There are no accidents.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。
Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物)There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That is why it's called the present (the gift).6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅).I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it's time.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师But there are things we can control.I can control when the fruit will fall.... And I can control.What time to seed,That is not illusion, Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Yes, but no matter what you do,That seed will grow to be a peach tree.You may wish for an Apple or an orange,But you will get a peach.9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But peach can not defeate Tai Long.10.乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。

-I nner peace…inner peace…Would whoever is making that flapping sound? Quiet down!-Oh, Zeng, excellent! I could know some good news right now.-Master! Master!-En…-I have a… it’s very bad news-Shifu, there’s just news,there’s no good or bad.- Master, your vision, your vision was right. Tailing has broken out of the prison, he’s on this way!-That is bad news! If you do not believe that the Dragon Warrior can stop him.-The panda? Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior! He wasn’t even meant to be here! It was an accident!-There are no accidents.-Y es,I know.Y ou’ve said that already.Twice.-Well,that was no accident,either.-Thrice.-My old friend,the panda will not fulfi ll his destiny, nor you…yours… until you let go off the illusion of control.-Illusion?-Y es,look at this tree, Shifu.I can not make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.-But there are things we can control,I can control when the fruit will fall.And I can control where to plant the seed.That is no illusion, Master.-But no matter what you do that seed will grow to be a peach tree.Y ou may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.-But a peach can not defeat Tailang!-Maybe it can.I f you’re willing to guide it, to nurt ure it,to belive in it.-But how?How? I need your help, master.-No,you just need to believe.Promise me, Shifu. Promise me you will believe.-I will try.-Good. My time has come.Y ou must continue your journey without me.-What are you… maste r…you can’t leave me!-Y ou must believe.-Master!-That was scary.-Y eah,so I’m like…-Fine,you may be a wolf. Y ou may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province.But you are a lousy tipper.-Really?So how did you get out there alive?-I mean,I didn’t actually see that,but I thought it in my mind.If he could read my mind,he’d be like “what?” Order up!Hope you like it.-This is really good.-No, come on, you should try my dad’s secret ingredient soup.He actually knows thesecret ingredient.-What are you talking about ? This is amazing!-Y ou’re really a good cook.-I wish my mouth is enough bigger.-Tigress, you’ve got to try this.-It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months on nothingto do with the single ginkgo leaf and the energy of the universe .-I guess my body doesn’t know it’s the Dragon Warrior yet. I need a lot more than dew and universe juice.What?-Oh,nothing.Master shifu.-Y ou’ll never be the Dragon Warrior unless you lose 500 pounds andbrush your teeth! What is that noise you’re making! Laughter?I never heard of it! Work hard, panda!Maybe some day you’ll have ears like mine.-That’s good.-Ears!I t’s not working for you?I thought they were pretty good.-It’s shifu.-Of course it is shifu, what do you think I’m doing?Wu,Master Shifu!-Y ou think this is funny! Tailang has escaped from prison! And you are acting like children!-What?-He’s coming for the Dragon S croll, and you’re the only one who can stop him!-And I was saying you got no sense of humor. I’m going to stop Tailang.What?Y ou’re serious?And I have to…Master wugui will stop him!Like he did it before .-Wugui cannot ,not any more.Our only hope is the Dragon Warrior.-The panda?-Y es! The panda!-Master!Please! Let us stop tailang! This is what you’ve trained us for!-No! it is not your destiny to defeat tailang! It is his! Where did he go?-Y ou can not leave! A real warrior never quits!-Watch me! Come on, how am I supposed to beat tai lang!? I can’t even beat you to the stairs.-Y ou’l l beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior!-Y ou don’t believe that! Y ou never believe that from the first moment I got here! Y ou’ve tried to get rid of me.-Y es! I was.But now I ask you to trust in your master a s I’ve come to trust in mine.-Y ou’re not my master,and I’m not the Dragon Warrior.-Then Why didn’t you quit? Y ou knew I was trying to get rid of you, yet you stayed. -Y eah,I stayed. I stayed because every time you threw a brick on my head or said I smelled.It hurts. But it could never hurt more than it did every day of my life just being me. I stayed because I thought, if anyone could change me, could make me not me,it was you! The greatest kungfu teacher in all of China!-But I can change you! I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior! And I will!-Oh,come on. Tailing is on his way here right now! And even it takes him a hundred years to get here. How are you gonna change this into the Dragon Warrior!?How?How?How?-I don’t know! I don’t know.-It’s what I thought.-This is what you trained me for.-Tigress!-Don’t try t o stop me!-We’ll not try to stop you!-What?-We’re coming with you!-What? I eat when I’m upset! Ok?-Oh, no need to explain. I thought you might be monkey, he hides his almond cookies on the top shelf.-Don’t tell monkey.-Look at you!-Y eah,I know,I disgust you.-No,no.I mean,How did you get up there!?-I do n’t know.I guess that…I don’t kn ow…I just get my cookies!-And yet you are ten feet off the ground and have done a perfect spilt.-No,this? This is just an accident.-There are no accidents! Come with me.-I know you’re trying to be all mystical and kungfu fuey. But could you at least tell me where we are going? Y ou dragged me all the way out here, for a bath?-Panda, we do not wash our pits in the Pool of Sacred Tears.-The pool was…?-This is where wugui unraveled the mysteries of harmony and focus.This is the birthplace of kungfu. Do you want to learn kungfu?-Y eah!-Then I am your master!-Ok!-Don’t cry.-Ok!-When you focus on kungfu,when you concentrate,you stink.But perhaps that is my fault.I can not train you the way I’ve trained the five. I now see that the way to get through to you is with this.-Oh,great! B ecause I’m hungry.-Good, when you’ve trained ,you may eat.-Let’s begin.-After you, panda.-Just like that? No sit-ups? No ten-mile hike?-I vowed to train you, and you have been trained. Y ou’re free to eat.-Enjoy.-Hey!-I said you’re free to eat. Have a dumpling?-Hey!-Y ou are free to eat!-Am I ?-Are you!?-I’m not hungry~-Master.-Cut it~!-Where is the Dragon Warrior?-How do you know you are not looking at her?-Y ou think I’m a fool? I kno w you’re not the Dragon Warrior. None of you! I heard how he fell out of the sky in a ball of fire! He is a warrior, unlike anything in the world you’ve ever seen.-Paul?-So,that is his name,paul. Finally,a worthy opponent. Our battle will be legendary!-We’ve got this! Help her!-Monkey!-Go!-What was I thinking?-Mantis!-Shifu taught you well.But he didn’t teach you everything.-Y ou have done well, panda.-Done well? Done well? I’ve done awesome!-The mark of the true hero is humility. But,yes,you have done awesome!-Guys! They’re dead?! No,they’re breathing. They’re asleep? No,their eyes are open. -We were no match for his nerve attach.-H e’s gotten Stronger.-Who?Tailang? Stronger?-He’s too fast! Sorry,paul. I thought we could stop him.-He could have killed you.-Why didn’t he?-So you can come back and strike fear into our hearts.But it won’t work.-It might,I mean,a little.I’m pretty scared.-Y ou can defeat him,panda!-Are you kidding? If t hey can’t!They’re five masters.I’m just one me.-But you’ll have the one thing that no one else does.-Y ou really believe I am ready?-Y ou are ,Paul.-Behold, the Dragon Scroll, it is yours.-Wait,what happens when I read it?-No one knows, but legend says you’ll able to hear a butterfly’s wing beat.-Oh,really?!T hat’s cool!-Y es.And see light in the deepest cave. Y ou’ll feel the universe in motion around you. -Wow,can I punch through walls? Can I do a quadruple back flip?-Focus, focus!-Oh,yeah!-Read it,paul and fulfill your destiny. Read it and become the Dragon Warrior!-It’s impossible to open. Thank you.Probably I’ve Loose ned it up for you.Ok, here goes. It’s blank.-What?-Here, look!-No,I’m forbidden to look upon. Blank? I don’t understand.-Ok,so like wugui was just a crazy old turtle after all.-No,wugui was wiser than I thought.-Oh,come on. Face it,he picked me by accident. Of course I’m not the Dragon Warrior.Who am I kidding?-But who will stop Tail ang? He’ll destroy everything and everyone.-No. Evacuate the valley.Y ou must protect villagers from T ailang’s rage.-What about you master?-I’ll fight him.-What?-I can hold him off long enough for everyone to escape.-But shifu,he’ll kill you.-Then I will finally have paid my mistake. Listen to me, all of you.It is time for you to c ontinue your journey without me. I’m v ery proud to have been your master.-W e’ve got to get them out safely.-Come, little one, let’s find your mama.-Viper, gather the southern farmers. Mantis,the north. Crane, light the way.-Look,it’s the dragon warrior.-Hey, dad.-Paul!-It’s good to have you back son.-Good to be back.-Let’s go Paul.So for our next shop,it is time to face it,the future of noodles is dice-cut vegetables,no longer slices.Also, I was thinking,m aybe this time we’ll have a kitchen you can actually stand up in. Y ou like that? Paul,I’m sorry things didn’t work out. It just wasn’t meant to be. Paul, forget everything else, your destiny still awaits.We are noodle folk. Broth runs deep through our veins.-I don’t know, dad. Honestly,s ometimes I can’t believe I’m actually your son.-Paul,I think it’s time I told you s omething I should have told you a long time ago.-Ok.-The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup .-Oh.-Come here.The secret ingredient is nothing.-Ah?-Y ou heard me.Nothing! There is no secret ingredient.-Wait ,wait!I t’s just plain old noodle soup? Y ou don’t add some kind of special s auce or something?-Don’t have to.To make something special, you just have to believe it’s special-There is no secret ingredient!-I have come home, master.-This is no longer your home, and I’m no longer your master~-Oh,yes.Y ou have s new favorite. So where is this, Paul? Did I scare him off?-This battle is between you and me.-So,that is how it’s going to be.-That is how it must be.-I rotted in jail for 20 years because of your weakness!-Obeying your master is not weakness!-Y ou knew I was the Dragon Warrior! Y ou always knew.But when wugui said otherwise,what did you do?What did you do! Nothing!-Y ou are not meant to be the Dragon Warrior, that was not my fault!-Not your fault? Who filled my head with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny!-It was never my decision to make.-It is now.Give me the scroll.-I’d rather die.-What I ever did! I did to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are shifu. Tell me! Tell me!- I have always been proud of you .F rom the first moment, I’ve bee n proud of you. And it was my pride that blinded me.I loved you too much to see what you were becoming.What I was turning you into. I’m sorry.-I don’t want your apology.I want my scroll.What? Where is it!?-Dragon warrior has taken the scroll to have crossed China. Y ou’ll never see that scroll Tailang. Never,never.-Hey!-Who are you?-Body, I am the Dragon Warrior.-Y ou? Him? He’s a panda.Y ou, panda! What are you going to do, big guy? Sit on me? -Don’t tempt me. Now, I’m going to us e this.Y ou want it? Come and get it.-Finally.-That scroll is mine! The scroll is giving him power.-Finally.The power of the Dragon S croll is…my… It’s nothing!-It’s ok, I didn’t get it the first time, either.-What?-There is no secret ingredient! It’s just you!-Stop it! I want to pee.Don’t, don’t…-Y ou can’t defeat me.Y ou are just a big fat panda.-I’m not a big fat panda.I’m the big fat panda!-Oh,The wushi finger hold!-Oh, you know this hold?-Y ou are bluffing,you are bluffing.S hifu didn’t teac h you that.-No,I figured it out.-Look! The dragon warrior!-That’s my boy! The big lovely kungfu warrior is my son! Y es!-Thanks dad! Hey guys!-Master.Master.-Master? Master shifu!-Master! Shifu, shifu are you ok?-Paul! Y ou’re alive. Or we are both dead?-No master, I didn’t die. I defeated Tailing.-Y ou did? Wow,it is as wugui foretold.Y ou are the Dragon W arrior! Y ou’ve brought peace to this valley and to me.Thank you.Thank you ,Paul.-No,master! No,no,no, don’t die, shifu ,please!-I’m not dying! Y ou idiot! Ah,Dragon Warrior, I’m simply at peace finally.-Oh,so,I should stop talking?-If you can.-Want to get something to eat?-Y eah!。

One me ets itsdestin o n the ro ad he ta kes to a void it3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。
Yo ur mindis likethis ate r, m fri end , he n it isagitated,it bee s diffiu lt to se e ,but i f ou all o it tosettle , the ans er beeslear.4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Quitdon’t qu it. Nood les don’t noodle s.5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是p resent T here isa saing,esterda is hist or, tomo rro is a mster B ut todais a gif t. Thatis h it's alledthe pres ent6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果Yes,loo k at thi s tree C hivuI a n not ma ke it bo loosm an d suitsme, normake itbear foo d before it’s ti me.7.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制我可以控制果实何时坠落我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉大师B ut there are thi ngs e an ontrolI an ont rol henthe frui t ill fa ll... A nd I anontrolW hat time to seedThat is not ill usion ,Master8.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树你可能想要苹果或桔子可你只能得到桃子那个种子还是会长成桃树Ye s, but n o matter hat oudo,That seed il l gro to be a pe ah treeYou ma i sh for a n Appleor an or angeBut ou illget a pe ah9.师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎But pe ah an no t defeat e Tai Lo ng10.乌龟:也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
电影英语 功夫熊猫3 句子

