



学 习过程 中 , 大部 分数 学生 只是单 纯地 、 无计 划 地 背单 词 , 而没有 真 正 地 复 习 和理 解 课 上 老 师 讲解
的用 法 , 即使 能做 到认 真去 掌握每 个 单词 的用法 , 这些 毫无 关联 、 此 孤 立 的 例句 也 很 难 形 成 长 久 彼 的记 忆 。那 么如果 能利 用课 上 的时 间用一个 简捷 的方 式让 学生 们靠 自己的主 动思 维把 一些根 本 毫
无 关联 的词 通过 各种 语义 想象 的渠 道形成 一 个整 体 。然 后 , 以每个 学生 自身 的 思 维 和表 达 方 式 为
是重 点 。依据 传 统 上 的 习惯 做法 , 般 教 师 会 用 一 四个 课 时来讲 解 整 篇课 文 , 中单 词 讲 解 就 大 约 其
占了两课 时 。一 般 说来 , 师对 单 词 的讲 解 大 致 教
两部 分则 完全 依赖 学生 课后 的 自觉主 动性 以及 采 用有 效地 适合 自己的学 习方 法来 完成 。在课 后 的
素是词 汇 。词 汇是 语 言 的最 小 意 义单 位 , 就像 砖 头是建 筑物 的最 小组 成单 位一 样 。人类 思维 活动
和思想 交 流首先 是依 靠词 汇进 行 的 。一 个人 不熟
分 为 五 部 分 : 单 词 、 以例 句 来 讲 解 单 词 的 用 读 配
法 、 对 此 词 的词 性 转 换 、 义 词 以及 同 义词 辨 针 近
最 终 的输 出方式 。
在 一对 多 的教 学 实践 中 , 怎样 才 能 让 学 生 对
析 。其 中前两 种 是 常用 手 段 , 三 种 则 根 据 单 词 后 具体 情形 而有 所选 择 。学生 对单 词 的学 习也大 致



边 缘 因素 , 进 而提 出一 种新结 构 , 且这 种结 构并不 是 恒定 的 , 只 是 临时性 的功 能 j 。 由此 , 解 构 主 义 瓦解 了 逻 各 斯 中心 主 义 , 消解 了二 元对 立 。 二、 高校英 语专 业精 读课 现 状 精 读课 是 高校英 语 专业一 、 二 年级 的专 业必修 课 , 目的是 帮助学 生全 面提 高听 、 说、 读、 写、 译 等 五种技 能 , 每 周课 时量 也是 所有 专业 课程 中最 多 的 , 其 重要性 不 言而 喻 。因此 , 一直 以来 , 提高精 读课 的教 学质 量是 英语 专 业 教学改 革 的重要 环节 。但 是 , 随着 时 间的发展 , 传 统 的精 读课 教 学 出现 了僵 化 、 教 条 化 的倾 向 , 精读 课 成 为 一种 封 闭式 的教学 。这 些直 接导 致 了精读 课教 学往 往 达不 到 预期 效 果 。笔者 所 在 的外 国语 学 院每 学期 都 会 开展 教学 评价 , 听取 老 师和学 生对 于课 堂 教学 的意见 和建 议 , 从 各个 学期 的 汇总材 料来 看 , 精 读课 的满 意度 不 是很 高 : 一方面, 教 师经 常会 谈 到精读 课 的备课 量很 大 , 需 要做 非常 多 的课 前 准备工 作 ; 另一方 面 , 学 生 总是 感 觉课 堂气 氛不 够活 跃 , 学 到 的东西 不够 多 。
第 3 2卷 第 6期
V0 l - 3 2 No . 6
长春 师 范学 院学 报 ( 人文社 会 科学 版 )
J o u na r l o f C h a n g c h u n N o r m a l U n i v e r s i t y ( H u m a n i t i e s a n d S o c i a l S c i e n c e )



大学英语专业精读教材第一单元课文内容及翻译《Half a Day》一、①I walked alongside my father ,clutching his right hand.〔走在父亲的身旁,我紧紧地抓住他的右手〕②All my clothes were new : the black shoes , the green school uniform ,and the red cap.〔那时,我穿着黑鞋子,绿校服,戴着红帽子,它们都是新的。

〕③They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for first time.〔然而,因为今天是我第一次被送去上学,所以这些衣服并没有给我带来一丝快乐。

〕二、①My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help.〔母亲站在窗前望着我们缓缓前行,我也不时地回头看她,希望会从她那里得到帮助。

〕②We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops, pears, and date palms.〔我们沿着街道走着,街道两旁是花园和田野,田野里栽满了梨树和椰枣树。

〕三、①“Why school ?”I asked my father .“What haveI done ?”〔“我为什么要去上学?”我问父亲,“是我做错了什么吗?”〕四、①“I’m not punishing you,”he said ,laughing.“School’s not a punishment. It’s a place that makes useful men out ofboys. Don’t you want to be useful like your brothers?”〔“我不是在惩罚你,”父亲笑着说道,“上学不是一种惩罚。



