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Vol.41 No.2

Apr., 2019

文章编号:1672-4461(2019) 02-0113-04




摘要:随着国家节能减排工作的不断深入,新版《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》要求,燃煤电厂NOx 排放限值不 断降低,新建电厂燃煤锅炉均已设计安装了烟气脱硝系统,其中大部分电厂均采用SCR 喷氨的方式进行脱硝,脱硝

后的残存氨气(氨逃逸)与烟气中的SO,、水蒸气反应生成黏稠状硫酸氢氨,在空气预热器蓄热元件表面沉积,并吸 附烟气中的粉尘,造成空气预热器蓄热体间隙堵塞,通风阻力增加,影响机组的带负荷能力。主要介绍某电厂

350 MW 超临界机组锅炉空气预热器堵塞的控制及超高压在线清洗技术的研究与应用,空气预热器堵塞问题基本




中图分类号:TM621 文献标识码:B

Research and Application of Anti-dogging Control and

Cleaning Technology of Air Preheater

WANG Hai, ZHANG Yu-long, NEI Ming-qing

(Jiuquan Iron and Steel Group Co. Ltd., the Energy Center of Three Power Plants , Jiayuguan 735100, China)

Abstract : With the continuous deepening of the national energy saving and emission reduction work , the new edition of the

standard for emission of air pollutants in thermal power plants requires that the NOx emission limit of coal-fired power plants

is not more than 100mg/Nni 3. In order to achieve this emission limit , the Due gas denitrification system has been in s talled

in the newly built power plant coal-fired boilers , and most of the power plants use SCR The residual ammonia gas ( ammonia

escape ) after denitrification (ammonia escape ) reacts with the S03 and steam in the flue gas to produce hydrogen sulphate. When the air preheater is passed through the air preheater , the hydrogen sulfate forms a viscous liquid , which is deposited

on the surface of the heat storage element of the air preheater and adsorbs the dust in the flue gas. The blockage of heat stor ­

age space of air preheater and the increase of ventilation resistance affect the load capacity of the unit. This paper mainly in ­

troduces the control of 350 MW supercritical boiler air preheater and the research and application of ultra high pressure on ­line cleaning technology- in a power plant. The problem of air preheater plugging is basically solved , and the nonnal load ca ­

pacity of the unit is guaranteed. The adjustment measures and flushing technology mentioned in this paper can be used for

reference in the blockage treatment of other types of air preheater.

Key Words : denitrification ; clogging ; control ; cleaning


某电厂350 MW 发电机组,其锅炉为东锅DG-


LAP 11284/2400三分仓回转式空气预热器,脱硝系

统的处理方式为SCR 氨法脱硝方式。投产初期,由 于运行调整以及系统设计等方面的原因,几台

350 MW 机组脱硝系统均岀现了氨逃逸率偏高,在空



2015年4月份,由于空气预热器的堵塞,B 侧空气预

热器烟气侧压差最高达到了 3.5 kPa,超出设计值约

1.5倍以上,且呈周期性的大幅波动,见图2,进而引起 锅炉炉膛负压、送风机风压及电流、引风机风压及电 流、一次风机风压及电流的周期性波动,其中B 侧二 次风风压最低已降至0 kPa,严重影响了机组进一步

接待负荷和长周期安全稳定运行。4月15日,由于烟 气侧大部分参数已偏离正常值,2#机组被迫降负荷至
