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The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

The mother duck was hatching by the river. Suddenly an egg was broken. And form it came out a lovely duck : “Quack Quack ”. And then the other five ducklings were hatched out. One after anther. Ah, there is still a very big egg. Why is it not broken?” Soon after that, form the egg came out another duckling. But she was very big and looked ugly. None of the others liked the ugly duckling. They didn’t play together with her.

One day, the mother said to them : "My children I’ll take you to swim in the pool. It will be very funny there. "Then the seven ducklings came to the water and they swam and played happily in the water, but they didn’t stay near the ugly duckling. And some ever bullied her. The ugly duck was so sad, so she cried : “En –En,Why I am not pretty, Why am I so ugly, En- En nobody plays with me, nobody likes me. ”Because she had no friends, the ugly duckling decided to leave home. She decided to travel all by herself, and she hoped to find new friends in the outside world, She walked alone, She walked and walked. and then she came to a lake, there some beautiful white swans, some were swimming on the lake and some were flying in the sky. The ugly duck envied to see this :Wow, What beautiful swans they are, if I could make fr iends with them, I would be very happy, but I’m so ugly even the ducks can’t make friends with me, Let me along those beautiful swans, oh

my God ! Why am I so ugly, Why ?” The poor ugly duckling wandered for

two years.

One day, she felt she had a strong desire, She wanted to fly. She wanted

to stretch the wings and so she tried. The magic appeared. She flew higher

and higher in the sky. “Oh, how wonderful it is. I can fly, I can fly like a

swan ”she cried in her mind. She flew over the center of the lake and

began to fly towards the water. As she was near the water, she found her

reflection. In the water, to her big surprise, she was not an ugly duck, but a

beautiful white swan like the others on the lake. The ugly duck was not a

duck indeed , She was a swan, because it takes two years to change her

feathers all to white. Now the ugly ducking had become to swan , and she

soon make lots friends and led a happy life since then.