Unit 1Sentence Paraphrase and Language Study1.I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. (1)present participle as adverbial modifier Paraphrase: I walked next to my father, holding his right hand.clutch (1)vt. to hold sth. or sb. tightly, esp. because you are frightened, in pain, or do not want to lose somethingExamples: Tom fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.A woman clutching a baby stole an elderly woman’s purse.clutch at (2)to try hard to hold sth., esp. when you’re in a dange rous situation Example: A drowning man will clutch at a straw. (to try hard to find a sign of hope ora solution, even when they are not likely to exist in a difficult or dangerous situation)2. They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for the first time. (1)“As” introduces an adverbial clause of reason. Paraphrase: But my new clothes did not bring any happiness to me, because it was the day I was forced to go to school for the first time.Cf. to throw sb. out of (a place): to force sb. to leave a place, e.g.They will throw me out of school if I fail three times.Nick got thrown out of college in the second year for taking drugs.Anyone who opposes the regime is liable to be thrown into jail/prison.More examples:The moment I saw him, I recognized he was the criminal the police were looking for. The year I was born, my father was working towards a PhD degree.The day Hans Christian Andersen returned to his hometown, almost all the people turned out to greet him.3. My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. (2)present participle phrase, acting as adverbial of accompanying circumstancesParaphrase: My mother stood at the window watching our slow and difficult movement towards the school, and I looked back at her frequently, hoping she would stop my father taking me to school.More examples:We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops, pears, and date palms. (2) past participle phrase used here to modify “a street” and “fields” respectively. It can be regarded as a relative clause cut short. Paraphrase: We walked along a street, on both sides of which there are gardens and fields where crops, pears and date palms are planted.What is the language spoken in that area? = that is spokenThey are problems left over by history. = which have been left4. It’s a place that makes useful men out of boys. to make sb./sth. become …Examples:The army made a man of him.The four brothers all made a success of their lives.He said the Government were frightened of nothing. The real trouble was that we were making a mountain out of a molehill (小题大做).5. I was not convinced. convince vt. to make sb. feel certain that sth. is true Examples:I couldn’t convince him of his mistake. How can I convince you of my sincerity?I managed to convince them that the story was true.a convincing argument convincing evidence6. I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building. (5)gerund as the object of the prepositiontear sb. away from: to (make sb.) leave a place unwillingly because one has to Paraphrase: I didn’t think it was useful to take me away from home and put me into that building with high walls.More examples:1) We had difficulty in finding a parking lot. 2) I have no objection to hearing your story again.3) I’m not keen on gambling. I’m too afraid of losing. 4) There’s no point in waiting.There’s no good to be had in doing sth.=It’s no good/use doing sth. or There is no good/use doing sth.: It’s not useful to do sth.Examples:It’s no good crying spilt milk. (proverb)It’s no use talking to him.There is no good to be had in buying a boat when you don’t have enough spare time to use it.I don’t see there is any good to be had in downsizing the company.Related phrases:it is no (not much) goodit is no (not any, hardly any, little) useit is useless + doingit is not the slightest useit is worth (worthwhile)there is no (good, use)Example: There is no good denying that women are playing an important role in the world today.to tear oneself/sb. away from: to (make sb.) leave a place or a person unwillingly because one has to.Examples:Can’t you tear yourself away from the TV for dinner?The young artist couldn’t tear himself away from da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.7. Vast (1)a. extremely large; spreading a great distanceExamples:The vast plains of this country spread for hundreds of miles.He is very valuable to his employer because of his vast experience in the business. vast (2)Examples:The group of actors was brought from New York to London at vast expense.The refugees came across the border in vast numbers.The vast majority of young people don’t take drugs.8. I hesitated and clung to his hand, …to hold tightly; not release one’s grip on Examples:The little child clung to his mother for comfort.Some of the victims of the fire climbed out of the building, clung to the window ledges for a minute or two and then dropped to their death a hundred feet below. Collocations:cling to the belief; cling to the hope; cling to one’s own viewcling to the habit; cling to one’s possessions9. You will find me waiting for you when it’s time to leave. (7) find + obj + v-ing (object complement)Paraphrase: I’ll come to fetch you when school is over. I’ll be waiting for you here at the gate.More examples:1) When I entered the room, I found him reading something aloud.2) I found a tree lying across the road.3) If she catches you reading her diary, she’ll be furious.4) His remark left me wondering what he was driving at.5) The words immediately set us all laughing.Note: Thi s structure is very common in verbs like “see, hear, feel, watch, notice.”10. Some of the children burst into tears.burst into:to begin, suddenly and/or violently, to cry, laugh, sing, etc. Example: Aunt Annabel, who has been nervous and jumpy lately, suddenly burst into tears.Collocations:As the comic got into his stride, the audience burst into hoots of laughter/a guffaw. The aircraft crashed into the hillside and burst into flames.The orchards seemed to have burst into blossom overnight.The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers/applause.Everyone on the bus burst into song as we got closer to home.Similar expressions:As they left the club the revellers broke into song/loud curses.I mentioned the incident later to a tailor friend and he burst out laughing/crying.11. … from each floor we were overlooked by a long balcony roofed in wood. (11) Paraphrase:… on one side of the courtyard was a building with a long wood-roofed balcony on each floor where we could be seen. Or: … from the balcony on each floor of the building people could see the pattern into which we formed.overlook: vt. a. to have a view of sth. from above; b. to fail to see or notice; pay no attention toExamples:Our room overlooks the ocean. My garden is overlooked by the neighbours. I’m afraid I overlooked your name; I’ll add it to the list immediately.I’ll overlook your mistake this time.12. I had never imagined school would have this rich variety of experience. Paraphrase: I had never thought life at school would be so colorful and interesting. variety (1) n. number or range of different thingsExamples:The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.The students come from a variety of different backgrounds.variety (2) n. quality of not being the same, or not being the same at all times Examples:There was little she could do to add variety to her daily routine.She didn’t like the work, because it lacked variety; she was doing the same things all the time.Variety is the spice of life. (=Doing a lot of different things, meeting different people, etc. is what makes life interesting.)Examples:1) Customs vary from country to country.2) Human nature, in all its many and varied forms, is very complex and hard to understand.3) Of all the various ways of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.4) There are wide regional variations in house price.5) There are too many variables in the experiment to predict the result accurately.6) Consumers’ preferences are so variable that planning is almost impossible.13. We saw a globe of the Earth, which revolved and ….v. a. to spin around or make sth. spin around, on a central point; b. (fig.) to think aboutExamples:The metal disc revolves at high speed. The earth revolves round the sun.The story revolves around a young girl who runs away from home.He revolved the matter in his head/mind.18. It was not all a matter of playing and fooling around. (15)all: completely; fool around: to waste time instead of doing sth. that you should be doingParaphrase: What we did at school wasn’t just playing and wasting time doing nothing useful.a matter of: a subject/situation that involves sth.Examples:Learning is a matter of seeing much, suffering much and studying much.The King’s mental state was becoming a matter of c oncern.Personally I can’t stand rock music, but I suppose it’s all a matter of opinion.I can’t say which wine is best—it’s a matter of personal taste.fool around/about: to waste time behaving in a silly wayExamples:He spent the whole afternoon just fooling around.Stop fooling around otherwise you’ll never amount to anything.Cf. He noticed a strange-looking person hanging about the bus stop.I hung around the station for an hour but he never showed up.The children lingered on at the zoo until the closing time.14. Rivalries could bring about pain and hatred or give rise to fighting.bring about: to make sth. happenExamples:Computers have brought about many changes in workplace.I offered to act as mediator and try to bring about a reconciliation between the two parties.That unpopular measure finally brought about the downfall of the government.give rise to: to be the reason why sth. esp. sth. bad or unpleasant happens Examples:Two phenomena are giving rise to world-wide concern—mass unemployment and mass migration into cities.Most people argued that poverty had given rise to the crimes in the town.15. … she would resort to physical punishment.resort to: to make use of ; to turn to sth. (esp. sth. bad) as a solutionExamples:There is no righ t to resort to violence when you don’t get your way.Terrorists resorted to bombing city centers as a means of achieving their political aims.Differences and disputes should be resolved through dialogue and negotiation rather than by resorting to force or terrorist actions.16. In addition, the time for changing one’s mind was over and gone and there was no question of ever returning to the paradise of home. (16) no possibility of Paraphrase: Besides, it was impossible for us to quit school and return to the good old days when we stayed home playing and fooling around all day. Our childhood was gone, never to come back.There is no question (of sth. happening / sb. doing sth.): There is no possibility. Example: There is no question of their dismissing you at the moment.17. Nothing lay ahead of us but exertion, struggle, and perseverance. (16) Paraphrase: We would have to do our best and keep working very hard until we finished school. This is what I imagined our school days would be like. Or: The kind of life that was waiting for us at school would be full of exertion, struggle and perseverance.Nothing but: onlyRight now he thinks about nothing but his research. She ate nothing but an apple for lunch.18. Those who were (relative clause modifying “those”)able took advantage of the opportunities for success and happiness that presented themselves. (relative clause modifying “opportunities”) (16)Paraphrase: If there came opportunities, capable students would seize them to achieve success and happiness.take advantage of: to use a particular situation to do or get what you wantExamples: I took advantage of the weather to paint the shed.Don’t lend them the car—they’re taking advantage of you!More phrases:For certain types of work wood has/gains/wins advantages over plastic.New tax regulations had given them an advantage over their commercial rivals.You have the advantage of me. Candidates with computer skills will be at an advantage.Do take more exercise. It is to your advantage.present (1)v. (reflex) to appear; attendExamples:When the chance to study at Harvard presented itself, I jumped at it.He was ordered to present himself at the chairman’s office at nine o’clock next morning.present (2) v. a. to give; offer; put forward; submit; b. to show or reveal; c. to put on; produce (a play)Examples:David’s manager presented him with the award for best sales in the region.His sudden resignation presents us with a tricky situation.The National Theatre is presenting “King Lear” next month.19. I looked around bu t found no trace of my father.trace (1) n. a. a small sign that shows that sb.or sth. was present or existed; b. very small amountIt vanished/disappeared/without trace. Petra’s lost all trace of her German accent. Age has left its traces on his face. There are traces of poison in the man’s blood.A mere trace of smile passed over her face.trace (2)v. a. to follow the marks to find sb. or sth.; b. to find the origin of sth.c. to study or describe the history, development or progress of sth. Examples:She had given up all hope of tracing her missing daughter.The style of these paintings can be traced back to early medieval influences.His book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and women. 