。
•规格:65 mm x 31 mm x 1 mm(65 mmx 31 mm x 11 mm,包括焊件接头带连接到柱箱顶部的管线。
)•重量:30 克,不包括连接管线。
•规格:65 mm x 31 mm x 1 mm(65 mmx 31 mm x 11 mm,包括焊件接头带连接到柱箱顶部的管线。
)•重量:26 克,不包括连接管线。
QuickSwapQuickSwap 装置用于GC/MS,允许您在不放空MSD的条件下更换色谱柱或进行进样口维护,从而节省宝贵的时间。
•规格:31 mm x 16 mm x 1 mm(31 mmx 16 mm x 22 mm,包括焊件接头)•重量:10 克,不包括连接管线。
气相色谱仪技术要求(7890A)1.工作条件1.1 电源:220V,50Hz电源1.2 环境温度:15-35˚C1.3 环境湿度:5%~95%RH2.主要用途:用于有机化合物的定量定性分析3.仪器包括双毛细管柱通道流路,双检测器.4、技术指标:4.1柱箱4.1.1温度范围:室温以上4˚C~450˚C4.1.2温度设定:温度1˚C;程序设定升温速率0.1˚C4.1.3升温速度:0.1˚C/分钟~120˚C/分钟4.1.4温度稳定性;当环境温度变化1˚C时,优于0.01˚C*4.1.5程序升温:20阶21平台4.1.6最大运行时间:999.99分钟4.1.7降温速率:从450˚C降至50˚C<240秒(22℃室温下)4.1.8保留时间重现性: <0.008% 或<0.0008min4.1.9峰面积重现性: < 1.0% RSD4.2分流/不分流毛细管柱进样口(带电子气路控制,简称EPC) 4.2.1可编程电子参数设定压力、流速、分流比4.2.2最高使用温度400˚C4.2.3压力设定范围:0~150psi4.2.4流量设定范围:0~200ml/min(以N2为载气时)0~1250ml/min(以H2,He为载气时)4.3电子压力控制(EPC)4.3.1自动海拔高度压力及室温补偿;*4.3.2控制精度0.001psi;4.3.3 压力/流量程序:3级4.3.4 具有恒流,恒压,程序增加流速,程序升压及压力脉冲等操作模式的电子气路控制4.4除柱箱外,可加热控温的区域应不少于6个,其最高温度可达400˚C 4.5自动进样器*4.5.1样品位数大于150,具有两个进样口同时进样功能4.5.2进样量范围:0.1~50ul4.5.3进样量线性:≥99%4.6微池电子捕获检测器(Micro-ECD,带EPC)4.6.1安装隐含阳极和大体积流速,防止污染4.6.2最高使用温度:400˚C4.6.3放射源:<15 mCi63Ni箔*4.6.4最低检测限:<6fg/ml(六氯化苯)*4.6.5线性动态范围:> 5×10⁴(六氯化苯)4.7火焰光度检测器(FPD)4.7.1最高使用温度250˚C*4.7.2最低检测器限:<60fgP/sec,<3.6pgS/sec(十二烷硫醇/磷酸丁三酯混合物)*4.7.3动态范围:>103 S, >104P(十二烷硫醇/磷酸丁三酯混合物)4.7.4数据采样速率:200Hz4.8化学工作站4.8.1硬件:酷瑞双核1.6G PC机,其配置不低于:1G内存,160G 硬盘,,17”液晶显示器,激光打印机,网络接口卡。