国际市场营销课件第三章 国际经济与政治环境_PPT幻灯片

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Industrial Economies
❖ What are the effect of the economic structure to the international marketing?
❖ In brief, it will decide the demand structure(需求结构) and be the prior factor for choosing the target market(目标市场). So that the company could find the market opportunities from the actuality and the trend of the economic structure of each country.
The Theory of Economic Developing Phase
❖ Walt W. Rostow 罗斯托的经济发展5阶段论 ❖ Traditional society 传统社会阶段 ❖ The preconditions for take-off 起飞前阶段 ❖ The take-off 起飞阶段 ❖ The drive to maturity 趋向成熟阶段 ❖ The age of high mass consumption 高度消
Chapter Ⅲ Marketing Environment
• 营销环境指存在于企业营销部门外部的不可 控制的因素和力量,这些因素和力量是影响 企业营销活动及其目标实现的外部条件。
Classification of the Marketing Environment
❖ According to its impact:
❖ Microenvironment(微观营销环境)是指由公司本身市场 营销活动所引起的与公司市场紧密相关、直接影响其市 场营销能力的各种行为者。包括公司供应商、营销中间 商、竞争者和公众等。
❖ Macro environment(宏观营销环境)是指影响公司微观 环境的各种因素和力量的总和。包括人口统计环境、经 济环境、自然环境、政治和法律环境及文化环境等。
❖ 2.What are the impact of the economic developing level to the international marketing?
Ⅱ.Economic Structure
❖ Shapes a country’s product and service needs, income levels, and employment levels使得各个国家在产品/服务需求,收入水 平和就业上有很大的差异。
Industrial Structure
❖ Decide the proportion of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
Subsistence Economies
Raw Material Exporting Economies
Industrializing Economies
Ⅲ.Economic Characteristics
❖ 1.capacity of the market市场容量 ❖ Usually is effected by the factors as follows
❖ Population 人口( 增长率及分布等情况 ) ❖ Income 收入( 国民生产总值、收入分配情况及人
Macro environment
❖ Economic environment 经济环境 ❖ Social-cultural environment 文化环境 ❖ Political environment 政治环境 ❖ Legal environment 法律环境 ❖ Physical envi来自百度文库onment 自然环境 ❖ Technological environment 技术环境 ❖ Competitive environment 竞争环境
§Ⅰ Economic Environment 经济环境
Focus 学习重点
❖ 企业分析经济环境可以从哪些方面着手 ❖ 罗斯托的经济发展5阶段论的主要内容和思想 ❖ 经济发展水平对企业国际营销活动的影响 ❖ 经济结构对企业国际营销活动的影响 ❖ 世界经济特征对企业国际营销活动的影响
Ⅰ. Economic Developing Level
❖ 1.What changes of the demand and the size of the market will be in the phase of the drive to maturity and the age of high mass consumption?
❖ What’s the role and importance of this factor to international marketing?
❖ It will decide the development of a country, and decide the income of the people, which will then impact the demand and the market all together.
Geographical Perspectives On International Marketing
• Location • Place • Interaction • Movement • Region
Place • Natural Features
- Geological characteristics - Climate • Human Features - Population - Built Environment