20. How did these hills of rubbish find their way to cover its sides? (17)to arrive or get to a placeParaphrase: How did the street come to be covered with so much rubbish on both sides? Where did they come from?find one’s way to:to arrive or get to a placeExamples:After being lost for two days, the little dog finally found its way back to its owner’s house.Because of the dense fog, the traveller couldn’t find his way to his camp.Related phrases:make one’s way to/towards the door bow her way out of the roompush her way out of the hall shoulder her way through the crowdworm his way into the organization beg her way back homeinch one’s way up the mountain21. Here and there stood conjurers showing off their tricks or making snakes appear from baskets. (17) an inverted sentence due to long subjectParaphrase: Conjurers stood everywhere. They were showing off their tricks or making snakes appear from baskets.More examples: 1) There are some exceptions to this reaction.2) Were there no air on the earth, there would be no life on it. 3) There goes the bell.4) In no case should we waste our time. 5) Away hurried the customers.show off: a. to attract attention to; b. to try to impress people and make them admire your abilities, achievements or possessionExamples:It was said that Mrs. Perkins only went to church to show off her new clothes.She was always at any function or gathering where her accomplishments could be shown off.Pay no attention to Susan—she’s just showing off.22. Then there was a band announcing the opening of a circus, with clowns and weight lifters walking in front. (17) “With+n.+doing” construction is used adverbially modifying “announcing”.Paraphrase: Then there was a band that was announcing the opening of a circus. The clowns and weight lifters were walking in its front.More examples:1) He stood there with a stick in his hand. (with + n. + prep.)2) Paul soon fell asleep with the light still burning. (with + n. + participle)3) She can’t go out with all these dishes to wash. (with + n. + to do)4) He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. (with + n. + adv.)23. I was in a daze. n. a confused state of mind; v. to make (sb.) feel stupid or unable to think clearlyExamples: I’ve been wandering around in a daze all day.If someone gave you a heavy blow on the head, you would probably feel dazed.Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.24…, but the stream of cars would not let up.let up: a. to stop or become less strong or serious; b. to slacken one’s efforts Examples: When will the rain let up?Keep plodding away at your task, no matter how difficult it is; don’t let up on it.Unit 2Sentence Paraphrase and Language Study1.They were dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the grey, cold spring of New York vanished behind them.dream of/about: to imagine and think about sth. that you would like to happenExamples:1) The girl dreamed of becoming a movie star.2) Some thought it was the breakthrough scientists had dreamed of.3) He's got the sort of money that you and I can only dream about.vanish: v. to disappear suddenly, esp. in a way that cannot easily be explained Examples:1) I turned around again, the boy had vanished.2) It is a bad idea to let Tom Cruise vanish for almost an hour in the middle of his picture.3) Many species in South America have vanished completely.Cf. varnish, tarnish, furnishvarnish: to cover with 给······涂清漆1) He varnished the wooden table. 2) After he fixed the shelf, he varnished the whole to a high shine.tarnish: (esp. of metal surfaces) to lose; cause the loss of brightness (尤指金属表面)使失去光泽1) The damp atmosphere has tarnished the gilt. 2) His reputation is tarnished. furnish: to supply or provide; put furniture in1)The records furnished the information required.2)The president’s office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.2. As the bus passed through New Jersey, …pass through: to go through a town, etc., perhaps stopping there for a short time, but not stayingExamples:1) As they passed through the flooded areas, they felt bad.2) We passed through the gates into a courtyard behind.3) We were just passing through (= travelling through a place) and thought we'd drop in to see you.pass (a place): to go past a place without enteringExamples:1) On her way to work she passed a supermarket. 2) We passed a group of students outside the theatre. 3) I pass the sports centre on the way to work.3. His fingers were stained from cigarettes …stain:v. a. to accidentally make a mark on sth. esp. one that cannot be removed; b. to change the color of sth., especially sth. made of wood, by using a special liquid (Syn. dye)Examples:1) This tablecloth stains very easily. 2) Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.3) Stain the table before you varnish it.Collocations:stain sb.’s name/reputation/honor; stain with; leave a stain; blood/ink/wine stain; a stain on sb.’s character/reputation; remove/get rid of a stain; stubborn stainsExamples:1) A sudden gust of rain dashed against the red bricks that were already stained inpatches by water.2) Her fingers were stained with dirt, her nail varnish chipped.3) How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth? 4) There was a dark red stain on the carpet.5) Water is a miraculous substance remover; it will remove probably 85 percent of all stains.5. He sat in complete silence and seemed completely unaware of the existence of the others.in+n.: to show a state or conditionunaware of: not knowing or realizing that sth. is happening or that sth. exists Paraphrase: He sat without saying anything as if he did not know there were other people around.4. …, the bus pulled into a Howard Johnson’s restaurant ….pull into: (of a vehicle) to arrive at (a station); move in towardsExamples:1) They will pull into the station at 7 sharp. 2) Let’s pull into the parking lot and have a rest.3) The train pulled into the station on the stroke of 12.Opposite—pull out:if a train pulls out, it leaves a stationExamples:1) The three-thirty is pulling out of platform four. 2) We got there just as the train was pulling out.7. The young people began to wonder about him, ….wonder about/at: to feel curious about; be doubtful aboutExamples:1) John says he didn’t do it, but I am still wondering about that.2) Sometimes I wonder about his behaviour.3) He wondered at her ability never to reveal the slightest disquiet in front of her husband.5.… she decided to engage him in a conversation.engage sb. in: to make sb. take part in sth.Examples:1) She tried to engage her roommate in a philosophical discussion.2) They spoke little about life outside the organization despite my efforts to engage them in conversation about it.3) They engaged him in a new project.6.The girl insisted that he join them. (Para. 5) subjunctive mood, "should" isdropped outinsist: demand that sth. should happenAfter the verbs expressing a command, decision, suggestion, such as decide, decree, demand, insist, move, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, vote, advise, determine, desire, resolve, urge, etc, in that-clause we usu. use subjunctive mood “(should) do sth.”.More examples in ppt.7. He thanked her and retreated again into his silence.retreat into/to: to yield; move back toExamples:1) The soldiers were ordered to retreat to safer positions.2) At last we forced the enemy to retreat into the mountains from the town.3) More and more she retreated into books.Collocations:retreat into oneself 不与人交往,离群索居retreat into one’s shell 变得缄默,不愿与人接触retreat into fantasy 退避到梦幻世界8.…, and that if she can’t stand it, …stand: v. a. to bear, tolerate; b.to be or stay in a particular state or condition; c.to be proved to be true, correct, useful, etc. when testedcan't stand the heat (room)stand idle stand wear and tear (door)stand open stand up under close scrutiny stand up well to cross-checking Patterns:can't stand (sb./sth.) doing sth.can't stand to do sth.can't stand the sight/thought, etc. ofExamples: I can't stand people smoking around me when I'm eating.She can't stand to hear her parents arguing about her personal affairs.I know he can't stand the sight of me. She couldn't stand the thought of losing her children.a music stand乐谱架 a fruit stand水果摊 a stand for taxi出租汽车停车处make one’s stand clear表明立场come to a stand陷于停顿international stand国际地位standing committee/army常务委员会/常备军standing joke/jest老笑话take/make/mount a stand against sth. 反抗,抵抗9. She’s a wo nderful woman, really something—and forget about me.something: n. a thing or a person of some value or importanceExamples: He considers himself to be something, but actually he is nothing.She thinks she’s something since she won the beauty contest. Collocations: make something of yourself (= to become successful )be (really/quite) something(= spoken used to say that something is very good and impressive)there's something in/to something(= used to admit that someone's words are true or their ideas are successful, etc.)Examples: He looked like a man who might be able to make something of himself if a good woman took him in hand.Running your own company at 21 is really something.They had to concede that there was something in his teaching methods.forget about: a. to lose remembrance of; fail to keep in memory; fail to recall; b. to stop thinking or worrying about someone or something; c. not to care about or give attention to someone or something any longerExamples: She forgot all about their anniversary.Once they have money, some people forget about all their old friends.I'd completely forgotten about our bet until Bill reminded me.10. …, when I was sure the parole was coming through I wrote her again.come through: to arrive as expectedExamples: Has the train come through?We're still waiting for our exam results to come through.There is news just coming through of an explosion in a chemical factory.11. ... Soon all of them were caught up in the approach of Brunswick, looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children.be/get caught up in: to be completely absorbed in or get involved inExamples:I was caught up in conversation with a friend when someone knocked at the door.I am painfully aware of how we get caught up in our times and become contaminated by our own hypocrisy.I didn't want to get caught up in endless petty arguments.approach: v. to move towards or nearer to someone or somethingExamples: I heard footsteps approaching.Everyone prepared celebrations as the year 2000 approached.As I approached the forest, a hare ran out of the trees.Translation: He is hard to approach. 他很难接近。



