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give 短语动词归纳

1. give sb. a call 给……打电话

He'll give me a call as soon as he arrives. 他一回家就会给我打电话。

2. give a talk 作报告

Mr Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow. 吴老师想让我在明天的课上作报告。

3. give a lecture 作讲座

She is going to give a lecture on American verse. 她要做一个关于美国诗歌的讲座。

4. give back 归还,送回

Please give back my dictionary. 请把字典还给我。

5. give……some advice on 给……一些忠告

We will give you advice on you what NOT to say or do.


6. give lessons to 给……上课

When are you going to give us lessons?你什么时候给我们上课?

7. give in to 屈服于某人/某事

He refused to give in to old age. 他不服老。

8. give up 放弃

Never give up. 绝不言弃。

9. give sb. a chance 给……一次机会

Give me a chance to explain.给我个解释的机会。

10. give a message to…… 给……一个口信

Will you like to have me to give him a message?要我传个话给他么?

11. give an account of 解释(理由)

He demanded that I give an account for my failure. 他要求我对失败做出解释。

12. give out 分发,散发,用光,耗尽

Give out the examination papers. 把试卷发下去。

13. give away 泄密

Don't give away the secret. 这项机密不可泄露。

14. give off 发出(光,烟,气)

Chemical changes that give off energy. 化学变化释放能量。

15. give a hand 伸出援手

Let me give you a hand. 我来帮你一把。

16. give over 停止,放弃

Give over complaining! 别再发牢骚了!

17. give way to 让路,让步

They had to give way to superior forces. 他在强敌面前不得不退却。
