高级英语第一册 第三课词汇、课后练习及答案
第三课Ships in the Desert目录一、词汇(V ocabulary)--------------------------------------------------------------------------1二、课文解释------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5三、课后练习及答案--------------------------------------------------------------------------19四、补充练习及答案--------------------------------------------------------------------------19一、词汇(Vocabulary)lap ( v.) : (of waves,etc.)move or strike gently with a light,splashing sound such as a dog makes in lapping(波浪)拍打;泼溅----------------------------------------------------------------------------------divert ( v.) : turn(a person or thing)aside(from a course,direction,etc.);deflect转移;使(人或物)转向;岔开,使偏斜----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Antarctic ( adj. ) : of or near the South Pole or the region around it南极的;近南极的;南极区的;南极地带的;南极周围的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trans—Antarctic (adj.) : crossing or spanning the Antarctic横贯南极的;横贯南极地带的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------parka ( n.) : a hip—length pullover fur garment with a hood,worn 1n arctic regions风雪大衣,派克大衣----------------------------------------------------------------------------------glacier ( n.) : a slowly moving river or mass of ice and snow that forms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate at which the snow melts冰河;冰川----------------------------------------------------------------------------------accessible ( adj.) : that can be approached or entered;easy to approach or enter能够接近的;能够进去的;易接近的;易进去的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------trap ( v.) : catch in or as in a trap;entrap诱捕;计捉----------------------------------------------------------------------------------inexorable ( adj.) :that cannot be altered,checked,etc.不可变的;不可抗拒的;无情的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------graph ( n.) : a diagram consisting of nodes and links and representing logical relationships or sequences of events(曲线)图,标绘图;图表;图形----------------------------------------------------------------------------------slab ( n.) : a piece that is flat,broad,and fairly thick平板;厚片----------------------------------------------------------------------------------frigid ( adj.) : extremely cold;without heat or warmth极冷的,寒冷的,严寒的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------snowmobile ( n.) : any of various motor vehicles for traveling over snow,usually with steerable runners at the front and tractor treads at the rear(机动)雪车;(履带式)雪上汽车----------------------------------------------------------------------------------rendezvous ( n.) : [Fr.] a place designated for meeting or assembling [法语]指定集合地;会合点----------------------------------------------------------------------------------hover ( v.) : stay suspended or flutter in the air near oneplace盘旋----------------------------------------------------------------------------------eerie,eery ( adj. ) : mysterious,uncanny,or weird,esp. in such a way as to frighten or make uneasy神秘的,离奇的,怪异的;阴森的,恐怖的,可怕的/eerily adv.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------hummock ( n.) : ridge or rise in an ice field冰群;(冰原上的)冰丘----------------------------------------------------------------------------------collide ( v.) : come into violent contact;strike violently against each other;crash碰撞;猛撞;互撞----------------------------------------------------------------------------------scenario ( n.) : a sequence 0f events esp. when imagined;an account or synopsis of a projected course of action or events(设想中的)未来事态;方案----------------------------------------------------------------------------------controversial ( adj. ) : of,subject to,or stirring up controversy;disbatable争论的;引起争论的;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------tundra ( n.) : any of the vast,nearly level,treeless plains of the arctic regions冻原;苔原;冻土带----------------------------------------------------------------------------------equator ( n.) : an imaginary circle around the earth,equally distant at all points from both the North Pole and the South Pole,dividing the earth's surface into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere赤道----------------------------------------------------------------------------------billow ( v.) : surge,swell,or rise like or in a billow(巨浪)奔腾;(波涛)汹----------------------------------------------------------------------------------pasture ( n.) : ground suitable for grazing牧场----------------------------------------------------------------------------------slash (v.) : cut or wound with a sweeping stroke or strokes,as of a knife(用刀等)猛砍,乱砍----------------------------------------------------------------------------------blot (v.) : make blots on;spot;stain;blur(esp. used in blot out:darken or hide entirely;obscure)涂污;玷污;把……弄模糊;遮暗(尤用于bolt out:把……弄模糊;遮暗,遮蔽;掩蔽)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------noctilucent (adj.) : designating or of a luminous cloud of unknown composition。
Lesson 3 Ships in the DesertAL Gore1. I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship capable of processing afifty -ton catch on a good day. But it wasn’ t a good day. We were anchored in what used to be th most productive fishing site in all of central Asia, but as I looked out over the bow, the prospects ofa good catch looked bleak. Where there should have been gentle blue-green waves lapping againstthe side of the ship, there was nothing but hot dry sand——as far as I could see in all direct The other ships of the fleet were also at rest in the sand, scattered in the dunes that stretched all theway to the horizon. Ten years ago the Aral was the fourth -largest inland sea in the world,comparable to the largest of North America ’Greats Lakes. Now it is disappearing because thewater that used to feed it has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton inthe desert. The new shoreline was almost forty kilometers across the sand from where the fishingfleet was now permanently docked. Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Muynak the people werestill canning fish——brought not from the Aral Sea but shipped by rail through Siberia from the Pacific Ocean, more than a thousand miles away.2. My search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis has led me to travel aroundthe world to examine and study many of these images of destruction. At the very bottom of theearth, high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, with the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in thesky, I stood in the unbelievable coldness and talked with a scientist in the late tall of 1988 about thetunnel he was digging through time. Slipping his parka back to reveal a badly burned face that was cracked and peeling, he pointed to the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier onwhich we were standing. He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago.where the U.S Congress passed the Clean Air Act, ”he said. At the bottom of the world, twocontinents away from Washington, D.C., even a small reduction in one country's emissions hadchanged the amount of pollution found in the remotest end least accessible place on earth.3. But the most significant change thus far in the earth’ s atmosphere is the one that be the industrial revolution early in the last century and has picked up speed ever since. Industrymeant coal, and later oil, and we began to burn lots of it —— bringing rising levels of carbondioxide (CO2) , with its ability to trap more heat in the atmosphere and slowly warm the earth.Fewer than a hundred yards from the South Pole, upwind from the ice runway where the ski planelands and keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together,scientists monitor the air several times every day to chart the course of that inexorable change.During my visit, I watched one scientist draw the results of that day’ s measurements, end of a steep line still higher on the graph. He told me how easy it is——there at the earth —— to see that this enormous change in the global atmosphere is still picking up speed.4. Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end of our planet, in asmall tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean. After ahearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to arendezvous point where the ice was thinner——only three and a half feet thick——and submarine hovered in the water below. After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers,and resub merged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately thethickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a result of global warming. I hadjust negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U.S. Navy to secure the release ofpreviously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what ishappening to the north polar cap. Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours afterwe met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in aneerily beautiful snowscape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or“ pressure ridges” of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide. But here too, CO2 , levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature willrise with them——indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidlyin the polar regions than in the rest of the world. As the polar air warms, the ice here will thin; andsince the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world’ s weather system, the consequ thinning cap could be disastrous.5.Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise. Six months after I returnedfrom the North Pole, a team of scientists reported dramatic changes in the pattern of ice distributionin the Arctic, and a second team reported a still controversial claim (which a variety of data now suggest) that, over all, the north polar cap has thinned by 2 percent in just the last decade.Moreover, scientists established several years ago that in many land areas north of the Arctic Circle,the spring snowmelt now comes earlier every year, and deep in the tundra below, the temperatureof the earth is steadily rising.*6. As it happens, some of the most disturbing images of environmental destruction can befound exactly halfway between the North and South poles —— precisely athe equator in Brazil ——where billowing clouds of smoke regularly blacken the sky above the immense but nowthreatened Amazon rain forest. Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fastpasture for fast-food beef; as I learned when I went there in early 1989, the fires are set earlierand earlier in the dry season now, with more than one Tennessee ’worths of rain forest beingslashed and burned each year. According to our guide, the biologist Tom Lovejoy, there are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exist in all of North America*7. But one doesn't have to travel around the world to witness humankind’ s assault on Images that signal the distress of our global environment are now commonly seen almost anywhere.On some nights, in high northern latitudes, the sky itself offers another ghostly image that signalsthe loss of ecological balance now in progress. If the sky is clear after sunset——a watching from a place where pollution hasn't blotted out the night sky altogether——youcan sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky. This “ noctilucentcloud ”occasionallyappears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkness; shimmering above us with atranslucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural. And they should: noctilucent clouds havebegun to appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. (Alsocalled natural gas, methane is released from landfills, from coal mines and rice paddies, frombillions of termites that swarm through the freshly cut forestland, from the burning of biomass andfrom a variety of other human activities. ) Even though noctilucent clouds were sometimes seen inthe past, all this extra methane carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere, where itcondenses at much higher altitudes to form more clouds that the sun’ s rays still strike lon sunset has brought the beginning of night to the surface far beneath them.8. What should we feel toward these ghosts in the sky? Simple wonder or the mix of emotionswe feel at the zoo? Perhaps we should feel awe for our own power: just as men tear tusks fromelephants ’ headsuchin quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matterfrom its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness. Inthe process, we are once again adding to the threat of global warming, because methane has beenone of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third only to carbon dioxide and water vaporin total volume, changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere. But, without even consideringglisten with a spectral light? Or have our eyes adjusted so completely to the bright lights ofcivilization that we can’seet these clouds for what they are —— aphysical manifestation of theviolent collision between human civilization and the earth?