Lesson ThreeText A Message of the LandPart One 课文翻译第三课土地的信息1.是的,这就是我们的稻田。



































五 个方 面 。作 者 认 为 . 有 不 断 探 索和 创 新 , 能不 断提 高 大 只 才 学英 语 专 业 精 读 课 说 明文 教 学 的 水 平 。 关 键 词 : 学英 语 专 业 精 读 课 说 明 文 教 学 大

材 《 代 大 学 英 语 》 杨 立 民 ,0 6 所 涉 及 的 体 裁 有 :artn 现 ( 20 ) nr i ao ( 叙 文 ) e sy 散 文 ) e p s i 说 明 文 ) ag me tt n 记 ,sa ( ,x oio t n( 和 ru nai o ( 论 文 ) 议 。 说 明文 是 描 述 某 一 事 物 , 由或 过 程 的文 章 。 事 它用 于说 明 客 观事 物 的特 点 和性 能 , 介 绍 某 种 操 作 程 序 . 解 释 某 种 抽 或 或 象 概 念 , 阐明 某 种 科 学 原 理 . 探 究 某 些 自然 现 象 及 社 会 现 或 或 象 等 。 全 是 就 事 论 事 的描 述 , 以也 称 事 实 性 或 技 术 性 的 描 完 所 写 文 。 握 所 说 明 的 事 物 的 特征 和本 质 是 理 解 说 明文 的关 键 。 把 词典、 文 、 论 实验 报 告 、 品说 明 、 告 都 属 于 这 类 体 裁 。 说 明 产 广 文 是 学 生 、 学 家 、 业 人 员 常 用 的一 种 体 裁 。说 明文 按 照 逻 科 专 辑 推 理 的 方 法 阐述 事 物 的发 展 过 程 和 展 示 事 物 的 关 系 。 语 篇 模 式 就 是 语 篇 内在 的 修 辞 结 构 ( e r a s u t e 。 r ti lt c r) h oc r u 它 与 文 章 的 体 裁 有 着 密 不 可 分 的关 系 ,体 裁 结 构 在语 篇结 构 层 面 上 对 语 篇 的 形 成 具 有 制 约 作 用 。那 么语 篇 的 组 织 模 式 必 然 也 要 受 到 体 裁 的制 约 ( ag u m i2 0 ) Y n X e e,0 6 。 说 明文 语 篇 模 式 宏 观 结 构 上 常 采 用 “ 问题 一 解 决 型 ” “ 、一 般一特殊型”“ 、匹配 比较 型 ” 篇 分 析 模 式 。第 一 种 思 维 模 式 语 的程序是 : 首先 说 明 情 况 , 后 出现 问题 , 后 作 出反 应 , 取 然 随 采 的反 应 可 能 解 决 了问 题 . 可 能 没 有 或 没 有 完 全 解 决 问题 . 也 最 后 对 此 作 出 相 应 的评 价 。 而第 二 种 思 维 模 式 则 通 常 表 现 为 两 种 形 式 : 种 是 先 概 括 后 举 例 , 一 种 是 先 讲 整 体 轮 廓 . 说 一 另 后



课前 对所 学文章 的背 景 了解
美 国南 加 利 福 尼 亚 大 学 的 语 言 学 教 授 Sehn t e p D Kah 认 为 “ . rse 足够 的输 入 量 和可 理 解 性 的语 言 输 入是 有效 的 语 言输 入 , 可理 解 的输 入 只 是 一 种 噪 不 音” 。为 避免课 堂上 学 生 的语 言 输 人 太 过 突 兀 以及 对 文 章 的理 解 过 于有 限 , 教师 应 该 建 议 学 生对 所 学
( w l nr M n ( T e e g e ) 精读第 三册 20 vA y 02年版第 五、 六课 ) 节选 自 经典作品《 十二怒汉》 此作品至今 ,
作者简介 : 郑
虹( 9 8一) 女 , 16 , 河南 信 阳人 , 阳农业 高等专科学校外语 系讲 师 , 信 研究方 向为英语语言文学 。
1 7 0
是不 管 等 等 现 象 , 持 不 同 观 点 的学 生 展 开辩 论 。 让 这样 结 合真实 的社 会现象 和所 学课 文 内容 的鲜 明对 比让 学 生在 辩论 中进 行 思 考 , 无 意 识 的交 流 中 习 在
关键词 : 教学探析 ; 语言“ 习得” 有效的输入 ; 面对英语专业的学生 , 教师 的任务应该不是简 单地领读生词及讲解 文中出现 的语法点 , 重点更应
放在 启迪 和 引 导 学 生 去欣 赏 佳 作 、 考 并 发 表 自己 思
独特 的见 解 。

笔记。教师没有给学生留思考 的余地 , 更没 有让学 生 就某 个 问题 用 学 到 的英 语 知 识 去 发 表 自 己 的观
得语 言 。 2 角色 的扮 演 .
任何昆虫 , 不论其是 ‘ ’ ‘ ’ 好 是 坏 。使 鸟儿不再歌



现代大学英语精读21. 课程简介现代大学英语精读2是大学英语专业的一门主干课程,旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力和理解能力。



2. 教学内容现代大学英语精读2的教学内容主要包括以下几个方面:2.1 文本阅读本课程将为学生提供丰富的英语文本,包括新闻报道、学术论文、文学作品等。



2.2 语法和词汇在阅读的过程中,学生也会遇到各种各样的语法和词汇问题。






3. 教学标准现代大学英语精读2的教学标准旨在提高学生的英语阅读能力和理解能力。

教学标准包括以下几个方面:3.1 阅读能力学生需要通过本课程的学习,提高自己的整体阅读能力。



3.2 词汇掌握学生需要掌握一定量的英语词汇,能够理解并正确使用常见的词汇。


3.3 语法运用学生需要掌握常见的英语语法知识,并能够正确运用这些知识。




162020年41期总第533期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS探究英语专业精读课程与思政元素的有效融合——《新交际英语阅读教程2》为例文/郭娟娟深入研究不同专业的育人目标,深度挖掘提炼专业知识体系中所蕴含的思想价值和精神内涵,科学合理拓展专业课程的广度、深度和温度,从课程所涉专业、行业、国家、国际、文化、历史等角度,增加课程的知识性、人文性,以提升引领性、时代性和开放性”,从而全方位地提升育人质量。























如:geographic, economic, alcoholic, realistic,electronic, energetic等。

而其名词形式academy, geography, economy, alcohol, reality,electricity则在倒数第三个音节上。



大学英语专业精读教材第一单元课文内容及翻译《Half a Day》一、①I walked alongside my father ,clutching his right hand.(走在父亲的身旁,我紧紧地抓住他的右手)②All my clothes were new : the black shoes , the green school uniform ,and the red cap.(那时,我穿着黑鞋子,绿校服,戴着红帽子,它们都是新的。

)③They did not make me happy, however, as this was the day I was to be thrown into school for first time.(然而,因为今天是我第一次被送去上学,所以这些衣服并没有给我带来一丝快乐。

)二、①My mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help.(母亲站在窗前望着我们缓缓前行,我也不时地回头看她,希望会从她那里得到帮助。

)②We walked along a street lined with gardens, and fields planted with crops, pears, and date palms.(我们沿着街道走着,街道两旁是花园和田野,田野里栽满了梨树和椰枣树。

)三、①“Why school ?”I asked my father .“What have I done ?”(“我为什么要去上学?”我问父亲,“是我做错了什么吗?”)四、①“I’m not punishing you,”he said ,laughing.“School’s not a punishment. It’s a place that makes useful men out of boys. Don’t you want to be useful like your brothers?”(“我不是在惩罚你,”父亲笑着说道,“上学不是一种惩罚。