Stairs!I don,t think i canHey guys just start without meI,ll catch upInner peaceItchy noseFinally inner peaceOur battle ended five hundred years agoNow i am ready for a rematchTook you long enoughYou,ve grown stronger500 years in the spirit realm you,ll pick up a thing or twoI have taken the chi of every master hereAnd soon i,ll have your power tooWhen will you realize “the more you take,the less you have”With your chi i ,ll finally be able to return to the mortal worldAnd this time you won,t be there to stop meIt was never my destiny to stop mei have set another on that pathThen i will find him and take his chi tooJustice is about to be servedWe,ll have two justice platters pleaseThe spicy noodle soup for tDid you want extra sauce with thatGo dragon warrior defend the valleyYou guys aren,t doing the dramatic pose are youDo we have t strike the pose every time we landYou guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entranceI,ve heard about some master who could win a fight just by throwing open a doorDramatic entranceThe dragon warrior is correctI was just makingBefore the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mindHence,the dramatic entranceNice dramatic entranceWhat,s the occasion?Today will be my final classWait i didn,t even know you were sickAlthough you have been looking a little i,m not sickHealthy a little healthy a lot actuallyMy final class because from now on your training will be in the hands of the dragon warriorTeach i mean why not tshe,s always telling everyone what to dBe quiet po see what i meanT is not the dragon warrior you areCome on they,re the five what can i teach themThere is always something more to learn even for a masterFor instance let me show you another moveWhere,d he go?He,s gone guys it,s coolWe are await your instruction masterAll you have to lose is our respectSeriously how dad could it beLeave meLet,s switch it up immovable mountain stanceMy fault crane go high i mean lowOh my claw thingyDid you at least a little somethingAnd t is flammable turns outThat was a complete disasterI,m glad we,re not po right now what a loserWhat was shifu thinkingWhat was o thinkingI think he heard us i didn,t hear anythingHe said you,re a loserWould you stop doing that how was your first day teachingHumiliating i heardWho told you did t tell youDid she also tell you that it,ll never happen again cause i,m doneTeaching,or being humiliatedBoth i don,t know why you ever thought i could teach that classI knew you couldn,tIf you only do what you can do you,ll never be more than you are nowI don,t wanna be more i like who l amYou don,t even know who you areAnd what exactly does that mean dragon warrior?Just going around and punching and kickingDefending the valley and stuffYou think that is what the great master o saw for youA five hundred year prophecy full-filled so you can spend your days kicking butt ?And running through town high-fiving bunniesO saw greatness in you po against my better judgmentMore than you can see in yourselfIncredible power awaits youPower beyond anything you can imagineWhat was that that was chiWhat,s chiThe energy that flows through all living thingsSo you,re saying if i so you,re saying if i teachI,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatI,m saying if you teach i,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatMaster of chi requires mastery of selfO sat alone in a cave for thirty years asking one questionI,m lucky if i get five minute before you interruptSo now i have to sit alone in a cave for thirty yearsEventually after you master teachingI,m trying turn you into youAlmost there shifu just a little more confusing and you,ll be the next oNo offense master o i justI,ll let you get back to your eternal peaceWhat is this place my brother,s farmIf i stepped on you would you die?The mortal realmGeneral kTo teach you a lessonIs so handsomeThank you for the complimentPlease don,t teach me to deathI like just stopping by for a little saokWhat,s wrong nothingI come home and find you taking a bath with your dollsAction figures and instead of adding bath-salt to the waterYou just added peppercornsMy tendersSomething,wrongthere son you tell your daddy all about itLift you armShifu say i don,t know what it means to be the dragon warriorNow i have to be a teacherI thought i finally knew who i wasIf i,m not the dragon then who am i?I can sell noodle in the iobbyWhy are you still here taking a bath like a baby?Get outFranchise expansion awaits usWhat about the dragon look alike contestChua always wins thatAnd the dragon dumpling eating contestI have to defend my titleNo one,s gonna beat your dumpling eating record Someone,s about beat your dumpling eating record Who,s eating my dumplings and who,s paying for them Is that a new recordI,m looking for my sonYou lost your son many years agoI lost my fatherGood luck to youI hope you find your sonAnd i hope you find your fatherDon,t just stand there give your old man a hugI can,t believe you,re aliveI thought i ,d lost you forever little lotusThis is very embarrassingbut i think you,ve got me confusedWith a panda nameYou wouldn,t rememberthese years and you,re really hereThis is amazingI,m supposed to call youI,m pretty sure he said his name is liThank you for taking such good care of my sonNow hold on just a minuteHow do we know this stranger is even related to you Look at that our bellies could be brothersLet me teach you how to belly gongIt,s like looking in a fat mirrorI can,t believe we,re taking a picture togetherBut i still don,t understandI thought po was the only panda leftThere,s a whole bunch of usA secret panda village in the mountainsBut how did you know where i wasI received a message that led me hereHow could you receive a message if no one could find you Sounds suspicious to meWait it was message from the universeNow what,s all about a dragonHow ,d you know i was the dragon wDid the universe tell you that tooThe poster did and gift shop i bought a tiny cupYou have no idea there,s so much to show youDo you have panda asthma too?Does that run in the family?You,re gonna love thisIt,s like the coolest thingThis is the hall of heroesHome of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of china You were going to say awesomeBecause it totally isBut be super careful everything is very fragile here Someone broke that onceSome idiotThis is master flying r,s battle armorI wonder if i could fit in thatGet out of my head dadI,ve wonder the same thingIf i could fit it in itWhat are you going we,re not supposed to tough anything Should i put it backYou probably should you look so cool toughHow does it feelDo the hinges does it smell like rDoes it feel like you,re impenetrableDoes it feel like you can take on a thousand wAnd emerge unscathedWonder what this does i should pull itYou,re never gonna guess who just showed upHow did you just guess thatWe look exactly the sameIt is a honor to meet youPerhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall Your son will be teaching the classI would love to watch you teachTrust me it would be more fun to watch meThe valley is under attackNow you can see what being the dragon w is all about Enemies of justice prepare forWhat,s the deal with the green guysGet a quick sketch of usI blinked can we get another oneI,m being choked by masterStay away from my sonI,ll clean it up laterCheck out my dumping of doomYour chi will soon be mineIs he talking to me which oneMaybe it,d be scary back at themBut we gotta plan what we,re gonna say first Otherwise it won,t be scary it,ll be just stupidIt,s me talking through themDid you see that what just happenedWhere is it there,s so much wisdom in hereAll the answers will be found withinIt,s blankIt is written in o,s handCan you just unroll it all at onceI was an ambitious young w leading a great armyAnd fighting by my side was kMy closest friendOne day we were ambushed i was badly woundedMy friend carried me for days looking for helpUntil we came to a secret village high in the mountainsAn ancient place of healingA village of pandasPandas who used the power of chi to heal meThey taught me how to give chiBut k wanted the power all to himselfHe saw that what could be given could also be takenI had to stop himOur battle shook the earthUntil finally i banished k to the spirit realmShould he ever return to the mortal realmHe can only stopped by a true master of chiI can barely make a flower bloomI,d need at least thirty more years and a caveHe will continue stealing the chi of master until he hasOh get more more powerful with every master he defeats There is no choice we fightI can teach you sonThat must be why the universe sent you hereSo what do i have to doYou have to come home with meTo the secret villageYou must be rediscover what it is to be a pandaYou have to learn how to live like a panda sleep like a panda Those 103 dumplings i was just warming upI,ve always felt like i wasn,t eating up to my full potential You can,t take po away from me i want a second opinion Open another scroll or somethingI think he should go a third opinionDad you heard what shifu said o saidThis guy can only be stopped by a master of chiAnd i can only master chi by knowing who i really amI,ll pack your lunch for the roadDo you really think po can master chi in timeDoesn,t matter what i thinkIt only matters that the universe think that,s noWhat are we going to doYou are going to find out where kFollow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces k becomes strongerWhy me is it because i asked?Should be kept your beak shutLunch break you don,t need to ask mo twiceWhat are you doing hereWhat am i doing getting backacheDid you have to step on every rockI mean why are you hereWhat was i supposed to doWhat if the pandas don,t have food you likeYou,re never gonna be able to save the word on an empty stomachI consider my presence mission criticalAbout that we can,t share the location of the village with othersYou think i can,t keep a secretI raised po for twenty years before i finally told him be was adoptedI guess it would be cruel to make you fly backWe,re hereSure looks like a long ways up thereAnd my son hated stairs so let,s go homeWe don,t do stairsI,ve waited my whole life to hear those wordsThis is the secret panda village no wonder you kept it a secretIf i lived here i wouldn,t tell anyone eitherWhy are we runningEveryone gather aroundThis is my sonHe,s so handsome just like his fatherThese are your cousinsBuns on a stringsWe call it a snacklaceWe,ll make you another oneCareful with thatThat,s my action figureCan i keep herTake good care of herYou look just like me but a babyLet,s feast in my son,s honorPandas don,t walk we rollHave you ever seen anyone look so ridiculousYou,re right that is better than walkingWhat kind of panda doesn,t know how to rollI,m kinda new at this whole being a panda thingAnd what kind of panda are you you have a funny neckWhat are those forThese are chosticks they,re for picking up dumplingsYou mean you only eat one at a timeI knew i wasn,t eating up to my potentialPlease but try to save all other compliments until after the performanceShut it after the performanceIt started yetAt least that,s what she says look awayWhy does she keep staring at me like that try to keep upI don,t really know to danceOf course you doI know what are you thinking you doHow can one panda be so beautifulHelp me you,re on your ownDon,t worry you,ll get the hang of itWings of surveillanceJ attacked our village we,ve tracked them hereThey must be in thereMaster shifu strongly advised usNot to engageGotta get in thereYou,re seriously afraidEven master chicken,s going in there and he,s a chicken That,s is i,m going inWe have order not toYour chi is strong just like your friendDon,t worry little birdie i,ll put your chi to good use Destroying the j palance and everyone in itWings of regretFirst day of panda training i,m gonna make you bloom Pandas sleep till past noonSo lesson number one is go back to bedNobody said this was gonna be easyShow him kids can you do thisYou gotta let hill tell you where to rollLet,s show him how we go up hillWhat are you doing there that food is for p Feeling relaxedJust let yourself fall into itSubtle let me get some of thatLeave my hat aloneWhat are you guys looking atWhat,s how we rollNow you try again but don,t try so hard About the messI don,t usually get visitorsI didn,t get invited eitherK has taken their chiThe villagers evacuatedHow dare you set foot on these grounds。

