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The text we read is a dialogue on cultural differences. So in this kind of text we should use examples to explain concepts and ideas. Sometimes we use examples to support arguments and sometimes used as interesting stories.
4. In the UK, people take off their shoes
before entering someone’s house. F
5.There can be great cultural differences
even between people who speak the same
E: 1___a_li_k_e___ 3__fi_r_ew__o_r_k_s 5_t_h_r_o_u_g_h_o_u_t 7___en__su_r_e__
2_c_e_le_b_r_a_t_io_n_s_ 4__h_o_t_d_o_g_s_ 6__p_ro_h__ib_i_te_d_ 8__p_e_rm__i_tt_e_d
… the British teacher who opened the present as soon as he received it at the endof- term ceremony.
D: 1__b__ 4___a___
2__d__ 3__e__ 5___c_ 6__f__
6. What kind of food do Brits eat at this festival? They eat hot dogs and other food that can be cooked over the fire.
Fill in blanks.
where event
Britain an end-ofterm ceremony
2. What surprised Peter about the wedding in Korea? They had a live hen and a rooster.
3. What drink is not permitted at a wedding in Brunei? Alcohol is not permitted.
When we talk about Brits, we may say they: • are a little bit reserved, especially t来自百度文库e older
generations • don’t talk very much to strangers • respect and are proud of the traditions and
where event what happens
a wedding reception
★ men and women sit in separate.
★Food, soft drinks, tea and coffee are served, but alcohol is not permitted.
★They play loud drums to celebrate the wedding for hours or even throughout the night.
where event
Britain Bonfire Night on 5 November
what happens
★ They light large fires outside.
In the United States, when someone puts his thumb up, it means“ Everything is all right”. However, in Sardinia of Italy and Greece, the gesture is insulting and should not be used there.
history of Britain • love soccer, rugby and cricket
As for the Americans, we tend to think that they: • are enthusiastic, open-minded and easy to
get along with • do not like to obey others and hate to be
I have fond childhood memories of Bonfire Night, but my American friends are not familiar with that particular festival.
Try to find out the example used as an interesting story about cultural misunderstanding.
Answer the following questions.
1. In the West, when is the polite time to open a present? Why? You should open a present when you receive it, because people want to see how you react.
1. Do you have foreign friends or relatives? 2. What do you know about their life? 3. Have you ever misunderstood all their
behaviors? 4. How can you understand their culture
1. Write a short passage about culture differences in different countries.
2. Finish the workbook exercises.
Read the dialogue carefully and try to find out the sentences explaining the concept of cultural differences between English speakers from different countries.
Read the sentences below and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F) according to the conversation.
1. In Korea, it is believed that hens can
drive bad spirits away from the wedding
what happens
The teacher opens a present as soon as he receives it.
where event
what happens
Korea a wedding ★ They have a live hen, to ceremony ensure good luck for the marriage, and a rooster, to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony. ★When the hen lays egg during the ceremony, everyone congratulates the new couple because it is considered very lucky.
2. Where does Peter come from? He comes from the UK.
3. What does Ma Li think about learning about cultural differences? She thinks that it is a good way to understand more about each other.
flattered • love American football, baseball and
Read the conversation quickly and answer the following questions.
1. Which country is Waled from? He is from Brunei.
4. How do people in Brunei point? Why? They use their thumb to point, because pointing with their first finger can cause offence.
5. What British festival are Peter’s American friends not familiar with? They are not familiar with Bonfire Night.
2. The bridegroom and bride have to sit in
different areas at the wedding reception
in Brunei.
3. People in Brunei celebrate the wedding
by singing and dancing throughout the
2. Do you think it might result in embarrassment or inconvenience?
3. What do you think about “culture shock”?
Reading Strategy: understanding the use of examples
★ They gather around and have a party.
★There are plenty of fireworks.
★They eat hot dogs and other food that can be cooked over the fire.
1. What might happen if people had no idea of other countries’ cultures?
1. Why do we need to find out about other cultures’ traditions?
2. How can people understand each other’s cultures better?
3. What do you know about cultures that are different from your own?
Information about culture differences
In most countries, nodding your head up and down means“ yes”. In some parts of Greece and Turkey, however, this motion can mean“ No”. In South-east Asia, nodding your head is a polite way of saying “ I’ve heard you.”