以下是店铺整理的高级英语第一册课后答案,希望大家认真阅读!Section A. Learning a Foreign Language《读写教程 I》:Ex. II, p. 71. The kind and patient teacher and her positive method of praising all students often.2. In junior middle school, his English teacher was kind and patient. He liked to answer questions in class and he made much progress in English. But, in his senior middle school, his teacher punished those who gave wrong answers. He didn’t want to answer questions any more in class. As a result, he did not make much progress in English.3. In college and junior middle school, his English teachers were both patient and kind, but he didn’t have as many chances to answer questions in college as he did in junior middle school.4. It requires much time, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.5. Hard work.6. He could take all the time he needed to consider his ideas and write a reply before posting it on the screen.7. Learning a foreign language taught him the value of hard work and gave him insights into another culture.8. He could communicate with many more people than before.《读写教程 I》:Ex. III, p. 71. embarrass2. Discipline3. access4. positive5. commitment6. frustrate7. intimidate8. reap《读写教程 I》:Ex. IV, p. 81. into2. into3. from4. with5. to6. about7. with/in8. in《读写教程 I》:Ex. V, p. 81. Climbing to the top of the tower, we saw a beautiful sight.2. Not wanting to meet John there, he refused to attend the party.3. Turning to the right, you will find a path leading to the cottage.4. It rained for two weeks, completely ruining our holidays.5. Staring into space, the small girl felt frustrated at what the teacher asked her.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VI, p. 81. Not only does he easily accept other people’s opinions, but he is also patient.2. Not only does she sing beautifully but she also dances wonderfully.3. Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives.4. Not only did we learn the technology through an online course but we also learned to communicate with friends in English.5. Not only did Smith learn the Chinese language but also bridged the gap between his culture and ours.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VII, p. 91. We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.2. With the mayor’s help, we were at last allowed access to those people who suffered from the traffic accident.3. Bob and Frank didn’t get along well with each other. It was embarrassing that they were to work in the same department.4. As a boy, I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was coming.5. It is not easy to do scientific research; it requires time, energy and money as well as discipline and commitment.Section B Keys to Successful Online LearningReading Skills1. C2. B3. D4. A5.BComprehension of the Text1. C2. A3. B4. C5. D6. B7. C8.D《读写教程 I》:Ex. XIV, p. 201. absolute2. unique3. commit4. facilitate5. reinforced6. sequential7. arose8. forum《读写教程 I》:Ex. XV, p. 201.to2.in3.on4.for5.on6.of7.In8.upUnit 2Section A. A Busy Weekday Morning《读写教程 I》:Ex. II, p. 311.Rock music woke up her up.2.He didn’t like the music his daughter listened to; he thought it was horrible stuff.3.No, because she thought the music had a really powerful message.4.Because her mother or father would bang on the door to rush her.5.She was going to have a music class because her mother reminded her to take the instrument with her.6.No. Instead, she thought her mother was bugging her.7.She was serious and letting her daughter know she was speaking to her as her parent.8.They suggest that there is a gap between the two generations.《读写教程 I》:Ex. III, p. 321.weekdays2.Youngsters3.annoyed4.definitely5.disgusting6.powerful7.disturb8.offensive《读写教程 I》:Ex. IV, p. 321.down/off2.off3.up/on4.on5.for6.of/about7.up8.off/out《读写教程 I》:Ex. V, p. 321.Kate saw her brother Bill as she was getting off the school bus.2.As she was standing up from her seat, Mother dropped her glass.3.A policeman fired at the thief as he was bolting out of the house.4.As she ran to catch the school bus, Sandy thought of her talk with her mother.5.All the students shouted “Happy birthday” to the teacher as he entered the classroom.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VI, p. 331.She listened to her favorite rock music while singing along with the words.2.She was putting on her jeans while asking me to hand her the sweater.3.He banged on the door while opening it.4.In the bathroom she put on some makeup while looking in the mirror.5.The school master looked angrily at the naughty student while talking with his parents.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VII, p. 331.Mr. Finch burst into her room and shouted at her, “Can’t y ou turn down the music a little bit?”2.I like rock music because it usually has a strong rhythm anda powerful message.3.As usual, when his parents don’t like what he wears, they start to bug him.4.Generation gaps exist in the United States as well as in China.5.As her mother bugged Sandy much more than before, she argued with her mother a lot more than usual, too.Section B Parent T alkReading Skills1. O2. O3. F4. F5. O6. O7. F8. FComprehension of the Text1. B2. D3. A4. B5. C6. A7. A8. C《读写教程 I》:Ex. XIV, p. 431.appeals2.concern3.permanent4.influence5.rebels6.identity7.upset8.tuneless/tuneful《读写教程 I》:Ex. XV, p. 431.It makes my blood boil when I read about violence among young people.2.This kind of jeans is old-fashioned now; young people do not like to wear them any more.3.This computer often freezes. I want to get rid of it.4.Our youngsters’ way of expressing their identity is different from ours.5.In America the news is full of stories about teenagers who are in trouble with drugs.6.On her way to work, Jane was still thinking about / thought about her daughter.7.Don’t press your young daughter too hard, or she’ll drop out of high school.e and see me in my office after class, and we’ll talk over your problems.Unit 3Section A.A Good Heart to Lean on《读写教程 I》:Ex. II, p. 571.He felt embarrassed to be seen with his father, because his father was severely crippled and very short.2.His father always said:“You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you.”3.He means that it is a matter of pride for his father to have almost never missed a day and have made it to the office even when/if others could not.4.In very bad weather his father went to work with the help of the writer and his sisters, who would pull their father throughthe str eet on a child’s wagon with steel runners to the subway station.5.In an office building on top of a subway station in Manhattan.6.Having a “good heart” is the proper standard to judge people by, according to the writer now he is grown up.7.One example is: when a local baseball team found itself without a manager, he kept it going. Another example is that he liked to go to dances and parties, although he could just sit and watch.8.He now feels sorry about having been reluctant to be seen walking together with his crippled and short father.《读写教程 I》:Ex. III, p. 571.inwardly2.amazed3.occasionplained5.urged6.coordinate7.reluctance8.envious《读写教程 I》:Ex. IV, p. 581.in2.off/out3.on4.up5.to6.out7.to8.to《读写教程 I》:Ex. V, p. 581.He borrowed my laptop computer even though I told him not to.2.It was an exciting game even though no goals were scored.3.He was treated exactly like all the workers even though he had just joined the company.4.They gave money to Project Hope even though they themselves were not rich by any standard.5.There was never enough money to support his family even though he was hard-working and did two jobs at the same time.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VI, p. 581.Though understanding no Chinese, the American girl was able to communicate with the other students in her class.2.Once having left the museum, you must buy another ticket to re-enter.3.When doing the writing exercise for this course, you should remember that you are writing according to specific structure.4.Until finished, the problem was a continuous worry to me.5.While working at the computer, the young man was listening to music over the radio all the time.《读写教程 I》:Ex. VII, p. 591.Now that you are planning to move to Canada, you must try to adjust to a cold weather.2.He promised to help us to buy the house, but with a little reluctance.3.This is an important meeting. Please see to it that you are not late for it.4.He is an experienced businessman; he has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years.5.She urged me to accept the new post, although the job isnot very well paid.Section B. The Right Son at the Right TimeReading Skills:1.They found the man.2.He reached the airport in time.3.The old man saw the young man (his son).4.The young man sat by the old man the whole night.5.A message came saying the real son was arriving.Comprehension of the Text1. A2. C3. B4. C5. C6. A7. B8. B《读写教程 I》:Ex. XIV, p. 691.locate2.apparently3.limp4.interrupt5.sole6.collapse7.occasionally8.staffrm10.extend《读写教程 I》:Ex. XV, p. 691.sole2.extend3.staff4.locatedrm6.interpret7.collapse8.occasionally《读写教程 I》:Ex. XVI, p. 691.The government has called for an immediate examination of the activities of the police.2.We used medicine and in a few minutes Mrs. Johnson suddenly came to.3.My father has a huge lot of magazines to which I return now and then.4.Whatever your reason, I shall hold to my idea that people should be allowed to have private lives.5.To our surprise the stranger turned out to be an old friend of my mother’s.6.He's not in the office; he's now on his way to London for a meeting.7.When setting out on a long walk, always wear suitable shoes.8.He was too disappointed by this lack of success to try again.【高级英语第一册课后答案】。



Unite 1Paraphrasing(1) This ability to take familiar bits of language and to combine them to make new words and sentences is what sets language apart from other ways that human beings use to communicate.=Because of the existence of morphological and syntactic rules, language enables to create new words and sentences making use of available materials. This is not possiblewith other ways that we use to communicate, such as the use of facial expressions or bodily gestures.(2) We have to beware the word ‘language'. It's often used in a vivid way to mean anykind of connection between people.=We have to be cautious about the use of “language”because it is often used figuratively, refering to any means of communication (body language) or even the basisof mutual understanding (speaking the same language).(3) We learn many rules of grammar in order to express different meanings, such as changing the order of words in a sentence. But we don't have rules which change the order of our facial expressions to express different meanings.=Facial expressions are different from real language in that there are no grammatical rules such as word order to help us express different meanings when we communicate with facial expressions.(4) If I have the ability, I can paint them, draw them, sculpt them, dance them, composethem into a symphony or a ballet or a piece of jazz, and express myself in all the ways that are called “arts and crafts”.= “Arts and crafts”are also means of communication. If I have the ability, I can expressmy thoughts and feelings in painting, drawing, sculpture, dance and music.(5) In our everyday lives we produce and comprehend language with such apparent easethat we take it for granted. Yet the ease with which we use language belies a level of complexity of immense proportions.=Our everyday use of our native language, whether to express ourselves or to understandothers, is so easy that we have never realized the great complexity behind this simple fact.Translation(1)Once we've learned a few thousand words, and learned the ways our language allows us to put them together into sentences, we can say things that nobody has ever said before.一旦我们掌握了数千个单词和语言所允许的将这些单词组合成句的方法,我们就可以说出别人从未说过的话。

























英语精读教案【篇一:《英语精读》(英语专业)教学大纲】《英语精读》课程教学大纲一、基本信息课程编号:10601100500 课程名称:英语精读英文名称:english intensive reading课程性质:专业必修课总学时: 320学分:20 理论学时: 320实验学时: 0 实践学时: 0指导自学学时:0 适用专业:英语专业适用层次:一、二年级先修课程:中学英语承担院部:人文学院学科组:英语专业学科组二、课程介绍(一)课程目标及地位课程概述包括如下内容: 1.该课程设置的主要目的《英语精读》是英语专业的一门专业技能主干课程, 其目的在于根据英语专业人才培养的要求,为学生打好坚实的基础,培养和提高学生综合运用英语的能力。


本课程主要是通过语言基础训练与篇章讲解分析, 使学生逐步提高语篇阅读理解能力,了解英语各种文体的表达方式和特点, 扩大词汇量和熟悉英语常用句型, 具备基本的口头与笔头表达能力,并初步达到大纲规定的听、说、读、写、译等技能的要求。