功夫熊猫3英文台词StairsI don't think I can …You guys,just start withou me.I'll catch up!Sweet.Inner peace.Itchy no se.Fin ally,i nner peace.Now whatKai,old frie nd.Master Oogway.Our battle en ded 500 year ago!Well, now I'm ready for a rematch.Took you long eno ugh!You've grow n stron ger.500 years in the Spirit Realm,you pick up a thing or two.I have taken the chi of every master here.NOYes.And soon I will have your Power,too.When will you realizeThe more you take, the less you have.With your chiI will fin ally be able to return to the mortal world. And this time,you won't be there to stop me.It was n ever my dest iny to stop you.I have set ano ther on that path.Then I will find him...and take his chi,too.Justice is about to be served!We'll have two justice platters,please.UM??three??threeAnd a few tofu buns.Oh,the spicy no odle soup for Tigress.Did you want extra sauce with thatShe wants it on the side.On the side.??On the side.GO Dragon Warrior! You can do it!Go,Drago n Warrior!Defe nd the valley!Drago n Warrior!Go,Drago n Warrior!Defe nd the valley!You guys aren't doing the dramatic Pose,are you Do we have to strike a Pose every time we land You guys ,n ever un derestimate the Power of a dramatic entrance.I've heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throw ing ope n a door. Dramatic entranceMaster Shifu.The Drago n Warrior is correct.ReallyI was just makin g...UH yeah ,I mean, am.Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.Hen ce,the dramatic entrance.Nice dramatic 's the occasi onToday will be my final class.Your fin al..Wait.I did n't even know you were sick!Although you have bee n look ing a little...I'm not sick....healthy,A little lot,actually.My final class,because from now onyour training will be in the hands of the Drago n Warrior. 什么WhatMe,teach Why not TigressShe's always telli ng every one what to do.Be quiet,POYou see what I meanTigress is not the Drag on Warrior.You are.Come on ,they're the Five.What could I teach themThere is always someth ing more to lear n,even for a master.For in sta nee...let me show you ano ther move...the dramatic exit.What's thatAre you kidd ing meWhere'd he goMaster.He's gon e,'s cool.We await your in structio n,master.All you have to lose is our respect.I mean, seriously,how bad can it beVery bad!Very,very bad!Okay,'s switch it up.Mon key! Immovable mou nta in sta nee!Yes,master!Tigress,tor nado back flip!Yes,master.Oh,n o! Fire!Fire! -Stop!Sorry! My fault.Cran e,go high.I mea n low! Low!Ah,my claw thi ngy!Uh,Viper and Tigress,douh,like,a totem pole pois on tech niq ue!You two,do a swarmi ng in sect bite...with a yellow tail,yellow jacket,spicy tun a..I'm sorry.Good job,PoDid you at least learn a little something Yes.That you can't teach.And Tigress is flammable, it tur ns out.Yeah,that was a complete disaster. Uh,l'm glad we're not Po right now. What a loser!What was Shifu thinkingWhat was Oogway thinking I thi nk he heard us.I'm sorry,Oogway.Would you stop doing thatHow was your first day teachi ngHumiliat ing.I heard.Who told you Did Tigress tell youI heard from Mon key,a nd Cran e,a nd Man tis... and your dad,a nd from the gift shop...and those ducks you just passed...and Tigress tole me.Did she also tell you that it'll n ever happe n aga inIf you only do what you can do, you will n ever be more tha n you are now.I don't wanna be more! I like who I am.You don't even know wha you are.What do you... Of course I do.I'm the Drago n Warrior.And what exactly does that mean. Drag on WarriorIt means, you kno w,just going around and pun chi ng and kick ing.Defending the valley!A nd stuff.Punching and kick ingYou think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for youso you could spe nd your days kick ing butt... and running through tow n high-fivi ng bunnies Yes - No!Oogway saw great ness in you,Po.Aga inst my better judgme nt.More tha n you can see in yourself.In credible power awaits you.Power bey ond anything you can imagi ne.What was thatThat was chi.What's chi JThe en ergy that flows through all liv ing thi ngs.So you're say ing if I teach,I'll be able to do cool stuff like thatNo, I'm say ing if you teach,I'll be able to do cool stuff like that.Masteri ng chi requires mastery of self.Oogway sat alone in a cave for 30 years ask ing one questi on."Who am I""Who am I"I'm lucky if I get five minu tes before you in terrupt...So now I have to sit alone in a cave for 30 years Eve ntually.After you master teach ing.Teach in gThere's no way I'm ever gonna be like you.I'm not trying to turn you into me.I'm trying to turn you into you.Turn me into meWait a sec on d,that makes n o...Almost there,Shifu.Just a little more confusing and you'll be the n ext Oogway. Sorry,no offen se, Master just...I'll let you get back to your eter nal peace.What is this placeMy brother's farm.If I stepped on you,would you dieYes.The mortal realm.You hear that,Oogway I'm back.Kai has retur ned!WhoKai,General Kai.Supreme warlord of all China.The Jade of pain.You may know me as the Beast of Ven gea nee.Maker of WidowsOh,Master Oogway!Now,he was a great warrior.We've heard of Master Oogway.Okay,okay,!Find Oogway's stude nts,a nd bring them to me.By the time I am done with them,Oogway...There will be no one left who will even remember your name.Kai is coming!I am ready...to teach you a less on.Teach me Oh,n o!lt's the Drag on teacher!Yeah,he's so han dsome!Thank you for the complime nt.No! Please don't teach me to death!PoOh,hey,'s upI was just,uh...stopp ing by for a little soak.Okay. What's wrongNothi ng.Noth ing I come home to find you tak ing a bath with your dolls...Acti on figures....a nd in stead of addi ng bath salts to the water, you just added szechua n peppercor ns.Szechua n...Oh,oh,my ten ders!Oh...Okay,yes,someth in g's wrong.There,there,s on.You tell your daddy all about it.Lift your arm.Shifu says I don't know what it meansto be the Drago n Warrior.Now I have to be a teacherI thought I fin ally knew who I was.If I'm n ot the Drag on Warrior,who am IA teacher Teach ing kung fuPo,that's a promoti on!Take the job,s on!And, someday whe n you're in charge of the whole Jade palace...I can sell no odles in the lobby!Why are you still here tak ing a bath like a babyGet out!Get up!Go,go,go! Fran chise expa nsion awaits us!But what about the Drago n Warrior look-alike con testOh, always wins that.Skadoosh.And the Drago n Warrior dumpli ng-eat ing con testI have to defe nd my title.No on e's gonna beat your dumpli ng-eat ing record.Some on e's about to beat your dumpli ng-eat ing record! Go!Go!Who's eat ing my dumpli ngsAnd who's pay ing for themIs that a new recordWho are youI am Li Shan.WhatI'm Li Sha n.I'm look ing for my son.You lost your sonYes.Many years ago.I lost my father.I'm very sorry.Thank you.Well,good luck to you.You,too.I hope you find your son.And I hope you find your father.SonOh,my gosh,it is you!Well,d on't just sta nnd your old man a hug!I can't believe you're alive!Oh, I thought I lost you forever,little Lotus.,this is very embarrass in g...but I think you've got me con fused with a panda n ame Lotus. My n ame is Po. Oh,right,you would n't know.,little Lotuswas the n ame you were give at birth.Really -Really!I can't believe it!After all these years,you're really hereThis is amaz ing!Oh,Dad!Come!Say hi to,um...I don't know what I'm supposed to call you.I'm pretty sure he said his n ame is Li.You.Come here.Thank you,tha nk you.for tak ing such good care of my son.You sonN ow,hold on just a minu te.How do we know this stra nger is even related to youLook at that.Our bellies could be brothers! -That is so cool.Hey,s on, let me teach you how to belly gong.All gong. -They jiggle the same!It's like looking in a fat mirror.I can't believe we're tak ing a picture together.But I still don't un dersta nd.I thought Po was the only panda left.'s a whole bunch of us.WhereA secret panda village in the mountains.A secret pan da...But how did you know where I wasI received a message that led me here.How could you receive a message if no one could find you Sounds suspicious to me.No, it was a message from the uni verse.Rats!Now,what's all this about a Drag on WarriorHow did you know I was a Drago n WarriorDid the uni verse tell you that,tooNo,the poster did.And the gift shop.I bought a tiny cup.Oh,right,of course!You have no idea. There's so much to show you.You're gonna be so awesomely proud.Come on, come on!I'm already awesomely proud.Couple more steps. -Give me a min ute.Feeli ng the bur n.Do you have panda asthma,tooDoes that run in the familyDad,you're gonna love this.It's,like the coolest thing ever.This is the hall of heroes.Home of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of China!This place is ...Awesome Were you gonna say...You were gonna say "Awesome" right Because it totally is!Totally! -But be super careful.Everythi ng's very fragile here.Like the urn of whispering warriors.Some one broke that on ce.Who -Some idiot.This is Master Flying Rhino's battle armor!I wonder if I could fit in that.Get out of my head,dad! I've won dered the same thi ng!If I could fit in it |If you couldNo,if I could fit.Dad,check it out!Master Ram's crossbow,the infam ous gate smasher.Dad,look at this!The battle helmets if Master Rat's army.They're so tiny!Master Dolph in's waterproof armor!This is my favorite.Check it out,lt's the legendary battle rickshaw of Emperor Hawk. Sweet ride. Dad,what are you doingWe're not supposed to touch anything!Oh,sorry, I put it backYeah,you probably should.You look so cool,though.How does it feelDo the hin ges hin geDoes it smell like RhinoDoes it feel like you're impe netrableDoes it feel like you could take on a thousa nd warriors...and emerge un scathedYeah,it's pretty cool.I won der what this should pull it.I think I just peed a little.Anything else we should try in here ,sonCharge!Faster, faster,faster!Thumb war!Rei nforceme nts!No fair,No fair.This is so much fu...Here we go! Go,go,go!Awesome! Faster,faster,faster.There,there.I'm fin e,I'm fine.There you go.Dolph in-style attack!You get retreat!Go Ion g,s on!I was n't ready!Coming back at you. -I got it.I'm going high! There you go.Come on ,throw it!I'm coming for you.Bring it on, Master Rhino.Here I come!I'm gonna get you. I am gonna get you!I'm gonna get you. I am gonna get you!Who's got you Who's gonna get youMaster Rh ino.WhatWhat's wrongHello.Guys,guys.You're n ever gonna guess who just showed up.Not in a millio n years.You just try.Your father!How did you just guess thatOh,wait a ,yeah,of course. We look exactly the same.Dad,say hi to my frien ds.Man tis,Tigress,M on key,Cra ne,a nd Viper. Oh,Viper,was it -Mon key,sir. They're kind of my best frien ds. And this...This is master .Uh...it is an honor to meet you, Master Pan da.Perhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall.Your son will be teach ing the class.I'm sure he's tired.I'm sure you're tired. He's tired.I'm gonna show him to the Chrysa nthemum Suite. What,tired No,l'm fine.I would love to watch you teach.Trust me,it'll be more fun just to watch me... Fight!What is thatThe valley's un der attack.SonUn der attackThis is perfect!Now you can see what being the Drag on Warrior's all about!Follow me!En emies of justice,prepare for war!Are you kiddi ng meWhat's the deal with the gree n guysSome kind of Jade zombies.Jade zombiesJombies! Jinx!Lotus,be careful!It's okay,dad,I do this every day!I recog nize these guys.The Master Badger twins,with their crush ing double-go ng tech niq ue! Yeah,that's the one!And that guy is...No!Master Porcupi ne!I thought he died a hun dred years ago.These guys are lege nd!Get a quick sketch of us.Did you get it Did you get itOh, I bli nked.Can we get ano ther oneI'm being choked by Master Porcup ine.This is so cool.Oh,'s you!Po,focus!“ Message from the uni verse. ”I'll give you a message from the uni verse.Stay away from my son!Sorry,'ll clea n up later.Not my good pan!Uh,take this one.Lotus ! Watch out!Dad,check out my dumpli ngs of doom.Gotcha.I see you.]Your chi will soon be mine.Is he talki ng to me -Which oneThey're all talki ng.Whoa,you're right. That's so scary.We should try that, it'd be scary back at them.Okay,but we gotta plan what we're gonna say first.Otherwise,it won't be scary. It'll just be stupid.It's not them talk in g,you idiots!It's me talk ing through !WhoOkay,okay,okay,E no ugh.Did you see that -What just happe nedThe gree n smoke,just poof! And the n poof!Shifu,what was thatKaiKaiKaiNope ,n ever heard of him.Where is itThere's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything.Yes!Behold.All the an swers will be found with in.What It's bla nkAre you kiddi ng me Not aga in.Wait,wait,hold on. Sorry.Oh,okay. Here we go.It is written in Oogway's hand.“ Long ago, I had a brother... ”Oogway had a brother"In arms. In arms ” Sorry. He says,"Brother-in-arms." Maybe you should just un roll it all at once"I was an ambitious young warrior leading a great army. And fighting by my side was Kai...One day,we were ambushed.I was badly woun ded.My friend carried me for days,look ing for help...un til we came to a secret village high in the mountains.An ancient place of heali ng.A village of pan das.PandasYes,pa ndas.Pan das who used the power of chi to heal me.They taught me how to give chi.Oh,but Kai wan ted the powerall to himself.He saw that what could be give n could also be take n.I had to stop him.Our battle shook the earth...Un til,fi nally... |I bani shed Kai to the spirit realm.Should he ever return to the mortal realm...He can only be stopped by a true master of chi.""True master of chi"Like you!Me I can barely make a flower bloom.I n eed at least 30 more years,a nd a cave.We n eed a chi master.He will continue steali ngthe chi of masters un til he has con sumed it all.We have to think of a way to shop him!He'll get more and more powerfulwith every master he defeats. There is no choice. We fight.I can teach you,s on.You can do thisOf course. I'm a pan da.That must be why the uni verse sent you here!Okay,so what do I have to doYou have to come home with me.WhatTo the secret villageYes,s on.You must rediscover what it is to be a pan da.You have to lear n to live like a pan da, sleep like a pan da... Eat like a pan da.Those 103 dumpli ngsI was just warm ing up.I've always felt like I was n't eat ing up to my full pote ntial. No,you can't take Po away from ,no.I want a sec ond opinion.I thi nk he should go.Fin e,a third opi nion.Mon key Viper TigressDad,you heard what Shifu said Oogway said.This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi.And I can only master chi by knowing who I really am. Well, I'm a pan da. I'll pack you a lunch for the road.Do you really think Po can master chi in timeDoes n't matter what I thi nk.It only matters what the uni verse thin ks.So,that's a "No"Master,what are we going to doYou are going to find out where Kai is.Follow the trail of those Jade creatures.But do not en gage...For with every foe he faces,Kai becomes stro nger.Why me Is it because I askedNo,It is because you can !Should have kept your beak shut.And take Man tis.Oh, it because I ...Yes.Lunch break.You don't n eed to ask me twice.DadYes -DadYesWhat are you doing hereWhat am I doing Getti ng a backache.Did you have to step on every rockNo,I mean, why are you hereWhat was I supposed to do,huhWhat if the pan das don't have food you likeYou're n ever gonna be able to save the world on an empty stomach.I con sider my prese nee missi on critical.Oh ...yes,about that.We can't share the location of the village with ...Well,you think I can't keep a secret ,huhI raised Po for 20 yearsbefore I fin ally told him he was adopted.Seriously -Yeah.Okay. I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back.You can flyI'm a bird,Po.We're here.Sure looks like a long ways up there.And my son hates stairs.We're pan das. We don't do stairs.I've waited my whole life to hear those words. Rats. This is the secret panda villageNo won der you keep it a secret.If i lived here, I would n't tell anyone either.Now you can "Whoa".Whoa!Let's go! -Over here! Come on!Look over there!LiEvery one! Li's back!They're both back! -He found his son!He make it! -They're back!Li -He found his son!Every one! Li's back!Hang on, we're coming!He made it!They made it! -Why are we runningThey made it!Li Shan is back!Every one!Every on e,gather around! This is my son!Hello,hi. -He's here!You're here! -Triplets!Hi,I'm KuKu!I'm MengMeng. -I'm ShuaiShuai.Your fur is soft. -He smells like cookies.He's so han dsome,just like his father.Thank you.Son ,these are your cous ins.Dim and Sum.I have cous ins!Welcome! -Welcome!Buns on a stri ng.We call it a sn acklace.That's right.We'll make you ano ther one.It's you!So...That's nice. -Yeah,hi!I don't know who you are.Oh,stripy beautiful.Okay,careful with 's my actio n figure.Can I keep her Can I -No...problem. Of course.Yeah. That's why I brought her.Take good care of her.Yes! Stripy baby.You're like me,but fatter!You're like me,but...with a hat.He does wear a hat!You all look like me.Let's feast in my son's honor.What's thatPan das don't roll!Have you ever see n anyone look so ridiculousPo,what are you doin gPo!You're right,that is better tha n walk ing.Yeah,that's the good stuff.Have some dumpli ngs.What kind of panda does n't know how to rollWell,I'm kind of new at this whole "Be ing a pan da"Th ing.Hey,what kind of panda are youYou have a funny n eck.I'm not a panda at all.What's that -My hat.What's that -My beak.What's that -My wing. What's that -My dumpli ngs.No more questi ons! Go away,kid.Here,s on. I packed your chopsticks. Tha nks,Dad. -Wow.Oh,my. -WhatWhat are those forThese These are chopsticks. They're for pick ing up dumpli ngs.You mean you only eat one at a time Yummy. -Yeah,yummy.I knew I was n't eati ng up to my pote ntial!I am MeiMei.Wow,she's 's so beautiful.That's sweet,Po.But please,try to save all other complime nts un til after the performa nee. Me No, I did't say...Shut it.After the performa nee.Has it started yetBest ribb on dan cer in the world!At least,that's what she said.Look away.No. You can 't,ca n youDad,why does she keep stari ng at me like...That!I don't really know how to dance! Of course you do. All pan das dance.I know what you were thinking.You do"How can one panda be so beautiful"For me Oh!help me dads. -Yeah ,no,you're on your own.You're doing great,s on.Your turn.Yay,Po!Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it.I have so much to lear n.Wings of surveilla nee!Why do you do that -Do whatJust because you say "wings of" before somethi ng, it does n't mean that you're doing a special move.It's like me say ing "antenna of power"or "thorax of making san dwiches".Wings of disagreeme nt.There.Master Bear,Master Chicke n,Master Croc!What are you doing out hereJade creatures attacked our villages.We've tracked them here.Stop!They must be in there.Master Shifu stron gly advised us...not to en gage.We've gotta get in there. -But Master Shifu said...You're seriously afraidEve n Master Chicke n's going in there! And he's a chicke n. That's it. I'm going in.Man tis! We have orders not to...They n eed our help!Come 'll go high,you go low.No,wait.Fear the bug!All right,you little...Hold on, buddy. I'm coming!Antenna of power!Ah!It did n't work!Ma ntis!Your chi is strong.Just like your frien d...The bug.Ma ntis.Don't worry,little birdie.I'll put your chi to good use...Destro ying the Jade palace and every one in it. No!Wings of regret!Oh,yeah.First day of panda training!All right,flower.I'm gonna make you bloom.What What What is itI'm ready for my first day of panda training.What -You kno w,lear n to be pan da, master chi,save the world! Pan das sleep till past noon.So less on nu mber one is,"Go back to bed".Of course!Nobody said this was gonna be easy.Did I oversleepYou sure did.Yes!Yeah! Show him,kids!Can you do this Can you do thatHow about this How about thatAm I doing it Is this goodI got it! Ka-blam!Cran dma pan da,heads up! -Hello! Ow!We better roll.Po ,lunch time.PoYou gotta let the hill tell you where to roll. Rookie mistake. Dim, Sum,let's show him how we go uphill! It's beautiful.Sn ack -Whoo-hoo!You can flyI'm coming in hot!Get them while they're cold.What are you doing thereThat food is for Po!Throw it i n!There,'s it.Feeli ng relaxed -Totally.Just let yourself fall into it.Got it.I'm just...There we let it all out.That's my boy.Get out of there!My noodles!Leave my no odles alone.Subtle, subtle.Let me get some of that.Hey,leave my hat alone!We love no odles!More no odles!Just like my Po.What are you guys look ing atThat's how we roll!Ca nnon ball!Yeah!How was thatNow,you try aga in. But don't try so hard.Much better.Tha nks,Dad.For whatYou kno w,just for,you know, show ing me what it feels like...To be a pan da.So,whe n do you think I'll be readyReadyYou kno w,to lear n how to master chi.soon.Come on, I wanna show you somethi ng on.Sorry about the mess. I don't usually get visitors.Is this my MomI had this done on your 100th day.Your Momma could n't hold you still.You n early ate the paper.It's true.What was she likeShe was the total package.Smart,beautiful...Treme ndous appetie.She was the love of my life.And the n,j ust whe n I thought I could n't get any luckier... along you came, my little lotus.I really had it all.Un til that one mome nt...whe n I lost everyth ing.Dad.You don't have to worry about los ing me ever aga in.OkayLet me get some of that.It's from the Easterm provi nee!Mater Lizard, Master Ox, Master Eagle.All of them.In every village from the sea to here...every master in Chin a...has vani shed.Maybe they are all at a party.Mo nkey.I did n't get i nvited either.Kai has take n their chi.We are all that sta nd betwee n him...and the kno wledge Oogway left in our care. The villagers,evacuated Done, Master.Crane,Mantis -Still nothing.Wait. It's them!Kai.Nice.Very tacky.How dare you set foot on these groun ds!Look at you pathetic fools.Groveli ng at the feet of Oogway the magnificent.You are not fit to speak his n ame.I am n ot fit,little kitte nI fought by his side.I loved him like a brother.And he betrayed me.Now I will destroy everyth ing he has created!Go!How's that for a little kitte nI will not let you destroy Oogway's memory.Why n ot He destroyed mine.Ma ntis.It is me, your bestie!Sorry,Tigress!Sorry!Sorry!Sorry!Shifu.Bring them to me.No.You must warn Po.Master,please.I will show you the true power of chi,brother.Oogway,forgive me.Hmm. What do you say,OogwayDo you forgive himYou may have destroyed the Jade palace..But you will n ever succeed.There will always be some one to stop you.Who The pandaHis chi is stro ng...But it won't be eno ugh.He will meet the same fate as you. -No.And so will every panda in that village.Yes.Po,l hope you're ready.Dan ce,.He's so han dsome.That's a panda hug!TigressWho's sheWho is thatBig stripy baby!What are you doing hereKai attacked the valley.He's take n every master in China, in cludi ng Shifu and the others. It's all gone,Every oneEvery one.How's my restaura ntWe'll talk later.And now he's on his way here.He's after you,Po.He's after all pan das.How long do we haveNot lo ng.Please , tell me you've mastered chi.Here,take the baby. -Dad! Dad!Okay,who bel ongs to this oneYou n eed to teach me the secret chi tech nique now!No,n o,l'm afraid you n eed more time.Every on e,go get your thin gs!Let me help you with that.I don't have more time. I n eed to lear n it now!Sorry,you're not ready.Okay,pack everyth ing!I am ready. -Not quite.What are you talk ing aboutI've done everythi ng you've asked.I've mastered n app in g,sleep ing in, hammocks, hot tubs.I am totally at one with my panda parts.Now why won't you show meBecause I don't know it!You whatI don't know it,okay No one does.Maybe we used to.But not anymore.You liedNo,I ...Yes.Wh...whyTo save your life!I find out some blade-sw inging maniac is coming for you.What am I supposed to doJust let that happe nYes! I'm the Drag on Warrior.Faci ng mani acs,that's my job!。

