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falling, when it's never
likely to happen?”
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
“It's true that the sky is a congregation of air,”the man rejoined, “but
how about the sun, the
moon and the stars?They will surely fall, won't they?”

Jiang Zhiheng, ablind and poor college student who was helped by theShanghai programme
“aiding poor students through the Internet,” now uses his income to help poor school children, including Xiao Lijuan. The first of its kind in China. The programme has aided 150 poor primary and middle school students over the past month since it began operation.
故事主要是叙述已经发生的事情。做这种题时通常要交代故事发生的时间、地点和人物。不 能脱离提示内容,要尊重原文但又不能逐句翻译。
报道,主要是新闻消息报道,比故事简单,只需说清发生的事情、主要人物、地点等,一般 用于报刊杂志上。

One day Jack bought two expensivedictionaries in abookstore, but he forgot to take them with him. Half an hour later, he went back to look for them. He told the manager all about it. Themanager asked him who had served him. Jack pointed to thelady behind thecounter. But when themanager asked the lady, Miss Rose, if shehad served Jack, shesaid shecouldn't remember. She remembered that theman shehad served was wearing a hat. Then the manager asked Jack if he was wearing ahat when he was
served. Then themanager asked Jack if he had a hat and asked him to put it on. Miss Rose looked at him carefully and recognized him. Shegave the two dictionaries to Jack.
窃贼 burglar 潜入 to sneak 梁 beam
尽管 in spite of 请求原谅 to plead for one's forgiveness 本性坏 evil in nature 磕头 kowtow

幼儿园 kindergarten 弱智儿童 children with below-average-level

叶公喜欢龙,器物上画着龙,住的房间里雕刻着龙。天龙听说后就特地下凡,把头放在窗台 上看,把尾巴拖到堂屋。叶公看见后,飞快地往回逃跑,失魂落魄,脸色大变。这就是说叶公不是
真正喜欢龙,只喜欢像龙又不是龙的东西罢了。(字数:120 左右)
that he could not eat and sleep in peace. Someone, anxious that the man would
be worried to death, went to reassure him about this. He said to the man:“The
this is thefirst time shoals of the animals wereobserved. Local fishermen believe the lack of food in the deep make thehungry dolphins attack the yellow croakers raised by the fishermen.
sky is only an
air mass and there's air everywhere. You move about all day
long in the air,
inhaling and exhaling, bending and stretching your
limbs----why do you have to worry about the sky's
“The sun, the moon and the stars are merely such bodies in the congregated air as happen to shine,”the persuader replied. “Even if they did fall, they would hit nothing.”
个人(宋人)就放下他的农具守在树下,希望再得到兔子。可是兔子再没有得到,而他自 己却因为这件事被宋国人耻笑。(字数:80 左右)
耕田 to plough in the fields 树桩 tree stump 笑柄 laugh stock
; http://www.jsjk88.com/ 智能压力变送器 xil258uip
Theman was gladly relieved, and so was thesuccessfulpersuader. ③
White Dolphins (海豚)
Fuzhou-Fishermen in East China's Fujian Provincerecently observed shoals of white dolphins in the East China Sea. Early last month, Lin Guoqing, a local aquatics expert, observed white dolphins feeding on large yellow croakers, weighing an estimated 500 kilograms. One or two of the dolphins, white or grey, have been spotted at various times in the area over the past 10 years, according to a local fisherman. But
“Then suppose the earth collapses. What should I do?” “The earth is merely amassed dust and rocks filling up the space everywhere. There is no spot that has not such masses. And you move about on the earth everyday, stepping on it and walking on it. Why worry that it might collapse?”
the provincial female worker's re-employment centre
下岗工人 laid-off workers 福州丝绸厂 Fuzhou Silk Factory
会揭露了北约的残暴,探讨了中国的国内及对外政策。(字数:40 左右)
聚集 to pack(gather) 分析 to analyze 揭露 to expose
国内外政策 the domestic and foreign policies ③一位名叫孙淑君的女士,39 岁,残疾人,1983 年在辽宁省沈阳市创办了一个弱智 儿童幼儿园。现在这家幼儿园已发展成当地最大的幼儿园。
找到了新工作。她对新工作非常满意,这家再就业中心自成立两年来,培训了 600 多位下岗工人, 帮助 1700 多人
找到了新工作。(字数:50 左右)
在„„帮助下 with the help of„

Therewas aman in the Stateof Qi who was haunted by the fear that oneday the sky might fall and
the earth collapse(倒塌), and he would have no place to settle. So worried was he
龙 dragon 装饰品和雕刻物 the decorations and carvings 下凡 to descend 一见到 at sight of 拔腿就跑 to take to one's heels

有一个窃贼晚上潜入 Cheng Zhi 的家中,躲在他家的房梁上。 Cheng Zhi暗中正好看见了,自己起来整理一下穿着,喊自己的儿子孙子起来,严 肃地教训他们,说:“人不能不自己努力。不善良的人,未必本性就是恶的,只不过 是长期以来的习惯使他弄成这样的品性,于是才到作恶的这一地步。梁上君子就是这 样的人。” 窃贼大惊,自己从梁上跳到地上,磕头谢罪。(字数:100 左右)