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A: Can you make it on Tuesday? 您周二可以吗?

B: Tuesday? I’m afraid I can’t make it. I will be out of town that day. Is there any possibility we move it to Monday? 周二?恐怕我不行,我那天出差。有没有可能挪到周一?

A: Oh, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m completely booked on Monday. Would it be possible to postpone until you return? 唉呀,抱歉,我周一全约满了。推迟到您出差回来可不可以?

B: Well, I will be back Thursday morning. What about Thursday afternoon? Would that work for you? 嗯,我周四上午回来。周四下午怎么样?这个时间行吗?

A: That should be fine. Shall we say 2 o’clock? 这个时间应该没问题。那,两点吧?

B: Perfect. I’ll look forward to seeing you at 2 o’clock next Thursday afternoon. 好!那就周四下午两点见了!

A: Great. I’ll see you on Thursday. But if you need to change the time, feel free to call me on my cell phone. 好的,下周四见,不过,您要是需要改时间的话,请随时打我手机。

B: Thanks Tracy. See you on Thursday. 谢谢翠喜,下周四见!



2. 用email 还是QQ, msn ? A .

Tracy, I need you to take a dictation for me. 翠喜,我口述一个文件,你记录一下。 B .

A .

这个要作为内部文件,在今B .

Yes, madam. Go ahead. 好了,老板,您说吧。 A . Attention to all staff …Effective immediately, all office communications are restricted to email correspondence and official memos. The use of Instant Message Programs by employees during working hours is strictly prohibited. 全体员工请注意…从现在开始,所有办公联系方式都限于电子邮件通信和正式文件。上班时间严禁员工使用网上即时聊天系统。 B .

Madam, does this apply to intra-office communications only? Or will it also restrict external communications? 老板,这只适用于公司内部联系方式吗?还是也会限制对外联系? A .

It should apply to all communications, not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communications. 所有联系都包括在内,不仅是公司内部员工之间的联系,也包括所有对外联系。 B .

But madam, many employees use Instant Messaging to communicate with their clients. 不过,老板,很多员工都用网上聊天系统跟客户联系啊。 C . They will just have to change their communication methods. I don ’t want anyone using instant Messaging in this office . It wastes

too much time! Now, please continue with the memo. Where were we? 那他们只能改变联系方式了。我不希望任何人在办公室用聊天系统,太浪费时间!好了,继续写吧,我们说到哪儿了?


1) dictation ——dictionary 字典(说话的书)——口述

2) memorandum ——memory 记忆——备忘录;文件

3) prohibit ——pro(离开)+hibit (变体自habit )——让别人离开原来的习惯——禁止

4) external ——ex+ternal 往外转的——对外的


Dear Mr. Wang, 尊敬的王先生:

Further to our telephone call yesterday, I’m writing to confirm our meeting on July 21. As we discussed, our meeting is to review the contract details. 昨天我们在电话中说到了开会面谈的事情,我现在写信来跟您确认一下7月21日的会议。正如我们昨天所谈的,此次会议是为了审查合同的细节。

We would be grateful if you could please send related materials to our office prior to our meeting. 如果方便,麻烦您能在会议之前把相关材料提供给我们,非常感谢!

Please find attached the agenda for your review. 附件中是日程表,供您审阅。

Best regards, 最诚挚的祝福!