Ther e are no a ccide nts.2.何必躲呢,躲不过的。
One m eetsits d estin y onthe r oad h e tak es to avoi d it3.着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。
Yo ur mi nd is like this wate r, my frie nd ,whenit is agit ated,it b ecome s dif ficul t tosee ,but i f you allo w itto se ttle, the answ er be comes clea r. 4.做不做呢,要不要呢?Qui t don’t qu it. N oodle s don’t no odles. 5.俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来着尤可追!那就是为什么今天是pr esent(现在/礼物)Ther e isa say ing,Ye sterd ay is hist oryTom orrow is a myst eryBut toda y isa gif tThatis wh y it’s cal led t he pr esent (the gift) 6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。
Ye s ,lo ok at this tree Chiv u(师傅),I ca n not make it b oloos m and suit sme,nor m ake i t bea r foo d bef ore i t’s t ime.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。
功夫熊猫 台词中英文对照

One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了。
Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.3.退出,不退出。
Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.4.昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it's called the present (the gift).5.从来没有什么意外。
There are no accidents.6.师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种。
But there are things we can control, I can control when the fruit will fall, ... And I can control 《功夫熊猫》让人忍俊不禁的经典台词双语+中英剧本下载7014-1-17.乌龟:是啊不过无论你做了什么,那个种子还是会长成桃树,你可能想要苹果或桔子,可你只能得到桃子,那个种子还是会长成桃树。
Yes, but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree, you may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.师傅:可桃子不能打败大龙。
电影英语 功夫熊猫3 句子

Stairs!I don,t think i canHey guys just start without meI,ll catch upInner peaceItchy noseFinally inner peaceOur battle ended five hundred years agoNow i am ready for a rematchTook you long enoughYou,ve grown stronger500 years in the spirit realm you,ll pick up a thing or twoI have taken the chi of every master hereAnd soon i,ll have your power tooWhen will you realize “the more you take,the less you have”With your chi i ,ll finally be able to return to the mortal worldAnd this time you won,t be there to stop meIt was never my destiny to stop mei have set another on that pathThen i will find him and take his chi tooJustice is about to be servedWe,ll have two justice platters pleaseThe spicy noodle soup for tDid you want extra sauce with thatGo dragon warrior defend the valleyYou guys aren,t doing the dramatic pose are youDo we have t strike the pose every time we landYou guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entranceI,ve heard about some master who could win a fight just by throwing open a doorDramatic entranceThe dragon warrior is correctI was just makingBefore the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mindHence,the dramatic entranceNice dramatic entranceWhat,s the occasion?Today will be my final classWait i didn,t even know you were sickAlthough you have been looking a little i,m not sickHealthy a little healthy a lot actuallyMy final class because from now on your training will be in the hands of the dragon warriorTeach i mean why not tshe,s always telling everyone what to dBe quiet po see what i meanT is not the dragon warrior you areCome on they,re the five what can i teach themThere is always something more to learn even for a masterFor instance let me show you another moveWhere,d he go?He,s gone guys it,s coolWe are await your instruction masterAll you have to lose is our respectSeriously how dad could it beLeave meLet,s switch it up immovable mountain stanceMy fault crane go high i mean lowOh my claw thingyDid you at least a little somethingAnd t is flammable turns outThat was a complete disasterI,m glad we,re not po right now what a loserWhat was shifu thinkingWhat was o thinkingI think he heard us i didn,t hear anythingHe said you,re a loserWould you stop doing that how was your first day teachingHumiliating i heardWho told you did t tell youDid she also tell you that it,ll never happen again cause i,m doneTeaching,or being humiliatedBoth i don,t know why you ever thought i could teach that classI knew you couldn,tIf you only do what you can do you,ll never be more than you are nowI don,t wanna be more i like who l amYou don,t even know who you areAnd what exactly does that mean dragon warrior?Just going around and punching and kickingDefending the valley and stuffYou think that is what the great master o saw for youA five hundred year prophecy full-filled so you can spend your days kicking butt ?And running through town high-fiving bunniesO saw greatness in you po against my better judgmentMore than you can see in yourselfIncredible power awaits youPower beyond anything you can imagineWhat was that that was chiWhat,s chiThe energy that flows through all living thingsSo you,re saying if i so you,re saying if i teachI,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatI,m saying if you teach i,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatMaster of chi requires mastery of selfO sat alone in a cave for thirty years asking one questionI,m lucky if i get five minute before you interruptSo now i have to sit alone in a cave for thirty yearsEventually after you master teachingI,m trying turn you into youAlmost there shifu just a little more confusing and you,ll be the next oNo offense master o i justI,ll let you get back to your eternal peaceWhat is this place my brother,s farmIf i stepped on you would you die?The mortal realmGeneral kTo teach you a lessonIs so handsomeThank you for the complimentPlease don,t teach me to deathI like just stopping by for a little saokWhat,s wrong nothingI come home and find you taking a bath with your dollsAction figures and instead of adding bath-salt to the waterYou just added peppercornsMy tendersSomething,wrongthere son you tell your daddy all about itLift you armShifu say i don,t know what it means to be the dragon warriorNow i have to be a teacherI thought i finally knew who i wasIf i,m not the dragon then who am i?I can sell noodle in the iobbyWhy are you still here taking a bath like a baby?Get outFranchise expansion awaits usWhat about the dragon look alike contestChua always wins thatAnd the dragon dumpling eating contestI have to defend my titleNo one,s gonna beat your dumpling eating record Someone,s about beat your dumpling eating record Who,s eating my dumplings and who,s paying for them Is that a new recordI,m looking for my sonYou lost your son many years agoI lost my fatherGood luck to youI hope you find your sonAnd i hope you find your fatherDon,t just stand there give your old man a hugI can,t believe you,re aliveI thought i ,d lost you forever little lotusThis is very embarrassingbut i think you,ve got me confusedWith a panda nameYou wouldn,t rememberthese years and you,re really hereThis is amazingI,m supposed to call youI,m pretty sure he said his name is liThank you for taking such good care of my sonNow hold on just a minuteHow do we know this stranger is even related to you Look at that our bellies could be brothersLet me teach you how to belly gongIt,s like looking in a fat mirrorI can,t believe we,re taking a picture togetherBut i still don,t understandI thought po was the only panda leftThere,s a whole bunch of usA secret panda village in the mountainsBut how did you know where i wasI received a message that led me hereHow could you receive a message if no one could find you Sounds suspicious to meWait it was message from the universeNow what,s all about a dragonHow ,d you know i was the dragon wDid the universe tell you that tooThe poster did and gift shop i bought a tiny cupYou have no idea there,s so much to show youDo you have panda asthma too?Does that run in the family?You,re gonna love thisIt,s like the coolest thingThis is the hall of heroesHome of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of china You were going to say awesomeBecause it totally isBut be super careful everything is very fragile here Someone broke that onceSome idiotThis is master flying r,s battle armorI wonder if i could fit in thatGet out of my head dadI,ve wonder the same thingIf i could fit it in itWhat are you going we,re not supposed to tough anything Should i put it backYou probably should you look so cool toughHow does it feelDo the hinges does it smell like rDoes it feel like you,re impenetrableDoes it feel like you can take on a thousand wAnd emerge unscathedWonder what this does i should pull itYou,re never gonna guess who just showed upHow did you just guess thatWe look exactly the sameIt is a honor to meet youPerhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall Your son will be teaching the classI would love to watch you teachTrust me it would be more fun to watch meThe valley is under attackNow you can see what being the dragon w is all about Enemies of justice prepare forWhat,s the deal with the green guysGet a quick sketch of usI blinked can we get another oneI,m being choked by masterStay away from my sonI,ll clean it up laterCheck out my dumping of doomYour chi will soon be mineIs he talking to me which oneMaybe it,d be scary back at themBut we gotta plan what we,re gonna say first Otherwise it won,t be scary it,ll be just stupidIt,s me talking through themDid you see that what just happenedWhere is it there,s so much wisdom in hereAll the answers will be found withinIt,s blankIt is written in o,s handCan you just unroll it all at onceI was an ambitious young w leading a great armyAnd fighting by my side was kMy closest friendOne day we were ambushed i was badly woundedMy friend carried me for days looking for helpUntil we came to a secret village high in the mountainsAn ancient place of healingA village of pandasPandas who used the power of chi to heal meThey taught me how to give chiBut k wanted the power all to himselfHe saw that what could be given could also be takenI had to stop himOur battle shook the earthUntil finally i banished k to the spirit realmShould he ever return to the mortal realmHe can only stopped by a true master of chiI can barely make a flower bloomI,d need at least thirty more years and a caveHe will continue stealing the chi of master until he hasOh get more more powerful with every master he defeats There is no choice we fightI can teach you sonThat must be why the universe sent you hereSo what do i have to doYou have to come home with meTo the secret villageYou must be rediscover what it is to be a pandaYou have to learn how to live like a panda sleep like a panda Those 103 dumplings i was just warming upI,ve always felt like i wasn,t eating up to my full potential You can,t take po away from me i want a second opinion Open another scroll or somethingI think he should go a third opinionDad you heard what shifu said o saidThis guy can only be stopped by a master of chiAnd i can only master chi by knowing who i really amI,ll pack your lunch for the roadDo you really think po can master chi in timeDoesn,t matter what i thinkIt only matters that the universe think that,s noWhat are we going to doYou are going to find out where kFollow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces k becomes strongerWhy me is it because i asked?Should be kept your beak shutLunch break you don,t need to ask mo twiceWhat are you doing hereWhat am i doing getting backacheDid you have to step on every rockI mean why are you hereWhat was i supposed to doWhat if the pandas don,t have food you likeYou,re never gonna be able to save the word on an empty stomachI consider my presence mission criticalAbout that we can,t share the location of the village with othersYou think i can,t keep a secretI raised po for twenty years before i finally told him be was adoptedI guess it would be cruel to make you fly backWe,re hereSure looks like a long ways up thereAnd my son hated stairs so let,s go homeWe don,t do stairsI,ve waited my whole life to hear those wordsThis is the secret panda village no wonder you kept it a secretIf i lived here i wouldn,t tell anyone eitherWhy are we runningEveryone gather aroundThis is my sonHe,s so handsome just like his fatherThese are your cousinsBuns on a stringsWe call it a snacklaceWe,ll make you another oneCareful with thatThat,s my action figureCan i keep herTake good care of herYou look just like me but a babyLet,s feast in my son,s honorPandas don,t walk we rollHave you ever seen anyone look so ridiculousYou,re right that is better than walkingWhat kind of panda doesn,t know how to rollI,m kinda new at this whole being a panda thingAnd what kind of panda are you you have a funny neckWhat are those forThese are chosticks they,re for picking up dumplingsYou mean you only eat one at a timeI knew i wasn,t eating up to my potentialPlease but try to save all other compliments until after the performanceShut it after the performanceIt started yetAt least that,s what she says look awayWhy does she keep staring at me like that try to keep upI don,t really know to danceOf course you doI know what are you thinking you doHow can one panda be so beautifulHelp me you,re on your ownDon,t worry you,ll get the hang of itWings of surveillanceJ attacked our village we,ve tracked them hereThey must be in thereMaster shifu strongly advised usNot to engageGotta get in thereYou,re seriously afraidEven master chicken,s going in there and he,s a chicken That,s is i,m going inWe have order not toYour chi is strong just like your friendDon,t worry little birdie i,ll put your chi to good use Destroying the j palance and everyone in itWings of regretFirst day of panda training i,m gonna make you bloom Pandas sleep till past noonSo lesson number one is go back to bedNobody said this was gonna be easyShow him kids can you do thisYou gotta let hill tell you where to rollLet,s show him how we go up hillWhat are you doing there that food is for p Feeling relaxedJust let yourself fall into itSubtle let me get some of thatLeave my hat aloneWhat are you guys looking atWhat,s how we rollNow you try again but don,t try so hard About the messI don,t usually get visitorsI didn,t get invited eitherK has taken their chiThe villagers evacuatedHow dare you set foot on these grounds。

