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To what extent do you agree or disagree? (半新题/社会现象 类)
3. u (2007.8.18) Some people think we should invent a new language that can be used by people all over the world for international communication. Do you think its benefits would outweigh the problems? (国际语言的好坏)
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the development of relevant businesses including catering and accommodation as well as more job opportunities. In other word/ Put another way, this develop is beneficial for the whole national economy. Nevertheless, there always exists an opposing view on this issue. 反对者认为 Opponents believe that traveling creates pollutions, such as, the infamous white trash. However, this view fails to see some factors of importance. On one hand, government can strengthen supervisions related to slow down the situation. On the other hand, after viewing the beauty of the nature, tourists tend to have stronger awareness of environment protection. Provided that every one has the consciousness and makes his due contribution, our children and grandchildren will have a cleaner earth. 因此,结论是这个趋势的好处会抵消并且超过其坏处。 It is, therefore, concluded that the benefits of this trend will offset and outnumber the drawbacks.
A 很明显从中受益。举个例子来讲 。 。 。 很明显从中受益。举个例子来讲。 … A can apparently benefit from this development. For instance, instance,… l 中段 2
, 同样的,B 也从中受益在一定的程度上。具体来讲 也从中受益在一定的程度上。具体来讲, 。 。 。 … Similarly, B is also promoted to some extent. To be specific, specific,… 然而对于这个问题总有相反的看法。 Nevertheless, there always exists an opposing view on this issue. l 中段 3
6. u (2007.11.24) Some people believe that giving aid to poorer countries has more negative effects than the positive effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. (2007.6.16) In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast foods. Some people think that there are negative effects on both families and the society.
countries are expanding tourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it as positive or negative? (半新题/社会现象类) : (背景开场 背景开场: 简述现象原因) 生活水平的提高使得越来越多的人有更多 的闲钱和时间旅游,作为一种主要享受生活的方式。最近出现了一个 现象越来越多发展中国家发展了旅游业。在本文中我将证明这个发展 是好的从旅游者,发展中国家的经济和环境保护来讲。 The improved living standards have offered more people spare money and time to travel as a major means to enjoy their life. Recent days witness the advent of the phenomenon that an increasing number of developing countries are expanding their
1Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
1 51 批改网(www.51pigai.com),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。免费制定考试计划,考前模拟,能力测试,立即 来注册吧。
。 ) 。 ) 对方认为 对方认为。 。 。 (对方的观点 (对方的观点) ,因为 ,因为。 。 。 (对方的论据 (对方的论据) 。然而这个观点 。一方面 。 。 ) 却忽视了一些非常重要的因素 却忽视了一些非常重要的因素。 一方面。 。 。另一方面 另一方面。 。 。 (驳倒对方 驳倒对方) 。 …, because …. However, this view fails to see Opponents believe believe… because… some factors of great importance. On one hand, …. On the other hand,… …. hand hand… l 尾段
development positive or negative? (社会现象类)
5. u (2007.10.20) Some experts believe that it is better for students to learn a foreign language in primary schools rather than in secondary schools. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? (青少年教育类)
� Argumentative Essay 好坏论 19 1. u (2007.6.2)Today, more and more developing countries are expanding tourist industry. Why is it the case? Do you regard it as positive or negative? (半新题/社会现象类) 一个现象,好吗? 越来越多的人在旅游/追求时尚/享受国外的产品,好吗? l 首段:
因此,结论是这个趋势的好处会抵消并且超过其坏处。 It is, therefore, concluded that the benefits of this trend will offset and outnumber the drawbacks.
u (2007.6.2)Today,
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tourist industry. In this essay, I will prove this trend positive in terms of travelers, the economy of developing countries and environment protection. 很明显旅游者可以从中受益,去放松也拓宽视野。举例,去爬山可以 , 。 提供大城市所没有的新鲜空气和体育锻炼 提供大城市所没有的新鲜空气和体育锻炼, 这有助于一个人放松身心 这有助于一个人放松身心。 参观古代建筑比如武汉的黄鹤楼可以让我们了解传统文化和古代手工 艺。 Travelers can apparently benefit from this development to relax and to broaden one’s horizon. For instance, going hiking can provide fresh air that major cities do not feature (不是人 的东西有) and physical exercises, which can help one refresh his body and mind. Visiting ancient architectures such as ___( 建 筑名 ) in ___ ( 地名 ) ( the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan ) can provide us information on traditional cultures and ancient craftsmanship. 同样,发展中国家的经济可以得到相当程度的促进。具体来讲,当地 的消费和生产得到发展,这同时带来了相关行业的发展包括餐饮和住 宿也有更多的工作机会。换句话说,这个发展是对于整个国家经济有 好处的。然而,对这个问题一直有相反的看法。 Similarly, the economy of developing countries is also promoted to a large extent. To be specific, the local consumption and production are both accelerated, which meanwhile brings about
4. u (2007.10.13)
qualifications, paying less attention to life experiences and personal qualities. Why is this phenomena? Is this
最近出现了这样一个现象 。 。 。 (题目改写 ) 在本文中我将证明这个现象 最近出现了这样一个现象。 题目改写) 是好的,从旅游者(A),旅游地的经济(B), 环境保护(C)来讲 Recent days witness the advent of the phenomenon that …(题 目改写). In this essay, I will prove this trend positive in terms of A, B, and C. l 中段 1