*9. Even though it is sometimes hard to see their meaning, we have by now all witnessedsurprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the environment——the new frequency of days when the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the new speed with whichthe sun burns our skin, or the new constancy of public debate over what to do with growingmountains of waste. But our response to these signals is puzzling. Why haven’wet launched amassive effort to save our environment? To come at the question another way: Why do someimages startle us into immediate action and focus our attention or ways to respond effectively? Andwhy do other images, though sometimes equally dramatic, produce instead a Kin. of paralysis,focusing our attention not on ways to respond but rather on some convenient, less painfuldistraction?10.Still, there are so many distressing images of environmental destruction that sometimes itseems impossible to know how to absorb or comprehend them. Before considering the threats themselves, it may be helpful to classify them and thus begin to organize our thoughts and feelings so that we may be able to respond appropriately.11.A useful system comes from the military, which frequently places a conflict in one of threedifferent categories, according to the theater in which it takes place. There are“ l “ regional” battles, and“ strategic” conflicts. This third category is reserved for struggles thatthreaten a nation’ s survival and must be under stood in a global context.12.Environmental threats can be considered in the same way. For example, most instanceslike acid rain, the contamination of underground aquifers, and large oil spills are fundamentally regional. In both of these categories, there may be so many similar instances of particular local and regional problems occurring simultaneously all over the world that the patter n appears to be global,but the problems themselves are still not truly strategic because the operation of the global environment is not affected and the survival of civilization is not at stake.13.However, a new class of environmental problems does affect the global ecological system,and these threats are fundamentally strategic. The 600 percent increase in the amount of chlorinein the atmosphere during the last forty years has taken place not just in those countries producingthe chlorofluorocarbons responsible but in the air above every country, above Antarctica, above the North Pole and the Pacific Ocean —— all the way from the surface of the earth to the top of the sky. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process by which the earth regulates the amountof ultraviolet radiation from the sun that is allowed through the atmosphere to the surface; and itwe let chlorine levels continue to increase, the radiation levels will also increasethat all animal and plant life will face a new threat to their survival.14.Global warming is also a strategic threat. The concentration of carbon dioxide and otherheat-absorbing molecules has increased by almost 25 per cent since World War II, posing aworldwide threat to the earth’ s ability to regulate the amount of heat from the sun retained in the atmosphere. This increase in heat seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determinesthe pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures,ocean currents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect onthe location and pattern of human societies.15.In other words, the entire relationship between humankind and the earth has beentransformed because our civilization is suddenly capable of affecting the entire global environment,not just a particular area. All of us know that human civilization has usually had a large impact onthe environment; to mention just one example, there is evidence that even in prehistoric times, vastareas were sometimes intentionally burned by people in their search for food. And in our own timewe have reshaped a large part of the earth’ s surface with concrete in our cities and carefully ten rice paddies, pastures, wheat fields, and other croplands in the countryside. But these changes,while sometimes appearing to be pervasive, have, until recently, been relatively trivial factors inthe global ecological sys-tem. Indeed, until our lifetime, it was always safe to assume that nothingwe did or could do would have any lasting effect on the global environment. But it is precisely that assumption which must now be discarded so that we can think strategically about our newrelationship to the environment.16. Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment. Yet weresist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on the earth must now be measured bythe same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon’ s pull on the oceans or the f the wind against the mountains. And it we are now capable of changing something so basic as the relationship between the earth and the sun, surely we must acknowledge a new responsibility touse that power wisely and with appropriate restraint. So far, however, We seem oblivious of thefragility of the earth’ s natural systems.*17.This century has witnessed dramatic changes in two key factors that define the physicalreality of our relationship to the earth: a sudden and startling surge in human population, with theaddition of one China ’ s worth of people every ten years, and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginable magnification of ourpower to affect the world around us by burning, cutting, digging, moving,and transforming the18.The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest illustrations of how startling the change has been, especially when viewed in a historical context.From the emergence of modern humans 200,000 years ago until Julius Caesar’ s time, fewe 250 million people walked on the face of the earth. When Christopher Columbus set sail for theNew World 1,500 years later, there were approximately 500 million people on earth. By the timeThomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the number had doubled again,to 1 billion. By midway through this century, at the end of World War II, the number had risen tojust above 2 billion people.19. In other words, from the beginning of humanity’ s appearance on earth to 1945, it took m than ten thousand generations to reach a world population of 2 billion people. Now, in the courseof one human lifetime——mine——theworld population will increase from 2 to more than 9billion, and it is already more than halfway there.20.Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick upspeed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more newand important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years that. in the entire previous historyof science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth thatunclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together,they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenancemaking the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequencesof unrestrained nuclear war.21.Now that our relationship to the earth has changed so utterly, we have to see that changeand understand its implications. Our challenge is to recognize that the startling images ofenvironmental destruction now occurring all over the world have much more in common than their ability to shock and awaken us. They are symptoms of an underlying problem broader in scope and more serious than any we have ever faced. Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation——theyall have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization and the earth’ s natural balance.22.There are actually two aspects to this challenge. The first is to realize that our power to harm the earth can indeed have global and even permanent effects. The second is to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of a complex system that does not operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessmentof thatrelationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth’ s ecological system.23.There is only one precedent for this kind of challenge to our thinking, and again it is military. The invention of nuclear weapons and the subsequent development by the United States and the Soviet Union of many thousands of strategic nuclear weapons forced a slow and painfulrecognition that the new power thus acquired forever changed not only the relationship betweenthe two superpowers but also the relationship of humankind to the institution at war-fare itself. The consequences of all-out war between nations armed with nuclear weapons suddenly included the possibility of the destruction of both nations —— completelyand simultaneously. That sobering realization led to a careful reassessment of every aspect of our mutual relationship to the prospectof such a war. As early as 1946 one strategist concluded that strategic bombing with missileswell tear away the veil of illusion that has so long obscured the reality of the change inwarfare —— from a fight to a process of destruction.”24.Nevertheless, during the earlier stages of the nuclear arms race, each of the superpower s assumed that its actions would have a simple and direct effect on the thinking of the other. For decades, each new advance in weaponry was deployed by one side for the purpose of inspiring fear in the other. But each such deployment led to an effort by the other to leapfrog the first one with a more advanced deployment of its own. Slowly, it has become apparent that the problem of the nuclear arms race is not primarily caused by technology. It is complicated by technology, true; but it arises out of the relationship between the superpowers and is based on an obsolete understanding of what war is all about.25.The eventual solution to the arms race will be found, not in a new deployment by one sideor the other of some ultimate weapon or in a decision by either side to disarm unilaterally , but ratter in new understandings and in a mutual transformation of the relationship itself. This transformation will involve changes in the technology of weaponry and the denial of nuclear technology to rogue states. But the key changes will be in the way we think about the institution of warfare and about the relationship between states.26. The strategic nature of the threat now posed by human civilization to the global environment and the strategic nature of the threat to human civilization now posed by changes in the global environment present us with a similar set of challenges and false hopes. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditionsof life——a simplistic notion at best. But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessmentof all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramaticchange in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of course involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.( from Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, 1992 )11。
第一课Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We ’re elevated 23 feet. We’re 23 feet above sea level. 2.The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has bothered it. The house has been here since 1915, andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it. 3.We can ba en down and ride it out. We can make the necessary prepara ons and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.The generator was doused, and the lights went out. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody out the back door to the cars! Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems had been killed by water. The electrical systems in the car (the ba ery for the starter) had been put out by water. 7.John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself f endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland. 8.Get us through this mess, will you? Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely 9.She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis had just one delayed reac on. Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late. 1.Each and every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。