那就是为什么今天是礼物there is a saying,yesterday is historytomorrow is a mysterybut today is a giftthat is why it’s called the present (the gift)3、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇one meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it4、你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,本篇文章来自资料管理下载。
很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.5、世间无巧合there are no accidents6、你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits7、听着,他很难过,也很困惑,可是他还需要去拯救世界啊!——平先生(阿宝养父)《功夫熊猫3》8、阿宝:你是谁?李:我是李尚,我在找的'儿子。

功夫熊猫3英文台词《功夫熊猫3》是《功夫熊猫》系列的第三部电影,由吕寅荣、亚力山德罗·卡罗尼执导,杰克·布莱克、凯特·哈德森、布莱恩·科兰斯顿原版配音主演,下面是店铺为大家收集整理的功夫熊猫3英文台词和功夫熊猫3的经典台词,习对大家有帮助!功夫熊猫3经典台词:功夫熊猫3英文台词Po: Who are you? 阿宝:你是谁? Li: I'm Li Shang. I'm looking for my son. 李:我是李山,我在早(找)我的鹅(儿)子。
Po: You lost your son? 阿宝:你儿子丢了吗? Li: Yes. Many years ago. 李:是的,这是很久以前的事情。
Po: I lost my father. 阿宝:我也找不到我的爸爸。
Li: I'm very sorry. 李:真是太遗憾了。
Po: Thank you. 阿宝:谢谢你。
Li: Well, good luck to you. 李:好吧,祝你好运。
Po: You too. I hope you find your son. 阿宝:也祝你好运。
Li: And I hope you find your father. 李:希望你也能找到你的爸爸。
Li: I am your father... Why're there so many stairs? 李:我是你的父亲……为什么这儿楼梯这么多? Mr. Ping: Why is he breathing like that? It's creepy! 平先生:为什么他那样子喘气?太渗人了!功夫熊猫3的经典台词阿宝:当老师,可我怎么也变不成你那样啊!师傅:我不希望你变成我,我希望你变成你自己。

Stairs! I don't think I can...楼梯!我不认为我可以……Hey guys...just start without me. I'll catch up.嘿,伙计,没我就开始吧。
Sweet!不错!Inner Peace. Inner Peace. Itchy nose. Finally, Inner Peace.内心平静,内心平静。
Now what?那是什么?"Kai" old friend!凯,老朋友!Master Oogway.乌龟大师。
Ah! Our battle ended five hundred years ago.我们的战争五百年前就结束了。
Well, now I am ready for a rematch.好吧,现在我准备好再来一次。
Took you long enough.这花了你很长时间。
You've grown stronger.你已经变得足够强壮。
500 years in the spirit realm, you'll pick up a thing or two.500年前在灵界,你将会学习一两件事。
I have taken the Chi of every master here.We'll have two Justice Platters, please.Umm...three. - And a few tofu bun.Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?She wants it on the side.On the side. - On the side.Dragon you can do it.Go Dragon Warrior. - Defend the valley.Go Dragon Warrior. - Yeah defend the valley.You guys aren't doing the dramatic pose, are you?Do we have to strike the pose every time we land?You guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance.I've heard about some masters who could win a fight just by throwing open a door. Dramatic entrance?Master Shifu. -The Dragon Warrior is correct.Really? I was just making...yeah I mean yeah I am.Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.Hence, the dramatic entrance.Whoa, nice dramatic entrance.What's the occasion? - Today will be my final class.Your final...? Wait, I didn't even know you were sick.Although you have been looking a little...- I'm not sick.Healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually.My final class because from now on...your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior. What?Me? Teach? I mean why not Tigress? She's always telling everyone what to do.Be quiet Po. - See what I mean?Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. You are.Come on they're the five. What can I teach them?Good job, Po.干得好,阿宝。
电影英语 功夫熊猫3 句子

Stairs!I don,t think i canHey guys just start without meI,ll catch upInner peaceItchy noseFinally inner peaceOur battle ended five hundred years agoNow i am ready for a rematchTook you long enoughYou,ve grown stronger500 years in the spirit realm you,ll pick up a thing or twoI have taken the chi of every master hereAnd soon i,ll have your power tooWhen will you realize “the more you take,the less you have”With your chi i ,ll finally be able to return to the mortal worldAnd this time you won,t be there to stop meIt was never my destiny to stop mei have set another on that pathThen i will find him and take his chi tooJustice is about to be servedWe,ll have two justice platters pleaseThe spicy noodle soup for tDid you want extra sauce with thatGo dragon warrior defend the valleyYou guys aren,t doing the dramatic pose are youDo we have t strike the pose every time we landYou guys never underestimate the power of a dramatic entranceI,ve heard about some master who could win a fight just by throwing open a doorDramatic entranceThe dragon warrior is correctI was just makingBefore the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mindHence,the dramatic entranceNice dramatic entranceWhat,s the occasion?Today will be my final classWait i didn,t even know you were sickAlthough you have been looking a little i,m not sickHealthy a little healthy a lot actuallyMy final class because from now on your training will be in the hands of the dragon warriorTeach i mean why not tshe,s always telling everyone what to dBe quiet po see what i meanT is not the dragon warrior you areCome on they,re the five what can i teach themThere is always something more to learn even for a masterFor instance let me show you another moveWhere,d he go?He,s gone guys it,s coolWe are await your instruction masterAll you have to lose is our respectSeriously how dad could it beLeave meLet,s switch it up immovable mountain stanceMy fault crane go high i mean lowOh my claw thingyDid you at least a little somethingAnd t is flammable turns outThat was a complete disasterI,m glad we,re not po right now what a loserWhat was shifu thinkingWhat was o thinkingI think he heard us i didn,t hear anythingHe said you,re a loserWould you stop doing that how was your first day teachingHumiliating i heardWho told you did t tell youDid she also tell you that it,ll never happen again cause i,m doneTeaching,or being humiliatedBoth i don,t know why you ever thought i could teach that classI knew you couldn,tIf you only do what you can do you,ll never be more than you are nowI don,t wanna be more i like who l amYou don,t even know who you areAnd what exactly does that mean dragon warrior?Just going around and punching and kickingDefending the valley and stuffYou think that is what the great master o saw for youA five hundred year prophecy full-filled so you can spend your days kicking butt ?And running through town high-fiving bunniesO saw greatness in you po against my better judgmentMore than you can see in yourselfIncredible power awaits youPower beyond anything you can imagineWhat was that that was chiWhat,s chiThe energy that flows through all living thingsSo you,re saying if i so you,re saying if i teachI,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatI,m saying if you teach i,ll be able to do cool stuff like thatMaster of chi requires mastery of selfO sat alone in a cave for thirty years asking one questionI,m lucky if i get five minute before you interruptSo now i have to sit alone in a cave for thirty yearsEventually after you master teachingI,m trying turn you into youAlmost there shifu just a little more confusing and you,ll be the next oNo offense master o i justI,ll let you get back to your eternal peaceWhat is this place my brother,s farmIf i stepped on you would you die?The mortal realmGeneral kTo teach you a lessonIs so handsomeThank you for the complimentPlease don,t teach me to deathI like just stopping by for a little saokWhat,s wrong nothingI come home and find you taking a bath with your dollsAction figures and instead of adding bath-salt to the waterYou just added peppercornsMy tendersSomething,wrongthere son you tell your daddy all about itLift you armShifu say i don,t know what it means to be the dragon warriorNow i have to be a teacherI thought i finally knew who i wasIf i,m not the dragon then who am i?I can sell noodle in the iobbyWhy are you still here taking a bath like a baby?Get outFranchise expansion awaits usWhat about the dragon look alike contestChua always wins thatAnd the dragon dumpling eating contestI have to defend my titleNo one,s gonna beat your dumpling eating record Someone,s about beat your dumpling eating record Who,s eating my dumplings and who,s paying for them Is that a new recordI,m looking for my sonYou lost your son many years agoI lost my fatherGood luck to youI hope you find your sonAnd i hope you find your fatherDon,t just stand there give your old man a hugI can,t believe you,re aliveI thought i ,d lost you forever little lotusThis is very embarrassingbut i think you,ve got me confusedWith a panda nameYou wouldn,t rememberthese years and you,re really hereThis is amazingI,m supposed to call youI,m pretty sure he said his name is liThank you for taking such good care of my sonNow hold on just a minuteHow do we know this stranger is even related to you Look at that our bellies could be brothersLet me teach you how to belly gongIt,s like looking in a fat mirrorI can,t believe we,re taking a picture togetherBut i still don,t understandI thought po was the only panda leftThere,s a whole bunch of usA secret panda village in the mountainsBut how did you know where i wasI received a message that led me hereHow could you receive a message if no one could find you Sounds suspicious to meWait it was message from the universeNow what,s all about a dragonHow ,d you know i was the dragon wDid the universe tell you that tooThe poster did and gift shop i bought a tiny cupYou have no idea there,s so much to show youDo you have panda asthma too?Does that run in the family?You,re gonna love thisIt,s like the coolest thingThis is the hall of heroesHome of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of china You were going to say awesomeBecause it totally isBut be super careful everything is very fragile here Someone broke that onceSome idiotThis is master flying r,s battle armorI wonder if i could fit in thatGet out of my head dadI,ve wonder the same thingIf i could fit it in itWhat are you going we,re not supposed to tough anything Should i put it backYou probably should you look so cool toughHow does it feelDo the hinges does it smell like rDoes it feel like you,re impenetrableDoes it feel like you can take on a thousand wAnd emerge unscathedWonder what this does i should pull itYou,re never gonna guess who just showed upHow did you just guess thatWe look exactly the sameIt is a honor to meet youPerhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall Your son will be teaching the classI would love to watch you teachTrust me it would be more fun to watch meThe valley is under attackNow you can see what being the dragon w is all about Enemies of justice prepare forWhat,s the deal with the green guysGet a quick sketch of usI blinked can we get another oneI,m being choked by masterStay away from my sonI,ll clean it up laterCheck out my dumping of doomYour chi will soon be mineIs he talking to me which oneMaybe it,d be scary back at themBut we gotta plan what we,re gonna say first Otherwise it won,t be scary it,ll be just stupidIt,s me talking through themDid you see that what just happenedWhere is it there,s so much wisdom in hereAll the answers will be found withinIt,s blankIt is written in o,s handCan you just unroll it all at onceI was an ambitious young w leading a great armyAnd fighting by my side was kMy closest friendOne day we were ambushed i was badly woundedMy friend carried me for days looking for helpUntil we came to a secret village high in the mountainsAn ancient place of healingA village of pandasPandas who used the power of chi to heal meThey taught me how to give chiBut k wanted the power all to himselfHe saw that what could be given could also be takenI had to stop himOur battle shook the earthUntil finally i banished k to the spirit realmShould he ever return to the mortal realmHe can only stopped by a true master of chiI can barely make a flower bloomI,d need at least thirty more years and a caveHe will continue stealing the chi of master until he hasOh get more more powerful with every master he defeats There is no choice we fightI can teach you sonThat must be why the universe sent you hereSo what do i have to doYou have to come home with meTo the secret villageYou must be rediscover what it is to be a pandaYou have to learn how to live like a panda sleep like a panda Those 103 dumplings i was just warming upI,ve always felt like i wasn,t eating up to my full potential You can,t take po away from me i want a second opinion Open another scroll or somethingI think he should go a third opinionDad you heard what shifu said o saidThis guy can only be stopped by a master of chiAnd i can only master chi by knowing who i really amI,ll pack your lunch for the roadDo you really think po can master chi in timeDoesn,t matter what i thinkIt only matters that the universe think that,s noWhat are we going to doYou are going to find out where kFollow the trail of those jade creatures but do not engage For with every foe he faces k becomes strongerWhy me is it because i asked?Should be kept your beak shutLunch break you don,t need to ask mo twiceWhat are you doing hereWhat am i doing getting backacheDid you have to step on every rockI mean why are you hereWhat was i supposed to doWhat if the pandas don,t have food you likeYou,re never gonna be able to save the word on an empty stomachI consider my presence mission criticalAbout that we can,t share the location of the village with othersYou think i can,t keep a secretI raised po for twenty years before i finally told him be was adoptedI guess it would be cruel to make you fly backWe,re hereSure looks like a long ways up thereAnd my son hated stairs so let,s go homeWe don,t do stairsI,ve waited my whole life to hear those wordsThis is the secret panda village no wonder you kept it a secretIf i lived here i wouldn,t tell anyone eitherWhy are we runningEveryone gather aroundThis is my sonHe,s so handsome just like his fatherThese are your cousinsBuns on a stringsWe call it a snacklaceWe,ll make you another oneCareful with thatThat,s my action figureCan i keep herTake good care of herYou look just like me but a babyLet,s feast in my son,s honorPandas don,t walk we rollHave you ever seen anyone look so ridiculousYou,re right that is better than walkingWhat kind of panda doesn,t know how to rollI,m kinda new at this whole being a panda thingAnd what kind of panda are you you have a funny neckWhat are those forThese are chosticks they,re for picking up dumplingsYou mean you only eat one at a timeI knew i wasn,t eating up to my potentialPlease but try to save all other compliments until after the performanceShut it after the performanceIt started yetAt least that,s what she says look awayWhy does she keep staring at me like that try to keep upI don,t really know to danceOf course you doI know what are you thinking you doHow can one panda be so beautifulHelp me you,re on your ownDon,t worry you,ll get the hang of itWings of surveillanceJ attacked our village we,ve tracked them hereThey must be in thereMaster shifu strongly advised usNot to engageGotta get in thereYou,re seriously afraidEven master chicken,s going in there and he,s a chicken That,s is i,m going inWe have order not toYour chi is strong just like your friendDon,t worry little birdie i,ll put your chi to good use Destroying the j palance and everyone in itWings of regretFirst day of panda training i,m gonna make you bloom Pandas sleep till past noonSo lesson number one is go back to bedNobody said this was gonna be easyShow him kids can you do thisYou gotta let hill tell you where to rollLet,s show him how we go up hillWhat are you doing there that food is for p Feeling relaxedJust let yourself fall into itSubtle let me get some of thatLeave my hat aloneWhat are you guys looking atWhat,s how we rollNow you try again but don,t try so hard About the messI don,t usually get visitorsI didn,t get invited eitherK has taken their chiThe villagers evacuatedHow dare you set foot on these grounds。