现代大学英语(精读)5 教案 笔记 课后习题详解 答案解析

现代大学英语(精读)5 教案 笔记 课后习题详解 答案解析

英语专业精读授课教案(第五册)Lesson One Where Do W e Go from HereT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textT eaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:I. Background information:The 1960s w ere turbulent times for the United States. The anti-war movement, the Civil Right movement, the counter-culture movement, the f eminist movement w ere all unfolding in this period of time. The civil Rights movement was a major movement which began with the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954 and the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955. Martin Luther King jr. (1929-1968), as a key leader of the movement, played a significant and irreplaceable role. His name is associated with the march on W ashington in 1963 and his famous speech ― I have a dream‖, delivered in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. this speech, delivered in 1967, in more on the side of reasoning and persuasion and less on emotional appeal. Thus his analysis of riots and revolution in the united states in his speech is sound and convincing. On the night of April4. 1968, King was shot dead, as he stood o the balcony of his hotel in Memphis, T ennessee.Part II. Details studies of the textPart III. Structure of the text:Part i. Para. 1—2 Martin Luther King link the theme of the speech with the question of "Where w e are now". That is, in order to know where w e go from here w e must first recognize where we are now. Without knowing our present situation, how can w e design a policy for the future?Part ii Para. 3--5 This is a transitional paragraph to call for all the African-American must ―rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood‖.Part iii (Para. 6--9) In this part the author puts forward the second task: how to organize the strength of the Negro in terms of economic and political pow er. Then the author goes on to define pow er andPart iv (Paras.10--15) This part deals with economic security for the Negro Americans. The speaker advocates guaranteed annual income which he thinks is possible and achievable. He also deals on the advantages of this security.Part v (paras. 16—20) In this part, Martin reaffirms his commitment to nonviolence. He explains why he thinks violence is no solution to racial discrimination. He refutes the idea of Black revolution.Part vi (para 21—25) In this part, Dr. King raises a fundamental question—the restructuring of the whole of American society. He points out that the problem of racism. The problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are tied together. They are the triple evils of the society.Part vii. (para 26—28) This part serves as the concluding remark for the speech: w e shall overcome.Lesson Two Two KindsT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. present their viewpoint on generation gapT eaching difficulties: how to identify the development of a storyTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. Background information:The Joy Luck Club, from which ―Two Kinds‖ is taken, explores conflicts betw een two generations and two different cultures. Set in China and in the United States, the novel is woven by stories of four Chinese mothers and their four daughters. Four Chinese women, who have just arrived in the United States and who are drawn together by the shadow of their past—meet in San Francisco to play mah-jongg, eat dim sum and tell stories. They call their gatherings the Joy Luck Club. While they place high hopes on their daughters, the youger generation think of themselves as Americans and resist their mothers’ attempts to change them into obedient Chinese daughters. Only after they have grown up and become more mature do they realize that the legacy left by their mothers is an important part of their lives, too. The noivel stayed on the best-selling book list of The New Y ork Times for 9 months.A finalist for the national Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, it has been translated into about 20 languages and made into a Hollywood movie.Part II. Detailed Study of the T extPart III. The Structure of the text:Part i (paras.1—3) the beginning part of the story provides the reader with some background information. It tells about the mother and her hopes for her daughter. This paves the way ofr the development of the conflict betw een the daughter and the mother.Part ii(paras.4—11)this part is about the mother’s unsuccessful attempt to change her daughter into a Chinese Shirley T emple. In the beginning the child was as excited as the mother about becoming a prodigy. At this point, the conflict betw een mother and daughter was not visible.Part iii(paras12—20) in this part we learn that the mother was trying very hard to train her daughter to be a genius. As the tests got more and more difficult, the daughter lost heart. She decided that she would not let her mother change her. This change of attitudes would lead to the gradual development of the conflict.Part iv (paras 21—28) while watching a Chinese girl playing the piano on an Ed Sullivan Show, a new idea flashed into the mother’s head. With the new plan introduced, the ocnflict would develop further.Part v (paras 29—46) it tells about how the girl was made to learn the piano under the instructions of Old Chong. The relationship betw een mother and daughter was getting more and more tense.Part vi (para.47—60) Jing-mei was to perform in a talent show held in the church. Jing-mei started all right and soon made a mess of her performance. Undoubte dly this was a heavy blow to her mother. The crisis of the story is about to come.Part vii (para 61—76) the girl assumed that her failure at the show meant she would never have to play the paino. Y et two days later her mother urged her to practice as usual. She refused and the mother insisted. They had the most fierce quarrel they had ever had. This is the crisis or climax of the story.Part viii( 77—93) this concluding part is narrated from a different point of view. Now the daughter had grown up form a little girl to a mature woman.Part IV. Discussion about generation gap.Part V. Complete the exercises of the text.A report about generation gapLesson ThreeGoods Move. People Move. Ideas Move. And Cultures Change.T eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. How to develop an argumentT eaching difficulties: how to develop an argumentTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. Lead-in : Globalization has become one of those w ords with the highest frequency of appearance but at the same time it is also a most controversial issue in terms of content, implication and consequence. Since the early 1990s, globalization has developed rapidly and brought great changes to the world. How ever, groups of people for various reasons oppose globalization and point to the negative effects of globalization. So when w e face an article of such an important and sensitive issue, w e are apt to ask:What is the author’s attitude towards globalization? What makes her adopt such an attitude? How does she present her argument?Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Structure of the textPart i (para 1—3) Globalization is a reality but it is not something complietly new. What is new is the speed and scope of changes.Part ii (para 4—6) this part deals with different view s on globalization.Part iii (para 7—9) three points are made in this part:a. W esternization is not a straight road to hell, or to paradise either.b. Cultures are as resourceful, resilient, and unpredictable as the people who compose them.c. T eenagers are one of the pow erful engines of merging global cultures.Part iv (para 10—13) this part tells of the author’s experience with Amanda Freeman.Part v (para 14—19) in order to prove fusion is the trend, the author used Tom Soper and mah-jongg as an example.Part vi(para 20—24) this part describes the cultural trends in Shanghai.Part viii( para25—28) the author used the experience at Shanghai Theatre Academy to illustrate thePart ix (para 29—34)the author in this part introduced T offler’s view on conflict, change and world order.Part x (para35—36)the main idea is there will not be a uniform world culture in the future; the cultures will coexist and transform each other.Part xii(37—39) the author again used an example in Shanghai to illustrate the transformation of culture.Part IV. Complete the exercises in the textbookPart V. collect their viewpoints about attitude towards globalizaion.Lesson FourProfessions for W omenT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textT eaching difficulties: how to understand the poetic and symbolic sentences in the articleTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. Background information:V irginia W oolf is generally regarded as one of the greatest writers of modernism as w ell as one of the pioneers of women’s liberat ion from patriarchy. She is known for her experimentation and innovation in novel writing. In her novel, emphasis is on the psychological realm of her characters and the moment-by-moment experience of living, which are depicted by the techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness. In this essay, V irginia W oolf gives a clear and convincing presentation of the obstacles facing prof essional women.Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. General analysis of the textPara 1: In the profession of literature, the author finds that there are f ew er experiences peculiar to women than in other profession because many women writers bef ore her have made the road smooth.Para 2: the author responds to the host’s suggestion that she should tell th e audience something about her own professional experiences. So she now tells her own story –how she became a book review er when she was a girl.Para 3.the speaker focuses on the first obstacle to becoming a prof essional women writer. She uses a figure of speech ―killing the Angel in the House‖ in describing her determination to get rid of the conventional role of women in her writing.Para 4. after the Angel was dead, the question which remains to be answ ered is ―what is a woman?‖ it is a transitional li nk between the quthor’s first and second experience.Paragraph 5. In this paragraph the author talks about her second experience in her prof ession of literature. As a novelist, she wished to remain "as unconscious as possible" so that nothing might disturb or disquiet the imagination. But she was faced with the conflict betw een her own approach to art and the conventional approach expected of her by male critics. She believed that sex-consciousness was a great hindrance to women's writing. To illustrate this point, she employs a second figure of speech, "the image of a fisherman lying sunk in dreams on the verge of a deep lake."Para 6. This paragraph sums up the author's tw o experiences, pointing out that the second obstacle is more difficult to overcome than the first. W omen have many prejudices to overcome in the profession of literature and especially in new prof essions that women are entering.Para.7. In this last paragraph W oolf concludes her speech by raising some important questions concerning the new role of women and the new relationship betw een men and women.Part IV. Complete the exercise of the textPart V. a report on the prof essional women in ChinaLesson FiveLove Is a FallacyT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textT eaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredPart I. Lead-in:This is a humorous essay in which the narrator tells his failure to win the heart of a young woman with the force of logic, which therefore proves to him that "love is a fallacy"--"it is inconsistent with logic."Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Question on Appreciation:1.How did the narrator describe himself? What does it show? How does the author bring out the pomposity of the narrator? What makes the satire humorous?2.why was the narrator interested in Polly Espy? What kind of girl was she.3. How did the narrator's first date with Polly Espy go?4. How does the language used by Polly strike you? Find some examples from the text and explain what effect her language creates.5. Why did the narrator teach Polly Espy logic? Did he succeed?6. Did the narrator love Polly Espy? How did he try to "acquaint her with his f eeling"?7. How did Polly respond to the narrator's arguments for going steady with her? Why did she rej ect him? What does it show? As the story progresses, Polly turned out to be smarter than the narrator had previously thought. How does this contrast contribute to the humor of the piece?Part IV complete the exercise in the textLesson SixLife Beyond EarthT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. learn to analyze the textT eaching difficulties: how to learn to analyze the text and understand the implication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredPart I. General introduction:The author deals with recent developments in the search for alien organisms. He discusses various arguments about alien civilization. He does not think that such belief and search is irrational or even crazy. He writes that most people with such belief ―operate from the same instinct, which is to know the truth about the universe‖. At the same time he maintains a scientific attitude, pointing out that although there are many persuasive arguments, there is still no hard evidence to prove the existe nce of alien life. Y et he does not stop there. He further points out that since the world we live in—the only inhabitable world in the universe so far—is still far from perfect, people in the world need to direct more energy to making it better. Lif e on Earth is his greater concern.Part II. Detailed study of the text:Part III. Organization of the piece:1. Analysis of the text:(1) Paras. 1--2 the emergence of life(2) Para. 3 (transition) What else is alive out(3) Paras. 4--10 search for lif e(4) Paras. 11--23 search for intelligence(5) Paras. 24--42 Mars.(6) Paras. 43--45 Dyson's argument(7) Paras. 46--52 conclusion2. Questions to discuss:1) What do you think of the opening paragraph? Does the author begin the article in a forceful way?2)What role does this paragraph play? What is meant by "the enveloping nebula of uncertainties"? What is the contrast involved as imroduced by "despite"?3) What new idea is introduced in Paras. 17--19?4) Comment on the first sentence in Paragraph 21.5) Comment on the role of Paragraph 35.extraterrestrial life?Lesson SevenInvisible ManT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the implied meaning of some sentencesT eaching difficulties: how to identify the implied meaning in the sentenceTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. Background Information:1. about the author2. about the articlePart II. Detailed study of the textPart III. Analysis of the text:Para 1. From this opening paragraph we readers can learn a number of important things:(l) By saying "It goes a long way back, some twenty years," the author tells us that the story took place in the past.(2) The "I' here is the narrator, not the author, of the story, and the author is using the first-person narration in telling the story. As w e read On, w e will find this narrator is also the main character, the protagonist, of the story.(3) W ords like "I was looking for myself" and "I am nobody but myself" point out the central theme of the novel--searching for self-identity.Para. 2 This paragraph tells us a bit about the historical background against place. It also introduces a new character--the narrator's grandfather. On his deathbed, he said something that alarmed and puzzled the whole family.Para 3 This paragraph is about the tremendous effect of the grandfather's words upon the narrator, Those words became a constant puzzle for him. As the old man said these w ords ironically, the boy couldn't understand him. Although the grandfather did not appear in the battle royal scene or anylife.Para 4 It tells us about the setting of the battle royal. The narrator was to give his speech at a smoker in a leading hotel in the town. The time is round 1950, the place is a hotel in a Southern town, and the occasion is a gathering of the leading white men of the town. Bearing these in mind will help us readers understand why things happened that way and what was the meaning of all this.Para. 5 Besides giving more details about the place, this paragraph introduces the people involved in the incident the town's big shots, who w ere "wolfing down the buffet food, drinking beer and whisky and smoking black cigars," and the other black boys who w ere to take part, who w ere "tough guys".Para 6 to 9 The main body of the battle royal incident is from Paragraph 4 to paragraph 9. It can be further divided into 4 subsections: the naked white girl's dance; the fight itself; the grabbing for the prize money; the narrator's speech. Paragraphs 6 to 9 form the first subsection in which the author describes the white girl's dance.Paras. 10--28 They form the second subsection of the battle royal incident violent and brutal fight itself. Pay attention to the use of specific words narration realistic and vivid.Paras. 29--46 They describe how the white men further humiliated the black boys even after the battle royal was over. Instead of giving the money the boys w ere supposed to get for their performance, the white men made fun of them by making them scramble for the money on an electrified rug. This part adds to the general chaos of the whole scene.Para 47--90 They form the last subsection of the whole battle royal incident. In this part the narrator finally got his chance to deliver his w ell-prepared speech. How ever, in the middle of his speech, he made a mistake, but everything w ent w ell in the end and he was given an award--a scholarship for college.Para. 91—94 They bring the story to a final end. The narrator was overjoyed with his triumph, and that night he dreamed of his grandfather and awoke with the old man’s laughter rining in his ears.Part IV. Complete the exercise in the textPart V. Do some translation work.Lesson EightThe Merely V ery GoodT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the development of the textT eaching difficulties: how to analyze the development of the article and the implied meaning for someTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. Information on the author:Jeremy Bernstein(1929- ): prof essor of physics and writer. After getting his Ph. D. in physics at Harvard, he spent time at the institute for advanced study in Princeton and at the National Science Foundation. He taught physics for 5years at New Y ork University and then at Stevens Institute of T echnology, Hoboken, New Jersey.But Jeremy Bernstein has also spent more than 30 years on the staff of The New Y orker magazine, writing mostly about physics, computers, and other topics in physical science. He moves as comfortably among sentences and paragraphs as among equations.Part II. Detailed study of the text:Part III. Questions about the article1. Oppenteimer is called ― Father of the Atomic Bomb‖ and had been in charge of the Los Alamas nuclear laboratory for many years. Y et the author considers him as merely very good. Do you think the author is right and fair in relegating Oppenheimer to the merely very good?2. Do you think it is right to say to be highly focused or not is the cause separating the great ones from the merely very good? What is your view?3. How does the author manage to bring the people he wants to compare into the article?O ppenheimer’s anecdote: Oppenheimer and dirac meetingGottingen, talking about poetry and physicsHis decision to go to the conferenceSpender’s being at the conf erence—Spende r’s obsession with Auden—great versus merely very good.4.How does the author develop the article?He uses the 1981 conference as the benchmark and goes back to earlier times and in the last two paragraphs returns the scene to the time of writing. This technique of montage is used largely in cinema.For example:The 1981 conference and the author’s indecision—(flashback to 1925—1927) earlier life of Oppenheimer and his relations with Dirac—(back to 1981) the author’s decision: Spender and Auden—(flashback)Spender and Oppenheimer(1956)—(1958)Oppenheimer, Dirac and the author—(back to 1981) meeting with Spender—(bringing the scene to 1996) concluding remarks.Lesson NineThe W ay to Rainy MountainT eaching aims: 1. fully understand the article2. grasp the rhetorical device in the textT eaching difficulties: how to identify the rhetorical device in the sentence and understand theimplication for some sentencesTime distribution: eight periodsT eaching method: students-centeredT eaching procedures:Part I. About the AuthorN. Scott Momaday was born in Lawton, Oklahoma in 1934. Momaday belongs to a generation of American Indians born when most tribal communities had long ceased to exist as vital social organizations. His Kiowa ancestors shared with other Plains Indians the horrors of disease, military def eat, and cultural and religious deprivation in the 19th century. Their only chance of survival was to adapt themselves to new circumstances. Momaday’s grandfather, for example, adjusted to changing conditions by taking up farming, a decision pressed upon him by the General Allotment Act of 1887.Part II. Detailed study of the textPart III. The analysis of the textPara 1. the opening paragraph of the essay is a lyrical description of the author’s ancestral land, which plays a key role in his exploration of his Kiowa identity.Para 2. the author explains his purpose of his visit to Rainy Mountain: to be at his grandmother’s grave.Para 3. it sums up the history of the Kiowas as a Plains Native culture—the golden time and thedecline in their history.Para 4. it is about how the Kiowas migrated from w estern Montana and how the migration transformed the Kiowas.Para 5. the author returns to his grandmother again. Since she is the immediate reason for him to come to Rainy Mountain, she is the link betw een the author and his ancestors.Para 6. The Kiowas felt a sense of confinement in Y ellow stone, Montana.Para 7. this paragraph is a depiction of the landscape which they came upon when they got out of the highlands in Montana.Para 8. in this para the author describes Devil’s T ow er and tells the Kiowas’s legend about it.Para 9. the author tells about the last days of the Sun Dance culture by using his grandmother as a witness.Para 10. for the first time, the author concentrates only on his grandmother’s story rather than mixing it with the history of the whole Kiowa tribe. Also for the first time, the author shifts the focus of depicting the lanscape to describing a person—his grandmother Aho as an old woman.Para 11—12 paragraph 11 is about the old houses at Rainy Mountain, which the author’s grandmother and other Kiowas used to live in, but which are now empty. This paragraph serves as a transition betw een the depiction of Grandma Aho and the reunion at her house.Para 11 and 12 describe the reunions that were once held at the grandmother’s house when the author was a child. W e can see the author accepts change and loss as facts of life. He neither denies nor defies them. Imagination helps him strike a balance betw een them. So, after depicting his dead grandmother’s old house, he brings to lif e the joy and activity that once filled it. As a child Momaday took part in those events. By re-creating those scenes, he reminds himself of who he is.Part IV. Complete the exercise of the text。

