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26. Not only my parents but also my sister ______ crazy about the TV playin the name of people.
A. is B. are C. have been
27. ----Philips, ______ you make so much noise when your little sister is sleeping?
----Sorry, Mum. I’ll stop right away.
A. can B.may C. must
28.Shared bikes, which are environmentally friendly, ______ quite popular among big cities inChina since lastApril.
33. A. cut B. wash C. share
34. A. first B. second C. thirdቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
35. A. satisfied B. surprised C. moved
36. A. brave B. silly C. young
37. A. sweeter B. bitterer C. saltier
The father was___35___.He wondered what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in sucha greedy(贪婪的)way.He was lost in thought.Perhaps he was just thinking too much.His daughter was too___36___ tounderstand about sharing and giving.A smile disappeared from his face.
A. became B. have become C. will become
29. We’ll achieve our dreams some day ______we keep trying and never give up.
A. as long as B. even though C. so that
A. Drive B. To drive C. Driving
25.----Is thereanybody who can lend me a hand?
----I'm afraid not. You know, you're supposed to depend on ______.
A. myself B. yourself C. themselves
Astronautsliving in space have the samehygieneneedspeople do onEarth.When they wake up, they wash their hair, brush their teeth and go to the bathroom as well.However, because ofmicrogravity(微重力),astronauts take care of themselves in different ways.For example, they use a kind of special matter to wash their hair andlegrestraints(腿部固定装置)to position themselves when they use the toilet.
What's more,living in space is not justall work and no play. A popularway of relaxations is looking out of the window. And they can also enjoy themselves by watching movies,reading books,playing cardsand talking to their familiesduring their free time.
43.The Youth Dailynewspaper group offers everything belowexcept______to theeditors.
A. free lunchB.all medical costsC.public holidays.
44.If you want to get the job you can______The Youth Dailynewspaper group first.
A father and his daughterwere flying a kite in the park.The young daughterwas a little bit tired, so theytook a___31___on the beach, when thedaughter saw an old man selling apples,she asked her father to buy her an apple.Her father didn't bring much money with him, but it was enough to buy two apples.So he did, andgave ___32___ of them to his daughter,smiling.
Don't judge anything or draw a conclusion(结论)too quickly___40___ sparesome more time to understand things better.
31. A. walk B.shower C. break
32. A. both B. either C. neither
30. ----Could you please tell me ________?
----For two weeks.
A. how soon he will be back B. how long he will be awayC. how long will he be away.
Besides morningroutine(常规)andeatingin space,astronauts performmany tasks includingchecking the machines, updating computerequipment(更新电脑设备),etc.At the same time,the control center onEarth sends messagesto theastronautsthrough voice or email with newinstructionstoassistthem in their dailyroutines.
A. $24 B.$36 C. $44
42.The zoo passabove tells us that______.
A. the zoo is free for old people B. the zoo offers free parking C. the zoo opens every day.
Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, “Daddy, have this one!It is muchjuicerand___37___.”Her father was speechless.He felt___38___about making thejudgement(判断)so quickly about a small child.But his smile ___39___ knowing why his daughterquickly took a bite from eachapple.
Astronauts eats three meals a day:breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some food can be eaten inthe naturalform such as fruit. Other foods require adding water such as noodles. There are no fridgesin space, sospace food must be storedand prepared properly to avoid going bad.
C. workers ofThe Youth Dailydon't need to pay for housing.
Almost everyone has a question or two about living in space.What is life really like in space? And what doastronauts(宇航员)do there?
Ⅰ. 听力技能(略)
Ⅱ. 知识运用
第一节 语法填空
21. ---Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now?
---I'm watching a football match. It started at7:30p.m.and ______ on for another one hour.
38. A. proud B. great C. bad
39. A. went away B. came back C. ran off
40. A. Always B. Never C. Seldom
41.Mrs.Smith takes her five year old son to the zoo, and she needs to pay______.
----Great! DaweishanMountain might be a good choice.
A. interesting something B. Nothing interesting C. anything interesting
24. ______ carefully, please! Look at the road sign. There is a school ahead.
His daughter held one apple in her left handand the other in the right hand.Then thefather asked her ifshecould___33___ one of the apples with him.When the girl heard this, she quickly took a bite(咬)from one apple.Andbefore her father could speak, she also took a bitefrom the___34___apple.
A. has been B. was C. will be
22. ______April22nd,people around the world celebrateEarthDay in different ways.
A. In B. At C. On
23. ----There’s ______ in the city.Why not have a picnic in the countryside?
A. call B.visitC.email
45.From the chart(图表)we know that______.
A. applicantsare required to be good at writing.
B. anyone who has worked for two years can get the job.