漫漫阶梯Stairs...26我觉得我快不行了I don't think I can...27兄弟们你们先行一步Hey, guys, just start without me.28我稍后就来I'll catch up.29舒坦Sweet.30波澜不惊方能心如止水Inner peace. Inner peace.31鼻子好痒Itchy nose.32阿嚏Ah-choo!33终于静心了Finally, inner peace.34又怎么了Now, what?35天煞老朋友Kai, old friend.36乌龟大师Master Oogway.37你我之争早在五百年前就结束了Our battle ended 500 years ago.38可我已经准备好再比一场了Well, now I'm ready for a rematch.39你准备得可真够久的哈哈哈Took you long enough. Ha ha ha ha...40呀啊Y aaa!41你变强了Y ou've grown stronger.42五百年灵界的修炼不是白练的500 years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two.我已经夺走了灵界每个大师的气I have taken the Chi of every Master here.44- 不- 是的- No! - Y es.45很快你的力量也是我的了And soon I will have your power too.46你何时才能领悟索取越多收获越少When will you realize, the more you take, the less you have.47有了你的气我终于又可以重回凡界With your Chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world, 48这一次你阻止不了我了And this time, you won't be there to stop me.49噢阻止你从来都不是我的使命Ah, it was never my destiny to stop you.50我已经有了一个好的人选I have set another on that path.51那我就找到他然后把他的气也夺走Then I will find him, and take his Chi too.52正义就要得到伸张了Justice, is about to be served.53给我们来两份正义套餐谢谢We'll have two justice platters , please54- 呃三份- 三份- 再要几个豆腐花- umm...three - Three. - And a few tofu buns.55还要一碗香辣拌面给娇虎的你要另外加酱料吗Oh, the spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that?56她要多加酱料的She wants it on the side57- 多加酱料- 多加酱料- On the side. - On the side.58神龙你能做到Dragon, you can do it.59- 冲吧神龙大侠- 保卫村庄- Go, Dragon Warrior. - Defend the valley.60- 去呀神龙大侠- 保卫村庄- Go Dragon Warrior. - Y eah, defend the valley61啊哒Y ee-ha!62你们没摆华丽的造型对吧Y ou guys aren't doing the dramatic pose , are you?63我们需要每次出场都摆个造型吗Do we have to strike a pose every time we land?64大伙儿永远不要低估华丽出场的威力Y ou guys, never underestimate the power of a dramatic entrance.65我听说某些大师只靠破门之势I've heard about some Masters who could win a fight66就能闪瞎对手赢得战斗just by throwing open a door67嘿呀Shuh-sha!68华丽出场Dramatic entrance?69师傅Master Shifu70神龙大侠说得对The Dragon Warrior is correct.71是吗我只是随口... 啊对我就这个意思Really? I was just making.... yeah, I mean, yeah, I am.72双方交战先比气势后比拳头Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.73因此出场就是要华丽Hence...the dramatic entrance.74哇好华丽的出场Whoa ,nice dramatic entrance.75- 今天是什么日子呀- 今天将是我的最后一堂课- What's the occasion? - Today will be my final class.76你的最后...等等我都不知道你病了Y our final...? Wait. I didn't even know you were sick.77- 虽然你看上去是有点... - 我没病- Although you have been looking a little.... - I'm not sick.78健康有点健康应该说很健康healthy. A little healthy. A lot actually.79之所以是最后一课My final class because from now on...80是因为接下来负责你们训练的将会是神龙大侠your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior.81什么What?82我来教为什么不是娇虎Me? teach? I mean why not Tigress?83她总是喜欢吆喝别人做这个做那个She's always telling everyone what to do.84- 闭嘴阿宝- 看到了吧- Be quiet Po. - See what I mean?85娇虎不是神龙大侠你才是Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. Y ou are.86别闹了他们可是盖世五侠我能教他们什么呀Come on they're the Five. What can I teach them?学海无涯就连师傅也是There is always something more to learn. Even for a Master.88打个比方我来教你另一招For instance, let me show you another move.89华丽退场The dramatic exit.90那是啥What's that?91哇Whoa!92你在开玩笑吗这...Are you kidding me? That....what?93- 他去哪儿了- 师傅- Where'd he go? - Master.94他已经走啦别那么严肃- He's gone guys. It's cool.95听从您的指点师傅- We await your instruction, Master.96你尽管放马过来便是All you have to lose is our respect.97说实话能有多糟糕呢Seriously, how bad could it be?98非常糟糕非常非常糟糕V ery bad! V ery, very bad!99好了我们换别的招式金猴使出稳如泰山Okay. Okay, let's switch it up. Monkey, Immovable Mountain Stance. 100是师傅Y es, Master.101- 我是说... 娇虎旋风后空翻- 是师傅- I mean.... Tigress, Tornado back flip. - Y es, Master.102- 噢不火- 开火- Oh no, fire. - Fire.103抱歉我的错仙鹤再飞高点啊不低一点Sorry, my fault. Crane go high, I mean low.104啊我的小钳子Oh, my claw thingy.105呃灵蛇和娇虎来一招虎啸蛇盘Uh, Viper and tigress , to... like a totem pole.106放毒进攻Poison , Technique.107你们俩使出白鹤亮翅猴子摘桃黄马褂...Y ou two, to... Sworming insect bite with yellow tail , Y ellow jacket (108)香辣...金枪鱼Spicy....tuna.109你干的好事阿宝Good job, Po.110啊Ah.111你有学到一点点东西吗Did you at least learn a little something?112有你不是当老师的料Y es , that you can't teach.113还有原来娇虎是易燃物And tigress is flammable, turns out.114简直惨不忍睹That was a complete disaster.115- 我真庆幸自己不是阿宝- 他真是一无是处- I'm glad we're not Po right now. - What a loser.116不知道师傅是怎么想的- What was Shifu thinking?117乌龟大师又是怎么想的- What was Oogway thinking?118- 我觉得被他听到了- 我啥都没听到- I think he heard us. - I didn't hear anything.119他说你一无是处He said you're a loser.120对不起乌龟Sorry, Oogway.121- 你能不能别这样了- 你的第一课感觉如何- Would you stop doing that? - How was your fisrt day teaching? 122- 超丢脸- 我听说了- Humiliating. - I heard.123谁告诉你的是娇虎吗Who told you? Did Tigress tell you?124金猴仙鹤螳螂你爸和隔壁礼品店的周大妈I heard from Monkey and Crane and Mantis and your dad and Mrs. Chau from the gift shop 125还有刚走过的那群鸭子以及娇虎告诉我的And those ducks who just passed and Tigress told me.126好吧那她有没有告诉你我以后再也不会了Y eah, well did she also tell you that it'll never happen again cause I'm done?127你是指授课还是丢脸Teaching, or being humiliated?128都是我都不知道你为什么认为我能教他们呢Both. I don't know why you ever thought I could teach that class?129我就知道你不行Oh, I knew you couldn't.130啥你故意的吗为什么What? Y ou set me up to fail? Why?131如果你只做你力所能及的事你就没法进步If you only do what you can do you'll never be more than you are now. 132我不想要进步了我这样就很好I don't wanna be more. I like who I am.133你连自己是谁都不知道Y ou don't even know who you are.134你说啥我当然知道我是神龙大侠What do you....? Of course I do. I'm the Dragon Warrior.135那神龙大侠究竟意味着什么呢And what exactly does that mean Dragon Warrior?136意味着...我要四处闯荡拳打脚踢It means...you know... just going around and punching and kicking 137保卫家园什么的Defending the valley and stuff.138拳打脚踢Punching and kicking?139你认为这就是乌龟大师看中你的原因吗Y ou think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for you?140一个五百年的预言选中了你A five hundred year prophecy full-filled141难道就是让你耍耍花拳绣腿so you can spend your days...142满镇子乱跑跟兔子耍帅吗Kicking butt? And running through town high-fiving bunnies?143- 不是吗- 不是- Y es. - No!144阿宝乌龟与我的意见相悖他在你身上看到了潜能Oogway saw greatness in you, Po, against my better judgement.145比你想象的还要多More than you can see in yourself.146有一种神功等着你去发掘Incredible power awaits you.147这种神功强大到你无法想像Power beyond anything you can imagine.148哇噢Whoa!149- 这是什么神功- 这就是气功- What was that? - That was chi.150哇噢气是啥Whoa! What's chi?151世间万物流转的能量就是气The energy that flows through all living things. 152所以你的意思是如果我当了他们的老师So you're saying if I, so you're saying if I teach, 153我就可以练成这种神功了吗I'll be able to do cool stuff like that?154不我是说如果你当了他们的老师后No, I'm saying if you teach,155我就可以练成这种神功了I'll be able to do cool stuff like that.156- 噢- 气的运用需要自我修炼- Oh. - Mastery of chi requires Mastery of self. 157乌龟曾在一个山洞里打坐整整三十年Oogway sat alone in a cave for thirty years158只为弄清一个问题asking one question....159我是谁Who am I?160我是谁Who am I?161如果你能安静五分钟让我说完就好了I'm lucky if I get 5 minutes before you interrupt.162所以我现在要找个山洞呆上三十年吗So now I have to sit alone in a cave for thirty years? 163总归要的当你完成授课的时候Eventually. After you Master teaching.164授课我根本不可能做到像你这样Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you. 165我没让你变成我这样I'm not trying to turn you into me.166我是让你变成你自己I'm trying to turn you into you.167让我变成我自己等会儿这没道理啊...Turn me into me? Wait a second. That makes no....168加把劲师傅说得再玄乎一点你就是下一个乌龟了Almost there Shifu , just a little more confusing and you'll be the next Oogway. 169噢啊Oh. Ah.170抱歉乌龟大师无意冒犯...Sorry, no offense Master Oogway I just....171我就不打扰您的安宁了I'll let you get back to your eternal peace.172- 这是哪儿- 呃我哥哥的菜地- What is this place? - Aaah...my brother's farm?173哦那如果我踩你一脚你会死吗Ah. If I stepped on you, would you die?174会Y es.175这就是凡界The mortal realm.176你听到了吗乌龟我回来了Y ou hear that Oogway? I'm back.177天煞回来了Kai has returned.178- 谁- 天煞所向披靡的天煞- Who? - Kai. General Kai.179这片神州大地最高的统帅Supreme warlord of all China.180没听过I don't know.181追魂翡翠苦难之源The jade slayer, Master of pain.182那你至少应该听过复仇之兽吧Y ou may know me as the beast of vengeance. 183寡妇制造者呢Maker of widows?184好吧我以前跟乌龟是战友Ok, I used to work with Oogway.185哦乌龟大师他可是名副其实的战士Oh, Master Oogway, he was a great warrior.186我们知道乌龟大师又智慧又...- We've heard of Master Oogway. Wise and...187好了好了够了- Ok, ok, enough.188闭嘴Silence!189找到乌龟的弟子全部抓来见我Find Oogway's students and bring them to me.190等我夺走了他们的气乌龟...By the time I am done with them, Oogway...191这世上就没人会记得你的名字了There will be no one left to who will even remember your name. 192哈哈哈我天煞来了Ha ha ha! Kai is coming!193我准备好了...I am ready...194- 来教训你了- 教训我- to teach you a lesson. - Teach me?195- 哦不是神龙大师- 妈呀他太帅了- Oh no, ite's the Dragon teacher. - Y eah he's so handsome. 196多谢夸奖Thank you for the compliment.197不绕我一命吧No, please don't teach me to death.198阿宝Po?199嗨老爸你好吗Oh, hey dad. What's up?200我只是回家泡个澡而已I like just .... stopping by for a little soak.201- 说吧出什么事啦- 没事- Okay , What's wrong? - Nothing.202没事我回家发现你在这跟你的娃娃鸳鸯戏水...Nothing? I come home to find you taking a bath with your dolls (203)- 是人偶- 而且加的不是浴盐- Action figures. - And instead of adding bath-salt to the water. 204- 反而加了四川辣椒面- 啥四川辣椒面- Y ou just added szechuan peppercorns. - Szechuan, what?205噢噢我白嫩的小屁股Oh, oh, oh... my tenders.206好啦我是有心事Okay, yes, something's wrong.207乖儿子告诉爸爸发生了什么事There, there, son , you tell your daddy all about it.208胳膊抬起来Lift your arm.209师傅说我还不知道神龙大侠的意义Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior. 210现在我居然还要当老师了And now I have to be a teacher?211我以为我找到了自我I thought I finally knew who I was.212可如果我不是神龙大侠那么我又是谁呢If I'm not the dragon Warrior, then who am I?213老师教人功夫吗A teacher? Teaching kung fu?214阿宝这可是份美差啊还犹豫啥儿子Po, that's a promotion. Take the job, son.215等有一天你掌管了翡翠宫And someday, when you're in charge of the whole Jade palace, 216我就可以在大厅里卖面条了哟呼I can sell noodles in the lobby. Y oohoo.217你怎么还在这泡澡跟个娃娃似的Why are you still here taking a bath like a baby?218起来起来赶紧去干活Get out. Get up. Go, go, go.219我们的店面就要扩张啦- Franchise expansion awaits us!220那神龙大侠模仿大赛怎么办- What about the Dragon Warrior look alike contest?221- 反正周大妈每次都赢- 接招吧- Mrs. Chau always wins that. - Skadoosh.222那神龙大侠吃包子大赛呢And the Dragon Warrior dumpling eating contest?223我要保持我的不败记录I have to defend my title.224没有人能打破你吃包子的记录No one's gonna beat your dumpling eating record.225有人要打破你吃包子的记录啦Someone's about to beat your dumpling eating record.226加油加油Go. Go. Go.227- 谁在吃我的包子- 账算在谁头上- Who's eating my dumplings? - And who's paying for them?228一百零一一百零二101, 102.229一百零三103.230耶Y eah!231新纪录吗Is that a new record?232你是谁Who are you?233- 我是李山- 什么- I'm Li Shan - What?234我叫李山I'm Li shan.235我在找我儿子I'm looking for my son.236- 你儿子不见了- 是啊多年以前丢的- Y ou lost your son? - Y es, many years ago.237- 我也跟我爸爸失散了- 真抱歉- I lost my father. - V ery sorry.238谢谢你Thank you.239好吧祝你好运Well , good luck to you.240你也是希望你能找到你儿子Y ou too. I hope you find your son.241我也希望你能找到你爸爸And I hope you find your father.242- 儿子- 哈- Son? - Huh?243我的天啊真是你Oh my gosh, it is you.244别傻站着呀快给你老爸一个拥抱Well, don't just stand there! Give your old man a hug! 245不敢相信你还活着I can't believe you're alive.246- 耶- 耶- Y eah! - Y eah!247我以为我永远地失去你了小莲花I thought I'd lost you forever, Little Lotus.248好吧这下有点尴尬了Oh, Okay. This is very embarrassing,249我想你认错儿子了我不叫莲花我叫阿宝but I think you've got me confused with a panda named Lotus. My name is Po. 250啊对了你也许...Oh right, you wouldn't... Okay.251这么说吧小莲花是你的乳名See, Little Lotus was the name you were given at birth.252- 真的吗- 真的- Really? -Really.253难以置信这么多年了终于找到你了I can't believe it. After all these years and you're really here?254这简直太神奇了This is amazing.255老爸这位是...Oh, Dad. Come say hi to...256呃我不知道应该怎么称呼你Um. I don't know--I don't know what I'm supposed to call you. 257他刚才说他叫李山I'm pretty sure he said his name is Li.258你来抱抱Y e here259太谢谢你了把我的儿子照顾得那么好Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son. 260你的儿子先等等Y our son? Now hold on just a minute.261我们怎么知道这个人跟你有没有联系How do we know this stranger is even related to you?262你看啊一看肚子就知道是自家人Look at that. Our bellies could be brothers.263嘿儿子我来教你怎么拱肚子来拱肚子Hey son, let me teach you how to Belly Gong. All right, belly gong. 264太酷炫了它们震动的频率还一致That's so cool. They jiggle the same.265好像在照镜子一样It's like looking in a fat mirror.266真想不到我们还能一起合影I can't believe we're taking a picture together.267我还是不明白我以为阿宝是最后一只熊猫了But I still don't understand. I thought Po was the only panda left. 268- 不还有一大群呢- 在哪- No, there's a whole bunch of us. - Where?269- 就在山里的神秘熊猫村里- 神秘熊猫...