Lesson 3 Ships in the DesertShips in the DesertAL Gore1. I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship capableof processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day. But it wasn' t a good day. We were anchored in what used to be the most productive fishing site in all of central Asia, but as I looked out over the bow , the prospects of a good catch looked bleak. Where there should have been gentle blue-green waves lapping against the side of the ship, there was nothing but hot dry sand – as far as I could see in all directions. The other ships of the fleet were also at rest in the sand, scattered in the dunes that stretched all the way to the horizon . Ten year s ago the Aral was the fourth-largest inland sea in the world, comparable to the largest of North America's Great Lakes. Now it is disappearing because the water that used to feed it has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton In the user t. The new shoreline was almost forty kilometers across the sand from where the fishing fleet was now permanently docked. Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Muynak the people were still canning fish – brought not from the Aral Sea but shipped by rail through Siberia from the Pacific Ocean, more than a thousand miles away.2. My search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis has led me to travel around the world to examine and study many of these images of destruction. At the very bottom of the earth, high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, with the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky, I stood in the unbelievable coldness and talked with a scientist in the late tall of 1988 about the tunnel he was digging through time. Slipping his parka back to reveal a badly burned face that was cracked and peeling, he pointed to the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier on which we were standing. He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago. "Here's where the U. S Congress passed the Clean Air Act, ” he said. At the bottom of the world, two continents away from Washington, D. C., even a small reduction in one country's emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the remotest end least accessible place on earth.3. But the most significant change thus far in the earth' s atmosphere is the one that began with the industrial r evolution early in the last century and has picked up speed ever since. Industry meant coal, and later oil, and we began to burn lots of it –bringing rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) , with its ability to trap more heat in the atmosphere and slowly warm the earth. Fewer than a hundred yards from the South Pole, upwind from the ice runway where the ski plane lands and keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together, scientists monitor the air sever al times ever y day to chart the course of that inexorable change. During my visit, I watched one scientist draw the results of that day's measurements, pushing the end of a steep line still higher on the graph. He told me how easy it is –there at the end of the earth –to see that this enormous change in the global atmosphere is still picking up speed.4. Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end of our planet, in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean. After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner – only three and a half feet thick –and a nuclear submarine hovered in the water below. After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resubmerged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a re-suit of global warming. I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U. S. Navy to secure the re-lease of previously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap. Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowcape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or "pressure ridges " of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide. But here too, CD, levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature will rise with them –indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidly in the polar regions than in the rest of the world. As the polar air warms, the ice her e will thin; and since the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world's weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrous.5. Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise. Six months after I returned from the North Pole, a team of scientists reported dramatic changes in the pattern of ice distribution in the Arctic, and a second team reported a still controversialclaim (which a variety of data now suggest) that, over all, the north polar cap has thinned by 2 per cent in just the last decade. Moreover, scientists established several years ago that in many land areas north of the Arctic Circle, the spring snowmelt now comes earlier every year, and deep in the tundra below, the temperature e of the earth is steadily rising.6. As it happens, some of the most disturbing images of environmental destruction can be found exactly halfway between the North and South poles –precisely at the equator in Brazil –where billowing clouds of smoke regularly black-en the sky above the immense but now threatened Amazon rain forest. Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fast pasture for fast-food beef; as I learned when I went there in early 1989, the fires are set earlier and earlier in the dry season now, with more than one Tennessee's worth of rain forest being slashed and burned each year. According to our guide, the biologist Tom Lovejoy, there are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exist in all of North America –which means we are silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard.7. But one doesn't have to travel around the world to wit-ness humankind's assault on the earth. Images that signal the distress of our global environment are nowcommonly seen almost anywhere. On some nights, in high northern latitudes, the sky itself offers another ghostly image that signals the loss of ecological balance now in progress. If the sky is clear after sunset -- and it you are watching from a place where pollution hasn't blotted out the night sky altogether -- you can sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky. This "noctilucent cloud" occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening dark-ness; shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural. And they should: noctilucent clouds have begun to appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. (Also called natural gas, methane is released from landfills , from coal mines and rice paddies, from billions of termites that swarm through the freshly cut forestland, from the burning of biomass and from a variety of other human activities. ) Even though noctilucent clouds were sometimes seen in the past., all this extra methane carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere, where it condenses at much higher altitudes to form more clouds that the sun's rays still strike long after sunset has brought the beginning of night to the surface far beneath them.8. What should we feel toward these ghosts in the sky? Simple wonder or the mix of emotions we feel at the zoo? Perhaps we should feel awe for our own power: just as me n "ear tusks from elephants’ heads in such quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness. In the process, we are once again adding to the threat of global warming, be-cause methane has been one of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third only to carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume, changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere. But, without even considering that threat, shouldn't it startle us that we have now put these clouds in the evening sky which glisten with a spectral light? Or have our eyes adjusted so completely to the bright lights of civilization that we can't see these clouds for what they are – a physical manifestation of the violent collision between human civilization and the earth?9. Even though it is sometimes hard to see their meaning, we have by now all witnessed surprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the environment --whether it's the new frequency of days when the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the new speed with which the -un burns our skin, or the new constancy of public debate over what to do with growing mountains of waste. But our response to these signals is puzzling. Why haven't we launched a massive effort to save our environment? To come at the question another way' Why do some images startle us into immediate action and focus our attention or ways to respond effectively? And why do other images, though sometimes equally dramatic, produce instead a Kin. of paralysis, focusing our attention not on ways to respond but rather on some convenient, less painful distraction?10. Still, there are so many distressing images of environ-mental destruction that sometimes it seems impossible to know how to absorb or comprehend them. Before considering the threats themselves, it may be helpful to classify them and thus begin to organize our thoughts and feelings so that we may be able to respond appropriately.11. A useful system comes from the military, which frequently places a conflictin one of three different categories, according to the theater in which it takes place. There are "local" skirmishes, "regional" battles, and "strategic" conflicts. This third category is reserved for struggles that can threaten a nation's survival and must be under stood in a global context.12. Environmental threats can be considered in the same way. For example, most instances of water pollution, air pollution, and illegal waste dumping are essentially local in nature. Problems like acid rain, the contamination of under-ground aquifers, and large oil spills are fundamentally regional. In both of these categories, there may be so many similar instances of particular local and regional problems occurring simultaneously all over the world that the patter n appears to be global, but the problems themselves are still not truly strategic because the operation of- the global environment is not affected and the survival of civilization is not at stake.13. However, a new class of environmental problems does affect the global ecological system, and these threats are fundamentally strategic. The 600 percent increase in the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere during the last forty years has taken place not just in those countries producing the chlorofluorocarbons responsible but in the air above every country, above Antarctica, above the North Pole and the Pacific Ocean – all the way from the surface of the earth to the top of the sky. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process by which the earth regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun that is allowed through the atmosphere to the surface; and it we let chlorine levels continue to increase, the radiation levels will al-so increase – to the point that all animal and plant life will face a new threat to their survival.14. Global warming is also a strategic threat. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other heat-absorbing molecules has increased by almost 25 per cent since World War II, posing a worldwide threat to the earth's ability to regulate the amount of heat from the sun retained in the atmosphere. This increase in heat seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determines the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean currents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies.15. In other words, the entire relationship between humankind and the earth has been transformed because our civilization is suddenly capable of affecting the entire global environment, not just a particular area. All of us know that human civilization has usually had a large impact on the environment; to mention just one example, there is evidence that even in prehistoric times, vast areas were sometimes intentionally burned by people in their search for food. And in our own time we have reshaped a large part of the earth's surface with concrete in our cities and carefully tended rice paddies, pastures, wheat fields, and other croplands in the countryside. But these changes, while sometimes appearing to be pervasive , have, until recently, been relatively trivial factors in the global ecological sys-tem. Indeed, until our lifetime, it was always safe to assume that nothing we did or could do would have any lasting effect on the global environment. But it is precisely that assumption which must now be discarded so that we can think strategically about our new relationship to theenvironment.16. Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment. Yet we resist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on the earth must now be measured by the same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon's pull on the oceans or the force of the wind against the mountains. And it we are now capable of changing something so basic as the relationship between the earth and the sun, surely we must acknowledge a new responsibility to use that power wisely and with appropriate restraint. So far, however, We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth's natural systems.17. This century has witnessed dramatic changes in two key factors that define the physical reality of our relation-ship to the earth: a sudden and startling surge in human population, with the addition of one China's worth of people every ten years, and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginable magnification of our power to affect the world around us by burning, cutting, digging, moving, and trans-forming the physical matter that makes up the earth.18. The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest illustrations of how startling the change has been, especially when viewed in a historical context. From the emergence of modern humans 200 000 years ago until Julius Caesar's time, fewer than 250 million people walked on the face of the earth. When Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World 1500 years later, there were approximately 500 million people on earth. By the time Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the number had doubled again, to 1 billion. By midway through this century, at the end of World War II, the number had risen to just above 2 billion people.19. In other words, from the beginning of humanity's appearance on earth to 1945, it took more than ten thousand generations to reach a world population of 2 billion people. Now, in the course of one human lifetime -- mine -- the world population will increase from 2 to more than 9 million, and it is already more than halfway there.20. Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years that. in the entire previous history of science. While no single discover y has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that unclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance -- making the consequences, of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.21. Now that our relationship to the earth has changed so utterly, we have to see that change and understand its implications. Our challenge is to recognize that thestartling images of environmental destruction now occurring all over the world have much more in common than their ability to shock and awaken us. They are symptoms of an underlying problem broader in scope and more serious than any we have ever faced. Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation -- they all have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization and the earth's natural balance.22. There are actually two aspects to this challenge. The first is to realize that our power to harm the earth can in-deed have global and even permanent effects. The second is to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of a complex system that does not operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth's ecological system.23. The strategic nature of the threat now posed by human civilization to the global environment and the strategic nature of the threat to human civilization now posed by changes in the global environment present us with a similar set of challenges and false hopes. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life -- a simplistic notion at best. But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of course involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.。
高英课内考点:第一课:Paraphrase1、we’re elevated 23 feet。
Our house is 23 feet above sea level.2、The place has been here since 1915,and no hurricane has ever bothered it。
The house was built in 1915,and since then no hurricane has done any damage to it.3、We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparation and survive the hurricane without much damage。
4、The generator was doused,and the lights went out。
Water got into the generator,it stopped working。
As a result all lights were put out。
5、Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everyone go out through the back door and get into the cars!6、The electrical systems had been killed by water。
The electrical systems in the cars had been destroyed by water。
7、John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the family by making the wrong decision not to flee inland。
高级英语第三课Ships in the Desertppt课件
1. Introduction about the author
❖ Latitude: 纬度 ❖ In high northern latitudes 在北纬高纬度地区(距离赤道
很远的地区) High latitudes; ❖ low latitudes:低纬度地区(距离赤道很近的地区)
❖ Warm \ cold latitudes; south \ north latitude ❖ Equator: 赤道 ❖ Equatorial: of or near the equator ❖ Longitude:经度 ❖ Altitude: height , esp. above sea-level. ❖ Cf. attitude: the position or manner of standing of the
Al Gore was born in 1948 in Washington D.C., U.S. He has been a Senator (1984-1992) representing the State of Tennessee, and U.S. Vice-President (1992-2000) under President Bill Clinton. He ran for the Presidency against George W. Bush jr. but the latter won the closely tied election and has become the 43rd American President. The text is taken from Al Gore’s book Earth in the Balance
高级英语(第三版)第一册第三课 Blackmail
• The story of Hotel:
• The setting: the St. Gregory Hotel, the largest in New Orleans, Louisiana. From Monday to Friday. The Hotel is experiencing a crisis of being forced to be sold to a chain hotel owner.
• The events: in the crisis, there are four knotty problems that face the Hotel managers: dealing with an attempted rape in a room; catching a thief operating in the hotel; several hundreds of dentists threatening to leave the hotel in protest against the hotel’ objection to serving a black dentist, and finally the case of the Duke of Croydon.
The symbolic sign of Ogilvie’s cigar
• Para 41: ---he paused to puff again at the cigar as his listeners waited silently. When the cigar tip was glowing he inspected it.
The development of the story Section One (1-21): The Duchess’ denying the crime SectionTwo(22-55): Ogilvie’s presenting evidences Section Three(56-101): Negotiating Section Four(102-109): Making a deal Climax: But we will pay you twenty-five thousand dollars.
第一课 Face to face with Hurricane Camille1.We re elevated23feet.We’re23feet above sea level.2.The place has been here since1915,and no hurricane has bothered it.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3.We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4.The generator was doused,and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out.5.Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars!6.The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter) had been put out by water.7.John watched the water lap at the steps,and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself forendangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8.Get us through this mess,will you?Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely9.She carried on alone for a few bars;then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and finally stopped.10.Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricane rather late.第二课 Hiroshima-the “Liveliest” City in Japan 1.Serious-looking men spoke to one another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them…They were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.2.At last this intermezzo came to an end,and I found myself in front of the gigantic City Hall.At last the taxi trip came to an end and I suddenly found that I was in front of the gigantic City Hall.3.The rather arresting spectacle of little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt. The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new development.4.…experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.I suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima wearing my socks only.5.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as inhibited asI was.The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as I was6.After three days in Japan,the spinal column becomes extraordinarily flexible.After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.7.I was about to make my little bow of assent,when the meaning of these last words sank in,jolting me out of my sad reverie.I was about to show my agreement by nodding when I sudd enly realized what the meaning ofhis words.His words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking.8....and nurses walked by carrying nickel-plated instruments,t he very sight of which would send shivers down the spine of any healthy visitor....and nurses walked by carrying surgical instruments whic h were nickel plated and even healthy visitors when they see t hose instruments could not help shivering.9.Because,thanks to it,I have the opportunity to improve my character.I have the chance to raise my moral standard thanks to the il lness.第三课 Blackmail1.The words spat forth with sudden savagery,all pretense of b landness gone.Ogilvie said these words suddenly and rudely,throwing awa y his pretended politeness.2.When they find who done that last night,who killed that kid an‘its mother,then high-tailed it,they’ll throw the book,an d never mind who it hits,or whether they got fancy titles nei ther.When they find who killed the mother and the kid and t hen ran away,they'll carry out the maximum punishment no matter who will be punished in this case or what their social position is.3.The Duchess of Croydon-three centuries and a half of inbredarrogance behind her-did not yield easily.The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from p arents of noble familieswith a history of three centuries anda half.She wouldn’t give up easily.4.Even the self-assurance of Ogilvie flickered for an instant. The Duchess appeared so firm about their innocence thatOgilvie felt unsure if his assumption for a moment.But the mo ment was very short.5.The house detective took his time,leisurely puffing a cloud of blue cigar smoke,his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection.The house detective was took his time smoking his cigar and puffed a cloud of blue smoke leisurely.At the same time,his eyes were fixed on the Duchess with contempt as if he was o penly daring her objection as she has done earlier.6.There ain’t much,out of the way,which people who stay in t his hotel do,I don’t get to hear about.No matter who stays in this hotel does anythingimproper,I a lways get to know about it.7.The Duchess of Croydon kept firm,tight rein on her racing m ind.The Duchess of Croydon is thinking quickly,but at the same t ime keeping her thoughts under control.8.And when they stopped for petrol,as they would have to,th eir speech and manner would betray them,making them co nspicuous.Furthermore,when they had to stopfor petrol,their speech and manner would make them noticeable and reveal their id entity.9)I know you are from the South.Your accent has betrayed you.10)We have no alternative in this matter.第四课 The Trial That Rocked the World1.”Don’t worry,son,we’ll show them a few tricks.”Don’t worry,young man.We have some clever and unexp ected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.2.The case had erupted round my head…The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and viol ently.3.No one,least of all I,anticipated that my case would snowba ll into one of the most famous trials in U.S.history.I was the last one to expect that my case would become o ne of the most famous trials in US history.4.”That’s one hell of a jury!”The jury iscompletely inappropriate.5.”Today it is the teachers,”he continued,”and tomorrow the magazines,the books,the newspapers.”“Today it is the teachers who are put on trial because of t eaching scientific theory,”he continued to say,”Soon the mag azines,the books and newspaper will not be allowed to spreadideas of science.”6.“There is some doubt about that,”Darrow snorted.“There is some doubt about whether man has reasoning p ower,”said Darrow scornfully.7....accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between sc ience and religion....accused Bryan of challenging a life and death strugglebe tween science and religion.8.Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they mightbe related.People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and t o consider carefully whether they and the apes could have a co mmon ancestry.9.Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a wit ness for the defense.Darrow surprised everyone by asking for Bryan as a witne ss for the defense which was a clever idea.10.My heart went out to the old warrior as spectators pushed by him to shake Darrow’s hand.I felt sorry for Bryanas the spectators rushed past him to c ongratulate Darrow.第五课 The Libido for the Ugly1.…it reduced the whole aspiration of man to a macabre and depressing joke.This dreadful scene makes all human endeavors to advance and improve their lot appear as a ghastly,saddening joke.2.The country itself is not uncomely,despite the grime of the endless mills.The country itself is pleasant to look at,despite the sooty dirt s pread by the innumerable mills in this region.3.They have taken as their model a brick set on end.The model they followed in building their houses was a brick s tanding upright.4.This they have converted into a thing of dingy clapboards, with a narrow,low-pitched roof.These brick-like houses were made of shabby,thin wooden bo ards and their roofs were narrow and had little slope.5.When it has taken on the patina of the mills it is the color of an egg long past all hope or caring.When the brick is covered with the black soot of the mills it ta kes on the color of a rotten egg.6.Red brick,even in a steel town,ages with some dignity. Even in a steel town,old red bricks still appear pleasing to the eye.7.I award this championship only after laborious research a nd incessant prayer.I have given Westmoreland the highest award for ugliness after having done a lot of hard work and research and after contin uous praying.8.They show grotesqueries of ugliness that,in retrospect,becom e almost diabolical.They show such fantastic and bizarre ugliness that,in looking b ack,they become almost fiendish and wicked.9.It is incredible that mere ignorance should have achieved such masterpieces of horror.It is hard to believe that people built such horrible houses just because they did not know what beautiful houses were like. 10.On certain levels of the American race,indeed,there see ms to be a positive libido for the ugly…People in certain strata of American society seem definitely to hunger after ugly things;while in other less Christian strata,pe ople seem to long for things beautiful.11.They meet,in some unfathomable way,its obscure and unintelligible demands.These ugly designs,in some way that people cannot understan d,satisfy the hidden and unintelligible demands of this type of mind.12.Out of the melting pot emerges a race which hates beaut y as it hates truth.The place where this psychological attitude is found is the Unit ed States.1.The cultural diversity of Shanghai Expo is the richest ever se en on earth.2.The poverty of that region is beyond imagination.3.Don’t ask him about his father’s death in the car accident;d on’t even allude to it.4.On the cast expanses of wilderness there is not a single tree in sight.5.Despite severe natural catastrophe,people in the stricken ar eas still believe in love and the future.6.On the whole your report is well-written,but there is still pl enty of room for improvement.7.I’ve made up my mind not to buy a car as I prefer to ride a bi le in the city.8.Many children’s love of Internet games borders upon crazin ess.第六课 Mark Twain-Mirror of America。
例如,在布市上,所有那 1些卖衣料、窗帘布、椅套布等的商贩都把货摊一个接一个地排设在马路两边,每一个店铺门面前都摆有一张陈列商品的搁板桌和一些存放货物的货架。
(完整word版)高级英语第三课Ships in the Desert
Lesson 3 Ships in the DesertAL Gore1.I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship capable of processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day. But it wasn’t a good day. We were anchored in what used to be the most productive fishing site in all of central Asia, but as I looked out over the bow, the prospects of a good catch looked bleak. Where there should have been gentle blue-green waves lapping against the side of the ship, there was nothing but hot dry sand——as far as I could see in all directions. The other ships of the fleet were also at rest in the sand, scattered in the dunes that stretched all the way to the horizon. Ten years ago the Aral was the fourth-largest inland sea in the world, comparable to the largest of North America’s Great Lakes. Now it is disappearing because the water that used to feed it has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the desert. The new shoreline was almost forty kilometers across the sand from where the fishing fleet was now permanently docked. Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Muynak the people were still canning fish——brought not from the Aral Sea but shipped by rail through Siberia from the Pacific Ocean, more than a thousand miles away.2.My search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis has led me to travel around the world to examine and study many of these images of destruction. At the very bottom of the earth, high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, with the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky, I stood in the unbelievable coldness and talked with a scientist in the late tall of 1988 about the tunnel he was digging through time. Slipping his parka back to reveal a badly burned face that was cracked and peeling, he pointed to the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier on which we were standing. He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago. “Here’s where the U.S Congress passed the Clean Air Act,” he said. At the bottom of the world, twocontinents away from Washington, D.C., even a small reduction in one country's emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the remotest end least accessible place on earth.3.But the most significant change thus far in the earth’s atmosphere is the one that began with the industrial revolution early in the last century and has picked up speed ever since. Industry meant coal, and later oil, and we began to burn lots of it——bringing rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) , with its ability to trap more heat in the atmosphere and slowly warm the earth. Fewer than a hundred yards from the South Pole, upwind from the ice runway where the ski plane lands and keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together, scientists monitor the air several times every day to chart the course of that inexorable change. During my visit, I watched one scientist draw the results of that day’s measurements, pushing the end of a steep line still higher on the graph. He told me how easy it is——there at the end of the earth——to see that this enormous change in the global atmosphere is still picking up speed.4.Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end of our planet, in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean. After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner——only three and a half feet thick——and a nuclear submarine hovered in the water below. After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resub merged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a result of global warming. I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U.S. Navy to secure the release of previously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap. Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in aneerily beautiful snowscape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or “pressure ridges” of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide. But here too, CO2, levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature will rise with them——indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidly in the polar regions than in the rest of the world. As the polar air warms, the ice here will thin; and since the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world’s weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrous.5.Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise. Six months after I returned from the North Pole, a team of scientists reported dramatic changes in the pattern of ice distribution in the Arctic, and a second team reported a still controversial claim (which a variety of data now suggest) that, over all, the north polar cap has thinned by 2 percent in just the last decade. Moreover, scientists established several years ago that in many land areas north of the Arctic Circle, the spring snowmelt now comes earlier every year, and deep in the tundra below, the temperature of the earth is steadily rising.*6.As it happens, some of the most disturbing images of environmental destruction can be found exactly halfway between the North and South poles——precisely at the equator in Brazil ——where billowing clouds of smoke regularly blacken the sky above the immense but now threatened Amazon rain forest. Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fast pasture for fast-food beef; as I learned when I went there in early 1989, the fires are set earlier and earlier in the dry season now, with more than one Tennessee’s worth of rain forest being slashed and burned each year. According to our guide, the biologist Tom Lovejoy, there are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exist in all of North America——which means we are silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard.*7.But one doesn't have to travel around the world to witness humankind’s assault on the earth. Images that signal the distress of our global environment are now commonly seen almost anywhere. On some nights, in high northern latitudes, the sky itself offers another ghostly image that signals the loss of ecological balance now in progress. If the sky is clear after sunset——and it you are watching from a place where pollution hasn't blotted out the night sky altogether——you can sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky. This “noctilucent cloud” occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening darkness; shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural. And they should: noctilucent clouds have begun to appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. (Also called natural gas, methane is released from landfills, from coal mines and rice paddies, from billions of termites that swarm through the freshly cut forestland, from the burning of biomass and from a variety of other human activities. ) Even though noctilucent clouds were sometimes seen in the past, all this extra methane carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere, where it condenses at much higher altitudes to form more clouds that the sun’s rays still strike long after sunset has brought the beginning of night to the surface far beneath them.8.What should we feel toward these ghosts in the sky? Simple wonder or the mix of emotions we feel at the zoo? Perhaps we should feel awe for our own power: just as men tear tusks from elephants’ heads in such quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness. In the process, we are once again adding to the threat of global warming, because methane has been one of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third only to carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume, changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere. But, without even considering that threat, shouldn’t it startle us that we have now put these clouds in the evening sky whichglisten with a spectral light? Or have our eyes adjusted so completely to the bright lights of civilization that we can’t see these clouds for what they are——a physical manifestation of the violent collision between human civilization and the earth?