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Legend tells of a legendary warrior... 传说中有位传奇大侠...whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. 他武艺高强一身传奇功夫He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. 他云游四方寻找实力相当的对手l see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew on my fist! 你好像挺爱吃那你干脆吃本大爷一拳The warrior said nothing,for his mouth was full. 大侠一声不吭因为嘴里塞满了吃

的Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. 等他咽下去了就开口了Enough talk. Let's fight! "少废话,尽管出招"Shashabooey! 拿命来He was so deadly in fact, 他杀气腾腾that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness. 他那生猛招式让对手眼花缭乱双目失明My eyes! - He's too awesome! - 我看不见了- 他也太猛啦There is no charge for awesomeness. 行侠仗义帅气生猛Or attractiveness. 不求回报Kablooey!lt mattered not how many foes he faced. 无论他面对多少对手They were no match for his bodacity! 他们都会沦为他的手下败将Never before had a panda been so feared! And so loved. 从来没有哪个熊猫这么威风过这么受崇拜Even the most heroic heroes in Ohina, 就连盖世豪杰the Furious Five, 威猛五侠bowed in respect to this great master. 也对这位大师顶礼膜拜We should hang out. 一块乐乐去?Agreed. 没意见But hanging out would have to wait. 不过没时间找乐子了Because when you're facing the 10,000 demons of Demon Mountain, 因为一旦面对恶魔山成千上万的大小恶魔

there's only one thing that matters and that's... 唯有一件最重要那就是...Po! Get up! 阿宝起来You'll be later for work! 得赶紧开工了What? 什么!?Po! Get up! 阿宝快起来Po. What are you doing up there? 阿宝你在上面干嘛呢?Nothing. 没干嘛Monkey! Mantis! Orane! Viper! Tigress! 金猴、螳螂、仙鹤、灵蛇、娇虎Ooming! 来啦Sorry,Dad. 对不起爸爸Sorry doesn't make the noodles. 说"对不起"不能帮你做面条What were you doing up there? All that noise. 你刚才在上面干嘛? 那么吵]Nothing. l just had a crazy dream. 没干嘛只是做了一场梦About what? - 什么梦? - 嗯?What were you dreaming about? 你梦见什么了?What was l...? 我梦见? 呃l was dreaming about... 我梦见了...Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? 面条! 你是真的梦见面条了吗?.noodles. 面条Yeah. What else would l be dreaming about? - 是啊我还能梦见什么呢- 谢谢Oareful! That soup is sharp. 小心那面条扎嘴Oh,happy day! 噢我好开心My son,finally having the noodle dream! 我儿子终于梦见面条啦You don't know how long l've been waiting for this moment. 我盼星星盼月亮终于盼来了这一刻This is a sign,Po. 这是个好兆头A sign of what? 什么好兆头?of my Secret lngredient Soup. 仙汤的秘方传给你了Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! 然后你就可以水到渠成的从我手里接下这面条铺As l took it over from my father,who took it over from his father... 就像我从我父亲手里接下它

我父亲从我爷爷手里接下它who won it from a friend in mahjong. 我爷爷打麻将赢下它Dad,Dad,Dad,it was just a dream. 爸爸爸爸爸爸那只是一个梦No,it was the dream. 不那是远大梦想We are noodle folk. Broth runs through our veins. 我们是做面条的血脉里流淌着汤汁But,Dad,didn't you ever want to do something else? 可是爸爸你有没有想过做点别的事?Something besides noodles? 除了面条以外的事?Actually,when l was young and crazy, 其实啦我年少轻狂的时候l thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. 倒是想过出去闯闯去拜师学做豆腐Why didn't you? 那怎么没去?Because it was a stupid dream. 因为

那是痴人说梦Oan you imagine me making tofu? 我做豆腐?还不如买块豆腐撞死Tofu. 呵豆腐No! We all have our place in this world. 不! 各司其职各归其位才是Mine is here,and yours is... 我属于这儿而你呢...l know,is here. 我知道我也属于这No,it's at tables 2,5,7,and 12 不是2号、5号、7号、12号桌Service with a smile. 记得要微笑服务Well done,students... if you were trying to disappoint me. 身手不错徒儿们!只可惜还是让我失望Tigress,you need more ferocity! Monkey,greater speed. 娇虎你不够凶猛! 金猴你不够快Orane,height. Viper,subtlety. Mantis... 仙鹤不够高,灵蛇不够敏捷螳螂...Master Shifu. - What?! - 禀告师父什么事?lt's Master Oogway. He wants to see you. 是乌龟大师他想见您Master Oogway,you summoned me? ls something wrong?

乌龟大师您要见我出什么事了吧?Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? 难道一定要出什么事我才能和老朋友见面吗?So,nothing's wrong? 那么没出事?Well,l didn't say that. 这个嘛我也没这么说You were saying? 你刚才说...?l have had a vision. 我有一个预感Tai Lung will return. 大龙会杀回来That is impossible! He is in prison. 这怎么可能他在大牢Zeng! 小善!Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them 快飞到长岗监狱to double the guards,double their weapons,double everything! 叫他们加倍看守加倍武装该加倍的都加倍Tai Lung does not leave that prison! - 决不能让大龙越狱Yes,Master Shifu! - 遵命师父One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 越想逃避宿命越会在半道上跟宿命撞个正着We must do something! We can't let him march on the valley,take his revenge! 必须想办法不能让他闯进山谷他是想复仇]Your mind is like this water,my friend. 你的思绪就像这池水朋友When it is agitated,it becomes difficult to see. 稍有外界触动就很难清澈明朗But if you allow it to settle... 可如果让它静下来the answer becomes clear. 答案顿时变得清晰了The Dragon Scroll. 神龙秘笈lt is time. 是时候了But who? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? 可找谁呢? 该把这孕藏无限神功的秘密托付给谁呢?To become the Dragon Warrior? 谁将成为神龙大侠?l don't know. 我也不知道Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. 不好意思过一下Watch it! 喂! 当心

点Sorry. - Suck it up! - 对不起收腹!- Sorry. - A thousand pardons. - 对不起我太失礼了What? 什么?Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! 乌龟大师要选神龙大侠就今天Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! 各位各位快去翡翠宫威猛五侠有一个会拿到神龙秘笈We've waited 1,000 years for this! Take the bowl!

这我们可是等了好久啊快带着面条去吧This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go! 今天可是武林的大日子还给什么钱

呢! 快去吧!Po! Where are you going? 阿宝你要去哪儿?To the Jade Palace. 我去翡翠宫You're forgetting your noodle cart. 那也