- Here, a secret panda village in the mountains. - A secret panda (270)哇噢Whoa.271可是你是怎么知道我在这的But how did you know where I was?272我收到的消息指引我来的I received a message that led me here.273如果没人找得到你你是怎么收到消息的How could you receive a message if no one could find you?274太可疑了Sounds suspicious to me.275不等等这是一则来自宇宙的消息No, wait, wait. It was a message from the universe.276- 哦哦哦哦- 哇噢- Ooooooh! - Whoa!277- 哇噢- 扯淡- Whoa. - Rats.278现在说说神龙大侠是怎么一回事啊Now, what's all this about a Dragon Warrior?279你怎么知道我就是神龙大侠是宇宙告诉你的吗How'd you know I was the Dragon Warrior? Did the universe tell you that, too? 280海报上写着呢还有礼品店我买了一个小杯杯No, the poster did, and the gift shop. I bought a tiny cup. 281哦对当然了Oh right, of course...282你得看看...你不知道我有多少东西要给你看Y ou gotta... you have no idea there's so much to show you. 283你会为我自豪的Y ou're gonna be so awesomely proud!284来呀来呀Come on! Come on!285我已经很为你自豪了I'm already awesomely proud.286- 还有几级就到了- 噢- Oh. Couple more steps. - Oh.287我感觉脂肪在燃烧Feeling the burn.288你也有熊猫哮喘综合征吗我们是不是家族遗传啊Do you have panda asthma, too? Does that run in the family? 289爸你肯定会爱上这儿的Dad, you're gonna love this.290这里有最炫酷的东西It's like the coolest thing ever.291这就是英雄之殿This is the hall of heroes.292收藏了武林中所有的奇珍异宝Home of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of China.293哇噢这儿真是...Whoa. This place is ....294太棒了你准备这样说对吧A wesome? Y ou were going--you were going to say awesome, right? 295- 因为真是太棒啦- 太棒啦- Because it totally is! - Totally!296不过你要超级小心这里都是些易碎品But be super careful, everything is very fragile here.297比如说这个装着武士耳语的灵坛Like the Urn of Whispering warriors.298就有人打碎过Someone broke that once.299- 谁- 某个傻子- Who? - Some idiot.300哇噢Wow!301这是飞天犀牛大师的战甲- This is Master flying Rhino's battle armor.302我很好奇我能不能塞进去- I wonder if I could fit in that.303你是我肚子里的蛔虫吗老爸我跟你想的一样Get out of my head, dad. I've wondered the same thing. 304想知道我穿不穿得下- If I could fit in it?305你穿不穿得下不是我穿不穿得下-If you could? No, if I could fit in it.306老爸过来看看这个Dad, check it out.307公羊大师的十字弩破过无数道城门Master Ram's crossbow. The infinite gates smasher.308老爸再来看看这个Dad, look at this.309老鼠大师军团的兜鍪真的很小The battle helmets of Master Rat's army. They're so tiny.310海豚大师的防水盔甲这是我的最爱Master Dolphin's water proof armor. This is my favorite.311看这是传说中的雄鹰大帝的战车Check it out. It's the legendary battle rickshaw of emperor Hawk 312车很拉风Sweet ride.313爸你在做什么任何东西都是禁止触摸的Dad, what are you doing? We're not supposed to touch anything. 314抱歉我应该要放回原处吗Sorry, sorry. Should I put it back?315对你应该要放回去不过你这样帅呆了Y eah, you probably should. Y ou look so cool, though.316感觉如何紧身不里面有犀牛的味道吗How does it feel? Do the hinges hinge? Does it smell like rhino? 317有觉得自己坚不可摧吗Does it feel like you're impenetrable?318有觉得自己能够以一敌千Does it feel like you can take on a thousand warriors319却毫发无损吗and emerge unscathed?320对感觉很酷Y es, it's pretty cool.321这有什么用拉拉试试What this does? I should pull it.322我激动到尿了I think I just peed a little.323还有什么好玩的可以试试吗儿子Anything else we should try in here, son?324进攻Charge!325快点快点再快点Faster, faster, faster!326- 拇指大战- 援军来了- Thumb war! - Reinforcements! 327太好玩了This is so much fun...328- 开始转了- 太棒了- Here we go. - A wesome!329- 吐吧吐吧- 我没事没事- There, there - I'm fine, I'm fine. 330吐出来就没事了There you go.331海豚穿心剑Dolphin style attack!332- 命中- 海豚大挪移- Y ou got me. - Dolphin style retreat! 333准备好了儿子Go long son.334我还没准备好呢I wasn't ready.335- 接好了- 接住了- Coming back at you. - I got it.336- 往上抛- 来了接好了- Throw it high! - Here you go. Y eah, C'mon. 337- 我要来了- 那就来吧犀牛大师- I'm coming for you. - Bring it on Master Rhino. 338我来了Here I come!339我要追上你了追上你I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you.340追上你I'm gonna get you.341停停停Shh, stop.342谁会追上你谁追上你了Who's gonna get you? Who's gonna get you?343- 犀牛大师- 怎么怎么了- Master Rhino. - Why, what's wrong?344你们好Hello.345大伙你们永远也猜不到他是谁Guys guys, you're never gonna guess who just showed up. 346不会一辈子也猜不到Not in a million years.347只是你们不可能... 你们猜猜Y ou can't.... you just try.348- 你爸爸- 你爸爸- Y our father! - Y our father!349怎么都一猜就中Wow, how did you just guess that?350好吧当然会猜到我们看起来简直一模一样Oh, wait a second. Y eah of course. We look exactly the same.351老爸跟我朋友打声招呼吧Dad. Say hi to my friends,352这是螳螂娇虎金猴仙鹤还有灵蛇Mantis, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and V iper.353- 你是灵蛇对吗- 我是金猴大叔- Oh, V iper, was it? - Monkey, sir.354他们是我最好的朋友They're kind of my best friends.355这...这位是师傅他是个传奇And this... this is Master Shifu. Legend.356很荣幸见到你熊猫大师It is an honor to meet you, Master Panda.357或许你爸爸愿意随我们一起到练功房Perhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall? 358您儿子要给他们上课Y our son will be teaching the class.359他肯定很累你一定很累I'm sure he's tired. I'm sure you're tired.360他累了我带他去菊花房休息He's tired. I'm gonna show him the chrysanthemums suite. 361什么累不一定也不累我很想看你教课What? Tired? No, I'm fine. I would love to watch you teach. 362相信我看我教课一点也不有趣...Trust me. It would be more fun to watch me...363- 战斗- 那是什么- Fight! - What is that?364村子被人攻击了The valley is under attack.365- 儿子被攻击- 这太棒了- Son? Under attack? -This is perfect!366这下你就要见识神龙大侠的厉害了Now you can see what being the dragon warrior is all about. 367跟我来Follow me!368你们这群恶徒准备...Enemies of justice. Prepare for....369开什么玩笑Are you kidding me?370痛Ow!371这些绿家伙是什么玩意儿What's the deal with the green guys?372- 某种翡翠僵尸- 翡翠僵尸- Some kind of jade zombies. - Jade zombies? 373- 翡尸就是这个- 翡尸就是这个- Jombies, Jinx. - Jombies, Jinx.374小莲花小心点- Lotus, be careful!375爸没事这事我每天都在做...- It's Okay, Dad. I do this everyday...!376我认识他们他们是双獾大师I recognize this guys. The Master Badger twins. 377和他们的双击绝招With their crushing double gong technique.378对就是这个那个是...不是吧Y eah, that's the one. That guys is.... no379豪猪大师Master Porcupine.380他不是几百年前就去世了吗I thought he died hundred years ago?381全是传奇人物These guys are legends.382来张速写Get a quick sketch of us.383画好了吗画好了吗Did you get it? Did you get it?384我眨眼了能再画一张吗I blinked. Can we get another one?385我要被豪猪大师掐死了简直太帅了I'm being choked by Master Porcupine. This is so cool. 386- 看是你- 阿宝专心点- Look. It's you. - Po, focus!387宇宙消息那我再来给你条宇宙消息吧Message from the universe. I'll give you one message from the universe (388)离我儿子远点Stay away from my son.389抱歉爸稍后我会清干净Sorry dad. I'll clean it up later.390小心点别用我的好锅用这个Whoa, whoa, not my good pan. Take this one.391小莲花小心Lotus, watch out!392老爸看我的无敌连环包Dad, check out my dumplings of doom.393抓到了Gotcha!394我看见你们了I see you.395你们的气很快就是我的了Y our chi will soon be mine.396- 他在跟我说话吗- 哪个他们三个都在说话- Is he talking to me? - Which one? They're all talking. 397对太恐怖了Y ou're right. That's so scary.398我们应该也要试试看说不定能反过来吓唬他们We should try that, too. Maybe it'd be scary back at them. 399好不过我们得先商量好应该怎么说Okay, but we gotta plan what we're gonna say first,400要不然的话那就不是可怕了而是蠢了otherwise it won't be scary, it'll be just stupid.401不是他们在说话白痴It's not them talking, you idiots!402是我在通过他们说话我是天煞It's me talking through them, Kai!403- 谁- 好好够了- Who? - Okay, okay, enough.404- 看到了吗看到了吗- 发生了什么- Did you see that? Did you see? - What just happened? 405那些绿烟就咻的一下又咻地消失了The green smoke just poof.... and then poof.406师傅那是什么Shifu, what wast that?407天煞天煞天煞是谁呢Kai? Kai? Kai?408不知道没听过Nope. Never heard of him.409天煞天煞在哪里Kai... Kai... Where is it?410这里太多装满智慧的卷轴了什么都找不到There's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything. 411找到了Y es!412看好了Behold.413所有答案都将在这里找到All the answers will be found within.414什么一片空白What? It's blank?415是在耍我吗又来这套Are you kidding me? Not again.416等等等一下抱歉好了我们开始吧Wait, wait. Hold on. Sorry, okay, here we go.417是乌龟亲手写的It is written in Oogway's hand.418- 很久以前我有一个兄弟- 乌龟竟然有兄弟- Long ago, I had a brother. - Oogway had a brother? 419战友是战友抱歉In arms. In arms, sorry.420他写的是兄弟般的战友- He says brother in arms.421你就不能一次性展开卷轴吗- Can't you just unroll it all at once?422我曾是一名雄心勃勃的年轻战士带领一支伟大的军队I was an ambitious young warrior leading a great army.423与我并肩作战的就是天煞And fighting by my side was Kai.424我最亲密的朋友My closest friend.425有一天我们遭到了埋伏我身负重伤One day we were ambushed. I was badly wounded.426我的朋友背着我日以继夜地寻求帮助My friend carried me for days looking for help.427最后我们来到一个高山上的神秘村庄Until we came to a secret village, high in the mountains.428古老的疗伤圣地An ancient place of healing.429全村都是熊猫A village of pandas.430- 熊猫- 对熊猫- Pandas? - Y es, pandas.431熊猫他们用气功治好了我Pandas who used the power of chi to heal me.432他们还教会我如何释放气They taught me how to give chi.433但天煞想独占所有气But Kai, wanted the power all to himself.434他发现气既能被给予也能被夺走He saw that what could be given could also be taken. 435我必须阻止他I had to stop him.436我们打得山摇地动Our battle shook the Earth.437最终我将他打入灵界Until, finally, I banished Kai to the Spirit Realm. 438若他重返人间Should he ever return to the mortal realm,439唯有真正的气功大师才能阻止他he can only be stopped by a true Master of chi.440真正的气功大师比如你True Master of chi? Like you.441我我只能发功让花盛开而已Me? I can barely make a flower bloom!442我至少还要在山洞里修炼三十年I'd need at least thirty more years, and a cave.443我们需要一个气功大师We need a chi Master.444他会继续夺走别的大师的气世上就再也没气了He will continue stealing the chi of Masters until he has consumed it all. 445我们必须想办法阻止他We have to make a way to stop him.446败下的大师越多他得到的气也就越多He gets more more powerful with every Master he defeats.447我们没别的选择只能去战斗There is no choice. We fight.448我可以教你儿子I can teach you, son.449- 你可以教我- 当然我是只熊猫- Y ou can do this? - Of course, I'm a panda.450这肯定是宇宙让你来的原因That must be why the universe sent you here.451好那我要做什么Okay, so what do I have to do?452- 你要跟我回家- 什么- Y ou have to come home with me. - What?453- 回到神秘村庄- 对儿子- To the secret village? - Y es, son.454你必须重新学会如何做一只熊猫Y ou must rediscover what it is to be a panda.455你要学会如何像熊猫那样生活像熊猫那样睡觉Y ou have to learn how to live like a panda. Sleep like a panda. 456像熊猫那样吃东西Eat like a panda.457103个包子还没够我塞牙缝呢Those 103 dumplings? I was just warming up.458我一直认为我吃东西的潜力还没全部挖掘出来I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full potential.459你不能把我们家阿宝带走不不我要别的意见Y ou can't take Po away from me. No, no I want a second opinion. 460师傅再开一卷吧Shifu, open another scroll or something.461- 我觉得他应该去- 好再来个意见- I think he should go. - Fine. A third opinion.462金猴灵蛇娇虎Monkey? Viper? Tigress?463老爸你也听到师傅说的和乌龟写的Dad, you heard what Shifu said, Oogway said.464只有真正的气功大师才能阻止天煞This guy can only be stopped by a Master of chi.465。