*9.Even though it is sometimes hard to see their meaning, we have by now all witnessed surprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the environment——whether it's the new frequency of days when the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the new speed with which the sun burns our skin, or the new constancy of public debate over what to do with growing mountains of waste. But our response to these signals is puzzling. Why haven’t we launched a massive effort to save our environment? To come at the question another way: Why do some images startle us into immediate action and focus our attention or ways to respond effectively? And why do other images, though sometimes equally dramatic, produce instead a Kin. of paralysis, focusing our attention not on ways to respond but rather on some convenient, less painful distraction?10.Still, there are so many distressing images of environmental destruction that sometimes it seems impossible to know how to absorb or comprehend them. Before considering the threats themselves, it may be helpful to classify them and thus begin to organize our thoughts and feelings so that we may be able to respond appropriately.11.A useful system comes from the military, which frequently places a conflict in one of three different categories, according to the theater in which it takes place. There are “local” skirmishes, “regional” battles, and “strategic” conflicts. This third category is reserved for struggles that can threaten a nation’s survival and must be under stood in a global context.12.Environmental threats can be considered in the same way. For example, most instances of water pollution, air pollution, and illegal waste dumping are essentially local in nature. Problemslike acid rain, the contamination of underground aquifers, and large oil spills are fundamentally regional. In both of these categories, there may be so many similar instances of particular local and regional problems occurring simultaneously all over the world that the patter n appears to be global, but the problems themselves are still not truly strategic because the operation of the global environment is not affected and the survival of civilization is not at stake.13.However, a new class of environmental problems does affect the global ecological system, and these threats are fundamentally strategic. The 600 percent increase in the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere during the last forty years has taken place not just in those countries producing the chlorofluorocarbons responsible but in the air above every country, above Antarctica, above the North Pole and the Pacific Ocean——all the way from the surface of the earth to the top of the sky. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process by which the earth regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun that is allowed through the atmosphere to the surface; and it we let chlorine levels continue to increase, the radiation levels will also increase——to the point that all animal and plant life will face a new threat to their survival.14.Global warming is also a strategic threat. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other heat-absorbing molecules has increased by almost 25 per cent since World War II, posing a worldwide threat to the earth’s ability to regulate the amount of heat from the sun retained in the atmosphere. This increase in heat seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determines the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean currents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies.15.In other words, the entire relationship between humankind and the earth has been transformed because our civilization is suddenly capable of affecting the entire global environment,not just a particular area. All of us know that human civilization has usually had a large impact on the environment; to mention just one example, there is evidence that even in prehistoric times, vast areas were sometimes intentionally burned by people in their search for food. And in our own time we have reshaped a large part of the earth’s surface with concrete in our cities and carefully tended rice paddies, pastures, wheat fields, and other croplands in the countryside. But these changes, while sometimes appearing to be pervasive, have, until recently, been relatively trivial factors in the global ecological sys-tem. Indeed, until our lifetime, it was always safe to assume that nothing we did or could do would have any lasting effect on the global environment. But it is precisely that assumption which must now be discarded so that we can think strategically about our new relationship to the environment.16.Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment. Yet we resist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on the earth must now be measured by the same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon’s pull on the oceans or the force of the wind against the mountains. And it we are now capable of changing something so basic as the relationship between the earth and the sun, surely we must acknowledge a new responsibility to use that power wisely and with appropriate restraint. So far, however, We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth’s natural systems.*17.This century has witnessed dramatic changes in two key factors that define the physical reality of our relationship to the earth: a sudden and startling surge in human population, with the addition of one China’s worth of people every ten years, and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginable magnification of our power to affect the world around us by burning, cutting, digging, moving, and transforming the physical matter that makes up the earth.18.The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest illustrations of how startling the change has been, especially when viewed in a historical context. From the emergence of modern humans 200,000 years ago until Julius Caesar’s time, fewer than 250 million people walked on the face of the earth. When Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World 1,500 years later, there were approximately 500 million people on earth. By the time Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the number had doubled again, to 1 billion. By midway through this century, at the end of World War II, the number had risen to just above 2 billion people.19.In other words, from the beginning of humanity’s appearance on earth to 1945, it took more than ten thousand generations to reach a world population of 2 billion people. Now, in the course of one human lifetime——mine——the world population will increase from 2 to more than 9 billion, and it is already more than halfway there.20.Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years that. in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that unclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance —— making the consequences of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.21.Now that our relationship to the earth has changed so utterly, we have to see that change and understand its implications. Our challenge is to recognize that the startling images ofenvironmental destruction now occurring all over the world have much more in common than their ability to shock and awaken us. They are symptoms of an underlying problem broader in scope and more serious than any we have ever faced. Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation——they all have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization and the earth’s natural balance.22.There are actually two aspects to this challenge. The first is to realize that our power to harm the earth can indeed have global and even permanent effects. The second is to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of a complex system that does not operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth’s ecological system.23.There is only one precedent for this kind of challenge to our thinking, and again it is military. The invention of nuclear weapons and the subsequent development by the United States and the Soviet Union of many thousands of strategic nuclear weapons forced a slow and painful recognition that the new power thus acquired forever changed not only the relationship between the two superpowers but also the relationship of humankind to the institution at war-fare itself. The consequences of all-out war between nations armed with nuclear weapons suddenly included the possibility of the destruction of both nations——completely and simultaneously. That sobering realization led to a careful reassessment of every aspect of our mutual relationship to the prospect of such a war. As early as 1946 one strategist concluded that strategic bombing with missiles “may well tear away the veil of illusion that has so long obscured the reality of the change inwarfare——from a fight to a process of destruction.”24.Nevertheless, during the earlier stages of the nuclear arms race, each of the superpower s assumed that its actions would have a simple and direct effect on the thinking of the other. For decades, each new advance in weaponry was deployed by one side for the purpose of inspiring fear in the other. But each such deployment led to an effort by the other to leapfrog the first one with a more advanced deployment of its own. Slowly, it has become apparent that the problem of the nuclear arms race is not primarily caused by technology. It is complicated by technology, true; but it arises out of the relationship between the superpowers and is based on an obsolete understanding of what war is all about.25.The eventual solution to the arms race will be found, not in a new deployment by one side or the other of some ultimate weapon or in a decision by either side to disarm unilaterally , but ratter in new understandings and in a mutual transformation of the relationship itself. This transformation will involve changes in the technology of weaponry and the denial of nuclear technology to rogue states. But the key changes will be in the way we think about the institution of warfare and about the relationship between states.26.The strategic nature of the threat now posed by human civilization to the global environment and the strategic nature of the threat to human civilization now posed by changes in the global environment present us with a similar set of challenges and false hopes. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life——a simplistic notion at best. But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramaticchange in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of course involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.( from Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, 1992 )11。
高级英语第三课Ships in the Desertppt课件
Compare the following:
❖ Desert : n. [‘dezət] wildness; waste land; waterless and treeless, often sand covered;
❖ Desert : v. [di ‘zə:t] abandon; give up; go away from
Land 旧名为 Palmer Peninsula .
Some Proper Names
❖ Arctic Circle:北极圈 ❖ Mid-night sun: 午夜太阳 (see Note 8) ❖ Ozone depletion: 臭氧层空洞 (see Note 16)
❖ Ozone is an unstable, pale-blue gas, O3 with a penetratin demonstrates that the quality of our air and water is urgently at risk. He clearly illustrates how problems that once were regional have now become global. Gore argues for a worldwide mobilization to save us from disaster.
their deserts. ❖ Some people failed to get their deserts. ❖ He is a man of deserts. ❖ Dessert fork \ knife \ spoon \ wine
高级英语第三课 Blackmail 课件
Background information
– The Duke is an internationally famous statesman and the newlyappointed British ambassador to Washington. He and his wife occupy the best suite in St. Gergory. On Monday evening while driving back with his wife from a gambling house, the Duke and the Duchess, however, drive away. The hit-and-run becomes top sensational news in New Orleans. The hotel’s chief house detective Ogilvie notices the battered car when it comes back. Instead of reporting this to the police, he goes to see the Duke and the Duchess. He promises to keep quiet about what he knows and asks for a large sum of money in return for the favour. The Duke, now totally at a loss as to how to act, hides behind the skirt of her wife. The Duchess understands that to get themselves out of this mess, the car has to be driven out of the south where people are alerted about the hit-and-run.
It is to treat a thing or idea as if it were human qualities. Gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, ideas or abstractions, e.g. This time fate was smiling to him. Dusk came stealthily. The wind whistled through the trees.
Overstatement VS understatement
It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool. ―He is really strange‖, his friends said when they heard he had divorced his pretty and loving wife.
The Aral Sea
The Aral Sea
The region's once prosperous fishing industry has been essentially destroyed, bringing unemployment and economic hardship. The Aral Sea region is also heavily polluted, with consequent serious public health problems. The retreat of the sea has reportedly also caused local climate change, with summers becoming hotter and drier, and winters colder and longer.
词。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。 ❖ 例如: ❖ (1)This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。 ❖ 其否定式为not as/so +adj./ adv. +as。例如: ❖ This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.这本字典不如你想象的那样有用
(4)as far as He walked as far as the railway station yesterday evening.昨天傍晚,他 一直散步到火车站。
(5)as well as
2021/6/7 She cooks as well as her mother does.她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。
王 I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War through the branches .