英语专业精读课堂教学实践方法探讨——以课文Midnight Visitor为例

英语专业精读课堂教学实践方法探讨——以课文Midnight Visitor为例

英语专业精读课堂教学实践方法探讨The Study on the practical in-class teaching method for English majors———以课文Midnight Visitor为例孙彩媛(山东协和学院,山东济南250000)【摘要】大学英语教师遇到的诸如学生学习积极性不高的问题,需要通过改变传统的教学方法,以新的理念设计课堂教学来实现。



【关键词】教学设计;教学步骤;自主学习能力【Abstract】College English teachers may encounter a variety of problems in their teaching process,such as inactiveness of students in class,their poor self-control ability and so on,which may be resolved by transforming the traditional teaching methods and employing new interactive methods to improve students’ability of self-study and teaching efficiency.Meanwhile,enriching students’after-class English activities is an efficient way to enhance students’enthusiasm for English study.【Key words】Teaching plan;Teaching procedures;Autonmous learming Ability在英语专业精读教学过程中,教师们会遇到很多难题,例如:学生学习目标不明确、学习积极性不高,自控能力差、自信心不足,不愿参与到课堂活动中来,学习效果差等;这些现象在民办高校中尤其突出。

英语专业精读Unit 6课后练习知识归纳

英语专业精读Unit 6课后练习知识归纳

assassin (n.)刺客,暗杀者assassinate (v.)行刺assassination (n.)暗杀suspiciously (adv.)怀疑地,猜疑地foot the bill 买单bear the responsibility 承担责任at stake 处于危险中stake: 赌注;桩bind sth. to sth. bind-bound-boundbore (v.)钻孔~ the holesbore sb. stiff/ deadmicroscope显微镜telescope望远镜binoculars 双筒望远镜pitch dark 漆黑一片pitch in 投入,参与resort to force 采取武力summer / winter resort 避暑/寒圣地utter = say 说包围敌人enclose the enemy让人受益匪浅的经验 a rewarding experience odds and endsas it were 可以说(插入语)disorganized (adj.) 无组织的,无纪律性的mischief (n.)顽皮mischievous (adj.)淘气的care to do sth. 喜欢做某事Chile 智利Chilean 智利人(n.);智利的(adj.) safe and sound 平安无事Go home safe and sound.回家一路顺风。

be / get used to doing sth. 习惯做某事used to do sth. 过去常常做某事hygiene (n.)卫生warn sb. against doing sth.set about doing / set to do sth. 开始做某事set in 开始set back 使后退,使落后set forth 出发economic recession 经济衰退set off fireworks 放烟花set to 投入run out 耗尽,用完run over碾过去run into difficulties遇上困难现在完成时进行时态Present perfect continuous tensethe press conference 记者招待会;新闻发布会mourn (v.)哀悼tiptoe (v.)用脚尖走Don’t brother me! 别跟我称兄道弟!wrench sb. away from 强行让某人离开be inclined to 同意。

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Unite 1Paraphrasing(1) This ability to take familiar bits of language and to combine them to make new words and sentences is what sets language apart from other ways that human beings use to communicate.=Because of the existence of morphological and syntactic rules, language enables to create new words and sentences making use of available materials. This is not possible with other ways that we use to communicate, such as the use of facial expressions or bodily gestures.(2) We have to beware the word ‘language’. It’s often used in a vivid way to mean any kind of connection between people.=We have to be cautious about the use of “language” because it is often used figuratively, refering to any means of communication (body language) or even the basis of mutual understanding (speaking the same language).(3) We learn many rules of grammar in order to express different meanings, such as changing the order of words in a sentence. But we don’t have rules which change the order of our facial expressions to express different meanings.=Facial expressions are different from real language in that there are no grammatical rules such as word order to help us express different meanings when we communicate with facial expressions.(4) If I have the ability, I can paint them, draw them, sculpt them, dance them, compose them into a symphony or a ballet or a piece of jazz, and express myself in all the ways that are called “arts and crafts”.= “Arts and crafts” are also means of communication. If I have the ability, I can express my thoughts and feelings in painting, drawing, sculpture, dance and music.(5) In our everyday lives we produce and comprehend language with such apparent ease that we take it for granted. Yet the ease with which we use language belies a level of complexity of immense proportions.=Our everyday use of our native language, whether to express ourselves or to understand others, is so easy that we have never realized the great complexity behind this simple fact. Translation(1)Once we’ve learned a few thousand words, and learned the ways our language allows us to put them together into sentences, we can say things that nobody has ever said before. 一旦我们掌握了数千个单词和语言所允许的将这些单词组合成句的方法,我们就可以说出别人从未说过的话。

(2)When people use their faces or hands to show their feelings, they’re doing something that is very different from what they do when they speak, write, or use a deaf sign language.当人们用脸或手来表达情感的时候,他们所做的是一件与说话、书写或者使用聋人手语很不一样的事情。

(3)Language allows us to talk about our experience of the world in a way that no other means of communication can.语言使我们能够以一种其他交际手段所不能比拟的方式谈论我们对世界的体验。


(apart from)Her bright red coat set her?apart?from?the other girls.(5)我们的触觉能力也可以演绎出一套语言。

(develop into)Our ability to touch can also be developed into a language.(6)他以蛮横无理的方式对他的助手们发号施令。

He orders his assistants around?in?a?way?that is very offensive.(7)与书面语不同的是,我们在口语中并不是按照段落或章节来组织思想的。

Unlike writing, our thoughts are not framed in paragraphs or chapters in speech.Unite 3Paraphrasing(1) Scollon points out that Athabaskan Indians consider it inappropriate to talk to strangers, and that this has an odd effect when an Athabaskan meets a non-Athabaskan, white or black. One wants to get to know the other by talking and the other feels it is inappropriate to talk until they know each other.=Athabaskan Indians consider that it is inappropriate to talk to people they do not know. According to Scollon, this causes a strange effect when the Athabaskan Indians meet people from other cultures. The non-Athabaskans may want to make acquaintance with the Athabaskans by talking to them, but the Athabaskans will not talk to the non- Athabaskans before they become acquaintances.(2)As she puts it, Gonjans are so aware of the indirect function of questions to imply unstated meaning that “the pure information question hasn't got a chance.”=Gonjans take it for granted that questions are always asked to achieve indirect functions, so they never ask questions for pure information.(3)This is the value associated with "getting down to brass tacks" and "stickingto facts"-values taken for granted in American business and education, and perhaps more generally by American men.=The Americans usually take it for granted that in communication people should be direct and say no more or less than needed, and that what people say is exactly what they mean. This is especially true in business and education and applies more to American men than to women.(4)To the extent that no two people have exactly the same communicative background, to that extent, all communication is cross-cultural, and understanding cross cultural communication is a means to understanding language at the same time, it is also a means to understanding and, one hopes, improving problems and tasks facing the world and the people in it, including the task of teaching and learning new languages.=No two people have just the same cultural background. Therefore, all communication iscross-cultural to some extent. In this sense, understanding cross-cultural communication can help us understand the nature of language and tackle problems in the world, especially those caused by and related to the use of language, e.g. obstacles in foreign language teaching and learning.Translation(1)Just as physicists understand the nature of physical elements by observing their behavior in various environments and in interaction with other elements, so we come to understand the nature of language by observing it in communicationand in contact with other systems of communication.物理学家通过观察物质元素在不同环境中的表现及其与其他物质的相互作用来理解它们的本质。