功夫熊猫3(MP3中英字幕)第1期:大战再起Stairs! I don't think I can...楼梯!我不认为我可以……Hey guys...just start without me. I'll catch up.嘿,伙计,没我就开始吧。
Sweet!不错!Inner Peace. Inner Peace. Itchy nose. Finally, Inner Peace. 内心平静,内心平静。
Now what?那是什么?'Kai' old friend!凯,老朋友!Master Oogway.乌龟大师。
Ah! Our battle ended five hundred years ago.我们的战争五百年前就结束了。
Well, now I am ready for a rematch.好吧,现在我准备好再来一次。
Took you long enough.这花了你很长时间。
You've grown stronger.你已经变得足够强壮。
500 years in the spirit realm, you'll pick up a thing or two. 500年前在灵界,你将会学习一两件事。
I have taken the Chi of every master here.我已经得到了这里的每一个大师的气。
No. - Yes. And soon I'll have your power, too.不。
When will you realize, 'The more you take, the less you have'?你什么时候才会意识到“你攫取的越多,你拥有的越少”?With your Chi, I'll finally be able to return to the mortal world.有了你的气,我终于将能够重回凡间。

功夫熊猫3中经典语句1、你何时才能领悟,索取越多,收获越少When will you realize,the more you take,the less you have.2、噢,阻止你从来都不是我的使命AH,It was nerver my destiny to stop you.3、如果你只做你力所能及的事,你就没法进步。
If you only do what you can do you’ll never be more than you are now.4、你连自己是谁都不知道。
You don’t even know who you are.5、我是让你变成你自己。
I’m trying to turn you into you.6、她是我一生的挚爱。
She was the love of my life.7、有时候我们所做的错事,往往是出于善意。
Sometimes we do the wrong things for the right reasons.8、我要做件自己从未想过能办到的事。
I’m gonna do something I never thought I’d be able to do.9、展现出自己最好的水平就是你们真正的优势。
Your real strength comes from being the best you you can be .10、那么,你是谁,你擅长什么?你热衷什么?何为你的个人特色?So,who you are? What are you good at ? What do you love? What makes you you.11、他救了我们,那谁来救他。
He saved us but who’s saving him?。

蓓/供稿) /供稿) 45
Po? He is the Kung Fu Panda and a 失 ) his dad. In the movie Kung Fu Panda 3, Po finds his dad, Li Shan.
Do you remember the panda called
noodle maker. Many years ago, he lost (丢
He is Po’ s father. He
has green glowing (发光的) eyes. When he beats a Kung Fu master, he steals (偷)his
He is a super villain. He
or her powers (能 力) . Then he gets stronger. 44
China. Po has to stop him. He tries to train(训 练) pandas in the village into Kung Fu Pandas. Can he do it well? Will they beat Kai? You can find the answers in the movie.
蛋) . He wants to bea( t 打败)all the Kung Fu masters (大师)around
humble (谦虚的)panda. He studies Kung Fu very hard.
He is a happy and
eats a lot. He is a fat panda.
the village.
born (出生)here. He meets many cute pandas. T is a strong ox (公牛)and a super villain (坏

• 往往在逃避命运的路上,却 与之不期而遇。 • One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.
经典台词 2 • 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳 时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清 澈见底了。 • Your mind is like this water,my friend ,when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle ,the answer becomes clear.
• who is your favorite character? • which part of the movie impressed you most? • what have you learnt from this movie?
Thank you!
经典台词 5
•世间无巧合 •There are no accidents.
经典台词 6
• 是啊 不过无论你做了什么 • 那个种子还是会长成桃树 • 你可能想要苹果 或桔子 • 可你只能得到桃子 • 那个种子还是会长成桃树 • Yes,but no matter what you do, • That seed will grow to be a peach tree • You may wish for an Apple or an orange • But you will get a peach
经典台词 3
•退出,不退出. 做面条,不做面条. •Quit don't quit. Noodles don't noodles.

try to keep up
跟上姐的舞步 ╮(╯_╰)╭
teach you a lesson 教你两招 I don't understand 这什么情况啊 of course 可不是嘛 Are you kidding me? 什么玩意儿? everyone 乡亲们 ridiculous 这么不靠谱
Inner Peace 平心静气side 变态辣
阿宝教徒弟失败,师父过来进行讽刺教育的时候说, 难道神龙大侠就满足于每天 “high-fiving buddies”吗? 每天就给猪大婶卖萌,给兔子耍帅吗?
阿宝吐槽他,你要是再 说得confusing点儿,就 赶上乌龟大师了。
go away kid 闪一边儿玩去 sweet 好样的 真给力 I'm the happiest panda in China. 我是天底下最幸福的熊猫。 That's awesome. 太拉风啦。 阿宝使出弹指神功时会说一 句skidush(拟声词) 走你

功夫熊猫的经典英文句子1. "There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness."2. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."3. "Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be."4. "The secret ingredient to my secret ingredient soup... is nothing!"5. "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."6. "If you only do what you can do, you'll never be better than what you are."7. "Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."8. "If you only do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life."9. "To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."10. "There is always something more to learn, even for a master."11. "Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."12. "The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."13. "I'm not a big fat panda. I'm THE big fat panda."14. "Sometimes we do the wrong thing before we do the right thing."15. "Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn'tmake you who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be."16. "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."17. "Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."18. "You gotta let go of that stuff from the past because it just doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now."19. "There is no secret ingredient. It's just you."20. "The mark of a true hero is humility."。
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2、俗语说,过去的,已经过去了未来的,还未可知现在,却是上苍的礼赠那就是为什么今天是礼物there is a saying,yesterday is historytomorrow is a mysterybut today is a giftthat is why it’s called the present (the gift)3、往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇one meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it4、你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,本篇文章来自资料管理下载。
很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了5、世间无巧合there are no accidents6、你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits7、听着他很难过也很困惑可是他还需要去拯救世界啊!——平先生(阿宝养父)《功夫熊猫3》8、阿宝:你是谁?李:我是李尚,我在找的儿子。
12、乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果13、昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物yesterday is history.tomorrow is a mystery.but today is a gift.that is why it’s called the present (the gift)14、李:[喘息着]我是你的父亲···为什么这儿楼梯这么多?平先生:为什么他那样喘气?太渗人了!15、天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意im sorry things didn’t work out … it’s just what it’s meant to be16、我觉得在吃方面的潜力还没有完全开发。
篇二:《功夫熊猫》经典英文台词(中文对照)《功夫熊猫》经典英文台词(中文对照)1. there are no accidents.世间无巧合。
2. one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.欲避之,反促之。
4. quit dont quit. noodles dont noodles.退出,不退出。
5. yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why its called the present.昨日之日不可留,明日之日未可知,今日之日胜现金。
6. yes, look at this tree shifu, i can not make it blossom and suit me, nor make it bear food before its time.(乌龟)是的,看着这棵树,我不能让树为我开花,也不能让它提前结果。
butthere are things we can control. i can control when the fruit will fall... and i can control what time to seed that is not illusion, master.(师傅)但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落,我还可以控制在何处播种那可不是幻觉,大师。
yes,but no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. youmaywish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.(乌龟)是啊,不过无论你做了什么那个种子还是会长成桃树。
but peaches can not defeat tai long. (师傅)可桃子不能打败太郎。
maybe it can if you are willing to guide it, to nurture it, to believe in it. (乌龟)也许它可以的,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
7.im sorry things didnt work out … its just what its meant to bepaul,forget everything else, your destiny still awaits. we are noodlefolk broth runs deep through our veins.天不遂人愿,况且这本不是天意,阿宝,忘了其它的事情,你的使命一直都在向你召唤。
8. you cannot leave, real warrior never quits.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。
9. why didnt you quit? you know i was trying to get rid of you but you stayed. (师傅)那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。
yes,i stayed. i stayed, because every time you threw up brick on the heador said i smelled, it hurts. but it could never hurt more than i dideveryday in my life just being me. i stayed, because i thought ... ifanyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatestkong fu teacher in the whole of china!(阿宝)是啊,我留下来了。
我留下来,因为我以为,如果还有人能改变我,能让我焕然一新,那就是你--中国最伟大的功夫师父!10. enough talk, lets fight!少废话,决斗吧!11. theree no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness!牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命!12.the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. tomake something special, you just have to believe its special.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是……什么都没有。
篇三:功夫熊猫13句经典台词《功夫熊猫》13句经典台词(中英对照)(2008-10-24 09:18:22)转载标签:音乐英语词汇to谚语中国功夫熊猫aremake经典台词中英对照杂谈分类:万花筒一头可爱的熊猫漂洋过海,凭着一身过人的中国功夫打进中国影坛,深得内地影迷的喜爱!不错,它就是美国动画电影《功夫熊猫》。
而除了影片中华丽的特效和夸张的武术动作外,你是否还记得片中那些经典的对白呢?1.there are no accidents.没有意外,一切早已注定。
2.one meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇。
4.quit dont quit. noodles dont noodles.退出,不退出。
5.there is a sayingyesterday is historytomorrow is a mysterybut today is a giftthat is why its called the present (the gift)俗语说,昨天是历史,明天是个谜团!而今天则是上苍的馈赠。
6.yes, look at this tree, i can not make it bloom and suit me, nor make it bear food before its time.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树。
but there are things we can control, i can control when the fruit will fall... and i can control what time to seed. that is not illusion, master.b)师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制,我可以控制果实何时坠落。