对我们的家史我大概能够追溯到南北战争之前 ❖ carry it back:. 运回;拿回;使回想;使回忆起
through ❖ prep.通过,穿过;经由;透过;凭借 ❖ adv.从头到尾;彻底;自始至终 ❖ adj.(电话)接通;通话完毕;有洞的;直达的 这里应该取它贯穿的意思,
❖ 如:slaming the door,she went out.关上门,她走了出去。这两个动作 都是同时的,但是句子主要是说她出去这个意义,并不想强调关门,所 以关门是伴随状语。这里伴随状语前置,按逗号来判断显然在此不行。
课文翻译(Translation of the text)第一课超级摇滚巨星——关于我们自己和我们的社会,他们告诉我们些什么?摇滚乐是青少年反叛的音乐。
Lesson 3 Ships in the DesertShips in the DesertAL Gore1. I was standing in the sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing ship capableof processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day. But it wasn' t a good day. We were anchored in what used to be the most productive fishing site in all of central Asia, but as I looked out over the bow , the prospects of a good catch looked bleak. Where there should have been gentle blue-green waves lapping against the side of the ship, there was nothing but hot dry sand – as far as I could see in all directions. The other ships of the fleet were also at rest in the sand, scattered in the dunes that stretched all the way to the horizon . Ten year s ago the Aral was the fourth-largest inland sea in the world, comparable to the largest of North America's Great Lakes. Now it is disappearing because the water that used to feed it has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton In the user t. The new shoreline was almost forty kilometers across the sand from where the fishing fleet was now permanently docked. Meanwhile, in the nearby town of Muynak the people were still canning fish – brought not from the Aral Sea but shipped by rail through Siberia from the Pacific Ocean, more than a thousand miles away.2. My search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis has led me to travel around the world to examine and study many of these images of destruction. At the very bottom of the earth, high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains, with the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky, I stood in the unbelievable coldness and talked with a scientist in the late tall of 1988 about the tunnel he was digging through time. Slipping his parka back to reveal a badly burned face that was cracked and peeling, he pointed to the annual layers of ice in a core sample dug from the glacier on which we were standing. He moved his finger back in time to the ice of two decades ago. "Here's where the U. S Congress passed the Clean Air Act, ” he sa id. At the bottom of the world, two continents away from Washington, D. C., even a small reduction in one country's emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the remotest end least accessible place on earth.3. But the most significant change thus far in the earth' s atmosphere is the one that began with the industrial r evolution early in the last century and has picked up speed ever since. Industry meant coal, and later oil, and we began to burn lots of it –bringing rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) , with its ability to trap more heat in the atmosphere and slowly warm the earth. Fewer than a hundred yards from the South Pole, upwind from the ice runway where the ski plane lands and keeps its engines running to prevent the metal parts from freeze-locking together, scientists monitor the air sever al times ever y day to chart the course of that inexorable change. During my visit, I watched one scientist draw the results of that day's measurements, pushing the end of a steep line still higher on the graph. He told me how easy it is –there at the end of the earth –to see that this enormous change in the global atmosphere is still picking up speed.4. Two and a half years later I slept under the midnight sun at the other end ofour planet, in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean. After a hearty breakfast, my companions and I traveled by snowmobiles a few miles farther north to a rendezvous point where the ice was thinner – only three and a half feet thick –and a nuclear submarine hovered in the water below. After it crashed through the ice, took on its new passengers, and resubmerged, I talked with scientists who were trying to measure more accurately the thickness of the polar ice cap, which many believe is thinning as a re-suit of global warming. I had just negotiated an agreement between ice scientists and the U. S. Navy to secure the re-lease of previously top secret data from submarine sonar tracks, data that could help them learn what is happening to the north polar cap. Now, I wanted to see the pole it-self, and some eight hours after we met the submarine, we were crashing through that ice, surfacing, and then I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowcape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks, or "pressure ridges " of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide. But here too, CD, levels are rising just as rapidly, and ultimately temperature will rise with them –indeed, global warming is expected to push temperatures up much more rapidly in the polar regions than in the rest of the world. As the polar air warms, the ice her e will thin; and since the polar cap plays such a crucial role in the world's weather system, the consequences of a thinning cap could be disastrous.5. Considering such scenarios is not a purely speculative exercise. Six months after I returned from the North Pole, a team of scientists reported dramatic changes in the pattern of ice distribution in the Arctic, and a second team reported a still controversialclaim (which a variety of data now suggest) that, over all, the north polar cap has thinned by 2 per cent in just the last decade. Moreover, scientists established several years ago that in many land areas north of the Arctic Circle, the spring snowmelt now comes earlier every year, and deep in the tundra below, the temperature e of the earth is steadily rising.6. As it happens, some of the most disturbing images of environmental destruction can be found exactly halfway between the North and South poles –precisely at the equator in Brazil –where billowing clouds of smoke regularly black-en the sky above the immense but now threatened Amazon rain forest. Acre by acre, the rain forest is being burned to create fast pasture for fast-food beef; as I learned when I went there in early 1989, the fires are set earlier and earlier in the dry season now, with more than one Tennessee's worth of rain forest being slashed and burned each year. According to our guide, the biologist Tom Lovejoy, there are more different species of birds in each square mile of the Amazon than exist in all of North America –which means we are silencing thousands of songs we have never even heard.7. But one doesn't have to travel around the world to wit-ness humankind's assault on the earth. Images that signal the distress of our global environment are now commonly seen almost anywhere. On some nights, in high northern latitudes, the sky itself offers another ghostly image that signals the loss of ecological balance now in progress. If the sky is clear after sunset -- and it you are watching from a place wherepollution hasn't blotted out the night sky altogether -- you can sometimes see a strange kind of cloud high in the sky. This "noctilucent cloud" occasionally appears when the earth is first cloaked in the evening dark-ness; shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural. And they should: noctilucent clouds have begun to appear more often because of a huge buildup of methane gas in the atmosphere. (Also called natural gas, methane is released from landfills , from coal mines and rice paddies, from billions of termites that swarm through the freshly cut forestland, from the burning of biomass and from a variety of other human activities. ) Even though noctilucent clouds were sometimes seen in the past., all this extra methane carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere, where it condenses at much higher altitudes to form more clouds that the sun's rays still strike long after sunset has brought the beginning of night to the surface far beneath them.8. What should we feel toward these ghosts in the sky? Simple wonder or the mix of emotions we feel at the zoo? Perhaps we should feel awe for our own power: just as men "ear tusks from elephants’ heads in such quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness. In the process, we are once again adding to the threat of global warming, be-cause methane has been one of the fastest-growing green-house gases, and is third only to carbon dioxide and water vapor in total volume, changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere. But, without even considering that threat, shouldn't it startle us that we have now put these clouds in the evening sky which glisten with a spectral light? Or have our eyes adjusted so completely to the bright lights of civilization that we can't see these clouds for what they are – a physical manifestation of the violent collision between human civilization and the earth?9. Even though it is sometimes hard to see their meaning, we have by now all witnessed surprising experiences that signal the damage from our assault on the environment --whether it's the new frequency of days when the temperature exceeds 100 degrees, the new speed with which the -un burns our skin, or the new constancy of public debate over what to do with growing mountains of waste. But our response to these signals is puzzling. Why haven't we launched a massive effort to save our environment? To come at the question another way' Why do some images startle us into immediate action and focus our attention or ways to respond effectively? And why do other images, though sometimes equally dramatic, produce instead a Kin. of paralysis, focusing our attention not on ways to respond but rather on some convenient, less painful distraction?10. Still, there are so many distressing images of environ-mental destruction that sometimes it seems impossible to know how to absorb or comprehend them. Before considering the threats themselves, it may be helpful to classify them and thus begin to organize our thoughts and feelings so that we may be able to respond appropriately.11. A useful system comes from the military, which frequently places a conflict in one of three different categories, according to the theater in which it takes place. There are "local" skirmishes, "regional" battles, and "strategic" conflicts. This third category is reserved for struggles that can threaten a nation's survival and must beunder stood in a global context.12. Environmental threats can be considered in the same way. For example, most instances of water pollution, air pollution, and illegal waste dumping are essentially local in nature. Problems like acid rain, the contamination of under-ground aquifers, and large oil spills are fundamentally regional. In both of these categories, there may be so many similar instances of particular local and regional problems occurring simultaneously all over the world that the patter n appears to be global, but the problems themselves are still not truly strategic because the operation of- the global environment is not affected and the survival of civilization is not at stake.13. However, a new class of environmental problems does affect the global ecological system, and these threats are fundamentally strategic. The 600 percent increase in the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere during the last forty years has taken place not just in those countries producing the chlorofluorocarbons responsible but in the air above every country, above Antarctica, above the North Pole and the Pacific Ocean – all the way from the surface of the earth to the top of the sky. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process by which the earth regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation from the sun that is allowed through the atmosphere to the surface; and it we let chlorine levels continue to increase, the radiation levels will al-so increase – to the point that all animal and plant life will face a new threat to their survival.14. Global warming is also a strategic threat. The concentration of carbon dioxide and other heat-absorbing molecules has increased by almost 25 per cent since World War II, posing a worldwide threat to the earth's ability to regulate the amount of heat from the sun retained in the atmosphere. This increase in heat seriously threatens the global climate equilibrium that determines the pattern of winds, rainfall, surface temperatures, ocean currents, and sea level. These in turn determine the distribution of vegetative and animal life on land and sea and have a great effect on the location and pattern of human societies.15. In other words, the entire relationship between humankind and the earth has been transformed because our civilization is suddenly capable of affecting the entire global environment, not just a particular area. All of us know that human civilization has usually had a large impact on the environment; to mention just one example, there is evidence that even in prehistoric times, vast areas were sometimes intentionally burned by people in their search for food. And in our own time we have reshaped a large part of the earth's surface with concrete in our cities and carefully tended rice paddies, pastures, wheat fields, and other croplands in the countryside. But these changes, while sometimes appearing to be pervasive , have, until recently, been relatively trivial factors in the global ecological sys-tem. Indeed, until our lifetime, it was always safe to assume that nothing we did or could do would have any lasting effect on the global environment. But it is precisely that assumption which must now be discarded so that we can think strategically about our new relationship to the environment.16. Human civilization is now the dominant cause of change in the global environment. Yet we resist this truth and find it hard to imagine that our effect on theearth must now be measured by the same yardstick used to calculate the strength of the moon's pull on the oceans or the force of the wind against the mountains. And it we are now capable of changing something so basic as the relationship between the earth and the sun, surely we must acknowledge a new responsibility to use that power wisely and with appropriate restraint. So far, however, We seem oblivious of the fragility of the earth's natural systems.17. This century has witnessed dramatic changes in two key factors that define the physical reality of our relation-ship to the earth: a sudden and startling surge in human population, with the addition of one China's worth of people every ten years, and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginable magnification of our power to affect the world around us by burning, cutting, digging, moving, and trans-forming the physical matter that makes up the earth.18. The surge in population is both a cause of the changed relationship and one of the clearest illustrations of how startling the change has been, especially when viewed in a historical context. From the emergence of modern humans 200 000 years ago until Julius Caesar's time, fewer than 250 million people walked on the face of the earth. When Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World 1500 years later, there were approximately 500 million people on earth. By the time Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the number had doubled again, to 1 billion. By midway through this century, at the end of World War II, the number had risen to just above 2 billion people.19. In other words, from the beginning of humanity's appearance on earth to 1945, it took more than ten thousand generations to reach a world population of 2 billion people. Now, in the course of one human lifetime -- mine -- the world population will increase from 2 to more than 9 million, and it is already more than halfway there.20. Like the population explosion, the scientific and technological revolution began to pick up speed slowly during the eighteenth century. And this ongoing revolution has also suddenly accelerated exponentially. For example, it is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years that. in the entire previous history of science. While no single discover y has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that unclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance -- making the consequences, of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war.21. Now that our relationship to the earth has changed so utterly, we have to see that change and understand its implications. Our challenge is to recognize that the startling images of environmental destruction now occurring all over the world have much more in common than their ability to shock and awaken us. They are symptoms of an underlying problem broader in scope and more serious than any we have ever faced. Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation -- they all have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization andthe earth's natural balance.22. There are actually two aspects to this challenge. The first is to realize that our power to harm the earth can in-deed have global and even permanent effects. The second is to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of a complex system that does not operate according to the same simple rules of cause and effect we are used to. The problem is not our effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth's ecological system.23. The strategic nature of the threat now posed by human civilization to the global environment and the strategic nature of the threat to human civilization now posed by changes in the global environment present us with a similar set of challenges and false hopes. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life -- a simplistic notion at best. But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will of course involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself.。
SJQU-QR-JW-033(A0)《高级英语》(3)课程教学大纲【高级英语(3)】【Advanced English (3)】一、基本信息课程代码:课程学分:2面向专业:英语专业课程性质:系级必修课开课院系:外国语学院英语系使用教材:主教材《高级英语》(第一册)(改编自《综合教程》第七册),何兆熊主编,上海外语教育出版社,2014年。
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Ame Great Lakes refer to the group of five freshwater lakes, central North America, between the United States and Canada, largest body of fresh water in the world. From west to east, they are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. HOMES can help remember the names of the five lakes. H stands for Huron, O for Ontario, M for Michigan, E for Erie and S for Superior.
Some geographic knowledge
The Aral Sea
• • The Aral Sea is an inland sea of the former Soviet Union, lying in the central Asia. It was once the world's fourth-largest inland sea with an area of over 60,000 km²and the flourishing fishing industry which produced about one-sixth of the USSR's entire fish catch. Yet, the Aral Sea has been steadily shrinking since the 1960s, when the two rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya Darya that fed it were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects. By 2004, the sea had shrunk to 25% of its original surface area. By 2007 it had declined further to 10% of its former size. The once prosperous fishing industry has been virtually destroyed, and the former fishing towns and villages along the original shores have become desolate ship graveyards.
Amazon rain forest
• Amazon rain forest is the largest rain forest on the earth, as large as the whole United States. Its major part is in Brazil, from which it stretches to most of the South American countries such as Guyana, Venezuela, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, etc. Of these countries, Brazil has the most population who make their living on Amazon rain forest. Their food, shelter, medicine care, even spirits and culture completely depend on this ancient forest. Amazon rain forest bears the richest biological species such as over 60,000 kinds of plants, 1,000 kinds of birds, 3,000 kinds of land mammals, 2,000 kinds of fishes and water mammals. Yet, to create pasture for fast-food beef and enlarge bean field for fast export profit, the Brazilian business men and farmers have been burning more and more rain forest, thus accelerates the destruction of the Amazon.
The Arctic Ocean
• The Arctic Ocean lies in the Arctic Circle, the area within the circle of north latitude 66.5. The Arctic Ocean, as the smallest of the four oceans, is about 3.6% of the total body of oceans in the world and mainly made up of 10 seas, such as Barents Sea, East Siberian Sea, Greenland Sea, etc. It has many islands with its total size of four million square kilometers, only next to the Pacific Ocean. 2/3 of its total body is the never-melting layer and its center part remains about three million years. As the ocean water flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the melting glacier with it threatens the navigation. Titanic accident in 1912 was one of the disasters caused by the floating glaciers. For its frigid coldness, there are only a few kinds of plants and animals, such as bryophyte(苔藓植物), polar bears, walruses(海象), seals, deer, whales, etc.
Ships in the desert
Al Gore
• Al Gore was born in 1948 in Washington D.C, He has been a Senator representing the State of Tennessee, and U.S. Vice-President under President Bill Clinton. He ran for the Presidency against George W. Bush but the latter won the closely tied election and has become the 43rd American President. After retirement, he devoted his time to environmental protection. The text is taken from Al Gore’s book Earth in the Balance.
Trans-Antarctic Mountains
• Trans-Antarctic Mountains are a mountain chain stretching across Antarctic from Victoria Land to Coast Land, separating the East Antarctic and West Antarctic subcontinents (次大陆). Trans-Antarctic Mountains are almost covered with snow and a great deal of coal is exploited, besides the valuable fossils of the original amphibians (两栖动物) discovered along the mountains , where many countries such as the United States, the Great Britain and New Zealand have set up the research institutions to stud these fossils.
The Pacific Ocean
• The Pacific Ocean (the Pacific in short) lies among four of the seven continents: Asia, Oceania, Antarctic and South and North Americas. The Pacific is the largest and the deepest with the most islands of the four oceans (the Pacific, the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and the Arctic). It covers 49.8% of the total sea area of the earth. The deepest part reaches 11034 meters. The Pacific can be geographically divided into North Pacific, Middle Pacific and South Pacific. North Pacific includes the sea area north of the tropic, locating in north subtropics (北亚热带) and north temperate zone (北温带).Middle Pacific lies between the tropics(南北回归 线)and South Pacific suggests the sea area south of the tropic. It belongs to south tropic and south temperate zone. There are over 40 countries and places in the Pacific area such as China, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Canada, the United States, Mexico, etc. Besides, the Pacific is an area with approximately 85% of the living volcanoes and 80% of the earthquakes on the earth. The Pacific is rich in sea plants, animals and mineral resources. To develop the world-wide communication and the exploitation of the Pacific resources, quite a few electric cables have been set up at the sea bottom by the Great Britain, the United States, Canada, etc. Now, the man-made satellite has been used for the communication and exploitation, too.